Chocolate sponge cake with kefir for cake. Kefir biscuit - recipe

Best decoration festive table, and at the same time an excellent addition to tea is delicious homemade cakes prepared by the hostess with love. What can you bake so that the guests at the table cannot find words of admiration for your culinary masterpiece– yes, everything is very simple, bake a biscuit with kefir. Delicate in taste and easy to prepare, it will brighten up an uncomfortable winter evening and warm the whole family gathered around the table with its warm aroma.

What could it be easier to prepare delicious soft sponge cake? Just a little time, list simple ingredients– and the smell delicious biscuit it will already spread throughout the room.

There are more than enough recipes for baking sponge cake, but we suggest you consider one of the most simple recipes its preparation, including adding kefir to future baking.

Kefir biscuit: recipe No. 1


  • — 0,75glasses (faceted) + -
  • - 4 things. + -
  • Kefir - 1 glass + -
  • 14th century l. without top + -
  • Vinegar slaked soda1 tsp. (baking powder can be used as a substitute for soda - no more than 2 tsp.) + -
  • - 4 tbsp. l. + -


Dish decoration

We already know how to bake a simple kefir biscuit. Now let’s look at how to embellish it a little to make it tasty and very unusual. There are countless options for imagination.

  • For example, you can pour dark chocolate over the fragrant surface of a baked sponge cake, and then sprinkle it with coconut flakes.
  • You can beautifully place berries on top of the sponge cake (strawberries, a couple of cherries, raspberries, etc.).
  • But you can do it differently; for this, the berry fruits need to be placed not on top of the kefir biscuit itself, but inside it, even during the cooking process. It will turn out very beautiful, and most importantly – extremely appetizing.

Your culinary efforts will not go unnoticed, and your efforts will be especially appreciated by your little household members.

Preparing baked goods such as sponge cake always evokes a lot of pleasant emotions among lovers of sweets. To turn all emotions into reality, you need to bake that same sponge cake in a special way.

You can do this by deviating a little from tradition and adding kefir to your baked goods. The taste of the finished delicacy will not suffer at all; on the contrary, it will only become better and more tender.


  • Sugar – 0.5 cups;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Butter – 100 g;
  • Flour (sifted) – 2 cups;
  • Egg (small) – 2 pcs.;
  • Vanillin, salt, raisins - to taste;
  • Kefir – 0.5 l.


  1. We start preparing the biscuit by grating the butter on a grater (preferably a coarse one).
  2. After this, grind the butter and egg with sugar.
  3. Add some salt, gradually add flour and grind until you get a beautiful homogeneous mass.
  4. Mix, pour kefir over everything and begin to bring the dough to the right consistency. The dough for a sponge cake should be like thick, good sour cream.
  5. We wash the raisins in water, then brew them in boiling water. This is necessary for it to soften. When the raisins become soft, put them in the dough, then add soda.

To ensure that the kefir sponge cake is well baked and does not burn, grease the baking dish with oil. You can also sprinkle it with semolina or breadcrumbs. Only after this do we place the sponge cake dough into the mold.

Preheat the oven to 200°C, after which we just place the form with the dough in it. The delicacy should be baked for about 40 minutes. After the biscuit is baked, you should not immediately take it out of the oven. Let it sit in the turned off oven for another 5 minutes so that it can cool a little.

The finished, cooled pie can be cut into several pieces (2-3 shortcakes) and greased with jam or any cream. It will be much tastier this way.

Secrets of a cook

Butter or margarine?

To prepare a simple kefir sponge cake, you always need to use oil with an approximate fat content of 82%. Margarine for this delicate baked goods It is better not to use, the taste of the pie may suffer.

Another secret of using butter when preparing biscuit delicacies is that by increasing its proportions to 150-200 g, the baked goods will become more crumbly.

Checking readiness

To check if the cake you are baking is ready, you need to use a toothpick. We carefully pierce the baked goods with it, somewhere in the center, and then look:

  • if the toothpick is dry, then the biscuit is ready,
  • if not, put it back in the oven.

Additional Ingredients

You can dilute the taste of biscuit baking with additional ingredients, for example, sugar icing, candied fruits, orange zest etc.

How to bake a sponge cake in this case? Essentially, the recipe is the same, just during the cooking process one of the additional components is added to the baked goods to enhance the taste.

Kefir sponge cake, in addition to being an independent treat, can be used as a base for any cake.

A fluffy kefir sponge cake can always be served with hot tea or aromatic coffee. You can enjoy such a special treat not only on holidays, but also on regular working days.

And despite the fact that sponge cake is not a low-calorie product, it is simply impossible to refuse even a small piece of it. You and your family should definitely be pampered, and kefir sponge cake is a great way to surprise and delight your loved ones.

The beautiful autumn has arrived! I love her very much... For the air, for the wet asphalt, for the lyrics, light sadness, quiet joy and bright colors... Besides, September 1 is the day of knowledge. This is also always a holiday for me! Therefore, there’s simply no way without cake! ;)

I’ve been planning to bake a biscuit with kefir for a very long time. Somehow this never happened before. And I made pies on it, and different pies, manna cakes, casseroles... But never a biscuit!

I usually don’t have such quantities of kefir at home. However, this time I made such a purchase purposefully - for this autumn cake!

Difficulty level: average

Cooking time: about two hours (if you bake the cakes at the same time, it will turn out much faster)

Biscuit ingredients:

    1 and 1/2 cups sugar

    a pinch of salt

    1 and 1/2 tsp. soda

    1 tbsp. table vinegar

    sunflower oil for lubrication

For impregnation:

3 tsp alcohol
- 9 tbsp. fresh water

For cream:

180 g butter
- 1 tbsp. cocoa
- 1 can of condensed milk

For decoration:

Figured white and dark chocolate
- chocolate drops

Preparing the biscuit:

Pour sugar into a deep and fairly large bowl. I took one and a half glasses. The recipe I used as a basis called for... 3 cups! For me this is a quiet horror... I haven’t been able to imagine such sweetness for several years now. But you can of course increase the amount of sugar to suit your taste.

This is where I broke all the eggs. And beat with a mixer until lightly foamy.

I melted the butter in advance, because for the sponge cake you need it warm, not hot. I poured it into the sugar-egg mixture. Added a pinch of salt.

I took kefir with 2.5 percent fat content. But I think anyone will do.

I poured it all in at once. Whipped it.

I extinguished the soda with vinegar and vigorously stirred it into the mixture.

I immediately sifted the flour here. I beat with a mixer for a short time, about 20 seconds.

I greased the mold with oil. I poured 1/4 of the dough into it. And put it in an oven preheated to 160"C.

Bake at 180-200"C for about 20-25 minutes.

I did the same with the next three cakes.

Preparation of impregnation:

First I wanted to make a coffee impregnation. I’m a coffee lover, so sometimes I try to add coffee wherever I need it and where I don’t need it))

However, then I changed my mind - after all, coffee would color the light cakes. So I decided to make it transparent. With what? Vodka! Or rather, alcohol diluted with water.

I just put them together in a glass and stirred. This impregnation was applied to the finished and cooled cakes.

Preparation of cream:

I took the oil out freezer even before I started making the biscuit. At the right moment it should already be very soft.

I combined it with a can of condensed milk and cocoa powder.

Beat with a mixer.

The first cake layer was placed on a cake stand. I applied the cream.

I placed three more cake layers on top, each flavored with chocolate cream.

This is how it turned out in my cross-section. By the way, my mold is quite large in diameter. You can divide the dough into 5 parts and increase the number of cakes by one more piece.

The cake turned out very tender and had a wonderful taste! Truly created a festive mood! ;)

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Nowadays, homemade pastry shops are mega-popular: cakes without mastic have become fashionable and the circle of those who can decorate a cake has expanded. To bake a cake to sell, all you need to do now is good recipe biscuit, cream, neatness and fresh berries and fruits For decoration. No more need to create complex figures fairy-tale heroes made from mastic, just bake cookies and glue a picture of food paper onto them. It turns out beautiful, stylish, tasteful.

I'm glad that fashion is changing: I never liked heavy mastic cakes. To the question: “Do you bake for sale?” I still answer: “No, of course.” It’s difficult for me to fit time into custom cakes into my schedule with two children, so I bake only for us and for you, the readers of the site. I’m also sure that as soon as money interferes with creativity, it loses its charm.

But if you want to open a home confectionery shop and have been baking successfully for a long time, take a closer look at this recipe for kefir sponge cake: my relative has perfected it to such an extent that she uses it as a basis for cakes for sale. The sponge cake turns out fluffy, airy, and the result is stable.

So, to prepare the biscuit we will need:

  • Egg - 2 pcs. Category CO, if the eggs are small, use three pieces
  • Kefir - 1 faceted glass(volume 250 g) Kefir is suitable for any fat content, take the acidic one
  • Granulated sugar - 1 cup (still faceted)
  • Flour - 1.5 cups (volume 250 g)
  • Baking powder - 0.5 tsp.
  • Baking soda (no need to extinguish) - 0.5 tsp.
  • A pinch of salt, vanillin

How to make a delicious biscuit with kefir (recipe with photos step by step)

Break the eggs (which need to be taken out of the refrigerator in advance to warm up) into a deep mixing bowl. In the photo I have a double portion of ingredients, so there are 4 eggs =)

We begin to beat with a mixer into a fluffy foam. At first the mass becomes yellow, but increases each time.

When the egg mixture is the same color as in the photo (light) and fluffy, you can start adding sugar. You shouldn’t pour all the sugar into the dough; it’s better to place a glass of sugar next to the bowl and add one tablespoon at a time, without stopping whisking. If your hand is full, pour it out of the glass in a thin stream. Add vanilla and a pinch of salt to the bowl.

Sift flour (1.5 cups) into a bowl and add baking soda (0.5 tsp) and baking powder (0.5 tsp). Stir these ingredients using a whisk or mixer at low speed. If you turn on too much, the flour will scatter throughout the kitchen.

I often use a regular whisk.

Kefir (1 cup) should be warm when added to the dough. Therefore, remove it from the refrigerator in advance or heat the kefir in a saucepan.

Attention! If you heat kefir on the stove, make sure that by the time you add it to the dough, it has cooled slightly until room temperature, otherwise the eggs will curdle.

Add the sifted dry ingredients into the dough in parts. I divide the mass “by eye” into approximately three parts and mix it in three approaches. I mix with a spoon or spatula (not a mixer!). We try to break up the lumps, achieving homogeneity of the dough.

The finished dough has the usual biscuit consistency: not very liquid, but flowing. It flows down in a thick ribbon when poured. The same consistency in the recipe, and in, and in.

The peculiarity of the sponge cake according to this recipe is that the dough is filled with bubbles: kefir and baking powder interact. Even when pouring, you can see the airiness of the dough in the photo.

How to prepare the baking dish:

I use a mold with a diameter of 24 cm with split sides. I grease the bottom and walls of the mold with a piece of butter, sprinkle with flour, shake off the remaining flour. A thin flour layer is formed on the inner surface of the mold, which does not crumble. This preparation of the mold allows the biscuit dough to rise perfectly in the oven: it does not slide along the greasy walls (this would happen if you simply greased it with butter).

Bake the biscuit in a preheated oven at 180 C for 30-40 minutes (baking time depends on oven power). Starting from 25 minutes, you can carefully check the cake for readiness: when you press lightly with your fingertips on the middle, it should spring back - that is, not sink into a hole, but return to its original position.

You can do a dry toothpick test: pierce the center of the biscuit cake and pull out the toothpick - it should come out dry, without sticky dough. Another sign of readiness: the biscuit begins to move away from the walls of the mold, this is clearly visible in the last photo.

Sprinkle the not yet completely cooled biscuit powdered sugar so that it sticks to the surface. It is better to leave the biscuit on a wire rack until it cools completely (this will prevent the bottom from getting soggy).

If you plan to make a cake from such cake layers, you can cut it into two parts. The height of the biscuit is 5 cm and allows you to do this. Would be appropriate in such a cake sour cream, based curd cheese and many others. I have collected the most successful recipes creams for sponge cake in a separate article (can be read at the link).

However, this biscuit is also perfect for serving as a simple sweet for tea, you can rest assured.

I posted a video recipe for kefir sponge cake on our You Tube channel, I hope you like it:

Bon appetit!

If you liked the recipe, write about it in the comments, I will be very pleased. If you have any questions about the recipe, don’t hesitate to ask, I welcome feedback.

When adding photos to Instagram, please indicate the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo so that I can find your photos on the Internet. Thank you!

What else can be prepared from expired kefir? For example, delicious pancakes!
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I will be glad to receive your feedback on the recipe, ask questions if you have any, don’t hesitate. I'm always happy to receive feedback!

Kefir sponge cake is perhaps one of the easiest and most accessible for every housewife. There is no need to worry with this recipe. that the biscuit will not rise or fall! It always works! Lush, tender, airy sponge cake You can even serve it as a cake if you decorate it chocolate icing!

For kefir sponge cake you need the following products:

  • 0.5 l. kefir;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • flour - 3 tbsp;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a tablespoon of soda (without top) slaked with vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. sunflower oil.

Kefir biscuit recipe

  1. Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer.
  2. Add kefir, a tablespoon of soda to the egg mixture (be sure to shake off the top and quench with vinegar), sunflower oil and flour. Beat the whole mixture with a mixer.
  3. Grease the mold with butter or vegetable oil, pour the dough into it.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake the biscuit until done. We do not indicate the exact time. Check the readiness of the sponge cake with a match - if the sponge cake is dry.

The kefir sponge cake turns out to be very tall; if you cut it into 2 or 3 parts, grease the cakes with jam or cream, and cover the top with chocolate glaze, you get a real culinary masterpiece.

Bon appetit. Cook with the best cooking site.

A fluffy kefir sponge cake is not only a complete homemade sweet, but also a wonderful basis for making homemade pies, cakes, pastries and all kinds of desserts. The biscuit is perfect for any tea party, and even for an afternoon snack with milk or juice, the kids will happily gobble up such a dessert.

Despite all the abundance of recipes for making sponge cakes, kefir sponge cake can, perhaps, be safely classified as the easiest variety of such baked goods. Kefir is exactly the ingredient, as in the case of manna, that makes the biscuit dough airy and tender. In cases where kefir is unavailable, it can be replaced with something similar fermented milk products: sour cream, yogurt or bio-yogurt. Other equally important products that are needed for cooking biscuit dough are eggs, flour, sugar, butter and baking powder. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed in the required sequence until the consistency of liquid sour cream. Then pour the dough into the mold and send the sponge cake to bake in the oven.

After removing the biscuit from the mold or removing it from the baking sheet, you need to give it a little time to cool. Before serving, sprinkle the finished sponge cake with powdered sugar (whipped cream), or use it as a base for other sweets.

Lush sponge cake with kefir in a slow cooker

This is the most quick way prepare a biscuit - you need to mix all the ingredients, pour the dough into the multicooker bowl and turn on the desired program. The multicooker will do the rest for you, and you can be sure that your biscuit will not only be fluffy and tasty, but also not burn.


  • 1.5 multi-cups kefir
  • ½ tsp. soda
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 multi cups sugar
  • 3 multi cups flour
  • ½ multi cup vegetable oil

Cooking method:

  1. Pour kefir into a deep container and add soda to it. Mix well.
  2. Separately, beat the eggs with sugar in a bowl with a mixer, then pour the egg mass into kefir.
  3. Add flour and stir the dough with a spoon so that it does not form lumps.
  4. Finally pour out vegetable oil and mix all the ingredients together again until completely homogeneous.
  5. Grease the multicooker bowl with a small amount of oil and pour the dough into it.
  6. Select the “baking” program and cook the biscuit for about 90 minutes.
  7. Let it cool in the slow cooker for about 10 minutes, then remove it from it.
  8. Serve the finished biscuit to the table with tea or coffee.

Delicious chocolate biscuit with kefir

Chocolate lovers will appreciate the tenderness and softness of this kefir sponge cake. It is prepared from available ingredients, and can be served either whole or pre-cut into portioned pieces in the form of cakes.


  • 100 g butter
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. kefir
  • ½ tsp soda
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • ½ tsp. baking powder
  • 4 tbsp. cocoa
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar

Cooking method:

  1. Place butter in a container, add sugar and grind.
  2. Beat in the eggs one at a time at short intervals, whisking constantly with a mixer.
  3. Pour in kefir, add slaked lemon juice soda
  4. Then add flour, baking powder, cocoa and vanilla sugar. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly so that we end up with a dough as thick as sour cream.
  5. Pour the dough into the pre-greased mold and place in the oven for half an hour. Cooking temperature 180 degrees.

Homemade kefir sponge cake for cake

Just serve the biscuit to your guests. festive table not very solid, but making a cake based on it is a completely different matter. After baking, cut it with a thread or a knife into cakes and coat with cream, condensed milk or chocolate glaze.


  • 1 tbsp. kefir
  • 100 g butter
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the eggs into a bowl, add sugar and beat with a mixer into a fluffy foam.
  2. Add slightly melted butter along with kefir to the egg mass. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  3. After this, add flour, vanilla sugar and baking powder. Knead biscuit dough on kefir until smooth using a blender.
  4. We cover the form with baking paper and put the dough in it, while distributing it evenly along the bottom.
  5. Place in the oven for 40 minutes. Cooking temperature 180-200 degrees.

Now you know how to cook kefir biscuits. Bon appetit!

Kefir sponge cake - a popular, simple and affordable variety homemade baked goods, which is very easy to learn how to cook. As a result, with almost no effort, you will always have a tasty and lush addition to your tea, which you won’t be ashamed to serve even to guests. Finally, I want to give a couple of tips so that your kefir sponge cake will conquer everyone:
  • Despite the fact that kefir is the main product, it can be replaced with yogurt or sour cream, the tenderness of the taste will not suffer much from this;
  • Check the readiness of the biscuit with a match or toothpick. If, when piercing the baked goods, they remain dry, it means that the biscuit has already been baked and is completely ready;
  • If this is not your first time making a sponge cake, then add it to the dough for variety. additional ingredients: coconut flakes, dried fruits, nuts, etc.;
  • The finished sponge cake can be served immediately or after soaking it in cream, condensed milk or jam. To do this, just use a thread or knife to cut the biscuit into several cake layers.