When is wine allowed during Lent? Is it possible to eat seafood during Lent?

Lent– a Christian tradition, the essence of which is the abstinence of believers from consuming a number of foods, drinks and other restrictions associated with entertainment and social life. Duration – 7 weeks (more than two months).

The main purpose of this set of restrictions– achieve purification on a physical and spiritual level. According to traditions, drinking wine during Lent is not prohibited, unlike other alcoholic beverages.

Rules for drinking wine

Many features need to be taken into account during this period. Believers who observe the restrictions of tradition are prohibited from consuming alcohol during fasting, as well as food of animal origin:

  • eggs;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • oil;
  • chocolate and fast food;
  • energy;
  • coffee;
  • weak tea;

The restriction on the consumption of alcoholic beverages is established due to the very purpose of fasting - renunciation of most carnal pleasures in order to cleanse the thoughts (spirit) and body from evil. Drinking alcohol during Lent for recreational purposes is contrary to the original intent of this abstinence.

The restriction applies to almost all types of alcohol: vodka, beer, etc.

This renunciation is aimed at renouncing pleasures. Must be conscious and voluntary. The complete ban on drinking alcohol during this period does not apply to wine and Cahors.

History of the custom

As part of the missionary-apologeteric project “Toward the Truth,” Archimandrite Shevkunov provides historical information that the tradition of drinking wine during Lent came to us from Byzantium and Syria.

The communion procedure, carried out during the period of abstinence, involves the consumption of Cahors and bread. The Orthodox sacrament is built on the covenant of Christ: “Drink my blood!”, where the nutritious fluid of the body means wine or Cahors.

In Byzantium and Syria, believers lowered the alcoholic strength of the drink by diluting it with water 1:3.

The resulting drink had no recreational qualities and served as a general tonic, and in ancient times it additionally disinfected water. Dry red wine has a healing effect and improves the condition of the human body when consumed in moderation.

Orthodox priests take into account the mentality of their parishioners and advise them to refrain from drinking wine during Lent. pure form, do not drink alcohol, especially in cases where the believer is prone to drunkenness.

Wine for Lent

On the issue of the correct use of alcoholic beverages, which does not lead to sin, priests focus the attention of those fasting on the rule that the Apostle Paul uttered: “Everything is permissible for us, but not everything is beneficial.”

This statement sets the meaning of the Lenten diet - a sense of proportion should be a constant and fundamental principle throughout the period, and the absence of a ban on certain types of alcohol is not a reason to drink. It must be remembered that alcoholism, like other types of addictions, is condemned by the Orthodox faith.

Strict restrictions on nutrition and the absorption of drinks are established on the first day - you must refrain from eating food, drink only water if you are very thirsty. During the rest of the period, it is recommended to prepare your diet according to the Fasting Calendar.

It helps to control the dates on which it is better to eat food raw, and on which dates it is better to stew without oil. The calendar is aimed at shaping the eating behavior of the believer, suggesting the spiritual evolution of the fasting person.

Any dietary restrictions apply more to adults. Children's menu should be compiled taking into account the development of the body, and should not negatively affect the child’s growth or brain activity.

Taking into account the rule of the golden mean during abstinence and the ban on drinking alcohol for people suffering from alcoholism, we can formulate a basic list of rules for drinking wine and Cahors during Lent:

  • It is allowed to drink 1-2 glasses on weekends (Saturday, Sunday) during a modest meal.
  • On weekdays during polyeleos (dates of veneration of saints) holidays.
  • Drinking wine is included in Communion. Since it is part of a religious ritual, moderate drinking is not prohibited.

It is not prohibited to drink dry red wines in medicinal purposes, for example, with anemia, with problems with blood pressure. Since it is medicinal in nature, it is akin to taking pills. That is, a person does not drink alcohol and its derivatives during a period of exacerbation of alcoholism, and is not condemned by the church.

In such cases, a big role is played by the believer’s perception of the situation, whether he is comfortable taking such medicine.


Lent- a religious phenomenon, a period of abstinence from excesses in food and drinks, aimed at cleansing the spirit and body of the believer from evil, at enlightenment. During this more than two-month period, you should not eat food of animal origin or get drunk.

The restriction on alcohol does not apply to wine products and Cahors. In a number of cases - Communion, days of veneration of saints, weekends - it is not forbidden to drink a little wine.

The use of alcoholic beverages for fun is prohibited and condemned by the church.

According to the church charter, on these days - the Nativity Fast will last from November 28, 2017 to January 6, 2018 - believers refuse animal products - meat, eggs, dairy products, including cream, butter and cheese.

At the same time, according to the rules approved in ancient times, the consumption of low-alcohol alcoholic beverages (wine) is allowed on these days.

However, clergy have different opinions on this matter. Some believe that it is better to abstain from drinking alcohol during Lent. After all, it is not one of the necessary drinks, and it will not be difficult for true believers to refuse wine.

Wine was commonly drunk in medieval times when water quality was poor. This drink was added to raw water and only after that they consumed it. Now there is no need for this.

So is wine allowed during the Nativity Fast? After all, other clergy say that this drink can be consumed. Pure grape wine is often used in various church ceremonies and is considered a symbol of the blood of Christ. Catholics view wine as lean product and are not prohibited for use during fasting.

However, in any case, it can be drunk only in small quantities and only on those days when it is permitted by church charter.

After all, fasting people try to consume even drinks such as tea and coffee as rarely as possible during fasting or give them up completely, and instead drink fruit or herbal teas.

When can you drink wine during the Nativity Fast 2018-2019, on what days?

It can be used on Saturdays and Sundays, as well as on holidays and the memory of the most revered saints. These are the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos (December 4, 2017), the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (December 19, 2017), the Memorial Day of St. Spyridon of Trimifunt (December 25, 2017), and patronal feasts.

The priests believe that each person, depending on the conditions of his work and state of health, must determine for himself the measure of abstinence, preferably in consultation with his confessor. And whether it is possible to drink wine during the Nativity Fast, everyone must decide for themselves.

Answering the question on which days of the Nativity Fast it is allowed to drink wine, we also recall that from the second to the sixth of January, on Christmas Eve, there is a complete ban on its consumption.

Is it possible to drink wine during the Nativity Fast 2018-2019?

Wine is allowed to be drunk during the Nativity Fast on Sundays and major holidays that fall during Lent. For example, the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos (December 4), the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (December 19), the day of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called (December 13), the Day of Remembrance of St. Spyridon of Trimifunt (December 25), patronal feasts.

As King David said in the Psalter: “...Wine gladdens the heart of a man, and bread strengthens him” (Ps. 103:15). Wine is allowed to be drunk on holidays and on days of fasting, but in moderation.

It is worth mentioning separately about the night from December 31 to January 1. In 2017, January 1 is Sunday. If you are going to take communion on this day, you must observe complete abstinence from food and drinks from midnight (this restriction does not apply to very young children or taking medications). In all other cases, the celebration of the New Year should also be modest, since the Orthodox continue the Nativity Fast.

Fasting is not just abstaining from a certain type of food, but rather a real preparation for certain holidays. In addition to abstaining from animal products, fasting includes abstinence from marriage and entertainment, and intense prayers. Fasting is necessary for mental and physical rest, for closer communication with God and with oneself. Having given up physical temptations, a person becomes increasingly immersed in thoughts about the eternal, about good and evil. Without burdening the stomach and body, it frees up time and head for more spiritual thoughts.

What types of posts are there?

Posts are divided according to several criteria. Based on the number of days, they are divided into one-day ones - usually the third and fifth days of each week - and multi-day ones. There are 4 of the latter:

  • Petrov post. There are names Apostolsky or Petrovsky. The name comes from Saints Peter and Paul and their fasting before preaching. The duration of fasting is 1.5 - 2 months, the start and end dates are associated with Easter. At this time, it is necessary to abstain from meat and dairy products; on the third and fifth days of the week, fish is also excluded. But on weekends a little wine is allowed.
  • Dormition post. The name comes from the feast of the same name of the Blessed Virgin Mary, sometimes it is abbreviated as Spasovka or Spas. It takes place in the second half of August and lasts about 2 weeks. The diet here is more strict: odd days of the week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) - dry eating (you can only eat raw food of plant origin), even days (Tuesday and Thursday) - boiled food without oil. AND vegetable oil, and wine can be enjoyed on weekends.
  • Christmas post. Also called Filippov post or Filippovka. It runs from the end of November to the beginning of January (before the Nativity of Christ), its duration is almost 1.5 months. The fast is quite strict: meat, milk, dairy products and eggs are completely excluded. Also, on odd days of the week, you must adhere to dry eating; on even days, you are allowed to treat yourself to hot food with the addition of sunflower or olive oil. On weekends, fish and wine are allowed, but only until December 6: on other weekends, only hot food.
  • Great Lent. The most important fast that all believers try to observe. It begins 40 days before Easter: the same number of days Jesus Christ spent in the desert.

These days it is necessary to follow a large number of rules:

Is it possible to fast and drink alcohol?

During fasting, alcohol, that is, wine, is allowed on weekends. This is due to the tradition of depicting the blood of Christ in the form of wine and communion with it. Most often, Cahors is used for these purposes, but this is an optional rule: the main thing is that the selected wine is pure and undiluted, made from grapes. Also, being allowed to drink alcohol does not mean you can get drunk. This is rather a small “reward” for those who decide to fast.

More strong alcohol: vodka, rum, whiskey, cognac - strictly prohibited. Firstly, they affect the brain, distracting from sublime thoughts, and secondly, they are non-lenten products.

But there is no ban on beer. In the Catholic tradition, beer is traditionally called “liquid bread” and is categorized as harmless kvass and kefir. However, the usual snacks for this drink - chips, pickles and meat - are already prohibited.

In the Middle Ages, in monasteries the questions “Is it possible to drink alcohol during Lent?” didn't even arise. In those days, they drank wine all the time; they washed it down with lunch and dinner, since plain water was damp and often contaminated with sewage and disease.

Today, religion also does not oppose alcohol during abstinence, but warns about the need to control oneself. Drinking a glass of wine on Sunday is not forbidden, but no more.

Fasting is a special and very important time in the life of every believer. This is not only a time to limit yourself in food, but also a time to do good deeds and become closer to God. No one is born with a huge amount of knowledge. And there is nothing wrong with the fact that, having decided to fast, they ask various questions, including whether it is possible to drink alcohol during fasting. Also, an equally pressing question remains whether it is possible to drink wine during fasting. And the answer to the question of what drinks can be consumed during fasting will not be superfluous.

It is immediately worth noting that drinking alcohol during fasting can be strictly regulated. Thus, drinking wine and other alcohol for pleasure, relaxation or to warm up is strictly prohibited.

Is it possible to drink alcohol during Lent?

Although Lent is one of the longest and strictest fasts, its rules, in general, and in drinking alcohol in particular, are not very different from the rules for other fasts, including Christmas.

The church charter allows the consumption of wine (preferably Cahors) during Lent:

  • on Saturdays and Sundays;
  • on the feast of the Annunciation;
  • on temple holidays.

Is it possible to have strong alcohol during fasting?

When asked if you can drink strong alcohol(whisky, cognac, vodka) in the post, the answer is clear - no! The following are strictly prohibited for use:

  • cognac during fasting;
  • vodka during fasting;
  • whiskey during fasting;
  • other strong alcohol during Lent.

Is it possible to drink wine during Lent?

In fact, wine is the only drink that can be consumed during fasting. As stated above, you can drink wine during Lent in moderate doses on certain days. It is equally important to consider what kind of wine you can drink during Lent and other fasts. The alcoholic drink of choice is red wine - Cahors, but theoretically, you can drink any natural wine.

During fasting, it is advisable to dilute wine with water.

Even during the period of Christianization, the charters of many monasteries allowed adding wine to the water. But most likely this tradition is associated not with indulgences and liberties in drinking, but with low quality drinking water, for disinfection of which wine was added to it.

Is it possible to drink beer during Lent?

Another important aspect of alcohol consumption during fasting is whether beer is allowed during fasting. Supporters of justifying their weaknesses immediately cite the argument that in the old days beer was brewed in monasteries. But this does not mean that beer can be consumed during fasting. It's better to abstain.

Summing up the topic of whether it is possible to drink alcohol during fasting, I would like to once again focus on the very essence of fasting. This is a period of spiritual cleansing, abstinence from carnal and worldly pleasures. The questions in style are quite surprising: is it possible to have champagne during Lent? I immediately want to ask in response, why then post at all and what does it consist of? Traditional consumption of alcohol on fasting days is extremely undesirable, even if there is no complete ban on some of them.

Is it possible to drink alcohol during the fast?

Eid al-Adha is one of the Muslim fasts. It is famous for its restrictions, like other Muslim fasts. There is no question of drinking alcohol on the days of Eid, since Islam generally prohibits drinking it. So on the days of Uraza you cannot drink strong alcohol, wine, champagne, etc.

Separately, I would like to consider the question of whether it is possible to drink kvass during the fast. There is no direct ban on the consumption of soft drinks these days, but still Islam calls on believers to pacify their passions during fasting - appetite, thirst, sexual desire, and especially pleasure from them. Therefore, it is advisable to drink plain water during the fast.

Is it possible to drink alcohol during Ramadan?

Ramadan is perhaps one of the most famous Muslim fasts. During this holy month, during the daytime it is necessary to abstain from eating, drinking and intimate relationships, devoting oneself to prayers and spirituality. What about alcohol during Ramadan? Is it possible to drink it in the evening or should I abstain altogether? There is a clear answer to these questions - any alcohol is not welcomed by Islam at all, regardless of what day it is going to be consumed.

At this stage of time, many people strictly observe Lent, which includes many traditions and observance of some Christian rules. As you know, during the fasting period you can only eat food of plant origin. On such Great Days, eating food of animal origin is strictly prohibited. Although there are exceptional days that allow the consumption of fish or fish products.

Many people want to know exactly when they can drink wine during Lent 2017. Based on the Charter, drinking such drinks is possible on Saturdays and Sundays. The consumption of dry grape wines or stronger sweet wines is allowed. Previously, dry grape wines were consumed and drunk like ordinary water, and strong wines were reserved for festive feasts. Therefore, when you can drink wine during Lent in 2017 can be judged precisely according to the Charter, which has been enshrined for a long time.

Previously, all the infirmities to which the monks were exposed were treated and supported precisely by drinking wine. Beer, in accordance with the charter, was equal to wine. Therefore, beer is allowed to be consumed on Saturdays, Sundays and, of course, on holidays. But they are usually consumed in the quantities allowed by the Typikon. Stronger drinks are simply not acceptable during fasting. The Typikon is the Church Charter itself, according to which it is determined on what days wine can be drunk and which stipulates that the permission of alcoholic beverages is allowed for the sake of human weakness.

Krasovulya is considered to be a vessel into which a clenched fist can fit, and this is considered a conditional measure, since it largely depends on the physique of the person himself. The Church Charter states that believers during Lent must observe the mandatory rules and observe everyone’s attitude towards their meals. Particularly strict observance of fasting is necessary in the initial and final weeks. You need to fast all day, and you can only eat in the evening, but on weekends there are exceptions, and you can eat both during the day and in the evening.

Many people want to know on which days of Lent they can eat fish and drink wine. Fish can be eaten in holidays, namely on the Annunciation and Palm Sunday. But this permission is strictly prohibited if the feast of the Annunciation falls on Holy Week. Lazarus Saturday allows you to eat fish roe. Great Spring Lent allows you to drink wine on Saturdays and Sundays to strengthen your strength, as well as eat a variety of foods different products. For example, vegetables, fruits, pickles, legumes, dried fruits and much more. This allows a person to fully receive nutrition for his body.

There are also exceptions to the fast that apply to the elderly, children, as well as people who have any diseases or pregnant women. But they are simply obliged to observe spiritual fasts that allow them to get rid of sins. The Church condemns those who do not observe Lent. So, now it has become clear which days of fasting you can drink wine and eat fish in 2017. After all, observing fasting only leads to good result, which reflects favorably on all humanity.

Read ours about what you can eat during Lent.