Recipe for pitted apricot pie. Summer recipes for apricot pies

Apricot pie is a delicious delicacy that can be quickly prepared with your own hands. soft, tender dough it turns out if you follow the recipes below. According to these baking steps, you can make a pie not only with apricots, they can be replaced with peaches, apples, and pineapples. Take a minimum of ingredients, get inspired good mood and a tasty, aromatic result will be guaranteed.

Classic apricot pie recipe

If you suddenly have apricots on hand, then there is no need to hesitate, prepare the apricot pie for a quick fix. To quickly create such a delicacy, you need half a kilo of apricot; all other ingredients can be found in your refrigerator, and besides, you need very little of them. Additional ingredients will be: 3 cups of flour, 150 grams of butter, 2 eggs and 1 cup of milk. Aromatic additives will be: 10 grams vanilla sugar(more is possible), small spoon powdered sugar, 3 teaspoons of baking powder and a gram of salt.

Baking process:

The readiness of the baked goods is checked with a thin wooden stick. It should be lightly stuck into the dough; if the stick remains dry, then the cake is ready.

Apricot pie in a slow cooker

For multicooker favorites, below is a recipe for making apricot pie in it. In addition to 700 grams, you should also prepare 1.5 cups of flour and sugar, as well as 7 eggs. A packet of baking powder will also come in handy.

Preparing the pie:

In some brands of multicookers, the “Baking” mode is 60-65 minutes, then it turns off. In this case, without opening the lid, after turning off, set it again to 20 minutes.

Apricot pie “Youth” - video

Curd pie with apricots

For sweets Cheesecake you need 10 apricots and 400 grams of cottage cheese. To make the dough, you need to prepare 200 grams of flour, 100 butter, 1 egg, 50 grams of sugar and 1 small spoon of baking powder. In addition to apricots and cottage cheese, the filling will include: 200 grams of sour cream, two eggs, 100-150 grams of sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of starch, 10 grams of vanilla sugar and the juice of half.

How to bake?

With this cottage cheese recipe A slow cooker will do the job just fine.

Pie with canned apricots

Desires do not always coincide with possibilities, and this applies to the desire to bake apricot pie during the off-season of their ripening. For this, canned fruits come to the rescue, which are no worse than fresh ones. They will need a jar that can hold about 300 grams of apricot. For this quantity, prepare a large baking sheet and the following equally important ingredients: butter - 220 grams (200 grams for the dough and 20 grams for coating the finished product), 4 eggs, one and a half cups of sugar, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, the same amount of vanilla sugar, 3 cups flour.

Preparing the pie:

Pie with frozen apricots and kefir

An appetizing pie will come out not only from fresh fruits, but also from frozen ones. To do this, you will need to defrost 10 apricots. This procedure can be carried out naturally, as well as by placing the fruit in the microwave to defrost. The dough will use 2.5 cups of flour, a cup of sugar and the same amount of kefir, about three eggs, 100 grams of butter, a teaspoon of soda and a pinch of vanillin.

Cooking process:

The recipe with a photo of apricot pie explains so clearly how to bake the delicacy that even a novice housewife can understand all the stages. Delicious culinary masterpieces to you!

German pie with apricots and almonds - video

Apricot pie is a wonderful summer dessert, which is also very quick and easy to prepare. Fruit filling goes well with any type of dough, so all you have to do is choose your favorite one. How to make a delicious apricot pie - read further in the material.

We have prepared for you three options for baking apricot pie. But there are also a few general rules that will help you improve the taste of your dessert. For example, if the apricots are very soft, then first roll the pieces in starch. If the recipe calls for the use of dried apricots, it must be soaked in water before chopping. hot water. You can bake the same pie with canned apricots in winter, but before doing this, the fruit will need to be dried with a napkin.

Classic apricot pie recipe

Classic apricot pie recipe

- flour – 200 g;
- apricots – 300 g;
- butter– 150 g;
- honey – 130 g (can be replaced with sugar if desired);
- eggs – 4 pcs;
- baking powder – 1 tsp;
- lemon juice– 2 tsp;
- powdered sugar (for serving).

Classic recipe for apricot pie:

1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Mix soft butter with 100 grams of honey, then add the yolks. Stir the mixture until smooth. Add flour and baking powder to the mixture, mix well.

2. Beat the egg whites and lemon juice with a mixer until thick foam forms. Add the mixture to the dough and mix again.

3. Cover the baking dish with baking paper or simply grease it with butter. Pour the batter evenly into the bottom.

4. Wash the apricots, dry them and cut them into slices. You can cut it in half, or cut it into slices. Place the fruit on top of the dough and place the pan in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes until the dough is completely cooked.

5. Before serving, you can pour honey over the pie and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Apricot cheese pie recipe

Apricot cheese pie recipe

- flour – 250 g;
- butter – 150 g;
- sugar – 100 g;
- eggs – 3 pcs;
- baking powder – 2 tsp.

For filling:
- cream cheese(or regular cottage cheese) – 600 g;
- apricots – 250 g;
- sugar – 150 g;
- eggs – 3 pcs;
- cream 30% – 200 ml;
- starch – 50 g;
- vanilla sugar or extract – 2 tsp.

Recipe for apricot pie with cheese:

1. Cream the butter and sugar, add the eggs and mix the mixture well. Add flour, baking powder and knead the dough.

2. Line a baking dish with baking paper or simply grease it with butter. Lay out the dough, smooth it out and make sides.

3. Wash the apricots, dry them and cut them into slices. Place the chopped apricots on the dough. If you wish, you can place the apricots on top if you want them to decorate the pie.

4. If you are using homemade cottage cheese, then grind it well through a sieve, or beat it with a blender until smooth. If you use cream cheese, you no longer need to do this. Add eggs to cheese and mix well. Also add starch.

5. Whip the cream with vanilla and regular sugar, add to the cheese mixture and mix again.

6. Place the cheese mixture on the dough. Bake for 50-60 minutes at 180 degrees. Let the pie cool thoroughly before slicing.


Making apricot pie

  • Step 1

    1 Grind softened butter with sugar
  • Step 2

    2Mix flour with sugar and soda.
  • Step 3

    3Combine the grated butter with sugar and flour and mix until crumbly.
  • Step 4

    4Add eggs and milk. Mix everything well until smooth. The dough turns out slightly liquid. Add apricots (I cut into slices)
  • Step 5

    5 Mix everything carefully and evenly again.
  • Step 6

    6 Line the pan with baking paper and grease with butter. Lay out the dough.
    I have a form measuring 17x28. You can use a round one with a diameter of 22-24.
  • Step 7

    7Bake at 180 degrees until dry. It took me about 50 minutes.

    Apricots can be replaced with chopped peaches or nectarines - this will also be very tasty.

    The simplest, fastest and delicious recipe pie is a charlotte. It can be prepared not only with traditional apples, but also with any fruit you want. Including apricots. It turns out very tasty, try it!

    Sponge cake with apricots

    You will need:

    • 1 kg apricots
    • 4 eggs
    • 1 cup of sugar
    • 1 cup flour
    • 1/8 tsp. salt
    • pinch nutmeg
    • a pinch of dried ginger


    How to cook:

    Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

    Wash the apricots, remove the pits and cut into halves, and then each half into 2-3 more slices.

    Grease the mold with oil and place the apricots in it.

    Beat eggs with sugar, then add flour and beat again. Add spices and salt to the dough. Pour the dough over the apricots and place in the oven for 50 minutes.

    Cool and serve.

    Pie with cherry filling

    Required: 52.59 RUR

    Instead of cherry jelly, you can use jelly made from regular gelatin and homemade blackcurrant or cherry jam (compote, juice).

    When the butter melts and boils, remove the pan from the oven and stir the mixture little by little, add flour. When the oil has cooled, knead the dough with your hands.

    Prick the shortbread with a fork.

    Dilute the jelly in half the amount of water indicated on the bag.

    Preparing the base

    Prick the shortbread with a fork.

    Bake the base at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

    Preparing the filling

    Preparing the filling

    Dilute the jelly in half the amount of water indicated on the bag. Heat, but do not boil, until the gelatin dissolves.

    If you prepare jelly yourself, then a bag of instant gelatin (25g) needs to be stirred in 0.5 tbsp. water and add 1 tbsp. syrup from the jam, heat (do not boil) until the gelatin is completely dissolved. If the jam is sugared, add a little water, stir and strain through a strainer. If the gelatin is not instant, it should be left to swell for 30-40 minutes and then combined with berry syrup.

    Cooking the pie

    Pie with vegetable oil and sour cream

    So, we need to get hold of the following products:

    • 3 eggs
    • 200 grams of sugar (you can add a little more vanilla)
    • 150 ml vegetable oil
    • 150 g flour
    • 150 g sour cream
    • half a teaspoon of baking powder
    • 7-8 apricots

    Beat the eggs with sugar, then pour in the butter, then add sour cream, finally sift the flour and add baking powder.

    The dough is ready. We cut the apricots into 4 parts.

    This time I didn't bake in silicone form, so I lined the mold with baking paper and carefully poured the dough, placing apricots around the entire perimeter.

    After 35 minutes of baking at 200 degrees, take the delicacy out of the oven, cool, cut into pieces and enjoy.

    Bon appetit.

    Tart with cottage cheese

    I will say without false modesty that pie with fresh apricots is the best for whipping up in the oven, and the recipe is very easy. Everyone in my family loves it, they usually can't wait for it to cool completely! Believe me, this is the most delicious and simple apricot pie that comes out so quickly.

    I just love baking, where you don’t need to mix a large number of ingredients step by step for a long time, and the result always comes out amazing.

    As soon as I start baking it, amazing smells begin to waft through the kitchen and you can literally feel the scent of summer. Overall, this pie is just a bomb, I recommend it to everyone! That's all about it: sweet and sour, tender, aromatic, airy, with a top layer soaked fruit juice.
    Due to the addition of oil, the dough turns out heavy and very tasty, like for muffins, similar to moist fluffy sponge cake. If you don’t add it, you will get something like charlotte, but I think that then it will be a little dry.

    Apricot pie can be prepared in any baking pan of suitable size, be it Teflon or silicone. I have the usual one for baking - a round detachable one with a diameter of 24 cm.
    And now I will finally tell you how to prepare this miracle: take the recipe!

    For the base:

    • wheat flour – 200 grams;
    • butter – 120 grams;
    • granulated sugar – 150 grams;
    • chicken eggs – 2 pieces;
    • baking powder – 1 teaspoon;
    • vanilla essence – 1 teaspoon;
    • salt – 1/8 teaspoon;
    • powdered sugar - for sprinkling.

    For filling:

    • medium apricots - 12-13 pieces.

    How to make apricot pie

    Beat sugar and butter until smooth and creamy.

    Add eggs to the resulting mixture one at a time, beating thoroughly each time.

    Add vanilla essence and stir.

    Carefully sift the flour to saturate it with oxygen, in which case the baked goods will be of the highest quality.

    Add flour along with salt and baking powder, knead into a thick, but not stiff, dough.

    Pour the dough into the mold and level it with a spatula or a regular spoon.

    Cut the washed apricots in half and remove the pits.

    Place the fruit halves in an even layer on the dough, skin side down. Apricots should not sink, but simply lie near the surface.

    Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for about 40 minutes, this time is approximate, be guided by the characteristics of your oven. Check readiness with a wooden stick, such as a match.

    Ready pie Remove from pan and sprinkle with powdered sugar to form an even layer through a strainer while still warm. This is necessary so that the powder “sticks” well.

    That's it, the delicious pie with fresh apricots is ready! You can slice, serve and treat your friends!

    I will share with you some cooking tips:

    1. Butter should be used softened to room temperature.
    2. IN this recipe without compromising the taste, you can replace vanilla essence with 1 tablespoon of vanilla sugar;
    3. Instead of apricots, plums, peaches or nectarines are perfect here; in winter you can use canned ones.
    4. Instead of baking powder, I often use homemade baking powder made from baking soda and citric acid, and I never use slaked soda with vinegar anymore.
    5. The test volume is designed for round shape with a diameter of 21-24 cm or square with a side of 20 cm.
    6. Before pouring the dough into the mold, it is better to grease it with oil or cover it with parchment paper, so that later it will be more convenient to get the finished pie.
    7. If the apricots are not ripe enough, you can sprinkle a little sugar on top of the baked goods before putting them in the oven.

    Our family likes to eat baked goods with cold milk, and if guests come, I serve it with vanilla ice cream - it looks like a real restaurant dessert. This is how you can easily arrange a small pleasant tea party for yourself and your family during the day, stop the passing of time and enjoy the moment. After all, who will spoil us with goodies if not ourselves?

    Try making my apricot pie, it will definitely be a success and then you are guaranteed grateful applause from your household! The video below shows how to do this easily and in a short time.

    A traditional summer delicacy, pies with fruits and berries, can be prepared in winter by replacing fresh fruits canned (as an option, jam or marmalade). Pie with apricot jam is an excellent winter analogue of baking with fresh apricots, taste qualities which is in no way inferior to the latter. In addition, this dish is very “quick”, and its preparation will take no more than half an hour.

    • Half a glass of sugar
    • 6-7 tbsp. apricot jam,
    • 1.5 cups flour,
    • 1 tsp baking soda,
    • 1 egg,
    • odorless sunflower oil for greasing the pan.

    Recipe 2: Apricot or Peach Pie

    • 500 g fresh or canned apricots (or peaches)
    • 150 g sugar
    • 2 tsp vanilla sugar
    • 150 g butter or margarine
    • 5 eggs
    • 2 tsp baking powder (or 1 tsp slaked soda)
    • 200-250 g flour

    Grind butter with sugar and vanilla sugar.

    Separate the whites from the yolks. Add the yolks to the butter and sugar, mix.

    Add baking powder and flour, knead into a loose dough.

    Beat the whites.

    Add the whites to the dough, mix gently.

    Grease a mold (I used a mold with a diameter of 24 cm) and place half of the dough.

    Place apricots on the dough.

    Pour in the remaining dough and smooth it out.

    Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 45-50 minutes.

    Recipe 3: Tyrolean Apricot Pie

    • butter - 100g;
    • egg - 2 pcs.;
    • sugar - 100g;
    • baking powder - 1 tsp;
    • wheat flour - 250g;

    For filling:

    • apricots - 500g;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp;
    • vanilla sugar - 2 tsp;
    • for decoration: powdered sugar - 2 tbsp.

    Mix softened butter, eggs, sugar into a homogeneous cream.

    Sift the flour. Mix flour, baking powder and salt. Add this mixture to the egg cream and knead into a smooth dough. It should turn out like very thick sour cream.

    Line a springform pan with parchment paper and pour half of the dough into it. Bake at 190C for about 10 minutes.

    Wash the apricots, halve them and remove the pits. Mix the halves with sugar and vanilla sugar.

    Remove the pan with the cake from the oven and place the apricot halves tightly on the cake.

    Pour the remaining batter over the apricots. Bake for approximately 40-50 minutes. Leave the finished pie in the pan for a few minutes. Transfer the cake to a plate and sprinkle with a mixture of powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. The pie is best eaten hot or warm.

    Recipe 4: The easiest apricot pie

    The recipe is very simple and does not require special skills or equipment, just combine all the ingredients and put everything in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Light dessert ready for evening tea at the dacha or balcony. You can also use pies, plums or ripe pears as a filling.

    • Wheat flour 130 g
    • Chicken eggs 2 pcs.
    • Sugar 220 g
    • Butter 125 g
    • Baking powder 1 tsp.
    • Apricots 400 g

    For the pie, take flour, sugar, eggs, soft butter and apricots.