Homemade beet chips. Homemade Beet and Carrot Chips Recipe

Beetroot chips, like any other chips, cannot be called healthy food. But this tasty food. Sometimes you can afford it, especially such original ones - beetroot ones.

To make chips you will need a deep fryer. An oven will do, but the taste will be different.
Spanish cuisine. Translation original recipe, photos - source Supertoinette.

What you need for 4 servings

  • 200 g potatoes
  • 200 g parsnips
  • 100 g flour
  • 400 g beets
  • 2 g salt
  • 0.5 g pepper
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Total calories: 803 kcal, 200 kcal per person

How to make beet chips

Step 1. Peel the potatoes and rinse under running water. Place in a bowl filled with water. Using a knife, cut the potatoes into thin slices.

Step 2: Place the chopped potatoes in a bowl of water. Prepare parsnips for frying in the same way.

Step 3. Place the parsnips in another container of water. Rinse the beets under running water, set to dry, and cut into thin pieces.

Step 4. Heat the frying oil to 190 degrees C. Drain the water from the bowls with potatoes and parsnips, dry the slices.

Step 5. Place the potatoes in boiling oil. As soon as it acquires a beautiful golden color, take it out and place it in a dish. In the deep fryer this happens in about 5 minutes, a little longer in the oven.

Step 6. Prepare parsnip chips in the same way. Keep in hot oil until golden brown.

Step 7. Combine potato chips with parsnip chips. Mix them with two forks while still warm.

Step 8. Shake off the remaining water from the beets again. Pour flour into a bowl and mix beet pieces with it.

Step 9. Close the bowl with a lid and shake it over the sink thoroughly so that the beets are thoroughly mixed with the flour.

Step 10. Place the beets and flour in a colander and pour excess flour into the sinks. Then place it in the deep fryer.

Step 11. Test doneness with a fork. The chips are ready when they are crispy.

Step 12. Mix all the chips. Season with salt and pepper. Serve hot, warm or cold.

Potato chips Before putting them into hot oil, you need to dry them as thoroughly as possible. They can be separately sprinkled with curry or other peppers.

Red wine goes well with this dish. The Spaniards offer beet-potato-parsnip chips to go with fried lamb. Which, you know, is doubly harmful, any nutritionist will tell you. But it tastes exactly twice as good.


Beetroot chips are vegetable chips, chopped using a shredder or vegetable cutter, with a maximum thickness of 2 mm. You can make your own beetroot chips really delicious and appetizing with a couple of tricks. Slices cut until translucent will turn out tender and crispy even at home. More aromatic properties Spices will be added to the chips: a collection of Provençal herbs and assorted peppers. It is preferable to cook vegetable chips in an oven, dehydrator or air fryer. When baking, you should use parchment: the beet slices hardly stick to it. In order for the beetroot chips to bake evenly and have a crispy crust, you need to arrange them in such a way that they have boundaries between each other, and do not forget to turn the homemade chips over during the cooking process. You can store this tasty dish in any container with a tight lid in a cool, dry place.

It’s enough just to taste a couple of bites of the snack to understand that it’s impossible to resist such a delicacy. This is a healthy food that will keep you feeling good throughout the day. Delicious vegetable chips are easy to prepare and take about an hour in the oven.

You don't have to be a beetroot fan to love these chips. If you decide to surprise your guests with a mysterious dish or just want to enjoy natural product, then it will help you in cooking step by step recipe with photo.


  • (2 pcs.)

  • (2 tbsp.)

  • (1/2 tsp)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (optional)

Cooking steps

    Prepare everything necessary products and start cleaning the beets. It is advisable not to remove the tops (tail) from the vegetable, but only peel the peel so that subsequent preparation of the beets will be easier and safer.

    You can cut beets using a vegetable cutter, shredder, slicer, or even a knife. It is important that the circles are a maximum of 1.6-2.0 mm in thickness. When cutting vegetables, it would be a good idea to use gloves. Whether they are fabric or rubberized does not matter, the main thing is to protect your hands from cuts.

    In a large bowl, combine salt, pepper and olive oil. Dip beet slices into the oil mixture and leave there for 30 minutes to soak. In addition, during this time, thanks to the salt, excess moisture will be released from the vegetables. While the chips are steeping, turn on and preheat the oven to 300 degrees Celsius.

    Dry the beet chips with a paper towel and place the slices on a lined baking sheet. parchment paper so that they do not touch each other.

    Bake for about 60 minutes or until most of the beets are completely dry and the edges have a roasted appearance. Don't expect the slices to cook evenly as they vary in size. But “different-sized” pieces will help you decide on your taste preference.

    Place homemade beet chips on a plate and let cool slightly. The snack keeps well room temperature, For long-term storage it can be frozen. After cooling, the chips are placed in an oven preheated to 300 degrees Celsius for a few minutes. As a snack, beetroot chips are good on their own, but if desired, you can add fish mousse, unsweetened yogurt or soft cheese to the dish.

    Bon appetit!

Do you want to surprise your guests with something they have never tried? I encourage you to make homemade beet chips! This will really make a splash. And the chips, by the way, turn out delicious.


  • Beetroot 3 pieces
  • Vegetable oil 1-2 Cups

Peel the beets and cut into thin small slices.

Heat the oil in a deep fryer or deep small saucepan. I cook in a saucepan. Fill it up, 25 percent, vegetable oil. Then it will turn out the same as in deep frying. Lower the beet slices. “Bathe” them in oil on all sides until they are thoroughly fried.

You can salt and pepper the beet chips and add your favorite spices. Or leave them as is. They will turn out sweet.

Beetroot chips - step-by-step recipe with photo on

Do you want to surprise your guests with something they have never tried? I encourage you to make homemade beet chips! This will really make a splash. And the chips, by the way, turn out delicious.

Beetroot chips

This recipe for beet chips in the oven will not take much of your time and will allow you to create an excellent snack for any feast! Beet chips in the oven are low in calories, which makes this snack a good tool in the hands of people who watch their figure and diet.

  • Beetroot – 400 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Dried rosemary - to taste
  • Olive oil – 4 tbsp. l.
  • Dried ground garlic – 1/4 tsp.
  1. Turn on the oven and bring it to a temperature of 150. Next, you need to prepare a spicy addition to the chips by mixing salt, ground garlic and dried rosemary.
  2. The beets must be peeled, washed and cut into thin circles (1-2 mm) or slices with a vegetable cutter or knife.
  3. The resulting slices should be placed on a paper towel for 5 minutes to absorb excess moisture. Then transfer the beet slices into a container and season them evenly with olive oil and a mixture of spices.
  4. You need to put parchment paper on the baking sheet to avoid the beet slices sticking (we don’t want to spoil our mood with dishes that are difficult to wash?). Then carefully arrange our future beet chips in one layer.
  5. Bake in the oven for 10-20 minutes, depending on how thick your slices are. To make sure you don't miss a beat, you can periodically check and turn the beet chips over on the baking sheet so that they dry thoroughly on both sides - this will speed up the process somewhat.

Chef's tip: homemade beet chips will become not only a tasty, but also a healthy snack. Special taste this dish will open over a glass of red wine.

Beetroot Chips Recipe - How to Make Beetroot Chips in the Oven

This recipe for beet chips in the oven will not take much of your time and will allow you to create an excellent snack for any feast! Beetroot chips - quick and healthy!

A simple recipe with step-by-step photos on how to make delicious beet chips in the oven at home

Beetroot chips are vegetable chips, chopped using a shredder or vegetable cutter, with a maximum thickness of 2 mm. You can make your own beetroot chips really delicious and appetizing with a couple of tricks. Slices cut until translucent will turn out tender and crispy even at home. Spices will add more aromatic properties to the chips: a collection of Provençal herbs and assorted peppers. It is preferable to cook vegetable chips in an oven, dehydrator or air fryer. When baking, you should use parchment: the beet slices hardly stick to it. In order for the beetroot chips to bake evenly and have a crispy crust, you need to arrange them in such a way that they have boundaries between each other, and do not forget to turn the homemade chips over during the cooking process. You can store this tasty dish in any container with a tight lid in a cool, dry place.

It’s enough just to taste a couple of bites of the snack to understand that it’s impossible to resist such a delicacy. This is a healthy food that will keep you feeling good throughout the day. Delicious vegetable chips are easy to prepare and take about an hour in the oven.

You don't have to be a beetroot fan to love these chips. If you decide to surprise your guests with a mysterious dish or just want to enjoy a natural product, then a step-by-step recipe with photos will help you prepare it.


Homemade Beet and Carrot Chips Recipe

Everyone knows about the dangers of ready-made chips. But every time it is catastrophically difficult to resist a purchase. Maybe go a different way? For example, make homemade chips from healthy vegetables according to this recipe.

Scientists might not even have to prove that crunchy food seems more appetizing to people: we know how breaded schnitzels and pretzels affect behavior. Potato chips are a real drug: fatty, salty, flavored - in a word, they have everything so that the brain doesn’t even think about resisting. The benefits are zero, just bare calories, mostly from fats of dubious quality, and as many as 6 lines of scary ingredients like monosodium glutamate and “fish powder”.

Don’t even dream of making chips “like in a pack” at home: this requires special varieties of potatoes that are not found in supermarkets. Yes and Why fry root vegetables to death in oil when you can do it delicious snack from much healthier vegetables, which will be three times less calorie?

Thanks to the distinctive taste of the latter, beet and carrot chips do not require sauces. But if you can't bear it, try dipping them in the mixture natural yogurt, fresh parsley and grated garlic.

  • 2 small beets
  • 2 carrots, larger than average in diameter
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. mixtures of dried herbs (choose Italian or French)
  • 2 tsp. fine salt
  1. Rinse the root vegetables well using a brush and dry them with a towel.
  2. Without peeling the skin, cut the carrots and beets into very thin circles. (A mandoline grater can do this very well, but if you don’t have one at hand, you can do it with a sharp knife with a wide blade.)
  3. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper, drop some oil on it and rub the fat over the surface using a silicone brush.
  4. Lay out the vegetable rounds in dense rows, go over them with a brush dipped in oil and put them in the oven. It's unlikely that everything you've chopped will fit on one baking sheet, so either use two or bake the chips in several batches.
  5. Be sure to set the timer for 15 minutes and carefully monitor what is happening in the oven: depending on the individual characteristics of each chip, the cooking time for chips may vary. As soon as you see that the round pieces have begun to dry out, shrink and darken, take them out of the heat.
  6. Mix the dried herbs with salt, sprinkle the mixture over the chips and let them cool completely. And then crunch for your health!

Homemade Beet and Carrot Chips Recipe

Everyone knows about the dangers of ready-made chips. But every time it is catastrophically difficult to resist a purchase. Maybe go a different way? For example, make homemade chips from healthy vegetables using this recipe.

Crunching on chips while watching your favorite movie with the whole family is a tempting activity. The main thing is not to remember that this snack brings nothing but harm to the body. But homemade vegetable chips are a completely different matter. Let's prepare them.

Minimum program

A few tricks will help you make them truly tasty and appetizing. The slices need to be cut as thin as possible. A wide, sharp knife or a special vegetable cutter will help us with this. Spices will give the chips a more expressive aroma: a mixture hot peppers, paprika or Provencal herbs. It is best to cook vegetable chips in an air fryer, dehydrator, dehydrator or oven. For baking, choose parchment paper - vegetable slices practically do not stick to it. To ensure that the chips bake evenly and turn out golden brown, crispy and beautiful, place them on a baking sheet so that they do not touch each other. And don't forget to turn them over periodically. And unless, of course, your family eats it in one go, you should store the treat in a plastic container in a cool, dry place.

Favorite classic

Let's start with a recipe for vegetable potato chips. We take 5-6 medium potatoes, which must be smooth, regular in shape and without damage. Peel and cut them into thin circles, rinse under water to get rid of excess starch. Dry them well on a paper towel, transfer them to a deep bowl, lightly salt them, and sprinkle with vegetable oil. Carefully stir the slices so that they are completely covered with oil and are not damaged. Line a baking tray with baking paper, lightly coat with oil and lay out the potato slices. Preheat the oven to 180–200 °C and bake the chips until golden brown. At the end, sprinkle them with salt and spices and treat them to the household.

Nothing but good

For children, you can prepare vegetable chips in the microwave, using the same potatoes. The recipe remains unchanged, only place the dish with potato slices in the microwave, setting the power to 600–750 W. It will take 5-7 minutes for the chips to brown. You can also offer zucchini chips to little gourmets. Cut a small fruit weighing 200–350 g into circles 1–1.5 mm thick, blot with a paper towel and dry. Brush each slice with olive oil, sprinkle with salt, ground basil, red pepper or coriander. Although vegetable chips for children can do without spices. Place the slices on a large dish and microwave them for 5 minutes at maximum power. They can be supplemented with sour cream and dill sauce.

Crispy sweets

Another wonderful recipe Vegetable chips in the oven are made from carrots and beets. Peel and cut medium carrots and carrots into thin slices, rinse them under water and dry. First, place beet slices on a baking sheet with parchment paper, coat each sunflower oil and sprinkle with spices to suit your taste. Bake the chips at 165°C for 20 minutes, then turn them over and put them in the oven for another 20 minutes. We do the same with carrot slices, but reduce the baking temperature to 135 °C. This treat will especially appeal to those with a sweet tooth. In addition, it is incredibly useful thanks to a powerful dose of carotene, which makes vision sharper and the heart stronger.

Chips for losing weight

Diet chips are not science fiction, but a very real and very interesting snack. Try vegetable crisps without spinach oil and see for yourself. We wash 200 g of spinach under water, separate it into leaves and dry it. Arrange them evenly on a baking sheet lined with thick parchment paper. Sprinkle the spinach with salt, pepper and dried basil and place it in an oven preheated to 180°C for 7-8 minutes. Let the chips cool thoroughly and only then separate them from the parchment. Dietary vegetable spinach chips pleasantly diversify the menu of those who meticulously follow their proper nutrition. A serving of such a snack will replenish iron reserves in the body, raise its tone, and at the same time strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

Spices for joy

Gourmets who gravitate towards the brighter flavor combinations, you can make spicy eggplant chips. For them we need a marinade. Mix 3 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar and olive oil, add a clove of chopped garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Cut 2 eggplants into thin slices, place them in a bowl, fill them with marinade and put them in the refrigerator for 10 hours. Gently stir the slices every 2 hours. Then place them on a baking sheet with baking paper, pour over the marinade and place in the oven at 150°C for 50–60 minutes. Serve ready-made spicy vegetable chips with sour cream or tomato sauce. Just don’t overfeed your household with such a snack. Despite all its usefulness, it is quite high in calories.

Have you ever made similar snacks? Share interesting recipes vegetable chips with photos or just tell us about original ideas that your family loved.