Uzbek cuisine Chuchvara. "Chuchvara": recipe

Prepare the dough. Sift the flour and salt, mix the egg well in 200 ml of water. Pour into flour and knead into a smooth, homogeneous dough. Wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Finely chop the lamb with a knife. Peel and chop the onion. Gently mix meat, onion and seasonings. Set aside for 20 minutes.

Prepare the sauce. Peel and chop onions and carrots small cubes, also cut the tomatoes. Reheat in thick-walled saucepan oil, fry onion, 5 minutes. Add carrots, cook for another 6 minutes. Add tomatoes, season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until all the juice has evaporated. Pour in 1 liter of water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 20 minutes.

Divide the dough into 3 parts. Cover two with a damp towel, roll one into a very thin layer. Cut it into 4x4 cm squares, put 1 tsp in the center. filling and fold the dough diagonally to form a triangle. It is good to mold the edges with wet hands. Lift the central corner and wrap the corners at the edges around your index finger, as shown in the photo.

Step 1: Cook the broth.

First, I’ll tell you what is the difference between chuchvara and Russian dumplings. Well, firstly, the minced meat for making chuchvara is prepared from beef and lamb, or separately, i.e. There is not a single piece of pork, which is so typical for our dumplings. Secondly, the dough for chuchvara is not cut into a glass, and a dumpling is not used, but is cut into diamonds. And thirdly, Uzbek “dumplings” are cooked only in meat broth and nothing else. As you can see, the cooking process of this dish
I advise you to buy fresh meat, which immediately when you get home, put it under cold running water to rinse.
At the same time, I’ll make a reservation right away: it’s not necessary to use two types of meat to prepare the broth; one beef bone is enough. But the fact is that this way the broth turns out to be the richest and most aromatic. In addition, I decided not to trim the meat from the bone, but to cook it straight, so that I could later add it to the “dumplings.” So, put the fresh, washed drumsticks into a cauldron, fill them with cold drinking water and send them to cook over medium heat. (At this time we clean onion 2 pcs.) and garlic ( 4 cloves) from the husk. And then wash them thoroughly under cold running water. Tomatoes ( 3 pcs.) And we also wash all the greens. Cut the onion lengthwise into.
4 parts ; tomatoes– in half As soon as the water in the cauldron boils, reduce the heat, turn off the noise, and then add vegetables with garlic and a few sprigs of herbs to the meat: dill, parsley and basil. And we continue to cook the broth

over low heat

under the lid. In this case, new foam will periodically appear, which should be removed; also make sure that the broth does not boil too much. In total, it will take you to prepare the broth about 2.5 hours..
Step 2: Knead the dough. At this time, we will prepare the dough for chuchvara, which does not differ in any innovations or features, since we need to knead the ordinary unleavened dough So, sift into a deep bowl using a sieve wheat flour
(let's start with

three glasses

), add a pinch of salt and eggs, and pour in a little water, after which we begin to knead. If there is not enough water or flour, feel free to add.
Sprinkle the work area of ​​the table with flour and lay out the dough, which we continue to knead with our hands until it becomes stiff. At the end, sprinkle it with flour and cover with a towel so that it can rest. Step 3: Prepare the minced meat. We've already got the broth cooking and the dough is resting, so it's time to start preparing the minced meat.
So, take a cutting board and a kitchen hatchet, and begin to finely chop the meat piece by piece: first cut into medium pieces, then cut them into even smaller pieces, and so on until you have minced meat, which then needs to be transferred to a bowl.
Now quickly peel the onions and garlic, wash them and chop them finely.
Add to the minced meat, then add salt and pepper to taste and add ground coriander.
Mix thoroughly and beat the minced meat.

Step 4: Roll out the dough.

Since the start of preparing the broth, it has been approximately 1.5 hours. And at this time we can just add a little salt and pepper to taste and add ground coriander. Mix thoroughly, cover with a lid and continue cooking.
Now let's get down to the most interesting part - we will gradually begin preparing chuchvara.
So, from our rested dough we pinch off a fist-sized piece, knead it a little and roll it into a layer approximately 0.5 cm thick., which we then cut into squares using a sharp kitchen knife ( approximately 3x3 cm).

Step 5: Making “dumplings”.

Let me warn you right away, the number of dumplings will be quite a lot than you can eat at one time. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you will have to freeze half. Now put a little ( approximately 0.5 teaspoon
) minced meat. Pinch the opposite sides of the square and you should end up with a triangle, the ends of which must be connected.

In a similar way, we continue to make “dumplings” until we run out of dough or minced meat. Don't forget to sprinkle the work area where you will put them with flour.

Step 6: Prepare chuchvara. The cooking time for the broth is coming to an end (we check its readiness like this: if the meat comes away from the bone, then it’s time to turn it off). Now the remaining 5 3 pcs. Luke, cloves garlic and one peel and wash the tomato
cold water
. Then cut the onion into half rings, the tomatoes into thin slices, and the garlic into slices.
Then remove the cauldron with the broth from the heat and take out the bones and meat from it, which we transfer to a plate, and strain the broth itself into another pan using a kitchen strainer. Send the strained broth to cook over medium heat and bring it to a boil. At this time, completely remove the meat from the bones and cut it into small pieces (the size
no more than 1 cm.
), which we then transfer to the boiling broth. Next, add vegetables and coarsely chopped dill, parsley and basil. We begin to place “dumplings” in the broth. Please note that their number should be such that they can float freely in the broth ( approximately 20-30 pcs.). as soon as they float, mix them lightly with a spoon and let them simmer a little more about 3-5 minutes.
And the chuchvara is ready, translating into Russian we succeeded rich soup with dumplings.

Step 6: Serve chuchvara.

Using a ladle, pour the finished chuchvara into portioned plates, not forgetting to scoop out the meat and broth. Sprinkle some finely chopped herbs on top of the dish and serve with sour cream.

Bon appetit! Send the remaining dumplings to freeze in the freezer, and use them next time to prepare chuchvara, having only cooked.

meat broth

Please note that the “dumplings” themselves should be small in size, maximum 4 cm.

If you still don’t have time to play with meat and chop it, use a meat grinder to prepare minced meat. Chuchvara (dushpara, dushbara, tushpara, chuchpara) - this dish with a name incomprehensible to a visitor means only dumplings . However Uzbek chuchvara
have several important differences from Russian dumplings:
- - chuchvara is much smaller in size; minced meat for chuchvara
prepared from finely chopped, not ground meat, and never use pork; - chuchvara is not cooked in a “white” broth, but in a broth with fried meat, vegetables and herbs, so it turns out that chuchvara is full soup
, practically “shurpa with dumplings”;

- chuchvara is also distinguished from dumplings by its shape: the dough for chuchvara is never rolled out separately for each dumpling, but rather a large layer is rolled out, which is then cut into small diamonds (as small as you can then mold). - chuchvara is much smaller in size; Uzbek cuisine is rich in variety and colors, so can be completely different, just as there is several basic ways to prepare chuchvara
, For example: - For ordinary chuchvara
Suitable lamb or beef, which is cut into small pieces and add finely diced onion; - for cooking osh kuktli chuchvara You will need greens, which are finely chopped, add onions and fat tail fat - all this is sautéed over low heat. After frying into green mince, finely chop 2-3.
- boiled eggs (kovurma chuchvara fried dumplings ). This type of chuchvara is mainly prepared for religious for treats. The technique for preparing dough and sculpting is the same as for regular chuchvara, but the minced meat is pre-fried, and after it has cooled, they begin to sculpt chuchvara with it. The molded dumplings are thrown into hot oil (in a cauldron or deep fryer) and fried until cooked. Ready dish can be sprinkled powdered sugar;
- Ugra Chuchvara- this is a recipe for the same chuchvara, but with the addition of meatballs and noodles to the broth.

This is the diversity of chuchvara alone national cuisine Uzbekistan. Any ready-made chuchvara is served with sour cream or spoiled milk, greenery.

If Uzbek flatbreads and samsa is a piece product that is not produced in a factory, then factory-produced chuchvara can be found in almost every supermarket and small shops in Uzbekistan. Therefore, if you are in Uzbekistan and suddenly (which is unlikely, but still) want to cook ordinary dumplings yourself, then look for packages called “chuchvara”. They can be with beef (mol gushtidan) or with lamb (kui gushtidan), and you will not find chuchvara with pork in Uzbek cuisine.

You can prepare Chuchvara at home yourself. Here's a simple one recipe for Uzbek chuchvara:

Dough for chuchvara:

  • 500 g flour;
  • 1 egg (optional);
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • approximately 0.5 tbsp. water. It depends on the type and quality of flour. On prescription
    It is required to make a tough, but at the same time elastic dough.

Minced meat for chuchvara:

  • 500gr. lamb (beef) can be 50/50;
  • 1 tsp salt, a little black pepper;
  • 4-5 small onions.
  • You can add fat if you wish.

Broth for chuchvara:

  • meat on the bone - 400 g;
  • 1-2 onions;
  • 1-2 carrots;
  • 1 tomato or spoon of tomato paste.

How to cook chuchvara. Should you add an egg to the dough? Here the opinions of Uzbek culinary specialists are divided. There are housewives who always add an egg, others believe that this spoils the taste of the dough and exclude it from the recipe. However, without the egg the dough is definitely more tender. This gives the dish a special taste.

After you have kneaded the stiff dough, you need to roll it into a ball, cover it with a towel or put it in a bag and let it “rest” for 20-30 minutes.

While the dough is resting, prepare broth and minced meat. Fry the meat on the bone, then add the diced onion, then add the diced carrots. Lastly, put the grated tomato (without skin) into the cauldron. Then you should add water (or ready-made broth), salt and pepper everything and cook until the meat is cooked. You can diversify the broth by adding herbs to taste (dill, parsley).

To prepare minced meat, you need to finely chop the meat and onions. Add salt, pepper and cumin (cumin) ground in a mortar.

The uniqueness of chuchvara is in its sculpting. After the dough has “rested”, it is rolled out the thinnest layer and cut into squares or diamonds - the smaller the diamonds, the more valuable the chuchvara is considered, the more respect the host shows to the guest by serving him this dish. Place minced meat in the middle of the diamond - as much as will fit, so that later it will be possible to mold the dumpling itself. Next, you need to connect the opposite corners, pinching all the seams, you get a scarf (triangle), then connect the two lower corners. The shape was the same dumpling, but with a kind of triangular cap on top.

Cook the same way as regular dumplings - 12-15 minutes. By the time the chuchvara is almost ready, you can use a slotted spoon to remove them from the broth in which they were boiled and transfer them to the roasting pan. This will make the dish colorful, but the broth will remain clear and without the gluten taste that some people don't like.

The word “chuchvara” sounds incomprehensible and exotic. In fact, chuchvara is tasty dish, which is a variant of Russian dumplings prepared in a special way, and has several important distinctive features. Uzbek dumplings are no less famous dish than the famous pilaf. But if pilaf is prepared on holidays, then the chuchvara recipe is used for preparing everyday food.

Chuchvara - types and features of preparation

Uzbek traditions do not tolerate waste, therefore, to prepare daily dishes, local chefs prefer to use affordable ingredients instead of expensive products, paying attention to technology self made. Unlike Russian dumplings, chuchvara has a different shape: to prepare Uzbek dumplings, the dough is rolled out into one large layer, and then cut into squares measuring 4x4 cm, so they are smaller in size.

Since in Muslim countries they do not eat pork, Uzbek dumplings prepared from lamb or beef, the minced meat is never ground, but finely chopped with a knife. The cooking method deserves special attention. According to the recipe, chuchvara is cooked not in ordinary water, but in broth. Depending on the cooking method, there are:

  • barak-chuchvara - dumplings cooked in broth with fried meat, herbs and vegetables;
  • ugra-chuchvara - broth with meatballs and noodles made from the same dough as the main product is used for cooking;
  • kovurma-chuchvara - prepared without broth by frying in oil until golden brown.

Ingredients for preparing chuchvara

In the Uzbek chuchvara recipe, the main ingredients are unleavened dough and minced meat. To prepare the dough you will need water, flour, salt and an egg. To make the dish tasty, it is better to use flour from durum varieties wheat, but if you don’t have it, you can make dough from regular flour by increasing the number of eggs used. Add 3-4 eggs to a glass of cold water and as much flour as needed to obtain a tight dough.

Anyone who decides to cook real chuchvara needs to stock up on a piece of lamb meat and fat tail fat. You can make a combination of minced lamb and beef. In Uzbek cuisine, to prepare chuchvara, the recipe includes at least 700 g of onion and 100 g of fat tail fat per 1 kg of minced meat. In addition to onions, spices are required: coriander, basil, black pepper, cumin, salt. If desired, you can add mint.

How to cook chuchvara (recipe step by step)

The preparation of dumplings begins with kneading the dough:

  • Break the eggs into a bowl with a glass of water, mix and gradually add flour until the dough becomes so hard that the pieces stick together into one mass. After this, the dough needs to be wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator for 40-60 minutes to make it more pliable.
  • While the dough is cooling in the refrigerator, prepare the minced meat. In the chuchvara dumplings recipe, the meat and fat tail fat are finely chopped with a knife. In rare cases, it is allowed to grind meat in a meat grinder with a large grid. The onion is chopped in a blender or meat grinder and added to the minced meat. After adding spices to taste, mix the minced meat well.

  • The dough is taken out of the refrigerator, kneaded thoroughly again, then rolled out into a large thin sheet and cut into squares no larger than 4x4 cm. The smaller the squares, the tastier the dumplings will be.

How to make Uzbek dumplings?

Since the chuchvara recipe uses tight dough, it is difficult to roll out. Therefore, the piece can be divided in half and rolled out one half, leaving the second under film or a clean towel so that the dough does not dry out. When rolling, you need to try to make the layer thin. The optimal sheet thickness is about 3 mm. Place a teaspoon of minced meat in the center of each square, fold the square to form a triangle, and pinch the edges.

For clarity, you can refer to the chuchvara recipe with photos. Next, the base of the resulting triangle is wrapped around the finger and the ears are connected to each other. The result is a small dumpling, similar to a triangular cap with a sharp corner and a hole in the middle. When making dumplings, you should take into account that the rolled out dough dries out quickly, so you need to hurry, otherwise the edges of the dough will not stick together well. Uzbek dumplings are cooked in broth with the addition of vegetables.

How to prepare broth for chuchvara?

To prepare broth for chuchvara according to the recipe you will need:

  • lamb and beef with bone - 0.5 kg each;
  • onions - 5 heads;
  • tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves;
  • parsley, basil, dill;
  • black pepper - to taste;
  • a pinch of salt.

Pour water over the meat and place the pan on the fire. When the first foam appears, remove it and add two onions cut into quarters, tomatoes cut in half, peeled garlic cloves and herbs. The broth is left to simmer over low heat. After two hours, remove the pan from the stove, remove the meat, and filter the finished broth through a sieve into another bowl. Boiled vegetables are not needed, they can be thrown away, and the meat is cut into pieces and returned to the broth.

The pan is put back on the stove, the broth is boiled and seasoned with the remaining onions and herbs. Prepared Uzbek dumplings are thrown into the pan and cooked until cooked for 5 minutes after they float to the surface.

How to prepare soup with Uzbek dumplings?

The recipe for soup with chuchvara includes vegetable sauce made from carrots, onions, sweet peppers, potatoes and other vegetables fried in vegetable oil. The sauce must include tomatoes; if they are absent, add tomato paste. For cooking vegetable sauce you will need 50 ml olive or linseed oil, 3-4 medium-sized tomatoes, one large onion, carrots, one tablespoon each of chopped dill, cilantro and parsley, pepper and salt.

To prepare the sauce, onions and carrots are peeled and cut into small cubes. Peel the tomatoes and grate them or finely chop them. The sauce is prepared in a saucepan with a thick bottom. First, fry the onions, then add the carrots and fry for another 5-6 minutes, after which add the tomatoes and season the vegetable mass with salt and pepper. When the juice has evaporated, pour the meat broth into the vegetables and boil for 10 minutes. Then chuchvara is dipped into the boiling soup and cooked for 5 minutes after the dumplings float to the surface. When serving, add finely chopped herbs to a plate and season with sour cream.

Fried chuchvara

Anyone who has not tried kovurma-chuchvara should definitely try fried dumplings. They are preparing according to classic recipe chuchvara, the composition of the ingredients and the method of preparing the dough and minced meat practically do not change, except that finely chopped greens are added to the minced meat and then pre-fried. Chuchvara is made after the minced meat has cooled and fried in large quantities. vegetable oil in a deep fryer or cauldron until golden brown.

Then place the dumplings on a paper towel to absorb excess fat. Fried chuchvara is served hot with a glass of broth, yogurt or kefir, seasoned with fresh herbs. Uzbek dumplings prepared in this way are very similar to small chebureks, they replicate the taste juicy meat and the aroma of greenery. The dish is very satisfying and is prepared mainly for religious holidays as a treat.

How to serve dumplings in Uzbek style?

Regardless of how the dumplings were prepared, chuchvara is served in special deep plates - kise. When serving barak-chuchvara, finely chopped greens are placed on the bottom of the plate, then a portion of dumplings (12-15 pieces), all filled with the broth in which they were boiled. The dish is seasoned with unsweetened yogurt, sour cream or sour milk. Ugra-chuchvara and fried dumplings are served with sour cream, matsoni or katyk in a separate sauce boat.

Uzbek chuchvara will appeal to all lovers of dumplings and is perfect for a treat. With the help of vegetable sauce, an everyday dish can easily turn into a festive one. The hostess will only have to serve the chuchvara to the table and receive praise from the guests.

If you still don’t have time to play with meat and chop it, use a meat grinder to prepare minced meat.(dushpara, dushbara, tushpara, chuchpara) - this dish with a name incomprehensible to a visitor means only (dushpara, dushbara, tushpara, chuchpara) - this dish with a name incomprehensible to a visitor means only dumplings . However Uzbek chuchvara

- chuchvara is much smaller in size;

- chuchvara is much smaller in size; minced meat for chuchvara

- chuchvara is cooked not in a “white” broth, but in a broth with fried meat, vegetables and herbs, so it turns out that chuchvara is a full-fledged soup, practically “shurpa with dumplings”;

— chuchvara is also distinguished from dumplings by its shape: the dough for chuchvara is never rolled out separately for each dumpling, but rather a large layer is rolled out, which is then cut into small diamonds (as small as you can then mold).

- chuchvara is also distinguished from dumplings by its shape: the dough for chuchvara is never rolled out separately for each dumpling, but rather a large layer is rolled out, which is then cut into small diamonds (as small as you can then mold). - chuchvara is much smaller in size; Uzbek cuisine is rich in variety and colors, so can be completely different, just as there is several basic ways to prepare chuchvara

- For - For ordinary chuchvara

- for cooking - for cooking You will need greens, which are finely chopped, add onions and fat tail fat - all this is sautéed over low heat. After frying, finely chop 2-3 boiled eggs into green mince.

boiled eggs(fried dumplings). This type of chuchvara is mainly prepared for religious ). This type of chuchvara is mainly prepared for religious for treats. The technique for preparing dough and sculpting is the same as for regular chuchvara, but the minced meat is pre-fried, and after it has cooled, they begin to sculpt chuchvara with it. The molded dumplings are thrown into hot oil (in a cauldron or deep fryer) and fried until cooked. The finished dish can be sprinkled with powdered sugar;

Ugra Chuchvara- This is a recipe for the same chuchvara, but with the addition of meatballs and noodles to the broth.

This is the diversity of chuchvara alone national cuisine of Uzbekistan. Any ready-made chuchvara is served with sour cream or sour milk and herbs.

If Uzbek flatbreads and samsa are piece goods that are not produced in factories, then factory-produced chuchvara can be found in almost every supermarket and small shops in Uzbekistan. Therefore, if you are in Uzbekistan and suddenly (which is unlikely, but still) want to cook ordinary dumplings yourself, then look for packages called “chuchvara”. They can be with beef (mol gushtidan) or with lamb (kui gushtidan), and you will not find chuchvara with pork in Uzbek cuisine.

You can prepare Chuchvara at home yourself. Here's a simple one recipe for Uzbek chuchvara:

Dough for chuchvara:

It is required to make a tough, but at the same time elastic dough.

Minced meat for chuchvara:

You can add fat if you wish.

Broth for chuchvara:

How to cook chuchvara. Should you add an egg to the dough? Here the opinions of Uzbek culinary specialists are divided. There are housewives who always add an egg, others believe that this spoils the taste of the dough and exclude it from the recipe. However, without the egg the dough is definitely more tender. This gives the dish a special taste.

After you have kneaded the stiff dough, you need to roll it into a ball, cover it with a towel or put it in a bag and let it “rest” for 20-30 minutes.

While the dough is resting, prepare broth and minced meat. Fry the meat on the bone, then add the diced onion, then add the diced carrots. Lastly, put the grated tomato (without skin) into the cauldron. Then you should add water (or ready-made broth), salt and pepper everything and cook until the meat is cooked. You can diversify the broth by adding herbs to taste (dill, parsley).

To prepare minced meat, you need to finely chop the meat and onions. Add salt, pepper and cumin (cumin) ground in a mortar.

The uniqueness of chuchvara is in its sculpting. After the dough has “rested”, it is rolled out into a thin layer and cut into squares or diamonds - the smaller the diamonds, the more valuable the chuchvara is considered, the more respect the host shows to the guest by serving him this dish. Place minced meat in the middle of the diamond - as much as will fit, so that later it will be possible to mold the dumpling itself. Next, you need to connect the opposite corners, pinching all the seams, you get a scarf (triangle), then connect the two lower corners. The shape was the same dumpling, but with a kind of triangular cap on top.

Cook in the same way as regular dumplings - 12-15 minutes. By the time the chuchvara is almost ready, you can use a slotted spoon to remove them from the broth in which they were boiled and transfer them to the roasting pan. This will make the dish colorful, but the broth will remain clear and without the gluten taste that some people don't like.

Cooking such chuchvara is a pleasure. Experiment, you will succeed, and your family will ask for more!