Bird's milk on gelatin with condensed milk. Cake "Bird's milk" on condensed milk

Step 1: Cooking the cakes.

There is nothing complicated here. Melt margarine with sugar (200 grams) in a small saucepan over low heat, stirring a little, then remove from the stove and add 2 eggs and flour (150 grams). Beat it all well with a mixer, bring the mixture to a homogeneous mass.
Now we take a baking dish, it is better if it is detachable. Lubricate it with butter, then pour in half of our mixture. In a preheated oven for 200 degrees, put our form and wait until the dough fits, it will take about 20 minutes. We do the same with the second cake.

Step 2: Swelling of the gelatin.

To make jelly, you first need to soak the gelatine. in cold water not a large bowl so that it swells. It will take 40 to 60 minutes. Then the swollen gelatin needs to be heated on the stove so that it completely dissolves, but in no case do not boil it! Then we filter it through cheesecloth so that there are no lumps left at all.

Step 3: Making syrup.

We put a saucepan of water (1 liter) on the stove and bring to a boil, then add all the remaining sugar, and mix everything, to completely dissolve the sugar. It is important that the syrup is thick and slowly slides off the spoon (in this case, you can reduce the amount of water or increase the amount of sugar).

Step 4: Making Jelly.

We take 5 eggs and separate the protein from the yolk. Proteins need to be beaten until a cream is formed, then we put the mixer on slow speeds and begin to pour in the syrup, and then our swollen gelatin. In a separate bowl, melt a little butter and add condensed milk there, all this can be mixed with a spoon. We spread the mixed condensed milk in whipped proteins. And mix everything with a mixer.

Step 5: Lay out the layers.

We take a ready-made cake (you can do everything in a baking dish), pour our gelatin cream evenly, then cover with a second cake and pour over the remaining cream again. Place the cake in the refrigerator until it is completely frozen. Available all night or for 5 - 6 hours.

Step 6: Serve to the table. .

To make the glaze, melt the chocolate over low heat or in the microwave (you can use cocoa powder instead of chocolate, just mix it with water and heat it), and add milk (you can replace it with cream) and melted butter and mix everything with a mixer. Remove the cake from the refrigerator and pour over the melted chocolate and let it stand for a while, 20 minutes is enough. You can submit! Bon appetite!

The cream can be made coffee-like, just when whipping the dough for the cakes, add a couple of tablespoons of coffee or cocoa powder.

To prevent the protein from settling quickly, add a little lemon juice.

You can use white chocolate, then you get a snow-white cake.

  • For cakes:

  • 150 g flour

    2 eggs

    100 g butter or margarine

    100 g sugar

    1 sachet vanilla sugar

    or to taste

  • For cream:

  • 5 egg whites

    250 g sugar

    150 g butter

    200 g condensed milk

    this time I took 300g of condensed milk and, in my opinion, it turned out very well

    20 g gelatin

    I usually use not instant, but requiring soaking gelatin

    1/4 teaspoon citric acid

  • For glaze:

  • 100 g chocolate

    6 art. tablespoons of milk or cream

    15 g butter


Cake " bird's milk' needs no introduction. I am almost sure that he is familiar and loved by many. There are many options for making this cake at home. For myself, I prefer this one. Try to cook!

There are many options for making cakes for this cake. Many cook them using the yolks left after making the cream. I don’t quite like the taste of such cakes, I prefer to spend a couple more eggs for cooking, and use the yolks in other baking, but if you still decide to bake cakes on yolks, then use the recipe below.

Egg yolks - 5 pieces
Sugar - 3/4 cup
Flour - 3/4 cup
Butter - 100g
Soda - 1/4 teaspoon
Vanilla sugar - to taste

Traditionally, the Bird's Milk cake is covered with chocolate. It is not very technologically convenient, it is much more convenient to work with icing, but if you still decide to cover the cake with chocolate, then just melt 200 g of chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave and add 2-3 tablespoons of milk or cream.

For this cake, I used a 24cm cake tin.


The base for this cake is prepared very easily and quickly. There are no complexities and subtleties here. Just rub softened butter or margarine with sugar, add eggs, vanilla sugar, flour and stir until smooth. As a result, you should get a fairly liquid pouring dough. Lubricate the baking dish with oil, put about half of the dough into the dish, smooth it out.

Bake in a preheated oven at 220°C until light golden brown (about 10-15 minutes). Bake another cake in the same way. As a result, you should get 2 cakes about 1–1.5 cm thick.

For the cream, you will need to pre-soak the gelatin in 200 ml of cold boiled water. Soak gelatin for the time indicated on the package. It usually takes about 1 hour. We heat the swollen gelatin very carefully (but do not boil!) Until it is completely dissolved. It is highly desirable to filter the gelatin solution. Divide eggs into whites and yolks. It is very important that not a drop of yolk gets into the whites, because. the presence of fat in proteins will greatly complicate the process of beating them. Make sure that the dishes in which you will beat the egg whites and the beaters of the mixer would also be fat-free. We put the proteins in the refrigerator, and in the meantime we will prepare the sugar syrup.
Add 80–100 ml of boiling water to the measured 250 g of sugar, stir. We put the saucepan with the sugar solution on the fire and, stirring constantly, we will achieve complete dissolution of the sugar. It is very important !!! that by the beginning of the boil ALL the sugar has dissolved and not a single crystal of sugar remains on the bottom and walls of the saucepan. After the sugar solution begins to boil, we DO NOT INTERFERE with it anymore !!! You need to boil the syrup until it becomes viscous. Approximately 7-10 minutes after the start of boiling, large bubbles will begin to appear on the surface of the syrup and the syrup will no longer quickly drain from the spoon, but will slide down, forming a thread.

Remove syrup from heat. Remove the whites from the refrigerator and beat with a mixer until stable peaks. In order for the proteins to beat better, add a little salt to them. It is very important not to kill the whites. They should increase in volume, keep their shape, but not become hard. Whipped proteins should remain "bubbly" and not perfectly smooth. Broken proteins settle very easily when mixed. At the very end of whipping, add citric acid to the proteins. Next, turn the mixer to minimum speed and in a thin stream, without stopping whipping, add hot sugar syrup to the whites, and then a warm gelatin solution.

Let the protein mixture rest and cool slightly for about 5 to 10 minutes while you prepare the buttercream base. To do this, softened butter (softened means butter room temperature, and not melted!) Beat with a mixer until white and then in small portions, with constant beating, add condensed milk to the butter. Beat the butter with condensed milk so that they combine into a homogeneous cream. Gently, in small portions, at low speed of the mixer, enter oil cream into whipped egg whites.

In order for the finished cake to be easily pulled out of the mold, you need to either line the sides of the mold parchment paper, or grease the sides of the mold with oil and sprinkle powdered sugar. Put the cake into the prepared form. Pour the protein cream on top, leaving literally about half a glass of cream.

Then you can either immediately put the second cake on the cream (I usually do this), or put the mold in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes so that the cream grabs a little, and only then put the second cake on top.

Put the rest on the second cake protein cream. The cream should only slightly cover the cake, leveling its surface. Place the cake in the refrigerator to completely harden. I usually leave it overnight, but in my opinion, 2-3 hours will be enough. For the glaze, melt the chocolate in the microwave or over a water bath. Add butter and milk to chocolate and mix. As a result, you should get a uniform smooth chocolate mass. Take the cake out of the mold. Brush the sides and top of the cake with frosting.

Leave in the refrigerator until the glaze has set.
Happy tea drinking!

Cake "Bird's milk" with a delicate protein soufflé - classic dessert popular since Soviet times. To feast on this confectionery, then you had to stand in huge queues for many hours, and the unique recipe was kept in strict confidence.

Now the Bird's Milk cake can be safely made at home - the products are available, and there are a lot of recipes on the Internet. During its existence, the dessert acquired various variations cooking, but today we will form a soufflé, approaching the original version. Of the minor deviations - the replacement of agar-agar with gelatin and a decrease in sugar.


For the crust:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • flour - 50 g.

For impregnation:

  • water - 30 ml;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon.

For the soufflé:

  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 250 g (+ 80 g of water);
  • butter - 200 g;
  • condensed milk - 100 g;
  • gelatin powder - 15 g;
  • lemon juice- 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - a pinch.

For glaze:

  • dark chocolate - 100 g;
  • butter - 50 g.

Cake "Bird's milk" recipe with photo step by step

  1. Cooking cake. Add plain and vanilla sugar to the eggs, beat for at least 5 minutes - until the “airy” mass.
  2. Sift the flour in small portions over the egg foam. Each time, smoothly and carefully mix it strictly from the bottom up, so that thick crust didn't settle.
  3. We lay the bottom of a detachable container with a diameter of 22 cm with parchment paper or carefully coat it with a piece of butter. We distribute the dough in an even layer and send it to a preheated oven (temperature 180 degrees).
  4. Bake the cake for 10-15 minutes, checking the crumb for dryness with a match / toothpick. We cool the finished baking.
  5. We pass with a knife along the sides of the form, separating the cooled cake from the walls. Remove the ring, wash. We spread the cake on a plate and pour it with impregnation (sugar dissolved in water). Installing the ring.

    Souffle for cake "Bird's milk" recipe with photo

  6. Beat soft butter at room temperature until fluffy, gradually pouring in the condensed milk. We work with a mixer until the components are combined. Set aside the resulting butter cream for now (not in the refrigerator!).
  7. Gelatin pour 120 ml cold water. Leave to swell for 10 minutes or for the time indicated in the instructions.
  8. Cooking syrup. Pour the sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  9. We add water. In the classic recipe for the Bird's Milk cake, sugar is required one and a half times more, so lovers of very sweet desserts, as well as those who want to get as close as possible to the original taste, can increase the rate. Just do not forget to proportionally increase the amount of water!
  10. Put the saucepan on medium heat. The syrup must be heated to a temperature of 110 degrees, so here you need a cooking thermometer. Without it, preparing syrup is very risky, as it will be much more difficult to catch the moment. In this case, you will have to focus on the “thin thread”, that is, watch when the syrup will stretch from the spoon in a continuous thin stream. The whole process will take about 10 minutes, so in parallel we will have time to prepare the proteins.
  11. Add a pinch of salt, lemon juice and vanilla sugar to the egg whites. Beat until a strong mass, which, when turning the bowl, will firmly stay in place without sliding along the walls. We remind you that whisks and a bowl when working with proteins should be dry and perfectly clean, without fat. It is extremely important to beat the protein mixture correctly - it will depend on taste qualities and soufflé texture!
  12. Remove the heated syrup from the heat and slowly pour in a thin stream to the proteins along the wall of the bowl, continuing to beat the mass. Continuously work with a mixer until the protein mixture cools to room temperature (about 10 minutes). If everything was done correctly, you will end up with a very thick, homogeneous protein cream.
  13. Partially add butter with condensed milk to the proteins, beating at the lowest speed and for a very short time (only until the components are combined).
  14. We heat the swollen gelatin mass, actively stirring, until the powder is completely dissolved. You can do this using a "water bath" or, for example, place a bowl of gelatin in a larger bowl with hot water. Do not forget that gelatin cannot be boiled.
  15. Cool slightly, and then pour the gelatin solution in a thin stream into the cream while beating with a mixer. After adding gelatin, the mass will become more liquid.
  16. Pour the snow-white cream on the cake, level the top. We put in the refrigerator until the soufflé "seizes" (for 2-4 hours).

    Icing for the cake "Bird's milk" recipe

  17. Cover the finished cake with icing. Break the chocolate into pieces, mix with pieces of butter. We place it in a water bath.
  18. Continuously stir the chocolate-butter mixture until completely melted and a homogeneous glossy glaze is obtained. Make sure that the water in the lower bowl does not touch the bottom of the upper bowl. We work on a small fire so as not to overheat the chocolate.
  19. After cooling slightly, spread the glaze over the surface of the soufflé. Place the cake in the refrigerator until the chocolate hardens.
  20. If desired, you can draw a pattern with melted chocolate, for example, draw thin intersecting lines or make an inscription.
  21. Carefully draw a knife blade along the sides, and then remove the ring.
  22. It is not necessary to soak the Bird's Milk cake, but if possible, it is advisable to let it brew overnight in the refrigerator. The next day, the souffle will become a little more dense, and the dessert itself will be even tastier.

Cake "Bird's milk" is ready! Happy tea!

“The rich, especially bird’s milk, has everything,” says a Russian folk proverb, but in the 60s of the twentieth century, thanks to the efforts of the Soviet confectioner V. Guralnik, “Bird’s milk”, which became a cake, was available to people of any income. True, often this dessert remained unattainable due to the inability of production to meet the growing demand. Therefore, the housewives tried to repeat the coveted "Bird's Milk" cake in their kitchens. So there were different tasty variations of it.

This is a classic version of the cake, for which long queues lined up at the pastry shops. But now available step by step description recipes allows you to cook this delicacy in your home kitchen.

For a dessert loved by many since childhood, in accordance with the requirements of GOST, for two branded cakes it is necessary to prepare:

  • a couple of large eggs;
  • 100 g fatter oil;
  • 100 g of fine sugar;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 160 g of the highest grade of flour.

Proportions of products to create the lightest and softest soufflé with a delicate milky aroma:

  • 450 g of granulated sugar;
  • 210 ml of water (140 of them for syrup and 70 for soaking gelatin);
  • 25 g gelatin;
  • 3 egg whites;
  • 100 g condensed milk (not boiled);
  • 200 g butter;
  • 4 g vanillin;
  • 3 g citric acid.

Traditional decoration - chocolate, glossy, shiny glaze is prepared from:

  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 50 g butter.

How to recreate the Bird's Milk cake according to GOST with gelatin:

  1. First you need to bake two cakes with a diameter of 24-25 cm from shortcrust pastry. Using a mixer, beat soft butter with granulated sugar and vanilla sugar. The mass should turn white, increase in volume, and the grains of sugar should completely disperse.
  2. After that, one by one, stir in the eggs and flour. Ready dough collect in a bun, which should be given 15-20 minutes to rest. Then roll out the cakes of the desired diameter on parchment, bake them at 230 degrees for 10-12 minutes and cool without removing them from the paper.
  3. Now you can start preparing the soufflé. First you need to soak the gelatin in water. From sugar and water, boil the syrup, which will stretch from a spoon with a thin thread.
  4. While the prepared syrup is cooling (its temperature should drop to 60 degrees), beat creamy butter with condensed milk. Do the same with egg whites in a separate vessel. A little citric acid and vanilla sugar will help you get stable peaks with a pleasant aroma faster.
  5. We connect the components of the soufflé. First, gradually pour in the syrup to the proteins, without stopping whipping them, followed by gelatin heated to a liquid state without grains. Lastly, stir in the butter cream with condensed milk with a spatula.
  6. At the bottom of the form with detachable sides of a suitable diameter, one sandy cake should be laid, half of the soufflé should be evenly distributed over it, covered with another cake, onto which the remaining portion of the tender mass should be shifted. Remove the dessert for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator.
  7. When the souffle mass “grabs” well and hardens, all that remains is to pour the dessert on top with melted chocolate and butter.

Let the frosting set, remove the cake from the mold and serve.

A simple no-bake recipe with boiled condensed milk

Any cake requires baking cakes, but this dessert allows you to get around this moment by preparing Bird's Milk without baking. The biscuit base can be purchased at the store in the form of ready-made cakes, and the sand base can be made according to the method proposed below.

Soufflé can be made classic recipe or use the caramel version with boiled condensed milk. You can decorate the dessert with canned and fresh fruits, which will add a graceful sourness, balancing the sweetness of the soufflé.

The sand base of the cake is prepared from:

For caramel soufflé you will need:

  • 370 g boiled (can be homemade) condensed milk;
  • 200 g sour cream 20% fat;
  • half as much butter;
  • 20 g of gelatin;
  • 5 proteins.

Decorate dessert:

  • 400 g canned or fresh berries and fruits to taste;
  • 1 pack of cake jelly.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. In a blender or food processor, beat shortbread cookies with soft butter into buttery crumbs. Tamp the resulting mass on the bottom of a detachable mold and refrigerate.
  2. Beat condensed milk with soft creamy butter. Prepare gelatin: let it soak with water (proportions 1:3) and heat to a liquid state. Put a spoonful of condensed milk cream in hot gelatin, stir and add to the total mass of the cream.
  3. Thoroughly foam the proteins and mix with the base of boiled condensed milk. Distribute the soufflé on the basis of shortbread cookies, smooth and stand overnight (at least 8-12 hours) on the refrigerator shelf.
  4. Spread the berries-fruits on a frozen treat and pour them on top of the jelly for the cake, prepared in accordance with the recommendations on the package. Once the jelly has hardened, carefully remove the sides of the detachable form from the dessert and transfer it to a serving dish. The caramel bird, as this version of the cake is also called, is ready to “fly” onto the table.

If it was not possible to buy jelly for the cake, you can cook it yourself by mixing gelatin, sugar and water in a ratio of 1: 1: 3. After the gelatin swells, heat the mixture to a liquid state and pour it over the fruit on the cake.

Based on cottage cheese

To prepare gentle version"Bird's milk" based on cottage cheese, you also do not need to turn on the oven. An important point of this recipe: cottage cheese should be chosen tender, pasty, without grains. For reliability, it is better to kill it to the desired consistency in a blender.

The dessert consists of three layers. For the first one you need to take:

  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • the same amount of oil;
  • 100 g of dry chocolate breakfast balls (for example, Nesquik).

The second layer of curd soufflé is prepared from:

  • 500 g of cottage cheese;
  • 200 g of sugar and heavy cream;
  • 40 g of gelatin;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • vanillin to taste.

The final layer - chocolate icing consists of:

  • 140 ml of water;
  • 130 ml cream;
  • 180 g of sugar;
  • 60 g cocoa powder;
  • 10 g of gelatin;
  • 20 ml of water.

Working process:

  1. We melt the chocolate and butter to a fluid state, pour the crispy balls of dry breakfast into it, mix and spread in an even layer on the bottom of the greased vegetable oil detachable form. We send it to the cold so that the layer grabs.
  2. Prepare gelatin: let it swell and dissolve in the microwave or on steam bath. Whip cream with sugar and cottage cheese into a fluffy mass, add vanillin and add prepared gelatin. Put the resulting soufflé on top of the first layer. Refrigerate again.
  3. When the soufflé "grabs", combine in one saucepan all the ingredients of the glaze, except for gelatin and water. Soak it separately. Cook the glaze over low heat for 10 minutes. Then let stand for the same amount, removing from heat.

It remains to shift the swollen gelatin into the icing, mix it until smooth and pour the dessert on top of the finished mass.

Cake "Bird's milk" on agar-agar

For mousse and soufflé desserts, two main thickeners are used - gelatin and agar-agar.

The last seaweed product allows for more stable structures, since it already hardens at forty degrees.

This and its other properties make some changes in the general technology of preparation.

So that the yolks of the eggs used for the soufflé do not disappear, it is better to bake a biscuit cake as the basis of the cake, taking for it:

  • 7 yolks;
  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 5 g vanilla sugar;
  • 5 g baking powder;
  • 160 g flour.

Soufflé includes:

  • 7 proteins;
  • 3 g citric acid;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 250 g of condensed milk;
  • 170 g butter;
  • 10 g of agar-agar;
  • 100 ml of water.

The grocery set for chocolate icing will be as follows:

  • 200 g of dark chocolate;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 200 g cream.

Cake "Bird's milk" with agar-agar is prepared as follows:

  1. Beat the yolks for the biscuit until a light cream with sugar (including vanilla), add very soft butter to the resulting mass, beat everything together again. Then sift the flour and baking powder, knead the dough with a spatula and bake a sponge cake with a diameter of 26 cm from it for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.
  2. Pour warm water into agar-agar and let stand for a quarter of an hour, then add sugar and boil the syrup to a boiling point.
  3. With citric acid beat the whites until a stable and dense foam, pour hot syrup into it, without stopping the beating. At medium speed, stir in the very soft cream butter and condensed milk.
  4. Dissolve the biscuit lengthwise into 2 layers. Lay one on the bottom of the form, pour half the soufflé, cover with the second cake, on top - soufflé again. Smooth the surface of the dessert and put it in the refrigerator for three hours.
  5. Small pieces of chocolate and butter pour over the cream heated to a boil. Stir the mass so that it becomes smooth and homogeneous. Then pour the icing over the frozen soufflé and return the cake to the refrigerator until it "grabs".

chocolate dessert

When you want variety, you can cook the chocolate version of "Bird's Milk" on agar-agar and boiled condensed milk. The cake will be unusual, but very tasty.

For a small (20-21 cm) biscuit, prepare:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 75 g of granulated sugar;
  • 90 g flour.

To make chocolate soufflé, you need to take:

  • 8 g of agar-agar;
  • 140 ml of water;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 100 g boiled condensed milk;
  • 2 proteins;
  • 70 g dark chocolate;
  • 50 g cocoa powder.

Additionally, you will need 100 g of milk or dark chocolate to decorate the cake.


  1. Make a sweet foam from eggs and sugar, stir in the sifted flour and prepare a biscuit. As in previous recipes, it needs to be cut into 2 thinner cakes.
  2. For a soufflé, beat soft butter with condensed milk, melted chocolate and cocoa powder. From agar-agar, sugar and water, boil the syrup. When it reaches 110 degrees, take it off the heat and let it cool down a bit.
  3. Beat the whites into a stable foam, without stopping the mixer, pour in the syrup and stir in the cream on condensed milk.
  4. Line the sides of a detachable form or rings for assembling desserts with acetate film, lay one cake on the bottom, put the whole mass of soufflé on it, smooth and cover with a second cake. Send everything for one hour in the cold.
  5. As a decoration, apply a mesh of melted chocolate on top. Remove the cake from the mold before serving.

Biscuit treat option

Soufflé goes well not only with sand cakes, but also with a biscuit base.

This version of "Bird's Milk" can be easily prepared in the oven and in the slow cooker. The latest gadget will help even a novice hostess get the perfect biscuit.

So, for a biscuit cake you need:

  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 120 g flour.

For cream soufflé on a custard base, you should take:

  • 7 eggs;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 160 ml of milk;
  • 20 g flour;
  • 180 g butter;
  • 30 g of gelatin;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 1 g vanillin.

To make the icing for decorating the cake you will need:

  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 15-20 g butter;
  • 60 ml boiled milk.

Dessert preparation steps:

  1. For ten minutes, with a mixer at medium speed, beat the eggs with sugar until the space occupied by them in the bowl increases at least three to four times. Sift the flour into the egg foam, carefully stir it in with a spatula or spoon.
  2. Bake a biscuit in the oven or slow cooker in the "Baking" mode for 45-60 minutes. From finished cake make two more thin layers after complete cooling.
  3. Separate egg whites and yolks for the soufflé filling. Grind the latter with half the sugar, pour milk into them, sift the flour and, stirring, boil until thick. This process can also be carried out in a multicooker (multi-cooker option, 100 degrees, a quarter of an hour).
  4. Let the custard base cool down to 20-27 degrees, add vanillin to it and beat with soft butter. Pour the gelatin with a prescription amount of water and, after swelling, warm it up to a state of a homogeneous liquid.
  5. Shake the whites into a strong foam with the remaining sugar, mix in the dissolved gelatin and the custard base.
  6. Put half of the soufflé into a multi-pan, on it - thin biscuit cake, on top - the second part of the cream and cover it all with another cake. Remove dessert for 3-4 hours in the cold.
  7. After hardening, immerse the multicooker bowl in hot water for 1-2 minutes. Now you can carefully remove the cake from it.
  8. Broken into small pieces chocolate bar and butter pour boiling milk, mix until smooth. Pour this fondant over pastries. Once chilled, the dessert is ready to serve.

When cutting the Bird's Milk cake, the chocolate icing often breaks and crumbles into ugly pieces, so that this does not happen, the dessert should be cut with a dry hot knife.

With semolina and lemon

The recipe for the Bird's Milk cake with semolina and lemon was very popular in times of total shortage, but even now, when you can easily find all the ingredients for even the most exquisite dessert in the nearest store, it is definitely worth a try. Because for all its simplicity, the cake is really delicious.

List of required ingredients:

  • 450 g butter (150 g for cake, 300 g for cream);
  • 620 g of sugar (200 g for dough, 300 g for cream and 120 g for glaze);
  • 100 g cocoa powder (40 g for biscuit, 60 g for chocolate icing);
  • 5 g baking powder;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 160 g flour;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 30 g of semolina;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 90 g sour cream.

We bake a cake with semolina soufflé step by step:

  1. Preparing the chocolate cake batter for the biscuit base. We turn eggs with white crystalline sugar into a stable foam. Beat soft butter a little for greater splendor. Gently combine eggnog-mogul from eggs and sugar with whipped butter.
  2. Having shown all our skill and utmost care so that the mass does not fall off, we try to introduce a mixture of sifted bulk components (flour, cocoa and baking powder) to the liquid component.
  3. From the dough that turned out as a result, one high cake should be baked at 180 degrees. Duration heat treatment- 20 minutes.
  4. Boil the lemon in hot water for 10-15 minutes to remove all the bitterness. Then cut it into slices, select the bones and twist into gruel in a blender or meat grinder.
  5. From milk, sugar and semolina, prepare a thick porridge, which should be quickly cooled in an ice bath. Add lemon and soft butter to the cooled semolina, mix everything together with a mixer into an airy soufflé composition.
  6. Dissolve the biscuit into two identical cakes, between which place the semolina soufflé. Pour over the top of the cake with icing from sugar, cocoa powder and sour cream warmed up in one container.