Everything will be delicious with potato dishes.

Fried, baked, mashed - potatoes, prepared in any way, are one of the best side dishes for both lunch and dinner. However, when we stand at the stove, then fried potatoes most often it falls apart, the puree comes out with lumps, and we can’t even dream about an appetizing crust on baked potatoes. Chef Hector Jimenez-Bravo will give a master class on cooking potatoes for comedian Evgeny Smorigin and all viewers of the STB channel in the new episode of the show “Everything will be delicious!”

Everything will be delicious! The show is the channel’s own development, thanks to which everyone can learn to cook or improve their culinary skills. The television project will air every Saturday and Sunday.

The project experts were the best chefs Ukraine - Hector Jimenez-Bravo, Sergey Kalinin, Tatyana Litvinova and Alla Kovalchuk. Together with host Nadezhda Matveeva, each episode of the program they will teach guest stars all the secrets and intricacies of culinary skills.

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Together with the judge of the project “Ukraine has talent. Children”, performer Dzidzio, in the studio “”, Igor Misevich shared ten unique recipes for potato dishes that you didn’t even know about.

In the kitchen of the culinary reality show, Igor showed such potato recipes that will be useful to you both on weekdays and on big holidays: spicy potatoes, Transcarpathian potato sausage, potato balls, amazing potato burgers, pie from potato pancakes with meat filling.

And the participants of the first season of the project “MasterChef. Children” Danila Kiva and Nastya Voronaya showed how sweet candies can be made from potatoes!

Do you want to know 10 unique recipes using potatoes? Then watch the online show “Everything will be delicious!” on our website right now!

Recipes for potato dishes from Igor Misevich. Watch online "Everything will be delicious!" dated 10/15/2016. Part 1:

Recipes for potato dishes from Igor Misevich. Watch online "Everything will be delicious!" dated 10/15/2016. Part 2:

Recipes for potato sweets from Dani Kiva and Nastya Vorona. Watch online "Everything will be delicious!" dated 10/15/2016. Part 3:

Recipes for potato dishes from Igor Misevich. Watch online "Everything will be delicious!" dated 10/15/2016. Part 4:

Recipes for potato dishes from Igor Misevich. Watch online "Everything will be delicious!" dated 10/15/2016. Part 5:

Based on materials from the press service of the STB channel

Photo in text: Depositphotos.com

"continues to surprise us with recipes original dishes from ordinary potatoes. In today's episode, the show's experts will share recipes and tell you how to cook next dishes: Potato candy, potato roll, potato peaches, potato sausage and potato cake.

Everything will be delicious. Broadcast from 10/16/16 Potato dishes. Part 2. Watch online

Potato candies

potatoes – 500 g
butter– 50 g
powdered sugar – 180 g
vanilla sugar– 10 g
dark chocolate (70%) – 250 g
walnuts– 100 g
lemon – 1 pc.

Peel three large white potatoes, cut lengthwise into four wedges and boil. Add butter to the potatoes, remember to mash it.

Grind the puree through a sieve. Add the sifted powdered sugar. Also add vanilla sugar and lemon zest to the potato mixture.

On steam bath melt the chocolate. Pour half the chocolate into the potato mixture. Chop the walnuts.

Form round candies from the potato-chocolate mixture. Roll them in chocolate and sprinkle with chopped nuts.

Potato roll

potatoes – 1 kg
eggs – 1 pc.
chicken fillet – 250 g
champignons – 200 g
dried porcini mushrooms – 15 g
milk – 250 ml
starch – 150 g
onions – 100 g
cream – 50 ml
hard cheese – 50 g
salt – 15 g
black ground pepper– 3 g
butter – 50 g
oil – 35 ml
dill – 5 sprigs
parsley – 5 sprigs

Pass the boiled potatoes through a meat grinder. Add cream, ground black pepper, whipped egg white, starch.

Place the potato dough on parchment paper and bake in an oven preheated to 200°C for 10 minutes.

For the filling, boil dried porcini mushrooms in milk and mix with chopped fried champignons. Also fry the diced onion along with chicken fillet and mix with mushrooms.

Place the filling, grated cheese and herbs on the prepared potato crust. Roll up the roll and bake for another 10 minutes at 200°C.

Potato peaches

potatoes – 1 kg
eggs – 3 pcs.
beef – 200 g
onions – 100 g
flour – 180 g
loaf – 100 g
hard cheese – 100 g
salt – 10 g
paprika – 5 g
turmeric – 8 g
ground black pepper – 3 g
oil – 260 ml

Pass the boiled potatoes in their jackets through a meat grinder. Add eggs, salt, flour, knead the dough. Divide it into 2 parts: add turmeric to one, paprika to the other.

Chop the beef into mince. Add salt, pepper and finely chopped onion. Knead the minced meat with your hands and beat it. Roll it into small balls and deep fry.

Cut the crust off the stale loaf and chop it. Season with turmeric. Dry it a little in the oven.

Form a flat cake from dough of the same color and place it on it. meat ball and cover it halfway with dough. On the other side, cover with dough of a different color. On one side of the edge, mold and smooth the joint. On the other hand, just combine the dough.

Brush the formed peaches with beaten egg white and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Insert cloves between the joints. Bake in an oven preheated to 200°C for 10 minutes.

Potato sausage

potatoes – 1 kg
onions – 200 g
lard – 200 g
salt – 15 g
soda – 5 g
vinegar – 10 ml
ground black pepper – 3 g
coriander – 6 g
ground nutmeg– 6 g
bay leaf – 3 pcs.
oil – 20 ml
pork casing (intestines) – 1 m
cognac – 50 ml

Wash the pork casing, remove mucus and soak in water with salt, vinegar, soda, ground black pepper, bay leaf, coriander and nutmeg. Marinate for an hour.

Fry the lard to cracklings and grind them in a blender. Fry the onion in the rendered fat.

Grate the potatoes onto a fine grater along with the onion, add salt, squeeze out a little juice and mix it with grated cracklings and fried onions, coriander, and nutmeg.

Stuff the pork casing with minced meat, forming sausages using kitchen string. Prick them with a pin and bake on a wire rack in the oven for 15 minutes at 180°C.

Potato cake

for the cakes:
potatoes (yellow) – 1.5 kg
onion – 1 pc.
oil – 40 ml
eggs – 2 pcs.
salt – 5 g
ground black pepper – 2 g

for potato cream:
potatoes (white) – 1 kg
butter – 75 g
cream (15%) – 80 ml
eggs – 2 pcs.
ground black pepper – 2 g
salt – 5 g
hard cheese – 200 g

for meat cream:
pork (shoulder) – 600 g
onion – 100 g
bell pepper– 120 g
oil – 40 ml
parsley – 5 sprigs
salt – 5 g
ground black pepper – 3 g
ground red pepper – 2 g
butter – 100 g
ground nutmeg – 4 g

for marinating ribs:
pork ribs – 300 g
tomatoes – 400 g
orange – 1 pc.
onion – 1 pc.
oil – 20 ml
soy sauce– 80 ml
dry red wine – 125 ml
ground red pepper – 3 g
ground black pepper – 3 g
salt – 5 g
butter – 25 g
sugar – 16 g
starch – 10 g
water – 50 ml

Grate the potatoes along with the onion, add eggs, flour, salt and ground black pepper. Fry the tortillas in a frying pan on both sides.

For meat cream pate, fry finely chopped onion, minced pork, chopped bell pepper, parsley and dill. Add salt, red and black ground pepper.

Grind the fried mass in a blender along with soft butter and nutmeg.

For potato cream, mash boiled potatoes. Add butter, cream, yolks, ground black pepper, salt and blend with a blender.

Prepare the marinade for the ribs. Simmer the crushed tomatoes in a frying pan, blend with a blender and mix with orange juice and finely chopped onion.

Add soy sauce, wine, ground red and black pepper, and salt. Marinate the ribs in the mixture for 30 minutes. Then place on a baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes at 180°C.

Fry the finished ribs in a frying pan in a mixture of butter and sugar. Prepare a sauce from the marinade: add starch to it, bring to a boil and heat a little in a frying pan.

Form the cake. Lubricate potato cakes meat pate. Grease the sides and top of the cake potato cream, sprinkle with grated hard cheese.

Decorate with flowers. Place the ribs in a pyramid in the center of the cake. Serve with sauce.

“prepared a real surprise, because the main product of the weekend is potatoes. Thanks to the show's experts, you will learn how to cook new, original and incredibly tasty potato dishes, including desserts.

Show “Everything will be delicious!” prepared another top ten for you amazing dishes: quick for every day, snacks, hearty dishes for lunch and dinner, as well as desserts and real culinary masterpieces. And all this from one product - potatoes!

This vegetable grows in every garden. It can be found in every store and in every market. But why go far? Right now it’s already in your kitchen. Universal, the best option for a side dish, your kids' favorite. Potatoes are used to prepare soft and tender puree, and they also boil it in slices or bake it with juicy pieces of lard. But aren't you tired of cooking this? These dishes are so hackneyed and banal that there is nothing to surprise them with. Admit that you really want to amaze your guests with new culinary masterpieces from regular potatoes.

This culinary weekend we will return potatoes to their former popularity. With our recipes you will become a top chef. People's favorite, culinary expert - Igor Misevich with potatoes on YOU. That’s why he and the experts “Everything will be delicious!” prepared for you the TOP 10 most amazing, original and very delicious dishes from potatoes.

Everything will be delicious. Broadcast from 10/15/16 Potato dishes. Part 1. Watch online

Potato skewers

potatoes - 1 kg
bacon - 250 g
salt - 20 g
ground black pepper - 3 g
ground white pepper - 3 g
oil - 30 ml

Marinate large potato slices in oil, a mixture of white and black pepper and salt. Cut the bacon without skin into slices.

Place a small circle on a wooden skewer, then the bacon, then a slightly larger circle and then the bacon again.

Continue until you have placed all the circles mixed with bacon on the skewer, returning the potatoes to their original oblong oval shape.

Wrap the free ends of the skewer with foil. Bake the potato skewers on a wire rack in the oven at 200°C for 30 minutes.

Macedonian style potatoes

potatoes – 1 kg
eggs – 2 pcs.
cumin – 8 g
ground paprika – 8 g
ground black pepper – 8 g
dry ground garlic – 3 g
salt – 10 g
oil – 70 ml
butter – 10 g

Cut the potatoes lengthwise into thin slices and fry in a hot frying pan until crusty.

Beat the egg whites until they form a stable foam, add salt, cumin, paprika, ground black pepper, and dry ground garlic. Place the fried potatoes in the spicy egg whites and stir.

Place the egg white slices on a greased baking sheet at a short distance from each other. Bake for 30 minutes. at a temperature of 180 °C.

Potato burgers

potatoes – 200 g
egg – 1 pc.
flour – 240 g
milk 2.6% – 125 ml
dry yeast – 5 g
beef (thick edge) – 200 g
red onion – 1 pc.
onion – 1 pc.
oil – 60 ml
pickled cucumbers – 2 pcs.
salt – 15 g
sugar - 8 g
ground black pepper – 4 g
hard cheese – 50 g
sour cream 15% – 60 ml
mustard – 15 ml
salad – 2 leaves
lemon – 1 pc.

Boil and mash the potatoes. Add yeast, salt, sugar and black pepper to warm milk. Stir until the yeast dissolves. Add flour and milk with yeast to the crushed potatoes. Knead the dough and leave for 1 hour.

Subsequently form from potato dough two round loaves. Brush with beaten yolk and bake in an oven preheated to 200°C for 15 minutes.

Chop the beef into mince. Cut the onion into cubes and combine with the meat. Salt, pepper, knead and beat the minced meat. Form two steaks and fry them until golden brown crust at both sides.

For the sauce, mix sour cream with mustard. Add salt and lemon juice. Stir. Cut the onion into rings, cucumbers into oval pieces.

Form the burgers. Cut the potato buns in half crosswise. Grease the bottoms with sauce. Add lettuce, then steak, cucumbers and onions. Sprinkle with grated cheese and cover the burgers with potato bun lids.

Potato balls in cream sauce

potatoes – 1 kg
garlic – 3 cloves
hard cheese – 200 g
Rye bread– 100 g
walnuts – 150 g
eggs – 2 pcs.
cream (15%) – 100 ml
dill – 5 sprigs
parsley – 5 sprigs
ground black pepper – 5 g
salt – 17 g

Mash the boiled jacket potatoes into a puree, add salt and ground black pepper.

For the filling - chop dill and parsley, fried walnuts and garlic. Stir.

For the sauce, boil the cream in a steam bath along with grated hard cheese, salt and ground black pepper.

For breading, grind the rye bread into large crumbs.

Form potato balls. Place a little nut-garlic filling in the center of the potato crust, seal it, and form a ball.

Dip the balls into beaten egg and coat in bread crumbs. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Bake in an oven preheated to 200°C for 15 minutes. Serve with cream cheese sauce.

Potato puffs

potatoes – 500 g
chicken liver – 300 g
onion – 100 g
carrots – 120 g
butter – 225 g
eggs – 1 pc.
salt – 25 g
flour – 180 g
sesame – 15 g
ground black pepper – 3 g
oil – 40 ml

Mash the boiled potatoes, add the yolk, salt and flour. Roll the dough into a sausage and cut into pieces, each of which roll into a thin flat cake.

Melt the butter in the oven, skim off the top layer of fat and let it cool. Brush each cake with cooled melted butter and stack one on top of the other.

Place the folded cakes in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, then roll out the dough into a large square layer. Cut it into equal squares.

Prepare the filling. Fry the chopped chicken liver, add chopped onion, carrots, cut into strips, salt and ground black pepper. Beat everything in a blender along with soft butter.

Form puff pastries. Place the filling in the middle of each square. Take the dough by one corner and attach it to the opposite one, then press the third corner to them and fasten all the open spaces.

Place the potato puffs on a baking sheet, long side down. Brush with beaten yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake in an oven preheated to 190°C for 20 minutes.

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