Salt dough how to prepare recipe. Salted dough for crafts: recipe

Reading time: 7 minutes

The benefits of modeling are undeniable. Another question is what material is best to choose for this. Plasticine? Clay? Salty dough? Each of them has its own advantages and features.

Salt dough is considered the most suitable for working with young children - as early as a year and a half, you can begin to accustom your child to manual creativity using this material.
Why not? It is much more plastic than plasticine, does not require special processing and special storage conditions, like, say, clay, and after finishing work with salt dough you will not have difficult-to-remove stains on your clothes, furniture, or hands. And the cost of this material is significantly lower.

Of course, both plasticine and clay have their advantages. However, salt dough is most suitable for teaching with small children. Let's take a closer look at the advantages of this material over others.

We wrote about recipes for making homemade plasticine; you will surely find one that both you and your baby will like.

Advantages of salt dough:

  • The dough can be easily prepared with your own hands at any time.
  • It leaves no marks and is easy to clean.
  • Completely safe for children, as all ingredients are natural.
  • The child will not put it in his mouth if he only tastes the dough once.
  • When prepared correctly, the dough has an excellent structure, molds well, is flexible and does not stick to your hands.
  • If necessary, you can dry it both in the fresh air and in the oven.
  • The dough can be colored in almost any way, and also has unlimited possibilities for painting.
  • If desired, you can varnish it so that the product retains its appearance for many years.
  • When making a product, you can use it as a toy - it does not lose its shape or attractive appearance.

Now that we have determined that this material is best suited for handicrafts by little ones, let's talk about the process itself. How? Of what? Where to get? What tools? What to sculpt?

How to make salted play dough with your own hands: recipe

You can find a huge variety of recipes for making salted play dough online, but the base always remains the same.

Basic recipe for making salt dough incredibly simple - to do this, mix ¾ cup salt, 1 cup flour, 5 tablespoons vegetable oil and add some warm water. If you want the dough to be more flexible, replace the warm water with starch jelly.

Before cooking, the salt must be dissolved in warm water, and then you can add all the other ingredients.

If you want to paint the dough in different colors, then when working with older children, you can safely add gouache. If you are planning to do handicrafts with a very young child, use carrot juice, beet juice or even coffee.

We wrote how to make colored salt dough.

To prevent the dough from drying out, simply cover it with a glass. If you make a very large quantity that you cannot use with your child at one time, the dough can be stored in the refrigerator. To do this, simply place it in a bag or in closed jar so that moisture does not evaporate from the mass.

When you have finished working with the dough and want to save the result of your joint creativity with your child, simply put the figures in a cold oven, turn on the heating to a low temperature, and open the oven door slightly. This is necessary so that when the temperature in the oven increases, the dough does not crack.

Once the figurine has cooled, it can be varnished or painted in different colors.

Dough exercises for young children

Kids love working with dough! Their hands are drawn to this material to squeeze it, tear off a piece, and stick it back. This material is simply ideal for children to understand, because it easily lends itself to any transformations that a child can think of!

Kids can easily work with the dough on their own - to do this, just push them by showing them what they can do with it. And you can do the following:

  • Pinch off pieces of dough with two fingers, and then stick them back to the common lump.
  • Clap the dough with your whole palm, the edge of your palm, roll the sausages with your fingers or with your whole palm.
  • Leave fingerprints or palm marks on a piece of dough, make marks with different objects - a stick, a fork, etc.
  • Make bagels and invite the child to put them on a string, make small candies and wrap them in paper or foil.
  • Roll into balls for future beads or make pendants, and then bake in the oven. It is not recommended for either a child or an adult to wear such jewelry, but they can be painted at their discretion - and this is a separate type of joint creativity.

  • Invite your child to cover the jar, glass, lid, and walnuts with dough.
  • Roll out the dough into a layer and cut out different figures from it with a glass, shot glass, or cookie cutters, which, after drying, can be painted with watercolors or gouache. And if you make holes in the figures before drying, then you can later use them as decorations for the Christmas tree. If this is too difficult for your baby, just roll them into balls, dry them and then decorate them with interesting patterns - this will make wonderful homemade Christmas tree balls.
  • You can make letters out of salt dough, and when they dry, play with words.
  • Invite your child to cover a pre-prepared cardboard base with dough - it will be a kind of pie), and then let him decorate " holiday dish» various cereals, peas, beans or other natural materials (pebbles, shells, twine, etc.). Excellent decorations and excellent helpers in the development of fine motor skills of a child’s hands are pine cones, dry grass, shaped pasta, beads and other small things.

  • Cut out a template from cardboard in advance (for example, a house, an apple, a mushroom) and invite the child to cover it with dough and decorate it.
  • Take a small cardboard or plastic plate as a basis, fill it with a large amount of dough and invite the child to stick various dried plants, leaves, and fir cones into the “clearing.” The resulting “forest” can be decorated with live leaves, pieces of cotton wool, chestnuts, and nut shells (depending on the time of year).
  • You can make figures of different animals from salt dough and show your child fairy tales. Or you can simply show, with the help of molded figures of animals, how they stomp and where the animals live, who they are friends with, who they go to visit.

Making salted dough for modeling is simple: choose the tools to work with the material

After the dough is ready, you can start modeling. If your child is no longer interested in just pinching off pieces of dough and sticking them back, you can encourage him to work with different tools.

Moreover, for this it is absolutely not necessary to use any special equipment. Take standard household appliances that will be safe for your child: a standard cutting board, a small dull knife, a fork, a colander, a rolling pin, a spoon, dough molds.

Before starting a modeling lesson, let your child get acquainted with each instrument so that he carefully examines it and touches it. At this time, you should not teach the child anything - give him complete freedom of action. After he has more or less studied the subjects, you can give him the dough. There is no need to rush here either - let the child turn the piece of dough in his hands, twist it, and knead it. Getting to know new objects and sensations can take anywhere from a few minutes to several sessions, so don't rush.

As soon as the child learns the properties of the dough, he will most likely want to try what will happen when the material interacts with other objects. Here you offer him kitchen utensils. You can first show your child how to work, or you can immediately give him the right to act and figure out how to use this or that object.

Demonstrate how a simple rolling pin can turn a piece of dough into a flat pancake, and how different marks are left on this cake by different objects - a fork, a colander, a child’s finger, etc.

If your child already plays in a sandbox with cookie cutters and a bucket, he or she will probably be interested in cookie cutters. In fact, these are the same “Kupik cakes”, the advantage of which is that they will keep their shape perfectly. Such lessons are ideal for children's initial acquaintance with geometric shapes - square, circle, triangle, rhombus.

When children already know how to repeat simple movements after adults, you can show them how to roll a ball themselves - roll a piece of dough between two palms or between a palm and a flat hard surface (table, board). You can start rolling the ball on the child’s palm so that he “feels” this process.

Invite your child to roll balls of different sizes - large and small. With an older child, you can begin to connect the balls, resulting in a snowman, a caterpillar, or an unusual animal (here the child can fully express his imagination).

A wonderful tool that is always at hand is the baby’s own hands. With their help, he can sculpt sausages of different thicknesses and different ways. For example, by making a thick sausage, you can prepare the body for a future dog. From thinner sausages you can make her legs and tail. By flattening the edges of the sausage, you can make excellent ears.

Since children are still too young, let adults do the attaching of the pieces. To do this, you can lightly cut the joints with a knife and lubricate them with water.

Craftsmen make various figures and compositions from salt dough. The hobby does not require special natural abilities or large material costs. And for children, this is a useful and exciting activity that, through fine motor skills, develops speech, attention, imagination and memory.

In ancient times, people gave each other figurines made from dough. This was a wish for prosperity and prosperity next year. Recipes for crafts were carefully preserved and passed on to the next generation. Let's reveal some secrets.

How to prepare salted play dough

In terms of its qualities and method of preparation, it is significantly superior to some materials used for modeling:

  • It can be made as soon as you need it.
  • Its safety allows even very young children to be involved in the work
  • When proper preparation, it doesn't stick to your hands
  • After working with it, all tools involved in the process can be easily washed
  • Products made from it are easy to dry and convenient to paint.
  • Such crafts do not break for a long time

Before you start, there are a few things to consider:

  • To avoid swelling of crafts when drying, do not use pancake flour
  • To prevent the dough from falling apart, avoid using iodized salt.
  • During the process, use only cold water, pouring it in portions

Basic Recipes

Universal option

You will need:

  • Salt - one glass
  • Flour - one glass
  • Vegetable oil – one tablespoon
  • Water - half a glass


  1. First you need to mix salt and flour
  2. Then add water and oil to them. Mix well and continue kneading until smooth.
  3. If you want to get a more elastic material, then instead of water you need to use jelly. To do this, a tablespoon of starch is diluted with half a glass. cold water
  4. Separately, boil another glass of water. Carefully pour the diluted starch into it. The finished jelly should be thick and transparent
  5. Before adding starch to the dough, it must be completely cooled.

If the dough has a soft consistency, this can be corrected by adding salt and flour to it in equal proportions and stirring.

Dough from which you can make simple models

To prepare you will need:

  • Flour – 1 cup
  • Salt – 1 glass
  • Water - half a glass
  • Wallpaper glue – 2 tablespoons

Dough from which you can make large models

  • Flour – 2 cups
  • Salt – 1 glass
  • Water - 2/3 cup

Very strong dough from which tiles are made

  • Flour – 1 cup
  • Salt – 2 cups
  • Water - half a glass

Dough for making thin parts

  • Flour - one and a half cups
  • Salt – 1 glass
  • Wallpaper glue – 2 tablespoons
  • Glycerin – 4 tablespoons
  • For best quality It is better to use fine salt. If you don’t have it, you can take coarse salt and grind it using a coffee grinder. You can dissolve it in hot water in the proportions specified in the recipe. Then cool and knead the dough

  • Flour for preparing modeling material should not contain additives
  • After the dough is prepared, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.
  • If you are modeling with small children, use dough that does not contain glue.

It is more convenient to color salt dough at the manufacturing stage. To do this, you can use natural dyes:

  • wheat and rye flour
  • chocolate or cocoa
  • fruit or vegetable juices (eg beets, carrots, parsley, spinach)
  • food colorings

You can paint using watercolor or gouache. Mixing blue and white paint produces blue, and yellow and red paint produces orange. Experiment.

After the dough dries, it will become slightly lighter than the original color. To prevent this from happening, the finished product must be varnished. The color will become brighter and will not fade.

Working with salt dough

After finishing work, the product should be allowed to dry thoroughly. This is done in several ways:

  • Place the dried products in a preheated oven for an hour (temperature up to 800 degrees)
  • Place in the oven and gradually heat it to 1500 degrees and, without removing, cool
  • Put it on the battery or the sun

When using the oven, you should periodically turn the crafts over. If after drying your products are swollen or cracked, this can be corrected by drying them in natural conditions. Then clean with sandpaper and tint.

Making crafts from dough is a fun and exciting activity for the whole family. Preschoolers especially like to do this. There are several recipes for play dough.

Dough recipe for sculpting crafts


  1. Salt - 1 tbsp.
  2. Flour - 1 tbsp.
  3. Water - 1.2 tbsp.
  4. Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.


  • Mix all the ingredients well, knead the dough and place it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for several hours.
  • As a result, the resulting dough should not stick to your hands; if it does, add more flour to it; Also, the dough should not crumble - if it does, add more water.

How to make salted play dough and how to work with it?

The composition of salt dough for making crafts is simple. It has only 4 components: salt, flour, water and vegetable oil.

When you make a dough craft, dry it well. If your figurine does not dry well, it will most likely crack. Take your time!

A very fascinating type of needlework is bioceramics, in other words, modeling from salt dough.

There are many compositions for its preparation.

Ingredients for the simplest recipe:

  1. Flour - 200 g
  2. Salt - 200 g
  3. Water - 125 ml

Very plastic salt dough for filigree processing of products (small parts and figures up to 300 g):

  1. Flour - 200 g
  2. Salt - 200 g
  3. Potato starch - 100 g
  4. Water - 150 ml

Hard salt dough for large rough figures:

  1. Flour - 200 g
  2. Salt - 400 g
  3. Water - 125 ml

For large items (plates or ceramic tiles):

  1. Flour - 200 g
  2. Salt - 400 g
  3. Water - 125 ml
  4. Wallpaper glue - 2 tbsp.

For particularly durable products:

  1. Salt - 1 cup
  2. Flour - 1 cup

Bustilate instead of water

With the use of boostilate, toys will not become damp, deformed, or break when dropped! You need to dry them over low heat in a half-open oven.

Dough for air drying rather than oven drying:

  1. Flour - 200 g
  2. Salt - 200 g
  3. Wallpaper glue - 2 tbsp.
  4. Water - 125 ml

Dough for waterproof, unbreakable products:

  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Vinyl glue - 1 tbsp.
  • Vaseline - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

The recipe for classic salt dough for sculpting figures is very simple. It turns out to be plastic, suitable for the manufacture of even very thin and elegant products. Get creative!

Use of various natural materials for creativity has recently become increasingly popular. This is especially useful for children. So, let's look at a few recipes on how to make salted play dough.

How to make salted play dough: list of recipes

There are many recipes for salt dough, everyone finds one more suitable for themselves, which is pleasant and successful to work with.

Recipe No. 1.

You should take:

  • four glasses of flour;
  • two glasses fine salt;
  • two glasses of warm water.

If you would like to cook colored dough, then take the necessary paint, ink or gouache.

Knead the dough for about ten minutes, kneading it well. As a result, it should be soft and without cracks. It should not stick to your hands.

This dough should be kept in a closed container or polyethylene, because it dries quickly when exposed to air. You can start working with dough prepared in this way right away.

Recipe No. 2.

You should take:

  • two cups of flour;
  • one cup of salt;
  • two-thirds cup of water.

To prepare the dough for this recipe, you should take boiling water. You need to pour salt into it and wait until it dissolves.

After that in salt water you should add all the flour, pouring it in carefully and stirring constantly. The result should be a thick and fairly hard dough.

Recipe No. 3.

You should take:

  • two glasses of flour;
  • one glass of fine salt;
  • one glass of water.

Mix the salt with the flour, then slowly pour in the water and knead the dough until a plastic mass is obtained.

If the dough turns out to be dry, then you should add a little water, and if it’s runny, add flour and salt.

You need to knead the dough for ten or fifteen minutes in order for the result to be better.

Recipe No. 4.

You should take:

  • one hundred grams of wheat flour;
  • one hundred grams of rye flour;
  • 400 grams of salt;
  • one glass of water;
  • two tablespoons of wallpaper glue.

By adding rye flour to the dough, you change its color from white to a warm brown shade. But if you use only rye flour for the dough, it will turn out inelastic and hard. This is why wheat flour should be added.

To prepare the dough, mix flour, glue and fine salt. Then add water. The dough must be kneaded and kneaded well so that it does not tear or crumble during modeling.

Advantages and disadvantages of salted play dough over other materials

Of course, each material has its own disadvantages and advantages. Let's consider those for salt dough.

  • you don’t need special funds to prepare it;
  • After it, it’s easy to wash your hands and work surface; it also leaves no traces;
  • there are recipes (prepared without glue) that are absolutely safe for children if they get into the mouth;
  • proper preparation of the dough is the key to ensuring that it sticks well and does not stick to your hands;
  • products made from it can be dried in the oven, or simply in the air;
  • the surface of the prepared dough product is well suited for painting with almost any paint;
  • When covering a finished and painted product with varnish, it is well preserved for many years.

If we talk about shortcomings, then there are actually none, except that the product takes a long time to dry. It is important to follow the technology when preparing it, otherwise the crafts simply won’t work out.

In order for the dough to turn out well, you should follow some tips:

  • You need to take fine salt for the dough, preferably “Extra”, but if there is none, then take regular salt and grind it in a coffee grinder;
  • to make figures, use a baking sheet, then the reverse side of the product will be smooth;
  • Add water to the dough gradually, use only cold water (unless the recipe says otherwise);
  • if glue is used, it must be diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream;
  • Transparent furniture or art varnishes should be used for fixing and protection;
  • keep ready dough do not recommend more than three days;
  • You can also use it to color the dough. natural dyes, for example, curry, nutmeg, instant coffee, cocoa powder, cinnamon, cumin (all ground);
  • After baking already painted products, their color changes.

What can be made from salt dough?

You can make almost anything from salt dough. Various Christmas tree figurines, refrigerator magnets, key rings or just items for decoration. An experienced craftsman can make a full-fledged painting from this material!

To prepare the figures, you can use all available materials - from children's molds to various more professional tools. Various impressions are made while the dough has not yet dried. To connect the parts, use a wet brush.

After preparing the product, it must be dried. This can be done in the oven (as the professionals do) or outdoors. The main thing is to wait until it dries completely.

The most important thing is that you can then play with dough products or they can simply stand as decoration. By following all stages of preparation, the product will be strong and durable. Creative success to you!!!

How? You haven't read yet:

Together with children, they create toys, crafts, souvenirs and even entire paintings from homemade “plasticine”. The dough turns out beautiful, elastic, soft and most importantly safe, even for the youngest masters! Every mother can prepare an original mass if she has a handful of white flour, a glass of cold water and a little fine salt!

How to make play dough - a classic recipe

Thanks to simple composition, the mass is done quickly, and you can immediately start exercising! The finished material makes good small toys and small crafts. We will need:

  • A glass of white flour.
  • A glass of fine salt.
  • 120 ml of cold clean water.

The dry ingredients are mixed well in a prepared bowl, then water is poured in portions. The dough is kneaded intensively until an elastic and pliable mass is obtained.

How to make colored play dough

An unusual colored dough will arouse strong emotions, interest and a great desire to be creative in your child! You can decorate a small piece with natural dyes: from carrot juice you get orange, from beets or cherries you get red, if you add cocoa powder you get brown or beige, from grated spinach you get green, and from settled hibiscus tea you get blue. But if we are talking about large volumes, it is better to add gouache or food coloring. So, the necessary ingredients:

  • 250 grams of sifted white rye flour.
  • 250 g fine salt Extra.
  • 1 tbsp. l sunflower oil.
  • 150 grams of purified water.

Mix flour, butter and salt well, then add water and knead. The dough should be soft and pliable!

How to make edible plasticine

Yes, yes, it’s edible! The novelty came to us from the West and helps parents make pleasant things much more useful - to amuse and treat their beloved child! Unusual berries, fruits and toys are sculpted with great pleasure by toddlers and older children, but the most interesting thing is that you can eat all this later! The manufacturing process is extremely simple and even preschoolers can do it! Delicious modeling will bring a lot of positivity and laughter to the whole family, so get started quickly.


  • 100 grams of melted unsalted plums. oils
  • 1 tbsp fresh heavy cream.
  • 600 grams of powdered sugar.
  • A pinch of vanilla.
  • Gel food coloring, but you can do without it if the baby is small.

Cooking method:

  • Using a mixer, beat butter and cream until smooth.
  • Gradually add powder and vanilla, knead the dough.
  • Divide the resulting mass into 3 parts, drop the required amount of dye onto each and knead again.
  • If you do not want to add dyes and vanilla, you can leave the “plasticine” white. The dough is ready - the land of Fantasy and edible modeling are waiting for you!

How to make choux pastry for modeling

To make the resulting craft shine without varnish, the craftswomen came up with a trick - adding glycerin to the dough. Let's consider interesting recipe, we need:

  • 2 cups boiling water.
  • 400 g white flour.
  • Half a teaspoon of glycerin.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cream of tartar and the same amount of sunflower oil.
  • 100 gr. fine salt, coloring.

We make the base - combine butter, cream of tartar, flour and salt. The water needs to be brought to a boil, then pour the resulting flour base into it. Next, add glycerin and dye, boil until the mass becomes homogeneous. The resulting dough needs to be cooled and kneaded thoroughly again; if necessary, you can add a little flour.

Methods for drying play dough

To make the finished craft more durable and not crack, it must be dried. There are many ways, but we will look at the most popular:

  • Drying in hot oven– the craft is placed on a baking sheet covered with parchment and placed in a preheated oven, no more than 80 degrees. Drying should take place with the door slightly open for about 1 hour.
  • Drying in a cold oven - all steps are similar to the previous method, only the craft is first placed in the oven and only then turned on to warm up.
  • Natural drying is the longest, but proven and most reliable method of drying. The product is laid out on a wooden or plastic surface and dried for 3-4 days.

The shelf life of homemade plasticine is exactly one month; store it only in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film or placed in a closed container.