Moonshine still 1. Who invented the moonshine still

Today moonshine is known all over the world. It is used as a base for many classic drinks (cognac, tequila, etc.), medicinal tinctures, and is also used in pure form. But who was the first to start distilling moonshine, and when did the first one appear? alcohol mashine? More on this later in the article.

The ancient world and the first moonshine still

Recently, archaeologists discovered clay vessels with metal tubes. It is believed that these devices could be the first moonshine stills. According to scientists, the ancient Romans, Greeks and Egyptians used these vessels to produce distilled water and essential oils.

The Arabs improved the design and were the first to make the moonshine still metal. To do this, they used copper because this metal could heat evenly and absorb unwanted impurities in liquids. But the Arabs didn’t even think of making moonshine. In the 9th century, the scientist Avicenna significantly lengthened the tube and also rolled it into a coil!

The appearance of a moonshine still in Europe

In the Middle Ages in Europe there was a real flowering of alchemy. Everyone was looking for the philosopher's stone and dreamed of creating an elixir of immortality. It was the monks and alchemists who achieved significant success in distillation. Monk Valentius was the first to distill wine through a still, resulting in a liquid he called aquavita or “water of life.” It was believed that this progenitor of moonshine had healing properties!

In the 15th century, Basil Valentin significantly improved the installation by placing pipes with evaporation in a container with cold water. Naturally, condensation in such cases increased significantly. The 16th century saw the heyday of moonshine not only in Europe, but also in Rus'.

Moonshine stills in Rus'

The first moonshine stills were received with hostility in Rus'. This is not surprising, because previously intoxicating drinks were boiled, not distilled. And even then, you could try mead or home brew only on major holidays. The rest of the time, our ancestors led a sober lifestyle.

Moonshine became popular under Ivan the Terrible, who opened the first tavern in Rus' on the territory of the Kremlin. It served moonshine for free, but only to the guardsmen, in modern parlance, the tsar’s “bodyguards.” Already under Boris Godunov, there were more taverns, and they were all state-owned. The income from them replenished the treasury, so everyone was interested in popularizing moonshine.

Allow yourself to have a home alcohol mashine Only nobles and tavern owners could. After the abolition of serfdom, the production of moonshine became expensive, so it was replaced by “sivukha” - a cheaper analogue. It was almost impossible to drink it, so peasants began to have homemade analogues of moonshine stills.

The 19th century saw the heyday of moonshine brewing in Russia, the methods and techniques of preparation were improved, and the first drink with a strength of 96% was obtained!

The fight against home brewing began under Stalin, but reached its apogee during the reign of Khrushchev. At that time, people who brewed moonshine at home were publicly punished, and the profession of “moonshiner” itself became synonymous with curses. According to the authorities, this was due to the problem of total drunkenness, but in fact the state wanted to become a monopolist in the production of moonshine and vodka.

It cannot be said that home brewing completely disappeared, people simply began to hide it and improve moonshine stills: make them smaller, more productive, etc.

Moonshine today

Today, at the legislative level, it is allowed to distill moonshine at home, but only for personal purposes, and not for sale. Modern moonshiners no longer hide and can safely distill as much drink as they need, as well as try new recipes.

However, the variety of shapes and models of moonshine stills has not decreased and today all of them are available in our catalog.

Which moonshine still should you start with to get acquainted with moonshine? This question can often be heard from beginners who just want to try themselves as moonshiners. Despite the simplicity of the question, it will not be possible to answer it as clearly. Of course, many try to follow ordinary savings and take the most “to try”, but this practice often only leads to the fact that people simply abandon their plans and switch to other types of creativity. The other extreme is to buy a moonshine still with the maximum configuration. The consequence of this approach is, in many ways, an unjustifiably inflated price of the device, which outweighs any savings. Simply put, to this device paid off, more than one year will pass.... Accordingly, in order not to go to extremes in the material presented, we will consider how to choose your first moonshine still.

When a person encounters amateur moonshine for the first time, he often begins to get confused and this is not surprising. The modern market is saturated with goods for home brewing, and without understanding the true purpose, there is a risk of purchasing a lot of unnecessary goods. Based on this, the simplest recommendation for a moonshiner is a clear understanding of the goals of his work. Simply put, you need to formulate very specific tasks and only after that look for ways to solve them. The easiest way to formulate the problem is to contact an experienced moonshiner. If you don't have one, you can go online. Thematic forums dedicated to moonshine brewing are considered the most informative. If you do not have Internet access, you can follow the recommendations below:

From the very beginning, decide on the drink that you plan to get as a result. Here you should decide in advance on its recipe, as well as on the base of ingredients involved in the process.

The next stage is choosing a moonshine still. It is important to note here that there are a lot of them today and they differ in many ways. The most important feature can be considered the type of device. The most popular among beginners are devices such as distillers. These devices have a relatively simple design, which assumes the output of drinks with an average degree (up to 75 degrees), i.e. classic distillates. A striking example of a device of this design is the Finlandia Extra distiller. If you want to get a moonshine still with maximum functionality, then it is much more profitable to take a column-type still. Here it should be clarified that the column is needed exclusively for mash. Such devices are otherwise called film columns. The advantage of such devices is their wide range of capabilities. On the basis of film columns, you can obtain both distillates and high-degree drinks (up to 96 degrees), also known as rectified drinks.

Having decided on the design of the device, you should move on to its features. Here it is important to approach every detail of the device extremely carefully, having studied its functionality in advance. The most important aspect that applies to devices of any type is the material of construction. Food grade stainless steel is the standard, but in some cases this is not limited to. Many devices use several materials in their design. Thus, in solutions from Cuprum and steel, you can find that the tank is made on a stainless steel basis and the “head part” is made of copper. In this case, copper slightly increases the price of the device, but from the point of view of purification from sulfur compounds it provides minor advantages. There are devices made entirely of copper, also known as Portuguese alambics. In essence, they work like classic distillers, but due to the copper in the body design they allow for better organoleptics of the drink. Returning to stainless steel, it should be noted that there are several varieties of it. The classic food grade stainless steel is AISI 304 steel. It is the most widely used. As a rule, most of the devices are made from it. The disadvantages include immunity to magnetic waves. As a result, devices made from it cannot be used on induction hobs. Another common type of stainless steel is AISI 430. This alloy is highly magnetic and, as a result, can be used on induction hobs. It is worth saying that modern devices quite often have both stainless steel options in their design. The bottom can be made of AISI 430, while the walls are made of AISI 304.

In addition to the body material, when choosing a moonshine still, you should take into account its filtration qualities. It is important to remember here that during distillation, foreign substances may enter the product, which give the drink an unpleasant fusel smell. In order to reduce this risk to a minimum, the moonshine still must have a steam chamber. This rule applies to distillers. U mash columns discussed above, this function is performed by a dephlegmator installed in the pipe.

The last component of the success of any moonshine still is its cooling system. Regardless of the design, any moonshine still needs a cooler. This is water. It passes through the cooling circuit and promotes the release of condensate, which exits in the form of distillate into the receiving container. Depending on the type of moonshine still, the design of the refrigerator may vary. Thus, in distillers a coil is used, while in column-type devices it is much more common to see tubular-type refrigerators.

Finally, when choosing a moonshine still, it is reasonable to pay attention to its equipment. Ultimately, the ease of use of the device will depend on it.

As we already said at the beginning of the material, there are quite a lot of moonshine stills available today and all of them can be used for preparing homemade alcohol. True, I would like to especially highlight among them. Its operational characteristics, as well as the possibility of modernization, make this device an extremely profitable purchase for the household.

Regardless of which moonshine still is chosen as a working unit, you should remember that without the enthusiasm of a moonshiner, it’s just a piece of iron, so try new recipes and new possibilities, and the experience of moonshine, as well as the highest quality of drinks, will only be a matter of time.

Download instructions (Moonshine still “First NEW-14” (Dobrovar)) you can follow the link: Download

“First NEW” is a completely ready-to-use moonshine still with a steamer at a very attractive price. It has compact dimensions and, due to its design features, will fit in almost any kitchen cabinet. Ease of storage is not the only advantage of this model, presented in three versions.

"First NEW" can work on an induction hob and easily fits under a standard kitchen hood. A fully equipped moonshine still will allow you to get to work right away and get up to 3 liters of 40-degree moonshine per hour. Thanks to the efficient distiller, the temperature finished product at the outlet is no more than 30°C.

The presence of a steamer provides additional purification of the moonshine. The aroma fixer allows you to obtain aromatic distillates of increased strength (up to 70-80 degrees) during repeated distillation. AISI 430 stainless steel is a guarantee long term product services. A convenient clamp connection ensures compatibility with many additional equipment from Dobrovar.

By purchasing this model in our store, you get the opportunity to resolve all warranty issues without contacting the manufacturer.

Kit contents

  • - Dobrovar “First New”
  • - Steamer with aroma accumulator and aroma fixer
  • - Clamp clamp with gasket
  • - 14 l tank with silicone gasket (suitable for induction hob)
  • - Pressure wings
  • - Digital Thermometer
  • - Adapter for tap
  • - PVC hose blue - 2 m
  • - Red PVC hose - 2 m
  • - Silicone hose - 0.5 m


  • - Distillation speed - up to 2 l/hour
  • - Speed ​​of the second distillation - up to 3 l/hour
  • - Recommended heating power - 1.5 kW
  • - Maximum heating power - 2 kW
  • - Moonshine temperature - does not exceed the coolant temperature by more than 8-10°
  • - Coolant flow - 30-50 l/hour
  • - Device - stainless steel AISI 304
  • - Tank - stainless steel AISI 304
  • - Tank bottom - AISI 430 stainless steel (suitable for induction hob)


Please note: the latest modification of the device uses a 1.5-inch clamp connection.

Due to the rising cost and falling quality of store-bought alcoholic beverages, making alcohol at home is gaining popularity. The first thing you need for this is a moonshine still. For various reasons, not everyone can make a distiller; most novice distillers buy devices. This article will help you decide on the right device. Separately, we will look at methods of checking sellers before purchasing.

1. Functional purpose. The first and most important criterion. The following types of moonshine stills can be found on sale:

Classic distiller– consists of two interconnected parts: a distillation cube and a refrigerator (coil). Most ordinary people associate this design with a moonshine still, since due to its ease of manufacture it has become widespread, especially in rural areas.

Operating principle: first, the mash in the cube is heated to the boiling point of alcohol, then the steam is cooled (condensed) in a coil. The result is a distillate - moonshine with a maximum strength of 75-80 degrees at the outlet (in the stream). But even theoretically, distillation cannot produce pure alcohol; there will always be other impurities in the drink. On the one hand, this is good for preserving the aroma and taste, on the other hand, along with the “necessary” impurities, harmful substances also get into the moonshine: methyl alcohol, acetone, acetaldehyde, fusel oils, etc.

Good old classic

Advantages of the distiller: low cost, ease of assembly, distillation and maintenance. A classic moonshine still retains the aroma and taste of the raw materials better than other designs: grains, fruits, berries. Suitable for preparing analogues of drinks such as whiskey, cognac, Calvados, rum.

Disadvantages: to obtain normal quality, moonshine must be distilled 2-3 times, dividing the output into fractions - the so-called “heads”, “body” and “tails”. It is advisable to further purify grain and sugar distillates between distillations, e.g. charcoal. All this requires time and energy (for heating and cooling).

Moonshine still with steamer– a regular distiller, in which another module is installed between the distillation cube and the coil – a steamer (also known as a still). This is an empty container of a certain volume, connected from above by tubes to a coil and a cube.

The operating principle of a steam steamer is based on the fact that the boiling point ethyl alcohol higher than many hazardous substances. Theoretically, when entering the steam tank, harmful impurities condense there, but do not boil again, since thermal energy is spent on the evaporation of ethyl alcohol.

The role of the steam chamber in the apparatus is exaggerated

In practice, the bite cutter does not cut out as many harmful substances as sellers like to talk about. Despite this, a moonshine still with a steamer has two advantages: protection from splashing (hot mash entering the coil when overheated) and the ability to flavor moonshine, for example, with lemon (orange) zest, berries and herbs, simply by putting these substances in the steamer. Otherwise, the design is no different from a classic distiller.

To protect against splashes and aromatization, one steamer is enough. Installing two or more containers is a marketing ploy and does not improve quality. In some cases, it is possible to increase the strength, but this does not mean that the moonshine has become cleaner. Even if you connect 12-20 cans (such models are on sale), harmful impurities will remain. Moonshine will be stronger at the exit (higher degree), but not cleaner.

Alambik is a classic distiller (usually copper), in which the upper part of the distillation cube is made in the form of a dome. Used in traditional technology for preparing cognac and whiskey. In terms of drink quality, it has no advantages over other designs; only copper models preserve the organoleptic properties of the drink better.

Almost all alambiks are made by hand abroad, so their cost can be several times higher than the price of other devices. Usually, for the money spent on an alambik, you can buy a mini distillery with a high degree of automation.

Alambik - beautiful, but expensive

Advantages: thanks to the beautiful appearance This the best option moonshine still as a gift or as an exhibit to decorate the distiller’s home, ancient traditions are observed.

Disadvantages: very high cost; after several distillations, the alambique becomes dull, losing its original shine.

Brass Column– a moonshine still in which the alcohol vapor cooling module is made in the form of a vertical pipe with a reflux condenser installed on top, dividing the liquid into fractions during distillation. Can be used to prepare any drinks: as usual sugar moonshine, and for “noble” distillates (cognac, whiskey, chacha), preserving the aroma.

The mash column is a new word in moonshine brewing

Advantages: versatility of use, good removal of harmful impurities while preserving the aroma of raw materials, average price, relative ease of operation.

Disadvantages: it is impossible to obtain all the alcohol contained in the mash without deteriorating in quality, losses amount to 45-70% of the total volume, that is, from 2 liters of absolute alcohol in the mash, an average of 1 liter of high-quality distillate will come out. The design is dimensional (in height), and it is not always possible to install it in an apartment.

Distillation column is a vertical cylindrical vessel equipped inside with heat and mass transfer devices (plates or nozzles) to separate the liquid into fractions that have a similar boiling point. If necessary, it can be used as a regular distiller or mash column.

Rectification is much better than distillation in separating harmful impurities; theoretically, the output can be pure alcohol (without foreign smell and taste) up to 96% strength, but the result on home distillation columns is usually more modest.

Rectification - suitable for those who need pure alcohol

Advantages distillation column: the only opportunity to qualitatively separate impurities, obtaining almost pure alcohol from any mash. Does not require double or triple distillation. There is no specific smell during operation.

Disadvantages: during rectification, the aroma and taste of the feedstock are lost, the column is more difficult to maintain and operate than a conventional apparatus. Due to the large height dimensions, there may be problems with a suitable installation location. The cost of rectification equipment (in addition to the column itself, at least temperature sensors are also needed) is usually higher than classical distillers (except for alambics).

2. Cube volume, power, dimensions. These parameters depend on how often you plan to distill moonshine. General rule: all other things being equal, the more productive the moonshine still is, the more expensive, heavier and larger it is.

First of all, you need to decide on the volume of the cube. During distillation, any apparatus is allowed to be filled to 80% of its volume. For example, if the cube is 15 liters, then for safety reasons no more than 12 liters of mash are distilled at a time. This is not as little as it might seem, because dividing the mash into two distillations is much more practical than purchasing one large apparatus, especially if you distill moonshine no more than 1-2 times a week.

The cooler power must correspond to the volume of the cube - be equivalent or higher with a margin in case it is planned to connect a more capacious cube in the future. You need to find out the performance of the device from the manufacturer, asking not only the number of liters per hour, but also the maximum possible volume of the connected cube, degrees of heating and recommended cooling intensity.

When purchasing a mash or distillation column, you should remember that their height usually exceeds 1 meter. Considering that the device has to be installed on a stove, there may not be enough free height to the ceiling or to the hood.

3. Material. Craftsmen made moonshine stills from aluminum, but this is not the most suitable material, since it affects the taste and releases harmful substances into the drink. Modern manufacturers use two inert (not reacting with alcohol) metals - stainless steel and copper.

The advantage of stainless steel is its low cost, long service life and reliability of the device, which requires almost no maintenance (only rinsing and cleaning). The main thing is that the stainless steel complies with GOST for the food industry. This document must be shown by the seller or manufacturer. The thickness should not be less than 2 mm, otherwise the mash may burn if heated too much.

The only material (other than glass) that does not in any way affect the organoleptic properties of the distillate is copper. In addition, due to its high thermal conductivity, copper quickly heats up and cools down, which reduces the time required for distillation. The disadvantage is that copper moonshine stills are more expensive and are used to produce elite alcohol: whiskey, cognac, tequila, Calvados.

Any cloudiness of moonshine and foreign tastes in copper devices appear only due to poor maintenance of the device and are in no way related to the material itself. According to GOST, copper is allowed to be used in the production of alcohol.

4. Design features. Depending on the situation, they either simplify or complicate the process of moonshine brewing. For example, if all the modules of the device are collapsible, they are easier to clean. The presence of drain valves on the cube and on the steam tank also simplifies maintenance. The neck of the distillation cube should be wide enough so that you can easily put your hand inside, otherwise removing scale will be problematic.

If the device does not fit into the height dimensions, you can buy a cube with built-in heating elements and not place it on the stove, saving space. But during distillation, the heating element must be immersed in the mash, otherwise it will burn out. As a moonshine still for a dacha where there are problems with water supply, devices that do not require running water are better suited; these are commercially available.

Every modern model must be equipped with at least one thermometer, which can be used to guide you when dividing the distillate into fractions.

The presence of automation, on the one hand, simplifies the process, on the other hand, it complicates maintenance, because even if one controller fails, often the entire device stops functioning.

How to buy a moonshine still

5. Checking documents. Choosing a suitable model is only half the battle; it is much more important to find a good seller and check the documentation for the product. This is very important when buying a moonshine still over the Internet, where there are many businessmen who want to make money at the expense of inexperienced moonshiners.

Unfortunately, cases of fraud and the sale of unusable devices of dubious design have become commonplace. Reviews on forums and advice from the “experts” who live there are paid for in 90% of cases; you should not be guided by them.

If possible, purchase a moonshine still in your locality at a stationary store, so that in case of problems you can consult or return the product. But often a distiller or distillation column is chosen on the Internet. In this case, I advise you to pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Check seller registration. The methodology depends on the country. For example, in Russia you can check OGRN (Primary State Registration Number) and OGRNIP (Primary State Registration Number) on the website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS). If there is no data or it does not match what is on the seller’s website, this is a scammer.
  2. It is advisable that the seller has a real physical address where he can be found. A direct landline telephone number (not 8800), complete data on the website and the presence of a support service that responds quickly within the stated opening hours are indirect confirmation of honesty.
  3. The description of the moonshine still must be complete: all parts and assemblies are listed, the materials from which they are made are named, all technical characteristics are indicated in numbers or ranges under specific operating conditions. Upon first request, the seller must name the equipment manufacturer, its physical address and contact information.
  4. Read the instructions and certificates for the product. At the buyer's request, any normal store provides instructions in electronic or paper form. The document itself should contain not only complete information about the configuration and assembly, but also descriptions of different operating modes, including safety precautions and rules for maintaining the equipment. The more detailed everything is described, the better. A separate chapter is the terms of warranty service. The provided quality certificates also need to be checked; in Russia, to do this, it is enough to enter the number on the website of the “Unified Register of Certificates of Conformity”. Only if all documents are in order, you can complete the purchase.

The first mention occurs in the 4th century. n. e. in the writings of the Chinese alchemist Ge Hong. He compared the alcohol to clear wine that has been distilled 9 times. The technology was known to the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.

Diagram of an ancient Greek moonshine still, 3rd century AD.

Later, the Arabs invented a new design made of copper: this metal heated evenly, removed some of the fusel oils, and the product itself was safe for food.

  • Alcohol - The Arabic word is "al kogol", which means "intoxicating".
  • The first bottle of pure alcohol was made by the Arab Raghez in 860.

In IX, the Persian physician Avicenna created the coil.

Avicenna was the first to think of rolling a copper tube into a coil

The heyday of distillate production occurred in the Middle Ages. European alchemists were looking for recipes for elixirs and potions. For example, during these times, the Italian monk Valentius invented aquavit (“water of life”): the alchemist declared that his elixir turned an old man into a child.

In the 15th century, the moonshine plant was improved by Basil Valentin. He immerses the coil in a container of cold water. Due to this, condensation accelerates significantly. In addition, Basil began to practice multiple distillations.

In the 16th century, alcohol distillation took place on an industrial scale.

Diagram: 1. Container for heating wine. 2. Tube for supplying hot wine to the cube. 3. Alembic. 4. Firebox-stove. 5. “Cap” (chapiteau). 6. “Swan neck” (col de cygne). 7. Wine heating coil. 8. Condensation coil. 9. Container with cooling water.

Moonshine still in Rus'

The first moonshine still in Rus' appeared from Venice as a gift to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Before this, only mash and mead were made in Rus'. But over half a century, the technology quickly took root, and in the 17th century almost every village already had a moonshine still. As a rule, it was a wooden or clay container with metal tubes.

Invention of the ratification column

In the 19th century, a ratification column was invented, which made it possible to obtain highly purified alcohol with a strength of up to 96%.

Modern industrial ratification columns can reach a height of 100 meters

Moonshine in different languages ​​of the world

  • Ukraine: moonshine, gorilka, bimber, palinka
  • Belarus: moonshine, garelka, spatykach
  • Poland: bimber, samogon
  • Hungary: palinka
  • Spain: chicha casera
  • Germany: Schwarzbrennerei
  • France: tord-boyaux
  • England: moonshine