How long to cook potatoes in a saucepan. How to cook delicious potatoes in a saucepan in different ways

Useful tips

Potatoes are called the second bread and for good reason.

You can cook a lot of different dishes from it. We cook any dishes with him almost every day. These can be side dishes, soups, salads, pancakes, snacks.

The main thing is that in this case the lid of the pan is closed very tightly, and the potatoes should be located above the water. Please note that steaming time will increase slightly.

With this method of cooking, the loss of vitamin C is only ten percent, and the taste is simply incomparable.

On a note:

1. The tubers need to be cleaned perfectly, without leaving eyes or a green tint, which usually contains solanine, a poisonous and harmful substance.

2. Be sure to keep the tubers in cold water. Thus, nitrates leave them. If you cover the pan with a lid, the process will be more intense, since light accelerates the “oxidation”.

3. Always choose fruits of the same size, cutting large ones to the same size as the rest.

4. While the water is settling, place a saucepan on the stove and bring to a boil. You will then pour it over the potatoes and continue cooking on medium. temperature conditions so that it cooks more evenly.

5. As soon as the potatoes become a little softer, salt them and let them cook some more. Check with a sharp object to see if it is ready. If ready, drain completely without any residue, otherwise the potatoes will absorb water.

How to cook potatoes in a saucepan

Medium-sized or smaller potatoes will cook an order of magnitude faster than large ones. But, if the tubers are cut into several equal parts, then during cooking they will lose a large amount useful substances.

1. First you need to peel the potatoes. You can do this normally or special knife for peeling potatoes. Every housewife has her own favorite knife, which is used only for peeling potatoes.

2. All black spots are removed from potatoes. After this, the potatoes are cut in half and adjusted to one size.

3. Place the prepared potatoes in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. When the potatoes boil, you need to salt them, add bay leaves and peppercorns to the pan and reduce the temperature slightly.

4. On average, root vegetables need to be cooked for about twenty-five minutes. Then drain the broth, discard the used spices and add butter. When serving, you can sprinkle fresh herbs on top of plates.

How to boil jacket potatoes

This method of cooking potatoes is the most useful m, since its skin contains all the B vitamins, as well as fiber, iron, potassium and other equally important microelements that are so necessary for human health.

In order for our potatoes to cook evenly, you need to take potatoes of the same size, clean them well of soil and dirt.

Next, you need to pierce the tubers in several places with something sharp so that the skin on them does not burst. If it is extremely important for you to keep the skin intact, you can add just a few drops of vinegar and a little salt to the pan with potatoes.

Now pour boiling water from the kettle over everything so that the water covers all the potatoes. Now salt it. Don't be afraid to over-salt, as the potatoes will absorb as much salt as they need. Close the pan tightly with a lid and place on the stove.

After the potatoes begin to boil, turn down the heat and cook until they are fully cooked.

New potatoes can cook quite quickly, for fifteen minutes, the old one will take a little more time, about thirty minutes.

Check if the potatoes are cooked by piercing them with a fork.

To make the potatoes peel very easily, drain the broth and literally pour in cold water for a minute. Potatoes cooked in this way peel very well and do not stick together when cut.

How to cook potato soup

One cannot help but recall the everyday use of such a popular vegetable., like potatoes, in traditional borscht and in potato soups. Housewives cook the latter very often. It's nutritious, economical, fast and delicious.

Any, even the most inexperienced housewife can prepare potato soup. It can be cooked in water or any broth. You can also cook high-calorie and rich soups. Potatoes are added to soups as an auxiliary dish, but they also do their job well as the main ingredient.

During the cooking process, you can add absolutely any spices that will give the soup an excellent aroma.

Let's prepare a simple one potato soup with the addition of vermicelli. Instead of the latter, you can also add small pasta"star" type.

Let's take four potatoes, wash, peel and cut them into small cubes. Peel one onion, one carrot, three cloves of garlic and chop finely. Fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil for three minutes.

Pour two liters of water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil on the stove, add salt, put our potatoes in there and boil at medium temperature for ten minutes.

After the allotted time, add our fried vegetables to the soup, as well as bay leaf and pepper.

At the next stage, add two handfuls of vermicelli and cook the soup for about seven more minutes.

Add crushed or finely chopped garlic at the end of cooking. Serve sprinkled with any finely chopped herbs. Our potato soup is ready.

How to cook potatoes for salad

Potatoes for salad can be cooked in a slow cooker in the “steam” mode. It's quick, convenient, and the potatoes turn out tasty and not falling apart. But, unfortunately, not everyone has multicookers in their kitchens.

Most often, housewives boil potatoes for this purpose in their skins. This, of course, is very useful, since with this method most of the useful substances remain intact. But potatoes boiled this way also have some disadvantages:

1. After a while it becomes dry and you have to add some additional mayonnaise.

2. When mixed in a salad, such potatoes usually fall apart and turn into puree, but you really want them to keep their shape, remaining in the form of beautiful bars or neat cubes.

3. Jacket potatoes have a very specific and unsalted taste.

4. It is inconvenient to cut because it constantly sticks to your fingers or to the knife.

But there is a way out. Just a few useful tips when cooked - and your salad will look completely different, and you will use half as much mayonnaise.

1. We clean the potatoes in the usual way and rinse them well.

2. We cut into neat squares or cubes, as is convenient for you. It’s good to use a special vegetable cutter for this purpose, which will turn the vegetable into perfectly smooth cubes in a minute.

3. Pour everything into a saucepan, add water, put it on the stove and cook at medium temperature without moving a step. The fact is that potatoes cannot be overcooked and overcooked.

It is necessary to bring it to such a state that it crunches a little on the teeth. Therefore, we are constantly nearby, stirring and tasting until it becomes the way we need it.

4. As soon as you notice that the potatoes are almost ready, but slightly crunchy in your teeth, immediately remove them from the stove, throw them in a colander, let the broth drain, and then quickly pour ice water over them.

Don't skip this step, otherwise the potatoes may get too hot and quickly become soft.

These potatoes will keep their shape. This method is also ideal for making okroshka.

How to cook potatoes for mashed potatoes

Not only small children love mashed potatoes. This favorite dish, which very often serves as a side dish to the main product for most adults. It is tasty, healthy and easy to prepare. WITH mashed potatoes Even the most inept housewife can handle it.

But culinary subtleties eat when preparing any dish. This also applies to potatoes, which turn out differently every time you prepare even the same dish.

Not just any potato is suitable for making the perfect puree. For example, in order for the dish to turn out lush, you don’t need young potatoes. And the whole secret is in starch, which is responsible for the airiness. The more of it, the better.

In order to determine whether potatoes are suitable for making mashed potatoes, people came up with the following method:

NAlready cut the potato into two halves and grate them. Now try to connect them again. If they stick to each other and do not come off, then the puree will turn out good and you can safely cook it.

Do not keep peeled potatoes in water for too long, otherwise all the starch will be washed off and the puree will not be fluffy. It is for this reason that it is better to immerse the tubers in already boiling water. This way they will cook evenly on top and bottom.

1. Wash the potatoes well, peel and cut them.

2. Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan.

3. Dip our tubers into it so that the water barely covers them.

4. Boil the potatoes for twenty minutes.

5. Five minutes before removing from the stove, add salt to your taste.

6. Drain the potato broth.

7. Put the milk on the stove to warm up.

8. Mash the potatoes with a potato masher.

9. Pour in the milk and start beating with a mixer. A whisk attachment works well for this purpose. It will quickly and easily make our puree fluffy and airy.

10. Add butter. When serving, you can sprinkle with fresh dill.

You can make a lot of tasty and delicious dishes from potatoes. healthy dishes. The main thing is not to be afraid to make a mistake. Try, learn, experiment and treat delicious dishes your loved ones.

Potatoes are one of the main suppliers of potassium. In addition, it contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body. To preserve all the beneficial components of potatoes, you need to learn how to cook them correctly.

You can cook potatoes in a saucepan peeled or with peels. Before the cooking process, you should not keep the tubers in water for a long time or store them in the light. Potatoes that do not have green spots on them are selected for consumption, as this is the first sign of long-term storage of the product and its toxicity.

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Peeled potatoes

To cook potatoes in a saucepan, you need to choose the right ratio of water, salt and the potatoes themselves. Typically, for 500 g of potatoes that are completely covered with water, one teaspoon is used coarse salt. The tubers should be the same size so that they are all cooked at the same time. To prepare boiled potatoes you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of potatoes.
  • 2 teaspoons salt.
  • Water.

To boil potatoes in a saucepan you need:

  • Wash the potatoes and peel them, rinse with water, and place in a saucepan.
  • If the tubers are small, you can leave them whole; large potatoes can be cut in half or into four parts.
  • If the potatoes are of different sizes, then the small ones must be placed whole in the pan, and the larger ones must be divided into several parts.
  • Pour water over the tubers until they are completely covered, and add salt.
  • Over high heat, bring the contents of the pan to a boil.
  • Reduce the gas so that the water is still slightly boiling.
  • Cover the pan with a lid, leaving a small gap, and cook for 20 minutes.
  • After the specified time has elapsed, check the readiness of the potatoes with a fork (it will penetrate into boiled potatoes easily).
  • Turn off the heat and drain the water.

Serve boiled potatoes hot with butter or vegetable oil.

Jacket potatoes

Potatoes boiled in their skins lose much less nutrients than peeled ones. The speed of preparation depends on the size of the tubers and their time in the ground. To prepare boiled jacket potatoes you will need:

  • 1 kg of potatoes.
  • 2 tablespoons salt.
  • Water.

To boil potatoes in their skins you need:

  • Wash the potatoes thoroughly under running water with the hard side of the sponge.
  • Place a 4-liter saucepan on the fire, place the tubers in it, and pour water almost to the top.
  • Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, add salt, reduce heat, cover with a lid, leaving a small gap.
  • Boil potatoes in their skins for 30 minutes.
  • After the specified time has passed, check one of the tubers with a fork for readiness.

If jacket potatoes are served as a side dish, then they should be cooled slightly without water under the lid; potatoes for salad should be kept in cold water for several minutes.

It would seem that nothing could be simpler boiled potatoes, but not everyone knows how to do this in order to preserve maximum vitamins, not overcook it, and bring it to optimal readiness. About it simple recipe and talk in our wonderful section.

The beneficial properties of potatoes can be discussed endlessly, as well as the history of the appearance of this wonderful root vegetable on our tables. However, it is worth noting that potatoes are a champion in the content of potassium, B vitamins and starch, have enveloping and acidity-reducing properties, and are also widely used in medicine, which makes them a very useful and versatile product. There are hundreds of different cooking methods, and it all depends on its variety, method of cleaning, cutting and the desired end result of cooking.

Boiled potatoes "Adretta"

IN this recipe we will cook yellow potato tubers as a side dish in large pieces.

To prepare the yellow potato side dish you will need:

  • Yellow potatoes “Adretta” – 1 kg;
  • Butter – 50 g;
  • Salt – 1 tbsp;

Cooking time approximately 20 minutes. Calorie content is approximately 80-85 Kcal/100g.

Step-by-step recipe for making boiled potatoes:

1 step

Place running water in a saucepan on maximum heat and add salt.

Step 2

Peel the potatoes with a knife. If the potatoes are young, simply scrape off the thin skin with an abrasive material or a knife, then cut out the eyes. Cut the tubers in half if the potatoes are large, or into large pieces of approximately 5*5*5cm.

Step 3

Without waiting for the water to boil, put the chopped potatoes in the water to cook. As soon as the water boils, reduce the temperature by half so that the tubers do not boil, as the Adretta variety is crumbly.

Step 4

Cook for about 10-15 more minutes. You can check readiness with a knife, fork or skewer. The potatoes should be easily pierced in the middle of the piece, but not mushy on top. When ready, remove the pan from the stove and drain the remaining water, keeping the lid on the potatoes in the pan. Place butter on top of the finished potatoes in small pieces or shavings. You can season and decorate with herbs to taste.

Potatoes can not only be boiled, fried, baked, but also stewed. For stewing, it is better to choose a pan with a thick bottom or a non-stick coating.

In my mind, stewed potatoes- it's a cross between puree and boiled potatoes in pieces. This is something aromatic, soft and at the same time with tangible pieces. This dish always reminds me of stewed potatoes in a cast iron pot from a Ukrainian oven. Such potatoes can be heated in the same pan, and even if they fry a little, it will only become more aromatic.

In order to cook stewed potatoes in a saucepan, take all the products on the list.

Peel the vegetables.

Heat in a saucepan vegetable oil and lightly fry onion. 3 minutes is enough for the onion to become transparent and release its aroma.

Then add finely diced carrots. Carrots can also be grated. Fry everything lightly for a couple of minutes.

At this stage, add spices and a little salt. I add ground coriander and suneli hops, but these can be any spices that you prefer. Right now, when heated, they open up to their full potential.

Then add the finely diced potatoes. It is best to take boiled varieties for this purpose.

Stirring, let the potatoes combine with the vegetables and oil for 3-4 minutes.

Add water to the level of the potatoes, add salt and bring to a boil. Simmer under the lid slightly open until the potatoes are completely cooked. The presence of liquid can be adjusted by opening the lid and allowing excess water to escape, or by closing the lid tightly. I like there to be no liquid at all in the stewed potatoes. And what an aroma wafts through the kitchen... I don’t add bay leaves so as not to interrupt the smell.

If the potatoes are ready, you can help yourself with a spatula and lightly chop them right in the pan. It's easy to do stewed potatoes in the pan it turns out very pliable.

Serve potatoes stewed in a pan as a side dish for fish or meat dishes. Have fun!

Potato cooking time.
20 – 25 minutes “in uniform”;
12 – 15 minutes without peel, cut into slices;
30 minutes in a double boiler;
20 – 25 minutes without peel, whole.

To save when cooking All nutrients potatoes. you need to know the rules for its preparation. AND cook it for as long as need to.
If potato needed for salad, then it boil in the peel. It needs to be washed well with a brush. When bookmarking potatoes into the pan, you must try to keep the water boiling. Boil at medium boil. If it is stormy, then potato the outside will burst, but the inside will remain undercooked.

If it's necessary cookpotatoes without peel, it is also placed in salted boiling water. First 10 minutes potato boils at closed lid, then you need to open the lid and bring potato until ready, and water it should all boil away.

When potatois being cooked. You need to open the lid less often so that the temperature in the pan does not drop.
If you need it quickly cook. you can use this method: there should be so much water for her to cover potato only halfway, the lid must be closed. Then the steam will help him faster boil.

Steamer – good way For cookingpotatoes. It turns out tasty and crumbly. Potato put the whole one, previously sprinkled with salt.
For soup, the tubers should be cut into slices, put in boiling salted water and cook over medium heat with the lid on.

To understand whether a potato is cooked or not, you need to pierce it with a sharp knife. Ready potato easily pierced.

Potato– a storehouse of vitamins and mineral salts. Therefore, it is successfully used in dietary nutrition, they feed babies. It is used to prepare festive dishes.

How to cook potatoes in a saucepan step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand. step by step process preparations.

Looking at the tips on how to cook potatoes in a saucepan, you can easily prepare this dish at home, having all the necessary ingredients.