Chicken stuffed with buckwheat and baked whole in the oven. Chicken with buckwheat in the oven: stuffed with porridge with vegetables, mushrooms, liver How to cook chicken stuffed with buckwheat


  • chicken carcass - the more the better
  • buckwheat - 1 glass
  • onion - 1, or better yet 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • champignons - 200 g
  • seasoning for chicken, vegetable oil
  • rub chicken with spices
  • boil buckwheat
  • fry finely chopped garlic, then onions, a little later carrots and at the end add mushrooms
  • mix the prepared cereal with the contents of the frying pan
  • stuff the carcass with the mixture
  • bake for 1 - 1.5 hours

I recently wanted to bake a whole chicken and, in order to somehow diversify the dish, I decided to stuff it. I chose the products that were on hand. The result was a dish in the Russian style - a chicken in the oven, stuffed with buckwheat . The only thing that stands out from the nationality is the seasonings. I took them ready-made, in general, with the goal of getting a brighter, yellowish-orange crust. IN this recipe I was guided only by my experience, taste and the products that were in the refrigerator. So, let's go!

So, let's try! Well! The baked chicken itself is very tasty, with an awesome crust! We try buckwheat - everything is also very tasty... but somehow it all turned out separately. I didn’t feel that the porridge was saturated with fat and juices from the bird, and I was even a little surprised by it! Maybe I had some kind of wrong carcass, or maybe it’s just that the internal frame of bones and films does not let juices in and needs to be removed!? And the chicken didn’t absorb anything. Apparently it needs to be filled with something “bright”, like citrus fruits or apples, so that they give a bright taste to the meat that is impossible not to notice. And everything is delicious and looks attractive and is already unusual for us! Bon Appetit everyone!

Step 1: prepare buckwheat porridge.

Place a paper towel on the kitchen counter and pour on it buckwheat. Distribute it evenly in a thin layer over the entire surface of the towel. Then we sort out the buckwheat by hand and set aside any pebbles or dry grass that may be in the grain. We transfer the sorted buckwheat into a saucepan and pour regular water into it. Then carefully drain the water and repeat this several times in order to rinse the ingredient well. Pour the water and cereal from the pan into a sieve and let the water drain. Then transfer buckwheat into a clean pan using a tablespoon from a sieve and fill it with water room temperature. It is important to maintain the proportions of cereal and water. They have to match 1:2, that is, for 200 grams of buckwheat you need to take 400 milliliters of water. So, put the pan with the component on high heat and wait for the water to start boiling. After this, turn the heat to less than medium, add a little salt to taste to the container and mix everything well with a tablespoon. Cook buckwheat covered within 15 minutes until the amount of water is reduced by half. Then turn the heat to low and cook the cereal for another 5 minutes until all the liquid has evaporated. After the allotted time has passed, turn off the burner and wrap the pan with buckwheat porridge in a cloth towel for 20 minutes so that she can resist well. Attention: since in buckwheat porridge we will add fried onion and mushrooms, so you should not season the buckwheat ingredient with butter.

Step 2: prepare the onion.

We peel the onion using a knife, rinse it under running water and chop it with the same equipment into small squares, placing it on a cutting board in advance. After this, transfer the finely chopped vegetable to an empty plate.

Step 3: prepare the mushrooms.

We wash the mushrooms under running water, and then place them on a paper towel and dry them. Afterwards, we transfer the ingredient to a cutting board and, using a knife, cut them into small pieces, then transfer them to a clean plate.

Step 4: prepare the porridge dressing.

In a frying pan with vegetable oil transfer the chopped onion and over medium heat, stirring it with a spoon, let it brown a little, and then transfer the mushrooms into the same container with the onion. Using a tablespoon, mix the two ingredients and fry until golden brown.

Step 5: prepare the buckwheat filling.

Using a tablespoon, transfer into a saucepan with buckwheat porridge vegetable dressing. Lightly salt and pepper and mix everything well. Attention: You need to pepper and salt the filling a little, since we will lubricate the chicken carcass with the same ingredients.

Step 6: prepare the garlic.

Place the garlic cloves on a cutting board. Using the handle of a knife, press on them and separate the husks. Next, using a knife, finely chop the garlic ingredient and transfer to a plate.

Step 7: Prepare the chicken for baking.

We rinse the gutted chicken inside and out well under running water and place it on a paper towel, back up, so that the water from the inner cavity flows out through the hole onto the towel. Then place the chicken carcass on a cutting board, back down, and use a toothpick to secure its neck. Through the hole, manually coat the inside of the chicken evenly with salt, black ground pepper, thyme and chopped garlic. If the chicken cut is a little too small for your hand to fit through, we can make it larger by slightly cutting it with a knife. Then brush the outside of the chicken on all sides with the same spices. Using a tablespoon, transfer the buckwheat filling inside the chicken through the cut and compact it into the cavity of the carcass using the same cutlery. Using a needle and regular thread, sew up the hole. Then we tie the legs with the same thread. Since the chicken may increase in volume during baking, and a regular thread may break, we will tie it lengthwise and crosswise with twine. Thus, buckwheat mince won't be able to go outside.

Step 8: prepare chicken stuffed with buckwheat.

Using a pastry brush, distribute the vegetable oil evenly over the entire surface of the container, having first poured it into the mold. Then transfer the chicken carcass to a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven up to 180°C for 1-1.5 hours. At the expiration of 15 minutes When the chicken begins to bake slightly, pour the dish with a tablespoon of fat that formed as a result of baking the carcass. We do this several times, as the meat will be better saturated with the oily liquid and become juicier. Bake the chicken until cooked golden crust. To check the readiness of the dish, just pierce the chicken meat in the thigh area with a toothpick. If a clear liquid flows out of the cut, the meat is ready.

Step 9: Serve the chicken stuffed with buckwheat.

Place the slightly cooled chicken on a cutting board and use a knife to remove the threads. Afterwards, place the baked chicken on a serving dish. Cut the meat into small portions, and place the buckwheat mince in a mound in the middle of the dish. Enjoy your meal!

- – To prepare the dish, it is best to take broiler chicken, as it has more tender meat and it bakes faster in time.

- – To prepare a dressing for buckwheat porridge, you can use any mushrooms and spices to your taste.

- – In order for the dish to be 100% golden brown and crispy, you can coat the chicken well with mayonnaise for 20 minutes before baking and let it soak a little in this sauce and additional spices and salt.

The recipe for chicken stuffed with buckwheat and baked in the oven was sent to the Notebook by Svetlana Burova. An easy-to-prepare dish of buckwheat with chicken, which may well be suitable for festive table or for Sunday lunch.

Buckwheat stuffed chicken recipe

  • Chicken (gutted) – 1 pc.
  • Universal spice for chicken (to taste) – 1 pack.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.
  • Buckwheat – 1 cup.
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - for frying.

(if desired, you can also use mushrooms – champignons – to stuff the chicken)

How to cook chicken stuffed with buckwheat in the oven:

Rinse the chicken thoroughly, dry it with a paper towel, coat the entire carcass with salt, pepper, and all-purpose seasoning (or without seasoning).

Let the chicken sit so that the seasoning is absorbed a little.

Boil the buckwheat until half cooked on the stove or in.

Finely chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil, add to. Mix. (If you use mushrooms, then they also need to be fried and mixed with buckwheat filling).

Stuff the chicken with buckwheat and onions and sew up the belly. Place the buckwheat-stuffed chicken on a baking sheet.

Cook at 180-200 degrees for about 1 hour. Depending on the size of the chicken, the cooking time will vary longer or shorter.

After the baked chicken with buckwheat porridge has arrived, be sure to remove the threads from the belly,

Place buckwheat porridge on a plate, cut the carcass into portions. You can try.

Wishing you bon appetit

Chicken stuffed with buckwheat is one of the most favorite, fast, practical and delicious recipes. Of the most common and available products you can cook an amazing lunch. And no matter how much scientists claim that rearranging the places does not change the amount, you will see from your own experience that chicken stuffed with buckwheat always turns out much tastier than chicken and buckwheat separately. Have I convinced you? Then let's go to the kitchen to cook chicken)))

  • 1 chicken 1.5 kg.
  • 1 tbsp. buckwheat
  • 10 pieces. prunes (or 200 grams of mushrooms)
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • vegetable oil
  • First of all, wash the chicken under cold running water and let the water drain.
  • Now let's prepare the filling for the stuffed chicken. To do this, pour two glasses of water into the pan and add a little salt. We sort out the buckwheat, rinse it, let the water drain, and then put it in the pan. After boiling, cook the buckwheat for 15 minutes over low heat, covered.
  • Mix the prepared buckwheat with washed prunes. If the prunes are too dry, you should first soak them a little.
  • If you don’t like the taste of prunes, you can make buckwheat with mushrooms as a filling. It turns out very tasty stuffed chicken.
  • For those who don’t really like the taste of prunes, you can make buckwheat with mushrooms as a filling. This makes a very tasty stuffed chicken.
  • You know, from the very simple recipe You can always do something unusual. And this oven-baked chicken recipe is no exception. You can simply stuff the chicken and bake it in the oven, or you can do it a little differently. Sometimes, when I want to impress, I remove the bone from the chicken and then stuff the bird. How to remove the bone from a chicken is described in great detail, step by step, here.
  • Whole chicken or without bones (this is optional), salt the outside and inside, and pepper. It is better to add your favorite spices, such as thyme, etc., inside the chicken, where they will add additional taste and aroma to the meat, and they will begin to burn on top.
  • Be sure to pin the neck with wooden toothpicks so that the filling does not “run away”.
  • Using an ordinary spoon, stuff the chicken with buckwheat and prunes. Place the filling quite tightly.
  • Important. Please note that if you do not remove the bone from the chicken, you will need less filling. In this case, we cook not a glass of buckwheat, but half a glass.
  • When the chicken is full, secure the belly with wooden skewers. You can wrap the legs with cotton thread, this will make the chicken more beautiful.
  • We coat our beauty with vegetable oil and place it on a baking sheet, previously greased with oil.
  • To keep the pan from being empty, you can bake vegetables or potatoes next to the chicken. We peel the potatoes, cut them, salt them and also place them on a baking sheet.
  • Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven. Bake chicken stuffed with buckwheat for about 1.5 hours at 180°C.
  • As soon as our stuffed chicken is slightly browned, pour the separated fat over it. We repeat the operation several times. We also turn the potatoes or vegetables a couple of times so that they brown evenly.
  • To find out whether the chicken baked in the oven is ready or not, we pierce the chicken thigh with a pin or a thin knife. If the knife goes in easily and a light liquid oozes out of the hole, our bird is ready.
  • Remove the chicken stuffed with buckwheat from the oven, place it on a dish along with vegetables and serve.

Chicken stuffed with buckwheat is a dish that is worthy of a festive table, despite its traditional execution. To prevent the inside of the chicken from being dry, add fried mushrooms and onions to the buckwheat. Also, in order to fit more filling inside the chicken, you should remove the skeleton. You can serve this chicken with pickles or fresh vegetables.

To prepare chicken stuffed with buckwheat, we will need a chicken weighing about 1.5 kg, a glass of buckwheat, champignons, onions, garlic, soy sauce, adjika, pepper, salt and vegetable oil.

Cut the champignons into slices or cubes.

Cut the onion into half rings. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion until translucent, then add the mushrooms and fry together a little.

Boil buckwheat in salted water, add onions and mushrooms to it and stir.

Rinse the chicken under running water and dry with kitchen towels. Using a sharp knife, trim the skin on the back, cut the meat along the ridge carefully so as not to damage the skin. Gradually go deeper inside, cutting off the skin from the ridge in a circle.

Remove the backbone from the chicken.

This is what the chicken without the frame will look like.

Prepare the marinade for the chicken: mix adjika, soy sauce, pepper, squeeze the garlic using a press.

Grease the chicken well inside and out. Leave to marinate for 10-15 minutes.

Place the cooled filling inside the chicken.

Sew up the chicken with thick thread.

Also tie the wings and legs of the chicken with threads.

Place the chicken in a baking dish, breast side up, and baste with the remaining marinade.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the chicken for 1-1.10 hours. If the top gets too brown, cover it with foil.

Check if the chicken is done by piercing a leg with a fork. clear juice- the chicken is ready. Prepare it for serving. Remove all threads, place on a plate and garnish with vegetables.

Bon appetit!