Can a one-year-old child eat mushrooms? At what age can a child have mushroom soup?

After a year, the child’s diet expands greatly. Growing up, the baby no longer just needs nourishing and nutritious food, but also varied food. When trying to introduce new products, it is worth finding out at what age you can give them to your child, in case they cause him harm.

Many people cook various soups from borscht to kharcho. One of many people’s favorite soups is mushroom soup. When can children be given mushroom soup, because it is famous for its high protein content and in vegetarianism replaces meat broth.

Composition of mushrooms: benefits and harms

Mushrooms are very rich in various substances in their composition. They contain compounds beneficial to the body:

  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP.
  • Microelements: potassium, necessary for the stable functioning of the heart muscle, and calcium, an important “building block” for the formation of the skeletal system and baby teeth.
  • Phosphorus is a necessary element for the development of brain activity. In terms of its quantity, mushrooms are close to fish products.
  • There is so much protein that sometimes an analogy is drawn between mushrooms and meat.
  • Enzymes - lipase and amylase.

However, mushrooms also contain chitin, which makes them a difficult food to digest. Chitin is the main component of the shells of snails, crayfish and crabs. It’s hard to imagine that our stomach could digest this, much less a child.

Note to moms!

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The structure of mushrooms resembles a sponge; they absorb harmful substances from the soil and environment. The environmental situation in many areas of the country leaves much to be desired, so it is worth introducing mushrooms grown in greenhouses: champignons or oyster mushrooms into your child’s menu. For forest mushrooms you need to clearly know in which area they were collected, what the distance was from roads and railways.

When can you introduce your child to the taste of mushroom soup?

On the question of when you can start feeding children mushroom dishes, in particular soup, the opinions of experts differ somewhat. Some people think quite possible use mushroom soup from the age of three, others do not recommend introducing mushroom dishes into the menu until the age of six or seven.

The frequency of mushroom soup appearing on a child’s menu should be small. Mushroom soup prepared from high-quality, proven products can be given to children once every two to three weeks. It is better to start with a puree soup made from mushroom broth. The mushroom decoction should be diluted with water and based on it, cook the baby’s usual vegetable soup.

Pediatricians quite often report evidence of mushroom poisoning in preschool children, and it’s not even a matter of their toxicity. It is possible to talk about the final formation of a child’s digestive system by the age of eight, and even at this age it is very difficult for a child’s body to resist various types of intoxication.

Mushrooms in children's diets: pros and cons

It is difficult to dispute the benefits of mushrooms, because they really are a source of vegetable protein, fiber, valuable vitamins and microelements. Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium - this is not the entire list of useful substances found in mushrooms. In terms of the quantity and quality of the minerals that make up mushrooms, scientists equate them to fruits; protein allows mushrooms to replace meat in nutritional value, and carbohydrates to replace vegetables. Substances such as beta-glucans and melanin have a positive effect on the immune system and prevent the occurrence of malignant tumors.

However, to get to the valuable composition of mushrooms, the digestive system has to work hard. The difficulty in assimilating this product lies in the presence of a substance – fungin. Chemical composition fungin is similar to chitin, which is part of the shell of crayfish, crabs, snails and some insects. Such a task is sometimes beyond the capabilities of even an adult body, and preschool children do not have enough enzymes in their stomachs necessary for this. Dietary fiber from mushrooms also has a coarse structure, which makes it difficult for children to absorb them.

In addition, the spongy structure of mushrooms is often the texture that absorbs toxins from the environment. Alas, the state of forests today leaves much to be desired. Even if parents decide to feed their child mushroom soup, it is better to cook it not from forest representatives, but from greenhouse champignons or oyster mushrooms.

Where to begin

The optimal age when you can feed your child mushroom soup is 7-8 years. Some parents, at their own risk, start at the age of five, but in this case, under no circumstances should you offer soup cooked for the whole family. The first mushroom soup in a baby’s life should not contain mushrooms themselves, but only their broth with a set of vegetables familiar to him. This can be a puree soup, and to prepare it, the mushroom broth must be diluted by half with water. The mushroom aroma is so strong that it will certainly attract the child's attention to the new dish.

Gradually, you can introduce chopped mushrooms into the children's diet, but nutritionists recommend adding cream to mushroom soup. They will make the first dish more delicate in taste and make it easier to digest. It must be said that not all mushrooms are suitable for baby food. It would be better to start with champignons, since they do not contain toxins and are considered easier to digest. It is important not to rush things and offer the child a small portion for the first time, observing his reaction. Even if everything is fine, mushroom

Reading time for this article: 10 min.

Mushroom soup and potatoes with mushrooms can be safely called, if not traditional dishes Russian cuisine, then folk delicacies for sure. Many parents and their children are not averse to going on a “quiet hunt” on a summer or autumn day. But is it possible to treat ourselves to “booty” together? The question is complex, but extremely important, so let’s try to answer it.

Mushrooms: benefit or harm?

Mushrooms contain many beneficial substances:

  • Vitamins: PP, A, B1, B2, C, D.
  • Microelements: potassium, calcium, chlorine, iron, sulfur and phosphorus.
  • Large amount of protein and fiber.
  • Urea.
  • Glycogen.
  • Enzymes: lipase and amylase.

Due to the significant amount of phosphorus and protein in mushrooms, they are quite capable of replacing meat and fish dishes for vegetarians.

Despite the obvious benefits of mushrooms, we also mention the dangers associated with their consumption.

1. The microelements chitin and fungin, which are part of mushrooms, make them difficult to digest. Therefore, the body will have to make a lot of effort to absorb all the beneficial substances.

2. Mushrooms are capable of absorbing all harmful substances from the environment where they grow.

Where to collect and how to process mushrooms for consumption?

To protect yourself as much as possible from poisoning, you need to know the rules for collecting mushrooms.

Autumn mushrooms are the least toxic, so it is preferable to collect them at this time of year.

You cannot “hunt” near power lines, highways, landfills and other objects that create a negative environmental background.

To collect mushrooms, it is better to choose a place far from the city.

Do not put large mushrooms in the basket, you will not get any benefit from them; give preference to small and dense mushrooms with a small cap and stem without damage.

And, of course, collect only those mushrooms that are familiar to you, and avoid dubious ones.

Processing mushrooms must be done immediately after returning home (no later than 3-4 hours after collection). You need to do this correctly:

  • To begin with, they should be washed and peeled from the peel on the cap and stem and the so-called “fringe” under the cap.
  • You should not keep mushrooms in water for a long time; the protein compounds will be “washed out” of them (3-5 minutes will be enough).
  • But mushrooms that are being prepared for drying should not be soaked at all.

Mushroom soup in children's diet

Many moms and dads ask the question, “Is it possible to have mushroom soup? one year old child? Perhaps it’s better to wait a bit with this dish.

The body of a 3-year-old child is not able to cope with the digestion of such rough food, so he can only occasionally be offered vegetable puree soup, cooked in mushroom broth.

The optimal frequency for children to consume mushroom soup is once every 2-3 weeks.

IN children's menu It is better to use mushrooms grown under artificial conditions, for example.

You should add sour cream or cream to mushroom soup; this will make the process of digesting the heavy product easier.

It is better not to offer pickled or salted mushrooms to a child at all until the age of 14.

Expose mushrooms for a long time heat treatment to prevent harmful substances from entering the body.

The reaction of a child’s body to mushroom dishes can be the most unexpected. Often poisoning with this product occurs when consuming the most common edible mushrooms.

Of course, you shouldn’t panic if your baby accidentally tastes a spoonful of mushroom soup from his parent’s plate, but monitor the body’s reaction to similar delicacy is mandatory.

Mushrooms are not only a healthy product, but also very tasty. They are consumed as an independent dish and added to many dishes. Mushroom soup is a favorite first course for many adults.

When it comes to baby food, mothers usually treat mushrooms with caution, and there is a healthy grain in this. But you shouldn’t forget about the possible benefits of mushrooms for a child’s body.

Today we will tell you how to prepare mushroom soup for a child that is tasty and healthy, avoiding the pitfalls of this product.

The benefits of pureed mushroom soup for a child

Mushrooms - valuable product, having a rich and varied composition of nutrients. Here are vitamins - B1, B2, A, PP, C, and a number of microelements - calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and enzymes - amylase and lipase, and most importantly, protein, thanks to which many equate mushrooms with meat.

Important! On the other hand, mushrooms tend to absorb all the poisonous and toxic substances that are in the surrounding space. Therefore, the safest mushrooms will be those grown in greenhouses - champignons and oyster mushrooms. Although they are not as rich in composition as wild mushrooms, they are much more likely to be easily accepted by the child’s body.

How to cook and when is the best time to give mushroom soup to a child?

  • Mushroom soup can be introduced into children's diets from the age of three. This should be done carefully, give it little by little and carefully monitor the baby’s reaction.
  • For the first try of mushroom soup, it is better to use greenhouse mushrooms.
  • To improve the children's perception of mushrooms, they are usually pureed and cooked for babies. Mushroom cream soup. This treatment partially destroys chitin, which is found in abundance in mushrooms, which improves the absorption of this product.
  • Also, some advise introducing your baby to mushrooms not directly, but gradually - first prepare mushroom broth, from which you can then cook regular soup. And then, if there is a good reaction to such a dish, you can give a full-fledged mushroom soup.

Recipe for baby mushroom soup

Using our recipe, you can easily and quickly prepare a delicious mushroom cream soup from champignons. In the same way, you can prepare puree soup from porcini or dried mushrooms.

Required Ingredients

  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • wheat flour – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • hot water - 1 tbsp.;
  • whole cow's milk– 2 tbsp.;
  • fresh champignons (or porcini mushrooms) – 250 g or 150 g of dried mushrooms;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cooking sequence

  1. Take an onion, peel it and rinse it in cold water, chop finely.

  2. Sort the mushrooms thoroughly, peel and wash. If you use dried mushrooms– pre-soak them for 4-6 hours in cold water, drain and rinse.
  3. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces, you can grate them.

  4. Place a piece in the pan in which you will cook the soup. butter and put on fire. When the butter melts, add the chopped onion and sauté until soft.

  5. Then add the flour, simmer it together with the onion (it should become a nice golden color) and turn off the heat.
  6. Add milk and spices and return pan to heat.

  7. Beat this mass with a mixer, gradually adding the remaining water.
  8. When the soup boils, cook it for a few minutes over low heat, then add the mushrooms and cook for another 15 minutes.
  9. Turn off the stove and puree the soup using an immersion blender.

  10. Add salt before serving.

It turns out very tasty cream of mushroom soup with cream (they need to be added a few minutes before readiness), herbs (parsley or dill) and homemade croutons.

A wide variety of mushrooms are prepared delicious dishes. Many people like to collect them themselves, salt, marinate, fry, make mushroom pies. But this is not the easiest food on the stomach. In addition, they can cause severe poisoning. Is it possible to cook mushroom dishes for a child? Most experts believe that the later the kids get to know them, the better. In any case, including them in the diet of children under 2 years of age is strictly prohibited. Mushrooms can only be given to an older child in the form of soup. When salted or fried, they are harmful.


What are the benefits of mushrooms?

Mushrooms are sources of vitamins A, C, PP of group B. They contain many valuable microelements: calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and others. They are rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids. There are substances necessary to enhance immunity and improve metabolism. Most of the nutrients are in the caps. There are practically no legs nutritional value. In addition, they contain chitin, a rough fiber that is not digested in the human stomach.

Note: Protein chicken egg is absorbed in the body by 99%, the protein contained in beef is 75%, and mushroom protein is only 3%. Therefore, in order to get enough protein, you need to eat so many of them that it can lead to poisoning.

What are the harms of mushrooms?

Parents have the right to decide for themselves at what age to give mushrooms to their child. Only in this case should one take into account their harmful effects on the baby’s body:

  1. Chitin interferes with absorption nutrients. In addition, it may enhance the allergic effects of other products.
  2. It's easy to get poisoned by mushrooms. Many of them have extremely poisonous counterparts: false honey mushrooms, false white (the so-called satanic). Therefore, feeding a child mushrooms that you have collected yourself is especially dangerous.
  3. The body of mushrooms has a porous structure, so they, like a sponge, absorb harmful substances from soil and dust, which significantly increases their toxicity.

Before preparing dishes, it is recommended to boil wild mushrooms 3 times for 15 minutes, draining the water. This helps get rid of the chemicals they have absorbed. But poisons are not destroyed by heat treatment. And here the nutritional value after such boiling it is significantly reduced.

Rules for preparation and consumption

  • You cannot use mushrooms purchased at the market, since there is no certainty that they were collected in an ecologically clean area;
  • large mushrooms need to be finely chopped, and the child should be taught to chew them thoroughly: this way they will be digested faster in the stomach;
  • It is not recommended to give your child salted, pickled mushrooms, as they contain salt and vinegar;
  • frying produces a large amount of carcinogens, so fried mushrooms they don’t give it to kids;
  • they can be introduced into the diet no more than 1-2 times a week, in small portions in the form of soup or sauce, which can be eaten with buckwheat porridge, mashed potatoes without adding oil.

Is it possible to use mushrooms in baby food (expert opinion)

Regarding the use of mushrooms in baby food There is no consensus even among experts. Rich content of useful substances, taste qualities, as well as the tradition of their widespread consumption in food are advantages. But there are also many disadvantages. The main one is the increased likelihood of poisoning.

Pediatrician E. Komarovsky

Dr. E. Komarovsky believes that mushrooms can be included in the diet of children over 2 years old, but not more than once a week (with potatoes or in the form of soup). It should be champignons or oyster mushrooms. He notes that many parents doubt that they can harm their child. At the same time, they refer to their grandmothers who fed the children forest mushrooms, nothing bad happened. He reminds such parents that the environmental situation has changed greatly for the worse in recent decades. In addition, no one kept records of infant mortality associated with mushroom consumption.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky about whether it is possible to give mushrooms to children

Gastroenterologist Dmitryakova G. N. (Department of Childhood Diseases, Federal Postgraduate Education, Western State Medical University)

At the age of up to 3 years, the digestive organs of children are not developed enough to digest the hard-to-digest substances contained in mushrooms: “The child has imperfect production of the enzyme trehalase, which breaks down the carbohydrates of mushrooms,” Dmitryakova emphasizes. Therefore, she does not recommend giving them at the age of less than 7 -8 years. This means healthy children who do not have heart disease. respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract.

Deputy Head of the Sanitary Supervision Department of the Rospotrebnadzor Office for the Lipetsk Region E. Khvenchuk

He says that children under 12 years old should not add mushrooms to salads, pizza, or make soup from them. Toxicity persists even after cooking.

Doctor E. Malysheva, host of the TV show “Live Healthy”

She considers mushrooms, regardless of where they are collected, to be one of the most dangerous foods for children. The toxin content is too high, even if they are grown in your own garden. They should not be given to children under 12 years of age.

Video: Products hazardous to children

Mushroom poisoning

There is always a risk of mushroom poisoning for a child, especially a small one. The danger exists both when consuming fresh and canned foods. Even completely harmless for an adult, they can be poisonous for a baby, whose body is hypersensitive to toxins. Some products enhance their toxic effect. For example, it is not recommended to drink sour juice, as acid increases toxicity.

The first signs of mushroom poisoning are a metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, severe vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. In severe poisoning, convulsions, hallucinations appear, and constriction of the pupils occurs. If you suspect poisoning, you must call an ambulance.

Before the ambulance arrives, the child is given gastric lavage, an enema, and given activated charcoal to drink. Emergency doctors need to accurately explain the cause of poisoning so that assistance can be provided most effectively.

Video: Forest mushroom poisoning

Advice: The systematic inclusion of mushrooms in a child’s food can lead to gastritis. Children are unlikely to appreciate taste characteristics mushroom dishes, and get useful material much easier from other products (meat, fish, vegetables and fruits). At least until the age of 7 (by this age the formation of the digestive system ends), and even better, it is advisable not to give mushrooms until the age of 10.