Home-dried capelin. Salted dried capelin recipe

DRIED CAPELINA Men's weekend recipe Should I drink some beer? Preferably with fish... But here's the question: I don't like dried fish from supermarkets, and I won't be able to go fishing now... That's roughly what I thought a year ago before the next weekend. For some reason I immediately remembered my childhood, and fishing, and salting the catch. And fagots of fish salted by my grandmother, with a name unknown to me, bought frozen in a nearby store. Entering the fish store, I looked at the refrigerators with frozen fish and my gaze stopped at capelin. Why not? Fatty, often with caviar, the price is also okay! In general, if you have never salted fish yourself, this master class is for you. 1. We will need: 1 kg. frozen capelin - 15.00 UAH, salt, gauze (sold in a pharmacy 1x0.9 m - 2.90 UAH), thread or fishing line - 1.5 m, needle, vinegar, medium-sized bowl. 2. Place frozen fish in a bowl and pour cold water. According to my observations, fish thawed in water is juicier and tastier. I always defrost fish this way for any dish. Estimated defrosting time is 40 minutes - 1 hour. 3. Rinse the fish well and drain the water. Sprinkle the fish generously with salt and mix well. The approximate time for salting capelin is one and a half hours. The fish turns out to be quite salted. If you love not salted fish Then the salting time can be reduced. After this time has elapsed, the fish must be washed thoroughly. If suddenly you kept the fish in salt for more than an hour and a half, don’t worry. Fill the bowl with fish with water and let stand for 15-30 minutes. 5. Next comes the most “knackery” moment - stringing the fish on a thread. The thread must be strong, capable of supporting a weight of 1-1.5 kg. If the thread is thin, pull several threads into the needle at once. You can also use fishing line. 6. After stringing all the fish on a thread, I prepare gauze to cover against insects - flies, wasps, etc. To prevent flies from laying eggs on the gauze, I moisten the gauze with vinegar, its smell repels insects. Even if the flies try to lay eggs, they will die in an acidic environment and the fish will be saved. 7. Next, I tie a thread with fish on a clothesline on the balcony, distributing the fish evenly along the entire length of the thread. If the thread is long, you can tie it to the rope in the middle. Afterwards, I cover the suspended fish with gauze soaked in vinegar and carefully twist both ends of the gauze, pressing them with clothespins along the entire length so that flies do not slip inside. Depending on weather conditions, the fish dries on the open balcony for 1-3 days. That is, if on Wednesday after work you buy fish (18.00-19.00), defrost it (19.00-20.00) and salt it (20.00-21.30), then by 22.00 it will already be hanging on the balcony. And it will be ready for use on Friday - Saturday. In this way, you can salt cod fillets cut into slices, pollock, etc.; the salting time must be selected experimentally and naturally according to taste.

Fish and seafood


Dried capelin- a simple, but at the same time very popular and tasty snack, which is difficult for fans of salted fish to do without. Many housewives believe that this delicacy is easier to buy in a store than to cook with your own hands. This is not true, because currently purchase quality product very difficult. You cannot know exactly under what conditions the fish was cured or what ingredients were used to cure it. But, having prepared dried capelin with your own hands, you will be one hundred percent sure of the quality of the delicacy. In addition, you will have the opportunity not only to wither the fish, but also to dry it, because for this you just need to give it more time to cook. And if you want to speed up this process, then use an oven or electric dryer.

You can talk endlessly about the benefits of home-dried capelin. First of all, this type of fish is valued for the healing effect it produces. It is saturated with healthy fatty acids that have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, spleen, liver and kidneys. Capelin also contains selenium and a large amount of vitamins, which help restore strong immunity and improve vision. The iodine contained in this fish will strengthen your thyroid gland and normalize its functions.

Of course, dried capelin can cause harm to the body. However, this can only happen if the fish was purchased from an unverified store. It is recommended to use this delicacy with extreme caution for people with heart and kidney diseases. It is a pity that those people who follow a strict diet will not be able to enjoy dried capelin, because the calorie content of this fish treat is 336 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

So, in order to properly wither capelin at home, you need to follow the steps below step by step recipe with photo. By following all the recommendations, you will prepare dried fish quickly and tasty!



    First of all, prepare the necessary ingredients that you need to use in this recipe to make dried fish. Also immediately take out the threads, gauze and needle. By the way, you can also use frozen capelin for drying.

    If you use frozen fish, place it in a deep bowl, fill it with water and leave it to defrost for a while. This usually takes no more than sixty minutes.

    When the ingredients are thawed, rinse them well and sprinkle generously with salt. You can also season the future delicacy with sugar, but this is optional. Next, mix the workpiece and put it in a convenient place for an hour and a half for salting. If you want to get fish that is not too salty, then the salting time can be reduced. After the specified time, be sure to rinse the capelin from salt. If it so happens that the delicacy has been in saline solution more than needed, then after salting, soak it in cold water for thirty minutes. This procedure will quickly fix the problem!

    Now take the prepared fish and pull the thread through it as suggested in the photo below. Make sure that the thread is thick and quite strong. Otherwise, fold it in several layers or even use fishing line.

    As a result, you should end up with a fish ring like the one in the photo below. The capelin should be pressed tightly together.

    When the workpiece is ready, prepare a gauze cloth. To do this, place it in a container, fill it with vinegar and leave for a while. You need to wet the gauze to prevent insects from approaching the fish..

    Now all that remains is to hang the capelin in a well-ventilated area, cover it with gauze and leave it in this position for drying. This may take from one to three days. It depends on weather conditions.

    When the fish is ready, remove it from the string and place it on a plate. You can send the delicacy for tasting right now, and if you want to save it, then place the snack in a bag and then in the refrigerator. Delicious dried capelin, prepared at home, is ready.

    Bon appetit!

Should I have a beer? Preferably with fish...
But here’s the question: I don’t like dried fish from supermarkets, and I won’t be able to go fishing now...

This is approximately what I thought a year ago before the next weekend. For some reason, I immediately remembered my childhood, and fishing, and salting the catch. And fagots of fish salted by my grandmother, with a name unknown to me, bought frozen in a nearby store.

Entering the fish store, I looked at the refrigerators with frozen fish and my gaze stopped at capelin. Why not? Fatty, often with caviar, the price is also ok - 15 UAH. per kilo!

In general, if you have never salted fish yourself, this master class is for you.

1. We will need: 1 kg. frozen capelin - 15.00 UAH, salt, gauze (sold in a pharmacy 1x0.9 m - 2.90 UAH), thread or fishing line - 1.5 m, needle, vinegar, medium-sized bowl.

2. Place the frozen fish in a bowl and fill with cold water. According to my observations, fish thawed in water is juicier and tastier. I always defrost fish this way for any dish. Estimated defrosting time is 40 minutes - 1 hour.

3. Rinse the fish well and drain the water. Sprinkle the fish generously with salt and mix well. The approximate time for salting capelin is one and a half hours. The fish turns out to be quite salted. If you like unsalted fish, the salting time can be reduced. After this time has elapsed, the fish must be washed thoroughly. If suddenly you kept the fish in salt for more than an hour and a half, don’t worry. Fill the bowl with fish with water and let stand for 15-30 minutes.

5. Next comes the most “knackery” moment - stringing the fish on a thread. The thread must be strong, capable of supporting a weight of 1-1.5 kg. If the thread is thin, pull several threads into the needle at once. You can also use fishing line.

6. After stringing all the fish on a thread, I prepare gauze to cover against insects - flies, wasps, etc. To prevent flies from laying eggs on the gauze, I moisten the gauze with vinegar, its smell repels insects. Even if the flies try to lay eggs, they will die in an acidic environment and the fish will be saved.

7. Next, I tie a thread with fish on a clothesline on the balcony, distributing the fish evenly along the entire length of the thread. If the thread is long, you can tie it to the rope in the middle. Afterwards, I cover the suspended fish with gauze soaked in vinegar and carefully twist both ends of the gauze, pressing them with clothespins along the entire length so that flies do not slip inside.

Depending on weather conditions, the fish dries on the open balcony for 1-3 days. That is, if on Wednesday after work you buy fish (18.00-19.00), defrost it (19.00-20.00) and salt it (20.00-21.30), then by 22.00 it will already be hanging on the balcony. And it will be ready for use on Friday - Saturday.

When it comes to the most affordable and at the same time “efficient” and delicious snack When pairing with beer, dried capelin immediately comes to mind.

It is so affordable that it will not be difficult to buy it in any store. Of course, you should be careful: you never know in what conditions it was dried and stored.

As an option, you can dry capelin yourself, and this does not require extra effort. But you will have maximum confidence in the quality of the resulting fish delicacy.

A few words about capelin

In general, this valuable marine commercial fish belongs to the smelt family. The distribution area of ​​capelin is the northern seas: Arctic, Atlantic, Pacific Ocean.

This is a small fish: the average length does not exceed 20 - 25 cm. The body is elongated with a silvery color. The name comes from the Finnish language - maiva - “bait, fry, small fish.”

It is rich in vitamins A and B, surpassing meat in their content. Capelin also contains omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, selenium, calcium, iodine and other substances necessary for the human body. In terms of easily digestible protein content (about 25% of the total mass), capelin is an exceptional valuable product nutrition.

Capelin is also useful in the presence of cardiovascular problems and hypertension. Fatty acid, which this fish is rich in, has a positive effect on reducing cholesterol in the blood. With a caloric content of about 150 kcal per 100 g, capelin is an exceptional dietary product.

Popular recipe for dried capelin

In order to competently wither capelin at home, you can use the recipe below. Just a couple of days and delicious dried fish will already be on your table. Simple, tasty and budget-friendly.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 kg of fish;
  • a glass of non-iodized rock salt;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of hot red pepper;
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Before drying, capelin must be salted

Cooking technique:

  1. First, you need to wash the fish. Then place it in a container where the salting will take place.
  2. For the curing mixture, take a glass of salt and mix with half a glass of sugar. Dip the fish in it. Leave for two hours. If there is less than a kilogram of fish available, the salting mixture can be “halved”. In any case, for two parts of salt you need one part of sugar.
  3. Then it is important to check the quality of salting using the example of one fish. Rinse it and taste for salt. It is clear that this is an individual question. If you are satisfied with the salinity of the capelin, you can further rinse all the existing fish. It must be remembered that during drying the fish will lose excess moisture and acquire a salty taste. In practice, 1.5–2 hours of salting is normal for such tender sea ​​fish, like capelin. By the way, you need to wash small fish carefully and do not expose them to the pressure of water so that they do not get frayed.
  4. Dry the washed capelin with paper towels. Place on a cutting board, brush with a brush vegetable oil. Sprinkle fish with hot red pepper on both sides. Instead, you can use other spices to taste: coriander, juniper, star anise, cumin, allspice and pink pepper and others. The recipe specifies the minimum amount of spice. You can take more, guided by your preferences.
  5. The prepared fish should then be hung in a cool place, for example on a balcony. To secure the fish, you can use all kinds of clamps, clothespins, even paper clips (pre-bent). You can thread the wire through the eye holes. Gauze is ideal as protection against existing insects. Drying time for fish is 24 hours.
  6. In a day it will reach “condition”: it will wilt slightly, but will not be dry, there will be enough fat left.
  7. The fish can then be eaten or left to dry longer. An option for more patient people.

The result is excellent dried capelin, which should be immediately served as an appetizer for a foamy, intoxicating drink.

Alternative option

If you have household dryers (dehydrators) in your household, you can also wither capelin without any problems.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 kg of fresh fish;
  • one and a half glasses of water;
  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • 5 clove buds;
  • five peas each of allspice and black pepper;
  • a pair of bay leaves.

Cooking technique:

  1. From all these ingredients except fish you need to make a brine. Heat it in a saucepan, bring to a boil, then cool.
  2. Pour the prepared brine over the washed fish. Put oppression. Set aside in the refrigerator overnight.
  3. In the morning, spread the salted capelin on drying trays. Drying will take about 8 hours at the maximum temperature of the dryer (about 60 degrees Celsius).

It’s natural to combine ready-made capelin with beer

Unlike many other dried products, capelin is not used further as a component of complex dishes. It is usually eaten immediately and quickly. For other purposes it simply does not remain.

To the question How to properly salt and wilt capelin? given by the author Yovetik the best answer is How to salt capelin.
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How to salt capelin
Elena Kulagina author KakProsto Advice added May 6, 2011 Add to favorites
Fatty fish varieties are very healthy, capelin is one of them. It contains a lot of fish oil, which has a beneficial effect on the human body. Salted capelin has a pleasant taste and an incomparable aroma. It salts quite quickly.
Cooking time
27 minutes
You will need
1 kg capelin
700 gr. water
salt 4-5 tbsp. spoons
sugar 10 gr.
spices to taste.
Rinse the fish in cold water. If you don't like to clean salted capelin Before eating, gut it until salted.
Boil 700 gr. water and add 4-5 tbsp. spoons of salt, 10 gr. sugar and spices to taste. For spices, you can add bay leaf, cloves or peppercorns.
Cool the brine until room temperature, and pour it over the fish. Capelin can be salted in glass jars or enamel dishes.
Place the container with fish in a cool place. Capelin should be ready within 24-36 hours. The longer it sits in brine, the more salty it will become. To avoid oversalting the fish, the brine must be drained. But do not forget that fish without brine will not be stored for long.

Answer from Vladimir Flakov[guru]
Salting and drying fish
Salting fish
You can salt both sea and river fish. small fish(weighing up to 1.5 kg), they are not gutted before salting, but large ones are cut along the abdomen and along the dorsal fin, the intestines are removed (caviar and milt can be left), salt is poured into the cuts, the fish itself is also rubbed with salt, poured into the gills, to the head. Previously, fish were salted in barrels. Now a saucepan will do. Salt is poured onto the bottom, the fish are laid in rows with the belly up, each row is sprinkled with salt. (For 10 kg of fish: 1.5-2 kg of salt). If you are salting one fish carcass, you can rub it with salt and then wrap it in several layers of clean linen rag, soaked in a saline solution and slightly wrung out. When wrapping the fish in a rag, you can lightly sprinkle the latter with spices to taste. Fish in a barrel, placed in a cool place (cellar) will be ready in 1.5-2 weeks. A single carcass can be placed in the bottom of the refrigerator or in another cool place.
Drying fish
The fish is dried in bunches by pulling twine through the eyes with a large needle or wire. Fresh, only caught fish should be put aside in a pile for a while and kept like that for several hours. Salt in the same way as described above, only in bundles. Pour brine (4 parts water - 1 part salt), and salt for about 2-5 days. Remove the fish from the brine and let it lie in a pile. Then they hang it so that the fish hang without touching each other, with their bellies facing out. Drying time: a month or a little more - for large fish, for small ones - a couple of weeks.
How to dry fish?
Roach, sabrefish, rudd, white bream, silver bream, roach, capelin, etc. are suitable for this. The two most common drying methods are dry and brine.
Well-washed fish, unpeeled and ungutted, are placed in rows in a container with a layer of salt. Salt is sprinkled on each laid row. Cover the fish with a flat lid (wooden, metal, flat stone), and place a weight (weight) on it so that the fish is pressed down. After four hours, the brine will appear, in which the fish is salted for one and a half to three days (depending on its size). It is better to keep it in a cool, semi-dark place at this time. You can tell whether a fish is salted or not by touching it. If it has already 'reached', the back becomes hard and rough.
Next, the fish should be washed well. And even leave it in cold water for several hours so that it releases excess salt. To protect it from flies, before hanging it, you need to dip it in a two percent solution of vinegar, or even better - in a mixture of vinegar and sunflower oil.
Now the fish can be strung through the eye sockets onto a string and hung in a draft. But not in the sun, as some amateurs do, but in the shade, so that the fish preserves all its juices. We just have to wait for her to 'get ready'.
The fish is immersed in a saturated salt solution (brine). They also press down with oppression. And the rest is the same. They claim that with this method the fish loses some of its taste qualities. But this is for gourmets. For the average consumer, the loss is not noticeable.
Brine is a solution of such concentration when a raw egg it doesn't drown in it.
It is not necessary to hang each fish separately. You can hang a stretched net in the form of an oblong bag and place the fish in it. There is a simpler way: place the fish on a double layer of paper on the floor. When dry on top, turn it over. And so several times until ready.
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