Green tea ice cubes are good for facial skin. Toning ice for the face from green tea Ice wash with green tea

Today, there are many ways to get rid of wrinkles. However, one of the most effective, but forgotten, is the use of ice cubes. It should be understood that the technique, despite its benefits, has certain contraindications and precautions. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of using ice cubes before actively using them. This is the only way to minimize the occurrence of side effects.

Benefits of ice for skin

Rubbing your face with ice cubes has many positive effects. It is no coincidence that since ancient times this method of skin toning has been actively used by the first beauties. Ice cubes have the following effects on the face:

  • Tighten sagging areas. The fact is that when the cube is held over the skin, small capillaries begin to narrow. Deeply located vessels, in turn, expand. These processes invariably lead to toning of the treated areas. With regular use of ice, sagging areas become firmer.
  • Helps to smoothen the skin. A sharp change in temperature has a positive effect on the smoothness of the face. In addition, the cubes prevent the formation of new depressions and bulges.
  • Makes skin fresher and more radiant. This improves the blood supply to the cells. When the latter receive oxygen and nutrients in abundance, the face becomes more well-groomed.
  • Accelerate tissue renewal. Due to the timely growth of young cells, the skin looks fresh.
  • Combats dark circles and puffiness. These formations are gradually eliminated due to the improvement of metabolism within the cells. The fact is that metabolism directly affects fluid retention in tissues.
  • Helps hydrate the skin. During the procedure, the ice melts and the cells are filled with fluid.
  • Harden the skin of the face. The immune system of the dermis is noticeably strengthened during the procedure. Due to this, the skin becomes less vulnerable to the aggressive effects of external factors.
  • Increase the elasticity of the dermis. This is facilitated by increased blood circulation, as well as alternate constriction and expansion of blood vessels.
  • Combat dry skin. Due to the saturation of the cells of the dermis with moisture and penetration into the tissues nutrients peelings are eliminated from the active composition of the cube.
  • Normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. During the procedure, the pores are narrowed and the activity of bacteria on the surface of the skin is reduced, due to which the risk of pimples and black spots is minimized.

Indications for the use of ice cubes for the skin

In addition to small and already noticeable wrinkles, the main indications for the use of ice cubes for the face are:

  • oily dermis,
  • skin laxity,
  • permanent peeling.

Rules for the use of ice cubes

The use of ice cubes for the face includes three main steps:

  1. Preparing the skin for the procedure.
  2. Main steps.
  3. Follow-up facial.

Preparing the skin for the procedure

Preparing the skin for the procedure is no less important step than the main steps. Many neglect this moment, but in vain. The fact is that properly prepared skin absorbs the active components of the cube composition better. It should also be borne in mind that it is thanks to this stage that the risk of side effects from the procedure is reduced.

When preparing the skin, follow the following algorithm:

  1. Remove makeup residue from your face, if any. You can do this with a cotton pad and micellar water or in any other convenient way. The fact is that foundation and other cosmetic products prevent the beneficial effects of nutrients on the skin.

    The first step in preparing the skin for the use of ice cubes is to remove make-up.

  2. Wash your face with a foam, gel, or other cleanser. It is also recommended to use a scrub to get rid of impurities in the pores as much as possible. Remember that you should finish the washing procedure with cold water, because immediately after this stage (for oily and combination skin) the use of ice cubes will follow.

    After removing decorative cosmetics, wash your face with gel or foam.

  3. If you are the owner / owner of dry or normal skin, then be sure to lubricate it with any basic pomace (almond, olive, etc.) or oily lotion. 3-5 drops will be enough. Remember that too thick a layer of the product will prevent the penetration of active substances into the cells.

    Almond oil will protect dry and sensitive skin from the aggressive effects of the ice cube.

Main steps

The main steps are the main component of the process of using ice cubes. That is why it is important to pay special attention to the study of this stage. Stick to the following algorithm:


Follow-up facial after rubbing the skin with ice cubes is necessary in order to consolidate and increase the effect of the procedure. In addition, this stage is designed to soothe the dermis after active exposure. Stick to the following algorithm:

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the benefits of ice for the face, this method of rejuvenation still has a number of contraindications. The latter include:

  • Low air temperature outside. The skin in this case and without ice is constantly exposed to the aggressive effects of cold. Excessive stress can negatively affect the health of the areas processed by the cube (face, decollete, etc.).
  • The presence of colds. In this case, the use of ice can provoke an aggravation of the patient's condition. The same can be said about chronic pathologies. The use of cubes in the presence of the latter can result in an exacerbation.
  • Couperose. Dilated vessels may become more noticeable when using ice. However, in this case, it is still recommended to consult a beautician, since in rare situations, cubes can have a positive effect on the course of the disease.
  • Skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema and others. When using ice, the existing pathologies can worsen. This leads to an increase in metabolic processes inside the cells.
  • Abrasions, cuts and other damage to the skin. Ice cubes slow down the "tightening" of wounds. In addition, during the procedure it is easy to bring infections into the recesses.
  • Excessive sensitivity of the skin. If after using the cubes the face remains red for a long time, then the anti-aging procedure should be abandoned. The fact is that exposure to cold is not suitable for everyone.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the composition of the cube. Be sure to test each new prescription used for an allergic reaction.

The main side effects of using ice cubes on your face are:

  • redness,
  • rash,
  • the appearance of a "vascular network",
  • occurrence/exacerbation of colds.

Precautionary measures

To reduce the risk of side effects when using facial ice cubes, take the following precautions:

  • Test everyone new recipe for individual intolerance. To do this, draw a cube on the wrist or the inside of the elbow. Try not to wash the treated area during the day. If, after the specified time, redness and rashes do not appear, then the composition suits you.
  • Do not hold the cube in one place for more than 4 seconds. The fact is that such experiments can lead to hypothermia of the treated area.
  • In no case do not use ice if there are contraindications.
  • Do not use the technique more than twice a day. If the composition of the cube contains aggressive components (coffee, etc.), up to one time will be enough. The skin must rest from active exposure so as not to get used to it. In addition, constant treatment of the face with cold can lead to a deterioration in its appearance.
  • Do not use an expired cube. Despite freezing, the active composition should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than 5 days. The fact is that a long-cooked cube will not bring significant benefits to your skin.
  • Do not wipe your face with a cube right before going outside. The fact is that irritated skin is more susceptible to the aggressive effects of wind, sun and other phenomena. environment. It is recommended to carry out the procedure at least an hour before going out.
  • If any side effect occurs, stop using ice immediately.

As a precaution, it is also recommended to consult with a professional beautician to make sure that the procedure is beneficial and safe for you. The specialist will accurately determine the appropriateness of the application of the technique.

Video: what ice is good for the face and how to use it correctly


Today, there are many recipes for making ice cubes aimed at eliminating wrinkles on the face. All of them are divided into groups depending on the main component. Try the suggested recipes:

  • Mint based. Most often, ice for wiping the face is prepared precisely on the basis of this herb. The fact is that mint perfectly refreshes the skin and tones it, which is especially important in adulthood. There are several ways to prepare cube formulations based on the described ingredient:
    • Traditional. Take two tablespoons of dry mint leaves and pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. Cover the container with the future infusion with a lid. After half an hour, strain the liquid and refrigerate it. Pour the mixture into moulds. The recipe is suitable for all skin types except dry. Mint cubes prepared in this way smooth out wrinkles, mattify the face and fight excess sebum.

      To prepare the composition, you should use not fresh, but dried mint

    • With milk. Add a few tablespoons of dry mint to 200 ml of boiling milk. When the liquid has cooled, strain it and pour into molds. The composition is ideal for moisturizing dry and sensitive skin. In addition, the milk-based recipe smoothes the relief on the surface of the face.

      Milk intensively softens the skin

    • With lime color. Combine dry herbs: mint, coltsfoot and lime blossom. Take one tablespoon of each ingredient. Pour the herbs with 250 ml of boiled water. When the infusion becomes cool, strain it and pour into molds. The recipe is designed to smooth wrinkles on dry skin.

      Dry linden flowers can be prepared independently or purchased at a pharmacy

    • With sage. Pour a glass of boiled water with a mixture of dry mint leaves and sage. Each ingredient should be taken in the amount of one tablespoon. After an hour, strain the liquid and pour it into molds. The composition is suitable for anti-aging care for dry and sensitive skin.

      Sage soothes the skin

  • Based on green tea. The latter is able to tone the skin, restore lost freshness and radiance to the face, and relieve puffiness. Green tea is indispensable in the fight against wrinkles and can compete with the most effective anti-aging cosmetics. Try the following recipes:
    • Classical. Brew a tablespoon of green tea in a glass of boiling water. Strain the cooled liquid and pour into molds. The recipe is suitable for all types of dermis. Such ice helps to improve the appearance of drooping and aging skin, mattifies, and also fights swelling under the eyes that are not associated with chronic diseases.

      Green tea effectively fights edema

    • With elderberry. Combine a tablespoon of elderflower with the same amount of dry green tea. Pour the resulting mixture with boiling water and leave for an hour. After the allotted time, strain the infusion and pour it into molds. Such cubes soothe excessively irritable skin and smooth out the first wrinkles.

      Elderberry flowers effectively relieve skin irritation

    • With lemon juice. Add a few tablespoons to a glass of cooled green tea. lemon juice. Pour the resulting liquid into molds. Such cubes effectively tone and smooth the surface of the face. The recipe is recommended for oily and combination skin. Remember that lemon juice bleaches the treated areas, so carefully follow the suggested dosage when using it.

      Lemon juice slightly whitens the skin

    • With cucumber. To 100 ml of cooled green tea, add four tablespoons of cucumber juice. The latter is desirable to squeeze out yourself. Pour the composition into molds and freeze. Ice is suitable for moisturizing mature skin of any type.

      Cucumber juice refreshes the skin and saturates it with moisture

    • With honey. To 250 warm green tea, add a tablespoon of honey. Pour the composition into molds and freeze. Such cubes tighten the skin and make it more elastic. Remember that honey helps to awaken hair follicles, therefore, with increased facial hair, the proposed composition is not recommended.
  • Chamomile based. Pour a few tablespoons of dried flowers with cool water (200 ml). Put the liquid on a slow fire, bring it to a boil and cool. A few hours after preparation, strain the drink and pour it into molds. The composition is suitable for any type of dermis. Chamomile helps to soften and mattify the skin. In addition, the flowers have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.

    Dried chamomile flowers can be purchased at any pharmacy.

  • Based on parsley. The latter contains a shock dose of vitamins A and C. Interestingly, the plant has a powerful antioxidant effect, which means it prevents premature skin aging. Try the following parsley wrinkle ice recipes:
    • Classical. Chop a few bunches of fresh parsley. In this case, you should take only the leaves. Pour the resulting mass with 500 ml of boiled water. Place the container with the liquid on a slow fire for a quarter of an hour. After that, cool the composition and strain. Pour the resulting liquid into molds and freeze. Cubes refresh and heal the skin, as well as prevent the formation of wrinkles and fight existing ones.

      Fresh parsley effectively heals and smoothes the skin

    • Bleaching. Pass enough parsley through the juicer to make 50 ml of the product. Combine the liquid with water in a 1:1 ratio and freeze. The composition tones, whitens and smoothes the skin.

      Fresh parsley juice helps to whiten and tone the skin

    • FROM tomato juice. Combine the latter with parsley juice in a ratio of 3: 1. Pour the resulting liquid into molds and freeze. The composition is suitable for anti-aging care for problem skin.

      Purchased tomato juice is also suitable for preparing the composition.

    • With black tea. Grind enough parsley to make three teaspoons of gruel. Add to the last 30 g of dry chamomile flowers and a tablespoon of dry black tea. Pour the resulting mixture with 500 ml of cool water and put on a strong (until boiling), and then on a slow fire. After 20-25 minutes of languor, cool and strain the liquid. Pour the composition into molds and freeze. These cubes soften, tone and cool the skin. In addition, the recipe helps to make the surface of the dermis more uniform in color.

      For the preparation of cubes, you should take ordinary black tea without additives.

  • Based on coffee. Coffee ice improves skin tone, makes it fresher, effectively copes with dark circles and fine wrinkles. Washing with such a cube, you can successfully cleanse the skin of minor acne and dead cells. Try the following recipes:
    • Standard. Brew half a tablespoon of natural ground coffee with 250 ml of boiling water. After 15-20 minutes, strain the liquid and distribute it among the freezer molds. Ready-made cubes have a pronounced lifting effect.

      Ground coffee effectively tones and smoothes the skin

    • With cream. tablespoon instant coffee dilute in 300 ml hot water. Add to drink 50 ml heavy cream. Pour the composition into molds and freeze. The recipe is suitable for anti-aging care for dry and sensitive skin.

      Creamy coffee cubes are ideal for anti-aging care for sensitive skin

    • With honey. Brew coffee in a Turk or in another way, you will need 250 ml. Try not to make the drink too strong. In the resulting liquid, stir a tablespoon of natural liquid honey. Pour the drink into molds and freeze. The recipe is used for deep nourishment and tightening of mature skin.
    • With salt. Brew Classic Americano (300 ml). Stir a tablespoon into a hot drink sea ​​salt(you can also use the usual cookbook). Pour chilled liquid into molds and freeze. The recipe is designed for anti-aging care for oily and combination skin.

      For the preparation of cubes, you can use both ordinary and sea salt.

  • Based on aloe juice. Take two tablespoons of freshly squeezed aloe juice (you can use store-bought, but it's better to make it yourself) and combine it with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Pour the resulting liquid into molds and freeze. The composition is ideal for moisturizing and softening mature skin.
  • Based on milk. Take the last in the amount of three tablespoons and heat, but do not bring to a boil. Add a teaspoon of honey and a few drops to warm milk. olive oil. When the liquid has cooled, pour it into morms and place in freezer. The recipe is designed for deep nutrition and healing of aging skin.

    Olive oil intensively nourishes and moisturizes the skin

Video: how to use ice cubes with milk for the skin around the eyes

Easy-to-prepare cosmetic tea ice not only perfectly tones the skin, but also restores radiance and freshness to a tired face, helps relieve puffiness. And if you freeze black tea, you can give the skin a light shade of tan.

Classic recipe ice from tea consists in freezing one liquid brew (when brewing non-packaged tea, the brew should be drained from the leaves). Those. you just cook yourself hot drink, as you usually do, and pour some (in a cooled form) into molds and put in the freezer.

Green tea ice cubes can be used for absolutely any type of epidermis, and in particular to improve the condition of the skin around the eyes. As mentioned above, this tool has a wonderful tonic and refreshing property, visually rejuvenates fading and drooping skin, gives dullness to oily skin, well eliminates swelling on the face and under the eyes caused by lack of sleep or other factors not associated with any disease. .

Black tea ice, in addition to giving a slight swarthyness, it also has a positive effect on the condition of aging skin. The stronger the drink is brewed, the greater the coloring effect it will have.

Before freezing, other components can be added to the tea leaves.

So, green tea good to brew together with dried elderberry flowers by taking the ingredients in equal amounts. The resulting ice product will have a very slight whitening effect, as well as a more soothing property, which is important in the presence of sensitive skin prone to frequent irritation and redness, not associated with skin diseases.

Truth in the case of sensitive epidermis, you need to be careful when carrying out any ice procedures. The fact is that cold can both positively and negatively affect such skin, so if after the first use of ice cubes there is an even greater irritable reaction, this method is not suitable for you.

For oily problematic skin it is recommended to make ice from green tea and chamomile.
To 1 tsp. dry tea brewing is added 2 tsp. dry chamomile flowers, the resulting mixture is poured with 1 cup of boiling water, infused under a covered lid until cool, then filtered and poured into molds.

In particular, for oily skin, it is good to add freshly squeezed lemon juice to green tea- for 1 glass of brewed and already cooled drink, 3-4 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

For all types of epidermis you can make ice from the same green tea by mixing it with cucumber juice. To half a glass of liquid, cooled and strained tea leaves, 4 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed cucumber juice.
The frozen composition will have a large moisturizing and slight whitening effect.

To enhance the nutritional and cleansing properties of green tea ice cubes, should be dissolved in 1 glass of warm tea leaves 1 tbsp. l. honey. In this embodiment, the tool to some extent will still contribute to tightening and increasing the elasticity of the skin.
Actually, honey can be added to the brewing of black tea.

Now, as for the practical part.

To avoid frostbite of the fingers, the ice cube should be taken with a napkin folded in several layers or a piece of dense fabric.

On the face, the ice must constantly be in motion, which means that it cannot be held in one area of ​​the skin even for a few seconds, it must be moved all the time.

Ice procedures are extremely contraindicated at various diseases skin, especially if there are problems with the vessels on the face (rosacea).

Iced green tea can be used to care for any type of facial skin, including the skin around the eyes. Such a cosmetic product has a rich composition: there are tannins, polyphenols, vitamins of groups P, C, B, essential oils, amino acids, proteins, theaflavins and other valuable substances. Thanks to this composition, iced green tea is used as a rejuvenating, tonic, refreshing, anti-inflammatory and brightening agent. In addition, this cosmetic product perfectly copes with swelling under the eyes and gives the skin a beautiful color. In addition, green tea cubes soothe irritated skin.

How to make cosmetic ice from green tea

To achieve radiant skin, as well as get rid of bruises under the eyes, cosmetic ice prepared according to the following recipe will help:
- 5 g of dry inflorescences of pharmaceutical chamomile;
- 5 g of dried St. John's wort;
- 200 ml of melted or distilled water;
- 1 tsp black tea;
- 0.5 tsp green tea.
Tea is poured with boiling water, then herbal tea is added to this drink and the mixture is infused in a thermos for 47-55 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered, cooled and frozen. Ready cosmetic ice is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

If desired, you can prepare cosmetic ice according to another recipe:
- 300-350 ml of mineral or melt water;
- 1 tbsp rose hips;
- 2 tsp green tea;
- 0.5 tsp lemon balm;
- 0.5 tsp mint.
Crushed rose hips are poured into 150-170 ml of boiling water and the mixture is poured into a thermos. After 11-12 hours, the infusion is filtered. Herbal collection and tea are poured into 150-180 ml of boiling water and infused for 1-1.5 hours, and then filtered. Then the infusions are mixed and the resulting drink is frozen. Ice is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.

Features of the use of cosmetic ice from green tea

In case of contact of iced green tea with the face, the skin should in no case be supercooled. The procedure is as follows: cosmetic ice is carried out along the massage lines of the face, after which the skin is allowed to dry naturally and covered with a nourishing cream. Usually this procedure can take 3-5 minutes, but the contact of a single point of skin with an ice cube should not last longer than 5 seconds.

"Ice therapy" is contraindicated in case of thyroid diseases, the presence of spider veins on the skin, colds, etc. In addition, do not wipe your face with frozen green tea in winter, just before going outside (it is advisable to perform this procedure an hour before going out).

With the help of low temperatures, you can not only extend the shelf life of products, but also stop the aging process of our skin, improve it. Do you notice that Eastern women look younger than Slavic women. What is the secret?

Ice cube for facial rejuvenation

Scientists have come to the conclusion that youth prolongs their usual ice cube. It has long been an Eastern tradition to wipe the face with ice in the morning. But this ice must be prepared according to a special recipe- from essential oils, green tea, herbal infusions. For the sake of prolonging youth, we can borrow such a tradition from the East, and begin to implement it in life. In beauty salons there is an analogue of the ice wiping procedure, only liquid nitrogen is used there for cooling, but the ice procedure is easy to perform at home on your own. Ice for the face has advantages over creams and masks due to the diverse effects of cold and massage (in addition to beneficial substances for the skin).

We will learn the benefits and harms of this rejuvenation method, as well as cooking recipes.

  1. Stops the aging process, prevents the formation of age wrinkles.
  2. Treats age spots.
  3. It has a visual rejuvenating effect: smoothes the skin, eliminates fine wrinkles.
  4. Cleanses the skin.
  5. Gets rid of.
  6. Eliminates different kinds rashes, dermatitis, relieves itching with eczema.
  7. Cold constricts blood vessels, after which there is a compensatory increase in blood flow, and thus improved nutrient delivery contained in the ice prepared according to the recipes below.

Harm and contraindications

Like any other cosmetic product, ice has a number of contraindications. We want to immediately ask the reader to take them seriously, since the remedy can not only lose effectiveness if there are contraindications, but also cause harm. So, you should not use ice on your face if you have:

  1. Vessels are close to the skin.
  2. There is a predisposition to an allergy to cold (after a long stay in the cold, rashes, blisters, skin sensitivity appear).
  3. Do not use during colds, high fever.
  4. Allergy sufferers should only use hypoallergenic ice.
  5. Ice is not recommended for sensitive skin.
  6. Increased vascular fragility.

From the history

Beauty noblewomen have long used ice to rejuvenate their skin. The main mistress of the French guarantor Louis XV had a habit of sleeping with bowls of ice scattered around the room. Catherine the Second had a custom in the morning to wipe the skin of her face with ice. Diana, King Henry's mistress, had a habit of rubbing her body with crushed ice. Even Napoleon's mistress followed her face in this way. Ice cubes were also used by magnificent actresses: Marilyn Monroe, as well as Marlene Dietrich. Ice is a great tonic.

To confirm that ice does indeed stop skin aging, the researchers conducted a month-long experiment. It was held for two women, aged thirty years. One had to wipe her face with ice twice a day for a whole month, the second just had to wash her face twice without ice.

A month later, it was possible to state: the girl who applied ice to her face stopped the aging of skin cells. Her face was visually fresher, younger, her skin was smoother, bruising and swelling under the eyes were not observed, there were no irritations. The second girl did not show any improvement during the month.

Face Ice Recipes

At home, you can independently make good ice cosmetics.


Ice cube with lemon

An ice cube with lemon will help normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, get rid of age spots and pimples. It is necessary to mix water with lemon, pour into ice molds and leave overnight in the freezer.

We take a glass of mineral water, add four tablespoons of lemon juice, mix and pour into molds. Let it freeze overnight. In the morning, before washing, wipe the skin with a lemon cube. Then all other procedures as usual.

Mint with sage

Herbal ice cubes are incredibly effective. Of these, mint-sage is the most popular. Boil three large spoons of sage and two tablespoons of mint for two hundred and fifty grams of water. After boiling, boil for five minutes, no more. Cool the infusion, pour into molds - put in the freezer. In the same way, we wipe it in the morning, immediately after waking up, before washing.

Sage is an herb that has a bactericidal effect.

What do we know about sage and mint? Sage is an herb known for its antibacterial properties, it helps with skin inflammation, acne, pustules, etc. And besides, it affects the activity of the sebaceous glands, which is important for oily skin (reduces oily sheen). Peppermint also has an antiseptic effect and also improves skin elasticity and tone. And in combination with ice, the effectiveness of these herbs on the skin is only enhanced.


coffee ice cubes

Natural coffee is a powerful antioxidant. It is often included in anti-aging cosmetics. Coffee also cleanses the skin of acne, blackheads and exfoliates dead skin cells. We'll need ground coffee. We brew a cup of strong coffee, cool, freeze. We use every morning. In addition to the cosmetic effect, it also perfectly tones.

Note: everyone is familiar with roasted coffee, but green, unroasted beans are more useful, because. they have those useful material which are subsequently destroyed during the roasting process. Therefore, if possible, it is better to brew green coffee for the best effect.

Green tea

A simple recipe is that you just need to brew quality leaf green tea with jasmine, let it brew for a couple of hours, cool and pour into ice molds, freeze. Massage with an ice cube of green tea gives the skin a feeling of freshness, cleanses it, tones it. This product is great for fighting wrinkles.

Green tea has long been known for its useful properties not only, but also for youthful skin - tones the skin, soothes inflamed areas, stimulates skin cell renewal.

green tea ice cubes

St. John's wort

This is a wonderful recipe for oily skin. We brew three large spoons of St. John's wort in a glass of hot boiled water (but not boiling water!). Let the broth brew for six hours, cool, freeze in ice molds.


Aloe with ice

Suitable for those with dry skin. Aloe helps to normalize the skin, relieves dryness, moisturizes the skin and makes it smooth. Break off one branch of aloe and squeeze the juice out of it. Three tablespoons of aloe must be mixed with one tablespoon of still mineral water, stirred and frozen. This remedy is also great for sensitive skin prone to allergies and irritation.

Parsley and chamomile

To get rid of age spots, prepare herbal ice with parsley and chamomile. Take three tablespoons of finely chopped parsley, four tablespoons of chopped chamomile. Pour this mixture with half a glass of hot water, leave for six to eight hours. Then strain the broth, pour over ice molds and freeze. Chamomile ice is used to get rid of pigmentation, to rejuvenate the skin.

strawberry ice

Strawberries in ice

Frozen slices of ripe strawberries relieve wrinkles, moisturize the skin well. Cut the berries in half, put in the freezer. enjoy fruit ice in one day. Owners of dry skin are recommended to apply a nourishing cream on the face first.

Ice elixir for washing

We take two tablespoons of calendula infusion for oily skin, or rose infusion - if dry. Then one glass of carbonated mineral water. And ice with frozen linden infusion (pre-prepared). Calendula is added at the beginning of the preparation of the elixir, and roses, on the contrary, at the end.

We combine soda, lime cubes and our component. We wash ourselves first with ice water, then with ordinary hot water and so alternate three times. It raises the tone of the skin, improves blood circulation, gives it a clean and fresh look. This wash can be done three times a day. In the absence of calendula, owners of oily skin can use cucumber, or coconut, tea tree or orange essential oil.

milk ice

Frozen milk in cubes relieves skin irritation, relieves redness of the face, reduces inflammation from acne, treats dry skin.

Industrial cosmetic ice

Making homemade cosmetics requires free time. Therefore, many cosmetic companies produce ready-made ice. It is only important to choose the right product that matches your skin type. To use cosmetic ice, you must follow the instructions.

Ready-made cosmetic ice with aloe vera

First, wash and cleanse the skin. It is important to degrease the face with a tonic. Next, we massage with an ice cube. The face must be wiped in all problem areas, without touching the eye area. If you are in a hurry for business, then wash your face with plain water. If there is time, leave the product on the skin for at least forty minutes.

With the correct use of ice cubes, you will see the effect of cleansing the face, smoothing skin tone, smoothing wrinkles, narrowing pores.

ice for wrinkles

Often ice is used in the fight against wrinkles. Its influence contributes not only to strong toning and excellent face refreshment, but also with the help of its composition, smoothes small wrinkles, prevents the formation of new ones.

Usually cosmetic procedures with the use of cold help to prolong the youthfulness of the skin, therefore, daily wiping the face with an ice cube made from plain water has an effect on skin rejuvenation.


Flax can be used as an excellent anti-aging agent. By itself, a decoction of flaxseed nourishes and smoothes the skin. In cooperation with the cosmetic effect of cold, such a recipe has a powerful anti-aging effect.

Take two small spoons of flax seeds, pour a glass of boiling water, cover, leave to brew for five hours. After infusion, strain the broth through cheesecloth, then pour into molds and freeze. It is possible, after we fill the seeds with boiling water, boil them for five to seven minutes. This will only make the effect stronger.

Video: Ice cubes for the face with a beauty blog video!

Rules for rubbing ice on the skin of the face

In order not to harm yourself instead of benefiting, this cosmetic therapy must be done correctly. Rub the ice ball all over your face, covering the area under your eyes, twice a day. Exposure to the skin should never be longer than five seconds, as the skin may freeze.

For the manufacture of ice cubes, it is desirable to use mineral water. Carbonated or not - depending on the recipe.

Ready cosmetic ice should not be stored for more than a week. When choosing a recipe for making ice, be guided by your skin type and the desired effect of the procedure.

Ice therapy according to recipes from herbs, fruits or juices - perfectly maintains the tone of the skin of the face, decollete, neck. Rubbing with ice adds elasticity and freshness to the skin. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin's resistance to external stimuli increases, it hardens, and aging stops. The reviews of those who have tried ice for the face are excellent. If you haven't tried it yet, it's definitely worth it, but don't forget the contraindications!


There are few women who have not heard about the use of ice cubes for cold massage and wiping the face. I myself love simple care, including using such cosmetic cubes. Today we will talk about cryotherapy with homemade ice cubes at home. Care is so simple, accessible to everyone.

We can use both pure ice cubes and make decoctions from herbs, fruits, vegetables, juices, vary recipes with ice depending on our skin type. And be careful about contraindications. We will also talk about them in the article.

What's the secret? Process physics

Under the influence of ice, the vessels in the upper layers of the skin narrow, and in the deep ones they expand, which increases the blood supply and metabolic processes in the skin, therefore:

  • skin tone improves
  • blood vessels are strengthened
  • the renewal of epidermal cells is enhanced,
  • oily sheen disappears
  • prevents the formation of spider veins,
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out.


Wiping the face with cosmetic ice cubes, it is important to move along the massage lines from the middle of the forehead and wings of the nose to the temples, from the corners of the mouth and the center of the chin to the earlobes. Do not forget to wipe the upper eyelids (if the composition allows), neck, décolleté. Do not leave ice in one place for more than two seconds, instead of benefiting, you will get hypothermia of the skin of the face.

For convenience during the procedures, hold the ice cube through a thick napkin, cloth or cotton pad.

Ice cubes for the face. Recipes

What is ice made from? The easiest option cosmetic ice- from water: boiled, filtered, distilled, filtered thawed, mineral without gas or micellar (for dilution). Pour water into ice cube trays and place in the freezer. As soon as they harden, you can apply. It is better to take small molds.

There is no universal composition of ice suitable for any woman. I usually freeze ice cubes when making herbal teas, using seasonal ingredients, and just making something suitable for cosmetic ice in the kitchen.

Many of us love to use ice cubes with chamomile, parsley and tea. They are suitable for any skin, as long as there is no allergy to them. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, soothing effect, improves color and tones the skin. Parsley - tones and slightly whitens. Tea tones the skin of the face, helps with swelling, black tea gives swarthy. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Chamomile ice cubes

You can prepare ice cubes for the face from chamomile in the form of a decoction or infusion. Let's consider both options.

To make ice cubes from chamomile decoction for dry and normal skin, you need 2 tablespoons of dry pharmaceutical chamomile, for oily and problem skin - 3 tablespoons. Pour chamomile into a glass cold water, bring to a boil, reduce heat to a minimum and simmer covered for about 5 minutes. Let it brew. Pour the filtered cooled solution into containers and freeze.

It is even easier to make cosmetic ice from chamomile infusion: pour 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers into a glass (200 - 250 ml) of boiling water, leave to cool and infuse in a tightly closed container. Then strain, pour and freeze.

To get rid of acne, you can wipe the problem areas with ice cubes for the face from chamomile several times a day. To enhance the anti-inflammatory effect, add linden or calendula.

Chamomile can be added to any herbal preparations. Weak chamomile decoction or infusion can be used as a substitute for water in the manufacture of ice cubes with other ingredients. If the skin becomes slightly stained during the procedures, rinse your face with clean water.

parsley ice cubes

Parsley cubes are no less popular with lovers of home treatments. In the fight against skin aging, loss of tone, for delicate whitening of age spots, they are ideally suited. You can make them not only in the green season, at any time this product is available in stores.

You will need to chop the leaves from two large bunches of parsley, pour 1/2 liter of boiling water and keep under the lid on low heat for 15 minutes, let cool, strain, pour into molds and freeze.

You can do it in another way, using a decoction of parsley root instead of leaves, or without boiling it, but insisting in a glass of boiling water until the chopped leaves of two bunches of parsley cool completely.

For light whitening, cosmetic ice from parsley juice helps. You will need to chop a large amount of greens and squeeze the juice. Some cosmetologists advise by all means to dilute it with water 1: 1, others - to freeze it as is.

Perfectly lighten dark circles and tone the skin under the eyes of ice cubes from parsley leaves, crushed into gruel and frozen in this form.

green tea ice cubes

Green and black tea is useful not only inside, but also when used externally to improve skin tone. Green tea ice cubes for the face are rich in antioxidants, relieve fine wrinkles and circles under the eyes.

For sensitive skin. Brew 1 teaspoon of leaf tea with 1 glass of water at a temperature of 70 - 80 degrees, let it brew and cool, pour into molds and freeze. You can enhance the effect by taking green tea and elderberry in equal proportions when brewing, or mix ready-made decoctions. This option is more suitable for sensitive skin.

For oily skin, you need to mix green tea with chamomile (in a ratio of 1: 2). You can add lemon juice.

For dry and normal skin, ice from green tea with honey and lemon is more suitable (1 tablespoon of honey per glass of boiling water or brewed tea and 3-4 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice) or cubes with green tea and cucumber. In this case, 4 tablespoons of freshly squeezed cucumber juice are added to a glass of tea.

Black tea ice cubes

Such cosmetic ice will give the skin of the face a little darkness, tones the skin of the face and around the eyes, reducing puffiness. Herbs, honey and lemon can also be added to black tea.

You can use herbal tea ice cubes. To make such cubes yourself, you need to take 1/4 tablespoon of black and green tea, St. John's wort and chamomile, or just 2 teaspoons of green tea, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour, then strain and freeze in molds.

Herbs, fruits, vegetables, berries - the possibilities are endless.

In addition to these plants, in the manufacture of ice cubes for the face, you can take any herbs and pharmaceutical mixtures. Different plants have their own cooking characteristics, but in most cases the recipe is simple.

A universal recipe for making cubes with herbs: pour 1-2 tablespoons of chopped vegetable raw materials with a glass of boiling water. When making a decoction, you need to let the mixture sweat for 5 to 15 minutes on very low heat, strain and cool. For infusion, the grass poured with boiling water is left in a tightly closed container until it cools completely and then filtered. Strained liquid is poured into molds for ice.

Fruits and berries are traditionally used as face masks. They can also be used in the preparation of cosmetic ice, and both in the form fruit juice in pure form, mixed with water, and in the form of a puree.

Vegetable lovers can use ginger, puree or juice of cucumber, tomato, carrot, cabbage (fresh or sauerkraut) and potatoes in the manufacture of healthy ice cubes for the face. Vegetable juices and purees are recommended to be diluted with water.

For ice cubes, both a mono-product and a mixture of fruits, vegetables, juices and decoctions are used.

To each his own

We are all unique, so there is no single recipe for beneficial washing. Before carrying out any new procedures, it is advisable to consult with a specialist cosmetologist. But for orientation, you can read the recommendations on the composition of the ice.

For dry skin

In ice cubes for dry facial skin, the following are most often used: juices and pulp of cucumber, kiwi, grapes (individually or together); red berries (in the form of an infusion of 2 teaspoons of berries in a glass of boiling water); fat milk, oils, herbs: marshmallow roots, dandelion, lemon balm, mint, parsley, dill, sage, chamomile, lime blossom, eleutherococcus, hops.

Milk in ice cubes is great for dry and aging skin, softens, smoothes and slightly whitens it.

For oily skin

For oily skin, ice cubes are best prepared from fresh mint, a decoction or infusion of mint, dried calendula, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, cinquefoil, wormwood, chamomile, yarrow, chicory. You can also use peony, white lily petals, Japanese Sophora, horsetail, birch buds and leaves, bergenia rhizome.

For problem skin

For problematic facial skin, you can take salt, coffee, kelp, lemon, strawberries, potatoes, aloe, nettle, calendula, chamomile, yarrow, string, celandine, oak bark, plantain.

Most versions of ice cubes for problem skin are recommended to be used only on problem areas of the facial skin.

For combination skin

Combination skin ice cubes include products used in making ice for dry and oily skin together. It makes sense to make two-layer cubes, one of the layers according to the recipe for oily skin, the second according to the recipe for dry skin. Do not forget that you first need to let the bottom layer harden, after that pour the second layer into molds. When using on the face, turn the cube to the desired side.

For normal skin

For normal skin, ice is made using whole or diluted juices and pulp of watermelon, grapes, strawberries, peaches, currants, mountain ash, infusions of valerian, St. John's wort, mint, plantain, yarrow, dill, violet and sage.

Skin whitening

Strawberries, raspberries, parsley, cucumber, cabbage juices, viburnum, citrus fruits, rice water are used to whiten the skin.

For sensitive skin and inflammation

To soothe and reduce inflammation of the skin, ice is used, which contains: aloe, silver ions, bay leaf, thyme, rosemary, chamomile, pharmacy mixtures.

For very sensitive skin, however, which normally tolerates short-term exposure to cold, it is recommended to prepare ice from a decoction of linden flowers or an infusion of fresh hazel leaves.

For skin tone and wrinkles

To improve skin tone, a decoction of thyme and rosemary, citrus juice, a mixture of carrot and lemon juice, watermelon pulp, rosemary essential oil in combination with sea buckthorn, and mineral water are frozen. Quick and easy to make ice cubes from green and black tea, you can enhance their effect with honey, milk or lemon.

Honey, milk, vegetable and essential oils, avocado, apricot, banana, grapefruit, melon, ginger, ripe sweet gooseberry, tangerine, plum, persimmon, parsley, linden flowers, fresh mint and dandelion leaves are used to slow down the formation of wrinkles and smooth the skin. , flax seed.

Skin around the eyes

It is better to wipe the skin around the eyes with ice cubes from milk, green tea, potatoes.

I suggest watching a video that tells about a rejuvenating recipe that will remove a few extra years from your face in a month.