Sterlet with potatoes cooking recipes. Recipe: Sturgeon baked in foil - The simplest and most delicious recipe

My husband brought me a fish. And the fish is not an ordinary one, but a real sturgeon! I didn’t think for a long time what to do with it, I decided to bake it. I am friends with the oven and really love baking and baking in it. At first, of course, I admired it myself and showed it to my child :)

Then she drove everyone away and got down to serious business. First, I had to gut the fish, because they didn’t do this in the store. The activity, let me tell you, is not the most pleasant... Unfortunately, there was no caviar inside :)

Then you need to thoroughly salt the fish on all sides, including the inside, leave for 5 minutes, then rinse with cold water and dry (you can use a paper towel). Next, salt the fish again and pepper to taste. Very tasty if you put fish inside onion, greens, a slice of lemon, bay leaf. Or, for example, grease with sour cream or mayonnaise. I decided to use only salt and pepper. Place the fish on a double layer of foil, then place on a baking sheet. Lubricate the back of the fish with vegetable or olive oil, can be sprayed lemon juice. I really love the fish-lemon combination, but my husband doesn’t like lemon in fish, so I made it without it, without lemon. This is what a prepared sturgeon looks like.

Then wrap the fish tightly in foil and place in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees.

Forget about sturgeon for 30-40 minutes. Then remove from the oven, open the foil on top, pour in vegetable or olive oil and, in this opened form, put it back in the oven for 10-15 minutes. After turning off the oven, let the fish sit in the oven for a while. I present to you the finished hot sturgeon:

A strong tasty aroma, like from other types of fish, does not come from the finished sturgeon. However, the fish looks very good! And it tastes very tender and pleasant.

Using a sharp knife, carefully cut the finished sturgeon into portions and distribute to those who wish to try the delicacy. You can sprinkle with lemon to suit your taste. Also choose a side dish to suit your taste. I recommend to all. Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 h.

If you bake fish in the oven, you can get an incredibly tasty, rich and aromatic dinner. According to our recipes, you will definitely succeed, because everything is very simple and, by the way, quite fast!

Whole sturgeon baked in the oven

How to cook:

Cooking method in foil

It will take 2 hours and 30 minutes to prepare.

How many calories - 249.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the sturgeon in cold water, clean from scales.
  2. Remove the entrails by cutting through the belly, head, tail and fins.
  3. Pour boiling water over it and remove the skin.
  4. Cut the sturgeon into portions.
  5. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze out all the juice.
  6. Remove the seeds from the juice and combine with soy sauce and oil.
  7. Add a little salt and stir.
  8. Place fish slices in it, stir and place washed rosemary on top.
  9. Let sit for at least two hours, stirring occasionally.
  10. When time has passed, cover the pan or baking sheet with a sheet of foil.
  11. Place pieces of fish on top and place sprigs of rosemary on them, reserving the marinade.
  12. Cover the fish with foil and top, put in the oven for twenty minutes.
  13. Pour the remaining oil into a saucepan and place on the stove.
  14. Add flour and stir quickly to avoid lumps.
  15. Pour in the marinade left over from the fish.
  16. Cook until thick, stirring occasionally.
  17. At the end, add spices to taste and you can take out the fish and serve with sauce.

The video shows delicious sturgeon baked in pieces in foil:

How to bake sturgeon in pieces with potatoes

It will take 1 hour and 50 minutes to prepare.

How many calories - 146.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the fish thoroughly and remove scales.
  2. Rip open her belly and take out her insides.
  3. Rinse the carcass from the inside, then remove the tail, head and cut off the fins.
  4. Place the sturgeon in a colander and drain as much as possible hot water from the tap. After this, pull off the skin and cut into portions.
  5. Place the slices in a small bowl and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  6. Pour lemon juice over it all and stir.
  7. Let it brew for about half an hour.
  8. At this time, you can prepare the mold and for this you need to grease it with oil using a brush.
  9. Peel the onion, wash it and cut into half rings.
  10. Place it all on the bottom of the pan, spreading it out in an even layer.
  11. Peel and wash the potatoes, cut into rings.
  12. Place in a bowl, add mayonnaise and chopped herbs.
  13. Mix all this and spread in an even layer on the onions.
  14. Next - fish and grated cheese in an even layer.
  15. Place in the oven for one hour at medium temperature.

Stuffed sturgeon

It will take 1 hour and 45 minutes to prepare.

How many calories – 96.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the carrots, wash them and grate them. Peel the onion and remove the roots; then you can chop it with a knife or grater.
  2. Pour a little oil into the pan and add both ingredients. Simmer them, stirring, until soft, then add salt.
  3. Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into cubes. Place in a saucepan and rinse to remove starch under running water.
  4. Then pour again and put on the stove, boil until tender. Drain the water from the finished slices and mash the potatoes.
  5. Add flour and carefully fold in the egg so that it does not curdle. Green onions rinse and finely chop, add to puree.
  6. Mix everything and let cool. Place the filling in layers on the work surface: potatoes, carrots and onions, dill.
  7. Wash the fish thoroughly, remove scales and entrails.
  8. Cut off the fins and wash the inside of the carcass. Salt it and sprinkle with black pepper not only outside, but also inside.
  9. Now carefully place the prepared filling in layers into the belly of the fish. After this, you can sew it up if you wish. Cover the pan with foil and place the fish in it belly down.
  10. Cover with foil and put in the oven for half an hour. When time has passed, remove the top foil and return the fish to the oven for another twenty minutes.

In the video - simple and delicious recipe preparing stuffed sturgeon:

Mushroom recipe

It will take 1 hour and 30 minutes to prepare.

How many calories – 93.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the sturgeon with cold water and peel off its scales. Next, open the belly and take out all the insides.
  2. Rinse the carcass very thoroughly both inside and outside. Rub with salt and black pepper on all sides (including inside), sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Pull off the membranes of the mushrooms and trim the stems.
  4. Cut them into bars and set aside. Peel the onion, rinse and cut into small cubes.
  5. Place a slice of butter in the pan and let it melt.
  6. Add onions and mushrooms, simmer until fully cooked. At the end, pour in the cream and add spices to taste.
  7. Cool the finished filling, then fill the fish belly with it. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, place the fish in a baking dish.
  8. Brush with remaining oil and place in the oven. Periodically pour wine and the resulting juice from the mold.
  9. Bake for about 45-50 minutes until done.

While you are cleaning the fish from the insides, pay attention to the black film that separates these same insides from the meat. It must be removed, otherwise it will make the fish bitter.

If you want to bake sturgeon with lemon rings, you will definitely need to replace them with fresh ones before serving. This is necessary to ensure that the dish has the freshest and most appetizing appearance.

You can put not only various vegetables in the belly of a fish. For the same purpose, you can use fresh herbs (dill will be a winner) or spices(very tasty with rosemary and thyme).

Serve fish with your favorite side dish for the perfect dinner (or lunch). It could be rice mashed potatoes, grilled vegetables, buckwheat, pearl barley and etc.

After watching the video, you will learn how to quickly cook sturgeon with mushrooms:

Sturgeon is a delicious fish with incredibly tender and light meat. Be sure to cook it if you have never tried it before. Bon appetit!

The presented fish is a direct relative of the sturgeon. When deciding how to cook delicious sterlet in the oven, it is important to know that it has no bones, but only a cartilaginous skeleton. Therefore, fish can be baked whole in foil without any problems.

How to cook sterlet in the oven - recipes

To understand how to bake sterlet, you need to follow some rules. To do this, it is important to observe the proportions of the components in order to prepare delicious fish whole in the oven. Let's look at the most popular recipes.

Recipe No. 1. Whole sterlet in the oven: “a classic of the genre”

  • fresh dill - 20 gr.
  • fresh frozen sterlet - 1 kg.
  • dried basil - 2 gr.
  • olive oil with rosemary - 50 ml.
  • lemon - 30 gr.

1. To maintain maximum juiciness ready-made dish, should be baked in food foil. In this case, it will not be difficult to cook the fish this way. Cut the sterlet, remove the entrails and gills.

2. Wash the carcass and dry it with paper towels. Rub with pepper and salt. Place chopped herbs and lemon slices inside the fish. Alternatively, you can use lime.

3. After this, treat the fish with oil and rosemary, sprinkle the carcass with dried basil. Wrap in foil. Keep in mind that the foil should not fit tightly to the fish so that the steam evaporates.

4. Melt the oven to 185 degrees. Send the dish for half an hour to bake. After cooking, the fish comes out juicy and flavorful. You can choose the side dish to your taste.

Recipe No. 2. Sterlet in cream sauce

  • fresh or frozen fish - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 180 gr. (about 3 pcs.)
  • cream - 220 ml.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • dill and celery - in fact
  • spices - to your taste

1. Using this technology, sterlet in the oven in foil turns out to be unusually tender. Prepare the carcass as usual, discarding unnecessary parts. Wash and dry.

2. Peel and wash the potatoes. Chop into small cubes. Chop the green stuff and combine with the potatoes. Rub the fish with the necessary spices. Sprinkle with lemon juice.

3. This recipe will help you understand how to cook juicy sterlet in the oven. The procedure involves baking the whole fish in foil. Next, after the preparatory activities, stuff the sterlet with vegetables.

4. Wrap loosely in food foil and make frequent holes using a toothpick. Pour cream over the sterlet and bake.

5. For convenience, use a deep baking tray. The dish will be ready after half an hour of simmering at a temperature of 180 degrees. Before tasting, garnish with fresh herbs.

Recipe No. 3. Sterlet with potatoes

  • cheese durum varieties- 140 gr.
  • fresh tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  • sterlet - 1 pc.
  • spices - in fact
  • potatoes - 800 gr.
  • mayonnaise - 40 gr.
  • butter- 30 gr.

1. Baked sterlet in foil, cooked in the oven with potatoes, turns out quite tasty and unusual. Prepare the carcass according to your usual pattern.

2. Carry out the procedure with extreme caution. The fish must maintain its integrity and original appearance. Rinse and dry the carcass.

3. Treat with spices inside and outside. Leave the fish for a while. At the same time, chop the peeled potatoes small cubes. Chop the tomatoes into rings. Pass the cheese through a grater.

4. Melt the butter and treat the carcass with it. Spread the foil and place the sterlet. Place vegetables around the fish. Wrap the food and make holes in the foil. Set the oven temperature to 170 degrees. Wait 30 minutes.

5. After this, open the foil and bake the dish in this form for another 8 minutes. Turn off the oven, sprinkle the food with grated cheese. Leave the fish in the closed oven for a few minutes. After this, serve sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Recipe No. 4. Sterlet with onion and lemon

  • large sterlet - 1 pc.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - in fact
  • spices - to your taste

1. The recipe for cooking sterlet is similar to the classic one. The process of whole baked fish in the oven is practically no different from the standard scheme. Prepare the carcass in the usual way. Discard innards, gills and fins.

2. Wash the fish and dry. Brush the meat with olive oil and season with your favorite spices. Leave it for a while. When deciding how to cook delicious sterlet in the oven, you should consider the option entirely in foil.

3. The dish turns out tasty and aromatic. This fish will not leave your loved ones indifferent. While marinating the sterlet, prepare the remaining ingredients. Peel the onions and pass through a meat grinder. Do the same with half the citrus.

4. Combine the gruel and stuff the fish with the mixture. The rest of the lemon will be needed to decorate the finished dish. After this, wrap the sterlet in foil and place it in the oven.

5. The oven temperature should be 190 degrees. After 25 minutes, the fish can be served. Garnish the dish with chopped herbs and citrus slices. Bon appetit!

Whole sterlet baked in the oven is considered a delicacy. The recipe is quite simple. Such fish is also often included in the diet proper nutrition. Please your loved ones gourmet dish homemade. Try all the recipes if possible. Happy cooking!

In Rus', sterlet was always at a premium, since baked fish could be seen on the royal table. Today, everyone can arrange such a celebration at home, since there is great amount recipes for baking sterlet in the oven.

This dish is perfect for any holiday, but you can also cook it for your family on a regular day. It is also worth noting that sterlet is not only tasty, but also healthy fish. Let's look at a few proven recipes.

How to cook whole sterlet in the oven?

Let's start with the simplest option, for which you don't need many ingredients. Serve the fish with various side dishes and salads. For piquancy, it is suggested to use quite a lot different greens. The prepared ingredients are enough for 3-4 servings.


  • Carcass weighing 1 kg;
  • A couple of onions;
  • Lemon;
  • 125 g of greens;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of butter.

Cooking method:

Recipe for sterlet with potatoes in the oven

You can prepare the dish directly with a side dish and it is best to choose potatoes, which will turn out very tasty. If you are expecting guests, then prepare this dish that will please both adults and children.


  • Carcass weighing 1 kg;
  • Bulb;
  • 6 potatoes;
  • 250 g thick sour cream;
  • Spices for fish;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • A clove of garlic;
  • Greenery.

Cooking method:

Recipe for sterlet steaks in the oven

Do you want to cook spicy and fragrant fish, then use this recipe. If desired, you can change the composition of spices by adding your favorite spices. We also recommend preparing delicious sauce, which is ideal for sterlet.


  • Sterlet weighing 1 kg,
  • 2 tbsp. dry white wine,
  • Bulb,
  • Lemon,
  • 35 g butter,
  • 0.5 tsp coriander,
  • 0.5 tsp thyme and paprika,
  • Bunch of parsley
  • 100 g olive oil,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce,
  • and also salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

How to bake a whole sterlet like a king in the oven?

We have already said that such a dish was always present on the royal table. The fish will be unusual, but stuffed delicious filling, which will improve taste and increase satiety. The prepared ingredients are enough for about 3 servings.


  • 3 sterlets,
  • 3 onions,
  • 1 kg of porcini mushrooms,
  • 1 tbsp. long rice,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons vegetable oil and mayonnaise,
  • Lemon and parsley.

Cooking method:

Recipe for baked fish with cheese

Another tasty option holiday dish. Thanks to the use of cheese, a beautiful and golden brown crust. Be sure to please your family with such an original dish.

Cooking sturgeon is exactly the process that does not require any special culinary wisdom (which, however, cannot be said about cutting sturgeon). It is amazingly tasty, even if you simply boil it with bay leaves and parsley roots. For a long time This one had an exorbitant cost; many housewives did not even think of preparing dishes from sturgeon.

But recently, this breed has begun to be grown en masse in artificial reservoirs - and prices for it have safely dropped to an adequate level. And, although baked sturgeon has not become a “national dish,” it is quite possible to cook sturgeon in the oven for some family holiday.

Sturgeon baked in the oven - recipe.

Ingredients needed for 4 servings.

  • Sturgeon weighing 1-1.2 kg;
  • Sour cream 30% - 250 ml;
  • Mustard - 1 tablespoon;
  • Onion - 2 heads;
  • Spices;
  • Potatoes - 600 g.

When cutting sturgeon, among other things, you should adhere to several simple rules.

  • The ellipse of purchased sturgeon must be removed so as not to risk the health of yourself and your dining companions. Viziga makes an excellent filling for, but only if it is “first freshness”, and not second or third, which we are unlikely to know for sure.
  • Carefully clean the bone plates (so-called bugs) from the skin - they run along the body in five rows. To make them easier to separate from the skin, the fish should be scalded with boiling water or kept in hot water 1-2 minutes.

In general, for the first time, I would not bother with whole fish, but would buy fillets.

How to cook sturgeon.

Peel and then cut the potatoes into 4-6 mm slices. Place in a saucepan with cold water, add salt and let cook (after it starts boiling) for 2-3 minutes. Salt the broth.

Chop the peeled onions into thick rings and line the bottom of a ceramic pot or fireproof saucepan with them.

Cut the sturgeon (cut) into pieces (steaks) no more than 5 cm thick. Roll in ground pepper and salt. Place the fish on a “cushion” of onions. Then a layer of potatoes, boiled until half cooked.

Separately, whisk sour cream with mustard and pour this mixture over the sturgeon and potatoes in the pot. You can add about a third of a glass of water. Cover the container with a lid or wrap the neck of the pot tightly culinary foil. Cook for half an hour in an oven heated to 200C.

  • Our advice: put everything that remains from the cut fish (except for the elmfish) - fin, head, tail - into a large pan. Fill it with water, put 1-2 carrots, an onion, a couple of dill sprigs, and bay leaves. Cook over moderate heat for literally 20 minutes - you will succeed delicious broth For .