Proper millet porridge with milk. Delicious millet porridge with milk: recipe with photos

Exist various recipes preparing liquid millet porridge with milk. You can add berries, honey, dried fruits, raisins, pumpkin or other products to this dish. This article will reveal everything culinary secrets delicious millet porridge.


Millet is not a separate grain. This is a product obtained from the processing of millet. Although millet cereal is quite cheap, it contains many vitamins necessary for the human body. However, not all people use this product because the porridge they cook turns out to be tough, and sometimes even bitterness is felt in it. The reason is incorrect preparation.

If you cook millet porridge correctly, you will get a healthy and tasty dish.

Secrets of a delicious dish

  • When purchasing a product, be sure to look at the manufacturing date. If the expiration date has expired, the millet may taste bitter.
  • Light grains produce a more viscous porridge, while dark grains produce a crumbly porridge.
  • Before cooking, the millet must be rinsed several times using a fine colander. This process will get rid of starch. Thanks to this, the cereal will not stick together. The last time the millet is washed with boiling water, this removes any possible bitterness.
  • To prevent milk from burning, millet porridge is first cooked in water. After it is half cooked, add milk. Then the millet languishes a little and becomes softer.
  • After cooking, the dish should be seasoned with butter.

If you follow these rules, you get aromatic and tasty millet porridge. Below are the most common methods of cooking a dish with milk.

Classic recipe

Take a glass of millet grain and sort it out. Then wash and soak it for five minutes in hot water. This removes the bitterness. After this, the millet is washed again until the grains are completely clean.

The cereal is placed in a saucepan with two glasses of water. Cook over low heat for ten minutes. Then add two tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt, pour in three glasses of hot milk. Continue cooking, stirring, for fifteen minutes.

When the porridge is cooked, season it with butter to taste. Wrap the closed pan so that it stands for about ten minutes. Then the dish can be served to the table.

It is worth considering that milk porridge is much tastier if you consume it immediately and not leave it for the next few days.

Quick cooking

In advance, sort out a glass of millet grain and rinse it until the water becomes clear. After this, the millet is poured into a pan and filled with boiled water. Then cover the dish with a lid and leave for a long period of time (at least two hours). During this period, the millet grain will absorb liquid, due to which it will cook faster in the future.

When it’s time to cook the porridge, add half a liter of milk, a pinch of salt and one tablespoon of sugar to the bowl. Place the container on low heat and cook until tender. If the porridge turns out thick, it is diluted with milk. After the dish is ready, season it with butter. For original taste You can add a little vanillin to the porridge.

Recipe for porridge with cream

Preliminary standard procedures are carried out: a glass of grain is sorted out and washed several times. Millet is poured into a bowl. Add half a liter of milk, a pinch of salt and one tablespoon of sugar. The mixture is cooked over low heat for twenty minutes. After this time, add a little butter and a glass of 20% cream. Continue cooking until done over the same heat.

For piquancy, you can add berries or pieces of fruit to the dish.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Two handfuls of raisins are poured with boiled water for a short time. The multicooker bowl is lubricated vegetable oil. A glass of pure millet grain is poured into a container. Add a glass of boiled water, two glasses of milk, soaked raisins, and a pinch of salt. Cook in the “Stew” or “Porridge” mode. Then the millet porridge is seasoned with butter and cooked in the “Simmering” or “Heating” mode. After the cycle is completed, the dish is left for thirty minutes. Millet liquid porridge with raisins is ready.

There are other recipes for cooking millet. The main condition for creating delicious porridge is observing the proportions and following the basic rules.

You will learn more about how to prepare liquid millet porridge with milk in the following video.

Not many people like millet porridge, but it depends on how it is prepared. Of course, if you just boil it in water and serve it, then few people will want to eat it.

But if you boil it in milk and add ingredients to improve the taste, for example, granulated sugar, dried fruits, natural honey and others, then the taste of this dish will become comparatively better. In addition, you need to know some important nuances, which will help make millet incredibly tasty.

Before you start preparing millet porridge, it is worth considering a few main rules. There are not so many of them, but every housewife should definitely know them:

  • Often, after boiling, millet gives off a bitter taste, but how can you quickly remove it? Due to the fact that millet seeds have a high fat content, they can burn. But in order to prevent this, when choosing, you should pay attention to appearance millet, it should be bright yellow color, and it is also necessary to follow the correct cooking technology;
  • Before cooking, you need to thoroughly rinse the cereal. This procedure must be done 3-5 times. The last rinsing should be done in hot water, this will ensure complete dissolution of the fatty film around the grains, which will completely remove the bitter taste;
  • It is recommended to pour millet into the water after it boils. To one part of cereal you should add two parts of water;
  • If you want to make porridge with milk, then first it is recommended to boil the millet until half cooked in water. After this, the broth is drained, and then the millet porridge is cooked until cooked in milk;
  • Millet porridge should be cooked about half an hour after boiling. But you must remember that the volume of cereal during cooking increases up to 6 times;
  • To improve the taste of millet cereals, before boiling the millet grains, it is worth frying them for several minutes in a dry hot frying pan.

Classic recipe

We will prepare porridge from the following ingredients:

  • 250 grams of millet cereal;
  • milk - half a liter;
  • a slice of cow butter weighing about 50-60 grams;
  • a little table salt;
  • granulated sugar to your taste.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Calorie content – ​​95 kcal/100 g.

How to cook millet porridge with milk:

How to cook millet porridge with dry milk correctly and for how long

What components will be needed:

  • 150 grams of millet;
  • powdered milk – 250 grams;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • 30 grams of butter;
  • salt to taste;
  • a little granulated sugar.

Cooking period: 50-60 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​89 kcal/100 g.

How to prepare:

  1. First, prepare the cereal; rinse it thoroughly in cool water several times. The water should be completely clear;
  2. To remove bitterness, the final rinse is performed using hot water;
  3. Pour a large amount of water into the pan and put it on gas;
  4. Bring water to a boil and add millet;
  5. Boil the cereal until half cooked, about 15-20 minutes. Boil over low heat;
  6. While the cereal is boiling, you need to prepare the milk. Pour into a saucepan powdered milk and put it on fire;
  7. Gradually pour water into the saucepan and stir;
  8. As soon as the mixture becomes thick and homogeneous, reminiscent of sour cream, you can add the remaining water and stir. The result should usually be milk;
  9. After the millet is cooked until half cooked, the remaining liquid must be drained from it;
  10. Pour milk into the porridge, mix well and continue boiling until tender;
  11. Next, you need to add butter to the finished porridge, add a little salt and granulated sugar;
  12. Mix thoroughly again so that all components are distributed;
  13. Turn off the heat, cover with a lid and leave to stand for a while;
  14. Then put it on plates and serve for breakfast.

Most popular recipe

In order to make millet with pumpkin, we will prepare the following list of products:

  • 200 grams of millet cereal;
  • peeled pumpkin – 400 grams;
  • 700 ml milk with low fat content (2.5%);
  • 70-100 ml water;
  • sugar to your taste;
  • a pinch of table salt;
  • 70 grams of cow's butter.

Cooking time – 1 hour.

Calorie content – ​​115 kcal/100 g.

The process of preparing milk millet porridge with pumpkin:

  1. First of all, pour cold water into a saucepan that is specially designed for boiling porridge. Place on the fire and heat until boiling;
  2. After this, you need to pour milk into boiling water. If you do everything correctly, then during cooking the milk will not burn to the bottom of the container;
  3. Then add granulated sugar, salt and stir well, these components should completely dissolve in the milk;
  4. Bring to a boil over high heat and cover with a lid;
  5. After this, we prepare the millet. First you need to wash the cereal in cold water, this needs to be done 3-4 times until the water becomes clear;
  6. Pour boiling water over the millet for 2-3 minutes, this will get rid of the bitter taste;
  7. Then you need to prepare the pumpkin, it needs to be cleaned of skin, seeds, and fibrous parts;
  8. We cut it into medium cubes, they will not boil over during cooking and will remain whole pieces;
  9. Place the milk in the pan on the fire again and heat it to a boil;
  10. Place millet grains into boiling liquid and leave to cook for several minutes;
  11. After this, lay out the pumpkin pieces and stir well;
  12. Cook the porridge until it boils, stirring it constantly;
  13. Cover the lid, reduce the heat and cook for 20-25 minutes until tender;
  14. After that, open the lid, add a piece of cow butter and stir;
  15. Close the container tightly again, turn off the heat and leave to stand for a while;
  16. After this, the finished porridge can be put into plates and placed on the table.

Liquid millet in a pot

To prepare you will need:

  • one glass of crushed millet;
  • whole village milk – 600 ml;
  • one medium apple;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • a little granulated sugar;
  • salt to your taste;
  • 30 gram piece of cow butter.

Cooking period: 1 hour 15 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​110 kcal/100 g.

How to cook liquid millet porridge with milk and fruit in a pot:

  1. Millet should be prepared, washed thoroughly and doused with boiling water;
  2. The apple is washed and peeled well;
  3. Cut the fruit into small cubes;
  4. Wash the raisins and pour boiling water over them;
  5. After this, put the cereal, apple slices and raisins into the pots;
  6. Add a little salt and sugar and mix everything;
  7. Pour milk, it should be in a ratio of 1:3 - 1 part cereal with fruit and 3 parts milk;
  8. Cover the tops of the pots with lids and put them in a cold oven;
  9. Leave to cook at 190 degrees for 60 minutes;
  10. About 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add a piece of cow butter to each pot;
  11. We take out the finished one thin porridge in pots and place on the table.

Cook millet porridge with milk in a slow cooker

We will prepare from the following components:

  • 150 grams of millet cereal;
  • milk – 500 ml;
  • 80 grams of granulated sugar;
  • natural oil – 30 grams;
  • a pinch of salt.

The cooking process will take 90 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​93 kcal/100 g.

Let's start cooking:

Recipe for milk millet with honey and dried fruits

What components will be required:

  • a glass of millet cereal;
  • liter of village milk;
  • a handful of dried apricots, prunes, raisins;
  • a piece of butter for 70-80 grams;
  • natural honey – 2-3 large spoons;
  • salt to your taste.

Cooking time – 1 hour.

Calorie content – ​​120 kcal/100 g.

How to do it:

  1. First of all, thoroughly wash the dried fruits and pour them hot water, let stand for 15 minutes;
  2. We thoroughly wash the millet several times and pour boiling water over it to remove the bitterness;
  3. Then pour a glass of water over the cereal and leave to stand until the liquid is completely absorbed; the millet should swell;
  4. Pour milk into a saucepan and put on fire;
  5. As soon as the milk begins to boil, add millet to it and leave to boil;
  6. Cut the dried fruits into small pieces with a knife and place them in the porridge;
  7. Mix thoroughly and leave to boil over low heat for about 25-30 minutes until cooked;
  8. Then add butter, pour in honey and add salt;
  9. Stir everything thoroughly and turn off the heat;
  10. Let stand covered for a while;
  11. Place the finished porridge with dried fruits on plates and serve.

How else to diversify porridge

To make millet porridge very tasty and unusual, you can add various components to it:

  • millet goes well with any kind of nuts - peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds;
  • to give pleasant aroma you can add a little cinnamon or cloves;
  • can be varied with berries - currants, raspberries, cherries, lingonberries;
  • If you wish, you can make porridge with vegetables, for example, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes.

You can prepare millet porridge with milk in different ways, and it turns out simply excellent. If you don't like it, then you're probably just doing it wrong, try these recipes and you'll definitely understand how delicious this morning dish is. And if you diversify it with fruits, dried fruits, nuts, honey, then it will be even tastier.

Simple and visual recipe cooking millet milk porridge is in the next video.

Millet does not grow as an independent crop. It is a secondary product after purification of millet, which our distant ancestors ate with great eagerness, because they clearly understood the value of this product.

Today millet is one of the cheapest cereals, but this does not diminish its advantages.

Millet is another grain that has undeservedly been forced out of the “bins” of modern housewives by other products. Perhaps due to the fact that it gives an irritating bitterness, overcooks or, on the contrary, becomes unpleasantly hard...

But all these are just the consequences of improper handling of cereals. After all, if you know a good step by step recipe how to properly cook millet porridge with milk, you can get great dish.

Millet porridge is not inferior to others in terms of its enormous content of microelements and vitamins. In cereals you can find vitamin B2, which promotes hair growth, strong nails and improved skin condition.

You can also note the presence of iron and calcium, which are responsible for the good condition of the skeletal system.

In addition, millet porridge is not an allergenic product, and therefore it can be safely included in the diet of people suffering from food allergies or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and it is also ideal for small children.

But for those who are overweight, there is only one drawback to this porridge - it is very high in calories. Therefore, you should not abuse it, but only occasionally pamper yourself various tastes, provided that you know how to cook millet porridge with milk.

Subtleties in cooking

In order for millet porridge for breakfast to charge you with energy, give you strength, and most importantly give you pleasure, you must follow a few generally accepted rules:

  • Millet should be washed “in seven waters”, and the penultimate one should be hot, and before cooking, the cereal should be doused with boiling water, this will help get rid of the bitterness that is present in the grains. It is better to do this through a fine sieve, then the water will drain completely and not a single grain will be lost.
  • Proportions must be observed. Initially, you need to pour a lot of water into the cereal, but after the cereal has boiled until half cooked in a few minutes, this water will have to be drained. This is another way to remove bitterness from cereals.
  • Milk must be added hot so that the cereal, while languishing in it, opens and becomes softer.
  • To appreciate all the benefits of millet, it should be prepared using different recipes, ingredients and preparation methods.

Millet should not be stored in the sun, otherwise it will lose all its taste qualities, becoming sour. Before purchasing, be sure to check the expiration date; expired grains will certainly add additional bitterness to the grain.

One of the most common and most used is classic recipe preparing milk porridge. To do this you will need:

  • one glass of millet;
  • 30 gr. butter;
  • two glasses of milk;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • two glasses of water;
  • a pinch of salt.

First you need to prepare the cereal. Rinse it in several waters until the liquid becomes clear. Then pour boiling water over the millet. After this, pour it with plenty of water and put it on the fire, which after boiling, reduce it.

How long does it take to cook porridge in water? The answer is simple - until half cooked, it all depends on the intensity of the fire and the quality of the cereal.

After this, the liquid is drained, and the cereal is poured with hot milk, butter and sugar are added. Next, the porridge is cooked until completely cooked, approximately 20 minutes.

The ideal option would be to then place the container with the finished porridge in a preheated oven for a few minutes so that it completely steams and the grains open.

If you need to cook liquid porridge for a child, then you should choose yellow cereal, and if the child wants crumbly millet, then it is more advisable to choose grain of a dark shade and, of course, control the amount of water and milk.

Millet from a slow cooker

Cooking in helps not only save cooking time, but also relieves the housewife from constantly monitoring to ensure that the porridge does not burn. If you choose the most suitable recipe, then you can quickly, easily, and most importantly deliciously cook not only millet, but also rice porridge. If you have previously cooked only on the stove, you will be able to appreciate the cooking process in a slow cooker.

Ingredients you will need: one glass of cereal, twice as much water, about 30 grams of butter, salt, sugar as desired.

Initially, the cereal must be sorted and washed thoroughly. Place the prepared millet in a bowl, add water, add salt and sugar, and close the lid. How long does it take to cook millet porridge in a slow cooker?

It all depends on the model of the equipment, but generally in the “Porridge” mode it will take about 20 minutes. After cooking the porridge, you should open the lid, mix everything thoroughly, you can add a little more oil, close it again and let it sit for a few more minutes.

With pumpkin

You can diversify the classic recipe using pumpkin by adding it to the porridge during cooking. Pumpkin goes well with millet, giving it a soft, sweet taste. For this you will need: half a kilo of pumpkin, one glass of cereal, three glasses of water, 30-50 grams. butter and, of course, salt and sugar.

The pumpkin must be peeled and finely chopped, preferably into cubes. Heat the milk, add chopped pumpkin, salt and sugar. Boil. After this, pour the prepared millet into the pumpkin-milk mixture. Cook over low heat for half an hour. Then move the container with the porridge into the preheated oven and simmer for another forty minutes.

This is how you can easily and simply cook one of the healthiest and most delicious porridges - millet. And the presented video and photo will undoubtedly help with this.

You can use both water and milk. Be sure to rinse the millet thoroughly with hot water to remove some of the bitterness. Our grandmothers washed it with cold water - you need to change the water ten times and constantly grind the millet in the water with your hands until the water becomes absolutely clear.

How to cook millet porridge with milk correctly?

It's very simple - first cook the cereal in a large amount of water, then drain the remaining water and add milk, in which you cook the millet until fully cooked.

Which millet should you choose to cook millet porridge?

You also need to skillfully choose cereals in the store. Take for crumbly porridge yellow grains, the darker the color, the better, and light grains make a messy porridge, which is also sometimes necessary. There is peeled millet, there is polished and crushed millet. Peeled - more integral, simply cleared of films, it is shiny, beautiful, however, it is a little bitter when cooked. The bitterness can be removed, but most often this grain is used in kulesh, and not in sweet milk porridges. More yellow and without shine - polished, it cooks quickly and is better absorbed by the body. Crushed millet - small, for viscous porridge Good for meatballs too. Be sure to check the expiration date, this cereal is not stable and quickly becomes bitter. If you scald it with boiling water and fry it in a dry frying pan, some of the bitterness can be removed.

Why cook millet porridge?

To someone who is indifferent to millet porridge and to those who, for various reasons, have not encountered it, I would like to suggest that millet contains more protein than rice and barley, millet contains more phosphorus than even meat, and folic acid - than wheat or corn, in addition There are so many essential B vitamins that other grains are simply jealous. It is also rich in sodium, potassium, zinc and many others. useful substances. How to cook millet porridge with milk without mistakes? That's what we'll talk about.

How to cook millet porridge with milk: recipe No. 1

For one full glass of millet cereal you need two glasses of hot water, a glass of hot milk, fifty grams or more of butter, salt and sugar - as you like. This cereal always contains a lot of tightly adhered foreign substances, which are difficult to remove by ordinary washing. You can simplify the task. Pour a glass of cereal with a glass of plain water and boil. Place on a sieve and now rinse the cereal thoroughly with running water. Now pour in two glasses of purified hot water again and cook without a lid over low heat. As soon as the water has evaporated to the level of the millet, drain it safely, add a glass of hot milk, sugar and salt and cook after boiling over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Spread the butter over the surface of the porridge and do not stir. Remove from heat, close the lid tightly and wrap with a towel. After twenty minutes you can take a sample.

For a glass of millet you will need two - water, two - milk, sugar and salt - arbitrarily, butter - more.

The millet needs to be sorted and washed with boiling water until the water stops losing transparency. Pour two glasses of hot water, put on high heat, quickly evaporating all the water until the millet is completely boiled. Then pour hot milk with sugar and salt and cook over low heat, stirring from the bottom, until completely boiled and thickened. Season the finished porridge with oil and stir.

How to cook millet porridge with milk in a pot

A full glass of millet, half a glass of raisins, three glasses of milk, two tbsp. spoons of sugar, salt, a pack (180 grams) of butter, an egg. Place the washed raisins and cereals in a pot, pour in hot milk, add sugar, salt, stir, cover tightly and place in a low-heat (150 degrees) oven. Simmer for about an hour. Then add all the butter, mix with the beaten egg and bake, covered, until fully cooked.

Do you know what the most favorite dish did my husband have as a child? Simple millet porridge with milk. Yes, yes, that's it. And to be honest, until some time I didn’t even know how to cook it. But, you yourself understand, in order to please my husband, I had to learn.

How to cook millet porridge with milk, I asked, of course, my mother-in-law - after all, it was her way that the children’s porridge was prepared. Everything turned out to be quite easy, quite fast and really tasty. My husband’s mother told me all the details about millet porridge with milk: proportions, cooking time and procedure. And the very next morning I cooked it for the first time.

It turned out just great, exactly as my husband wanted. Now I cook this porridge for my daughter, and it is also considered one of her favorite dishes. I suggest you cook delicious millet porridge with milk - the recipe with step-by-step photos below will help you quickly figure it out.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1/2 cup millet;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter - to taste.

Millet porridge with milk: proportions and cooking time

First of all, about the choice of millet. The most delicious porridge obtained from bright yellow cereals. If the grain is light, the porridge will be more sticky, and if the grain is dark, it will be more crumbly. We sort the millet, removing the black grains.

Place the millet in a fine-mesh colander set on a saucepan and pour boiling water over it - about 0.5 liters. The water in the pan will be cloudy - this is dirt from the cereal. Repeat the procedure a couple more times until the water in the pan is clear. If you do not wash the cereal, the porridge will taste a little bitter.

Pour water into a saucepan with a thick bottom, bring to a boil and add the washed millet. Remove the foam and cook over medium heat, without covering with a lid, until the water has almost completely boiled away, about 10 minutes (cooking time is approximate and depends on the thickness of the cereal layer in the pan).

Heat the milk almost to a boil and pour it into a pan with millet. Bring to a boil over medium heat and reduce heat to low. It’s even better if you put it on a divider.

Cook the porridge, covering it with a lid, stirring occasionally, for another 20 minutes until the millet is ready. Add salt and sugar to the porridge according to your taste. Then leave the millet porridge with milk in a saucepan under the lid for 10-15 minutes so that it infuses. Then open the lid, check the taste, add salt or sugar if necessary.