Classic honey cake recipe at home. Recipe for making delicious “Honey cake” at home

Honey cake is a cake loved by many since childhood. This relatively low calorie dessert with a delicate pleasant taste. However, not everyone knows how to make honey cake with their own hands. There are several recipes for the cake; its taste can be varied as desired. Making honey cake is a rather labor-intensive process. You need to bake the cakes, prepare the cream, assemble the cake. It takes a lot of time to soak the cake in cream. But it's worth it, because the result is an excellent dessert for festive table with the taste of caramel and honey.

To make the cake tender and melt in your mouth, you need to take into account the nuances of its preparation. Preparing honey cake is not difficult, you just need to select the right ingredients, follow the proportions and know some cooking rules:

  1. To bake a cake you need to use liquid honey. If the honey has already become candied, it must be melted in a water bath. A liquid product will make it easier to knead the dough.
  2. Light honey is suitable for honey cake. Dark honey has too strong a flavor. You should also not use buckwheat honey, otherwise the cake will turn out too tart.
  3. Honey cake It will turn out soft and tender if the dough is steamed. To do this, you need to boil water in a saucepan. And place the second pan inside the dish so that its bottom does not touch the water.
  4. You must strictly follow the amount of sugar indicated in the recipe, since honey also gives a sweet taste to the cake. If you put a lot of sugar in the dough, the honey cake will turn out cloying.
  5. Only warm dough is rolled into cakes.
  6. To get a delicate honey cake, it is better to use sour cream. Sour cream adds a pleasant taste to the cake and makes the cakes airy.
  7. For the cream you should use full-fat sour cream. Instead of granulated sugar, it is better to use powder. Before making the cream, the sour cream needs to be cooled, so it will mix more easily with powdered sugar.
  8. You can add condensed milk or cocoa to the sour cream for cream. You can also replace sour cream with these products.
  9. The taste of the cake can be varied by adding prunes or walnuts to the cream.
  10. Before assembling the cake, you need to put a layer of cream on a dish and place the first layer on it. Assembling a cake should always start with the cream, not the layers.

Honey cake recipes

Preparing honey cake consists of several stages:

It’s better to cook honey cake 1 day before use, since soaking the cake takes about 12 hours. It is not recommended to soak honey cake for 2-3 days.

Classic recipe: honey cake “Tenderness”

For making cakes you will need 600 g flour, 300 g sugar, 50 g butter, 150 g honey, 1 teaspoon soda, 3 eggs. In the cake classic recipe 2 types of cream are used: sour cream and condensed milk. To prepare sour cream cream, you will need 500 g of sour cream (fat content of at least 20%), 300 g of sugar. For condensed milk cream - 1 can of condensed milk (360 g), 200 g of butter.

Honey cake with nuts and prunes without rolling out the cakes

To prepare this version of honey cake it takes a little time. To bake cakes you will need 100 g of sugar and butter, 150 g of honey, 3 eggs, 350 g of flour, 1 teaspoon of soda. To make the cream you need 0.5 kg of sour cream (25% fat content), 300 ml of cream (35% fat content), 5 tablespoons of powdered sugar, 300 g of pitted prunes and 200 g of walnuts.

Honey cake “Ryzhik” with custard without water bath

Honey cake can be prepared without steaming the dough. For a cake according to this recipe you will need 1 cup of sugar, 2 - 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 teaspoons of soda, 3 cups of flour, 100 g of margarine. For the cream you need to take 0.5 liters of milk, 125 g of sugar, a bag of vanillin, 4 tablespoons of flour and 2 eggs.

Everyone knows and loves the tender, tasty and fragrant honey cake, but not everyone knows how to cook it. The store-bought version does not always meet our expectations, this is true, but home-baked goods cannot be compared with anything else. If you have never baked a honey cake, this recipe is just for you. I took a lot of detailed photos on how to make honey cake at home.

This is a classic honey cake recipe with a little twist to my liking. For the cake, I always make two creams - sour cream and condensed milk cream. Sour cream gives tenderness, and condensed milk cream is amazing creamy taste. Moreover, it is the taste, and not the feeling that you are eating a colored piece of butter, which is what roses on store-bought cakes are usually made from. From my detailed recipe you will learn how to make honey cake with condensed milk.

If you still want a classic honey cake, make a cake only with sour cream.

For honey cakes:

  • Eggs – 3 pcs (100 g)
  • Sugar – 300 g (1 glass + 2 tbsp)
  • Butter - 50 gr
  • Flour – 550/600 gr
  • Honey – 150 g (4-5 tbsp)
  • Soda – 1 tsp

For sour cream:

  • Sour cream 20% – 500 gr
  • Sugar – 300 g (1 glass + 2 tbsp)

For condensed milk cream:

  • Condensed milk – 360 g (1 can)
  • Butter – 200 gr

Recipe for honey cake in a water bath. Therefore you will need two pans. A smaller pan - in it we will prepare the dough, and a larger pan in which we will make a steam bath. The difference in the diameter of the pans should be such that the pan with the dough rests on the pan with water (does not fall through), and the steam escapes freely. You will see how to make a steam bath in the photo below.

You will also need a pan lid to cut out perfectly even cakes. Glass volume 250 ml.

How to bake a honey cake

Before you start preparing the dough, heat a water bath on the stove.

It is best to boil water in a kettle, and then pour as much water as needed into the pan (more on this below).

We begin preparing the fragrant dough for our honey cake.

Beat the eggs with sugar into a fluffy foam.

The more fluffy you beat, the better. The sugar should completely dissolve.

Add honey, butter and soda to beaten eggs. There is no need to extinguish the soda.

Place the pan with the honey mixture on water bath.

To do this, pour enough water into the lower pan so that it barely touches the bottom of the upper pan and does not splash out over the edges during boiling.

Don't make the heat too high. The water should boil moderately.

Prepare fragrant dough for the honey cake we will take about 15 minutes. The color will begin to change before your eyes.

Stir the mixture with a spatula. Very quickly it will begin to caramelize slightly.

Zapaaah - song! Such fragrant honey A new aroma appears in the kitchen! =)

Beautiful caramel stains appear on the surface of the honey mass.

And gradually the honey mass becomes brighter and more aromatic.

At the same time, the mass increases in volume by about 2 times, becomes fluffy and airy.

When the mass increases in volume (after 10-13 minutes), add 1 cup of flour, mix thoroughly with a spatula so that there are no lumps and brew the dough.

Brew - this means do not remove from the water bath for about 2-3 minutes, constantly stirring with a spatula.

The mass will gurgle slightly and acquire a beautiful shade.

Remove the dough from the heat and begin to gradually add the rest of the flour, stirring the dough with a spatula.

Be careful, it's hot!

When the dough becomes difficult to mix with a spatula, transfer it to the flour on the table and knead.

You should get a soft, pliable, not too tough dough.

Divide the dough into 7-8 equal parts, cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to allow the honey cake dough to cool slightly.

Now we bake the cakes for the honey cake.

Roll out the ball slightly larger than the diameter of the lid.

Bake the cakes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees for about 2-3 minutes.

Watch carefully, the cakes bake very quickly.

Cut out the hot cake with the lid directly on the sheet and transfer the cake to a flat surface until it cools completely, break the scraps and put them in a bowl. Swollen bubbles can be carefully cut off with a knife.


Right out of the oven, the honey cake cakes are soft, and after cooling they harden. This is normal and how it should be. Once the cake is soaked, it will melt in your mouth.

Now let’s prepare two wonderful creams for the honey cake: sour cream and condensed milk cream.

Beat sour cream with sugar, adding sugar 1 teaspoon at a time.

And beat the condensed milk with butter. The oil should be room temperature, but not too soft.

The cake layers and two creams for the honey cake are ready, all that remains is to assemble the cake.


It happens that on the eve of the holiday you have very little time and there is no time to tinker with the cake, but homemade cakes I really want to. I can advise you to bake the cakes in advance (1-2 days in advance), and make the cream the day before the celebration and assemble the cake for soaking. Pre-prepared cake layers can be stored at room temperature (as regular cookies) under the lid, opening it slightly for air circulation so that the cakes do not get damp.

Pour any cream onto a dish and place the cake on top - this way the bottom cake will be softer, soaked in cream.

Another thing is important: more cream means a tastier and more tender cake =)

Grind the scraps from the cakes into crumbs using a blender or knead with a rolling pin.

Sprinkle crumbs liberally over the top and sides of the cake. Leave the honey cake at room temperature for 1.5-2 hours and put it in the refrigerator for 6 hours, or better yet, overnight.

Honey cake with condensed milk and sour cream is a recipe of my culinary imagination. In any case, I have never come across this option for preparing honey cake before. But, having prepared a honey cake several years ago according to the classic recipe with the addition of condensed milk cream, this is the only way I now cook.

Honey cake - calorie content per 100 grams = 444 kcal

  • Proteins – 6 g
  • Fats – 18 g
  • Carbohydrates – 67 g

Have a nice holiday and enjoy your tea with such a beautiful and fragrant honey cake! =)

Best regards, Natalie Lissi

One of the most delicious and favorite cakes that many people with a sweet tooth probably adore is Honey cake. Of course: this aromatic and satisfying dessert miraculously combines subtle honey cakes, tender and juicy, with a smooth and velvety sour cream and butter cream. A little imagination and even the simplest honey cake will turn into an unexpected and original surprise for the whole family!

In general, in the order table this recipe was declared as a Honey cake according to GOST. However, I do not know of a single recipe for this honey cake that could be classified as such. That is why I called it classic - similar ingredients and their proportions, in my opinion, are most often used in cooking by most housewives.

Products for honey cakes for Medovik are not expensive and are almost always available in any refrigerator. For the cream, I advise you to use only high-quality butter (with a fat content of at least 72%), and choose richer sour cream - from 20%. You should not reduce the amount of sugar, nor should you replace fragrant honey with molasses or invert syrup.

Now a few words about the decor of this homemade cake. If for some reason (lack of time, desire or necessary ingredients) you don't want to repeat the decoration you see in the photo, you can easily stop at step 32. Just cover the cake with honey crumbs and you're done. Well, what about the fans? original design cakes and other desserts, be patient, bubble wrap, white chocolate, natural honey and a few other little things. But we'll talk about this below...


Dough for honey cakes:

(400 grams) (220 grams) (100 grams) (2 pieces ) (2 tablespoons ) (1 teaspoon) (1 pinch)

Sour cream and butter cream:

Chocolate and honey decoration:

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

To prepare a fragrant honey cake, we will need the following ingredients: premium wheat flour, granulated sugar and vanilla sugar, natural bee honey, sour cream, butter, chicken eggs, baking soda and salt. For decoration, if desired, buy high-quality White chocolate I will tell you below what the bees need.

First thing custard method Let's prepare the dough for thin honey cakes. To do this, break the steam into a thick-walled saucepan or stewpan. chicken eggs, add 220 grams of granulated sugar and a pinch of salt.

Beat everything with a mixer or whisk until a thick light foam forms. You don’t need to beat for a very long time - with a mixer at high speed for 2-3 minutes, and with a hand whisk for 5 minutes.

Add 2 tablespoons to the same bowl natural honey and 100 grams of butter. It is advisable that the butter be soft, that is, at room temperature - this way it will disperse faster and more evenly in the egg mass.

Place the saucepan over medium heat and, stirring constantly (stir especially carefully along the bottom so that nothing burns), bring the custard base almost to a boil. During the heat treatment process, the initially thick mass will turn into a rather liquid one - this can be seen in the photo. It is important not to boil the mixture, but simply bring it to almost a boil!

Mix everything vigorously and immediately remove the dishes from the heat. Custard base It will instantly begin to foam, bubble and greatly increase in volume. This procedure will only take a few seconds.

Stir, stir, stir and at the same time gradually add sifted wheat flour. This way we brew the flour, that is, we will have choux pastry.

The amount of flour needed for brewing may vary depending on its moisture content. You need to add flour to the pan until it is possible to mix the dough. Perhaps at this stage you will need 250 grams, or maybe more or vice versa less.

We begin to knead the honey dough with our hands, only carefully so as not to get burned. Gradually it will cool and stirring will become more convenient.

As a result, according to this recipe, my dough takes exactly 400 grams wheat flour premium quality (I always buy Lida). Ready choux pastry it turns out very, very soft, sticky while warm (then it won’t stick to your hands, don’t worry) and aromatic. Just don’t stuff this dough with excess flour, as in this case the finished cakes will turn out dry and dense.

Divide the dough into 10 parts, preferably of the same weight. I specifically weighed each piece - it turned out to be 85 grams. Roll each piece into a ball and place on a flat plate or dish lightly sprinkled with wheat flour (I did not indicate the additional amount for shaping in the ingredients).

We cover the dough with cling film or foil so that the surface does not dry out and become crusty, and send out the balls (they have already become flat cakes - so tender dough) in the refrigerator for 1 hour. During this time, the choux pastry will rest, cool completely and thicken - it will be very convenient and easy to work with.

Once the dough has been in the refrigerator, it’s time to work with it further. Don't forget to turn on the oven in advance and preheat it to 170 degrees. Roll out the custard pieces honey dough It’s best to immediately use parchment paper, and then immediately bake the preparations for the future Honey cake on it. Here we will need a little more wheat flour, the amount of which I did not indicate in the ingredients - about 3 tablespoons will be enough to form the entire dough. Sprinkle a piece of baking paper with a little flour, put in a piece of dough and dust it a little too.

Using a rolling pin, roll out the cake into a thin crust, preferably round shape. The thickness of the workpiece should be no more than a couple of millimeters.

Next you need to give the dough layer a perfectly round shape - this can be done using a plate, pan lid or springform pan. I get blanks with a diameter of 20 centimeters - we just cut them in a circle with a sharp knife.

Slightly move the dough scraps away from the round piece so that they do not stick together during the baking process. We generously prick the cake itself with a fork - this way it will not swell during baking.

Bake the first honey cake along with the scraps in a preheated oven on a medium level for about 4-6 minutes, no longer. The cakes cook very quickly, they brown beautifully and increase in volume by about 2 times.

Remove the finished honey cake from parchment paper and immediately transfer it to a flat surface while it is still hot. The cakes will be very soft immediately after baking, and as they cool they will no longer bend, so work quickly.

In this way we bake all the cake layers for the Honey cake - in total we get 10 pieces with a diameter of 20 centimeters. I’ll tell you a little about how to do this quickly and not waste time. Roll out 1 cake layer, put it in the oven, and meanwhile roll out the second one on the second piece of parchment. Take out the finished cake and immediately bake a second one, rolling out the third. In other words, it turns out to be a kind of conveyor belt - everything will take about an hour.

When they have completely cooled and hardened, grind them into crumbs in any convenient way. If you like to decorate the Honey cake with fine, fine crumbs, you can grind everything in a food processor or mince it. I prefer decor when I come across such small pieces, so I just break everything with my hands, after which I rub some of it with my fingers. The result is a non-uniform coating - it’s more interesting.

The base for the honey cake is ready and cooled, so it’s time to move on to preparing the cream. And the cream will be very interesting - butter and sour cream. It will have the smoothness and velvety of butter whipped with powdered sugar and a light, subtle sourness of sour cream, which miraculously sets off the sweetness of the cake itself. Before you start whipping the butter, you must soften it. To do this, cut cold butter (250 grams) into small pieces and leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours.

Beat everything with a mixer at high speed for at least 5 minutes, until the butter becomes fluffy and turns white. You will have to beat the cold butter for about 20 minutes, so be sure to give it time to warm up.

All that remains is to add 300 grams of fatty sour cream to the whipped butter, which should also be at room temperature. Just add it in portions and mix with a spatula or hand whisk. The result is a very delicate, smooth, homogeneous and tasty cream.

Next stage of preparation classic cake Honey cake - assembly. Immediately take a flat plate or dish according to the diameter of the cakes, but with a margin. Apply about a teaspoon of cream to the center so that the future cake holds securely on the plate and does not slide off. We cut out 4 strips from parchment and place them on a dish, as shown in the photo. What is it for? So that later you don’t have to rub off the cream from the edges of the dishes and scrape out the honey crumbs.

Place the first honey cake in the center and apply some of the sour cream and butter cream. You must calculate the amount of cream so that there is enough for all 10 cake layers and also cover the sides of the cake.

Then we put the cake back on, apply the cream... and thus assemble the entire Honey cake.

We also coat the sides of the future cake with cream and, if possible, level it with a culinary spatula or spatula. Actually, at this stage you can cover the entire cake with honey crumbs and the Honey cake will be ready, but I suggest going further. Place the cake in the refrigerator or freezer for 10-15 minutes (this is the minimum) so that the cream sets.

Let's do more original decoration in the form of a honeycomb. To do this, we need bubble wrap, which comes in boxes when you buy bottled equipment. Cut a circle with a diameter of about 30 centimeters (a little more is possible), wash it thoroughly and dry it thoroughly - there should be no water! Place on a flat surface with the convex side up.

Some general tips for making Honey cake according to the classic recipe: firstly, the number of eggs is indicated for category C-0 (these are large eggs), if you have a different category, and the eggs are correspondingly smaller, then take 4 pieces.

Secondly, the taste of the cakes depends very much on the honey: the darker the honey, the more saturated honey taste will be at the cake. But be careful - dark honey can give a slight bitterness. You can take liquid or thick honey (I use the latter option).

Let's start preparing our Honey cake (classic recipe).

In a bowl, lightly whisk the eggs.

In a small saucepan with a thick bottom, combine 200 g of sugar, honey and half the butter. Let the honey melt over medium heat, stirring. Pour the eggs into the honey-butter mixture and stir until the sugar and butter dissolve. I cook for 5-7 minutes.

I add soda and leave it on the heat for another minute. Everything should double in size. I take it off the fire.

I pour the mixture from the pan into a large bowl and gradually add the flour. I knead the dough until smooth. Carefully form a ball and let the dough cool for a couple of minutes.
I divide the dough into eight parts and roll each into a ball. I cover with a towel to prevent it from getting airy while the oven is heating up (temperature 200°C).

I roll out each kolobok thin layer, make pricks with a fork and put them in the oven (3 minutes per cake).
To prevent the cake from becoming deformed, roll it out directly on the paper and then transfer it to a baking sheet.

From the still warm cake, I cut out a circle or square of the required size.
I put what’s left of the cake layers into a blender and grind it - they will be used to decorate the cake.

Now you can start preparing the cream.

IN classic Honey cake sour cream, but I suggest making two at once delicious creams: with condensed milk and sour cream.

When choosing sour cream for cream, you need to remember one thing - the higher the fat content of the sour cream, the juicier the cake will be.
For sour cream, beat the sour cream with a mixer, gradually adding the remaining sugar. This will take 10-15 minutes of your time.

For the second cream, you need condensed milk without unnecessary additives. No condensed milk or condensed milk product With vegetable fats won't work.

Beat the remaining softened butter with condensed milk into a homogeneous cream.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Fill the pan with water and put it on the stove to boil.
  2. In another saucepan, beat eggs with sugar with a mixer. Add honey, oil and soda.
  3. Place the mixture in a pan of boiling water and continue cooking the cake for steam bath. Cook the dough for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally until it turns caramel in color and doubles in volume. The mass will become fluffy and airy.
  4. Then add 1 tbsp. flour and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Keep the pan in the bath for another 3 minutes.
  5. Remove the mixture from the heat and gradually add the rest of the flour. Knead the dough. It will turn out soft, plastic and not particularly cool.
  6. Divide the dough into 7-8 equal parts, cover with cling film and leave in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  7. Then roll out each piece of dough into a round cake and bake in the oven for 2-3 minutes at 170-180°C. Cut the finished hot cake to the desired diameter and cool completely. Break up the scraps and put them in a bowl.
  8. To prepare the cream, beat the sour cream with a mixer, adding 1 tsp. Sahara.
  9. Assemble the cake, coating the layers with cream.
  10. Grind the scraps from the cakes into crumbs using a rolling pin or blender and generously sprinkle the last cake and the sides of the product.
  11. Leave the honey cake to soak for 2 hours at room temperature and for 6 hours in the refrigerator.

We offer another recipe for a classic honey cake, the taste of which is varied by prunes. It gives the product a characteristic aftertaste and goes well with honey.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Flour - 3 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Honey - 3 tbsp.
  • Soda - 2 tsp.
  • Table vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.
Ingredients for cream:
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  • Butter - 200 g
Step-by-step preparation:
  1. In a water bath, beat the eggs with sugar with a whisk or mixer and cook for 3-5 minutes until the mass becomes fluffy and light.
  2. Then add honey, stirring continuously.
  3. Add 1 tbsp to food. flour and stir it in without removing the mass from the bath.
  4. Don't pour slaked soda and 1 more tbsp. flour. Stir again.
  5. Pour in vinegar and stir. The dough will immediately become porous.
  6. Add the remaining glass of flour and stir again.
  7. Remove the dough from the water bath and place it on a floured countertop.
  8. Cool the cakes slightly for 2-3 minutes, knead the dough with your hands until a homogeneous sticky mass and divide it into 6 equal parts.
  9. Roll each portion into a thin round cake and use a fork to make punctures in several places.
  10. Bake the cakes in a preheated oven at 180°C for no more than 5 minutes until an even dark caramel color.
  11. For the cream, beat the eggs with sugar in a water bath.
  12. Pour in the sour cream while continuing to beat the ingredients with the mixer.
  13. Remove the mixture from the bath and cool.
  14. Add softened butter and beat with a mixer for 5-10 minutes until thickened.
  15. When the cakes have cooled, assemble the cake. Grease all cakes generously with cream.
  16. Use crust scraps, walnuts, or chocolate chips to decorate the top crust.
  17. Keep the product in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

This recipe for making honey cake at home involves using it for cream. boiled condensed milk. It is whipped with butter and deeply soaks the cakes.


  • Flour - 400 g
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Butter - 100 g for dough, 300 g for cream
  • Honey - 2 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Soda - 1 tsp.
  • Boiled condensed milk - 1 can
  • Walnuts- 100 g
Step-by-step preparation:
  1. Place sugar, honey and butter in a fireproof bowl. Place it in a water bath and heat for 5 minutes, stirring, until the mixture is homogeneous. The sugar should be partially dissolved.
  2. Add baking soda, stir and heat for 1 minute.
  3. Remove the bowl from the bath, beat in the eggs and whisk quickly until smooth.
  4. Add flour and stir.
  5. Place the bowl in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  6. Then place the dough on a table sprinkled with flour and quickly divide the dough into 8 equal parts, roll them into balls and roll them out into a thin sheet.
  7. Prick the crust with a fork to prevent it from puffing up during baking and bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 3 minutes until golden brown.
  8. Remove the baked cake from the baking sheet, and while it is hot, cut out a round shape of the desired diameter. Place the scraps in a container and store them to decorate the cake.
  9. Leave the cakes to cool completely.
  10. For the cream, beat butter at room temperature with a mixer until fluffy.
  11. Add boiled condensed milk in 5 additions, whisking continuously. Bring the cream until smooth.
  12. Grind the walnuts and trimmings from the cakes with a blender or chop with a knife.
  13. Spread the cream over the cake layers and sides of the cake.
  14. Place the treat in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Of the various versions of cake cream recipes, the most popular is sour cream. It makes the product very tasty, soft and perfectly soaked.


  • Flour - 4 tbsp.
  • Honey - 2 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. into dough and cream
  • Butter - 60 g
  • Table vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • Soda - 2 tsp.
  • Sour cream - 500 ml
Step-by-step preparation:
  1. Place a saucepan on the fire with hot water. Place a container of the required size on it and put the oil into it. Melt it, but don't bring it to a boil.
  2. Pour in the sugar, pour in the honey and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Pour in the slaked soda and vinegar and continue kneading the honey-oil mixture until it increases in volume by 2-3 times.
  4. Remove the bowl from the bath and cool slightly.
  5. Beat in the eggs and mix.
  6. Add flour and knead into a sticky dough. Divide it into 6-8 equal parts, which roll into a thin layer.
  7. Bake the cakes until brown, about 3-5 minutes, in a preheated oven at 180-200°C.
  8. Leave the baked cakes to cool.
  9. Meanwhile, prepare the cream. To do this, combine sour cream with sugar and beat them with a mixer until fluffy and thick.
  10. Place the cooled cake on a plate and spread with cream. Then lay out the cake again and apply the cream. Do this with all the cakes and cream.
  11. Sprinkle the top of the honey cake with dough scraps or crumbled honey gingerbread.
  12. Place the product for impregnation in the refrigerator overnight.

Soft tender sour cream honey cake literally melts in your mouth. It is made with a variety of creams, but in this version I suggest preparing it with sour cream and adding prunes and walnuts to the filling.


  • Flour - 350-500 g
  • Sugar - 200 g for dough, 150 g for cream
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Prunes - 150 g
  • Walnuts - 150 g
  • Honey - 2 tbsp
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Sour cream - 500 g
Step-by-step preparation:
  1. Place softened butter, granulated sugar and honey in a container. Place it in a water bath, heat, stirring until the mixture dissolves and becomes a uniform color.
  2. Add soda to the products and keep in the bath for 1 minute.
  3. Remove the bowl from the bath, pour in the eggs and stir.
  4. Pour the sifted flour through a sieve and mix thoroughly until smooth.
  5. Place the bowl of dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  6. Dust your work surface with flour. Divide the dough into 9 pieces, each of which roll out as thin as possible. Cut the cake in a circle and prick with a fork.
  7. Bake it for 5 minutes at 200 degrees.
  8. Ready cake remove from the baking sheet and bake all the cakes in this way. Cool them afterwards.
  9. Beat the sour cream with sugar with a mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  10. Pour hot water over the prunes and let sit for 20 minutes. Then dry with a paper towel and cut into pieces.
  11. Pierce the walnuts in a frying pan and cut into pieces.
  12. Place the first cake layer on a plate and brush evenly with 3 tbsp. sour cream.
  13. Place nuts and prunes on top.
  14. Cover the product with the second cake layer and perform a similar procedure.
  15. Coat the sides of the cake with cream.
  16. Grind the scraps into crumbs with a coffee grinder and sprinkle on the cake.
  17. Place the honey cake in the refrigerator to soak for 2 hours.

Custard is usually used for Napoleon cake. However, it also goes well with Honey cake.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Honey - 2 tbsp.
  • Butter - 60 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 125 g
  • Flour - 3 tbsp.
  • Baking soda - 2 tsp.
  • Vodka - 2 tsp.
Ingredients for cream:
  • Butter - 300 g
  • Sugar - 125 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Starch - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 5 tbsp.
Step-by-step preparation:
  1. Pour sugar into a saucepan and add butter. Place the pan in a water bath.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with a fork.
  3. Add eggs, vodka, honey to the melted butter and stir the ingredients.
  4. Pour in baking soda and stir the contents of the pan. Wait for the mass to lighten and double in volume.
  5. Then sift the flour into it. Adjust its quantity, because... Depending on the gluten, the honey mass may have a different consistency.
  6. Knead elastic dough, roll it into a ball and divide it into 8 equal parts, which also roll into small balls.
  7. Roll each piece of dough onto a board dusted with flour into a thin layer.
  8. Place the dough on a dry baking sheet, prick with a fork and place in the oven for 3-4 minutes at 200?C.
  9. Carefully cut the hot cake in a circle and remove from the baking sheet. Leave to cool. When cold it will become hard and will crumble when cut.
  10. Place the baked trimmed parts of the cakes in a separate bowl.
  11. For the custard, pour flour, sugar, starch into a saucepan and mix everything. Pour in the eggs and whisk the mixture a little.
  12. Place the mixture in a water bath and pour in the milk.
  13. Stir continuously until the cream thickens.
  14. Remove the cream from the water bath, add the oil, stir with a whisk and cool. To speed up this process, place the pan in a bowl of ice water.
  15. Start assembling the cake. Grease the first cake with cream, place the second cake, which is also coated with cream. Do the same with all the cakes and cream.
  16. Cover the end of the cake with the remaining cream.
  17. Blend the cake scraps with a blender and sprinkle the crumbs onto the surface of the honey cake.
  18. Place the product in the refrigerator to soak overnight.

Since honey cakes can be soaked in a variety of creams, we will give examples of recipes for some of them.

Sour cream


  • Sour cream - 500 ml
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Vanillin - on the tip of a knife (optional)
Step-by-step preparation:
  1. A couple of hours before starting cooking, strain the sour cream through cheesecloth. To prevent the product from spoiling, place it in the refrigerator. The whey will leave the sour cream through the gauze and it will become more creamy, thick and dense.
  2. Then add sugar to the sour cream and beat with a mixer at high speed for 15-20 minutes until the mass increases in volume, thickness and airiness.
  3. If you add a few drops of lemon juice, the cream will become piquant, and the walnuts will become refined.



  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp.
  • Starch - 2 tsp.
Step-by-step preparation:
  1. Sift the starch through a sieve, pour in the egg and stir until all lumps dissolve.
  2. Pour in the milk and stir.
  3. Place the ingredients in a water bath and cook the mixture until thickened, stirring constantly.
  4. Then you can add butter and beat with a whisk.
  5. Leave to cool, while continuing to stir the cream, otherwise a thick film will form on the surface.
  6. Usually refrigerated custard up to 10°C.

Condensed milk cream


  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Boiled condensed milk - 200 g
Step-by-step preparation:
  1. Sift flour into a thick-bottomed pan, add sugar, pour in milk and stir.
  2. Cook the resulting mixture over low heat, stirring continuously, until thickened.
  3. After cooling the mass, add room temperature butter, condensed milk and beat with a mixer.
  4. If desired, flavor the cream with vanilla.

Semolina cream


  • Milk - 1 l
  • Semolina - 4 tbsp.
  • Butter - 600 g
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
Step-by-step preparation:
  1. Salt the milk and boil.
  2. Add to milk semolina and cook for 15 minutes, during which gradually add 1 tbsp. Sahara. Cool the semolina mixture completely.
  3. Beat butter with 1 tbsp. sugar until smooth. Add 1 tbsp. cooled semolina and continue whisking.
  4. Pour in lemon juice and finally knead the cream.

Today, many housewives have fashionable modern kitchen assistants, with which you can not only cook delicious firsts and main courses, but also to bake pastry cakes. Having a multicooker on the farm, you can cook at least a delicious cake"Honey cake."


  • Flour - 360 g
  • Egg - 5 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 250 g per dough, 5 tbsp. in cream
  • Soda - 1 tsp.
  • Baking powder - 1.5 tsp.
  • Honey - 4 tbsp. into the dough, 1 tsp. into syrup
  • Water - 100 ml for syrup
  • Nuts - 100 g
  • Sour cream 20% fat - 400 g
  • Granulated sugar - 5 tbsp.
Step-by-step preparation:
  1. Beat eggs with sugar until thick and stable foam.
  2. Melt the honey in microwave oven so that it flows freely. Add baking soda and egg foam to it.
  3. Sift the flour through a sieve. Pour in the baking powder and mix the contents well.
  4. Combine flour and egg mixture. Gently knead the mixture. The dough should turn out runny.
  5. Turn on the “Baking” program in the multicooker. Grease the bottom and sides of the bowl with butter and heat for 5 minutes. Then pour in the dough and leave to bake for 1 hour. Do not lift the lid during baking.
  6. Do not immediately remove the finished cake from the bowl, but leave it to stand in the switched off multicooker for another 20 minutes.
  7. After taking out the cake, cool it and cut it into 3-4 thin cakes.
  8. Cold sour cream with granulated sugar Whisk until the latter is completely dissolved and the mass thickens.
  9. Pierce the walnuts in a frying pan and chop them up.
  10. Boil water and dissolve honey in it.
  11. Soak each cake with 4 tbsp. honey syrup, grease with 4 tbsp. cream and sprinkle with nuts.
  12. Keep the assembled cake in the refrigerator overnight so that it is well soaked.

Video recipes: