Food products - library - Dr. Komarovsky. homemade mayonnaise

Andrew: | April 24th, 2019 | 4:29 pm

Try Irkutsk mayonnaise Provencal! This is the most delicious mayonnaise in the world!

Kulieva Svetlana Esenovna: | October 12th, 2018 | 2:30 pm

Daria, good time of day! Thank you for the sensible article and the rehabilitation of the product.

Svetlana: | October 24th, 2016 | 3:28 pm

What makes you think that the mayonnaise in the store does not meet the standards? It is also made from yolks, mustard and butter. With the exception of some manufacturers, whose name we will not mention here. So the whole harm consists in the controlled absorption of this product. I want to say that tomatoes are very good for the heart, extremely important for the intestines, but if you eat 5 kilos at a time, there can be very sad consequences. So what does it mean that tomatoes are dangerous to health? Of course not!!! Everything is useful in moderation! And in the same way, one can say about also very useful olive oil, if you shove it into everything and drink it, referring to a very huge benefit, then you can also disrupt the metabolism in the body. I count people who shout at every step: “Don’t eat mayonnaise, it’s harmful!” - simply do not understand anything at all about mayonnaise, or about the technology of preparation, or about the composition. And why is no one talking about its role in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins from vegetables? Without it (or oil), not a single vegetable will be absorbed by your body. All health.
Answer: Svetlana, thanks for your comment!

Dina: | August 6th, 2015 | 7:19 dp

I didn’t understand only one thing - what’s so terrible about using homemade mayonnaise when baking?
Answer: Dina, mayonnaise is definitely a cold sauce, not for baking. And homemade mayonnaise, when baked, can simply separate into the components that you mixed so diligently, and white flakes will turn out.

Marina: | July 22nd, 2015 | 9:08 am

store-bought mayonnaise uses cheap oil - trans fats.
This is what mayonnaise is bad for.
and at home if done from good olive oil the first spin will be fine.
This is my opinion and the opinion of many nutritionists.
Everyone chooses what to feed their favorite organism :)

Irina: | March 27th, 2015 | 2:07 pm

My husband is against store-bought mayonnaise. We have not been buying it for five or even six years now ... For salads, I cook mayonnaise on my own. A minute or two and you're done. It is not the use of mayonnaise that leads to excess weight, but malnutrition and overeating, as well as a sedentary lifestyle.

Anonymous: | August 26th, 2012 | 1:20 pp

An amazingly well reasoned argument!
Captain obvious? Well then. Nice to meet you.

CC: | June 29th, 2012 | 1:31 pm

The author of the article. For your information: battles are fought against an industrial product in which the very composition that you described in the article is not even close. as well as against the industrial use of this product, including the children's menu.

By the way, the article is so-so. not fully substantiated. It's not clear what you wanted to say. It was necessary to sign “Your Captain Evidence”. Mayo has very weak defenders.

Terra_ra: | May 20th, 2012 | 4:28 pm

Great article on mayonnaise. Always treated him positively. But I make my own and very often in olive oil.

Ollie: | May 13th, 2012 | 8:19 dp

Thank you very much, Hope. Dashenka, and where to look for a link to the forum?

Answer: Vera, I wrote to you on this issue by mail.

Hope: | April 26th, 2012 | 10:50 am

Hello Dasha! This is the answer I want to pass on to Olli. Very instructive for all of us.
This is an article from the internet.
Step to the temple "Angel for a meal or bon appetit"
An angel at a meal or bon appetit

“I heard that the Orthodox do not sit down at the table without reading a prayer and without crossing what is on the table. Strange, because magical rituals are not honored by Christians. Why is there an exception to the rule here?

Children love to chat while eating, and lunch sometimes drags on for hours, while talking, the child manages to quietly swallow one spoonful of soup, the second, gapes, and you open his mouth once ... You did it. Such children do not have the skills to eat properly. You didn’t instill these skills in them, because you completely managed without them yourself. But let us remember Seraphim Vyritsky: “How often we get sick because we do not pray at the meal.” We want children not to get sick, but we are not in a hurry to teach them Christian rules at the table: to pray, to read “Our Father”, to sit piously at the table, not to let them jump up, to talk loudly, to be capricious. And if reading the lives of the saints is an unattainable feat for us, then just talking quietly and a little. The main thing is the meal. The Lord blesses. The Lord is watching.
Not far from Constantinople, the holy hermit lived in deep silence. Everyone revered him, and many visited in order to benefit from this spiritual benefit. And then one day, in the clothes of a simple warrior, the Roman emperor came to the elder. The elder was delighted with the guest, brought a wooden cup of water, put dry bread in it and, after praying, invited the guest to a meal. After the meal, the guest revealed to the elder his high position. And he said: “So I was born a king and now I reign, but I have never eaten bread, I have not drunk water with such pleasure, with which I now eat and drink with you. How sweet is your food to me!” And the elder answered him: “We, monks, take our food with prayer and blessing, that’s why our mash, even if it’s bad, is sweet. And in your houses they drink and eat without prayer, with noise and idle talk, and therefore rich and luxurious meals are tasteless in your place - they lack the delightful blessing of the Lord.
Or as often happens. In the midst of fasting - a feast. And with vodka, and with quick pickles. “What am I, guilty that I have a birthday in fasting?” Probably guilty. Since the Lord has defined this day for you as special. But that's another matter. People eat and laugh, drink and amuse themselves with table jokes, start dancing and eat again ... they leave with stuffed bellies, overeating delicacies and tasting heartily. And no joy. Neither the owners, left alone with empty bottles and dirty dishes, nor from the guests. As in that student song: “Although it looks like fun, it’s still not fun ...” But you can get around the sharp corners of a holiday that arrived at the wrong time. Meet the very day quietly and piously, go to the temple in the morning, sit at the table at home in the evening. And to transfer the “big folk festival” to another, fast day. Then there will be more benefit from such gatherings, and the Lord will bless the meal, according to the will of God, and not contrary to it, it will turn out to be cheerful and desirable, and the cake will succeed, it will not burn, and the meat will be fried. And most importantly, everything will benefit, this is certainly, this is absolutely necessary.
The Lord, establishing His laws in our lives, stands up first of all for us to be healthy, spiritually prosperous and thankful. From his laws there is no harm, but the benefits are colossal. So why is it that even such a small thing as prayer before meals is given to us so hard and so reluctantly accepted by us. "The enemy does not like joy." The enemy of the human race is very grieving from our piety, it is all the same to him that vomit. So he whispers various rubbish into our hung ears - do not believe, do not waste time on prayer. Food is food, she ate and went, and a vulgar anecdote will throw up for food, and the child will get out of the way and set up - I won’t, I don’t want, I don’t like it, eat yourself. The barrier from the enemy is prayer. He runs away from her shamed, she is a great power, but so unclaimed by us. Why? The question is rhetorical. When people eat food, we say to them: Bon appetit. The Orthodox have a different expression: an angel at a meal. There is more beauty and spiritual meaning in this expression. We call on the Guardian Angel to stand at the meal as our protector from demonic attacks and the conductor of God's blessing. These words - the Angel at the meal - almost a prayer. An angel at a meal. And where the Angel is, there is no place for the demon. And since the Angel of the Lord is called to our table, without a doubt, food will be good. And if there is food for good, our children will be strengthened by it and grow in growth, and go to prudence. And healthy and prudent children - isn't it happiness for us? What more could you want from life?
– An angel at the meal! we say to those who eat.
- Save you, Lord! We answer with gratitude.
And this is also prayer. Because we do not demand, but we ask.

Answer: Nadezhda, we have gone very far from the topic of mayonnaise:) But this is my fault too. One of these days I will establish a forum, especially for communication and discussion of such issues.

Ollie: | April 13th, 2012 | 3:35 am

Not quite on the topic, but ... Recently I heard a wish that touched me very much: “An angel is at your meal!”

Anastasia: | April 8th, 2012 | 2:55 pm

The mayonnaise that is sold in stores is really not mayonnaise. In addition, preservatives and emulsifiers dangerous for children are used in store-bought mayonnaise, but, unfortunately, neither Ukrainian nor Russian legislation has laws regulating the use of such substances in the food industry. You have to remember the list of E that you can not eat, and carefully read the composition, if the manufacturer still honestly indicates the ingredients (

Anonymous: | April 8th, 2012 | 5:44 dp

hello. I once heard that quail eggs should be used in mayonnaise, because quails are not carriers of salmonella. also a myth? Or is there some truth in this?

Answer: as far as I know salmonella carriers are infected birds. Through them, eggs can also be infected. Goose and duck eggs very often contain salomonella, so they are not sold in regular stores. But chicken and quail are subject to this scourge to a much lesser extent. In fact, the risk of running into salmonella when buying eggs in a poultry farm store is almost equal to the chances of winning the lottery jackpot. But if you buy unverified eggs “from hand” or in the markets, then the chances, alas, are much higher. Quail eggs can also be equally infected.

Svetlana: | April 1st, 2012 | 6:08 pm

Thanks a lot to Olli and Dasha for a competent and complete discussion about mayonnaise. This topic has been on my mind for a long time. Another myth in Dasha's piggy bank is that mayonnaise is very harmful to the liver. I have been hearing this phrase since childhood, but no one gives a specific and qualified explanation. it was always hard for me to hear when they say “salt is harmful”, “sugar is poison” and much more. Maybe I have not “grown up” to such understandings about food - what is possible and what is not :)
Since I am a believer, I decided to find at least some protection for my interests in the Bible. Here's what I found.
Col. 2:16 So let no one condemn you for eating or drinking,
1 Corinthians 10:30 If I accept [food] with thanksgiving, why should I be reproached for that for which I give thanks? 31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.
1 Timothy 4:4-5 For every creation of God is good, and nothing is reprehensible if it is accepted with thanksgiving, 5 because it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
Romans 14:3 Whoever eats, do not despise him who does not eat; and whoever does not eat, do not condemn him who eats, because God has accepted him.
Rom.14:6 He who distinguishes the days, distinguishes for the Lord; and whoever does not distinguish the days does not distinguish for the Lord. Whoever eats, eats for the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and whoever does not eat, does not eat for the Lord, and gives thanks to God.
As you can see, if I take food with thanksgiving (that is, in prayer before eating, I thank God for the food that I will eat and ask Him to bless this food, then how harmful it can be. With these words, I do not condemn those who not eat.On the contrary, I accept them as they are.The only thing I would like is for those who eat mayonnaise to be accepted as they are:)
Girls, thanks again for bringing up such a topic and explaining everything in detail.
I'm sorry if I touched on someone's personal interest or beliefs.

Answer: Thank you, Svetlana! Very interesting approach to the question, I read it with pleasure. I have always liked the tradition of prayer before meals, especially when a large family gathers at the table. It is difficult to imagine the strife and disputes at the meal, which was preceded by prayer. But this is no longer relevant to culinary issues in general and mayonnaise in particular :)

Ollie: | March 28th, 2012 | 6:02 dp

Dashenka, you gave a wonderful title to your article. And to me, at the thought of mayonnaise, I recall a quote from my dearly beloved film: "... salt is a white poison, sugar is a sweet poison ... Bread is generally poison ...". By dissimilar opinions, by the heat of discussions, by the number of insults and tactlessness, the disputes about mayonnaise have surpassed, perhaps, even the notorious battles over jeans. It is unlikely that anyone younger remembers, but people of my age will hardly forget the time when, for some, jeans were a measure and indicator of personal success and prosperity, and for others, a symbol of philistinism and lack of spirituality. And for some reason, neither one nor the other did not come to mind that jeans are just pants. "Shorts" - as my sarcastic husband put it. Time put everything in its place. I think the same will happen with mayonnaise. In the end, if historians do not lie, it was invented during the siege of Mayon, and this was, if I am not mistaken, in the 17th century and until the 21st century, people ate mayonnaise for themselves and did not bother with thoughts about its harm or benefit. And then someone let the genie out of the bottle and the excellent sauce, invented by a brilliant (yes, brilliant) Frenchman at a difficult moment, when there was nothing but eggs and butter at hand, became the basis for battles worse than Mayon. You rightly noted, Dasha, mayonnaise has acquired an incredible number of myths. People generally love myths, willingly create them and believe in them sacredly. In some popular science book, I read about an extremely curious fact: do you know that a fly (common fly) for 400 (FOUR HUNDRED) years was excluded from the class of insects, because, either at 11, then Li in the 12th century, some scientific luminary wrote that the fly has eight legs. And the fable went for a walk around the world. From textbook to textbook, from book to book, people who fished flies out of soup almost daily and, of course, counted their legs more than once, rewrote the story about 8 legs. As the scientific authority wrote.
There are a lot of such myths in cooking, but mayonnaise is ahead of the rest. I’ll make a reservation right away: I’m talking about real mayonnaise - either homemade or made exactly according to GOST. Whether or not to eat something with emulsifiers, stabilizers and flavor enhancers is a personal matter for everyone. With some embarrassment, I admit that I don’t really think about the harm or benefits of store-bought mayonnaise and, if I don’t have homemade mayonnaise, I’ll calmly use the purchased one. To justify myself, I’ll say that I’ll familiarize myself with the composition of the product before buying it (a special warning for diabetics: recently, when I got acquainted with the composition of diabetic jam, I was surprised to find sugar, and the fat content of cottage cheese, positioned by the manufacturer as low-calorie, exceeded 7 percent) .
Every now and then, indignant cries of opponents of mayonnaise, whether purchased or homemade, are heard about the glaring fact that raw eggs are used in the manufacture of mayonnaise. This is true. Nobody canceled salmonellosis, but ... Have you heard of at least one case of salmonella infection when using mayonnaise? Me not. And why, then, is there not an equally heated debate about meringue cream or the famous Caesar salad dressing? They say that the author of this dressing, for prevention, advised dipping a raw egg in boiling water for a few seconds, I'm not sure that this will radically solve the problem, but why not. But what about lovers of soft-boiled eggs, and fried eggs? Why isn't anyone screaming about the danger they're putting themselves in? What about botulism? So let's give up canned food. Salmonellosis is a reality that is hard to brush aside and of course all the foods you use should be fresh and as tested as possible, but this applies to cooking in general, not just making mayonnaise. Caution, within reasonable limits, is a necessary thing, and even accuracy, sanitation and hygiene are completely obligatory, but when all this turns into mania, this is already a neurosis.
Now about heating the mayonnaise. Not with embarrassment, but with shame (remember from Dumas: “gentlemen musketeers are embarrassed and full of remorse”) I confess: I quite calmly grease the chicken with mayonnaise or put it in the dough (as you absolutely rightly noted Dasha, mayonnaise in the dough behaves absolutely wonderful) . But, ladies, explain to me, just please, in a reasoned way, why it is possible to put eggs, sugar, salt and oil into the dough sequentially, but if you beat it all up and mix it with flour in this form, does it become deadly? In the comments to the post, someone used the phrase “the chemistry of heating the emulsion”. Sounds nice. One gets the impression that the author knows what he is writing about, but why not reveal to us, the uneducated, the secrets of this chemistry, otherwise only one phrase without explanation brings to mind the theme of the dissertation: “Transportation of a liquid substance using finely dispersed systems.” I translate from scientific into Russian: “How to properly carry water in a sieve.” I am a chemist by education, but I received this education a very long time ago, so perhaps new terms and concepts have already appeared in modern science, but I would like to know. Believe me, in my words there is no malice or a joke. I really would like to know. But let's leave my dark chemical past alone, I will express my philistine assumption: when mayonnaise is heated, part of the oil is released in a free form (and we observe the notorious stratification), and eggs, still associated with part of the oil, curl up and show us so frightening all cereals. If you continue heating the eggs will finally curl up. That's all chemistry, or rather physics. I have not yet met a person who, before baking meat, puts mayonnaise on it with a layer of two fingers, but when lubricating, the oil, having stood out, impregnates the prepared dish, making it both more tender and high-calorie, and therefore more harmful (but this is everyone’s free choice, not is not it?). Eggs and sugar give the meat a beautiful, shiny crust, while mustard and vinegar give it some spice and a special flavor. And why, explain to me, you can marinate meat in oil, vinegar, or mustard, but you can’t bring it all together?
And finally, the last one. Girls, I think you should not link a person’s culture or lack of culture with the degree of his love for mayonnaise, because in this case we can only talk about a not very pretentious taste. I am also offended and outraged when a dish prepared by me, delicious with a delicate aroma, is covered with a plentiful layer of mayonnaise, but if it tastes better to a person, well, let him ...
All of the above is just MY opinion. I do not claim either its correctness or exclusivity. I would be grateful to anyone who, with reason and evidence (but emotions, as evidence, are not suitable), will refute him, because it is quite possible that I am ruining my health and my loved ones without knowing it.
But so far, entering into disputes over mayonnaise, many participants in the discussion (I don’t mean this site), it seems to me, are more eager to emphasize their exquisite taste and pretentiousness than to establish the truth, and this once again painfully reminds me of jeans wars, when some demonstrated their material level, while others have high spirituality and (yes, yes, don't laugh!) patriotism. There are no others, and those are far away, but everyone wears jeans, because it is convenient.

Answer: Dear Ollie!
I also do not understand the reasons for the mass demonization of mayonnaise. But I guess that they lie in the field of psychology and even ideology. Apparently, many people associate this sauce with the Soviet past, monotony and poverty. Therefore, the younger generation so zealously disowns its use.

If it was just that, then everything would be fine. But the "opponents" of mayonnaise for some reason declare a crusade to those who use it. Even special communities and websites are created in order to mock hostesses who add mayonnaise to dishes. This is what I don't understand. What, there are no other problems left in the world to announce the persecution of mayonnaise lovers? It has always been outrageous when people consider themselves entitled not only to look into other people's wallets, houses, family relationships and plates, but also to judge people by what they saw there. It is especially upsetting that, as you write, emphasizing one's own taste and pretentiousness occurs at the expense of humiliating others, and not demonstrating one's own merits.

I don’t bake under mayonnaise myself - I just don’t like it. But if at a party they serve me meat in French, then I won’t faint and I won’t teach the hostess about life. I will also be glad if someone reasonably explains to me why and how bad mayonnaise is.

Rina: | March 27th, 2012 | 11:13 am

Thanks a lot for the informative article. I have a question off topic, I just don't know where to ask, so I'm writing here. and you don’t have articles about household appliances, they help out a lot in the kitchen. I want to buy some kind of food processor or something like that, including something to make mayonnaise. I love baking and I would like to somehow make my work easier, for example, that the machine mixed the ingredients, and at that time I could do something else or observe (if necessary)

Answer: I, Rina, highly recommend a slow cooker. Those who use it praise and are very satisfied. Since I personally do not have it, then here I am a bad adviser. But I can tell you in confidence that from April 2, there will be a separate five-day seminar dedicated to the multicooker: selection, functions, tinctures and little tricks in the LJ site community on April 2. The seminar will be free, so you can see and decide whether this unit suits you or not. And mayonnaise is made with a mixer in five minutes (half a liter bucket is obtained at a time), here you don’t even need to buy a separate combine.

Tanya: | March 26th, 2012 | 11:50 am

and I just got used to it home production(with lemon, olive oil, mustard, eggs ...) and did not want to agree without a fight that a set of such individually useful products could be harmful ...

Together with him, we found two “weak points“:
1) if mayonnaise is prepared from homemade (unverified!!!) eggs, then there is a risk of salmonolosis

2) and perhaps most importantly.
About a liter of mayonnaise is obtained from a liter of vegetable oil.
But rarely will anyone eat vegetable oil spoons, spreading on bread, yes
even in a salad I pour a spoonful of vegetable oil, BUT 3-4 !!! spoons of mayonnaise.

that is, mayonnaise is terrible because it is delicious! And so you eat it much more than just rast. oil with the same lemon ...
Well, I'm not going to argue with this argument.
A bottle of vegetable oil (for salads) stays in my family for 2-3 weeks, and a bucket of homemade mayonnaise from the same bottle lasts for several days.

Answer: I completely agree with the first argument - you need to carefully choose products. And I allow the second for those people who want to lose weight or keep themselves in some particular form. Yes, it tastes better with mayonnaise, and if you abuse it, then, alas, the result will be visible to the naked eye.

Veronica: | March 26th, 2012 | 11:39 am

Dasha, thanks for the interesting article!
I have long wanted to start making mayonnaise myself, especially since my food processor even has devices for this, but my hands never reached it. Now I'm definitely going to start!

Answer: get started - it's very easy!

Qsu: | March 26th, 2012 | 10:13 am

>What kind of dangerous chemical reactions (grinding yolks? pouring oil? heating flour?) Mayonnaise opponents have in mind remains a mystery.

Most likely, opponents of mayonnaise have in mind the irresistible passion of hostesses to bake mayonnaise, i.e. pour them over the dish before placing in the oven.

Answer: then this has nothing to do with mayonnaise - it’s not his fault that someone comes up with the idea of ​​​​baking or freezing it. If you scoff at the sauce like that, then it will delaminate and, alas, will cease to be mayonnaise. Even carrots can become harmful if not cooked properly.

Katerina: | March 26th, 2012 | 9:32 am

There is also an opinion that an emulsion of fat with protein (with a nominally lower calorie content than pure vegetable oil) due to this compatibility is much better absorbed and deposited in fat on the body.

Answer: interesting. Then it turns out that mayonnaise is dietary product. Not in the sense that it helps to lose weight, but in the fact that it is easily absorbed by the body. And not products are deposited in fat, but their excess.

Store-bought ketchup and mayonnaise, as well as other similar sauces, are very harmful for any body, and even more so for children. The baby's digestion is still poorly developed and is only adapting to adult food. Mayonnaise contains a large number of calories and fats, preservatives and dangerous compounds. Such a product is long and hard to digest and assimilate. In addition, this composition can cause digestive disorders and stool disorders, provoke severe food allergies and poisoning, increase weight, and even lead to some diseases.

Therefore, when asked whether children can have mayonnaise, experts unequivocally answer that it is impossible. Keep your child away from commercial sauces, including mayonnaise, until at least three or four years of age. And it is better not to give such products to children for as long as possible. For seasoning dishes, use sour cream, vegetable and butter, lemon juice, if the child does not have allergies. Various natural sauces are also suitable. home cooking. Let's find out more about the dangers of store-bought mayonnaise.

Harm and danger of mayonnaise

Mayonnaise contains dyes and flavors, flavor enhancers and preservatives, thickeners and other hazardous components. That is why such a product can be stored for three to four months, and sometimes six months. Whereas homemade mayonnaise, made from natural ingredients, is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Mayonnaise negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys and liver, irritates the walls of the intestines and stomach, and impairs the functioning of the esophagus. For many children, mayonnaise causes the appearance excess weight and even obesity, diathesis and various signs of food allergies. Chemical harmful products can cause serious poisoning! What to do if the baby has a food allergy, and how to distinguish it from poisoning, read.

Therefore, mayonnaise is very harmful not only for children, but also for adults, especially nursing mothers. The components of the sauce enter the body of the baby through milk, which also harms the baby. In addition, due to the content of mustard and vinegar in the product, the taste of breast milk changes. bitter or spoiled milk the baby will not like it, and he may refuse to breastfeed. In addition, mustard is a strong allergen.

Making homemade mayonnaise

homemade mayonnaise should be as safe as possible for the baby, so it is better not to include eggs in the recipe. Quail and chicken eggs used to make homemade raw mayonnaise. Raw eggs can be contaminated with a harmful bacteria called salmonella. They cause severe intoxication, dehydration and diarrhea. In addition, such bacteria provoke meningitis and arthritis.

When eggs are boiled, such bacteria disappear, but raw products are used in the preparation of classic homemade mayonnaise. To protect the baby and yourself as much as possible, it is better to exclude this ingredient. We offer a safe recipe for mayonnaise at home for children:

  • Milk - 50 ml;
  • Olive or sunflower oil- 100 ml (or 50 ml of both);
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp. a spoon;
  • Dill and salt to taste.

Bring the milk to a boil and let it cool room temperature. Add butter to a container with milk and leave in the refrigerator for twenty minutes so that the mass beats easier. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and lightly salt. Beat the mixture with a blender or whisk. Wash and finely chop the dill, add to the sauce and mix thoroughly or beat again. If the mayonnaise is too thick, add two tablespoons of warm boiled water and whisk again.

The first time you try any sauce, give your baby a teaspoon of the product and watch your baby's reaction. If the child feels well during the first two days, such mayonnaise can be used and put in dishes. If the baby has a negative reaction, do not give the product to the baby anymore and contact the pediatrician.

Sauces for children

milk sauce

  • Milk - 85 ml;
  • Wheat flour - 5 gr;
  • Sugar - 10 gr..

Fry the flour in melted butter until a faint pink hue appears. Add the cooled flour to 10 ml of milk and stir. The mass should be thick and without lumps. Mix the remaining milk with sugar and bring to a boil. The mass with milk and flour is gradually poured into the milk. Stir and bring to a boil. So quick and easy to make milk sauce Suitable for seasoning cheesecakes, pasta or cottage cheese casseroles.

Classic sour cream sauce

  • Sour cream - 30 gr;
  • Wheat flour - 10 gr;
  • Vegetable or meat broth - 100 ml (½ cup);
  • Salt to taste.

Pour the flour into the broth and mix until smooth. Add sour cream, salt and bring to a boil. After that, cook over low heat for about ten minutes. Sour cream sauce is served with meat dishes, fish and vegetables. The product goes well with vegetable stew.

Tomato sauce for children over two years old

  • Tomato - ½ pieces;
  • Wheat flour - ½ tsp. spoons;
  • Vegetable broth - 50 ml;
  • Sour cream - 1 tsp. a spoon;
  • Salt to taste.

Peel the tomato and cut into slices. Add chopped tomato to melted butter, sprinkle flour on top and pour vegetable broth. Cook for ten minutes and rub the resulting mass through a sieve. Then put sour cream, mix and bring to a boil. Tomato sauce is ideal for pasta and spaghetti, meat and fish dishes, cutlet.

Homemade sauces made from natural ingredients are safe even for babies. They perfectly complement the tastes and make the baby's food more varied. Before you introduce any sauce on the menu, be sure to let the baby try a small portion and carefully monitor the reaction of the baby. It is important that the new dish does not cause problems for the child. And you will find many interesting recipes for children at the link.

* Milk *

410. Milk after a year.

Milk contains almost all the nutrients needed
human body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and almost all vitamins. Children who receive good nutrition are provided with all these substances (except calcium) and without milk. Milk is the only food that contains a lot of calcium, so it is advisable that the child drink up to 1 liter of milk per day (in any form).
But remember that many children drink different amounts of milk on different days. Therefore, the surest way to keep a child's love of milk is to never persuade him to drink more than he wants. If after a few weeks the child has not returned to his previous norm (750 g), consider in what other form you can give him more milk.

411. Instead of plain milk.

A lot of milk for cooking require porridge. Milk is part of various puddings, ranging from curd mass to rice pudding. In milk, instead of water, you can make vegetable and chicken soups. You can cook pasta with milk mashed potatoes and many other dishes.
It is better not to add various substances to milk to change its smell and taste. But if necessary, you can add cocoa or hot chocolate to milk, you can drink it cold with the addition of some syrup. Usually chocolate causes diathesis and gastric disorders in young children, so it is not given until 2 years of age. Vanillin can also be added to milk. But do not make milk too sweet, so as not to interrupt the child's appetite.
Unfortunately, any novelty wears off quickly, so flavored milk can also quickly get boring for a child, especially if the mother persuades him to drink a little more on the first day when he drinks less than one glass. I want to repeat once again that when parents say to a child: "Drink some more chocolate milk"(or something else), then the child loses the desire to drink this milk.
Cheese is very useful milk product. 30 g hard cheese contain as much calcium as 230 g of milk. You need 3 times more processed cheese than hard cheese to get the amount of calcium in a glass of milk. There is little calcium in cottage cheese. In terms of calcium content, 1 glass of milk is equivalent to 300 g of cottage cheese.
Since cottage cheese is low in fat, it is very easy to digest and can be eaten a lot. Cottage cheese is eaten salted or mixed with grated cheese or boiled vegetables. Due to the high fat content, cheese should be given little by little. It can be eaten simply in slices or in the form of sandwiches; many dishes are sprinkled with grated cheese if the child refuses milk in all its forms. If he is allergic to milk, he must receive calcium in some other form, as prescribed by the doctor.
Butter or margarine should be introduced after a year and very gradually, adding it to vegetables and spreading it on bread. Cream should also be given little by little over porridge, puddings or fruit for a child with a good appetite. The body's digestive system takes time to adjust to increased fat intake.

* Meat, fish, eggs *

412. Meat.

413. Fish.

Fish (white, lean) can be gradually started to give for about a year. It is baked, boiled or fried. Crumble the fish with your fingers and remove any bones before giving it to a child. More fatty fish varieties are introduced into the menu gradually after a year. Some kids love fish, but most don't like it and there's no point in insisting.

414. Eggs.

It is a very valuable product in any form: hard-boiled or in a bag, in the form of scrambled eggs or used for cooking. various dishes and drinks. It is advisable that the child eats one egg a day. If he likes eggs, sometimes 2 eggs a day is fine.
If the child does not like meat or fish, or if you cannot get them, then his protein requirement will be met by 3/4-1 liter of milk and 2 eggs per day, plus vegetable proteins contained in cereals and vegetables.
If the child does not like eggs or they cause allergies, then regular consumption of meat is all the more necessary.


415. Different types vegetables.

During the first year of life, the child probably tasted most of the following vegetables: spinach, peas, onions, carrots, asparagus, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, celery, potatoes.
Up to a year, the child should move from mashed food to mashed with a fork and in the form of pieces. (Of course, some vegetables can also be given in pureed form.) The peas must be crushed so that the child does not swallow the peas whole. If up to a year you gave your child only easily digestible vegetables, then after a year try less popular and more difficult to digest vegetables: cabbage (including cauliflower), turnips, parsnips. Their sharp taste can be softened by boiling them in two waters. Some children like these vegetables and digest them well, other children refuse to even try them. Corn grains are given only after 2 years. Very young children swallow corn without chewing, and it comes out undigested in the feces. Give your child only soft corn. Cut the kernels not too close to the base so that the grain opens, at 3-4 years old you can give corn directly on the cob, but cut in the middle of each row of grains so that they open.
Easily digestible raw vegetables begin to be produced between a year and two, if the child has good digestion. The best of them: peeled tomatoes, lettuce, grated carrots, finely chopped celery. These vegetables should be well cleaned. Give them little by little at first and see how the child digests them. You can season raw vegetables with orange or sweetened lemon juice.
At the same time, if the child has good digestion, you can start giving vegetable juices. Raw vegetables and their juices are much healthier than boiled vegetables, in which some of the vitamins and mineral salts are destroyed during cooking and dissolved in water.
If a child has temporarily fallen out of love with just boiled vegetables, remember vegetable soups: pea, tomato, onion, spinach, beetroot, corn and mixed vegetable soups.

416. Vegetables can be replaced by fruits.

Suppose a child refuses vegetables in any form for several weeks. Vegetables are a very valuable product as a source of vitamins, mineral salts and fiber. But various fruits contain most of the vitamins and mineral salts and the same amount of fiber. If a child takes vitamins in concentrates, drinks milk and eats meat and eggs, he receives those salts and vitamins that are scarce in fruits. In other words, if your child doesn't eat vegetables but loves fruits, he has nothing to lose. Give him fruits 2-3 times a day and forget vegetables for a few weeks or even months. If you do not insist, then most likely the child will again fall in love with vegetables after a while.

* Fruit *

417. In what form should they be given.

During the first year of life, the child apparently tasted the following fruits, boiled or canned: pureed apples, apricots, prunes, pears, peaches, pineapples and raw ripe bananas, apples, pears. For a one-year-old child, some of these fruits can be given not mashed, but in pieces. Canned fruits that adults eat are not as healthy for children because of the too sweet syrup. If you give children canned compotes, then at least drain the sweet syrup.
Raw fruits such as oranges, peaches, apricots, plums, seedless grapes are given between a year and two if the child has good digestion. Raw fruits must be very ripe. Cut off the skin for a child under 4 years of age. If you leave it, then you need to thoroughly wash the fruit to remove the chemicals that were sprayed on the fruit trees.
Usually raw berries do not give up to 2 years. Strawberries often cause rashes. Until the child learns to chew well, mash the berries so that he does not swallow them whole. Remove pits from cherries until he learns to do it himself by spitting them out. Whenever you start giving berries, do it gradually and stop if your child develops diarrhea.
Melons and watermelons should be given cautiously at 2 years, in small portions, mashed.
Dry fruits - prunes, apricots, figs, dates - can be given unboiled from 2 years. Dry fruits should be washed very thoroughly and given sliced ​​as a fruit salad or whole.

* Porridge and dinner *

418. Kashi.

Your one year old is probably already eating various cereals prepared from children's semi-finished products or cooked: oatmeal, wheat and others that the whole family eats. Feed your baby cereal for as long as he likes it, once or twice a day. Remember that children like either solid food or almost liquid. They usually do not like a viscous consistency. Therefore, make porridge liquid.
If your child is tired of one porridge, offer him another one that he did not like before. You can occasionally give boiled unpolished rice, hominy, semolina. Often children prefer dry cereals (buckwheat, millet, etc.), because they are eaten by adults and older children. Wheat and oatmeal- the most useful, because they are rich in vitamins and mineral salts (cereals from corn and rice are less valuable).

419. Bread and cereals.

If your child is tired of porridge for breakfast, you can give him toasted bread, a bun made from wholemeal flour, rye or oat flour. Bread is the same porridge, only in a baked form, and is just as useful. The fact that the bread is cold, and not hot, like porridge, does not matter and does not reduce either its nutritional value or digestibility. Brush the bread with a thin layer of butter or margarine (after a year). You can spread a layer of pureed fruit or a little jam on the bread if your child likes it that way.

420. Dinner.

Often mothers complain: "He is tired of porridge and I just don't know what to feed him for dinner." If you are going to give your child several meals for dinner, then you need to remember a simple rule so as not to feed him two hearty meals for one dinner and two light ones for the next. Here is the rule: 1) fruits or vegetables; 2) a hearty high-calorie meal.
A hearty dish can be porridge, which the child will like much more if you add slices of raw or boiled fruit, or finely chopped dry fruits, or honey to it.
An older child can be given sandwiches instead of porridge. It is still difficult for a one-year-old child to eat a sandwich, besides, he will still divide it into parts. But closer to 2 years, he will do well with a sandwich. For sandwiches, use rye or wholemeal bread. Spread it with a thin layer of butter, cottage cheese or melted cheese. You can add a little jam, honey or sugar if the child does not eat sandwiches without sweets. But I would not recommend to get involved in sweets. Sandwiches can be made with a wide variety of products: with raw vegetables (lettuce, tomatoes, grated carrots or cabbage), with boiled or chopped dry fruits, eggs, herring, chopped poultry or meat, with cheese (grated or melted, and later a slice). For children over 3 years old, a little mayonnaise can be put on a sandwich.
As a hearty meal for dinner, you can give broth or soup with rice, pearl barley or pasta, in which you can throw a little toast.
In addition to the egg received for breakfast, or instead of it, you can give an egg (in any form) for dinner. Place the egg on the bread, or crumble the bread into a soft-boiled egg.
You can give a simple cookie, spread it with something, or crumble it into a cup in warm or cold milk. You can crumble bread or toast into cold or hot milk.
Potatoes are a very satisfying dish and are quite suitable for dinner if the child loves them. Sometimes you can give pasta, vermicelli.
Instead of a hearty first meal followed by boiled or raw fruit, you can give boiled vegetables first, or vegetable or fruit salad, and after it - milk or cereal pudding, and for an older child, ice cream.
Bananas are a wonderful dessert and a very satisfying dish. They can sometimes replace porridge for breakfast. You can give curd mass or desserts prepared on gelatin (preferably with fruit). But they do not contain enough calories and therefore do not fully satisfy the child's appetite.
There are children who always eat little food containing starch, and it seems that they do not need it. They get enough calories from milk, meat, fruits and vegetables and gain weight normally. From these same foods they get enough B vitamins. So, the last thing you need to worry about is bread, cereals and other high-calorie foods, even if the child goes without them for several weeks.

* Less valuable and unwanted food *

421. Cakes, pies, cookies.

These products are undesirable for children, because they are prepared mainly from high-grade flour, sugar and fat. Since they are very high in calories, the child is quickly satiated, but almost does not receive vitamins, mineral salts, fiber and proteins. This kind of food is called "inferior". It only satisfies the child's appetite, but deprives him of the most important nutrients that he could get from other foods.
Of course, a child can occasionally eat pies and cakes (for example, on his birthday). If you give them regularly, then deprive him of the necessary nutrients. There is no point in making pies at home, if there is no special need for it.
Cream puffs are especially dangerous. Cream is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, especially if the cakes are not stored in the refrigerator. Stale cakes are often the cause of severe poisoning.

422. Sweets.

They are also undesirable, as they quickly satisfy the appetite of the child and are harmful to his teeth. If the child is happy to eat porridge with fruit without sugar, then you do not need to add it. But, if a little sugar or a spoonful of honey, according to your child, makes porridge very tasty, then sweeten it without talking. But don't let him put in too much sugar. Gently and firmly move the sugar bowl away from him. Jelly, jam, canned fruits (except special canned fruits for children) contain too much sugar and therefore should not be fed frequently to the child. If he eats bread and butter only with jam, then spread it quite a bit, just for taste. If the whole family eats canned fruits, you can give them to the child too, but without the syrup. Raisins, prunes and dates, if the child eats them regularly, are harmful to the teeth, because they stick to them for a long time.

423. Sweets, fruit water, ice cream.

This is an inferior food, and usually children eat them precisely between feedings, which is especially harmful for both teeth and appetite. It will not hurt the child if he eats candy or ice cream for dessert after dinner with the whole family. But by all means avoid giving your baby sweets between feeds. And sweets are not recommended to be given regularly even on the third. In order not to accustom your child to sweets, do not keep them at home and do not buy ice cream and fruit water for your child. But a child of school age inevitably learns about the existence of such "joys". If the child only wants sweets from time to time, then it is better to give in to his desire so that he feels that he is "just like everyone else." But, if he constantly eats sweets, and especially if he has bad teeth, then parents should allow sweets only on special occasions.

424. Parents themselves often instill in their child a love for sweets.

Children love candy. Their "hungry", growing organisms require additional calories. But an unspoiled child is unlikely to eat a lot of sweets. Some young children do not like candy and sweets at all. In her experiments, Dr. Clara Davis found that if you let your child decide what to eat, then he will eat sweets in reasonable quantities.
I think that often parents unwittingly instill in their child an exaggerated love of sweets. For example, a mother says to a child: "Until you eat spinach, I will not give you ice cream" or "If you eat all the porridge, I will give you candy." When you make a promise but keep the promise (or any reward), it increases desire. The effect is the opposite of what the mother needs. The child eats spinach and porridge, which he hates, and he wants sweets and ice cream even more. As a joke, I would advise to bribe a child in a different way: "I will not give you spinach until you eat ice cream." In all seriousness, I advise you never to stick with one meal until your child has eaten another. Let him think that simple food is as good as sweet food.

425. Corn, rice and flour of the highest grades are less valuable products than wholemeal flour and oatmeal.

Corn and rice are poor in vitamins and valuable proteins (even before processing) compared to oatmeal, rye flour and whole wheat flour. Processing grain deprives it of most of its vitamins, minerals and fiber. Therefore, foods such as white bread, pasta, biscuits, rice, hominy, etc., should be given less often. Unpolished brown rice is healthier than polished white rice.
You may think that I am exaggerating the dangers of sweet and starchy foods. In many families, children eat approximately as follows: breakfast - porridge (very sweet) and bread with jam; lunch - pasta, white bread and jam; afternoon snack - ice cream and soda water; dinner - corn flakes, pies and pudding. Even if a child eats both meat and vegetables with such a diet, still 2/3 of his menu is "inferior" food.

426. Coffee and tea.

They are not suitable for children, because they fill the place in the stomach that belongs to milk, and in addition, they contain an exciting substance - caffeine. Most kids are quite active without caffeine. You can add a tablespoon of liquid tea or coffee to milk if the child likes to do everything "in an adult way." But it is better and easier not to give these drinks to the child at all.

* Frozen food *

427. Frozen foods are just as healthy for children as fresh and canned foods, if properly prepared.

Freezing affects food in the same way as cooking, that is, it brings it to a state in which it is better absorbed by both humans and bacteria. In other words, cooked and thawed food spoils faster than raw food.
Milk, products prepared with milk, vegetables, poultry, various fillings are easily perishable foods that cannot be kept out of the refrigerator for a long time.

* Meals outside the schedule *

428. Be prudent.

Many young children need a snack between two meals. But between feedings, not all food can be given and not at any time, so as not to interrupt the child's appetite.
Fruit and vegetable juices, fruits are quickly and easily digested and less than all other types of food contribute to tooth decay. Milk stays in the stomach for a much longer time and therefore can kill a baby's appetite. But there are children who cannot eat enough at one time and feel hungry and tired much before the next feeding. It is better for such a child to give milk outside the schedule. Then by the next feeding he will not be too exhausted and his appetite will be better.
Between feedings, do not offer your baby cakes, pies, or sweet biscuits. They have three drawbacks: they are high in calories, poor in vitamins and other nutrients, and harmful to teeth. Even hard crackers and bread stick to the teeth for a while and are therefore not particularly suitable for this purpose.
It is best to give the child a snack in the middle between two feedings or no later than 1.5 hours before the next feeding. But even this rule has exceptions. Some children, having drunk juice between feedings, still become so hungry and angry before the next feeding that, having found a reason for the tantrum, they refuse to eat at all. If you give such a child a glass of juice as soon as he gets home from a walk (even if there are 20 minutes left before dinner), this will improve both his mood and his appetite. So, what and when to give between feedings is dictated by common sense and the needs of your child. Many children do not need to snack at all outside the schedule. In extreme cases, you can change the feeding schedule and continue to stick to it for a long time.
Some mothers complain that the child does not eat well at the table, but asks for food outside the schedule. This problem arose as a result of the fact that the mother persuaded and forced the child to eat during the established feeding hours and, conversely, refused to feed him between them. Persuasion only deprives the child of appetite. If this continues for several months, then one sight of the dining room is enough to make him sick. But as soon as dinner is over (although the child has eaten very little), his stomach returns to its natural state and requires food, like any healthy empty stomach. The solution to this problem is not to deny the child food at the wrong time, but to try to make the feeding procedure at the set hours so pleasant that he anticipates it with pleasure in advance. Food should be tasty and have an appetizing appearance, so that the child eats it with more pleasure than the one that is offered to him between feedings.

* Breakfasts, lunches, dinners *

429. Sample menu

1) fruit or fruit juice;
2) porridge;
3) egg;
4) milk.
Lunch (or dinner):
1) meat, fish or poultry (or an additional egg);
2) vegetables (raw or boiled);
3) potatoes;
4) raw fruit (occasionally pudding);
5) milk.
Dinner (or lunch):
1) a hearty meal, for example: porridge or bread or sandwiches or potatoes or soup with crackers, croutons, pasta, vermicelli, etc. or eggs in any form with bread or (but not often) pudding, pasta;
2) vegetables or fruits, raw or cooked;
3) milk.
In addition: vitamins in concentrates - daily; fruits or juices between feedings, if needed; wholemeal bread - with every meal, if you like.

In the "home-made" mayonnaise, which includes egg yolks, salt, sugar, lemon juice and olive oil, pounded to a homogeneous mass, is not capable of causing great harm to the health of the child, except for the fact that this natural sauce still remains a high-fat product . And therefore, young children (up to 3 years old) with an imperfect enzyme system of the gastrointestinal tract and overweight children are not recommended to use even “homemade” mayonnaise. But health troubles can begin with the regular use of purchased mayonnaise, which, as a rule, contains a lot of preservatives, flavors and "substitutes".

Real mayonnaise (in the form in which its composition passes according to GOST) contains from 70 to 84% olive oil; 10-15% yolk; 2-3% sugar (or fructose); 1-1.5% salt; up to 5-6% freshly squeezed lemon juice or acetic acid; small additions up to 0.5% of various dry ground spices are possible; up to 6% of ready-made mustard for the preparation of Provence mayonnaise. This product owes its consistency to this high content of olive oil.

It is not possible to buy mayonnaise corresponding to GOST: it is a perishable product, its production is very expensive. To reduce the cost of sauce production, manufacturers develop their own specifications (technical specifications) that allow using cheaper vegetable oils instead of olive oil and adding only olive oil flavors to the product, along with flavor enhancers. With a decrease in natural ingredients and the percentage of fat content of mayonnaise, the concentration of additives that give mayonnaise a different taste and aroma increases, allowing you to create a large assortment. Thus, the composition of mayonnaise may include:

  • substances that improve the appearance (dyes);
  • substances that regulate consistency (thickeners, emulsifiers, stabilizers);
  • substances that regulate taste and aroma (flavors, flavor additives); substances that increase the safety and increase the shelf life (preservatives, antioxidants).

All these substances are allowed to be added to the product according to specifications. In order to give uniformity to a cheap mayonnaise emulsion, not fresh yolks are added to it, but egg powder or dry skimmed milk. Instead of the put freshly squeezed lemon juice, vinegar is added to the product, and not apple, but table vinegar. Table vinegar is obtained artificially - by fermenting alcohols and carbohydrates with the help of acetic acid bacteria. Vinegar, in any of its versions, has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the child's gastrointestinal tract, so it is not used in baby food.

To give long-term stability and prevent delamination, stabilizers and thickeners are introduced into the recipes, and the lower the fat content of mayonnaise (the lighter it is), the more they are required. For this, gums are used - high-molecular carbohydrates, which are the main component of exudates (juices, effusions) secreted by plants during mechanical damage to the bark or diseases. Gums are thickeners, stabilizers, gelling agents, encapsulation agents. They are widely used in the production of mayonnaise. The following gums are distinguished: gum arabic, agar-agar; dextrans; alginic acids; guarana; xanthan.

Mayonnaise owes its consistency to the high content of olive oil.

In addition to gelatin and gums, modified (that is, with properties altered by genetic engineering) starches and flour are often used as thickeners, the effect of which on the human body has not yet been studied.

Gum, preservatives potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, etc. - prevent the rapid deterioration of mayonnaise, inhibiting the development of yeast and mold fungi. The use of these chemicals in nutrition can lead to the development of allergic reactions, and not to a certain type of product (immediate type reactions to a certain preservative), but in principle: all "chemical additives" have a negative effect on the child's immunity, reducing it, therefore, grows the likelihood of not only viral diseases, but also allergic reactions. The shelf life of mayonnaise directly depends on the concentration of preservatives: the more there are, the longer the product is stored. Consequently, almost all industrial mayonnaises with a 90-day shelf life contain preservatives.


Another, no less beloved by everyone, but also not very useful product for the child's body is ketchup. Ketchup is a table seasoning made from boiled tomato paste with herbs and spices. The main component of ketchup is tomato paste. Its content in ketchup must be at least 15% (according to GOST) - sauces with such a tomato content belong to the first or second category (economy class); in ketchups of the highest category, tomato should be at least 30%, and in extra or premium classes - at least 40%, which ensures a thick consistency. Well, if the initial amount of tomato raw material is small, “tomato substitutes” come to the rescue: applesauce, beetroot or plum base and thickeners - stabilizers: flour, starch or gum. The "cheaper" ketchups do not have enough tomato acid, so they add citric acid.

No less important and required component quality ketchup - spices. Classic spices are onion, basil, parsley, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, black and red pepper, paprika, mustard, added to the economy class acetic acid. Unfortunately, not all listed components are suitable for baby food. So, if greens, cinnamon, cloves, paprika and ginger in minimal quantities can be offered to the baby, then mustard, red and black pepper, vinegar, getting on the mucous membrane of the child's gastrointestinal tract, can cause inflammatory processes, provoke, for example, gastritis. In the category "extra" (the sauces of this category are the most natural, that is, the most tomato - they contain about 30% of the tomato in dry equivalent), the share of these dry substances (here we mean the amount of tomato in a certain equivalent) should be at least 27%, and in economy class - 14%. Due to such a high concentration of natural tomatoes in an extra-class sauce, as a rule, almost no spices are added to it.

Preservatives, flavorings and colorings are usually added to premium, first and second grade sauces. And extra-class tomato sauce is pasteurized or sterilized for preservation, so it does not require the introduction of artificial additives. Such tomato sauces can be used in the nutrition of healthy children over 1.5 years old.

Define product Low quality can already appearance(provided that the ketchup is packaged in glass containers): unnatural shades of red, very saturated or dark tones indicate that the tomato content in this product is negligible, apple or plum bases were used for its preparation, and added for a believable look a fair amount of dyes.

Dishes based on tomatoes and tomato paste can be introduced into the diet of a child from the age of 1.5 years.

Such sauces are all the more not recommended for use in. In addition to the fact that any ketchup can provoke inflammation of the digestive tract, the development of an allergic reaction, exacerbate chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ketchups containing artificial dyes can provoke the development of pancreatitis in a child - inflammation of the pancreas.

So, in the nutrition of preschool children it is not recommended to use mayonnaise, ketchup and sauces from them. And you can replace them with no less tasty, but more healthy sauces of sour cream and tomatoes or tomato paste.

tomato paste

Tomato paste is a concentrated semi-finished product. It is obtained by evaporating moisture from tomatoes previously peeled from grains and skins. In tomato paste produced according to GOST, in addition to tomatoes, there should be only water, salt and lemon juice. Some unscrupulous manufacturers may add to the product vegetable puree and thickeners (gum, flour, starch) and acetic acid.

Dishes based on tomatoes and tomato paste, in the absence of food intolerance, can be introduced into the child's diet starting from 1.5 years.

The main raw material is tomatoes, which are a useful and unique product. They include minerals: potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron, phosphorus - and vitamins B 1, B 2, B 3, B 6, B 9, E, but most of all they contain vitamin C. And the uniqueness of tomatoes is given by the substance lycopene, which colors vegetables in Red color. Lycopene is a very strong natural antioxidant (the so-called natural substances that can inhibit oxidation processes in the body, these processes can lead to the death of body cells). In terms of its properties, lycopene is superior to such free radical fighters as vitamins C and E. In older people, lycopene significantly reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Sour cream

Sour cream is obtained by fermentation of normalized pasteurized cream with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci. Among other lactic acid products, sour cream stands out for its high calorie content - the fat content in it can be from 10 to 40%. According to the standard, the fat content, acidity are normalized, in sour cream with protein fillers - the mass fraction of solids. To reduce the cost of production of the product, its protein composition is restored by introducing whey protein concentrate, buttermilk. This information must be provided on the label.

In baby food, it is better to use sour cream, the fat content of which is not more than 10%.

In baby food, it is better to use sour cream with a natural protein component, 10% fat. The biological value of sour cream is due to the presence of a complete milk protein containing essential amino acids, easily digestible fats and milk sugars, as well as the fact that in the process of maturation and fermentation, substances are formed that are much better absorbed by the human body compared to dairy products. Sour cream contains valuable vitamins: A, E, B 2 , B 12 , C, PP, as well as calcium, phosphorus and iron, which are necessary for a growing organism. Thanks to lactic acid fermentation, sour cream turns into a product of probiotic action: the microorganisms contained in it help fight the putrefactive intestinal flora, grow and multiply beneficial bacteria. But sour cream, designed for a long shelf life - more than 10 days, loses all its useful properties. In addition to pasteurization, to extend the shelf life, preservatives are added to it. It is better not to use sour cream with a long shelf life in baby food. low-fat sour cream(better than 10%), as a dressing for soup, salads and sauces, can be offered to children from 1.5 years old.


sour cream sauce

Bring sour cream to a boil. Then, warmed sour cream is gradually poured into the white passerovka (flour fried in butter) cooked in butter, stirring continuously, preventing the formation of lumps. After that, spices (salt) are added, if lumps are obtained, filter and bring to a boil.

Tomato sauce

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste; 1 glass of water (broth);
  • 3 tsp flour;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic (for children after 3 years);
  • 1 st. a spoonful of butter;
  • sugar, salt to taste.

Melt half the butter in a frying pan, saute the chopped onion and crushed garlic on it. Then add tomato paste, salt, sugar diluted in water (broth). Simmer for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Grind the flour with the remaining butter, mix with the sauce and simmer for another 2-3 minutes.

Fresh tomato sauce

  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 2 cloves of garlic (do not add for children under 3 years old);
  • fresh tomatoes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • salt, sugar to taste.

Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan. Fry finely chopped onion over medium heat until golden brown. Add chopped garlic, diced tomatoes, bay leaf, salt and sugar to taste. Bring the mass to a boil, reduce the temperature, close the lid and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes. The finished sauce is filtered, rubbed through a fine sieve and allowed to boil again.

Larisa Titova,
pediatrician-nutritionist, employee of the Department of Nutrition for Children and Adolescents
Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow

Mayonnaise is a favorite dressing for dishes, which he prefers great amount of people. With this unpretentious sauce, meat, fish, vegetable dishes become more satisfying and, to be modest, richer. But, unfortunately, such a delicious mayonnaise is not always considered healthy by everyone. This product has a lot of fat in it. Store-bought mayonnaise contains additional ingredients: flavor enhancers, flavors, thickeners, etc. And homemade mayonnaise can be made with the safest composition. But, can children have mayonnaise? After all, even home-made natural sauce is very high-calorie and heavy for the stomach. Let's try to find an answer to this question.

Is mayonnaise okay for small children?

The question of whether mayonnaise is possible for children, first of all, we asked the pediatrician. And, the first thing the doctor drew our attention to was age restrictions.

The specialist said that babies under the age of 3 are strictly not recommended to give fat-based sauces, which, in fact, is mayonnaise.

Even cooked at home, it contains a significant amount of vegetable fat, egg yolk, mustard and vinegar or citric acid. Such a mixture is too heavy for a fragile gastrointestinal tract of a child. The use of this sauce is not good for the body as a whole. At such a tender age, such an additive to dishes can provoke a number of problems:

  • Allergic reaction;
  • Stool disorder (diarrhea, constipation);
  • Obesity;
  • Gastritis and other diseases of the stomach;
  • Pancreatitis and liver disease;
  • Appetite disturbance.

To everything else, it is worth adding the stabilization of wrong gastronomic habits. If a baby starts offering mayonnaise from an early age, then over time, the use of this product will become the norm for him and quite possibly become an irresistible habit, which does not contribute to maintaining a healthy diet.

At what age can children have mayonnaise?

Despite the many different prohibitions, anyway, once every person begins to use not very healthy foods into food. When is the age at which you can introduce a child to a sauce called "mayonnaise"? Experts believe that the moment of this acquaintance should be delayed as far as possible.

It is worth offering mayonnaise to a child not earlier than 7 years.

At the same time, it is worth choosing a sauce created from natural ingredients, prepared at home.

Store-bought sauces contain dyes, thickeners, flavor enhancers and preservatives. It is better to exclude the meeting of the child's body with these additives to the maximum. Moreover, homemade mayonnaise is much tastier and easier to digest.

Baby mayonnaise recipes

If the question arose whether it is possible to give mayonnaise to children, then it is obvious that you need to find a recipe that is acceptable for baby food. After all, if the composition of the sauce is light and harmless, then such a product can most likely be given to a child. Here is one of the recipes for mayonnaise, which is allowed to be given to children from the age of 3 years.

Creamy diet mayonnaise

You will need:

  • Milk 2.5% - 50 ml;
  • Olive oil - 100 grams;
  • Dill greens - to taste;
  • Natural lemon juice - 1 drop.

Boil the milk and let the liquid cool down. Add butter to milk at room temperature and send the mixture to the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Then, you need to add lemon juice and beat the combination of products until smooth, gradually adding chopped greens to the contents. finished product can be consumed within 12 hours. Such mayonnaise is not stored for a long time. Babies under the age of 7 are not recommended to give more than 1.5 teaspoons per meal and more than 2 times a week.

Light mayonnaise with sour cream

To make sour cream mayonnaise, you will need:

  • Sour cream 15-20% - 30 g;
  • Wheat flour - 10 grams;
  • Vegetable broth - 30-40 grams;
  • Salt - a pinch.

Warm broth and salt should be added to sour cream after the product has been thoroughly mixed with flour. The mass should be put on a slow fire or water bath, bring to a boil and boil, stirring continuously for 7 minutes. Ready sour cream mayonnaise must be removed from heat and set to cool. This sauce is approved for children over 3 years of age.

The above recipes for baby mayonnaise, of course, are far from its classic version, but they allow you to prepare a sauce that is approved for dietary and baby food. The original mayonnaise differs significantly in composition from the described options, but the taste of dietary mayonnaise is in no way inferior to the classic one.