What seasonings are added to buckwheat porridge? Merchant-style buckwheat: simple recipes for every day

Ready-made seasoning for buckwheat... interesting, I'll have to try it. We love buckwheat as a family and cook it all the time.

I bought a packet of buckwheat seasoning to try and decided to cook it according to the recipe (on the back of the package).

Kamis is a Polish manufacturer of quality seasonings. The bag contains 20 g. The price of the bag is 29 rubles. The bag is bright, cute, high quality, metallized.

The seasoning is a yellow-orange-mustard colored heterogeneous powder. It can be seen that there are salt crystals in it. The aroma from the bag is very rich. The seasoning from the packet smells of ginger, mustard, paprika, coriander and cumin.

According to the recipe on the package, the entire packet (20 g) of seasoning is designed for 1.5 cups of dry buckwheat (250 g). The consumption is as follows: 1.5 cups of buckwheat, 3 cups of water, 4-5 tablespoons of vegetable oil (olive oil is possible) and 20 g of buckwheat seasoning. Since the seasoning already contains salt, there is no need to add salt.

Seasoning was added to the water during cooking, there is an official method for this. Kamis website. I took 5 tablespoons of olive oil. spoons

The finished buckwheat turned out excellent: airy, steamed and crumbly.

I liked that the finished buckwheat did not change color and did not turn yellowish.

But, the smell and taste of buckwheat turned out to be very spicy, and just cooked hot buckwheat is too spicy (due to ginger and mustard, probably because of the black and hot peppers not included). In my opinion, consuming 20 g of seasoning per 1.5 cups of dry buckwheat (as indicated on the package) is a big overkill.

Although the composition contains a concentrate forest mushrooms and even porcini mushrooms, the mushroom aroma is not felt either in the seasoning or in the prepared buckwheat.

In addition to the fact that the finished buckwheat turns out to be very spicy, it turns out to be too hot (for porridge), sour and a little too salty.

The taste is not for everyone. Some people in our family liked this buckwheat, but I didn’t like it.

This buckwheat is only suitable for an adult with a healthy stomach. It is not suitable for children. Name dietary dish Buckwheat boiled with such an amount of this seasoning (20 g per 250 g) is no longer possible.

I won’t buy buckwheat seasoning again.

From the manufacturer (information from the official website):

Seasoning for buckwheat Kamis– this is a great way to diversify your dishes from this truly traditional Russian grain. Buckwheat seasoning is a bright and rich mixture of spices and vegetables. Our seasoning enhances the taste of buckwheat, revealing new facets of the taste of this grain.


You need to add seasoning to ready-made buckwheat at the time of adding butter. If you are using vegetable oil, you can first stir the seasoning in the oil so that the taste is revealed, and season the finished cereal with the resulting mixture. The seasoning can also be added during cooking while the water with buckwheat is boiling - then the taste of the seasoning will be more subtle and delicate. One packet of seasoning is enough for 250 g of dry cereal. The seasoning already contains salt, so there is no need to add additional salt to the buckwheat.

Ingredients: salt, mustard, sugar, coriander, cumin, sweet paprika, garlic, allspice, juniper fruits, rosemary, wild mushroom concentrate, porcini mushroom.

No added MSG.

A recipe for delicious buckwheat, which is fried in spices and due to this it turns out not only tasty, but also very aromatic and crumbly. The recipe was sent by Svetlana Kolyasa:

This time I want to offer you a recipe for buckwheat porridge
I’m sure everyone knows how to cook buckwheat, but I don’t think you’ve cooked it this way before ;).

As they say, “laziness is the engine of progress,” and it’s true. On the day when I was too lazy to even grate carrots, I ended up with this dish :).

Delicious buckwheat fried in spices


  • 200 g buckwheat
  • 500 ml water (this is an approximate amount)
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
  • salt to taste
    (I put 2/3 tsp.)
  • spices:
    • mustard seeds – 1 tsp. (I like black mustard, but that's not important)
    • asafoetida – 1/4-1 tsp. (depending on concentration)
    • turmeric – 1/2-1 tsp.
    • ground ginger – 1/2 tsp.
    • ground black pepper – 1/2 tsp.
    • ground coriander – 1/2 tsp.
    • nutmeg – 1/6-1/4 tsp.
    • black salt – 1/3 tsp.

*I add all the spices in heaps, regardless of whether the spoon is full or not

How to cook delicious buckwheat - recipe:

Our delicious buckwheat porridge is ready! It tastes like buckwheat chicken broth. This buckwheat is very tasty to eat with ketchup, any tomato sauce, mustard, or salad. It can also be added to minced meat for or.

But if you have an ulcer or gastritis, then eliminate ginger and reduce the amount of black pepper.

Now I’m hooked on it, I cook it for myself every day :). I hope you like it too ;).

Delicious buckwheat with spices

P.S. If you liked the recipe, !

Bon appetit!

Julia author of the recipe

5 months ago

8 min to read

Buckwheat is a magical grain, rich in vitamins and free of gluten, and the right seasoning for buckwheat can make porridge very tasty. The nutty flavor, high content of magnesium, B vitamins and even a little protein make buckwheat an ideal meal.

Everyone knows the famous joke about the cat and buckwheat: indeed, it is unlikely that anyone will like to eat the same cereal every day. But with buckwheat things are different. The fact is that great amount variations in preparation and combination with other products makes buckwheat an almost universal product. It is impossible not to love buckwheat, especially if you know what seasonings it is combined with and learn how to cook the grain correctly.

Features and types of cereals

Every person has heard about the benefits of buckwheat. It is a “healthy grain” that is gluten-free but still rich in protein and iron. In cooking, buckwheat does not have to be consumed only in the form of porridge. It is used to make cereals, breads and baked goods. Raw foodists love to sprout buckwheat, and the French make their famous biscuits from it.

Buckwheat is not a grain at all. Wheat, rice, millet, oats, barley, corn and rye are all monocot grains (family Poaceae). While buckwheat comes from the Polygonaceae family and is a dicotyledon. Maybe finish with botany.

Buckwheat ("grechka" or "grechka") is very common in Russia. Apparently, to express love for this type of cereal, a popular mono-diet was developed, where all a person can eat is just cooked buckwheat (sometimes even without salt)! It is definitely better to avoid such experiments. Otherwise, a person who is on a diet will never touch buckwheat again.

In Russian cuisine, it is fried cereals that are popular, and not green ones, which are so popular abroad. Green (not fried) buckwheat is actually very good too. Interestingly, it can even be sprouted. But it tastes different, atypical for a Russian person. After cooking it becomes soft. But many people love buckwheat precisely for the opportunity to see every grain.

How to cook buckwheat porridge

Cooking buckwheat is so easy that even children can cope with this task. You just need to follow these rules:

  1. Adhere to a 1:2 ratio - the ratio of the volumes of buckwheat and water. In other words, you should take 2 cups of water to 1 cup of dry cereal. At what level the water is, that’s how much buckwheat you’ll end up with. It is important not to forget to add a little salt to the water.
  2. Buckwheat should be added to the water only when it boils, and not at the beginning. It is advisable to use a container with a tight lid for cooking.
  3. When the buckwheat is placed in boiling water, you need to let the water boil a second time. After which it is important to reduce the heat as much as possible.
  4. Now you can forget about cereal for the next 15-20 minutes. The result should be a fluffy porridge without visible water. At this point, you can turn off the heat and let the grain sit for another 10-20 minutes.

As a finishing touch, lightly stir the cereal with a fork. Now it is ready to eat.

There is nothing wrong with removing undercooked buckwheat from the heat (if there is some water left at the bottom). You just need to let it cool: the cereal will absorb all the moisture. Interestingly, some people even simply pour boiling water over buckwheat and leave it to “cook” overnight (or several hours). And there is nothing wrong with this method either!

When bringing the porridge to taste, you should take into account the taste characteristics of this cereal. Since buckwheat is very fluffy and a little dry, it's definitely worth adding fat to it. For example, a great addition would be olive oil. The humble combination of grains and butter will be rich in flavor! Buckwheat with the addition of butter will have a truly homemade taste. In any case, 4-10 g of oil per serving will be enough. Animal fat (for example, from poultry) also goes very well with buckwheat.

Another typical product that works great in combination with buckwheat is unrefined sunflower oil. It has a very unique taste roasted sunflower seeds, thanks to which any dish with its addition will have a unique pleasant taste and rich aroma.

Fats should be added to the cereal at the stage when the porridge has already been removed from the heat. At the same time, the temperature of the buckwheat should still be high in order for the fats to melt properly.

What to eat buckwheat with

There are 3 most common ways to eat your amazing porridge: in pure form, use it as a side dish for meat and poultry or in the form of milk porridge.

Let's consider what spices can be added to porridge. In addition to fats, buckwheat can be combined with the following products, which will make it a delightful gastronomic company:

  • chopped greens ( green onions, dill, parsley, basil);
  • stewed fresh mushrooms;
  • fried or caramelized onions;
  • chopped hard-boiled egg;
  • any gravy.

Buckwheat goes very well with beef, pork and poultry, as well as meatballs and cutlets from minced meat. Some people practice adding stewed meat to the porridge. Perhaps the most popular variation of gravy for porridge is fried carrots and onions. You can also add a little to this mixture tomato paste. Overall, the tomato flavor complements the buckwheat perfectly. That is why it can be combined with, for example, your favorite ketchup and fresh tomatoes. The last option is a typical summer dish. Although many people like the combination of buckwheat with meat, this cereal makes an unsuccessful tandem with fish. For this reason, you should avoid adding canned fish to buckwheat. It's better to leave them for rice!

We should not forget about sweet buckwheat. Buckwheat with milk is a legacy of Soviet cuisine in all its glory. The most interesting thing is that for of this dish There is no need to cook buckwheat with milk at all. You just need to heat the milk and then pour it into the pre-cooked buckwheat porridge. So, as if in place of cereals - flakes or any other quick breakfast. You can also add a little sugar, honey or a piece of butter. Some people don’t even neglect to include dried fruits and nuts in their servings.

To get gastronomic pleasure from cereals, you can add mushrooms fried in oil, a chopped hard-boiled egg and some finely chopped favorite herbs. There are a lot of variations with greens. For example, you can fry it on a melted piece of lard with the addition of onions.

As for spices and spices, you can use them to enrich the taste of porridge. For buckwheat, the best options are:

  • allspice;
  • cumin;
  • turmeric;
  • cinnamon;
  • and cloves.

Black mustard, dill seeds or greens, asafoetida, chili, curry - all these spices go well with buckwheat and emphasize the uniqueness of the dish and make the taste of the porridge unforgettable.

How to cook the perfect buckwheat: culinary secrets

Although buckwheat porridge is an ordinary and everyday dish, the process of its preparation also has its own characteristics. Here are some secrets to successful porridge:

  1. Thorough washing of the cereal will remove dust from the surface of the grains. In addition, at the same time it is worth checking the buckwheat for the presence of small stones and other foreign objects. It is worth rinsing the cereal from 3 to 5 times. As a result, the water that remains after buckwheat should be clear and clean, like drinking water.
  2. Piercing the cereal in a hot frying pan is a secret that only a select few know about. This process enhances the nutty flavor of buckwheat. It is enough to simply pour the porridge into a warm frying pan and protect it until all the moisture remaining after washing has evaporated. After the grains stop sticking to each other and begin to scatter across the pan with a quiet rustle, the cereal should be kept on the fire for another 2-4 minutes.
  3. The choice of cookware for cooking buckwheat is an important factor. For example, it is recommended to use ceramic or cast iron pot. Although any other pan will work too!

It is worth noting that it is not necessary to use water as the liquid for the cereal. A richer taste can be obtained by adding milk, meat or vegetable broth, mushroom broth.

Red buckwheat recipe

Peel one onion and a few cloves of garlic and chop finely. First fry until golden crust onion for 3 minutes, then add garlic to the pan. After one minute, place about 250 g of buckwheat and three times as much boiling water into a container. Add spices and cook until tender. At this time, peel 1 medium-sized boiled or baked beetroot. Grate and add 30 ml lemon juice. Add to porridge. Keep on fire for another 3-4 minutes, then remove.

Vegetable buckwheat

To 200 g of raw buckwheat add some frozen green peas, pre-chopped bell pepper, zucchini, carrots, mushrooms, Brussels sprouts and onion, garlic to taste. Place in a baking dish. Pour in 500 ml of water. Cover with foil. Bake in the oven at 190 degrees for 30 minutes.

Previously, we always cooked meat and buckwheat porridge separately as a side dish. This continued until ready-made seasonings for buckwheat in the merchant style appeared on sale. But, of course, it’s better to collect all the seasonings and vegetables yourself; it’s tastier and more enjoyable to cook.

Cut the onion into half rings and start frying in a large deep frying pan.

Grate carrots onto coarse grater, finely chop the garlic and pour everything into the same frying pan.

Cut this into small pieces chicken fillet. Mix everything and fry.
Of course, you can choose any spices to your taste, it’s okay even if there are none at all, you can even get by with the standard salt and pepper.
I added a little granulated garlic, I think it still has a completely different taste. It is better to add curry if you have already eaten it before and you definitely liked it, because the taste is still specific and quite bright.
Salt to taste.

Following the spices, add buckwheat. If it was necessary, then, of course, you first need to wash it and remove the garbage.

Pour two glasses of clean cold water, mix everything, cover with a lid and send to simmer. When it boils, reduce the heat and leave to simmer until done.

When the buckwheat is cooked, turn off the stove, add the chopped dill and cover with a lid for a couple more minutes.

That's all. You can invite your family to dinner.

Bon appetit!

* Approximate cost of ingredients for the dish

carrots - 11.3 rubles/kg - 120 g - 1.36 rubles
onion - 21 rub/kg - 90 g - 1.26 rub
chicken fillet - 256.1 rub/kg - 220 g - 56.34 rub
buckwheat - 75.02 rubles/kg - 220 rubles - 16.5 rubles

Total (excluding spices):
For a dish - 75.46 rubles
Per serving - 18.87 RUR

** Information for those who count calories

Dish/100 g:
Proteins - 77.5/8.6
Fats - 69.3/7.7
Carbohydrates - 136.6/15.2
Energy value (kcal) - 1480/164.4

Cooking time: PT00H30M 30 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 19 rub.

", we immediately remember about buckwheat porridge - it seems that one is inseparable from the other. Buckwheat has long and firmly settled on our tables and this is not surprising, because there is no healthier and tastier cereal (the last statement, of course, is subjective, but I think many will agree with it). Buckwheat contains almost complete protein; the cereal contains a wealth of vitamins and useful microelements, in terms of iron content it can compete with fish or red meat, and it also contains calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

One of the advantages of buckwheat is that it is not afraid of weeds and is completely unpretentious, therefore it does not need to be treated with chemicals, and is not used when growing it. Buckwheat is considered environmentally friendly pure product precisely because of this. Genetic modifiers have not yet reached this grain - so we have not yet seen genetically modified buckwheat in stores. Let's not forget that buckwheat is grown mainly in Altai, in one of the cleanest regions of our country.

Buckwheat promotes weight loss, indicated for various diseases, for example, and cardiovascular. Nutritionists recommend eating buckwheat at the beginning of the day, for breakfast and lunch, as complex carbohydrates satiate you for a long time and provide the body with energy throughout the day.

Buckwheat is one of the easiest grains to cook; it seems impossible to spoil it, except perhaps undercooking or burning it, but these are already extreme options. And yet buckwheat also has its secrets.


Non-enamel cookware with a thick bottom is best. For example, a small cast iron duckling pan. If the bottom of the pan is slightly convex, this is generally an ideal option, as this will ensure maximum evaporation of liquid from the bottom. And don’t forget that the lid should fit very well on the pan.


It is best to heat the cereal a little before cooking. This is usually done dry, without oil. But if you add a couple of teaspoons of vegetable oil, the taste of the cereal will only benefit. Therefore, both options are possible and good.


It should fit very tightly to the saucepan. During the cooking process, the lid must not be removed and the porridge must not be stirred. And while the cereal is cooking, it is better not to interfere with the process.



After the cereal has absorbed all the water and cooked, turn off the heat under the pan, and leave the porridge for 10 minutes without removing the lid - leave it to rest so that it reveals its taste even more.

Porridge with onions and mushrooms

Excellent porridge is obtained if you add finely chopped raw onion in the middle of cooking. It needs to be thrown into the thickening porridge, quickly closed with a lid and not stirred. You can also add ground whites to the cereal dried mushrooms(per glass of cereal - 2 small pieces). There is no need to soak them, just grind them into dust in a coffee grinder and throw them into buckwheat poured with boiling water. Porridge with mushroom “broth” will teach you something.


After cooking, buckwheat porridge can be seasoned fried onions, porcini mushrooms, chopped eggs, butter. It is best to add additives after the porridge has simmered for 10 minutes. And leave it for another 5 minutes - soak in the smell.

Pumpkin stuffed with buckwheat porridge

1 small pumpkin

1 cup buckwheat

2 glasses of water

2 onions

3 tbsp. l. sunflower oil for frying

1/3 tsp. coriander

Salt and pepper to taste

Step 1. Fry the buckwheat in a small amount of oil. Pour 2 cups of boiling water, bring to a boil and cook until half cooked.

Step 2. Wash the pumpkin, cut off the top, remove the seeds and pulp. It is convenient to hollow out the pumpkin with a tablespoon with a strong handle.

Step 3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the coriander in it for half a minute, then throw in the onion, cut into half rings. Fry until golden brown.

Step 4. Add chopped pumpkin pulp to the onion small cubes. Pepper and salt. Then add buckwheat to the vegetables and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.

Step 5. Preheat the oven to 180 C, place the porridge with onions and pumpkin pulp inside the pumpkin, close with the cut off lid, and place it on a greased baking sheet. Bake for about 30-40 minutes until the lid is tender. Serve hot.

Buckwheat pancakes

4 cups buckwheat flour

2.5 glasses of water

2 glasses of milk

A packet of dry yeast

2 tbsp. l. Sahara

Salt to taste

2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

Step 1. Dilute half the flour with 2 cups of almost boiling water. Stir so that there are no lumps. Let cool. And add yeast diluted in half a glass of warm water.

Step 2. Leave for an hour in a warm place, covered with a towel.

Step 3. Separate the yolks from the whites. Add salt to the whites and put in the refrigerator, and grind the yolks with sugar until white (sugar is added to taste, with the indicated amount you will get almost savory pancakes, which are good with fish and pickles).

Step 4. Add the yolks with sugar, the remaining flour, slightly warmed milk, salt to the dough, mix well and leave for another 30-40 minutes. After the dough has risen, add the whites whipped into a strong foam.

Step 5. Heat a frying pan, pour sunflower oil into the outlet, prick half a potato (washed) or onion on a fork and grease the frying pan with this structure.

Step 6. Bake pancakes, then serve them with pickles, sour cream, herring and red fish. Or with jam.

Buckwheat cutlets with spicy curd filling

1 cup buckwheat

250 g cottage cheese

2 glasses of water

30 g cilantro

2 cloves garlic

2 tbsp. l. butter

100 g suluguni

Pepper and salt to taste

½ tsp. cumin

Step 1. Add 1 egg to the cottage cheese, crush the garlic and grind thoroughly. Add salt and pepper and finely chopped cilantro.

Step 2. Cook buckwheat porridge, first frying the cereal with cumin (30 seconds) for 1 tbsp. l. butter.

Step 3. Cool the porridge a little, put an egg in it and knead it thoroughly to form a viscous mass. Add grated cheese.

Step 4. Make flat cakes from the resulting buckwheat mass and put in them curd filling and form cutlets.

Step 5. Fry the cutlets in a well-heated frying pan until golden crispy. Serve with sour cream.