Fresh cabbage soup with potatoes. Correct cabbage soup: cooking secrets

“Fresh cabbage soup with potatoes”

Product Name

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Column 2

Column 3

White cabbage

or Savoy


Parsley (root)

Bulb onions


Fresh tomatoes

Tomato puree

Cooking fat

Broth or water

Cabbage is cut into pieces, potatoes into slices. Place cabbage in boiling broth or water, bring to a boil, then add potatoes. Place prepared fresh cabbage into boiling broth or water, bring to a boil, add sautéed carrots and onions and cook until tender. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, add tomatoes cut into slices or sautéed soup into the cabbage soup. tomato puree, sautéed flour diluted with broth or water. Along with the spices, you can put garlic in the cabbage soup (2 g net per 1000 g of cabbage soup), ground with salt. When preparing cabbage soup from early cabbage it is laid after the potatoes.

When leaving, put a piece of meat on a plate, pour in cabbage soup, add sour cream and herbs.

"Sour cream sauce"

According to the collection of recipes M. 2002, 3rd edition by A.V. Rumyantsev

For natural sour cream sauce (according to column I), lightly saute the flour without oil, cool, mix with butter, put in sour cream, brought to a boil, stir, season with salt and pepper, cook for 3-5 minutes, filter and bring to a boil. To prepare sour cream sauce with the addition of white sauce (columns II and III), add boiled sour cream and salt to the hot white sauce, cook for 3-5 minutes, filter and bring to a boil. The sauce is served with meat, vegetables and fish dishes, or used for preparing hot mushroom appetizers, for baking mushrooms, fish, meat and vegetables.

They say that cabbage soup was cooked in Rus' long before its baptism and this dish was eaten almost every day. It is no coincidence that many proverbs and sayings glorify cabbage soup in every way: “Where is good cabbage soup, don’t look for other food,” “Eating cabbage soup is like putting on a fur coat,” “The world stands on cabbage soup.” Russian people were so accustomed to cabbage soup that they even traveled in winter with cabbage soup frozen in a tub, which they only had to heat up to feed the whole family. They say that the Russian soldiers who fought Napoleon’s army, while on French territory, missed the cabbage soup so much that they fermented grape leaves, which replaced sauerkraut in their soup. The smell of cabbage soup was not only in the peasant huts, but also in the royal chambers, however, wealthy people ate thick meat cabbage soup in which a spoon stood, and the poor often slurped thin soup with cabbage, quinoa and onions. And still it was very tasty, so people said: “Your father will get tired of it, but you won’t get tired of cabbage soup.”

How they prepared cabbage soup in Rus'

There are many recipes with cabbage, sorrel, nettles, turnips, mushrooms, in meat or fish broth, with various roots, spices and sour dressings, such as brine or apples. In the old days, cabbage soup was even cooked from beets, calling this dish “beet cabbage soup,” which more closely resembled borscht. Classic recipe In ancient times, cabbage soup always included cabbage, fresh or pickled, and if it was not on hand, green leafy vegetables or turnips were taken. Housewives used carrots and parsley from the roots, seasoning the soup with onions, garlic, celery, dill, bay leaves and pepper. Required component The cabbage soup contained acid - after all, this soup was valued for its piquant sour taste. Except sauerkraut They used salted mushrooms, Antonovka, lingonberries, cranberries, pickles, sour cream and everything that gave the cabbage soup a specific sour taste. In the southern regions of Russia, cabbage soup was always cooked with tomatoes and bell peppers, and in modern recipes You can also find potatoes, which make cabbage soup thicker and tastier.

In Rus', products were put into cabbage soup raw, without frying or sautéing, although in some areas they were added to cabbage soup for a thicker broth rye flour. The cabbage soup was simmered in a Russian oven in a clay pot, so it turned out very appetizing and aromatic. Mainly beef was used for the broth, although cabbage soup with pork or poultry was popular in the western region. Don cabbage soup was traditionally cooked with sturgeon, Pskov cabbage soup with smelt, Polish and Ukrainian cabbage soup was cooked with lard, the Ural version of cabbage soup included millet or oatmeal, in Georgia white wine and suluguni cheese were added to cabbage soup, and the Finns could not imagine this dish without lamb and smoked sausage. In general, in all national cuisines There are specific features of preparing cabbage soup, and each version of the dish is tasty in its own way, besides, “hungry Fedot is happy with any cabbage soup.”

Choosing a recipe for delicious cabbage soup

Before you learn how to cook the right ones, you should decide on a recipe, since there are several varieties of this dish.

Full cabbage soup, which is also called “rich”, is cooked on strong meat broth, with the addition of a large number of ingredients, including mushrooms, potatoes and many spices. Meat is added to prefabricated cabbage soup and meat products different varieties - boiled beef, poultry, pork, ham, sausage, sausages and frankfurters, which are cut into small pieces. Fish soup is cooked from noble varieties of fish, from small river fish or canned fish, while a combination of fresh and salted fish is acceptable. Lenten cabbage soup is prepared without meat - with vegetables, mushrooms and herbs; green cabbage soup is a summer version of soup with sorrel or spinach. In the preparation of gray northern cabbage soup, the lower grayish cabbage leaves are used, seedling cabbage soup is cooked from cabbage seedlings, and after cooking, day-old cabbage soup is first kept warm for four hours and then left in the cold. By the way, now under sour cabbage soup we mean sauerkraut soup, and in Rus' it was a type of kvass that helped with hangovers.

How to cook delicious cabbage soup: a few secrets

Once upon a time, housewives did not think about how to properly prepare cabbage soup - they simply mixed all the ingredients in a clay pot, put it in the oven, and the soup simmered all day, and in the evening the fragrant and tasty cabbage soup was served on the table. We don’t have that much time, but they come to help modern technologies- multicooker and air fryer. But even in an ordinary saucepan you can cook delicious cabbage soup, which will be eaten by a large family in the evening. Remember a few secrets and subtleties, and cabbage soup will become your signature dish!

Secret 1. If you decide to cook cabbage soup with meat broth, cook the meat in a whole piece for at least two hours to make the broth richer and richer - this is what cabbage soup needs. Be sure to add fragrant herbs and roots to the meat for piquancy.

Secret 2. Do not cook cabbage soup from cabbage that is too young, which is more suitable for salads. The best choice for cabbage soup - autumn cabbage with dense, strong and white heads. Many housewives prepare cabbage separately - young cabbage is stewed in a saucepan on the stove for 15 minutes, and more mature cabbage is cooked in a clay pot in the oven for two to three hours. Why is this necessary? The fact is that when cabbage languishes, it is saturated with new tastes and aromas that enrich the taste of the dish.

Secret 3. If you have time, place the pan with the broth at the last stage of cooking in the oven, cover with foil, and simmer for about an hour. Add crumbly potatoes cut into cubes and continue to simmer in the oven. Can you imagine what will end up in the pan in an hour and a half? Tender thick stew with soft meat, and there won’t be a crumb left of the potatoes. And you should mix this aromatic liquid with cabbage, add any ingredients you like - tomatoes, bell pepper, green beans, mushrooms and herbs, then simmer the cabbage soup for at least another half hour. If you cook cabbage soup on the stove, the cooking time is, of course, reduced.

Secret 4. You can also add toasted flour to the cabbage soup. After it turns golden, dilute it with broth, lightly boil and rub through a sieve. Cabbage soup can also be cooked with cereal, but it should be added before cabbage and potatoes, taking into account the individual cooking time.

Cooking cabbage soup quickly

It's good when you have time to devote all day, but sometimes you need to prepare a quick lunch for the family, and in this case, recipes are a lifesaver for very busy housewives. In this case, it is better to cook the broth in the evening; besides, the meat will become soft and tender overnight, so it will not be difficult for you to cut it into cubes and return it to the pan. Add chopped fresh cabbage into the broth, after boiling, add the potatoes cut into slices and, while the cabbage soup is boiling, fry the carrots, onions, garlic and parsley root in oil in a frying pan. Dip the tomatoes into the cabbage soup with pre- peeled and diced Bell pepper, and after the vegetables have boiled a little, add carrot dressing to them. Don't forget about bay leaf, black pepper and herbs, which are best added to the prepared cabbage soup along with sour cream. For 400 g of meat, take a small head of cabbage, 2 potatoes, 2 tomatoes, 1 carrot and 1 onion, and you can add herbs and roots to taste. Your family will be happy!

Sauerkraut cabbage soup

This dish is especially useful during winter vitamin deficiency, since sauerkraut contains vitamin C, which is necessary to fight colds and viral infections. In addition, sour cabbage soup does not allow other vegetables to boil too much, so they have a pleasant crunch, which makes the dish even tastier and healthier.

From a kilogram of beef, cook a rich broth - with bay leaf and allspice. While the broth is cooking, fry in a frying pan with sunflower oil 2 onions and when the onion becomes transparent, add 2 chopped carrots to it. Once the carrots are soft, remove the pan from the heat and make the broth. You need to take out the meat, cut it into pieces, put it back into the pan and pour 2 diced potatoes and chopped parsley root into it. After 10 minutes, add 600 g of sauerkraut to the cabbage soup, which you can first squeeze lightly to remove excess acid. However, if you like cabbage soup with sourness, then you don’t need to do anything with cabbage - just cook it in broth for 15 minutes, then add frying and cook for another 7 minutes with your favorite spices and seasonings. Serve sour cabbage soup with cream or sour cream, sprinkled with fragrant herbs. Bon appetit!

On the website “Eating at Home!” you will find many step by step recipes cabbage soup for every taste. Cook with love for your family and enjoy the food!

Shchi is the main hot dish of Russian cuisine, memorable for its sour taste, and is a type of soup with sauerkraut or fresh cabbage, other vegetables, sometimes with meat (mushrooms, fish) and herbs. It has been prepared in Russia since the 9th century, when peasants began growing cabbage.

Present to your attention low calorie recipe cabbage soup with potatoes without meat, which can be eaten even during fasting. Approximate cooking time is 60 minutes.


  • water – 2 liters;
  • fresh cabbage – 300 grams;
  • potatoes – 3 pieces (medium);
  • carrots – 2 pieces;
  • onion- 1 piece;
  • tomatoes – 2 pieces;
  • bay leaf – 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon (for frying);
  • salt, pepper, sour cream - to taste.

The most delicious cabbage soup is made with fresh cabbage, but in winter, pickled cabbage is also quite suitable, although the dish will turn out more sour.

Recipe for cabbage soup with potatoes

1. Salt the water, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat on the stove to medium. Cook with the lid open, alternately preparing and adding ingredients.

2. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into cubes and place them in a pan with boiling water.

3. Chop the cabbage into thin strips and add to the potatoes.

4. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, cut the onion into half rings. Fry the carrots and onions in a small amount of vegetable oil for 7-10 minutes, then place the resulting frying in a saucepan.

5. Cut the tomatoes into medium slices and add to the cabbage soup along with the bay leaf.

6. Add salt to taste, cook for 10-15 minutes until done.

7. Season the cabbage soup with potatoes with herbs and (or) sour cream. Serve the dish hot.

Fresh cabbage soup with potatoes

We will need: water - 2-2.5l; whole piece of meat (pork or beef or lamb) - 500g; fresh cabbage - 500g, carrots - 1 pc. potatoes - 2 pcs., onions - 2 pcs.; parsley or celery root - 50g; greens, bay leaf; salt, peppercorns - to taste; Fresh tomatoes, vegetable mixture - optional
In a saucepan over low heat, cook any meat (pork or beef, lamb) with bones or pulp. To make the broth richer, place the meat in cold water. Do not cover the pan with a lid. Add salt, peppercorns, one carrot onion, parsley or celery root and cook. Do not cover the pan with a lid.

Skim the foam from the boiling broth and pour a spoonful of cold water into it. When the foam appears again, repeat the operation, and so on until scale stops forming. Wipe off any foam that has dried on the edges of the pan with a clean, damp cloth and continue cooking the broth. After the meat is ready, remove the meat from the broth, cut the cabbage into checkers or strips, and place it in the boiling broth (Some late varieties white cabbage give the cabbage an unpleasant odor and a bitter taste; such cabbage should be immersed in boiling water for 2-3 minutes before adding). When the broth boils again, add potatoes cut into cubes or slices or cubes.

Cook until the potatoes are ready. If you use tomato puree instead fresh tomatoes, then they need to be put in the pan before the end of cooking. I also added the vegetable mixture 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Reduce heat. Chop the greens, add to the cabbage soup, let the cabbage soup boil and turn off the heat.

Let it brew for 15 minutes.

Before serving, season the cabbage soup with sour cream.
I prepare lamb cabbage soup without frying, this has been a taste since my youth, but amateurs can prepare frying and season the cabbage soup.
Frying: Grate carrots onto coarse grater, cut the onion into cubes. Then the onions and carrots need to be fried for a few minutes. vegetable oil, at the end of frying, place a small chopped clove of garlic in the pan. Before turning off the heat, add tomato paste to the vegetables. If you cook cabbage soup with fresh tomatoes, then you need to put it in the pan along with garlic.
You can also prepare it this way: Cut the carrots into strips and simmer with the addition of oil until the color changes (the carrots should lighten), add them to the cabbage soup. After you have removed the meat from the broth. And continue cooking, add cabbage, potatoes, etc.

Cabbage soup - National dish Russian cuisine. This hearty soup Cabbage has been prepared in Rus' since time immemorial, and is still being prepared today. Over time, the recipe has changed, many variations of this dish have appeared, but the main ingredient remains unchanged - cabbage.

Cabbage soup is prepared from pickled or fresh white cabbage; meat, vegetable, mushroom and even fish broths are used. The soup is supplemented with other vegetables, as well as cereals, legumes and mushrooms.

Today we will talk to you about cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage with potatoes, we will look at their calorie content and preparation. We will also be interested in the technology and secrets of the cooking process. We will also consider two traditional recipe preparations.

To make the soup truly delicious, let’s look at some tips experienced chefs When preparing it, you should pay attention to:

Secrets of cooking cabbage soup - secrets of taste

Let us immediately note that the quality of the broth is extremely important for this dish. Therefore, always use quality meat or bones. Only from fresh meat The result is an appetizing, clear broth.

Can be used pork belly, ribs, marrow bone with meat, and also not very lean beef. For dietary table Poultry meat is suitable, in particular chicken breast or turkey fillet.

After boiling, cook the meat over low heat, removing any foam that forms. Take your time with cooking; cook the meat for at least an hour. Chicken is a little less - about 40 minutes.

Fresh cabbage should not be cooked for a long time. In the soup, it should be slightly crispy, and not overcooked to the point of porridge. Shred it into small strips or cut it small cubes.

Tomatoes give the sourness and spiciness characteristic of cabbage soup. You can use fresh tomatoes or concentrated tomato. Some housewives instead add a little brine from sauerkraut or table vinegar. In this case, the color of the cabbage soup will remain natural.

To make the soup richer and thicker, add a little lightly fried flour to it. It is first fried, then diluted with a ladle of hot broth and then poured into the pan at the very end of cooking.

Cooking cabbage soup from fresh cabbage with potatoes

Fresh cabbage soup - the best option for those who, due to illness, cannot eat sauerkraut or simply do not like its taste. This dish is also recommended for everyone who is watching their figure, because cabbage soup has an average calorie content of fresh cabbage and potatoes of 31 kcal per 100 g.

Cabbage soup cooked in chicken broth or lean beef broth is low in calories. Fatty pork soup certainly contains more calories.

Recipe for cabbage soup with bone sugar broth

A bone with meat is suitable for cooking. You can use pork or beef marrow (sugar) bone. The rib soup will be no less tasty.

We will need approximately 300 g of meat contents per 2 liters of water. We will also prepare: 300 g of cabbage (this is slightly less than half a small head of cabbage), 3 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 sweet red pepper (small), 2 tbsp. tomato We also need salt, bay leaves, fresh herbs parsley

Cooking cabbage soup - process technology:

Wash the meat thoroughly, put it in a saucepan with cold water, boil. Immediately reduce heat to low and simmer for at least an hour. If you cook a bone, then an hour and a half. Don't forget to remove the foam.

While cooking, peel and wash the vegetables. Cut potatoes, carrots, onions into cubes, carrots and peppers into thin half rings. Chop the cabbage thinly.

Remove the meat and bay leaves from the finished broth. Place the meat on a separate plate, let it cool a little, and discard the bay leaf. Place the carrots in the pan and cook for 5 minutes. Now add the potatoes and cook for another 10 minutes. Just now lay out the cabbage and bell peppers, add salt.

Cook, covered, at a gentle simmer until tender – the potatoes should be soft and the cabbage should be slightly undercooked (but only slightly!). She will reach readiness when she has already ready soup will insist.

Fry the onion in vegetable oil with tomato paste. To thicken the cabbage soup, if necessary, you can add 1 tsp of flour. Place the frying pan in the pan 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Wrap the pan with the prepared cabbage soup warmly and leave for half an hour to an hour.

Ladle the soup into bowls. Trim the meat from the bone, cut into small pieces, place on plates, and return the bone itself back to the pan. Add sour cream and some fresh herbs to each serving and serve.

Diet recipe cabbage soup with potatoes, fresh cabbage with chicken

For 2 liters of water you will need products: 2 small chicken breasts, 300 g cabbage, 3 potatoes, carrots and onions. You will also need 2 small strong tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, salt, fresh parsley and dill.

Technology for preparing cabbage soup from fresh cabbage

Weld chicken bouillon. To make it transparent, cook over low heat for 40-50 minutes, removing the foam. Remove the meat and place it in a clean bowl. When it cools down a little, cut into portions.

Place potatoes cut into small cubes and grated carrots in a saucepan. Cook for 15 minutes. Now add finely shredded cabbage and diced tomatoes into the soup (scald them first and remove the skin). Cook for another 20 minutes.

5 minutes before the end, add the frying made from onions and crushed garlic to the soup. Fry them in vegetable oil, but only until soft, not until browned. Salt the cabbage soup, you can add a little ground pepper. When the soup is ready, add the chicken pieces to the pan.

Let the finished soup brew and pour into bowls. Put sour cream in each, sprinkle the cabbage soup with herbs and serve. Bon appetit!