How to fry delicious pancakes. How to quickly make pancakes: tasty and airy

Golden, fluffy and delicious pancakes are always loved in every family. Moreover, they are prepared easily and quickly, and fly apart before they even really have time to cool down.

Delicious fluffy pancakes


● 250 ml. kefir (you can use yogurt)
● 1 egg
● 2 tbsp. Sahara
● 2 tbsp. melted butter
● 150 g flour
● 1 tsp. vanilla sugar
● ¼ tsp. salt
● ¼ tsp. soda
● 1 tsp. baking powder


1. In a bowl, whisk the egg, sugar and vanilla sugar.

2. Heat kefir or yogurt a little and pour into the egg mixture. Add melted butter, stir.

3. Mix flour with soda, salt and baking powder, sift it and add to the liquid mass.
Mix dry and liquid ingredients with a spoon using quick movements. The most important thing is not to knead the dough (that’s the whole point!), but only to combine the ingredients.

The dough will be lumps, this is how it should be, don’t be alarmed, the lumps will disperse during baking. Leave the dough for 5-7 minutes. The dough should be thick (like thick sour cream); it should not flow from the spoon into the pan, but should fall in one lump.

4. Heat the pan well, add vegetable oil and turn on the smallest fire on your stove. Place a tablespoon of dough onto the pan, leaving space between the pancakes.

5. Carefully turn the pancakes over and fry on the other side. Fry over low heat!

6. Transfer the finished pancakes to a plate, let cool slightly and serve.

7. Serve pancakes with honey, jam, berry sauce or sour cream. They are delicious just like that, they don’t fall off at all, and on the second day they remain just as soft and fluffy.

Pancakes like at school


● Flour - 481g (2 tbsp. 250 ml each)
● Water - 481g (2 tbsp. 250 ml each minus 2 tbsp.)
● Fresh yeast (raw) - 14g (do not replace dry yeast!!!)
● Sugar - 17g (about 1 heaped tablespoon)
● Salt - 6g (about 0.5 tsp)
● Egg - 23g (I had a large egg - I had to beat it separately and pour out 1/3)


1. Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water - let it sit for a while, then add the egg, salt and gradually add the sifted flour - mix with a spatula, or better yet, with a fork (you can’t do it with your hands - the dough is liquid), then cover the dough with a lid or cling film and put it in warm place for 2 hours - the dough should rise and bubble.

2. Then in a heated frying pan with vegetable matter. spread 1 tbsp of oil. dough - fry on both sides until golden brown over medium heat.

3. Serve hot pancakes with butter or apple jam.

Biscuit pancakes


● Eggs - 4 pcs.
● Sugar - 1 tbsp.
● Flour - 1 tbsp.
● Blackcurrant (I used frozen) - 1 tbsp.
● Starch - 1 tbsp. l.
● Vanillin to taste


1. Lightly roll the prepared, washed and dried berries in flour or starch.

2. Separate the yolks from the whites.

3. Beat the whites into a strong foam.

4. Mash the yolks with sugar until white.

5. Pour the yolk mixture into the whites in a thin stream, whisking with a mixer.

6. Mix flour with vanilla, sift through a sieve and add to the mixture in portions, carefully stirring all the time in one direction so as not to crush the protein foam.

7. Add the berries and mix gently again.

8. Fry like regular pancakes in a frying pan with vegetable oil, preferably covered and over low heat.

Kefir pancakes


● 500 g kefir
● 1 egg
● 350 g flour
● 2 tbsp. Sahara
● 1/2 tsp. salt
● 1/2 tsp. soda
● 150 g vegetable oil for frying


2. Heat up a frying pan with a thick bottom and pour in sunflower oil to a height of 0.5 cm.

3. The fire under the pan is very important. On my electric stove, I preheated it to 9. Then I switched it to 6. I took the dough with a tablespoon and removed it with a second spoon.

4. The oil does not sizzle or burn at all, the pancakes fry slowly. When the top is inflated you can turn it over. I find it convenient to use two forks, or a spatula with a fork.

5. Somehow I wasn’t even ready for such a stunning view.

6. I turned it over to look at the other side, but there is no need to do this, they are already slowly fried beautifully.

7. Sometimes, when the oil cooled slightly, I turned the heat on to 7, and then, when the oil began to bubble slightly, I returned the heat to 6 again.

8. I have a large frying pan, and I could fit 7 pieces on it.

9. They don't blur and turn over easily. They are incredibly beautiful, with a skirt along the edge, 2 cm in height and as airy as a feather.

And how delicious!

Kefir pancakes (second option)


● Kefir – 0.5 l,
● Wheat flour – 350 g,
● Egg – 1 pc.,
● Sugar – 3 tablespoons,
● Salt – 0.5 teaspoons,
● Soda – 1 teaspoon,
● Vegetable oil for frying.
● Kefir pancakes


1. To prepare pancakes, all ingredients must be room temperature.

2. Mix flour, sugar, salt and soda in one bowl. Break the egg into another bowl, pour in the kefir and mix well with a whisk.

3. Pour the dry ingredients into the liquid ingredients and mix with a whisk until you obtain a thick, homogeneous dough.

4. Heat the frying pan and grease it with oil. Bake the pancakes immediately after preparing the dough. If you have a Teflon or ceramic frying pan, add 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough before cooking, in this case you no longer need to grease the frying pan with oil, the pancakes will not stick.

5. Serve pancakes with sour cream, honey, jam.

Bon appetit!

From time immemorial, lush, aromatic pancakes have served many as nourishing, tasty and quick dish. True, they don’t always work out the first time. After all, making pancakes requires practice and skill. But, having learned the secrets of cooking, you will always be fully prepared when guests arrive or you need to cook something urgently.
How to cook fluffy pancakes? What ingredients should always be present in the dough? Yeast pancakes or soda pancakes? On kefir or vegetables? In short, as we see, there are options. And there is also something to talk about.

Pancakes - all possible ingredients, and without which pancakes cannot be made

What can pancakes be made from? It’s better to ask what they can’t be made from. After all, here you can sort through all the vegetables and combinations of them with flour, even meat, etc.! Nourishing and tasty, each time with a new accent and vitamin. What could be better for breakfast, and even for dinner, than milk or pumpkin pancakes, etc.!


  • Liquid base (milk, sour cream, kefir, yogurt, etc.)
  • Baking powder (soda, yeast, etc.)
  • Sweeteners (sugar, etc.)
  • Oil (for frying)

Well, in addition to the key components, you will definitely use various additives.

As for vegetable fritters, you can’t cook them without the vegetables themselves, salt, eggs, salt, seasonings and oil.

So, there are countless recipes. I will share the ones that have been proven by experience. But first I’ll tell you about my secrets.

How to always make delicious pancakes - my personal secrets

Sifted flour

Let's talk about flour first. I always try to take wheat. But one day I experimented, combining it with buckwheat, then with rye, then with cornmeal. Liked!

Secret: sift the flour, otherwise the pancakes will not rise well.

What should the consistency of the dough be? After all, a lot depends on it, as well as on the ingredients - pancakes in a frying pan should not spread.

Secret: we try to bring the dough to the state of thick sour cream.

What kind of kefir or sour cream do you usually use to make pancake dough? Yes, most often from the refrigerator. By the way, you can’t take it cold, because the dough won’t rise.

Secret: make the dough only at room temperature.

To ensure the dough rises well, let it rest for half an hour on the counter in a warm kitchen. And don't forget to remove the spoon from the bowl.

Secret: do not stir the dough after proofing!

It all depends on what kind of pancakes you are preparing. It doesn’t matter whether it’s for dessert, which means you added sugar, or without it, the dough can be flavored with something.

Secret: enhance the aroma with cinnamon, vanilla, etc., or dill, garlic, spices.

What do you cook in? For the dough, I like to take a high-sided bowl and use a whisk or fork.

Secret: it is best to fry pancakes in a thick-bottomed or cast-iron frying pan.

What to add to pancakes? I add raisins, apples, orange zest, etc. What else can I do to enhance the taste of sweet pancakes? It's up to you to choose.

Secret: just don’t overdo it with additives, otherwise the dough will fall off.

Frying process - important point. To make the pancakes fluffy, you need to pour the dough into hot oil with a large spoon.

Secret: after pouring the dough, add it where needed.

And one last thing. If you fry the pancakes covered and over medium heat, the pancakes will be superb.

Secret: turn over as soon as the pancakes begin to have holes on top and turn golden on the bottom.

How to properly prepare pancakes with yeast - everyone will lick your fingers!

Yeast can be fresh, from the freezer, or dried. This time I took those that I prepared myself from pressed yeast. To do this, I crushed them and dried them. And for liquid foundation I took yogurt, which I also prepared myself by fermenting the milk. It was a great alternative to kefir.


  • Dry yeast - 1 tbsp.
  • Yogurt - 300 ml
  • Flour - 1.5 cups
  • Dry yeast - 1 tbsp.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Vanillin – 1 sachet

Preparing airy dough for yeast pancakes - a recipe proven over the years

Place warm (you can even warm it up very slightly) yogurt in a convenient container. Add salt and sugar there at once. And then we measure out the yeast.

Step 1. Yeast

Mix the mixture and cover the bowl with a lid and place it in a warm place. Even to the point of pouring more into another container hot water and put this bowl in it. The yeast needs to be dissolved. As soon as this happens, beat in the egg.

Step 2. Add the egg

Mix the curdled milk with the egg. And sift the flour. If you bypass this process, the pancakes are unlikely to rise.

Step 3. Sift the flour

To prevent the mixture from becoming lumpy, add the sifted flour gradually. Although you can sift it directly into a bowl. Remember to thoroughly beat the mixture with a fork.

Step 4. Mix with flour

Have you kneaded the dough? Add some raisins and stir the dough. Now we need to let him rise. I usually turn on the stove, place a frying pan on it and heat it over low heat. During this time, the dough, covered with a towel, crawls out of the bowl. This is where you can fry. After pouring the oil and heating it, spoon out the dough and fry.

Step 5. Fry the pancakes

Why don't I fry in butter? Because it burns quickly. And pancakes made with yeast may not be fried if they are fried quickly. So, turn them over only once, without letting them burn. And take it out quickly, trying to serve it hot to the table right away.

Step 6. Drizzle with jam, honey and serve

Yeast pancakes without sugar - my favorite recipe

After all, you don’t always want sweet pancakes. That’s why here we can fantasize ad infinitum, observing proportions.

Easy preparation of yeast pancakes without sugar

Knead the dough from a glass of kefir, 30 g of yeast, soda on the tip of a knife, 1 egg and three glasses of flour. Let it sit warm until it rises. Fry the finely chopped onion in oil, add some salt and sprinkle the onion with something aromatic and add it to the dough. Let it sit for another 10 minutes and you can fry in the usual way.

How to make fluffy pancakes - my grandmother's recipe

My grandmother made pancakes only with sour cream, and with very little soda. There were few of them - literally just once. But they were so tender and tasty that grandma had to make the dough again and again. Just like I cooked for her later, when she got old, and for my children...

Proper preparation of dough for pancakes - they melt in your mouth!

I mix a glass of sour cream with soda (0.5 tsp) and two tablespoons of sugar. As soon as the sour cream starts to bubble, I add flour. How many? So that it turns out not thick and not batter. The main thing is that the dough can become even thicker during the proofing process. I fry in hot oil, but this time with butter, because there are only a few of them. My grandmother didn’t do that, but I learned to add orange or lemon zest, put all sorts of other goodies and additives like grated apple etc. If grandma put anything in, it was only raisins, which she steamed for a long time in advance in a clay casserole on the stove.

A proven recipe for pancakes made with kefir or fermented baked milk

It's fast and proven. By the way, you can do it even without soda!

Making quick pancakes

Stir 1 tbsp. sugar, soda (on the tip of a knife) and a packet of vanillin with a glass of warm kefir, I beat in an egg. I beat with a mixer, add a glass of flour and stir again. I'll wait about half an hour. Seeing that the dough begins to rise slightly, I add another half a glass of flour. I mix it until I get a mass that needs to be put in, but not poured. Cover with a towel and place the bowl on water bath. As soon as the dough doubles in size, fry the pancakes in boiling oil.

How can you cook pancakes with water or sour milk?

Elementary! Yes, there is not always kefir or sour cream. More often than not, when you want pancakes, you have water or sour milk. By the way, they turn out no less tasty in water.

To make kefir pancakes really fluffy, you need to do two things: simple conditions- Heat the kefir a little, and add soda to the dough last. Such pancakes will be fluffy not only in the pan, but also after cooling.

Ingredients:(for 2 servings)

  • 1 glass of warm kefir (250 ml)
  • 1 egg
  • 180 g flour
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 tsp. without a slide of soda
  • ​1 pinch of salt

Another interesting observation is that kefir is more acidic, the tastier and more fluffy the pancakes turn out.​


Whisk the egg, sugar and salt.

Place the kefir in the glass in the microwave for 10-15 seconds to warm it up. You can simply place the glass in a bowl with hot water so that the kefir becomes warm. Add kefir to the egg and mix.

Add 180 g of flour. If you don’t have scales, this is about a glass of flour (250 ml capacity) equal to the edges, plus a full heaped tablespoon.

Stir and add 1 tsp. soda along with the edges, i.e. no slide. There is no need to extinguish the soda; it will be extinguished by kefir; the taste of soda is practically absent in the finished pancakes. But if kefir is not at all sour, you can add 0.5-1 tsp directly to the dough. apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

Mix thoroughly again so that there are no lumps left. How thick the dough turns out can be seen in the picture below - it should not flow, but flow heavily from a spoon or whisk.

Set the plate with the dough aside and let it stand for 5-7 minutes so that the kefir and soda react. Small bubbles appear on the surface.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and spoon out the dough. We take a little dough so that it does not drip from the spoon, wipe the excess on the edges of the bowl - the pancakes will turn out small, fluffy and exactly baked inside. The fire should be medium. Fry the pancakes on one side.

Using forks, turn the pancakes over and fry them on the other side. You can see how the pancakes immediately increase in volume and become fluffy.

You can serve fluffy kefir pancakes with sour cream, honey, condensed milk, or. The pancakes are very tasty both hot and cold, and after cooling they do not lose their fluffiness. If desired, you can add raisins or finely chopped apple to the pancakes, which is also delicious.

Pancakes. There are as many housewives as there are recipes for their baking. Pancakes are made with vegetables, with fruit, with liver..., with milk, kefir, sour cream... with citric acid, soda, yeast... you can’t list them all.
I make pancakes with yeast. I like yeast dough, the pancakes turn out fluffy, porous and even cold - they are delicious. In terms of time, of course, it takes a little longer to cook, but it’s a win-win.
The recipe for my pancakes is very simple, the ingredients are always available.
So, optimal recipe fluffy pancakes.

1 glass of warm water (I replace milk with water, but fill the milk protein with eggs)
3 eggs (room temperature)
3 tbsp. l. sugar with a small slide
1 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. l. pods. oils
3 heaped cups of flour (sift flour)
2 tsp. dry yeast

Mix all ingredients in a saucepan. To avoid lumps, first you need to gradually pour water into the flour, stirring, then add everything else. The dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream. The dough should slide off the spoon.
Cover the saucepan and place in a warm place for 40-50 minutes. When the dough has risen, stir and start frying the pancakes.
Pour salt into the frying pan. oil. Since all frying pans are different in size, approximately, oil should be poured to a height of about 5 mm. heat and spoon into pancakes.
Fry over medium heat on both sides for 1 minute.

Pancakes with syrup.

And now about the main thing, oh yesterday's pancakes.
If you have leftover pancakes, and it doesn’t matter whether they are made with yeast, soda or crumpets fried from... dumpling dough, this is a great breakfast that everyone will love.
For cooking delicious breakfast I needed 50 grams of butter and 50 ml of milk. As you understand, accuracy is not needed here, but for guidance, I indicated these weights for a dozen pancakes.
Place oil in a frying pan and place on low heat. As soon as the butter melts, pour in the milk and warm it up a little.

Place our pancakes in this mixture. Using tongs or two forks, turn the pancakes over, during which time the mixture will begin to boil.

Cover the frying pan with a lid, turn off the heat, let the pancakes simmer for half a minute and you are ready to serve. Serve in a frying pan. I call these pancakes dipped.

Have fun in the kitchen and enjoy your meal.

Pancakes are a favorite dish for many, both for breakfast and for a snack. This dish is suitable both for those who are on a diet, because they can be cooked in water, and for those who like to eat a hearty meal.

Pancakes are a great idea for many housewives, as they are easy to prepare and almost instantly, but they always turn out tasty and satisfying if you know some secrets and tricks.

If guests unexpectedly show up at your doorstep, and there is nothing to treat you with, don’t worry! In 10 minutes you can make an excellent appetizer - pancakes or, as they are also called, flatbreads, and serve with mayonnaise and garlic. And if guests arrive in the morning, then feel free to bake pancakes and serve them as a dessert, it all depends on your imagination.

As they say, a good housewife can prepare wonderful dishes from a minimum of ingredients. Pancakes will be such a wonderful dish, since they can be made from a minimal set of ingredients, and the dish will turn out very beautiful, satisfying and healthy.

General principles for making quick pancakes

They started making pancakes a very long time ago; they used to be called “fluffy pancakes,” but there is some truth. In Rus', a lover of this excellent dish was called “oladushnik”. Pancakes are made fluffier than pancakes, but they are not as thick as air bags.

Pancakes are easy to prepare, but without the necessary kitchen equipment can't get by here. Every housewife should have her favorite frying pans, oven mitts and other utensils so that she can be in a great mood while cooking. Many psychologists, by the way, consider it harmful to cook in a bad mood, because all the negative energy can transfer to the prepared dish. So, armed with the right favorite non-stick frying pan, a cast iron frying pan will also do, an apron for the hostess and a smile, you can learn how to quickly cook pancakes.

There are a lot of options for pancakes. For convenience, I propose to classify them into groups and subgroups. You can quickly prepare pancakes using meat or without meat.

Meat pancakes vary depending on the meat - chicken, beef, turkey, pork and others. Most housewives prefer to bake chicken; they are also called “chopped cutlets”. As a result, they are very tender, juicy, and the pancakes are prepared instantly. Yet, when you mention this pastry, you imagine pancakes without meat, plump and ruddy, this dish is a symbol of a hospitable hostess. These baked goods can also be divided into groups and subgroups. Depending on the dough, they can be water-based, milk-based, or kefir-based. Pancakes can be prepared either with or without yeast. Depending on the filling, the pancakes can also be different - with pieces of apples, bananas, pieces of chocolate.

As you can see, there are many recipes for pancakes. Let's try to make pancakes using water with yeast, milk with apples, kefir, yogurt, American pancakes and fermented (sour) milk. All you have to do is find your favorite recipe and surprise your guests with such a wonderful Russian dish. It’s up to you to decide which version you’ll use.

Recipe 1. How to quickly cook pancakes in water using yeast

This dish Great for breakfast and also for a light snack. Despite the minimal set of products, they turn out to be very filling and healthy, and are prepared instantly.

Required Products:

Warm boiled water – 2 tbsp.;

Wheat flour premium – 2.5 tbsp.;

granulated sugar– 4 tbsp;

- vegetable oil - 6 tbsp;

— yeast – 10 g; salt – 1/2 tsp.


The secret of this dish is that you need to add dry products to liquid ones, but in no case vice versa.

1. Prepare a container in which we will cook the pancakes. Pour water, add granulated sugar and dry yeast. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly. You need to leave the mixture for 20-30 minutes for fermentation to begin. The onset of fermentation is easy to determine; if small bubbles appear, you have done everything correctly.

2. Add the required amount of flour and you can use either sunflower or olive oil. Stir everything until the lumps disappear. The pancake mixture loves your hands, so knead it thoroughly. The consistency should be like mayonnaise, that is, it should not run off a spoon.

3. Pour sunflower oil into a frying pan and heat it up. It is very important to place the pancakes in exactly such a frying pan, otherwise they will stick, which will become an obstacle to turning over.

4. Place the pancakes and bake for 1.5 minutes on each side.

5. Now you can quickly prepare water pancakes with yeast.

Recipe 2. How to quickly prepare yeast-free milk pancakes with apple slices

This dish is liked by both adults and children. Apples add great flavor to pancakes delicate taste. Choose quality apples; be sure to taste the apple before cooking. Depending on your taste, you can choose sweet or sour.


– apples – 1-2 pcs.;

— granulated sugar – 3.5 tbsp;

- chicken eggs - 2;

- milk - 1 tbsp.;

— dough baking powder – 1 tsp;

- first grade wheat flour - 2 tbsp.


1. Mix the sugar and egg with a whisk. The result is a fluffy white mass. The more fluffy the foam, the correspondingly more fluffy the pancakes will be. Add milk to the same container and stir again.

2. Add flour, baking powder to the same container and knead the dough thoroughly. There should be no lumps, this is very important, otherwise the pancakes will not be tender.

3. If the dough is too thick, add another half a glass of milk; the milk will give the pancakes a delicate aroma.

4. Rinse the apple. Peel and cut into pieces. Remove the core.

5. Add apples and mix the mixture well. Now the fragrant dough is ready.

6. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, heat it well and lay out the pancakes. Fry the pancakes on both sides until cooked.

7. Now you can quickly prepare yeast-free milk pancakes with apple pieces.

Recipe 3. How to quickly prepare pancakes with kefir

Kefir pancakes are very voluminous, sweet and aromatic. They are considered an excellent option for breakfast and for a sweet snack. There are certain secrets to make the pancakes very fluffy. When kneading the dough, use only warm heated kefir. You can heat it in a saucepan, but it is more convenient and easiest to do this in microwave oven. At this recipe add the very last soda and fluffy pancakes are guaranteed, and if you use a very sour kefir product, they will be even more fluffy.


- kefir product or kefir - 1 tbsp.;

- chicken egg -1;

- premium flour - 1 tbsp;

— granulated sugar – 2 tbsp;

- baking soda - 1 tsp;

– salt – 0.5 tsp.


1. Mix sugar and salt with egg.

2. Add the sour kefir product to the container with the mass that you prepared in the first step. I repeat once again, it is better to use warm kefir; just heat it for 15 seconds in the microwave.

3. The final step is to add flour to almost ready-made dough. Mix everything thoroughly. At the very end, add a little soda. In this case, we will not extinguish it; there is no need for this.

4. Leave the mixture in a warm place for 15 minutes. You need to wait for small bubbles on the dough. If they appear, it means you can safely fry them.

5. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and carefully spoon in the dough. We'll cook until golden brown crust our baked goods.

Recipe 4. How to quickly cook pancakes with yogurt

This type of pancake has a special aroma, it all depends on the yogurt you use to make the dough. The pancakes are perfect as a dessert, but they are not too sweet, which allows us to dip them in jam.


— yoghurt drink – 1.5 tbsp.;

- chicken eggs - 2;

- salt - 1 tsp;

- wheat flour - 1 tbsp.;

- granulated sugar - 3 tbsp.


1. First of all, pour yogurt into a container, on the basis of which the dough will be prepared.

2. Next, add sugar, salt and eggs to the yogurt, whisk the mixture thoroughly until smooth.

3. Add flour as the last component and mix thoroughly. The mass will be thick and will not flow off a spoon.

4. Pour a little onto a heated frying pan sunflower oil and bake until done. Have a nice tea party, now you know how to quickly prepare pancakes with yogurt.

Recipe 5. How to quickly prepare American pancakes - pancakes

Pancakes are popular not only in Russia, but also in other countries, for example, in America they really like pancakes for breakfast.

Pancake pancakes are prepared simply, but there are still differences from our pancakes.


- wheat flour - 1 tbsp.;

- chicken egg - 1 egg;

- vegetable oil - 3 tbsp;

cow's milk– 1 tbsp.;

— baking powder – 1 tsp;

- granulated sugar - 3 tbsp.


1. Take two containers. Pour flour, sugar and baking powder into one container and mix thoroughly.

2. In another container, mix liquid products. Egg add to the milk, as well as a little sunflower oil, mix everything.

3. Add liquid ingredients to dry ingredients. It is very important to add liquid to dry. Mix thoroughly.

4. Heat the frying pan, do not add oil, since it is already in the dough, and bake American pancakes on each side for 2 minutes. Bon appetit, now you know how to quickly prepare American pancakes.

Recipe 6. How to quickly cook pancakes with fermented milk

There are situations when we forget about the expiration date of milk and it spoils. And here smart housewives will immediately figure out what to do. You can bake very tasty and fluffy pancakes. Did you know that some housewives deliberately add vinegar to milk so that it ferments. This is done precisely so that the pancakes turn out fluffy. Try it too, because by observing some subtleties, fragrant beauties will appear on your table.


— fermented milk – 450 ml;

- chicken eggs - 2 eggs;

— granulated sugar – 3 tbsp;

- soda - 1 tsp; - salt - 1/2 tsp;

- any vegetable oil - 3 tbsp;

- wheat flour - 2.5 - 3 tbsp.


1. I would like to immediately note that the mixture for pancakes does not need to be beaten with a mixer; it will be much better if you do this with a fork or a kitchen whisk. Mix eggs with salt and sugar.

2. Add the following ingredients – flour and butter, stir everything.

3. You need to add flour and the final ingredient - soda. Mix thoroughly, but there is no need to be overzealous; if small lumps remain, then this is a plus for this type of pancake.

4. Leave the mixture for 25 minutes at room temperature.

5. Pour oil into the frying pan, heat it well and only after that carefully place our pancakes on sour milk. When frying, small holes appear on the pancakes, which means we did everything right. 6. Fry each side for 1.5. minutes. Bon appetit - now you know how to cook pancakes this way.

Secrets of creating beautiful and tasty pancakes

The pan should be non-stick or cast iron.

Do not use a mixer when mixing products.

Bake pancakes only for hot frying pan.

Add dry ingredients to liquid ingredients.

Add baking soda last to the dough.