Smoked brisket. Recipe: Cold smoked bacon and brisket - homemade

I love brisket, this part of pork contains: skin, meat, lard and bone. No matter how you cook it, it’s still delicious and satisfying! Quite often I smoke it in a hot smoker, so I decided to check it out new recipe and I was not mistaken. In this article I will outline the marinade with juniper.

Smoking pork belly recipe

  • Pork belly - 4 kg.
for the marinade:
  • Water - 3 l.,
  • Salt - 300 g.,
  • Sugar - 30 g.,
  • Juniper - 3-4 tsp. (chopped),
  • Allspice - 1 tbsp,
  • Bay leaf - 4-5 pcs.,
  • Garlic - 1 medium head,
  • Wood chips for smoking: alder and cherry.

Brisket marinating

The brisket needs to be washed, dried, the intercostal film removed, the skin cleaned if necessary, and divided into pieces suitable for smoking. Boil the water for the marinade in hot water add chopped garlic, juniper, spices, salt and sugar. Place the brisket in a marinating bowl, pour the cooled marinade to the top so that the brisket is completely covered in the marinade. Marinate for 4-5 days in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2 +4. After marinating, rinse the brisket well in a clean cold water 2-3 times, hang in a draft for about 1-3 days depending on the weather, in warm weather a day is enough. The main thing is to protect the meat from insects; for this I wrapped it in 3-4 layers of gauze.

Smoking brisket

I did the smoking on alder and cherry wood chips; in total it took me 4-5 handfuls. Add wood chips, cover the pan with foil, load the brisket skin side up, and start smoking over medium heat. The peculiarity of smoking in a hot-smoked smokehouse with a water seal, like mine, is that if your products contain a lot of water, then the moisture will collect on the lid of the smokehouse and drip onto the products, leaving unsightly black spots, to avoid this - I place the lid of the smokehouse in in an inclined position, while droplets of moisture flow onto the walls. Another option for solving this feature of smoking is to wash off the black deposits with water and a rag; to do this, you need to occasionally check the lid during smoking. General smoking time is approximately 35 minutes to an hour, depending on the heat and how the brisket is marinated.

After the required smoking time, open the smokehouse and let the brisket rest for another 20-30 minutes, leave the heating the same, then give the brisket time to cool and hang in a draft for another 1-2 days so that the smoke aromas are evenly distributed.

Smoked pork belly has an appetizing, even brown-golden color, a strong aroma of smoke, is easy to cut with a knife, and the layer of fat should melt in your mouth. Good as a separate snack, for sandwiches, or as part of a salad. It is better to store in the refrigerator, and place it in a hermetically sealed container. Separately, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the recipe for hot smoked lard and homemade pork balyk.

Below is a video recipe for smoking pork belly with detailed tips and recommendations.

Surprisingly, boiled-smoked brisket is easy and simple to make at home. If you learn to prepare such products yourself, you will no longer need to purchase deli meats in the shop. Moreover, you will be absolutely sure that they do not contain any dyes or preservatives.

Homemade smoked brisket

There are several options for creating such a delicacy. We will look at the simplest and fastest one. For it we will need:

  • pork belly - 1.8 kg;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaves and allspice - use to taste;
  • table salt - 4 large spoons;
  • black tea leaves - 2 large spoons;
  • ground black and red pepper - use to taste;
  • liquid smoke- a couple of large spoons;
  • onion peel - from 4 large heads;
  • honey - dessert spoon;
  • parsley - approximately 100 g;
  • smoked sausage - about 60 g;
  • mustard (grain), coriander, paprika (mixture) - 2 dessert spoons.

Processing of the main ingredient

Cooked-smoked brisket at home does not take very long to make. You should start preparing such a product by processing the meat. The pork belly should be thoroughly rinsed with cold water and then dried with paper towels.

Heat treatment of the product

To make boiled-smoked brisket at home tasty and aromatic, you should definitely use various spices and seasonings during its preparation.

After processing the meat, you need to peel the garlic cloves, then cut them into slices and stuff them into the brisket. Next, you need to rinse thoroughly and put it in a pan. To it you should add chopped fresh parsley, bay leaf, tea leaves and peppercorns. After this, you need to place a piece of processed meat in the dish, skin side up.

At the end, you need to add the ingredients cut into rings and pour boiled water over everything. In this case, the liquid should cover meat product by 2 centimeters. A heavy plate should be placed on top of the brisket so that during the process heat treatment she didn't float up. Next, you need to close the pan with a lid and bring the mixture to a boil. After this, you need to add honey to the dishes, table salt and mix everything thoroughly. Cook the ingredients over low heat for about 1.4 hours.

Preparing the coating

To make boiled smoked brisket at home with liquid smoke and tea more aromatic and piquant, it is recommended to coat the boiled meat product with a special sauce. To do this, you need to crush a clove of garlic, and then add mustard, paprika, coriander and a mixture of peppers to it. All ingredients should be thoroughly ground with a mortar.

After the pork is completely cooked and acquires a pleasant golden hue, it must be carefully transferred to a dry and thick towel, and then thoroughly wet and rubbed with the previously prepared coating. The brisket should still be hot.

Final stage

As you can see, boiled-smoked brisket at home with liquid smoke is quite easy to make. After the meat is coated with the spicy mixture, it should be tightly wrapped in thick gauze and then in foil. In this form, the product must be placed under pressure (under a full 3-liter jar).

When the meat has cooled, it must be put in the refrigerator for exactly 20 hours. After the specified time has passed, the brisket can be safely used for serving at the dinner table.

How should the delicacy be presented to the table?

Boiled smoked brisket is excellent cold appetizer which will serve as an excellent decoration for festive table. What is especially valuable is that it is prepared exclusively at home.

After the pork meat has been infused in the refrigerator and saturated with all the spices, it should be removed from the foil and gauze, and then cut into thin slices and served to invited guests as a cold dish.

Everyone who at least once tries the ready-made delicacy will never forget its amazing taste and pleasant aroma. You can serve ketchup or mustard as a sauce for this appetizer. Enjoy your meal!

From time to time, any person has a strong desire to taste some smoked meat delicacy, aromatic and simply melting on the tongue. Buy finished product of course it’s much simpler, but whether it will be natural is already a question. But such a wonderful snack as smoked brisket can be made at home, and you can be 100% confident in its quality, naturalness and benefits (contains a lot of rich fatty acids, vitamins and beneficial microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body).

If you think that the process of smoking pork belly requires special culinary talents, then we hasten to dissuade you of this, just stick to the chosen cooking recipe and everything will work out. Relatives and friends will be delighted with the smoked culinary masterpiece and will definitely ask for more. Smoked meats are used both as an independent snack and for preparing the most variety of dishes: soups, borscht, main courses and salads.

Before you begin the process of smoking pork belly, you need to take seriously the choice of the “right” piece of meat. You need the flesh of a young pig, pink in color, dense in consistency, pleasant in smell, with streaks of white (in no case yellow) lard. The best option for cooking smoked brisket is the percentage of meat and lard is approximately 50/50.

Next, it is important to choose a cooking recipe, whether it will be cold or hot smoking. A common nuance for both of these methods of cooking brisket is the need to first prepare the meat for smoking, i.e. pickle or marinate. The hot smoking method significantly reduces the cooking time (3-4 hours), but using a longer cold smoking method (10-12 hours) the meat turns out surprisingly soft and tender and is stored much longer.

The principle of dry marinade

The marinades and brines from the articles above are perfect for your purposes, but if you don’t know what to choose, then try a simple dry marinade.

Rub the pork with salt, spices (red and black ground pepper, paprika, thyme, basil, rosemary, coriander) and grated garlic, wrap tightly in cling film and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours. The proportions of salt to spices are 4:1. Then you need to take the meat out and put it in a well-ventilated place for 2-3 hours, dry it and start smoking. The dry salting method is suitable for pork belly with a large number of layers of fat.

In order for brisket smoking at home to go off without a hitch, you need to take 1 kg of pork pulp, one and a half liters of water, three tablespoons of salt, two teaspoons of sugar, ground red pepper to taste, allspice - 5 pieces, 4-5 cloves garlic, bay leaf. It is better to taste the brine for smoking pork belly in advance; if there is not enough salt there, the meat can quickly become unfit for consumption. To cook brisket using the hot smoking method:

  • Wash a piece of pork, remove unnecessary film;
  • To make the cooking process easier, cut the meat into small pieces;
  • Rub the meat with salt and spices, sprinkle with garlic;
  • Immerse in a saucepan with water and place on the stove, simmer until half cooked for 30-40 minutes;
  • Remove the meat, cool, remove excess water with a paper towel or napkins.

To prepare a marinade for pork belly using the hot smoking method, take one and a half liters of water, boil it, add a few allspice peas, salt and chopped bay leaf pieces. Place the meat in a jar, distributing the pieces evenly throughout the container, and pour in the marinade. Place the jar of marinated meat in the refrigerator for 5-10 days. After the expiration date, remove the meat, cover with water for 10-12 hours to remove excess salt, rinse thoroughly and dry.

How to smoke brisket

Hot smoked brisket (video)

For greater clarity, we present a video of hot smoking brisket from Alkofan, which perfectly describes the whole process.

Hot smoking of brisket occurs as follows:

  • We make a fire and let it burn out;
  • We place a smokehouse (a factory-made iron box or one made with our own hands) on hot coals, pour sawdust or wood chips on the bottom ( the best option- fruit wood species, oak, aspen or alder);
  • We wrap the meat in foil or gauze, place it on a wire rack at some distance from each other, close the lid on top and pour water into the water seal;
  • After 30-50 minutes, open the lid and check the readiness of the meat; if the color is not rich enough (should be golden brown), continue further.

The smoking process lasts from 30-40 minutes to four hours, depending on the design features of the smokehouse. Smoked brisket is good both piping hot and after cooling in the open air for 1.5-2 hours.

It happens that we want to please ourselves with something tasty, aromatic, but it’s difficult to really find it on store shelves. natural product. It would be nice to learn how to make such a wonderful appetizer yourself, like brisket smoked at home. Many people think that smoking brisket at home is impossible. In principle, it is wrong to think so, because making this dish does not require any incredible culinary talents, quite accurately.

Meat selection

Before you smoke your brisket, you need to take it seriously. Examine it carefully - the flesh should be pink. Look at the lard, never ever take yellow lard. This color indicates that the product is spoiled. Opt for a piece with an even distribution of meat and lard and a dense consistency. After all, it is best suited for cooking smoked brisket.

After choosing the meat, you need to choose a cooking recipe. There are two types of brisket: hot and cold. Both methods have one thing in common - before you start cooking, you need to salt or marinate the fillet.

The choice of meat is a very important and responsible moment.

Hot smoking

If you don't want to mess around, you can simply rub the pork with spices and wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator overnight. So how do you brine brisket for smoking? To do this you will need:

  • Meat - pork pulp 1 kg;
  • water 1.5 l;
  • salt 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar 2 tsp;
  • red pepper to taste;
  • allspice 5 pcs.;
  • garlic 4–5 cloves;
  • several bay leaves.

Be sure to taste the marinade. After all, if you don’t add enough salt, your creation will quickly deteriorate.

Let's go through the points of the hot smoked brisket recipe:

  1. Rinse and free it from films;
  2. You can also cut it into pieces to make cooking easier;
  3. We stuff the pulp with garlic and rub with spices;
  4. Place the pieces in a saucepan, add water and cook over low heat;
  5. After 30–40 minutes have passed, remove the pan from the heat and let the meat cool.

After drying the pieces with a towel or napkins, you can proceed to smoking the brisket:

  1. pour sawdust;
  2. We will try to place the pieces so that the fat does not get on the sawdust or cover them with foil. How long to smoke the brisket will depend on the type of smokehouse, on average it will take from two to four hours;
  3. Check the brisket's smoking progress from time to time. Pork should be easy to cut and chew. If the product is tough, continue cooking;
  4. If you want to reduce the cooking time, you can make additions to the brisket recipe. Wrap the pieces in foil before placing in the smoker. After an hour, you can start adding water under the lid of the smokehouse. This will steam the pork, which will reduce cooking time.

As you can see, smoking brisket at home is not such a difficult process.

Cold smoking

Despite the fact that it will require much more time, it is no less popular. The recipe for cold smoked brisket is no different from hot smoked brisket.. See it above.

How to brine brisket for smoking? Let's break it down point by point:

  1. It is best to rub the fillet with pepper and grated garlic;
  2. Prepare the marinade. To do this, boil water, adding 3-4 pieces sweet pea, as well as salt and chopped bay leaf;
  3. Then put the pork in three-liter jar and pour in the marinade;
  4. Move the pieces to distribute the liquid more evenly;
  5. Place in the refrigerator for five to ten days.

Are you ready to smoke pork belly, but there is no need to rush. Let the meat sit for 10–12 hours in a bowl of water to remove excess salt. Rinse and dry the pieces.

It's time to start smoking the brisket in the smoker. If you happen to have a factory smokehouse available, then the brisket will take about four hours; if you don’t have one, then production will take about a day or two.

Video on how to smoke pork belly:

I would like to once again emphasize a number of factors that play a key role - smoked brisket at home:

  1. The right choice of meat. The final product depends on this, not to mention the fact that you can simply get poisoned. The meat should be pink in color and have a pleasant smell. several centimeters thick and white in color;
  2. Follow instructions for brining brisket for smoking. The pork should be cut into small pieces and rubbed with spices on all sides. If a liquid marinade is used, taste it before adding the pork;
  3. Both smoking methods have their pros and cons. If you use the first recipe, it will save you time. However, you should remember that using the second one, you will get unusually tender pork, and such a delicacy can be stored for much longer;
  4. The most aromatic product is obtained from the sawdust of fruit trees and alder;
  5. Cooking times vary depending on. Don't forget to score the slices - once they are soft and easy to cut, the brisket is ready.

Thus, having considered both cooking methods, you can choose the recipe that suits your taste or seems simpler. In any case, you will definitely be satisfied with the result.

Probably all housewives have long been aware that store-bought smoked meats have long ceased to be prepared traditional way smoking Most often, liquid smoke and other synthetic components are used - flavor enhancers, stabilizers, dyes, preservatives and numerous additives labeled “E”. Few people know what substances are “hidden” under these “Es,” but most people continue to buy such products because they have no choice. But this recipe will prove to you that there is still a choice, because you can cook delicious pork belly at home. And it is not at all necessary to be the happy owner of your own smokehouse. Now I will tell you how to prepare delicious brisket boiled and smoked at home. Having learned how simple it is, all my friends have long given up store-bought smoked meats.


- pork belly – 1 kg;
- fresh garlic – 2-3 cloves;
- black peppercorns – 3-4 pcs.;
- allspice peas – 3-4 pcs.;
- clove buds – 2-3 pcs.;
- table salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
- granulated sugar– 1 tsp;
- water for brine – 1 l.

1. You will also need a disposable or reusable smoker or liquid smoke to cook brisket. I had skinless brisket with large layers of meat and a small amount of lard. But you can cook any other cut of brisket to suit your taste. Prepare the brisket - wash it thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels.

2. Peel the garlic and cut into slices 2-3 mm thick.

3. Stuff the pork with garlic. To do this, make shallow punctures in the meat with a knife and insert a piece of garlic into them. Such punctures should be made over the entire surface of the brisket, on all sides, so that the pork is evenly saturated with the taste and aroma of garlic.

4. In the same way, season the brisket with allspice.

5. And black peppercorns, evenly distributing it throughout the meat.

6. Don’t forget to add a few buds of cloves; it will give the snack a subtle piquant aroma. But it’s important not to overdo it with cloves, otherwise it will overwhelm the other odors.

7. Place the prepared brisket in a thick-bottomed pan and fill with a liter of clean (filtered) water.

8. Add salt.

9. Put some sugar. Place the pan over medium heat and bring to a boil. Then slightly reduce the heat intensity and cook the brisket until half cooked for 30-35 minutes. A grayish foam will form on the surface of the broth, which will need to be skimmed off with a slotted spoon. Remove the half-boiled brisket from the brine and dry it, cool slightly.

And here is another proven recipe - it turns out juicy and tender, with an appetizing golden color.

10. Now move on to the second part of cooking - smoking. I smoked the cooked brisket in a disposable smoker, which you can buy in large supermarkets. The set includes a large bag of thick, heat-resistant aluminum foil for baking, thin perforated foil and wood chips for smoking. The chips can be from different types of trees, the final result depends on this, that is, the shade of smoky aroma. I had cherry chips, and the home-cooked smoked brisket turned out very tasty. I haven’t tried it with other types yet, but I recommend this one. With this smokehouse you can cook smoked meat, fish or poultry in gas or electric oven or on the grill.

11. If you managed to purchase such a set, then pour the wood chips into thin perforated foil, rolling it up into a bag. Place it in a large foil package and place the brisket on top. Roll the edges tightly to prevent the fragrant smoke from escaping during cooking, and place on the bottom oven. Cook at 180 degrees for 90-120 minutes.
Also, for the final stage of preparing boiled-smoked pork, you can use reusable (stationary or portable) home smokehouses.
Another option is to include liquid smoke in the recipe. It is added to the remaining ingredients in the brine before cooking the brisket. you will need about 4-5 tbsp. l. product.

12. Cool the finished brisket, and you can try it right away. Spicy lovers savory dishes They can additionally rub the appetizer with garlic passed through a press.
Cut the brisket into thin slices and serve as a cold appetizer.

I also suggest you try cooking