What sheep's milk products? Which sheep give a lot of milk: dairy breeds

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Sheep milk has been used by humans for a long time. And this is not surprising, because it has unique properties and attractive taste, and also contains great amount all kinds of microelements and is not contraindicated for allergy sufferers. This is why people who cannot consume cow, lamb or goat milk, it is recommended to switch to sheep.

Benefits and harms of sheep milk

The Caucasus, Middle East, Central Asia, Greece - this is not a complete list of areas where sheep's milk is regularly used in the diet. In order to increase the production of sheep milk, livestock breeders specially bred a special sheep, which in a period of 3 to 5 months produces up to 150 kg of this unique product.


Sheep milk is used like any other. It has a rather specific smell - it is rarely consumed undiluted. This product is indispensable for culinary purposes. Sheep's milk can be used to make wonderful yoghurts and delicious oil, and other fermented milk products, as well as cheese, amazing in its taste.

Sheep meat is very popular all over the world. fresh milk and cheeses made from it (Roquefort, Provencal, feta cheese, feta). A huge plus is that its nutrients are light and well absorbed by the body, so sheep products are always recommended by experts for a dietary and balanced diet.

Unique composition

What's in sheep's milk?

  1. Firstly, a group of different useful vitamins. Thus, vitamin A not only helps improve vision, but is also indispensable in the fight against various eye diseases. Drinking the drink will enrich the body with vitamins D and E and thus help your skin become beautiful and healthy. This combination of vitamins will be especially useful for those who suffer from various skin diseases.
  2. Secondly, sheep milk contains vitamin B12 and folic acid in abundance. As a rule, these vitamins are necessary to maintain the body and are most often taken as supplements to strengthen the immune system during cold season.
  3. Thirdly, the high concentration of potassium contained in it will help improve the health of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Fourthly, another advantage of the drink is that it is rich in zinc, which is indispensable for the beauty and health of hair, as well as the vigor and energy of the whole body. In addition, the supply of the required amount of zinc increases appetite, which is why nutritionists prescribe sheep milk for those who struggle with anorexia.
  5. Fifthly, sheep's milk contains a lot of calcium, which is why it is often recommended to drink it to treat diseases such as osteoporosis.

What is the benefit

The benefits of sheep's milk are a separate topic. This product will be useful to everyone, as it is the best helper for boosting immunity. It is especially important to drink it for children, nursing mothers, as well as workers in physical professions.

The benefits of sheep's milk


  1. The milk produced by sheep has excellent antioxidant properties: a person who regularly consumes it absorbs oxygen better, which normalizes brain function, concentration and memory.
  2. After suffering from colds, sheep product is especially useful.
  3. Drinking this drink at night will absolutely ensure a sweet dream.
  4. The most important difference between sheep's milk and goat's or cow's milk is that there are practically no allergies to it, so people with asthma and eczema can safely use it in their diet.
  5. This product can also be used when feeding purebred pets.

Sheep's milk cheese

Don't like cheese? Most likely, you have simply never tried sheep's milk cheeses. Thanks to its beneficial and nutritious substances, this drink is a wonderful raw material for the production of cheese with a unique taste. Many countries have developed their own unique technology for manufacturing this product. Nowadays you can often find analogues of such cheese on store shelves, however, they differ significantly in taste from their originals.

Sheep's milk cheeses are extremely popular

Like sheep's milk, the cheese produced from it contains not only beneficial amino acids, but also trace elements. People who regularly include sheep's milk cheese in their diet practically do not suffer from eye diseases or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endure fractures more easily and follow their diet easily.

Harm and contraindications

If individual intolerance is observed, sheep milk is certainly contraindicated and can be harmful. Due to its high fat content, this product is not recommended for overweight people, as well as those who suffer from renal and liver failure, dyskinesia.

Do not forget that this drink has a high fat content, which increases cholesterol levels in the body, so its use must be treated with caution. The quantity should be taken into account food calories, which it contains, and consume without overdoing it. How much is this? The daily norm per day should be no more than 150 g.

Sheep's milk is a biblical product

Dairy sheep (lacon, lacon, lacaune), production sheep cheese

Dairy sheep farming is being developed in the Borisov region

It will also be useful to know that although sheep produce less milk than other domestic animals, it is the milk that costs much more. Plus, it is much more convenient to store than other fermented milk products. The product is easy to freeze, and this process does not affect its quality at all. taste qualities and nutritional value.


Description of sheep's milk with photos, characteristics of its benefits and harms, as well as calorie and fat content; use in recipes

Sheep milk is very popular among the population of Crimea, Italy, Central Asia and the Caucasus. Since this drink has a rather unpleasant odor, it is practically not consumed in its entirety.

Beneficial features

Compared to cow's milk, sheep's milk is 1.5 times more nutritious. With regular consumption, this product improves brain activity and increases the supply of oxygen to cells. In addition, this drink takes part in protein synthesis, and is also an excellent antioxidant.

Given the high amount of calcium, sheep's milk reduces the risk of osteoporosis, and it also strengthens the skeleton. In addition, this mineral is necessary for the body after serious illnesses to strengthen the immune system. This milk also contains zinc, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

It is recommended to include this product in your diet for people who are allergic to cow's and goat's milk, as well as for asthma, eczema and certain skin problems.

Thanks to the vitamin A content, vision improves and reduces the risk of eye diseases. Thanks to the chlorine content, swelling is reduced, and this mineral also helps eliminate toxins from the body. Given the high potassium content, sheep's milk has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke and other problems.

Sheep's milk is used in cooking like cow's milk and other versions of this product. It makes delicious yoghurts, cheese, feta cheese, butter and other fermented milk products (see photo).

Harm of sheep milk and contraindications

Sheep milk can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product. You should avoid using this product if you have gastritis, colitis and ulcers. Due to its high calorie and fat content, you should not abuse this drink so as not to cause serious problems.


Sheep milk - composition, use, contraindications

Sheep milk is traditionally used in the North Caucasus, Central Asia, Transcaucasia and Crimea. Sheep milk is also widely used by residents of the Middle East, Greece and Italy. In these countries, special breeds of sheep have been bred that are capable of producing up to 150 kg of milk during a lactation period lasting from 4 to 5 months. Sheep milk is a very high-calorie and nutritious product with a delicate and slightly sweet taste. Butter, curdled milk, yoghurts, kefir are made from it and, of course, gourmets all over the world know the taste of sheep's milk cheese well.


Due to the specific smell, sheep's milk is rarely consumed whole. It is usually used to make various fermented milk products and cheeses. The nutrients in sheep's milk are easily digestible, so nutritionists recommend including it in the diet of older people and children. However, this product contains a large amount of fat and therefore it is advisable for people prone to obesity to drink whole sheep milk and fermented milk products from it, diluting them with water.

Composition and properties of sheep's milk

Sheep's milk is 1.5 times more nutritious than cow's milk. It is rich in B vitamins and vitamin A. Sheep milk is especially useful for pregnant women, children, and adolescents. This milk is famous for its antioxidant properties. With its regular use, oxygen absorption improves and nutrients brain cells, resulting in improved memory, concentration, and increased learning ability.

Sheep milk contains up to 10% fat and up to 20% dry matter. Compared to cow's or goat's milk, it contains several times more zinc and calcium. Calcium from sheep's milk is in an easily digestible form, and the ratio of phosphorus and calcium in it is ideal. That is why nutritionists advise regularly consuming sheep's milk to treat and prevent osteoporosis. In addition, calcium needs increase sharply after suffering from colds. Zinc is essential for healthy skin and hair, as well as overall good health. Sufficient intake of zinc from food helps increase appetite. In this regard, sheep's milk is recommended to be included in the menu of people suffering from anorexia.

Sheep milk protein has less allergenic properties than goat or cow milk proteins. Sheep milk is indicated for bronchial asthma, eczema and other allergic diseases. The protein content in sheep milk is 5.6%, and the calorie content of 100.0 g of this product is 109.7 kcal.

Just one cup of warm sheep's milk, drunk half an hour before bedtime, will give you a sound and healthy sleep.


Sheep milk and products made from it should be excluded from the diet of people suffering from individual intolerance (idiosyncrasy) to this food product.

Sheep's milk cheese

Due to its high nutritional qualities, high fat and protein content, as well as its unique aroma, sheep's milk is an almost ideal raw material for making cheese. IN different countries Sheep's milk cheese is made using different technologies and, accordingly, has different names. The most famous are the following types of sheep's milk cheese:

  • Roquefort is a world-famous French sheep cheese;
  • Provençal cheeses are all made only from sheep's milk. The most famous among them are "Brousse du Rove" and "Picodon";
  • Brynza is one of the types of brine cheese;
  • Feta is the most traditional pickled cheese in Greece.

Benefits of sheep's milk cheese

Sheep cheese contains all the essential amino acids. It is rich in protein, microelements, vitamins. Cheese can be easily compared to milk concentrate, which contains all useful and nutrients in much higher concentrations.

Among those peoples who regularly consume sheep's milk cheeses, there are significantly fewer diseases of the organs of vision and gastrointestinal tract. These cheeses contain significant amounts of calcium and phosphorus salts, and even in the most optimal ratio, which makes their consumption an excellent preventive measure for the development of osteoporosis, and also helps to reduce the time for healing of fractures.

Sheep's milk cheese contains more than 30% fat and is classified as a fatty and high-calorie product. Therefore, despite everything beneficial features, it should be consumed within reasonable limits. So an adult should eat no more than 100.0 - 150.0 g of sheep cheese per day. This amount will allow you to fill the body with fats, protein, lecithin, mineral salts and vitamins, but will not lead to the deposition of excess fat in the form of extra pounds.

Sheep's milk cheese is especially useful for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and adolescents, as well as people engaged in heavy physical labor and expending too much energy.

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Sheep milk: beneficial properties and calorie content. Sheep milk products

Sheep have been bred for milk for thousands of years. Perhaps even before people started milking cows. In the modern world, dairy sheep farming is concentrated in Europe and countries near the Mediterranean Sea.

Sheep's milk is very nutritious and richer in vitamins A, B and E, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium than cow's milk. It also contains a higher proportion fatty acids small and medium chain, which are considered beneficial to health. For example, some of them have a minor effect on cholesterol levels in people. In addition, they help milk digest easier.

How is it used?

Sheep milk can be frozen and stored until the required amount is available for sale or cheese production. Freezing does not affect the cheese-making qualities of the product.

Sheep milk has a higher solids content than goat or cow milk. As a result, more cheese can be produced from a liter of cheese, compared to the resulting product from the same unit of goat or cow product. Sheep milk yields 18 to 25 percent cheese, while goat and cow milk yield between 9 and 10 percent.

While sheep typically produce less product than goats and much less than cows, sheep's milk sells for a significantly higher price per liter. In farm stores it is almost four times more expensive than cow's milk.

Sheep's milk cheese

The main product made from sheep's milk is cheese. The most famous types of this product are the following: feta (Greece, Italy and France), ricotta and pecorino Romano (Italy), Roquefort (France). Bryndza cheese is also a well-known international product. Yogurt and ice cream are also made from sheep's milk.

Although any breed of sheep can be milked during lactation (like other types of livestock), there are specialized breeds of dairy animals. There are more than a dozen dairy breeds around the world that are capable of producing 200 to 600 liters during lactation, while production from conventional sheep species is only 50 to 100 liters during the same period. The caloric content is approximately the same - at the level of 108 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Around the world, most sheep are milked by hand. This is because many dairy breeds are raised on small farms in remote areas where technical equipment remains very limited. Modern farms where sheep are raised use complex mechanisms for milking: machines, pipelines, large tanks, etc. They do this once or twice a day.

Maximum milk yield will be achieved if lambs are removed from their pens within 24 hours of birth and subsequently raised on artificial milk replacer.

Sheep milk: benefits and harms

This milk is rich in calcium and minerals like zinc. Their content is very high compared to dairy products from other animals. It is always worth remembering that lacto-calcium is much easier to digest than calcium carbonate (which is marble). When combined with lactose and vitamin D, calcium is vital in the fight against osteoporosis. There is almost twice as much of this microelement in sheep's milk as in cow's milk.

Calcium is also necessary after any debilitating illness. Zinc, in turn, is needed to maintain skin health and is also recommended for various long-term diseases, including anorexia.

However, sheep milk has a very high fat content. This can have a negative connotation. Unsaturated fats can increase cholesterol levels in the body, so it is better not to overuse the product.


Vitamins, mainly B-complex, but also A, D and E, are essential for maintaining health and are most often recommended as a dietary supplement. Why worry about this when they are all present in sheep's milk? It is especially rich in folic acid and B12, which are most often offered in the form of synthetic vitamin complexes.


Many people are put off by the high levels of fat found in sheep's milk. However, we must remember that the so-called “fats” contain three fat-soluble vitamins, without which the body begins to suffer from serious illnesses. These are vitamins A, D and E - sheep milk contains much more of them than cow or goat milk. Vitamin D content is 0.18 g/100 grams, compared to summer cow's milk with a proportion of 0.04 g/100 g. Sheep's milk also contains a higher percentage of saturated fatty acids and this is thought to result in higher lactose absorption in cases of poor tolerance.

Another important point is that 45% of the fatty acids contained in the product are mono- or polyunsaturated. This means that when such milk is consumed, it remains in the body for a very long time. Doctors even recommend drinking sheep's milk yogurt three hours before the planned feast. This method works better than the well-known olive oil. No one will argue that it is better to prevent the consequences of a feast than to deal with it later.

But remember that unsaturated fats can increase cholesterol levels in the body, so everything should be in moderation!


The protein that is contained in milk and does not end up in cheese remains in the whey. The content of this element in sheep's milk is three times higher than in cow's or goat's milk. Thanks to this, the whole product is easier to digest, and whey, in turn, is also recommended for consumption.


Even if people are severely lactose intolerant, they can safely consume sheep's milk products. In the production of yoghurts from it milk sugar oxidizes. In addition, most of the lactose comes out with the whey when cheeses are made. There is also evidence that the lactose in sheep's milk is easier to tolerate than in other types of milk, so it's always worth trying it for yourself to see for yourself.

Remember that any illness and use of antibiotics has a bad effect on your immune system. Plus, even the best medications usually kill the good bacteria as well as the bad ones. Sheep's milk yogurt and feta cheese help correct this and restore intestinal flora.

Be healthy!

Sheep milk is especially popular among Crimeans and residents of Transcaucasia; this product is also widely consumed in Central Asia and the North Caucasus. Sheep milk is also in great demand among Italians, Greeks and residents of the Middle East. The average milk yield of many sheep breeds is one hundred to one hundred and fifty liters of milk in four to five months.

Even in ancient times, butter, cheese, kefir and yogurt were prepared from sheep's milk. Sheep milk has a high nutritional value, it has a sweetish taste and a delicate consistency.


Sheep milk is easily digestible and nutritious food product, especially recommended for use by children. Matsoni, yogurt, katyk, and ayran are prepared on the basis of this product. Sheep milk has a specific smell, so it is almost never consumed in its whole form, but it is an excellent basis for the production of such famous cheeses as Tushinsky, Ossetian and Chanakh.

Sheep's milk cheeses

A lot of food is made from sheep's milk different types cheeses, primarily pickled ones. Cheeses made from sheep's milk are the fattest, since the fat content of sheep's milk is much higher than that of cow's and goat's.

The most famous cheeses, which, according to classic recipes, made from sheep's milk: Roquefort, feta, feta cheese, Provençal cheeses. However, now on the shelves you can increasingly find cheeses with the same names, but made not from sheep’s milk, but from cow’s milk. Of course, this is not at all the same, although in appearance and taste these analogues are very reminiscent of the originals.

Composition and beneficial qualities of sheep milk

If you need to replace cow or goat milk, then there is no better alternative than sheep milk. The nutritional value Sheep milk is 1.5 times higher than cow milk, and the composition of this product is much richer in vitamins A and B. Sheep milk is recommended to be consumed when a child is growing, as well as for pregnant women. This product is a wonderful antioxidant; thanks to it, cholesterol, amino acids, and vitamins A and D are synthesized. Those who regularly drink sheep's milk have a more active brain, and the body's cells absorb more oxygen.

If we compare sheep and cow milk, it is worth noting that cow’s milk is clearly inferior in terms of the amount of proteins, fats and solids. The content of solids in sheep's milk reaches 18-20%, fat - 7-10%, which is the reason for its better digestibility compared to cow's milk. If you compare sheep's milk with varieties of the same products, it contains large amounts of zinc and calcium. Sheep's milk calcium helps combat this serious illness like osteoporosis. Calcium is also indispensable in strengthening the immune system for those who have recently been ill. Zinc, found in sheep's milk, is needed to maintain healthy skin; it is also recommended for anorexia. If the body is deficient in this substance, it has Negative influence for his entire fortune. Scientists have confirmed that the calcium content in sheep milk is directly proportional to the amount of phosphorus. This is important because one element contributes to the good absorption of the other.

Sheep milk contains the protein casein, which, unlike the same protein in cow and goat milk, is much less likely to cause allergies in people prone to this disease. Sheep milk is also recommended for asthmatics and people with problem skin (for example, eczema).

To sleep soundly all night, just drink one cup of warm sheep's milk just before going to bed.

The calorie content of sheep's milk is 109.7 kcal. Nutritional value of sheep milk: 5.6 g (proteins), 7.7 g (fat), 4.8 g (carbohydrates). However, these are average figures that can vary significantly depending on many conditions.


Sheep milk is contraindicated if you are hypersensitive to this product. Also, due to its high fat content, it is not recommended for overweight people, as well as for those with liver and pancreas diseases.

Cheeses made from sheep's milk, especially brined ones, should not be consumed if you have gastrointestinal or kidney diseases, or those suffering from hypertension and edema.

Cow and goat milk and products made from them are familiar to every resident of our country. But not everyone knows that you can milk sheep. Meanwhile, the milk of these animals is extremely useful.

Sheep milk is common in the Caucasus countries, the Balkans, Crimea, and Central Asia. There they prepare gourmet cheeses, cottage cheese, and fermented milk products from it. Sheep milk products are characterized by high fat content, a high content of vitamins, and healthy fats.

Properties of sheep's milk

Sheep milk is called the record holder for the content of calcium and other minerals. The level of vitamin D in it is twice as high as in cow's milk. It is recommended for the prevention of rickets in children and for strengthening the skeletal system in adults.

The benefits of sheep's milk for an expectant mother simply cannot be overestimated. The high content of folic acid promotes the harmonious development of the fetus during gestation.

Nutritionists are studying sheep milk, the benefits and harms of this product. It is useful for almost everyone. The only reason for refusing it may be individual intolerance. But this also happens extremely rarely. Often people don’t like the taste of fresh produce, but almost everyone eats dishes made from it - cheese, cottage cheese.

Product fat content

Many people wonder if sheep's milk is healthy? Definitely yes. This is nature's pantry useful substances in perfect proportion. There is no doubt that it is the fattest of all types of milk consumed by humans. It contains the most important vitamins: A, E and D, and in record proportions.

Fatty acids in sheep's milk promote better absorption of lactose. People who are allergic to cow's milk often do not have a reaction when consuming sheep's milk.

Until 1990, nutritionists classified this product not as a drink, but as a food due to its high fat content.

Features of sheep's milk

This is not the most common product on store shelves due to its specific features. The milk yield from a sheep is incomparably lower than from a cow. One individual of a dairy breed can produce up to 150 liters in 5 months. Many people want to know if sheep's milk has any flavor. Yes, this one has useful product in its unprocessed form it has a specific taste. Therefore, it is more often used either in diluted or processed form.

The quality of sheep's milk depends on the breed of sheep, their nutrition and living conditions. Due to its composition, this milk is 99% digestible. This is a record among products of this type.

Fermentation of sheep's milk occurs at 20-27 C. Perhaps this is the reason that it is so rarely consumed in its whole form and they try to process it. What is made from sheep's milk? An impressive variety of healthy products: katyk, cottage cheese, ayran, cheese or yogurt.

Delicious benefits

Manufacture delicious cheeses. Brine:

  • vats,
  • Kobi,
  • Tushinsky,
  • feta cheese.


  • Roquefort,
  • bakerino,
  • rocking-shaft.

Using ancient technology, soft cheeses mature for a long period. During soaking in brine, they receive a special taste and aroma. The brine also serves as a disinfectant.

The mass fraction of dry matter is higher in comparison with cow's milk. It turns out that there is almost 1.5 times more sheep's cheese than when using cow's milk. Sheep milk butter, on the contrary, is less tasty and has a specific taste.

Ayran is another drink that is made from sheep's milk. Since ancient times, mountaineers used it as food and were famous for their longevity. This fermented milk drink was prepared simply - a special starter, salt and water were added to fresh milk.

In each village or among different peoples, variations in the recipe were allowed with the addition of other ingredients that radically changed the taste finished product. Regular consumption of ayran helps restore microflora, strengthen immunity and vitality.

Sheep's milk yogurt - valuable product. The technology that has been established for centuries allows the use of only live lactobacilli. Few people know what sheep's milk yogurt is called. In the Middle East it is called jamid, but in the Caucasus it is called matsoni. This product can be consumed without fear even by those who cannot tolerate more common types of yoghurt.

Sheep's cottage cheese

Sheep milk cottage cheese is tasty and nutritious. You can also prepare it at home. The main ingredient in its preparation is sheep's milk, which is quite difficult to obtain in the city.

Another equally important ingredient is high-quality sourdough. Among the peoples who have been producing this product for centuries, this component was previously kept secret. Even now, it is quite problematic to find natural sourdough of the highest quality.

For convenience, you can use aciddin-pepsin tablets, which will act as lactobacilli.

  • Milk – 1 l.
  • Aciddin-pepsin tablets (or natural sourdough) – 2 pcs.
  • Yogurt without additives – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt, preferably sea salt – 1 tbsp.
  • Water – 1/3 tbsp.

Cooking is not very difficult, but it requires time and skill.:

  • The milk needs to be slightly warmed. It should be higher room temperature, but not hot. After all, fermentation occurs already at 27 degrees.
  • Grind the tablets to a powder and dilute in the specified amount of water. Let it sit for an hour.
  • Add yogurt and tablet solution to milk. Within half an hour, the milk will curdle and separate into smooth curdled milk and whey. You need to leave them to stand for a day. Do not clean in cold weather. Drain off the whey. Carefully cut the dense part into small cubes, the size of which can be just over a centimeter.
  • Mix the cottage cheese cubes and place in clean gauze, folded in several layers. Carefully tie the edges of the gauze and hang to allow the whey to drain.
  • After 4 hours the cottage cheese will be quite dry. Unwrap the gauze and place the contents in a clean container. Add salt and mix thoroughly. Store the finished cottage cheese in the refrigerator.

Here's how to make cottage cheese from sheep's milk. About 200 g of cottage cheese comes out of 1 liter of freshly milked product. It can be safely eaten. Serum is an excellent product for cosmetic purposes. It can also be used for kneading dough and other culinary needs.

Sheep's milk cheese is very tasty and specific. Brine cheese can also be made at home by soaking it in brine ready-made cottage cheese. People suffering from stomach diseases and excess weight should not abuse these products. But in limited quantities it is permissible.

But now you can increasingly find such delicacies as goat’s milk, and in large supermarkets you can even find mare’s milk. In this article we will talk about non-traditional types of milk and try to find out how the milk of a goat, mare, camel and other animals differs from cow’s milk and how beneficial it is for us.

Goat milk

By chemical composition and properties of goat's milk are close to the composition and properties of cow's milk. It differs only in the higher quantity, and; contains a lot of carotene, so it has a pale yellow color. Goat milk fat contains more capric and linoleic acids, and the fat globules are smaller, which contributes to its better absorption by the human body. The amino acid composition of its proteins is close to the amino acid composition of human milk proteins, but casein micelles are larger than the casein micelles of human and cow's milk and are 133 nm and higher. Goat milk casein contains few α-fractions (10-15%), therefore, during rennet coagulation it forms a loose curd. The fat content of goat's milk ranges from 3.6% to 6% higher (depending on the breed of goat). Goat's milk is rich and contains slightly more than cow's milk. The acidity of goat milk is about 17-19°T (pH = 6.4÷6.7), density - 1033 kg/m³. Goat's milk is less heat-resistant (withstands t = 130 °C for 19 minutes), as it contains more ionized calcium.

Goat's milk has an alkaline environment, as a result of which, in case of exacerbation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer, goat's milk is a good addition to treatment. Goat milk is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, tuberculosis, remove heavy metal salts from the body, cleanse the body of the effects of chemotherapy, for baby food. It helps in the treatment of thyroid diseases. Raw goat's milk is less dangerous than raw cow's milk, as goats are more resistant to disease than cows. Pickled cheeses, such as feta cheese, are produced from goat's milk.

Mare's milk

The composition of mare's milk differs significantly from the composition of milk of cows and other animals. It contains 2 times less protein, fat and minerals, almost 1.5 times more lactose than cow's milk. The acidity of mare's milk is quite low - about 6°T (pH = 6.6÷7.0), density - 1032÷1034 kg/m³. In terms of the quantity and composition of proteins, as well as lactose content, mare's milk is close to women's milk. It belongs to the milk of the albumin group - the share of casein in it accounts for 50-60% of the total amount of proteins. Therefore, when coagulating mare's milk, a dense clot is not formed; the protein precipitates in the form of delicate small flakes.

Mare's milk has high biological value. Its proteins and fat are well digestible. Milk fat has a low melting point - 21÷23 °C, and contains less low-molecular fatty acids but more saturated fatty acids compared to cow's milk fat. The amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids in it is almost 10 times higher than in cow milk. Proteins have a well-balanced amino acid composition. Mare's milk significantly exceeds cow's milk in content; its amount can reach 13 mg/m³ or more. however, it contains less.

Mare's milk is a white liquid with a blue tint and a slightly tart taste. It is useful in cases of metabolic disorders, irregular bowel movements, rumbling in the intestines, intestinal infections, flatulence, belching, nausea. Mare's milk has a beneficial effect on weak skin turgor, rashes, psoriasis, sunburn, ailments and weakness in old age. It is also recommended to drink it for quick recovery after operations.

Mare's milk is used to prepare a valuable dietary fermented milk product - kumiss. A drink called “Artsa” (a kind of analogue of vodka) is made from fermented mare’s milk by distillation.

Camel milk

Camel milk, unlike the milk of other farm animals, can be stored for a long time. fresh, which allows it to be transported over long distances.

Research has established that camel milk contains amino acids that promote the formation of red blood cells, so people suffering from persistent anemia (anemia) should especially pay attention to it. This phenomenon is often observed in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Many people know that treating anemia is long, difficult and not always successful, despite heavy doses of medications. Therefore, if a hot climate is not contraindicated for you and there is an opportunity to go to the southern steppe regions and drink fresh camel milk, do not miss it. Get a boost of health for the whole year. There is also an opinion that camel milk helps cope with other serious diseases. This is due to the fact that camels have very high immunity.

Fermented milk products made from camel milk also have beneficial properties. I.I. Mechnikov wrote that Arab nomads, who have excellent health and great physical strength, drink freshly fermented camel milk. For centuries, fermented milk products made from this milk are considered dietary.

Kazakh National dish made from camel milk is called shubat. It is obtained from camel milk by fermentation with lactic acid bacteria and special yeast. The Turkmens call the same product chal. In the East, these products are usually valued higher than mare's milk and kumiss made from it. Shubat strengthens the human body, quenches thirst, and stimulates appetite. In terms of its effect on the gastrointestinal tract, this product is similar to kefir. Like kumis, it alleviates the condition of patients with pulmonary diseases. In particular, shubat is successfully used in the treatment of patients with various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. In addition, shubat has proven itself as a remedy for regulating the functioning of the stomach and pancreas. In Kazakh folk medicine Shubat is also used for stomach diseases, as a general tonic for debilitating chronic diseases, as well as for poisoning and rickets.

Cooking at home various products from a mixture of camel milk with the milk of other animals: katyk ( spoiled milk), uyz (colostrum), kurt (spicy cheese), izhegey kurt (crushed kurt), irket-may (butter from a sour mixture), shalap (sour milk mixed with water), suzbe (cottage cheese). Suzba is produced in two types: 5% fat and low-fat.

Sheep milk

Sheep milk is nutritious and tasty. It has a rich and delicate, slightly sweet taste. The overall density of this milk is higher than that of cow's or goat's milk, and it contains twice as many minerals, such as calcium, and also contains all the important ones. Despite the high fat content, products made from sheep's milk are much lighter than those made from cow's milk. The fact is that in sheep and goat milk, all carotene is converted into vitamin A. As a result, the milk and the butter obtained from this milk are white, but this does not reduce their biological value.

Sheep's milk produces the richest cheese. The fat content of the milk of these animals is up to 12.1%, so people with weak livers and pancreas are better off avoiding this product or using it in very small quantities. The nutritional and medicinal value of sheep's milk cheese is very great. It is a source of not only complete animal protein, but also phosphorus, a number of vitamins, including vitamin A (retinol), carotene, vitamin B2. IN therapeutic nutrition Mild, lightly salted and preferably fatty cheeses are used, usually in diets for liver and intestinal diseases. Sharp cheeses with a large amount of mineral salts are useful for improving appetite, for anemia, but for gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis, colitis, etc.) sharp cheeses It’s better to refrain and choose varieties that are neutral in taste. Salty cheeses are contraindicated for kidney disease, edema, and hypertension.

Buffalo milk

There are only 4 types of buffalo in the world: Philippine, African, Indian and the buffalo with the mysterious name Anoa. All of them are “very, very wild” with the exception of the Indian buffalo, which in ancient times managed to be tamed. This domesticated species has spread to Asia, Africa and Southern Europe. And if you have ever seen a buffalo, so to speak, in reality, then it was most likely an Indian buffalo.

So, domestic buffalo milk differs from cow's milk in the high content of all its main components, especially fat and proteins, and therefore dry mass. Simply put, it is much thicker than cow's milk. The fat content of this milk is 8-14%, like good cream. This makes it indispensable in the treatment of pneumonia, prolonged bronchitis and many other diseases. respiratory tract. There are known cases of cure for pneumonia with this milk without the use of antibiotics. They say this is how pulmonary diseases were treated in ancient times.

It is also useful during the period of rehabilitation after long illnesses, when the patient’s body is severely exhausted. But this same indicator - fat content - makes it undesirable for people prone to cardiovascular diseases, as it can greatly increase the level of cholesterol in the blood. For the same reason, people who are overweight or inclined to be overweight should refuse such milk.

However, fat is not always clearly harmful to our body. Buffalo milk fat, for example, contains more vitamins than cow fat: vitamin A - 4.16 mg/kg and - 3.8 mg/kg. (Cow fat contains 3.3 mg/kg and 2.87 mg/kg, respectively.) Thanks to this, buffalo milk is an indispensable aid in the treatment of skin diseases. This set of vitamins also has a beneficial effect on the sexual sphere. Let us remember that these vitamins are usually prescribed to pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as women being treated for infertility.

Buffalo milk is used both fresh and in production fermented milk products, butter and other types of dairy products. The average diameter of the fat globules of such milk is 4.37 microns, that is, slightly larger than the diameter of the fat globules of cow's milk. This means they are easier to separate. This promotes good butter yield from buffalo milk.

And this is not a complete list of animals whose milk is suitable for consumption. But no matter what the milk is, we can once again say with confidence that milk carries many benefits and health for humans. So drink milk, people, and you will be healthy! :)


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Sheep's milk is a delicious alternative to cow's milk and also provides a number of health benefits. It lowers cholesterol, strengthens bones, stimulates the immune system, growth and development. Prevents birth defects, reduces inflammation, fights cancer and lowers blood pressure.

The most popular types of milk are cow, goat, buffalo, etc. Sheep's milk has been used for thousands of years as a form of food throughout the world, although it is not as popular as cow's milk. In fact, sheep's milk has a number of advantages over other types, and also has a unique, delicious aroma. Due to this, it is popular in the cuisines of many regions.

Sheep milk is used in the production of numerous famous cheeses, including feta and Roquefort, and is also used in the preparation of various yoghurts. It contains an impressive amount of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, essential minerals and important vitamins. Due to the limited time of year when most sheep produce milk, continuous cultivation is more difficult. Therefore, sheep milk and related products tend to be more expensive and harder to find. Now let's take a look at some of the most important benefits of sheep's milk for our health.

The immune system

Thanks to the rich combination of minerals and nutrients contained in sheep's milk, including vitamins A and E, our immune system receives a very powerful healthy boost when consuming this product. Vitamins A and E act as antioxidants in the body by finding free radicals and eliminating them from the system. Thereby preventing the occurrence of chronic diseases and oxidative stress. This type of milk is also very good for improving health and appearance skin, mainly due to the activity of vitamin E.

Growth and development

Sheep milk is considered the best in terms of protein content. There are 5.4 grams of protein per 100 grams of milk, which is more than cow's (3.2 grams), goat's (3.1 grams) and buffalo milk (4.5 grams). This makes sheep's milk extremely important for growth and development, as complete proteins are essential for the production of tissue, cells and bone matter in the body. In addition, protein is a useful and easily accessible form of energy.

Fight against cancer

Nucleosides and nucleotides found in large quantities in sheep's milk (at least 50 times higher than in cow's milk) have been associated with a lower risk of cancer, better cell growth, and reduced oxidative stress throughout the body.

Child's health

Sheep milk contains many different B vitamins, including high levels of folic acid, which is extremely important for women's reproductive health. And also our general metabolism. Folate deficiency is closely associated with neural tube defects, which can have a long-term impact on the quality of life of the unborn child. Thus, sheep's milk is an excellent way to balance hormonal levels and ensure the birth of a healthy baby.

Blood pressure

The concentration of key amino acids in sheep's milk is higher than in cow's, goat's and buffalo's milk. These amino acids act as drugs to lower blood pressure. For those who prefer treatment with natural remedies, sheep's milk will good option to protect heart health - it will reduce the strain on blood vessels and arteries.

Bone mineral density

Like other types of milk, sheep's milk contains an impressive range of essential minerals, including zinc, magnesium and calcium. These are all important components for increasing mineral density bones in the body, which tends to decline as we age. Sheep milk will be a very effective and tasty way to prevent the development of osteoporosis and ensure an active healthy lifestyle in old age. It contains about twice as much calcium as cow's and goat's milk, which makes it good at protecting our bones and teeth.

Cholesterol levels

It's true that sheep's milk contains almost twice as much fat as cow's milk, but remember that not all fats are bad. In fact, monounsaturated fats from sheep's milk can help lower cholesterol in the body. This may help prevent the occurrence of certain cardiovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes, and coronary artery disease. Medium chain triglycerides also make up about 25% of the fat content in sheep's milk and are associated with a reduction in body fat and improved conversion of protein into energy.

Precautionary measures

As mentioned above, sheep's milk is quite high in fat, so if you currently suffer from obesity or other weight problems, using sheep's milk as your main source of nutrients may not be the best solution. Therefore, before including this tasty and very healthy product in your diet, talk to a nutritionist so that you don’t end up harming yourself.