Cucumbers in half-liter jars. Recipe: Crispy cucumbers, canned - Crispy cucumbers in half-liter jars

We can’t live without homemade preparations; without them, winter wouldn’t be winter. And why then plant a lot of everything? Almost everyone knows how to preserve cucumbers in jars for the winter, you say, but young housewives are growing up and need to be explained to them too.

Sometimes you get bored with tried and tested recipes and want to try something new. And a lot of new methods and ideas for canning are emerging.

How to preserve cucumbers for the winter

In general, the process of canning is not only that, but we are now accustomed to it. Previously, our grandmothers used to salt more and more, of course not in jars. It’s just more convenient for us to store the blanks in this form. Pickles, preserves, all kinds of winter salads, sauces, in general, everything that is made taking into account long-term storage is considered canning.

For canning cucumbers, special, pickling varieties are usually used. The size of the greens should be such that they fit easily in jars. There are recipes where cucumbers can be cut. For salting and pickling, I use the youngest ones, no more than 7 cm long.

We usually use vinegar as a preservative; in recipes, pay attention, it can be table vinegar 6%, 9% or vinegar essence, 70%. Many people often use it instead of vinegar. citric acid, I’ve also been using it lately, it’s just that the quality of the vinegar sometimes lets me down. Salt acts as a preservative when pickling cucumbers, but then it also adds acid, which is produced in the first days during the fermentation process.

I would also like to say something about containers, I mean jars. Over the twenty years that I spend every summer doing seaming, I realized that small jars are still more convenient. Most often, I began to use liter, 0.7 or even half-liter jars for cucumbers. Three rubles are used mainly for compotes and assorted dishes, which are opened more often on holidays.

Canned cucumbers for the winter in jars, recipes

Cucumbers in tomato juice

For a three-liter jar you will need:

  • 2 kg cucumbers
  • 1.5 liters of tomato juice
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 dill umbrella
  • 5-6 peas allspice
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 4 sprigs each tarragon and celery

How to seal cucumbers in a tomato:

Wash the cucumbers, dry and trim the ends. Sterilize the jar and place tarragon, garlic and dill on the bottom. Then lay out the cucumbers tightly. Tomato juice(unsalted) bring to a boil, add salt, sugar, allspice, celery greens and add bay leaves to taste. Let the juice simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat, then remove the celery and immediately pour the boiling juice into the jar so that the cucumbers are completely covered. Cover the jar with a lid and sterilize for 20 minutes, then roll up immediately.

Canned cucumbers with cherry leaves for the winter

From the products we need:

  • Two kilos of cucumbers
  • Two roots of horseradish
  • Five cherry leaves
  • Two laurel leaves
  • Partial glass table vinegar 9%
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • Five black peppercorns

For marinade per liter of water:

  • Tablespoon salt
  • Two tablespoons of sugar

How to preserve cucumbers:

Wash the cucumbers, roots and cherry leaves too, let everything dry. Place spices on the bottom of sterile jars and fill with cucumbers on top. And boil the marinade, attention, immediately with salt and sugar, pour in the vinegar at the end. Pour the hot marinade over the cucumbers for half an hour, then return it to the pan. Bring to a boil again and this time pour in the cucumbers and immediately roll up.

Canned cucumbers and tomatoes without sterilization

We will need:

  • Tomatoes
  • cucumbers
  • Carrot
  • Five cloves of garlic
  • Ten black peppercorns
  • Five peas of allspice
  • Three carnations
  • Three bay leaves
  • Dill umbrellas

For the marinade for a three-liter jar:

  • 4 tablespoons salt
  • 4 tablespoons sugar
  • A teaspoon of vinegar essence

How to make an assortment of tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter without sterilization:

All vegetables must first be prepared, washed, and punctures must be made near the stems of the tomatoes. Peel the carrots and cut into slices.

The jars need to be washed with soda or laundry soap, then they just need to be sterilized in the microwave for three minutes. Pour boiling water over the lids and boil for five minutes.

First we place a dill umbrella on the bottom of the jars, then we begin to evenly fill the jars with tomatoes and cucumbers, we need to try to stack them more tightly, it’s good if the tomatoes are not large. Place it just a little short of the top, still leaving room for spices and carrots.

Boil clean water in a saucepan and pour it into the assortment, hold it for five minutes and pour it back into the saucepan. Now add sugar and salt, based on how many cans you have. Boil everything, pour in the vinegar at the end. We put spices and carrots in the jars, fill our assortment with brine and roll it up. Take a warm blanket and wrap the jars upside down for a day.

Crispy pickled cucumbers

We will need:

  • Small cucumbers
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • One medium carrot
  • Dill umbrella
  • Sprig of parsley
  • Laurel leaf
  • Three black currant leaves
  • Five black peppercorns
  • Three peas of allspice
  • Two carnations

For marinade per liter of water:

  • Tablespoon with a heap of salt
  • Two tablespoons of sugar
  • Half a teaspoon of vinegar essence

How to make crispy pickled cucumbers:

Before pickling, cucumbers need to be soaked and soaked in cold water for a couple of hours. Place spices, washed dill and currant leaves into sterile jars. Peel the garlic, peel the carrots and cut into cubes.

Place cucumbers, garlic and carrots in jars; one is enough for a liter jar. Boil water until it’s clean, pour cucumbers up to the neck, and let stand for 10 minutes. Then we drain the water and repeat the process again. For the third time, add salt and sugar, pepper and bay leaves to this water, boil the brine, add vinegar at the end. We immediately roll up the jars and hide them under our blanket for a day.

Canned cucumbers with bird cherry leaves for the winter

For the recipe for a three-liter jar you need to take:

  • Small cucumbers
  • Two bay leaves
  • Six bird cherry leaves
  • Six black peppercorns
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • One hot pepper (optional)
  • Three cloves (optional)
  • Two spoons of salt
  • Three spoons of sugar
  • Two spoons of vinegar 9%

How to marinate:

Soak the cucumbers for a couple of hours, especially if they were collected in the evening. We sterilize the jars. We wash the bird cherry leaves and peel the garlic.

We put bird cherry leaves on the bottom, cucumbers tightly on them, immediately add peppercorns, capsicum and all the seasonings. Pour boiling water over it, wait fifteen minutes, everything should cool down. Pour boiling water into a saucepan and cook the marinade, add salt and sugar, vinegar, as always, at the end. Pour in the cucumbers and roll up the lid. You need to keep it under a blanket for a day.

Canned cucumbers with mustard for the winter

We take the following products for a three-liter jar:

  • Two kilos of cucumbers
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • Branches of cherry leaves
  • Sprig of currant leaves
  • Tablespoon of vodka
  • Horseradish leaf
  • A small root of horseradish
  • Tablespoon dry mustard powder
  • One pod of sweet pepper
  • One pod of hot pepper
  • Bunch of dill
  • Three black peppercorns

For the marinade:

  • For five liters of water
  • 200 grams of salt
  • 250 grams of sugar
  • 200 grams of vinegar 9%

How to preserve cucumbers with mustard:

Wash cucumbers, peppers and herbs. Cut the pepper and remove the seeds. We cut the greens and place them on the bottom of sterile jars. We also send all the spices and peppers there. Place cucumbers tightly on top.

Fill the jars with boiling water to the very edges, wait 20 minutes, pour out the boiling water, boil again and fill again, this time wait 10 minutes. Pour it into the saucepan again and this time cook the marinade. Add mustard and cucumbers, roll up and insulate for a day.

Canned sliced ​​cucumbers

All you need is:

  • For 700 grams of cucumbers
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 tsp. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt
  • 35 g spices
  • 1 tbsp. 9% vinegar

How to cook:

Wash young cucumbers and cover with water for 8 hours. Then rinse thoroughly and cut lengthwise and place in liter jars, previously sterilized. Add 1 cherry leaf, clove head, 3 leaves black currant, clove of garlic and 1 leaf and horseradish root. Pour in boiling brine and quickly roll up. Turn the jars over and wrap them up.

Recipe with red currant juice.

Wash and dry the greens, trim the ends. Place dill, mint, pepper, cloves and garlic, cut lengthwise, at the bottom of the jar. Then place the cucumbers tightly. Boil water, pour in redcurrant juice, add salt and sugar and bring to a boil again and fill the jars with brine. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize for 10 minutes, then roll up.

For 2 kg of cucumbers, 1 liter of water, a glass of red currant juice, 2 tsp. sugar and salt, 2 sprigs of mint, an umbrella of dill, a head of cloves, 3 peppercorns, 2 cloves of garlic.

If you like my new recipes, write to me. It will be interesting to know which recipe you liked better.

Cucumbers themselves are not particularly piquant. taste qualities, especially when it comes to overripe fruits. To give them a richer taste, people have come up with many recipes for pickling them.

The calorie content of cucumbers will depend on each specific method. On average, there are 16 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Cucumbers for the winter in jars - step-by-step photo recipe

Pickling cucumbers is a responsible and long process. To make the cucumbers crispy and tasty, we offer you the following preserved recipe.

Your mark:

Cooking time: 3 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 10 servings


  • Cucumbers: 10 kg
  • Dill: 4-5 bunches
  • Sweet pepper: 2 kg
  • Garlic: 10 heads
  • Salt, sugar: 2 tsp each. per jar
  • Ground pepper: to taste
  • Vinegar: 2 tbsp. l. per serving

Cooking instructions

    For pickling, choose small cucumbers of the same shape. Place them in a bowl and rinse with cold water.

    Wash the dill.

    Clear Bell pepper from seeds.

    Free the garlic from the husk.

    Cut it into pucks.

    Prepare salt and vinegar.

    Do the same with the lids.

    Place peppers and dill at the bottom of the jars, and then cucumbers. Add two teaspoons of salt and sugar, ground pepper. Fill the contents of the jar with boiling water and cover with a lid.

    After 10 minutes, pour out and boil the brine in a large container.

    Then pour it back in. Add vinegar at the rate of 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar per 1 liter jar of cucumbers.

    Roll up the jars. Place them upside down for several days and cover them with a blanket.

Recipe for crispy cucumbers in jars for the winter

The proposed recipe allows you to give cucumbers a special, moderately spicy taste, while the cucumbers will not lose their crunchy characteristics.

To cover crispy cucumbers for the winter, you required:

  • cucumbers - 5 kg;
  • one bitter pepper;
  • horseradish root;
  • head of garlic;
  • 10 cloves;
  • allspice and black pepper - one dessert spoon each;
  • 6 bay leaves;
  • an umbrella of parsley and dill;

For cooking marinade you will need:

  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 25 gr. vinegar 9%;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Preservation process:

  1. Sterilize 3 one and a half liter glass jars.
  2. Place all the spices in equal parts into each jar. The seeds of the hot pepper should be removed, and the horseradish should be chopped.
  3. Wash the cucumbers and cut off the ends. Transfer them to a large container and fill with cold water. Let them sit for 2 to 4 hours.
  4. After this time, remove the cucumbers from the container and, sorting by size, put them in jars.
  5. In a separate container, prepare boiling water, then pour it over the cucumbers, and cover the top with lids.
  6. It takes 10 minutes to warm up. Pour the water back into the pan, add sugar and salt.
  7. While the brine is being prepared, you need to prepare a second portion of water for sterilization in a separate pan. It is also poured into jars with cucumbers, allowed to warm up for 10 minutes and drained.
  8. When the brine boils, they need to pour the jars, but first you need to pour vinegar into them.
  9. The jars should be rolled up and placed in a dark place.

We invite you to watch a video recipe for delicious crispy cucumbers for the winter.

How to seal cucumbers in liter jars for the winter

This method is suitable for a small family that does not like large jars in the refrigerator.

For such conservation you need to stock up:

  • small cucumbers;
  • 2 l. water;
  • two tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • four tbsp. l. salt.

The remaining components are calculated for a liter jar:

  • 1 head of garlic;
  • three cherry and currant leaves;
  • 1/4 horseradish leaf;
  • half an oak leaf;
  • dill umbrella;
  • 6 peas of allspice and black pepper;
  • one red peppercorn, but only a piece equal to 1 or 2 cm is placed on one jar;
  • one tablespoon of vinegar 9%.

Conservation process cucumbers for the winter

  1. The cucumbers are washed and placed in a deep container to be filled with water.
  2. Banks are thoroughly washed and sterilized. You also need to remember about the lids; they need to be boiled in a separate container.
  3. Mix all the spices.
  4. Preparing water for sterilization.
  5. First put spices in each jar, and then cucumbers, pour boiling water, cover with lids and allow to warm up for 15 minutes.
  6. After 15 minutes hot water carefully drain, place it on the stove and after boiling, add salt and sugar.
  7. Pour vinegar into each jar and fill with brine.

All that remains is to roll it up, turn it over to check the quality of the roll-up, and wrap it in a blanket for further sterilization.

Pickled cucumbers in jars for the winter - step-by-step recipe

The recipe below will surprise your family with its unique taste and pleasant crunch. To pickle cucumbers for the winter according to this recipe, you need to prepare the following products:

  • small cucumbers;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 black and allspice peas;
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds;
  • two currant leaves;
  • dill umbrella

For the marinade you will need:

  • 6 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 3 tbsp. salt;
  • 6 tbsp. vinegar 9%.

Prepare You can make these cucumbers for the winter in a few steps:

  1. Mix all spices into a homogeneous mixture.
  2. Chop the dill umbrella and currant leaves.
  3. Rinse the cucumbers well, cut off the tails on both sides and place in a deep container. Cover with water and set aside for 2 hours.
  4. Prepare the jars, wash and sterilize.
  5. Pour water into a saucepan and put it on fire. As soon as it boils, you can pour it into jars of cucumbers.
  6. You need to place spices and cucumbers at the bottom of the jars.
  7. Pour sugar and salt there and pour in vinegar.
  8. After boiling, the water should be allowed to stand and cool for a while and only then fill the jars.
  9. Place the filled jars for sterilization in a large saucepan, cover them and let them simmer for 15 minutes. Don't forget to place a towel at the bottom of the container.
  10. After 15 minutes, the jars are rolled up.

Pickled cucumbers are ready for the winter!

Pickling cucumbers for the winter in jars without vinegar

The proposed option for preserving cucumbers for the winter does not involve the use of vinegar or other acid.

For this recipe you will need these products:

  • 2 kilograms of cucumbers;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 110 grams of salt;
  • 2 horseradish leaves;
  • 15 cherry and currant leaves each;
  • 5 walnut leaves;
  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • 2 pods of hot pepper;
  • 1 horseradish root.

Process canning looks like this:

  1. The cucumbers are washed and placed in a deep basin for further filling with water. If they have just been collected, then the soaking procedure can be skipped.
  2. After 2-3 hours, drain the water and wash the cucumbers.
  3. Grind horseradish and bitter peppercorns.
  4. Layer layers of greens, chopped horseradish and pepper, cucumbers, then more greens with horseradish and pepper and cucumbers in a large saucepan. The last layer should be leaves.
  5. Pour into a separate container cold water, add sugar and salt into it and stir until completely dissolved.
  6. The prepared filling is used to cover layers of cucumbers with herbs, cover with a lid and place under pressure for 5 days.
  7. After 5 days, the brine is poured into a saucepan, all spices are removed, and the cucumbers are thoroughly washed.
  8. They are placed in pre-prepared jars.
  9. Pour marinade to the very top and let stand for 10 minutes.
  10. After 10 minutes, you need to drain it back and put it on the fire to boil.
  11. As soon as it boils, pour it into the jars and seal them.

How to seal cucumbers in jars with vinegar

In the proposed option for preserving cucumbers for the winter, it is assumed that vinegar is used, and all components are taken at the rate of a 3-liter jar.

To preserve using this method you need to prepare:

  • small cucumbers;
  • 2-3 tbsp. vinegar 9%;
  • red hot pepper - 2 cm piece;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. dill seeds;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped horseradish root;
  • 5 currant leaves;
  • 9 peas of allspice.

For filling you will need:

  • sugar and salt 2 tbsp. l. for every liter of liquid.

Instructions for preparing cucumbers for the winter in jars with vinegar:

  1. The cucumbers are washed well and placed in a large basin for further filling with water for one day.
  2. The jars are washed and sterilized.
  3. Spices and cucumbers are placed in each jar.
  4. The lids are boiled in a separate saucepan.
  5. On average, per one three liter jar 1.5 liters of liquid is required. Having calculated the amount of water, put it on the fire to boil.
  6. As soon as the future filling boils, fill the jars with it and let it sit until air bubbles come out.
  7. Drain the water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar and mix thoroughly. Bring the filling to a boil.
  8. Place the jars in a large saucepan.
  9. Pour vinegar into each and fill each jar with the prepared brine.
  10. Cover with lids and leave to sterilize for 5-7 minutes.
  11. We roll up the jars of cucumbers.

A simple recipe for cucumbers in jars for the winter

This simple recipe for cucumbers for the winter is used by many housewives, so it can rightfully be called a classic.

The proportions of ingredients are calculated for one three-liter jar, so you will need to adjust the amount of products if necessary.

What do you need prepare:

  • 1.5-2 kg of cucumbers;
  • 5 leaves of currant and cherry;
  • 2 leaves of horseradish;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

Canning performed in several steps:

  1. Cucumbers are washed, the tails are cut off and filled with cold water for 4 hours.
  2. The jars are washed and sterilized.
  3. The lids are boiled in water.
  4. The greens are sorted and chopped.
  5. All spices are placed in each jar, with the exception of horseradish.
  6. Cucumbers are placed on top of spices and covered with horseradish leaves.
  7. Sugar and salt are added to pre-boiled water.
  8. They pour it into jars of cucumbers and roll them up.

After a month, the cucumbers can be served.

Cucumbers and tomatoes in jars for the winter - a delicious recipe

For lovers of assorted dishes, this method is perfect. All components are indicated per liter jar.

To preserve cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter using this method, you will need:

  • 300 grams of cucumbers;
  • 400 grams of tomato;
  • 1 bitter pepper;
  • paprika - to taste;
  • several sprigs of fresh dill;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 horseradish leaf;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 3 allspice peas;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt;
  • 1/2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar 9%.

Canning tomatoes with cucumbers are performed in several steps:

  1. Cucumbers and tomatoes are washed well. Pierce each tomato in the stem area for good salting.
  2. Prepare containers, wash and sterilize them.
  3. Boil the lids in a separate saucepan.
  4. Place in each jar in layers: spices, cucumbers without stems, tomatoes.
  5. Laying must be done very tightly to avoid gaps. You can seal it with rings of chopped cucumbers.
  6. Pour water into the pan and put it on fire.
  7. Add sugar and salt to the jars and pour boiling water.
  8. Place a towel in a large saucepan and set the jars to sterilize for 10 minutes.
  9. We take out the jars and roll them up.

Cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter - video recipe.

Cucumbers for the winter in jars with mustard

Cucumbers for the winter, preserved with mustard, are well stored both at home and in the basement. They taste aromatic and piquant.

To preserve cucumbers using this method, you need to prepare:

  • small cucumbers;
  • 100 ml vinegar 9%;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt.
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • one dill umbrella;
  • 1/4 carrot;
  • 0.5 teaspoon mustard.

The whole process performed in several steps:

  1. Cucumbers are washed.
  2. Jars are prepared, washed and sterilized.
  3. Mustard is placed on top.
  4. Salt, sugar and vinegar are added to the water and the jars are filled with this marinade.
  5. Jars are placed in a large saucepan for further sterilization for 5-7 minutes after boiling.
  6. Take out the jars and you can roll them up. Spicy cucumbers for the winter with mustard are ready!

A cold way to seal cucumbers for the winter in jars

Today you can find many ways to prepare cucumbers for the winter, but we offer the simplest version of this delicacy - the cold method.

All ingredients are taken based on a 3-liter jar.

  • small smooth cucumbers;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 3 tbsp. salt;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • one head of garlic;
  • two bay leaves;
  • 2 leaves of currant, horseradish and tarragon.

Execution of work according to this plan:

  1. The cucumbers are washed.
  2. The jars are sterilized.
  3. Spices and cucumbers are placed in each jar.
  4. Pour water into the jar and immediately drain it, this way you will know the right amount of water to fill.
  5. Add salt to it and fill the jars with it again.
  6. Close them with nylon covers and install them in the cellar.

After 2 months you can start tasting.

Cucumbers for the winter in jars without vinegar - a dietary recipe

Vinegar ruins some useful microelements and vitamins, which is why many housewives prefer to use the dietary method of preparing cucumbers for the winter in jars.

For this you would need:

  • small cucumbers;
  • 2 sprigs of tarragon;
  • one dill umbrella;
  • 1/3 horseradish leaf;
  • 2-3 leaves of currant and cherry;
  • 4 cloves of garlic.

For filling:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt.

Conservation cucumbers can be prepared using this method in several steps:

  1. The cucumbers are washed, placed in a deep basin and filled with water for 5 hours.
  2. Spices and cucumbers are placed in sterilized jars.
  3. Add salt to the water, mix thoroughly and pour into jars with cucumbers.
  4. Leave to ferment for 3 days, then drain the liquid, boil, fill the jars and seal.
  5. Let them cool naturally.

As you already understand, there are several ways to prepare cucumbers for the winter, but in order for the end result to please you, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • Harvesting cucumbers should be done on the day they are collected, selecting them according to size.
  • For filling, it is better to take deep water from wells or boreholes. In apartment conditions, it is better to take purified water rather than from the tap.
  • Be sure to soak cucumbers before canning.
  • Glass jars must be sterilized.
  • Use currant, cherry or oak leaves as spices.
  • It is better to use a cellar or basement to store prepared cucumbers.

We look forward to your comments and ratings - this is very important to us!

When inexpensive bell peppers appear on sale, it’s time to prepare for the winter using them. Today - not really regular recipes blanks Judge for yourself: usually pickled cucumbers are made with red currants, but we offer pickled ones. The same thing with sweet peppers: the book “Collection of Recipes for Home Canning” tells how to pickle them, not pickle them. But the recipe for pickled peppers and cucumbers will also be in one jar.

For a 3 liter jar:

  • 2 kg cucumbers
  • 300 g red currants
  • 25 g dill
  • 25 g parsley
  • 10 g horseradish leaves
  • 2 g cherry leaves
  • 1 g blackcurrant leaves
  • 30 g garlic
  • 0.2 g black hot pepper
  • 0.2 g allspice
  • 1.2 liters of water
  1. Wash young cucumbers with dense pulp, red currants, peeled garlic cloves, dill and parsley thoroughly in cold running water and let the water drain. Soak the cucumbers in cold water for 2 hours. Finely chop the garlic cloves and herbs.
  2. Place half of the spices, herbs and garlic on the bottom of the jar. After this, fill the jar with prepared cucumbers and red currants, alternating layers: a layer of cucumbers, a layer of red currants, etc. Place the remaining spices on top.
  3. Prepare the brine. IN enamel pan pour 1.2 liters of water, add salt and boil for 3–5 minutes, then cool the brine and filter.
  4. Fill jars with cucumbers and red currants with cooled brine, leave for 5 days at room temperature, covering with boiled lids.
  5. Remove the lids after fermentation is complete and boil them. Carefully remove any mold that has formed in the jars and add brine if necessary.
  6. Seal the jars with lids and store them at a temperature of 0 °C in a cellar or other cool place.

For a liter jar:

  • 500 g medium-sized cucumbers
  • 150 g sweet pepper
  • 1 onion
  • 2 large cloves of garlic
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 currant leaf
  • 2–3 buds of cloves
  • 5 pieces. peppercorns
  • seeds from 2 dill umbrellas
  • 1 parsley root
  • 1 celery root

For the brine:

  • 350 ml wine vinegar
  • 60 g sugar
  • 40 g salt
  1. Wash cucumbers, peeled parsley and celery roots, currant leaves, peeled onions and garlic and leave for a while to drain.
  2. Cut the prepared cucumbers and add salt. Mix carefully and leave for 8 hours, covering the bowl with a lid. Prepare jars and lids for preservation: wash them with soda, boil for 5 minutes and place upside down to drain. Boil the lids and leave to cool in the water.
  3. Cut the onion into half rings or rings, garlic into large slices. Remove the seeds from the sweet pepper. Cut the pepper into large strips lengthwise.

  1. Blanch the roots and cut into small cubes. Place spices, roots, bay and currant leaves. Place cucumber slices in rows, alternating with layers of prepared sweet pepper, onion, and garlic.
  2. Fill the jars with marinade: vinegar Boil in an enamel container with sugar and salt. Sterilize jars in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  3. Store at room temperature, turning them upside down.

For a 3 liter jar:

  • 2 kg bell pepper
  • 25 g dill
  • 25 g parsley
  • 20 g celery
  • 15 g horseradish leaves
  • 1 g cherry leaves
  • 0.2 g allspice
  • 0.2 g black hot pepper
  • 50 g garlic
  • 60 g salt
  • 1.5 liters of water

  1. Wash fresh bell peppers in cold running water and let the water drain. Remove stems and seeds. Wash the pepper again.
  2. Place 1/3 of the spices on the bottom of the jar. After this, fill the jars tightly with pepper up to half the container. Next, layer the spices and pepper.
  3. Prepare the brine. Pour water into an enamel pan, add salt and boil for 3–5 minutes, cool the brine and filter.
  4. Fill the jars with spices and pepper with brine and leave for 3 days at room temperature, covering with boiled lids.
  5. After fermentation is complete, remove the lids and boil them. Carefully remove any mold that has formed in the jars and add brine if necessary.
  6. Seal the jars with lids and refrigerate. Store at 0 °C.

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More on the topic “Winter preparations - from cucumbers and bell peppers”:

How to pickle cucumbers and peppers for the winter: 3 recipes for preparations. Pickled cucumbers, pickled cucumbers, salted pepper. The story of one piece. Unusual recipe: love cucumbers. Cut pickled cucumber (1 large) (sometimes I cut canned pineapple...

Should pickled cucumbers be saved? Blanks for future use. Cooking. Cooking recipes, help and advice on cooking, holiday menu and receiving guests, choosing products. How to pickle cucumbers and peppers for the winter: 3 recipes for preparations.

Preparations for the winter: stuffed pepper and frying for borscht. You can also preserve it. When inexpensive bell peppers go on sale, it’s time to prepare for the winter with Step 1 To “preserve” a jar of cucumbers and tomatoes, you will need scissors...

bell pepper for the winter: recipes for preparations of cucumbers and sweet peppers. Pickled cucumbers, pickled cucumbers, salted peppers. Pickled cucumbers and capers taste almost the same, you can have one or the other. Pass the garlic through a press.

I'm tired of cucumbers, tomatoes, salad, and the quality in winter, hmm. Sometimes I make beets with cheese and garlic, sometimes carrots too, on this one Cabbage with sweet peppers and oranges; cabbage with apple, carrots and herbs; cabbage with cucumber, dill and garlic clove; cabbage with...

You will need: 6 kg of bell pepper, garlic, hot and allspice peas, bay leaf to taste. When inexpensive bell peppers go on sale, it’s time to prepare for the winter with Step 1 To “preserve” a jar of cucumbers and tomatoes...

How to store greens? Blanks for future use. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, food selection. How to pickle cucumbers and peppers for the winter: 3 recipes for preparations.

I don’t roll up the pickles, I just put them in jars and fill them cold salty water, 100 grams of salt per 3-liter jar, let them stand for three days, then pickled tomatoes and salted cucumbers. How to pickle cucumbers and peppers for the winter: 3 recipes for preparations.

How to pickle cucumbers and peppers for the winter: 3 recipes for preparations. recipes from the site [link-1] Recipe 1: Place twigs of cherries, currants, dill umbrellas, horseradish and basil leaves in sterile jars. Take 1.5 tbsp for 1 liter of water. l salt, 1 tbsp. l sugar, 1 tbsp. l 70% vinegar...

Bell peppers for the winter: recipes for preparations of cucumbers and sweet peppers. Almost cooked chicken soup Instead of noodles, add a spoonful of thick, stretchy dough (flour, egg, salt, soda-vinegar and some water). For advice. Section: Preparations for future use (What preparations...

How to pickle cucumbers and peppers for the winter: 3 recipes for preparations. When inexpensive bell peppers go on sale, it’s time to prepare for the winter with Step 1 To “preserve” a jar of cucumbers and tomatoes, you will need scissors...

pepper preparation. Blanks for future use. Cooking. Cut the bell pepper into slices, place tightly in sterile 0.7-1 liter jars, pour boiling tomato water. We invite you to learn new recipes for preparations of zucchini and cucumbers for the winter - with sweet peppers and tomatoes.

How to pickle cucumbers and peppers for the winter: 3 recipes for preparations. Corner (30 kcal each), 2 jars meat puree Subject, green apples, green leaf salad, 100 gr. tomato, 3 coffees, 100 gr. milk 1 kilogram raw lard(it can be salted in one piece or cut...

salted cucumbers. preferably freshly picked. wash. If the cucumbers have not just been picked, then you need to soak them for a couple of hours in cold water and squeeze out the excess air. Take sterile jars, put the cucumbers in them and How to pickle cucumbers and peppers for the winter: 3 recipes for preparations.

When can you pickle cucumbers? Blanks for future use. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, food selection. How to pickle cucumbers and peppers for the winter: 3 recipes for preparations.

Section: Preparations for future use (cans of pepper are swollen, what should I do). In general, I like to store all my winter supplies on glass loggia. The lids on the cucumbers are swollen, what should I do? Section: Preparations for future use (a swollen jar of cucumbers). I have a centuries-old marinade recipe. water...

Bell peppers for the winter: recipes for preparations of cucumbers and sweet peppers. Sun-dried tomatoes, homemade candied fruits: preparations for the winter. Print version. 3.6 5 (13 peppers (I took a spicy one for my husband and a sweet one... if it grows, I’ll freeze it), well, I’ll sow strawberries...

pepper preparation. I haven’t made any preparations for a long time, but my father-in-law grew such excellent sweet peppers, and I wanted to close them up for the winter somehow... We invite you to learn new recipes for preparing zucchini and cucumbers for the winter - with sweet peppers and tomatoes.

Looking for a recipe Korean salad. Teach you how to cook! Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, choice Add a little salt and pepper - stir. How to pickle cucumbers and peppers for the winter: 3 recipes for preparations.

They turn out very tasty pickled cucumbers prepared according to the recipes below. They can be cooked without sterilization and when pouring with a weakly acidic marinade - with sterilization.

Pickled cucumbers without sterilization

For marinating without sterilization take medium-sized, dense and intact ones, sort them by size, and keep the wilted ones in clean water for 4-6 hours.

At the bottom of a half-liter jar put a bay leaf, a small pod of hot pepper, 4-5 pcs. cloves, 2-3 grains of black and allspice. Prepared cucumbers are placed tightly in jars (preferably in rows) and filled with marinade pouring that has cooled to plus 50°C.

Preparing the marinade filling

1st method

To prepare one liter spicy marinade sauce required: 500g. vinegar (5% concentration), 300g. - water, 80g. - sugar, 35g - salt, 2 pieces - horseradish, 2 - blackcurrant leaves, 4 - parsley (greens), 2 pcs. - bay leaf and 7g. garlic All this is put into enamel pan and bring to a boil.

2nd method

You can use marinade filling cook in a different way. All the spices are placed in a jar mixed with cucumbers, and sugar and salt are dissolved in water, boiled, the required amount of vinegar is added and the cooled solution is poured into the cucumbers. The filling must cover the cucumbers. Jars with cucumbers are closed with plastic lids and stored in a cool place.

Pickled cucumbers with sterilization

If cucumbers pickled with a slightly acidic marinade, then to prepare one liter of filling you need: 250g. vinegar (concentration 5%), 60g. - sugar, 30g. - salt, 650g. water and all the spices used for spicy marinade filling. Cucumbers placed in jars are poured with marinade, covered with lids, placed in a pan with water heated to 60°C and sterilized in boiling water: half- liter jars- 5 minutes, in liter - 7, in three-liter - 15 minutes. To prevent cucumbers from overcooking, after sterilization, the jars are immediately removed, sealed and cooled, gradually adding to the pan with hot water cold water. You can do without sterilization, and pour the hot marinade over the cucumbers twice.

As practice has shown in recent years, canning cucumbers in large 3-liter jars has become unpractical. The classic legacy of the Soviet era - Olivier and Venigret - is no longer a priority. The taste for life has changed, there is more information, food is no longer in short supply, and I have become an Ace in cooking (so says my Husband and relatives). And of course, the most important circumstance is that a little daughter appeared. Now home canning happens in the shortest possible time and in small portions.

This is how cucumbers are rolled in our kitchen.
Before washing the cucumbers, I try them on in half-liter jars. Ideally from 1 kg. 3 jars come out and a small remainder for salad. In my case, for canning I selected suitable cucumbers for only 2 jars. I wash the selected fruits and soak them for 2 hours.

During this time, you can sterilize jars and lids, as well as prepare spices and seasonings.

I send some of the prepared seasonings to the bottom of each jar: dill umbrellas, garlic, hot peppers, horseradish leaves, peppercorns.

After 2 hours of soaking, I place the cucumbers in aging jars with the “tails” down.
I put the rest of the spices on top.

The elasticity of pickled cucumbers depends on horseradish leaves.
If you haven’t forgotten about it, the cucumbers will be crispy.

I pour boiling water over it for 15-20 minutes.

After a while, I pour the boiling water into a separate container and bring the future marinade to a boil.

I add 2 teaspoons of sugar to each jar.

And one teaspoon of salt.

I add 50 ml of 9% vinegar to the boiling marinade and fill the jars.