How to make your own apple cider vinegar at home. How to make apple cider vinegar at home yourself How to make apple cider vinegar at home

How to make Apple vinegar with your own hands? What's good about it? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

Apple cider vinegar is known to be a multifunctional product. It is used in cosmetology; it is an excellent aid for weight loss, which helps to improve the health of the human body. However, you should not shift all responsibility for your health and beauty to apple cider vinegar. This remedy can help improve your well-being and appearance, but him useful qualities appear only when its purpose of use is precisely defined, and also if there are no contraindications to it.

Where can it be used?

Have you made your own apple cider vinegar? When treating serious illnesses, he can work a miracle. Of course, here you need to follow the dosage. Before you start using it for health, first consult a doctor who will advise you on how to use it.

Apple cider vinegar, prepared by yourself, can be used in cooking. It improves the quality of food, improves its taste and biological value. The product is in demand in the preparation of various sauces, homemade mayonnaise, when canning. In addition, it can be served with vegetables, fish, meat, potatoes and other dishes.

Amazing product

Making your own apple cider vinegar is not at all difficult. It should be noted that every housewife should have it in the kitchen, especially in the summer. After all, it can be used to rinse fruits and vegetables, destroy intestinal infections, and disinfect various products nutrition. If you soak meat in it, it will become tasty, safe and healthy.

However, it must be remembered that when using such vinegar to treat ailments, and not in the form of a culinary spice, the following concepts should become basic: accuracy, duration and gradualness. Remember that this substance is not safe product. If you overdo it, you can even harm yourself.

Every housewife dreams of making her own apple cider vinegar. It must be of high quality. Unfortunately, during its factory refining and capping, all useful substances disappear. Next, we will tell you how to make apple cider vinegar with your own hands correctly.

As it turns out?

It is known that apple cider vinegar is an acid that is obtained naturally, without the addition of “chemistry”. The process of transforming apples into vinegar looks like this: juice is squeezed out of the fruit, which retains all its most valuable qualities.

Apple juice must be provided good fermentation. For this purpose, bread crusts (or bread yeast) are used. Under their influence, fruit acids found in apple juice release alcohol, from which cider is formed - a special alcohol-containing drink. The cider is saturated with oxygen and specific acetic bacteria, which create an environment for an acidic reaction, during which it is converted into acetic acid.

Nuances of the cooking process

It should be noted that apple juice, when converted into vinegar, does not lose its delicious qualities inherited from apples. Moreover, it acquires new organic acids (acetic, citric, oxalic-acetic) and mineral substances. All this is “inherited” by apple cider vinegar created at home.

But the basic mass of beneficial substances providing healing qualities is, unfortunately, destroyed if the product is subjected to improper cleaning to give it a marketable appearance and storage (as we have already discussed). Therefore, you need to know how to make apple cider vinegar yourself, and prepare it annually for personal purposes.

First recipe

We present to your attention the first recipe for apple cider vinegar, made by yourself. Collect apples of any variety that are well overripe (they are also called carrion). If you have a personal dacha, then this is great, since you probably do not treat your plants with harmful chemicals. Next, wash the apples, cut them into small pieces and make a puree from them.

Immediately transfer this entire mass to enamel pan. Add sugar here in the proportion of 50 g of sugar per 1 kg of applesauce. If your apples are very sour, then you can increase the amount of sugar to 100 g per 1 kg. Then fill the mixture with hot water (about 70 degrees) so that its layer above the puree is 3-4 cm. Next, send the pan to a warm place.

Sometimes the mass needs to be stirred (at least twice a day). This way it won’t dry out on top. Leave it for several weeks, then strain the liquid through cheesecloth (fold it in several layers) and pour it into large jars in which it will begin to ferment. By the way, the liquid should not reach the neck - it is necessary that there is a gap of 7-8 cm. This is dictated by the fact that as fermentation proceeds, the liquid will begin to rise. The jars will sit like this for two weeks, after which you will get a great apple cider vinegar prepared at home.

Second recipe

Now we’ll tell you how else you can make apple cider vinegar with your own hands. This is a simple recipe. To create the product, you need to coarsely chop unpeeled sweet apples and leave for 30 minutes so that they turn dark. Then squeeze the juice out of them and pour it into a glass container. Next, seal the neck of the jar with a rubber glove.

You can also wrap the neck with adhesive tape to contain air entry. Leave this jar in a dark and warm (at least 26 ° C) place for 6 weeks.

When the rubber glove is fully inflated, remove it. At this stage, yeast-like fungi form a film on the surface of apple cider vinegar, which is called the “acetic mother.” Next, pour the vinegar along with the film into a wide bowl (wooden or clay) and cover with a cloth. Leave the product for 7-8 weeks for secondary fermentation.

Remember that during fermentation the liquid increases in volume. Therefore, leave a space of 7-9 cm for it, otherwise it will spill out of the jar. By the way, you cannot throw away the film, since without it fermentation will occur slowly. In addition, her healing properties higher than apple cider vinegar.

As soon as the liquid is cleared of turbidity and stops bubbling, we can say that fermentation is complete. Now you can filter the vinegar through a gauze cloth and bottle it. It should be stored at a temperature of 6 to 15°C in a dark place. The product saves beneficial features during a year.

Vinegar according to Jarvis

It is known that natural vinegar is softer than synthetic vinegar from the store. After all, when the amount of acid reaches 6%, they die. Do you know that the famous American doctor D.S. Jarvis came up with a unique recipe for making apple cider vinegar with your own hands? It’s not difficult to do this step by step. If you make vinegar this way, it will be a rich source of potassium. The creation method is very time-consuming, but you will get a high-quality product.

So, you need to have apples, brown bread, bread yeast and honey. To create Jarvis apple cider vinegar, follow these steps:

  1. Using a coarse grater, grate the apples along with the core and peel or pass them through a meat grinder.
  2. Place the resulting puree in a large glass jar, enamel pan or clay pot and pour boiled warm water in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. Add 10 g of bread yeast, 100 g of honey and 20 g of dry black bread for each liter of mixture. This is necessary to speed up the fermentation process of apple juice.
  4. There is no need to seal the container with the preparation. Place it in a warm (temperature about 30°C) dark place for 10 days. Stir the mixture every day 3 times with a wooden spoon, then strain through cheesecloth.
  5. Measure the volume of the resulting liquid and pour it into a vessel with a wide neck.
  6. Add another 50-100 g of honey (sugar is possible) for each liter and mix well.
  7. Cover the dishes with gauze folded in a couple of layers and keep warm for another 40-50 days.
  8. When the apple cider vinegar becomes clear, strain it again through cheesecloth and fill the bottles with it.


You can also make dill vinegar. To prepare it, you need to have 1 bunch of herbs, 0.5 liters of apple cider vinegar, and a pinch of sugar. This product will be ready in 3-4 hours. So, mash the dill with sugar until moist, pour in vinegar. The product must be infused and strained. This vinegar is good for making sauces and for dumplings.


How to cook raspberry vinegar? You need to prepare 0.5 liters of apple cider vinegar, 1-2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar, 0.5 kg of raspberries (can be frozen).

Mix raspberries with sugar and mash lightly. Wait until the sugar dissolves. Pour vinegar into the resulting mixture, close tightly and leave for a couple of days. After this, filter and store in a dark place. In the same way, you can prepare vinegar from cherries or sea buckthorn.

Apples are an important food product. Like fresh vegetables, they deliver all physiologically active substances to humans:

  • micro and macroelements;
  • vitamins;
  • polyphenols;
  • and many other components that a person needs for a full life.

Apple fruits contain almost sterile water

Some studies suggest that apple fruit water:

  • activates the activity of the stomach and intestines;
  • stimulates the activity of the skin and kidneys;
  • cleanses the body;
  • speeds up metabolism.

The liquid in apple fruits is contained in:

  • connected;
  • and free condition.

The free water of apples contains pectin, coloring, extractive substances and sugars dissolved in it. The taste, aroma and color of the fruit are determined by the components dissolved in it.

The amount of colloidally bound water is 10 - 25% of the mass of the apple. This portion of apple water does not serve as a solvent. It forms a water shell around colloidal particles.

Apples contain antioxidants - polyphenols

The main ones:

  • epicatechin;
  • chlorogenic acid;
  • phloretin;
  • and quercetin.

They are mainly found in the peels of apples. Polyphenols significantly improve human health. For example: Quercetin reduces the risk of cancer. It inhibits the action of certain enzymes that are involved in the synthesis of tumor cells of various types.

Apples have a stronger antioxidant effect than all other vegetables and fruits, such as: carrots, onions, spinach, Green pepper, grapefruit, orange.

The aromatic components of apple fruit are a solution of many compounds in the free liquid of the apple.


  • methyl;
  • ethyl;
  • propyl;
  • alyl;
  • butyl, etc.

are a component of the aromatic substances of apples.

Aromatic substances contain aliphatic alcohols, they are represented by:

  • nerol;
  • linalool;
  • and geraniol.

They give the apple a rose scent.

The components of apple aromatics are 15 carbonyl compounds, including:

  • acetone;
  • butylaldehyde;
  • capronaldehyde;
  • acetaldehyde;
  • methyl ethyl ketone.

Small amounts of esters were also found in the fruits. These are mainly ethers:

  • ant;
  • ethyl alcohol;
  • acetic acid.

Volatile substances are also present in aromatic substances organic acids:

  • propionic;
  • formic;
  • nylon;
  • vinegar;
  • oil

To preserve the aroma of the fruit during processing, it is necessary to preserve the integrity of the aromatic substances.

The concentration of carbohydrates in apples depends on their variety, type, soil and climatic conditions for growing apples. It varies from 10 to 18% of the mass of the apple. Apples contain the following carbohydrates:

  • sucrose;
  • fructose;
  • glucose.

In terms of quantity, apples contain maximum fructose, less other sugars

With prolonged exposure to high temperature, changes occur in carbohydrates. This causes changes in the odor, color and taste of the juices.

Apples contain the following polysaccharides:

  • pectin;
  • starch;
  • fiber, etc.

When apples ripen, protopectin turns into soluble pectin. The amount of pectin substances reaches its maximum by the time the fruits are harvested. Subsequently, during storage at a temperature of about 1 ° C, the amount of protopectin gradually decreases and accumulates in the form of soluble pectin.

Pectin substances are extremely important for human health:

  • they bind and remove heavy metals;
  • have a good effect on the functioning of the digestive organs;
  • reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Apple vinegar

Apples are the basis for the preparation of juices, nectars, drinks, and apple vinegar (cider), which is used in the food industry and in alternative medicine as a valuable medicinal product.

It is used as an additional means for weight loss.

It is also used in the kitchen: seasoned on salads, added to various dishes.

It must be remembered that only the use of natural fruit vinegar can be beneficial.

You can buy real apple vinegar in the retail chain.

Let's find out by price– it is much more expensive than synthetic. Preserved in a dark bottle. Cloudy due to sediment. The composition on the label should list only natural ingredients (apples or juice, water).

But, it is better to have a bottle of homemade vinegar at home, from the components of a natural product known to you.

How to make homemade fruit vinegar

There are many ways to make fruit vinegar. They are all somewhat similar. To produce this product, you can take any variety of apples. However best result It will work if you use Antonovka.

You can make apple cider vinegar using the recipe below:

  1. The apples are washed.
  2. Clean them from damaged parts.
  3. Then grate the apples on a coarse grater; you can use a juicer. They use the core, peel, and apple leftovers from making compote, jam, or apple harvesters that remain after making cider.
  4. All this apple pulp is placed in a container of the appropriate size.
  5. Pour boiled water 0.5 liters of water per 400 g of fruit mixture.
  6. Add 100 g of honey or sugar to each liter of liquid. To stimulate fermentation, add 20 g of stale Borodino bread and 10 g of yeast per liter.
  7. An open container with this starter is kept at 20–30°C indoors.

Factors promoting acetic acid fermentation:

  • liquid with low alcohol content (less than 20% sugary substances);
  • maintaining a constant temperature (about 20°);
  • the largest possible area of ​​communication with air (for the fermentation stage with the participation of air).

The container should be:

  • enameled;
  • or wooden (small barrel without a lid);
  • or glass (jar);
  • or clay.

It must be stored in the dark because the ultraviolet spectrum of sunlight disrupts fermentation processes.

  1. The container with apples is kept warm, at 20–30°C for 10 days. Stir the apple pulp periodically, with a wooden spoon, 2 - 3 times a day.
  2. After which it is transferred to gauze and squeezed out. The remains are thrown away.
  3. Strain the juice obtained through cheesecloth and weigh it. Take a container with a wide neck and pour in the resulting juice.
  4. If necessary, add 50-100 g of honey or sugar to each liter of juice. During the process, stir the contents until completely homogenized.

Second stage of fermentation

  1. To continue fermentation, tie the container with the juice with gauze and keep it warm.
  2. When the liquid becomes clear and calms down, fermentation is over.
  3. After 40 - 60 days from the start of the process, fruit vinegar will be ready for consumption. The duration of the fermentation process is related to the quality of juice preparation, the presence of optimal temperature, etc.
  4. After filtering, the juice is poured into bottles.
  5. The containers are hermetically sealed with stoppers and wax and kept in a cool place.

Method for making vinegar from juice

This recipe is simpler. Here you need several kilograms of apples. It is better if they grew without the use of chemicals.

  1. You need to choose sweet apples and wash them.
  2. Cut into large pieces and let stand until they darken.
  3. Use a juicer to squeeze out the juice and pour it into a glass container.

First stage of fermentation

  1. Place a rubber glove or ball on the top of the jar or bottle.
  2. The container containing the juice is stored in a warm and dark place for about 1 - 6 weeks for a better fermentation process.
  3. The rubber glove gradually inflates, filling with air.

When it inflates strongly, stage 2 of fermentation begins.

  1. The liquid is poured into a wide container (clay or enamel) to speed up fermentation. The level of apple liquid should be 9 cm below the top edge of the dish. It is also necessary to pour over the film formed on the surface of the liquid during the first stage. These are colonies of bacteria that stimulate fermentation. After the product is ready, the film is collected to make the next, new portion of fruit vinegar.
  2. Cover the container with the liquid with a simple towel.
  3. The dishes with it are kept for about 1.5 -2 months. in a dark, warm room at 27 0.
  4. When sediment appears and the mixture is pleasant to the taste and transparent, you can pour the vinegar into bottles, having first strained it.

The product is ready!

During the preparation and fermentation of vinegar, small midges appear around it. Don't worry about this. Once it is bottled, the midges will quickly disappear.

The appearance of a film on the surface of vinegar indicates a very good quality product. It is not often possible to achieve such quality.

Film- This is the vinegar queen. She has medicinal properties. It can also be used to make a new dose of cider.

A good one is never completely transparent, it is a little cloudy.

Feature home product is that the more it costs, the more useful properties it has.

The seasoning is easy to prepare. There is no need to carry out complex manipulations; the raw materials used are inexpensive and accessible. However, finishing the job requires patience and step-by-step implementation of the recipe. On average, vinegar matures for two months.

Composition, benefits, contraindications

Dr. Jarvis is an American naturopath who has dedicated his life to the study of traditional methods treatment, has written not a single work on the benefits of natural vinegar. He recommended drinking a glass of water with one tablespoon of vinegar every day to maintain alertness and health. Thanks to the popularizing doctor, apple cider vinegar began to be valued not only for its taste, but also for its medicinal qualities.

Natural homemade apple cider vinegar contains acetic, citric, oxalic, lactic acids, enzymes, vitamins, and chemical elements. During the fermentation process, amino acids are synthesized in vinegar. Active substances help digestion and blood circulation, strengthen muscles and vascular walls. The table describes the beneficial effects on human health.

Table - Chemical composition and beneficial properties of natural apple cider vinegar

CompoundEffect on the body
Potassium- Relieves cramps, swelling;
- helps the work of muscles, bones, tendons;
- maintains water-salt and acid-base balances
Calcium- Part of bone and muscle tissue;
- affects blood clotting;
- participates in protein synthesis
Magnesium- Improves memory;
- stimulates brain activity;
- improves mood, relieves anxiety
Sodium- Participates in water-salt balance;
- maintains normal blood circulation;
- stimulates the production of gastric juice
Phosphorus- Forms the human body;
- promotes growth;
- is a source of vital energy
Copper- Converts iron into hemoglobin;
- synthesizes endorphins;
- promotes collagen formation
Iron- Promotes the absorption of B vitamins;
- carries oxygen;
Zinc- Heals wounds;
- promotes brain activity;
- forms bones
Manganese- Regulates blood glucose levels;
- promotes the restoration and development of cartilage and bone tissue;
- participates in lipid metabolism, controlling fat deposits
Selenium- Part of enzymes and hormones;
- promotes sperm production;
- strengthens the immune system
Vitamin A- Regulates protein synthesis;
- slows down the aging process, stimulates cell growth and division;
- forms teeth and bones
Vitamin B1- Tones the intestinal muscles;
- reduces Negative influence tobacco and alcohol;
- stimulates brain activity, improves memory and mood
Vitamin B2- Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland;
- protects the retina from ultraviolet radiation;
- participates in metabolism
Vitamin B6- Helps absorb proteins and fats;
- relieves cramps, muscle numbness;
- is a diuretic
Vitamin C- Helps fight viruses;
- strengthens nails, hair, teeth;
- makes the walls of blood vessels elastic
Vitamin E- Regenerates tissue;
- makes the skin elastic;
- participates in the synthesis of hormones

Vinegar is an acid that can harm the body. First of all, people with high stomach acidity should use the product carefully. Gastritis, heartburn, ulcers, nephrosis are contraindications. Acid has a detrimental effect on tooth enamel. It is not recommended to give dishes with vinegar to children under 14 years of age.

5 Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Recipes

To prepare apple cider vinegar at home, you need to prepare large glass and enamel containers, ripe apples, boiled water and granulated sugar. This is enough to obtain a clear and aromatic vinegar solution after two months. Before becoming part of a dish, the product must go through the following stages of formation:

  • alcoholic fermentation- sucrose is converted into ethyl alcohol;
  • vinegar fermentation- alcohol turns into acid;
  • filtration - sediment is retained, only clear liquid is drained.

With sugar

Description . Apple cider vinegar made from chopped apples is easy to make at home. You can do without yeast; the apples will ferment naturally. The process is long, but does not require active intervention; the bite practically does itself. Both sour and sweet varieties of apples are suitable. An excellent option is “Antonovka” - a moderately sour but pleasant-tasting apple. Based on the sweetness of the fruit, the amount is calculated granulated sugar per 1 kg of fruit: 50 g - for sweet and 100 g for sour apples. Water is taken in sufficient volume to cover the fruit 3-4 cm higher.

What you will need:

  • apples - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • hot water (70 °C).

How to do

  1. Quarter the washed apples and cut out the seeds.
  2. Grate along with the skin.
  3. Place the puree in an enamel container.
  4. Pour in water, add granulated sugar.
  5. Cover the neck of the pan with several layers of gauze or any other fabric that allows air to pass through and traps insects and debris.
  6. Leave for two weeks in a warm, dark room or wrap in black plastic.
  7. Stir the mixture twice every day with a wooden spoon.
  8. Strain the liquid after 14 days and pour into glass jars, leaving 5-7 cm of the neck.
  9. Tighten with gauze and wait another two weeks.
  10. Strain and bottle into clean, dry bottles.

Determining the readiness of vinegar is easy. The liquid stops “playing” and becomes light and transparent.

From juice

Description . An economical way to make vinegar is from apple juice, pressed at home. The recipe only includes fresh apples, prepared without water and granulated sugar. For successful fermentation, you need to take sweet and ripe varieties. You will also need a blender or juicer, glass bottles, an enamel saucepan and gauze.

What you will need:

  • apples - 2 kg.

How to do

  1. Cut the washed apples into pieces.
  2. Leave in air until brown.
  3. Pass the slices through a juicer or grind into porridge with a blender.
  4. Pour the juice into a glass jar, not reaching the edge of the neck 5-7 cm.
  5. Place a medical glove over the neck.
  6. Place in a warm (20°C) dark place.
  7. Wait for the glove to inflate (this happens after about a week).
  8. Remove the glove and pour the liquid, along with the film formed on the surface, into an enamel pan, leaving a space of 10 cm to the edge.
  9. Cover the edges of the pan with gauze and leave in a warm, dark place for one and a half to two months.
  10. As soon as sediment appears and the liquid becomes clearer, filter the resulting vinegar and pour into bottles.

To shorten fermentation time, you can use wine starter, yeast, granulated sugar or ready-made vinegar. Any of these products is added directly to the juice.

On the vinegar uterus

Description . The process is much simpler if you use a recipe for making apple cider vinegar with a ready-made vinegar mother. This is the same film of yeast that forms on the surface during natural fermentation of juice. The matka can be used for a second batch of vinegar, which will be ready in three to four weeks. The film can be quite wide and dense, reminiscent of kombucha or jellyfish. The reused uterus, which has become denser, can be preserved in a small amount of vinegar until next time. Handle the queen carefully; she may die if the jar is moved suddenly. If during the cooking process the queen sank and fermentation did not occur (a new film did not form on the surface), then the apples were treated with chemicals. Therefore, it is better to use fruits grown on your own plot.

What you will need:

  • apples - 1 kg;
  • vinegar mother;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • water.

How to do

  1. Cut the washed apples into slices and, without cutting out the seeds, pass through a juicer.
  2. Fill the remaining spin with water, stir and squeeze through a cloth.
  3. Add the resulting liquid to the previously squeezed juice.
  4. Add granulated sugar and dissolve completely.
  5. Fill the glass jar about three-quarters full.
  6. Carefully place the uterus inside.
  7. Fold the gauze in three layers and tighten the neck of the jar.
  8. Place in a dark, warm place for three weeks.
  9. Remove the uterus, strain off the vinegar, and discard the resulting sediment.

The juice can be squeezed out using a meat grinder. Roll the slices and squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth. It is more effective to hang a “bag” with applesauce over the container and leave overnight.

From cake

Description . A simple way to make apple cider vinegar at home from the pulp remaining after preparing apple juice. The result is waste-free production.

What you will need:

  • fresh cake - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • water (70 °C) - 1.5 l.

How to do

  1. Place the apple juice in a glass container.
  2. Cover with granulated sugar.
  3. Pour in water to cover the contents by 3-4 cm, not reaching the edge of the container by 5-7 cm.
  4. Tighten the neck with gauze.
  5. Place in a dark, warm place for two to three months.
  6. Drain and strain the resulting vinegar.
  7. Bottle.

From Dr. Jarvis

Description . Dr. Jarvis, in his book, offered his own recipe for apple cider vinegar at home. According to Jarvis, yeast is used for fermentation and Rye bread. The components are designed for a liter of liquid, so to prepare a double portion, the proportions are doubled.

What you will need:

  • apples - 800 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • honey - 100 g;
  • bread yeast - 10 g;
  • dry black bread - 20 g.

How to do

  1. Wash the apples, cut into slices and pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Place the puree in a glass container and pour in water, leaving 10 cm to the edge.
  3. Add the yeast bread crumbs, put honey.
  4. Cover with a cloth and leave in a warm (20-30°C) dark place for ten days.
  5. Stir the mixture three times a day with a wooden spoon.
  6. Strain the liquid and pour into an enamel container.
  7. Cover again with gauze and place in a warm, dark place for 40-50 days.
  8. Filter the cleared liquid and pour into bottles.

Vinegar is stored at room temperature under sealed boiled stoppers. If long-term storage is planned, the cork can be sealed with wax.

Product Application

Judging by the reviews, some consumers consider vinegar to be practically a panacea for all diseases and a universal cosmetic product. Natural apple cider vinegar is drunk to strengthen blood vessels, rubbed into temples to relieve headaches, and added to face masks and shampoos. Vinegar can be used in three directions.

  1. Cooking. First of all, apple cider vinegar is made at home to obtain a natural seasoning. Meat, fish, and vegetables are marinated in aromatic, alcohol-free apple cider vinegar. Salad from fresh vegetables The vinegar solution gives a pleasant sour taste. Unlike industrial table vinegar, apple seasoning has a pleasant subtle aroma.
  2. Cosmetology. Helps brighten and soften the skin. To get rid of acne, it is recommended to wipe the skin with a solution: two teaspoons in half a glass of water. A warm bath with a glass of vinegar will help restore strength and renew the epidermis. It is not recommended to lie in the bath for more than 20 minutes. Vinegar conditioner will make your hair soft and shiny and strengthen the roots. Dissolve a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 liter of cool water and rinse your hair after each wash.
  3. Medicine . For improvement general condition adherents traditional medicine It is recommended to drink a glass of honey-vinegar cocktail every day. A teaspoon of ingredients is diluted in warm water. Rub the apple solution on your legs for varicose veins. To relieve a sore throat, gargle with water and vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. Vinegar helps to quickly cool the body, so it is recommended to rub the patient at elevated temperatures.

It is not recommended to drink vinegar on an empty stomach, even in diluted form. Before using the product for medical purposes, you should consult your doctor, especially if you have chronic diseases. When using, you need to follow the dosage, dilute it correctly and not overuse it.

Knowing how to make apple cider vinegar at home, you can completely abandon the store-bought vinegar solution. Natural product, made from juicy ripe apples, will complement the dish and preserve health and beauty.

Reviews: “Promotes the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates”

I haven’t done anything with the vinegar mother yet, and it’s not really clear to me what can be done with it or made from it, nothing is really written anywhere. I found it
“….a very valuable and useful formation called the “vinegar queen.” It is considered a miracle cure, a spoon of which can alleviate the patient’s condition even in cases where vinegar itself does not help. This remedy is used for increased susceptibility to infections, joint pain and painful skin rashes.

At the same time, they write everywhere that it is very tender, you can’t even move dishes with it from place to place, it dies immediately (and this is true), how then can you pinch off pieces from it. A friend came to see me and I poured her some vinegar from a jar (I didn’t want to go into the basement for pre-packaged vinegar). The vinegar queen immediately began to sink to the bottom, and after a day it became clear that she had died. But a week later, when I wanted to strain the vinegar and throw away the dead queen, I saw that a film had formed in the jar again, i.e. new vinegar queen. So about 4 of them settled to the bottom of the jar, and it looks like a multi-layered kombucha, and all because of my sluggishness (I don’t have time to throw away the dead one before a new one is born).


Apple cider vinegar contains valuable minerals(for example, a lot of potassium, necessary for the functioning of the nervous system) and organic acids: acetic, malic, citric, oxalic and others. Hence the effect: apple cider vinegar reduces appetite (including the desire for sweets), stimulates metabolism and promotes the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. Of course, all this is individual: some people use vinegar to lose weight before their eyes, others improve their skin condition, and for others, there is no effect at all.

Better to use apple cider vinegar homemade. To do this, take apples (overripe ones are possible), wash them thoroughly and chop them finely, then put them in an enamel pan and fill them with hot (60-70 degrees) water. The water should be 3-4 cm above the level of the apples. Add sugar (at the rate of 50g sugar per 1kg of sweet apples and 100g per 1kg of sour apples) and place the pan for 2 weeks in a warm place, but not in the sun. Be sure to stir 2-3 times a day to prevent a crust from forming. After 2 weeks, strain the liquid through cheesecloth folded in 2-3 layers and pour into glass jars (it is better not to add 5-7 cm to the jars) for fermentation for another 2 weeks.


I would like to offer, if anyone is interested, a recipe for apple cider vinegar, which I have been using for a very long time. This was just the first time I made vinegar from apples. For each liter of fresh apple juice, add 70-80 grams of sugar and stir. Pour the juice into 0.5 liter bottles 3/4 full. Add 10 crushed raspberries or 15 white currants (whole) to each bottle. I don’t wash the berries to preserve the wild yeast. I plug the bottles with cotton wool. The juice ferments for 2 weeks. 25-28 heat. Then I filter and again into 0.5 liter bottles. I add 1 tbsp to each bottle. l. apple cider vinegar, but you can add wine (as indicated in the recipe). I leave it in a warm place for 2 months, capping the bottles. The vinegar is strong and can last for years. To get rid of a herd of midges, I drop fairy (or any dishwashing liquid) into a container of water and pour a spoonful of apple cider vinegar (can be grape, the main thing is a slight smell) wine bottle leave a little wine, they will also sink well. One year I tried using honey instead of sugar, but it didn’t work.


Homemade natural vinegar is prepared from real ripe apples (as opposed to industrial vinegar, which is based on apple waste: peels, cores). There are two main methods of preparation: from apple pulp or from juice. Sweet apples are best suited for making vinegar. You will have to add more sugar to the base of sour apples. Fruits must be ripe; overripe fruits are allowed and even encouraged. You can take carrion, but only if there are no signs of rotting on the apples.

Sugar is the second required component vinegar (although there are recipes without sugar). Granulated sugar can be replaced with honey. Additionally, some homemade apple cider vinegar recipes include live or dry yeast, rye crackers or black bread.

Vinegar is obtained by fermenting apple juice. After the resulting alcohol has completely fermented, it turns out acetic acid. During natural fermentation, a foam or film resembling kombucha forms on the surface of the wort. This is a vinegar queen and should never be removed.

The vinegar queen should be protected in order to be used to quickly obtain a new portion of the bite. It speeds up the fermentation process and enhances the taste finished product better, and most importantly, increases the benefits of apple cider vinegar.

It is convenient to prepare vinegar in a three-liter glass container. However, you can also take glass bottles. It is easier to fill their necks with paraffin to preserve the finished product for a long time.

Homemade apple vinegar with sugar “Bystry”

Apple cider vinegar will be ready within one month according to this simple recipe. Apart from apples, you only need sugar, there are no other ingredients. The amount of sugar indicated is for sweet fruits. If only available sour apples, then the feed sugar needs to be doubled.

three kilograms of sweet apples;
150 grams of granulated sugar;

Cooking method:
Wash the apples thoroughly and chop them very finely. You can additionally crush the pulp with a masher.
Place the apple base in a pan (preferably enameled).
Add sugar.
Heat the water until it is hot but not boiling (ideal temperature is 70 degrees).
The amount of water should be such that the apples are covered by approximately 4 cm.
Place the pan in a warm place, but make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the wort.

The apple mass must be stirred twice a day, preventing the top layer from drying out.
After two weeks, strain the contents of the pan using a gauze filter (fold a piece of gauze three times).
Pour the aromatic liquid into large glass jars.
Important: to ensure a normal fermentation process, you need to leave at least five or even seven centimeters from the surface of the liquid to the top of the container. The fact is that during fermentation the liquid level will increase.
You need to keep the future vinegar in jars for two weeks.
The finished homemade apple vinegar remains to be carefully poured into suitable clean bottles. Be sure to leave space between the neck and the vinegar level.
At the bottom of the container there will be turbidity, a sediment that does not need to be shaken. It can then be strained through 4-5 layers of gauze and added to bottles.
Seal the bottles well or make paraffin stoppers and store them in a dark place.

Homemade apple juice vinegar

Another option for apple vinegar at home involves using juice rather than apple pulp. The number of apples indicated is approximate; it can be changed depending on the required amount of the finished product.

two kilograms of apples.

Cooking method:
Cut sweet ripe apples into large pieces and leave in the open air to oxidize.
When the pieces darken, you need to squeeze the juice out of them using a juicer. You can simply grate the apples, put them in cheesecloth and squeeze them.
Pour the resulting juice into glass bottle, put a medical rubber glove on the neck.
Keep the bottle in a dark place at a temperature not lower than 20 degrees.
The glove will inflate when exposed to gas. When it swells to its maximum, it needs to be removed. You can't tell in advance how long you'll have to wait. The process can take from a week to a month and a half.
Pour the wort along with the vinegar mother into a wide bowl, preferably made of clay or wood. With a large area of ​​contact with air, fermentation will proceed faster. Between the surface of the liquid and the top of the dish there should be approximately 10 cm, at least seven.
Cover the surface of the container with a woven napkin or folded gauze.
Wait until fermentation is complete (homemade apple vinegar will become transparent and the bubbling will stop completely). The approximate period is from one and a half to two months.
Filter, bottle and store in a cool place, maybe in the refrigerator.

Homemade apple cider vinegar with sugar

Apple vinegar is easy to prepare at home. The main thing is to provide warmth and create necessary conditions for fermentation.

two kilograms of ripe apples;
two hundred grams of sugar;
one and a half liters of chilled boiling water.

Cooking method:
Puree the apples, core and peel included.
Place in a jar or pan, add half the amount of sugar and add water.
Stir, cover with a napkin and leave to ferment for three weeks. Stir 2-3 times daily.
Strain, add the second half of the sugar, mix and pour into jars.
Leave to ferment for about two months.
As soon as the liquid becomes clear, filter the prepared bite and use it.

I suggest you no longer buy fruit vinegar, but acquire knowledge and prepare it yourself. It will serve not only natural food product in cooking, but also with beneficial healing properties.
Recipe contents:

Fruit vinegar is a liquid seasoning that is prepared from fermented cider, juice, fruit wine, beer wort, and naturally sour fruits and berries. The fruit supplement has been known since the times of Ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece. Then Cleopatra made a rejuvenating drink based on fruit vinegar to preserve her beauty and health. In those days, it was used not only in cooking, but also as a cure for ailments. Today, fruit vinegar is, of course, sold on store shelves, but many products are counterfeit, not of high quality and not natural. Therefore, it is better to learn how to prepare this product yourself, exclusively from fruit juice with added honey or sugar. During the manufacturing process, the juice is fermented and alcohol is obtained, and with further mechanical processing, acetic acid is formed.

Fruit vinegar is used for marinades and homemade preparations, salad dressings and appetizers, added to sauces and mayonnaise, served with jelly, cold and aspic, added to cocktails and desserts, extinguished soda, etc. The product creates an acidic environment, which is favorable for long-term preservation of the aroma and taste of dishes.

In southern countries, fruit vinegar is diluted with water and quenches thirst, replacing sparkling water. It is drunk to reduce fever, strengthen the immune system, remove toxins, restore acid-base balance, effectively lose weight and enhance metabolic processes. In addition, the product has an anti-putrefactive and bactericidal effect, preventing the proliferation of bacteria. It is indispensable for cooking fish and meat, because... promotes their fermentation.

The most common, well-known and popular fruit vinegar in cooking is made from apples. In addition to preparing healthy and vitamin drink, it can be used in for cosmetic purposes. For example, after taking a bath, wipe the skin of the body with a cotton pad soaked in vinegar.

Experienced chefs give some advice. When making vinegar, save the “vinegar mother”. It speeds up the fermentation process and becomes richer useful substances than the rest of the vinegar liquid. Moreover for greatest benefit sugar can be replaced with honey. If, during storage, a sediment similar to red flakes appears in vinegar, then filter the product before use, keeping this sediment in the bottle. This is completely acceptable.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 11 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 300 ml
  • Preparation time - 2 months


  • Green apples - 800 g
  • Sugar - 100 g (for sweeter vinegar, the amount of sugar can be increased)
  • Honey - 50 g
  • Drinking water - 1.5 l


  1. Wash well-ripe apples, cut into quarters, remove the core and grate coarse grater.
  2. Combine water with sugar and heat until completely dissolved.
  3. In a glass jar, combine the grated apples and liquid, leaving 10 cm to the top, because. the fruit will ferment, forming a “cap” on top.
  4. Leave the mixture in a warm place for 10 days, stirring occasionally. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze.
  5. After this time, strain the pulp through cheesecloth and squeeze.
  6. Add and dissolve honey.
  7. Pour the contents into a bottle, tie the neck with gauze and leave for fermentation in a dark place for 40 days.
  8. After this time, the juice will lighten, and a whitish film will form on top, which indicates readiness organically. useful product! Pour the mixture into bottles, seal and keep in the pantry.

Making vinegar at home from red currants

You can make fruit vinegar from any fruit and berries. The essence of the preparation is as follows. During the fermentation of fruit and berry mass or juice, cider is formed. It is enriched with oxygen and formed into vinegar. At the same time, all the vitamins and minerals found in the fruit are preserved, the liquid is filled with organic compounds and nutrients.

At home, fruit vinegar is prepared in an enamel or glassware. Afterwards, the finished vinegar is drained, filtered through a filter or boiled, and bottled. During fermentation, the container is covered with gauze or a lid with holes to allow air access. The product is stored in a cool place, and the longer, the healthier it becomes. You just need to follow the storage rules - a dark place.

Culinary experiments in preparing fruit vinegar are unlimited. There is a lot of scope for creative imagination here. For getting original tastes It is allowed to mix fruits and berries, add lemon balm, oregano, mint, tarragon, etc.


  • Red currants - 500 g
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Water - 2 l
  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, boil and cool.
  2. Wash the berries, dry them and remember.
  3. Combine the berries with the syrup and leave to ferment in a glass jar with a wide neck, which is placed in a dark place. Do not close the container with a lid; cover it with a napkin or gauze.
  4. Let the mixture stand for about 2 months, while periodically stirring the floating pulp. During this time, the fermentation process will end.
  5. Strain the vinegar through cheesecloth and discard the pulp.
  6. This vinegar can be stored for up to 10 years.

How to make vinegar at home from grapes

Grape vinegar is successfully used in cooking because... Thanks to its aroma and taste, it compares favorably with other essences that contain acetic acid. The product contains vitamins (A, C) and minerals (potassium, phosphorus, fluorine, calcium, magnesium and iron), therefore it is successfully used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Making grape vinegar yourself at home is quite simple. Moreover, as the main component, you can use damaged berries after sorting grapes, or waste, yeast residues and marc, from processing grapes for wine.


  • Grape pomace (pulp) - 800 g
  • Sugar - 100 g (the more sugar, the more acidic and concentrated the vinegar)
  • Boiled water - 1 l
  1. Place the pulp to the bottom glass jar with a wide throat.
  2. Pour in water and add sugar.
  3. Tie the neck of the container with gauze and place it in a warm, dark place at a temperature of 20-30 degrees.
  4. Leave the wort to ferment for 10-14 days, stirring the contents of the jar daily with a wooden spoon. This will speed up the fermentation process and saturate the mass with oxygen.
  5. After fermentation, transfer the pulp into a gauze bag and squeeze well.
  6. Strain the remaining juice through cheesecloth and pour into a glass vessel. Pour sugar in the proportion per 1 liter of mash - 50 g of sugar and stir until dissolved.
  7. Wrap the neck of the container with gauze and leave in a warm place for 40-60 days until final fermentation. The liquid will lighten and stop fermenting.
  8. Strain the finished vinegar and pour into glass bottles.