Calorie content of oriental pilaf with veal. Calorie content of pilaf: features and recipes

Pilaf – tasty, satisfying and with many favorite dish, containing everything you need for good nutrition. Pilaf contains meat, onions, rice, carrots, fat, salt, and water.

The main ingredient in pilaf is rice. It is rich in vitamin B2 and has a positive effect on the metabolism of amino acids in the body.

According to nutritionists beneficial features pilaf is digested by ninety-eight percent, which is a high figure.

The calorie content of pilaf is high, but this dish is easily digested by the human body. Depending on the ingredients, the calorie content of pilaf may vary. It's no secret that the basis of almost any type of pilaf is meat. To give the pilaf a special aroma and exquisite taste, meat with bones must be added to it. It could be chicken or pork, beef or lamb. All these products are nutritious and give high calorie content to pilaf.

How many calories are in pilaf? In fact, the calorie content of pilaf depends on meat pilaf or not.

For example, the calorie content of meat pilaf is 287 kcal per hundred grams of product, and the calorie content of vegetable pilaf is only 100 kcal per hundred grams of product. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately answer the question - how many calories are in pilaf. It all depends on the ingredients included in its composition.

It should also be noted that pilaf contains two important ingredients - onions and carrots. Onions contain phytoncides and vitamin C, which protect the body from colds. Carrots are known for containing vitamins PP, A and C and B vitamins.

The calorie content of pilaf also includes salt. Despite the fashion of various salt-free diets, experts have proven that salt is necessary for normal blood composition. Another thing is to adhere to the norm and not break it. So, for a person who is healthy, daily norm salt is 10 or 15 mg, depending on weight and height.

The salt present in pilaf is completely absorbed by the human body, approximately 98 percent.

Besides the fact that pilaf is delicious, it is considered healthy dish for those who suffer from anemia, tuberculosis, anemia and experience loss of strength and fatigue.

To prepare pilaf classic recipe, required cast iron cauldron It has thick walls and must be cooked over a fire. But today this method is a thing of the past and people treat the process of preparing pilaf much more simply.

Rice and seasonings for pilaf

As you know, pilaf is high in calories due to the meat it contains. But pilaf also contains rice and spices, which are also high in calories. Pilaf is popular among many peoples, especially in Central Asia, where it has been revered for many centuries.

Many people are interested not only in the question - how many calories are in pilaf, but also in the question - which rice is best suited for preparing it?

The modern food industry today offers several varieties of rice. It comes in long grain, round, sanded and unpolished, as well as brown and white.

To find out which rice is best suited for pilaf, you should pay attention to the different characteristics of the grain.

For example, round rice It boils a lot, it is sticky and often sticks together. This rice is good for soups and liquid porridges.

Long grain rice is a bit dry, but when cooked, the rice grains do not lose their shape, and the dish turns out crumbly. It is great for preparing pilaf and as a side dish for salads and meat dishes.

Today there are many ways to prepare pilaf, each nationality brings its own ingredients and characteristics to it. Adding new components leads to the creation of new pilaf flavors. And today it is impossible to say with confidence which of the recipes is the most correct, and which rice is best suited for pilaf.

As for the seasonings that add calories to pilaf, they are in finished form You can buy it in a store or at the market - there the spices are specially selected to create a balanced mixture based on oriental recipes. For example, the seasoning for pilaf includes dried barberry, turmeric, cumin and red pepper.

In addition, the seasoning for pilaf may contain saffron, savory, coriander, sweet paprika, and chili pepper. Also, in the process of making pilaf, aromatic herbs, cilantro and parsley can be added to it.

Each ingredient in the pilaf seasoning is responsible for certain properties and qualities that are transferred to the finished dish. For example, saffron or turmeric not only gives pilaf more calories, but also a yellow-orange color. Barberry gives the pilaf a sour taste, and cumin gives it an oriental aroma.

Use ready-made seasoning for pilaf is a personal matter for each cook. The most important thing is that in the end it turns out excellent pilaf in an oriental style, the mere sight of which would whet your appetite and lift your spirits.

Calorie content of pilaf with chicken

The calorie content of chicken pilaf is of great interest to many people. Of all types of meat, chicken stands out dietary properties. This is relevant for those who want to lose excess weight or simply want to control the number of calories in food, but do not want to give up their favorite dish. Let's figure out what the calorie content of pilaf with chicken is.

The calorie content of pilaf with chicken is 190 kcal per hundred grams of product, which is a fairly high indicator, since approximately 300 grams of pilaf fits on a standard plate - one serving.

The calorie content of pilaf with chicken may vary depending on the ingredients added to it.

Chicken, which is part of the pilaf, increases the protein content in the dish and makes it filling. IN chicken meat contains 16 percent of the proteins that the human body needs, as well as vitamins B, A and PP.

The calorie content of pilaf with pork cannot be called low. But, despite the high calorie content of pilaf, few people refuse it.

The main component of pilaf with pork is rice. Rice, as is known, useful product, which is a rich source of proteins, mineral components, carbohydrates - calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. The fat content in rice is low. It does not contain glucene, due to which it can be consumed by people who suffer from wheat intolerance, and for those who suffer from diabetes mellitus, pilaf made from brown rice will be useful.4.8571428571429

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Properties of pilaf

Calorie content of pilaf

What do you eat pilaf with?

green onions

Pilaf is one of the most beloved dishes of Russians, the national pride of many Central Asian countries and a popular oriental delicacy all over the world.

Different peoples of the world have several recipes for pilaf, or even several dozen, with different components, but they all have the same basis: zirvak, which usually includes meat or fish, and cereals, usually rice. In India, for example, ingredients such as vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, and a large number of spices are used instead of meat, and in Uzbekistan, for example, mung bean is sometimes used instead of rice.

Properties of pilaf

  • On the holy holiday of Eid al-Fitr for all Muslims, pilaf is always present on the table. The dish is considered healing, restorative, enriching useful microelements, That's why it is recommended after heavy physical exertion, long-term illnesses, operations, in case of malaise and exhaustion of the body in the off-season (during spring vitamin deficiency), and, of course, after a long fast. After all, the great holiday is preceded by the holy month of Ramadan, during which all believers observe strict fasting.
  • Boiled rice thanks to a unique combination of products is almost completely absorbed by the body, does not cause a feeling of “heaviness” in the stomach and does not “tend to sleep”, despite great amount fats (both plant and animal origin).
  • Pilaf is not only indicated, but can also have a beneficial effect on people, suffering from gastritis, as well as anemia and tuberculosis.
  • Meat saturates the body with B vitamins and essential animal protein; rice - “healthy” carbohydrates that restore strength and the nervous system, fiber and vegetable proteins. Carrots in pilaf are rich in beta-carotene, antioxidants, and garlic is rich in allicin, which has antibacterial properties.

Diabetics are better off avoiding traditional white rice pilaf and replacing it with brown rice. Doctors recommend that everyone who suffers from obesity and problems with the cardiovascular system eat dietary pilaf made from chicken or without meat at all.

Calorie content of pilaf

What do you eat pilaf with?

In meat pilaf for improvement taste qualities, in addition to zirvak (meat, onions, garlic, carrots, fried in vegetable oil) and rice, add spices such as barberry, cumin, black pepper, coriander, cumin, marjoram, rosemary, basil, raisins, quince, dried apricots. Turmeric or saffron is used more for a beautiful vibrant color. The finished dish can be additionally sprinkled with finely chopped green onions. Pilaf goes perfectly with pickles and the Uzbek salad shakarop (shakarob), consisting of tomatoes, onions, salt and red pepper. It is preferable to drink it hot green tea, but some prefer spiced ayran and other drinks.

Pilaf can also be prepared from fish and seafood (squid, mussels, shrimp). Vegetarians can enjoy a dish based on mushrooms, all kinds of vegetables and herbs. Those with a sweet tooth will surely love it" sweet pilaf"with prunes, raisins, nuts, dried apricots, apples, pumpkin, honey and other “dessert” ingredients for every taste.

April 19, 2014

Although pilaf is Asian in origin, it has long been reliably included in the menu of the average Russian. There is probably not a single one of our compatriots who does not occasionally cook this dish. The “owners” of the recipe will most likely not agree that this is their dish, since in the original it should contain lamb, and we replace it with other types of meat. But for us it’s still pilaf, we love it, appreciate it and cook it quite often.

Nourishing but healthy

Pilaf is definitely not a dietary dish. Its nutritional value is so great that pilaf is enough for a full lunch. However, it cannot be called a harmful food, since all the ingredients contain necessary for a person elements. The main component - rice - is a carrier of a large number of vitamins, microelements and minerals (among which the most valuable are iodine, potassium, iron and calcium), starch and fiber.

The importance of carrots and onions goes without saying. Orange vegetable It is even used to prevent cancer, strengthen vision and immunity, and lower blood pressure.

Meat and fat increase the calorie content of pilaf the most. With pork it will be higher, with other types of meat it will be slightly lower, but this dish is still not suitable for those on a diet. At the same time, meat remains necessary: ​​it supplies a person with the necessary proteins, mineral salts and some vitamins.

With all its increased nutritional value, pilaf is very easily digestible, so even those who do not have very advanced digestive problems can eat it.

The most delicious option

And even though the calorie content of pilaf with pork is maximum, for us it remains the most attractive. The main thing when preparing it is to follow all the rules so that, despite its satiety, it is easily digestible and gives taste pleasure. Not making a mistake in spices is the first key to success. So don't forget cumin, paprika, turmeric, and be sure to find doorweed. The second component that will help you avoid failure is a well-made zirvak, that is, meat, overcooked with vegetables, cooked before adding rice. The main condition here is to cook it over high heat. The third rule is not to stir the rice so that the result is pilaf, and not porridge with meat.

There are a million recipes for this dish. But if you do everything listed above, they will turn out to be the right dish. And if you are only interested in the calorie content of pilaf with pork, then take care of selecting a part of the carcass. The average calorie content of pilaf with this meat is 285 kcal. If you take a fatty neck or add lard (lard), it will reach 300. And if you choose a relatively lean piece, and even if you cut off the fat layers, you will get pork pilaf, the calorie content of which will drop to 240-250 kcal.

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For gourmets - beef

One of the varieties that is also recognized by Muslim “inventors” is pilaf with beef. If a pig is a dirty animal, then they do not protest against cows. There is even special recipe, which is called “beef pilaf in Uzbek style.” There are some peculiarities in cooking, but they are too significant. And at the same time, the calorie content of pilaf with beef is noticeably lower.

The main differences: the meat must be carefully cleaned of veins and films - this time. Second: after frying the zirvak, it needs to be stewed. Stewing will take from an hour (if you got veal) to two (if you found only the meat of an adult cow). And third: when everything is ready, the fire is extinguished, but the contents of the cauldron under the lid should be infused for at least half an hour. All these measures are aimed at removing the toughness of the meat. But the calorie content of pilaf with beef will be only 215 kcal, and if you take very lean pieces, it will drop to 200. For those concerned about their figure, this is a significant difference. If we compare the beef version and the calorie content of pilaf with pork, the numbers in the first case are very encouraging.

Vegetable fantasies

Concerns about excess weight have given rise to many recipes in which meat is not involved, but pilaf is present. You want something tasty, but you have to limit yourself. So variants of zucchini and eggplant pilaf have been invented; the same dish with dried apples and carrots, apple-nettle modification; pilaf with sweet pepper or lemon. This is not to say that these are too successful replacements. For example, eggplant instead of meat will not reduce nutritional value: such pilaf is comparable to our favorite, pork (287 kcal). Eggplant is comparable to the beef version - the same 214 kcal. Except that apples, nettles and bell peppers are quite consistent with the diet: from 86 to 165 kcal. But the taste is vegetarian!

And mushrooms are good!

The method of preparing mushroom pilaf does not quite correspond to the usual one. It’s understandable - what kind of zirvak if there is no meat. Mushrooms, onions and carrots are fried separately, and the rice is cooked.

Then all the ingredients are added to where the mushrooms were fried and mixed. However, if you add the spices required for an Asian dish, you will still end up with mushroom pilaf, the calorie content of which will range from 91 to 170 kcal, depending on what kind of mushrooms and what additional ingredients you used.

The most dietary pilaf

It all depends primarily on what “filling” you choose for your dish. If you are leaning towards the meat option, the least nutritious and dietary option will be chicken. Yes, even if you resort to modern kitchen appliances. So, chicken in this dish, prepared traditionally, will give the dish about 170 kcal, if you get a lean bird or take chicken. Pilaf prepared from the same chicken in a slow cooker will have no more than 140 calories. A beef variety of pilaf in a slow cooker will lose about 50 kcal from 215 kcal, and the same for pork. A minimum of 165 kcal will remain, but if they are compared with 220 or 280, those losing weight will immediately have to run to the store for a multicooker.

And if you choose pilaf without meat, and even low-calorie, then you should stop at the nettle-apple variation. It will bring you only 86 kcal - compared to all other recipes, this is a record. Second place goes to dried apples, “diluted” with carrots - they are 126. A proud third place goes to bell pepper with its 165 kcal. Other vegetables are inferior in energy content even to chicken, so from a dietary point of view they are unlikely to contribute to weight loss.

As you can see, pilaf varies in taste and composition. Choose what suits you and do not deny yourself the pleasure of this dish, even if you are on a diet.

Pilaf refers to nutritious meals with high calorie content. It is not recommended for use by those who are watching their figure. For example, the calorie content of a dish with beef meat equal to 218 kilocalories, with pork - 204 kilocalories. You can reduce the nutritional value of pilaf if you cook it with vegetables, but without using meat. In this case, its calorie content will be about 70 kilocalories. The nutritional value of pilaf with beans is 84 kilocalories, with tomatoes and bell peppers - 95 kilocalories. It is allowed to prepare a dish with seafood, for example, the calorie content with shrimp is 102 kilocalories.

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Calorie content of pilaf and BZHU level

Pilaf is a high-calorie and easily digestible dish. The main ingredients are rice, carrots, and various spices. The level of BPJU of pilaf depends on the presence of meat in its composition:

Type of pilaf

Kcal per 100 g

Calories per serving

BChristmas trees



With beef


Chicken with prunes and apples

From pork

From lamb

With a rabbit

With turkey

With boiled sausage

With vegetables

Vegetable with mushrooms and carrots

With raisins and butter

With mussels

With shrimps

With chicken stomachs

With liver

With green beans

From pearl barley with mushrooms

With lentils

With tomatoes and bell peppers

From brown rice with chickpeas

WITH green peas and corn

With olives and beef

With fish, beans

With zucchini


Calories and amount of BZHU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) depend on the cooking method.

A dish made in a slow cooker is significantly less nutritious than pilaf in a cauldron. This becomes possible due to the absence of frying in vegetable oil.

For example, the calorie content of pilaf made from pork is only 137.2 kilocalories per 100 grams of dish, from beef - 121.2, from veal - 126 kcal, from chicken - 94.8 kilocalories, with seafood - 98.2. If pork pilaf is cooked in a frying pan, then its nutritional value is 158 kilocalories.

Recipes for dietary and low-calorie dishes

Despite the fact that pilaf contains a large number of calories, there are diet recipes, which will help you prepare a tasty, but at the same time low-calorie dish.

If you use vegetables or lean meat, it will not harm your figure. Using a slow cooker will help you avoid eating large quantities. sunflower oil.

Chicken pilaf in a slow cooker

The calorie content of this dish is 94 kilocalories.

To prepare dietary chicken pilaf you will need:

  • 530 g chicken fillet;
  • 320 g brown rice;
  • 190 g onions;
  • 240 g carrots;
  • 23 g garlic;
  • 650 ml water;
  • 10 g barberry;
  • Salt, ground black pepper, turmeric, cumin - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. The meat is chopped into medium-sized pieces.
  2. 2. Finely chop onions and carrots.
  3. 3. Place everything in a 4.5 liter multicooker bowl.
  4. 4. Set the “Frying” or “Cooking” mode for 5 minutes.
  5. 5. After this, seasonings are added and all ingredients are mixed.
  6. 6. Place washed rice.
  7. 7. All ingredients are filled with water.
  8. 8. Garlic is laid out on top in the form of plates.
  9. 9. The “Pilaf” mode is set for 40 minutes.

Low calorie meal without meat

The nutritional value of this dish is 63 kilocalories.

To prepare low-calorie pilaf without meat you will need:

  • 400 g rice;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 20 g vegetable oil;
  • 5 g salt.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Finely chop the onion.
  2. 2. Grate carrots.
  3. 3. Onions and carrots are fried in a deep frying pan in vegetable oil.
  4. 4. Rice is added and then lightly fried.
  5. 5. Everything is filled with water, garlic cloves are added, and the ingredients are salted.
  6. 6. The dish is stewed under the lid until cooked.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to remove excess weight fully? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

When calculating the calorie content of pilaf per 100 grams of product, many factors are taken into account: what meat it is made from, the nutritional value dressings and type of cereal. In the article you will find all the popular varieties of the dish.

Pilaf is popular National dish residents of Asian countries, which has long been loved and prepared far beyond Asia. It is considered not only one of the most delicious, but also quite satisfying. To answer the question of how many calories are in pilaf, you must first determine the composition of the products included in a particular recipe.

What determines the calorie content of pilaf?

The main components of the dish are cereals and a dressing of meat, vegetables and spices. As a rule, rice is used as cereal, but the meat part can be represented not only by lamb, but also by chicken, pork, and sometimes even fish or mushrooms.

Different foods have different amounts of calories per 100 grams, so the final value of your favorite delicacy depends on what it is made from.

The basis of this oriental dish is rice, it has an average dry energy value of 340-360 kcal; during cooking, the cereal takes on water and increases in size, and its calorie content decreases by almost 3 times. 100 g of boiled rice contains on average about 116 kcal.

  • Pilaf with lamb - 190 kcal;
  • Pilaf with beef - 240 kcal;
  • Pilaf with pork - 320 kcal;
  • Pilaf with chicken fillet— 150 kcal;
  • Pilaf with turkey - 140 kcal;
  • Pilaf with duck - 210 kcal;
  • Pilaf with mushrooms - 90 kcal.

Which has fewer calories: beef, pork or lamb?

Pork is one of the fattest types of meat, so the calorie content of pilaf with it is the highest. But it can be reduced if you choose the leanest pieces of meat for cooking and cut off all the pieces of lard and fat.

Calculating the calorie content of pilaf with pork is not particularly difficult, if you take into account the combination of meat, rice and vegetables, you get from 290 to 320 kcal per 100 grams. The fairly large number of calories that pork pilaf contains is quite understandable - this meat is quite fatty and heavy.

Of all the possible variations and recipes considered, this one has the highest score. The calorie content of pilaf with pork is very high, so it is better for overweight people to refuse or limit the consumption of this type of meat, replacing it with lighter and less calorie meat.

For those who like to eat well, without denying themselves anything, and are accustomed to watching their figure, it is better to give preference to beef, its energy value is much lower and is more acceptable for dietary nutrition. The calorie content of pilaf with beef is about 220-240 kcal per 100 g.

A significant positive factor can be considered that lovers of various culinary dishes With beef you get the fats, proteins and carbohydrates necessary for the body. The acceptable average calorie content of beef pilaf is not its only advantage over a pork dish.

Advice from nutritionist Irina Shilina
Pay attention to the latest weight loss method. Suitable for those for whom sports activities are contraindicated.

Beef has an excellent taste and is also useful for people with low blood hemoglobin levels (anemia), as it contains a lot of iron.

Lamb is not so popular in the European part, but in the East and Central Asia it is very widely used in the most in various forms. Lamb is one of the most useful species meat not so much because of its low energy value, but primarily because of its high content nutrients and easy digestibility of the product.

The calorie content of traditional Uzbek lamb “pilava” is about 150-190 kcal. The energy value depends on the chosen meat; the fattier the lamb, the naturally greater the number of calories contained in the finished food.

Dietary options for a popular Asian dish

The calorie content of pilaf with chicken is of the greatest interest to lovers of a slim figure, because chicken is a dietary product and, accordingly, should contain calories in small quantities.

First of all, you should definitely take into account that the calorie content of a dish varies depending on the presence of various ingredients in it, as well as their quantity.

The calorie content of chicken pilaf may vary depending on the part of the carcass that was used in preparing the dish. The lowest value will be food according to oriental recipe with chicken fillet - 150 kcal per 100 g, and the same dish with chicken legs- about 190 kcal.

But chicken contains a very large amount of protein, which is vital for our body.

In fact, pilaf with mushrooms is not very correct in terms of traditions, but there is no fundamental difference in preparation, but such a composition has a great influence on calorie content.

Mushrooms have a rather modest energy value Compared to any type of meat, they contain virtually no fat, but there is enough protein. In terms of its impact on the figure, this dish is minimal, since its calorie content of pilaf with mushrooms is the lowest - about 90-100 kcal.

Additional ingredients and their effect on energy value

When calculating the calorie content of products with any type of meat, it is always necessary to take into account the presence of other ingredients.

For example, almost every such dish contains onions and carrots, other vegetables, fruits or berries. And each of these ingredients contains its own calories, which will then certainly affect the calorie content as a whole.

And, of course, when calculating how many calories are in pilaf, we must not forget about all kinds of seasonings.

For example, 100 grams of salt contains 0 kcal, but cumin, barberry, pepper and others used in preparing spices can affect the energy value ready-made dish. For example, the calorie content of a vegetarian vegetable dish is only 80 kcal.