Spicy sauce for sushi name. Tobiko - what is this ingredient in sushi?

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Sushi, a dish that came to us from Japan and has become very popular throughout our country, is usually served with sauce. Those who have mastered a difficult recipe usually buy sauce for the dish. But, if you are guided by all the nuances of preparing sushi, then you must take into account that Japanese chefs never use purchased products and prepare the sauce themselves to emphasize the taste of the dish. It’s quite possible to make sauce for sushi and rolls at home if you know a few unique recipes. Self-prepared sushi sauces go much better with the dish, plus they are completely natural and do not contain harmful additives, as opposed to purchased products.

Recipe with photos step by step:

A simple recipe for making sauce for sushi and rolls

Do spicy sauce which is a classic Japanese cuisine and most suitable for sushi can be simple recipe, even a beginner can master it. This sauce is suitable for both rolls and hot rolls, but in this case it is added before the rolls are baked. Thanks to this sauce, hot rolls acquire a golden hue and become juicier.

Technology for preparing a simple hot sauce for sushi:

Ingredients required for the sauce:

Dry or semi-dry white wine;
Soy sauce;
Granulated sugar;
Rice wine"Mirin";
Fish broth "Hondashi".

Cooking method:

1. Pour 200 milliliters of wine into a deep saucepan.
2. Add the same amount of soy sauce and rice wine to the wine.
3. Add half a teaspoon of dry Hodashi broth to the existing mixture and stir until this ingredient is completely dissolved in the liquid.
4. Next, place the saucepan on the stove and bring its contents to a boil. When the contents boil, you need to reduce the heat and continue to evaporate the liquid for another one and a half to two hours. During this process, the contents of the pan should decrease in volume by half.
5. When a caramel-colored foam forms on the surface of the sauce, the sauce is almost ready.
6. After the foam appears, remove the pan from the heat and immediately add two spoons of sugar and stir so that the sugar has time to dissolve in the hot sauce.

Attention! The consistency of the sauce should resemble syrup, but if the sauce is too thick, you can give it the desired consistency by adding a little boiling water.

The finished sauce for Unagi rolls should be poured into a container that closes tightly. In this form, the sauce can be stored in the refrigerator after it has completely cooled.

Sushi based sauce apple cider vinegar

This sauce is prepared to soak sushi rice. It will not only give the sushi an exceptional taste, but will also contribute to better “gluing” of the rice. Using this sauce for rice eliminates the need to serve separate sauce for sushi and rolls.

What ingredients will you need:

4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar;
Tablespoon regular vinegar (9%);
Four spoons of sugar;
Salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. All the products indicated in the “ingredients” column must be mixed together in a deep saucepan.
2. Place the pan on low heat, and the mixture must be constantly stirred so that the sugar dissolves when heated. During the process, you need to make sure that the contents of the pan do not boil.
3. As soon as signs of boiling appear, the sauce can be removed from the heat.
4. Next, you need to give time for the sauce to cool, and only then can it be added to the rice, from which the rolls will be rolled.

Sauce for sushi rolls “Ponzu”

This Japanese sauce is suitable for absolutely all types of sushi and rolls, so it can safely be called universal.

Ingredients required for the sauce:

A tablespoon of lemon juice;
Fish broth "Dasi" in the amount of five tablespoons;
Two thin slices of fresh lemon;
Five tablespoons of soy sauce;
Kombu algae (up to 6 centimeters);
Rice vinegar.

Cooking method:

1. Mix lemon juice, rice vinegar, soy sauce and fish broth, leave the mixture for 15 minutes.
2. Next, you can add algae to the composition, in the form in which they were purchased.
3. The last ingredient in the sauce will be lemon slices, which need to be cut as thin as possible.
4. Mix everything together, after which the sauce is ready for use.

Important! This sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Of course, the list of recipes for rolls and sushi is not limited to this. There are many variations of sauces, hot, sweet and sour, salty and so on. Every time you can try some new recipes, add your own signature ingredients to them and delight others with exquisite sushi, and most importantly, prepared according to all the canons of Japanese cuisine!

Some recipes for delicious additions to sushi came to us straight from Japan, others were completely adjusted and “Europeanized”, so much so that you wouldn’t even think that they could be served with sushi. If you don’t have time to experiment, but really want something unusual, you can order either sushi or pizza or a wok sushi-v-dom.ru by following the link. Well, if you are interested in trying your hand at making sauces, let’s look at a few popular recipes.

In general, the sauce is a delicate matter. A good one can perfectly complement the taste of a dish and give it many unusual shades. Let's look in this article at how to make them for sushi simply in your kitchen.

How to make spicy sauce for sushi

This sauce is well known to fans oriental cuisine. His great feature, as you might guess, is his sharpness. It is prepared using mayonnaise (by the way, mayonnaise is very popular among the Japanese). For classic spice, take:

  • half a glass of mayonnaise
  • teaspoon lime juice
  • 2 tbsp. l. hot sriracha sauce

It is prepared easily by simply mixing mayonnaise with lime juice and spicy sriracha. If you like it even spicier, add a little more hot sauce to suit your taste. Such a sauce homemade Serve with dishes immediately. It can also be stored in a tight, airtight food container for about a month. Now you know how to make spicy sauce for sushi at home – you’ll agree, it’s not at all difficult. Well, if you are not a fan of “spicy” sensations at all, you can prepare other types of sauces, for example, creamy.

Delicate creamy sauce with garlic

It’s hard to call such a recipe oriental (you’ll probably catch a “French trace” here), but nevertheless it will perfectly complement the taste of many oriental dishes, for example your favorite sushi. This sauce is very delicate, just like in childhood. Take:

  • 1 tbsp. l. butter
  • 2 tbsp. l. milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. cream
  • half a clove of garlic
  • cheese (ideally cheese with white mold) – 30-40 g

Fry chopped garlic in oil until a strong aroma appears. Then pour in cream, milk, and add finely crushed cheese. It should cook until the cheese is completely melted. Then it must be cooled. This is completely European and can be served not only with sushi and rolls, but also with vegetables, soups, and pasta.

Sushi sauce "Ponzu"

It is light and bright, you can not only buy it in stores, but also cook it yourself. Take:

  • ¾ regular soy sauce
  • ¼ cup dashi
  • half a cup of fresh lemon juice

Everything needs to be mixed in a convenient container and left in the refrigerator for a while. Dashi is a very flavorful fish broth simmered over very low heat. It is usually prepared from dried mackerel. You can also buy dashi in special stores in the form of a concentrated powder, and then simply dilute it in boiling water. The remainder of the concentrated powder can then be used to prepare broth as an addition to noodles, nigiri, and soups.

Cheese sauce for sushi and rolls

You won’t see it served in a restaurant with sushi, but it is where pieces of fish are mixed, which are then rolled into rolls. The recipe is simple: mix Philadelphia cheese and cream in a 3:1 ratio. This can be done either manually or using a blender. If by default you love cheese and everything connected with it, then you can eat sushi with this sauce - it’s delicious.

Peanut sauce

The aromatic nut butter can be used not only as delicious dressing to salads, but also use it with sushi and rolls. The taste is very unusual and rich. Take:

  • 4 tbsp. l. soy sauce
  • 4 tbsp. l. peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp. l. culinary wine Mirin
  • 2 tbsp. l. sesame oil
  • 3 tbsp. l. quality rice vinegar

In a saucepan, pour boiled water (1/2 cup) into the nut butter and stir over low heat. Add another half glass and stir again. The mixture should not boil and should be medium thick. Remove from heat, add soy sauce, sesame oil, vinegar and wine. Mix everything and cool. It will also perfectly complement the taste of seafood, vegetables, and salads.

Unagi sauce

This look goes well with everything oriental dishes, which contain salted or smoked eel. You can also use it with others fish dishes. To prepare it, take:

  • half a cup of soy sauce
  • half a cup of Mirin culinary wine
  • half a cup of sugar

In a saucepan, bring the wine to a boil so that all the alcohol evaporates. While boiling, add sugar and stir thoroughly until it dissolves. Then it’s the turn of soy sauce - after adding it, you need to bring the mixture to a boil again. After this it should become slightly thick and viscous. Cook it at this stage for up to 20 minutes over low heat. It will be quite thick. It must be cooled and served with dishes.

More recipes for sauces (both traditional and completely unusual) can be found on the Internet. Experiment, try it different recipes and pamper your taste buds!

How much does spicy sauce cost (average price for 1 liter)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

Spicy sauce- a traditional Japanese sauce loved by Europeans. In the classic version, it is used as a dressing for vegetable salads, but the most common application is sushi. The sauce gives the dishes it is served with a particularly piquant, spicy taste and a unique aroma.

When preparing sushi, spicy sauce is added immediately before baking, then they acquire more delicate taste and a beautiful golden blush. Although spice is used not only in hot types of sushi, it is also indispensable in cold-cooked recipes - the dish gets an unsurpassed rich taste.

Ingredients of Spicy Sauce

According to many, classic dishes must have one recipe, which invariably includes certain products in strictly specified quantities. This law has nothing to do with the recipe for spicy sauce - each cook prepares his own classic sauce, the name of the products and their ratio depend only on taste, desire and, probably, in the kitchen this is the most important thing - the mood of the cook. Therefore, preparing it at home will not be difficult; for this you need to stock up on a few ingredients, which can be purchased at any sushi store near you, and the mood. The average calorie content of spicy sauce is 502 kcal per 100g. and depends on the recipe.

What you need to make spicy sauce

Despite the numerous recipes, there are basic ingredients that can only be replaced with equivalent ones natural products of European origin. In spicy sauce, such a product is Kyupie mayonnaise. With a delicate and fine texture, Japanese mayonnaise has a light and unobtrusive taste, while in terms of fat content it can only be compared with natural mayonnaise prepared with olive oil.

Simple recipes for unrivaled spicy sauce

Kyupi mayonnaise or our equivalent equivalent in the amount of 1 tbsp. Place in a gravy boat or small cup.


literally a few drops of soy sauce, chopped garlic (1 clove), the amount of chili pepper is determined by the taste preferences of those who will eat; half a teaspoon of caviar flying fish(in addition to its delicate aroma and taste, it gives the dish a beautiful color).

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed to create an unrivaled classic spicy sauce.

Are you unhappy with the taste and smell of soy sauce? It can be easily replaced Thai sauce Sriracha, which is smoked spicy chili. Then you don’t need to add pepper to the spice, but you should soften the spice with a few drops of sesame oil.

By adding Kimchee paste to mayonnaise and relying on your taste for red pepper, you will get a completely different spicy sauce.

By replacing tobiko caviar in the previous recipe and adding a little onion and garlic, you get a sauce with a more pronounced aroma.

Please note: all ingredients are similar, but give ready-made dish its unique aroma and taste. Try combining them and you will get the sauce that will become your signature!

Recently, there are more and more fans of Japanese cuisine in our country. Housewives try to prepare many dishes tasted in a specialized restaurant at home, and most often successfully. When preparing Japanese dishes at home, you should pay special attention to sauces. After all, without them, traditional Japanese dishes will not have their characteristic taste. The most common condiment in Japan is spicy sauce. In fact, this is not even one specific sauce, but a group of sauces united by a common name. All of them have a rather delicate consistency, but the taste is piquant, sometimes even truly “fiery”. Sushi and rolls are often served with more soft options spicy sauce, more spicy for meat.

Cooking features

There are many recipes for spicy sauce. You can choose any one, it is only important to know some of the secrets of its preparation.

  • Spicy sauce often includes specific ingredients characteristic of Japanese cuisine. Most of them are not difficult to get in large cities - they are sold in specialized departments of almost all supermarkets. But it is more difficult for residents of the outback to get them - they need to go to a larger populated area or order them online. But in fact, this is not necessary: ​​most of these products can be replaced with domestic analogues, and the taste of the sauce will not be significantly affected. For example, kimchi sauce can be replaced with any other hot sauce, the only important thing is that it is very hot, and Japanese kyupie mayonnaise can be replaced with regular high-calorie mayonnaise. Instead of flying fish caviar, you can add pollock caviar to the sauce - not every gourmet can tell the difference.
  • Spicy sauce often includes hot peppers. It's best to take fresh pepper chili, grinding it yourself. However, you need to remember that to process hot pepper You need to wear gloves, otherwise you can get burned.
  • In Japan, spicy sauce is most often prepared with the addition of soy sauce. It can be included in the composition, even if it is not indicated in the recipe, by partially or completely replacing water or salt with it. The main thing to remember is that soy sauce is salty and should be added in moderation.

After cooking, you need to wait time for the sauce to cool and infuse - this rule applies regardless of the chosen recipe.

Spicy sauce for meat

  • water – 80 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar (6 percent) – 180 ml;
  • chili pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • sesame oil – 20 ml;
  • soy sauce – 15 ml;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • onion– 25 g;
  • cane sugar – 15 g;
  • Worcestershire sauce– 10 ml;
  • ground cumin - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the pepper. Mix sesame oil with a little salt or soy sauce. Lubricate the peppers well with it, after drying them with a napkin. Sesame oil can be replaced with olive or another type of vegetable oil.
  • Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and place peppers on it. Place the pan in the oven for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the peppers and cool. Remove the skin from them, remove the seeds from them. Cut the pulp into small pieces.
  • Peel the onion and cut a piece of the required size. Place it in the blender jar. Add pieces of pepper and garlic cloves there.
  • Grind these ingredients to a paste.
  • Pour oil into a small frying pan and add spicy vegetable paste. Fry it for 2-3 minutes.
  • In one container, mix soy sauce, vinegar and water, in another - squeezed lime juice, sugar, Worcestershire sauce and ground cumin.
  • First, pour the vinegar mixture into the pan. After 3 minutes, add the lime juice, sugar and seasoning mixture.
  • Mix everything well and simmer under the lid for 5 minutes.
  • Cool and blend with a blender until the sauce has a uniform consistency.

After this, the sauce can be poured into clean glass containers and cooled. If the jars are sterilized and hermetically sealed, then such sauce can be stored even at room temperature. Due to the high content of natural preservatives, the shelf life of spicy sauce prepared according to the specified recipe is very long - it will not disappear for 2 years.

Spicy sauce for rolls and sushi

  • Japanese mayonnaise – 30 g;
  • soy sauce – 35 ml;
  • olive oil– 15 ml;
  • chili pepper – 3 pcs.;
  • flying fish caviar – 45 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash, dry the peppers with napkins and place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15 minutes.
  • Cool the baked peppers and remove any charred skins. Be sure to remove the seeds.
  • Grind the pepper pulp in a blender, mixing with olive oil.
  • Mix mayonnaise with soy sauce.
  • Combine all ingredients except flying fish caviar. Whisk until the sauce has a uniform consistency.
  • Add flying fish roe and mix the sauce with a blender or mixer.

Don't be confused by the fact that there was only a little sauce - it is not so mild in taste that it can be eaten with spoons. The resulting sauce is enough to feed a group of 4-6 people with rolls with spicy sauce.

Spicy sauce for fish and seafood

  • soy mayonnaise (can be replaced with regular mayonnaise) – 80 ml;
  • pollock caviar – 65 g;
  • spicy tomato sauce– 10 ml;
  • chili pepper – 1 pc.;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) – 5 ml;
  • ground black and white pepper, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the pepper. Remove the seeds from it. Grind the pulp in a blender to form a paste.
  • Mix the pepper mixture with mayonnaise.
  • Add vinegar, a pinch of white and black pepper, salt, and tomato sauce.
  • Beat with a whisk or mixer.
  • Add pollock roe and beat again.

This sauce recipe is the most common, so many consider it a classic. It is ideal for fish and seafood, but it can also be served with rolls, vegetables, and rice. That is, this sauce is almost universal.

Spicy sauce should not be consumed by children, pregnant women, the elderly, or those who suffer from hypertension or peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

Spicy is a whole group of aromatic and spicy sauces that are popular not only in Japanese cooking. Initially they were served and used exclusively for national dishes. Today, spice is popular all over the world. The spicy additive goes perfectly with rolls, meat, fish, poultry and seafood. It's hard to find a dish that it doesn't go well with.

Spicy sauce - general principles of preparation

Spicy pastes and other additives. Many spicy recipes use chili pastes, kimchi sauce and other similar ingredients. They can be purchased in specialty stores or supermarket departments. There you can also buy flying fish caviar, Worcestershire sauce, Japanese mayonnaise “Kyupie”, but I often replace it with our usual mayonnaise based on eggs and butter, which can also be done.

Soy sauce. A frequent guest of spicy sauces. If the recipe does not call for it, but water is used, then you can add and even replace it. But do not forget about the pronounced taste and saltiness of the product; you should be careful with spices.

Chilli. Of course, it’s best to use natural pods, chop them, and cook them yourself, but it’s faster and easier if you use pastes or replace them with dry ground pepper.

Vegetables. They are rarely added to sauces. Usually this is garlic, onion, there are recipes with the addition of tomato. Vegetables are sautéed, chopped, and combined with the total mass according to the recipe.

Vinegar. Also add lime juice or plain lemon. These ingredients give original taste, and also serve as additional preservatives that extend shelf life. This is especially important when adding fresh caviar to the sauce.

Spicy sauce for rolls

One of most popular recipes spicy sauce, which is used for rolls. Everything is prepared very quickly and easily if you have chili paste. You can replace it with a well-chopped pod hot pepper.


1 tsp. chili paste;

30 grams of soy sauce;

30 grams of mayonnaise:

40 grams of flying fish caviar.


1. In general, it is better to use Japanese mayonnaise for the sauce. But the simplest sauce will also do. Place it in a bowl.

2. Add chili paste. Grind with mayonnaise until smooth. If you need a less spicy version of the sauce, you can reduce the amount of paste slightly or add half a spoon for a slight piquancy.

3. Now we dilute all this with soy sauce. There is no need to add any more spices. Stir.

4. Add flying fish eggs and you’re done! All that remains is to stir the sauce and you can go make the rolls.

Spicy sauce with soy mayonnaise

This recipe is considered by many to be classic, which is very controversial. If there is no soy mayonnaise, then use regular medium-fat sauce.


2 tsp. tomato sauce;

1 chili pod;

1 tsp. vinegar;

65 g pollock caviar;

White and black pepper, salt.


1. Grind a hot chili pod or take a similar amount of Japanese paste.

2. Combine pepper and mayonnaise. Salt, add black and white pepper for flavor, one pinch of each type is enough, add vinegar. Grind it.

3. Add the prepared pollock roe and stir.

4. Close with a tight lid.

5. Place the spice in the refrigerator and give spicy sauce leave for two hours.

Spicy sauce with kimchi

Another version of spicy sauce based on mayonnaise. Additionally, you will need Japanese kimchi paste and a little soy sauce.


3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;

1 tsp. kimchi;

1 tsp. soy sauce;

1 pinch of pepper.


1. Place mayonnaise in a small bowl. We use the sauce to your taste, fat content also does not matter.

2. Add kimchi. Grind the mayonnaise with the paste until smooth.

3. Only after this add the sauce and stir.

4. Throw in a pinch of pepper. You can use a mixture of peppers, it will be even more flavorful. The sauce is ready! If everything is well mixed, then you can use it immediately, no need to insist.

Spicy garlic sauce with Worcestershire sauce

A variant of a very aromatic multi-ingredient spicy sauce. A required ingredient is Worcestershire sauce.


25 ml Worcestershire sauce;

17 cloves of garlic;

8 pods of hot pepper;

100 grams of olive oil;

60 g onion;

60 grams of sugar;

260 ml water;

200 ml Japanese vinegar;

5 g cumin.


1. Pour olive oil into a frying pan and let it heat up.

2. Cut the onion, lay it out and fry it a little.

3. We also chop the hot pepper pods, add them to the onion, and lightly simmer everything together.

4. Cut the peeled garlic cloves into pieces and add to the onion and chili pepper. Cook together until soft. Do not fry too much and stir constantly.

5. Remove from heat. Cool slightly.

6. Puree the vegetables with a blender until smooth. The result will be a very spicy paste.

7. Add Worcestershire sauce, cumin, then Japanese vinegar to it and stir well.

8. Now you need to dilute the mass with boiled water. You can take some of the soy sauce and leave out the salt. We do what we like best.

9. Squeeze the juice from the limes. You can take regular lemons, but then one is enough.

10. At the end we put granulated sugar, which will make the taste softer, stir. We close the vessel with a tight lid so that the aromas do not evaporate. Let the sauce sit in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Spicy sauce with roasted peppers

The recipe is a very beautiful and bright sauce, which is prepared on the basis of baked chili pods and bell peppers. They can be prepared in advance if you are cooking something in the oven.


2 sweet peppers;

4 chili pods;

1 tsp. kimchi;

4 tablespoons of oil;

60 ml soy sauce;

10 g sugar;

2 tsp. Japanese vinegar.


1. Coat the pepper with olive oil or plain vegetable oil. Place the pods on the grill. Cook at 200 degrees until golden brown. If the chili cooks faster, take it out earlier. Let cool.

2. Carefully remove the baked skin and remove the seeds. We only need tender pulp. Place the prepared pieces in a blender container and prepare the sauce in it.

3. Grind the peppers for a minute.

4. Add kimchi and remaining oil, beat again.

5. Dilute the mixture with soy sauce, add vinegar and sugar to improve the taste.

6. Now we beat the sauce for the last time, bring it to a homogeneous paste and you're done! Serve to Japanese dishes or just meat.

Spicy sauce with Tabasco

A variant of a very spicy, interesting, but easy to prepare sauce. The whole process will take no more than five minutes. Additionally you will need fresh garlic.


2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;

1 tbsp. l. Tabasco sauce;

1 tbsp. l. soy sauce;

2 cloves of garlic;

0.5 tsp. chili paste.


1. The longest part of this recipe is peeling and chopping the garlic. Remove the husks and quickly chop or grate. Or we will use a special press.

2. Now add all the remaining ingredients according to the recipe to the garlic. If you don't have chili paste, you can add a third of a teaspoon of dry red pepper.

3. Thoroughly rub the ingredients with a spoon. The aromatic and spicy spice is ready!

Spicy sauce with sesame oil and onions

Another vegetable option spicy sauce, which uses white onions and sesame oil.


2 tbsp. l. sesame oil;

2 tbsp. l. olive oils;

80 g white onion;

4 cloves of garlic;

30 ml soy sauce;

1 tsp. chili paste;

10 ml rice vinegar;

30 g tomato sauce;

5 g ginger (fresh root).


1. Peel the white onion and garlic, cut everything into pieces, and put them together in the oil in a frying pan. Sauté until soft.

2. Peel the ginger, chop it, add it to the vegetables, immediately pour in the vinegar and add tomato sauce. You can use any ketchup you like.

3. Stir everything in a frying pan, heat the ingredients for about a minute to release the aroma, remove from heat, and cool slightly.

4. Transfer the vegetables to a blender, add chili paste to them and immediately pour in soy sauce. Grind until smooth.

5. At the end, add sesame oil to the sauce and stir.

Spicy sauce with smoked eel

This is not only a sauce, but also a complete snack. A small amount of smoked eel ennobles and gives amazing aroma. The sauce can be served with rolls, just with rice, pasta, or used for tartlets and sandwiches.


100 g smoked eel;

100 g Japanese mayonnaise;

30 ml soy sauce;

1 tsp. chili paste;

1 tsp. kimchi;

0.5 lime.


1. Squeeze the juice out of the lime; you don’t have to strain it, but it’s better to remove any seeds that accidentally fall in.

2. Mix mayonnaise with lime and soy sauce.

3. Add kimchi and immediately add chili paste. Or grind the fresh pod to a pulp and mix with the main mass.

4. First cut the smoked eel into thin strips, then into small pieces across.

5. Pour the eel into the sauce and stir.

6. Cover and leave in the refrigerator for an hour. The eel will be soaked in the sauce and impart its aroma.

If you plan to make the sauce for future use, then you should not immediately add caviar, fresh herbs, and vegetables to it. It’s better to prepare a spicy concentrate that will last well in the refrigerator for several weeks, diluting the base if necessary the right ingredients.

Spicy tolerates temperature changes and changes in condition well. If there is a large amount of sauce left or it contains perishable ingredients, you can pour it into an airtight container and put it in the freezer.

Kimchi - spicy sauce with ginger, garlic and others aromatic ingredients. It is important not to confuse it with the same name Korean dish from cabbage.