How to dry mushrooms in the microwave. How to dry mushrooms at home

Mushroom harvest is highly dependent on the weather. It happens that "quiet hunters" barely gain prey for the soup. And it happens - full baskets and buckets are dragged home, and even they are poured almost into the hem. And what pleasure they experience if in this abundance the vast majority are mushrooms! However, at the same time, the question of recycling arises in full growth, because fresh mushrooms stored for a very short time. This is where the happy gatherers begin to remember all the ways they know how to dry porcini mushrooms. After all, this is the least time-consuming method of harvesting them, and your mushrooms will be stored for a long time. And how many dishes with their participation you can cook!

Basics of drying in any way

For those who have recently become interested in mushroom "catching", we recall the main rules. They will ensure that you do not spoil your finds.

No matter how you harvest mushrooms, too large specimens are cut into one and a half centimeter plates. If you came across only small mushrooms, you can dry them whole.

Electric dryer - the most practical way

In modern conditions, it is an ideal choice, since it is the fastest way to dry porcini mushrooms in it. Unlike other methods, those who used this device advise washing mushrooms thoroughly before drying. On average, in such devices, a set of pallets is 4-5 pieces. The mushrooms laid out in them are completely dried in two to two and a half hours (depending on the brand and manufacturer). So experienced users are advised to increase the number of pallets to 7-8. Let the operating time of the electric dryer increase slightly, but at the same energy cost, twice as many mushrooms will be dried.

old method

If you don’t go to mushroom fishing so often and have not acquired the appropriate unit for harvesting them, remember the “grandmother’s” way of how to dry porcini mushrooms. Especially if the weather is sunny and warm. Prepared mushrooms are strung on a harsh thread or thick fishing line (the thread will still the best choice). Then it is stretched between branches or supports in a sunny, ventilated place and covered with gauze so that insects do not get to the mushrooms. It is necessary to take out such low ones on the street in the morning, when the air is well warmed up, and in the evening, as soon as it gets colder, bring it into the house. If the weather is consistently warm, it doesn’t rain and the sun doesn’t hide, the mushrooms will dry out in a couple of weeks. And if it started to rain, it was cloudy or suddenly colder, they would have to be dried in other ways.

Oven - gas or electric

This is the most common way to dry any mushrooms in a city apartment. It is, of course, slower than when using a special dryer, but much faster than when the mushrooms are dried in the sun. However, some rules must be observed. First of all, you can not put mushrooms directly on a baking sheet - they will just fry. The bottom must be lined with parchment. Second: pieces of mushrooms (or whole specimens) should be located at some distance from each other. Third: do not forget to open the oven door for ventilation. And fourth: you need to know exactly at what temperature to dry the mushrooms and for how long. At the first stage, the oven must be heated to 50 degrees; at this temperature, mushrooms should be in it for 3 hours. Then they are removed and cooled. Next, the oven heats up to 70 degrees, and put the mushrooms in it for 2 hours, after which they lower the temperature again to 50 and dry the mushrooms for another 2 hours. They need to be checked periodically: both plates and whole mushrooms have different sizes. Smaller ones, of course, will dry faster, so you need to get ready-made ones in a timely manner.

Microwave can be helpful too.

It remains to tell how to dry mushrooms in the microwave. We admit that this is not the best way. First of all, it is quite long in time, and you will have to constantly monitor the process. In addition, microwave ovens are usually small in size, so a significant crop will have to be dried in batches. Moreover, mushrooms usually cannot be dried to the desired condition, they have to be “brought to mind” in the oven. And if you didn’t watch it, dried out your mushrooms - they can flare up right in it!

The process itself looks like this. Mushrooms are laid out on a grate, a power of 130 W is set, the microwave is turned on for 20 minutes. After the expiration of the period, the mushrooms are ventilated for 5 minutes, and all actions are repeated 2 to 4 times.

Storage rules

When you have dried your prey, you need to correctly identify it for savings. Dry mushrooms actively absorb moisture from the air, from which they subsequently dampen, and subsequently may become moldy. Yes, and different smells, including unpleasant, drying absorbs quickly. So the main storage condition is the ventilation of the storage and the low temperature in it. It is better to pack dry mushrooms in burlap or food paper bags. Polyethylene bags are strictly prohibited! Tips to enjoy closed banks from glass or metal are doubtful - outsiders "residents" can get into them.

Good luck mushroom hunting, harvesting "prey" and successful storage.

How to dry mushrooms at home

Fragrant dried mushrooms are an unusual ingredient for numerous first and second courses. They contain a lot of useful trace elements for the body. Modern housewives know many ways to prepare this product for the future. Drying mushrooms at home can be done using special equipment or in the sun. To calculate the time for the procedure, it is important to take into account the characteristics of a particular type and method of preparation.

What mushrooms can be dried at home:

  1. Tubular. This type is optimal for drying. Forest boletus, boletus, mushrooms, Polish mushroom and other edible varieties after such processing remain fragrant and very tasty. Under the caps, this species has a spongy layer of small tubules.
  2. marsupials. This variety includes white truffles and morels. They differ in their unexpressed shape and spores located in bags. White truffle is an expensive delicacy that is rarely used for drying. Morels are dried in the open air for several months. This time is needed for the evaporation of toxic substances. If you use the product earlier, it can be harmful to health.

  3. Lamellar - another popular type. This variety includes champignons, mushrooms, pods, oyster mushrooms and others. Under the cap, agaric mushrooms have characteristic plates located in the radial direction. It is not recommended to choose mushrooms, volnushki or russula for drying because of the high content of bitterness in the milky juice.
  4. Chanterelles. Many people confuse this species with lamellar ones. Chanterelles are characterized by folds of pulp, similar to plates. The dried product has a bitter taste.
  5. Polypores. This species is branched, it includes sheep and other varieties.

It is important not only to properly dry mushrooms or champignons, but also to select raw materials for harvesting. Some people think that only tubular ones are suitable for this. However, lamellar ones are also sometimes used for drying, for example, mushrooms are very common in Russia and are suitable for harvesting for the winter. In addition, it is important not to miss the moment when dried chanterelles or boletus are ready. An overdried product cannot be cooked, and an unprepared product quickly deteriorates. During the drying process, mushrooms lose 90% of their weight, so about 100 g of dry mushrooms or champignons come out of 1 kg of raw materials.
Another important step is the preparation for the procedure. The more carefully sorted and cleaned mushrooms or oyster mushrooms before drying, the tastier and more aromatic they will be after processing. Choose strong, dense specimens without damage. Be sure to clean the raw materials from contamination, wipe with a sponge, but do not wash with water so that the product does not lose its aroma and taste. In addition, you need to sort everything by size. For champignons and mushrooms, cut off the lower part of the leg. Boletus, boletus are separated from the hat. Mushrooms are cut into plates of 1-1.5 cm or slices.

Drying mushrooms in the oven

Considering ways to dry mushrooms, those who do not have special equipment should pay attention to the oven. Raw materials are prepared, cleaned, the legs are separated from the caps, cut. It is more convenient to dry mushrooms in the oven on a wire rack, which is placed on top of the baking sheet. The oven door is opened so that the moisture evaporates faster. The temperature is set at 40-60 degrees. Drying time up to 48 hours. Readiness is simply checked: a piece is bent, it should bend a little and break easily.

Sun dried mushrooms

Another option for harvesting is drying in the fresh air. To do this, choose sunny hot days. In case of sudden changes in the weather, the laid out raw materials on a tray must be brought into the room. It is important to cover the product from dust and flies with gauze. This option is suitable for how to dry the mushrooms completely, and how to dry them before processing in the oven. The procedure takes from two to seven days. Sliced, sun-dried mushrooms are removed after 48 hours so that they do not lose their natural color. Morels need to dry for at least 2 months.

Drying mushrooms in an electric dryer

Some housewives have in their arsenal such a convenient device as drying for mushrooms and vegetables. With its help, it is very easy to dry oyster mushrooms, mushrooms or champignons for the winter. How to cook delicious and fragrant dry mushrooms correctly so that they dry evenly? It is necessary to clean the raw materials, sort them out, cut them and arrange them on special grills of the device. Everything needs to be dried at 40-50 degrees, after which the temperature is increased to 80 ° C. In time, drying mushrooms in an electric dryer takes 4-6 hours, depending on the type of raw material.

Drying mushrooms in the microwave

If there is no special equipment for drying products, and it is impossible to decompose raw materials in air, a microwave oven can be used. Drying mushrooms in the microwave has its own characteristics. First, the raw materials are cut into thin slices of 5 mm each, laid out on a plate, and a timer is turned on for 20 minutes. After that, the door is opened for 10 minutes to evaporate excess liquid. Repeat the session 4-5 times.

How to dry mushrooms on a thread

One of the most ancient methods of harvesting boletus or boletus for the winter is drying on a fishing line or thread. For this method, you can use whole mushrooms or sliced. The prepared raw materials must be strung on a needle with a canvas thread (or nylon). You can dry mushrooms on a thread in any room with good air circulation, but protected from rain and dust. You can cover the product with insect gauze.

Mushroom Drying Recipes

There are many methods for preparing dried mushrooms, which can be added to soups and hot dishes in winter. Of great importance when choosing a method and mode of drying is the type of raw material. For example, morels should be dried in the fresh air for at least 60 days, and mushrooms are dried for 4 hours. How to cook the workpiece correctly, taking into account a specific variety, can be found in the recipes below with photos.

How to dry porcini mushrooms

The smell of dried mushrooms will not leave anyone indifferent, so this variety is especially popular with housewives for winter preparations. To get quality finished product, you need to properly prepare the raw materials. You can dry porcini mushrooms in any way possible: in the oven, on a thread, using a microwave oven. Ready dried mushrooms should barely bend, have a slightly springy structure. Below is an instruction on how to dry raw materials in the oven with a photo.

Cooking method:

  1. Mushrooms are sorted out, cleaned of dirt, cut off the lower part of the leg, wipe the hats with a sponge.
  2. Cut everything into thin slices.
  3. Lay out in one layer on a special grill.
  4. Set the rack over the baking sheet, turn on the oven.
  5. Dry the raw materials with the door open at a temperature of not more than 75 degrees for 2-3 hours.

How to dry mushrooms

One of the most popular types of mushrooms are champignons. They are sold fresh and frozen. all year round so they are rarely dried. However, some housewives prepare some dried champignons for the winter, because the product is convenient to store and can be used for cooking at any time. different dishes. There are several ways to dry mushrooms. Below is step-by-step instruction with a photo of how to prepare raw materials with a thread in the fresh air.

Cooking method:

  1. Peeled mushrooms are sorted by size or cut into pieces.
  2. String raw materials on a thread so that the pieces do not touch.
  3. The resulting "beads" are hung in a room closed from water, dust, UV rays.
  4. Dry for several days until ready.

How to dry oyster mushrooms at home

Oyster mushrooms contain flavoring, aromatic substances, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, thiamine, vitamins A, D, valuable folic acid. All substances are preserved after drying, so many harvest this type of mushroom for future use. It is recommended to dry oyster mushrooms at home using a special dryer. However, if it is not there, then the oven will do, but this option is longer. In order for oyster mushrooms to retain their aroma, taste and nutrients, you should adhere to the recipe, which is presented below.

Cooking method:

  1. After harvesting, oyster mushrooms are sorted out, cleaned of dirt.
  2. Cut the raw material into slices or slices.
  3. A metal or wooden grid is placed on a baking sheet.
  4. Spread the raw materials on the grate.
  5. Dry at a temperature of 45-50 degrees, with the door ajar for about 8 hours.
  6. Spread on a tray in a well-ventilated room for 24 hours.
  7. Aired, dried raw materials are laid out on a wire rack, which is installed on top of the baking sheet.
  8. Dry at 70-75 degrees for 6 hours (if there is not enough time, increase the processing).

How to dry boletus

If the trip to the forest was successful, and you collected a lot of boletus, then the extra mushrooms can be dried. This version of the preparation is not inferior to marinated in taste and benefits. However, in order for the finished product to turn out to be of high quality and well stored, it is worth following the instructions. The plan of action depends on how the hostess decides to dry the boletus. It is important to sort the mushrooms by size and pre-clean from dust and dirt. In addition, the tubular ones separate the cap from the stem before drying. Below is step by step recipe for the microwave.

Cooking method:

  1. Fresh, clean boletus cut into pieces of the same size.
  2. Lay out the raw materials in one layer on a flat plate, put in the microwave.
  3. Choose a power of 100-180 W, dry for 20 minutes.
  4. They take out a plate, drain the liquid from the boletus.
  5. Air the raw materials for 5 minutes, re-put in the microwave for 20 minutes. The cycle is repeated until the dried boletus is ready.

How to dry butterflies

Russian forests are rich in oils, so many housewives do not know what to do with them during the mushroom picking season. It should be noted that this type is different good taste, contains a lot of essential oils, high-grade protein, amino acids, vitamin B and D. Dried boletus promotes rapid recovery from illness. It is important to remove the skin from the mushrooms before the procedure, which is not eaten. You can dry butterflies in any way, depending on the equipment available. Below is a recipe for an electric dryer.

Cooking method:

  1. Freshly harvested butternuts are sorted, cleaned, and the film must be removed from the hats.
  2. Cut into slices 5 mm thick.
  3. Lay out on a special grill in one layer.
  4. Dry for 4-5 hours until the product is ready.

How to dry mushrooms at home. What mushrooms can be dried for the winter in the oven, electric dryer or thread

Drying mushrooms: what you need to know about this method

But not all edible mushrooms can be dried. Many agaric mushrooms contain bitterness that does not disappear during the drying process. They are not suitable for drying. At home, you can dry the following types of mushrooms:

  • from marsupials - white truffle, morels, morel cap;
  • from the tubular ones - boletus, porcini, boletus, all types of oil, mossiness mushrooms, oak trees, goats, Polish mushroom;
  • from tinder fungi - variegated and branched tinder fungus, ram mushroom;
  • from the lamellar ones - summer and winter honey agaric, autumn honey agaric, champignons, fenugreek, variegated umbrella mushroom, deer mushroom, fleecy flake;
  • from chanterelles - common chanterelle.

Drying depends on the region, specific collection point, transportation features and technical capabilities. Each experienced hostess has and uses its own drying methods developed over the years.

You can dry the fruits in the fresh air (in the sun), in an oven, in an oven, over an electric or gas stove, on exotic heating devices - a kerosene stove or stove, on central heating batteries, using modern microwave ovens, etc.

If you want to simplify and speed up drying, use a microwave oven for this.

In a word, if you need to save time, then the microwave will do a good job of this task, and the mushrooms will dry quickly and efficiently.

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Microwave drying technology

In cooking, there is a rule for choosing a variety of mushrooms: all types of marsupial and tubular edible mushrooms are suitable for drying, while lamellar ones are undesirable to dry. This is due to the property of the latter to acquire a bitter aftertaste during the loss of moisture. An exception to this rule is champignons and mushrooms, which endure drying without problems and undesirable "side effects".

If time permits, just before drying the mushrooms in the microwave, let them dry in the sun. To do this, they should be strung on a harsh thread or fishing line, leaving a gap between the bodies (not allowed to touch each other) and hung out in the open air. Thanks to preliminary preparation drying fruits will occur gradually, and the result will be affected in the best way. This step is optional, but recommended. You can skip it or, after drying, immediately proceed directly to the drying itself.

  1. Mushrooms, clean, fresh or dried, cut into approximately equal pieces. Usually, the caps are cut into slices, and the legs are cut into circles about 2 cm thick. Such cutting is mainly used for boletus, porcini mushrooms and aspen mushrooms. If you are preparing to dry mushrooms, chanterelles or butternut squash, it makes sense to leave only hats. Well, it’s better not to cut the morels and lines and dry them completely.
  2. Spread the prepared mushroom pieces evenly on a glass dish or flat plate. microwave oven. Turn it on for 20 minutes at a power of 100-180 watts.
  3. After automatically turning off the microwave oven, remove the dishes with mushrooms, drain the released liquid (otherwise the fruits will not dry, but boil), leave the oven door open for airing for 5 minutes. But the drying process does not end there, it is in full swing.
  4. Repeat the previous 20-minute microwave and air cycle a few more times. The number of such repetitions depends on the size, variety and thickness of the pieces.

Drying is a common and convenient way to harvest mushrooms for the winter. Unlike conservation, in which up to 70% of the beneficial properties of mushrooms are lost, it retains most of the vitamins and minerals. Despite the apparent simplicity, drying mushrooms has its own secrets. We will tell you about them.

What mushrooms can be dried

First you need to understand which mushrooms can be dried and which cannot. During drying, mushrooms with lamellar caps (milk mushrooms, russula, chanterelles, etc.) acquire a bitter taste. Therefore, experienced mushroom pickers recommend making blanks from tubular mushrooms.

Start by preparing forest delicacies. Gently clean off the remains of the earth, needles and leaves from the surface. Be careful not to damage the skin of the cap. Mushrooms intended for drying should not be washed. Their tubular structure easily absorbs moisture. As a result, the procedure will take much longer.

Mushrooms with lamellar caps acquire a bitter taste during drying. It is better to make blanks from tubular mushrooms.

Sort the processed mushrooms by size. This will allow the whole batch to dry evenly. Cut each mushroom in half. In boletus, boletus, boletus and mossiness mushrooms, carefully separate the leg from the cap. Cut the mushrooms crosswise along with the leg. This is done in order to get rid of worms, if they are inside. All work with mushrooms should be carried out with a plastic or ceramic knife, since when they come into contact with metal, their surface instantly oxidizes. Now you can start choosing a drying method.

Outdoors or over the stove

The easiest and most convenient way is to dry in the open air. Prepare a needle with a large eye and strong thread or fishing line. String mushrooms so that they do not touch each other. Hang the collected garlands in a sunny place. To protect the blanks from insects, cover them with gauze or mesh nylon. Dry the mushrooms for 7-10 days. Then take them off the rack, put them in glass jars and close tightly.

For those who do not have the opportunity to hang garlands on the street, there is alternative way- drying over the stove. Try to hang supplies as high as possible. With the stove turned on 24 hours a day, the stocks will dry out in 2-3 days. However, this method has one significant disadvantage: it is not recommended to cook anything during drying. Otherwise, the mushrooms will be saturated with the smell of food. If you remove and put away the garlands while you are cooking, the drying process can take up to a week.

In the oven

At home, it is most convenient to dry mushrooms on a wire rack in the oven. It is not recommended to use a baking sheet for these purposes. Spread the prepared mushrooms in one layer and send to the oven preheated to +45 ° C. Leave the door slightly ajar so that excess moisture can evaporate freely. After 1–1.5 hours, turn dried mushrooms over and increase the temperature to +70 ... +80 ° С. Dry the blanks for another 4-5 hours. Don't forget to turn them over periodically. Remember that the caps dry much earlier than the legs. Therefore, you need to remove them from the oven 1-1.5 hours earlier.

in the microwave

If necessary, the drying process can be accelerated using a microwave oven. Lay the prepared mushrooms in a single layer on the bottom of the plate. Set the temperature to +100 °C. Dry the mushrooms for 20 minutes. Open the oven door for 7-10 minutes and let out excess moisture. Repeat the drying procedure again. Thanks to this method, one batch of mushrooms can be thermally processed in an hour.

Now you know how to stock mushrooms for the winter at home. Remember: Properly dried mushrooms do not crumble or break. They are flexible and bend easily. In a cool, dry, dark place, blanks can be stored for several years without loss of taste and quality.

Drying is one of the most affordable and easiest ways to harvest mushrooms. Dried mushrooms keep well for a long time. They are superior to pickled and salted mushrooms in digestibility and nutritional value. By protein content dried fruits superior to canned ones. When dried, all nutritional advantages are preserved, and the aroma of some species is even enhanced with this method of harvesting, for example, in porcini mushrooms.

Drying mushrooms: what you need to know about this method

But not all edible mushrooms can be dried. Many agaric mushrooms contain bitterness that does not disappear during the drying process. They are not suitable for drying. At home, you can dry the following types of mushrooms:

  • from marsupials - white truffle, morels, morel cap;
  • from tubular - boletus, white, boletus, all types of oil, mossiness mushrooms, oak trees, goats, Polish mushroom;
  • from tinder fungi - variegated and branched tinder fungus, ram mushroom;
  • from lamellar - summer and winter honey agaric, autumn honey agaric, champignons, fenugreek, variegated umbrella mushroom, deer mushroom, fleecy flake;
  • from chanterelles - ordinary chanterelle.

Drying depends on the region, specific collection point, transportation features and technical capabilities. Each experienced housewife has and uses her own drying methods developed over the years.

You can dry the fruits in the fresh air (in the sun), in an oven, in an oven, over an electric or gas stove, on exotic heating devices - a kerosene stove or stove, on central heating batteries, using modern microwave ovens, etc.

If you want to simplify and speed up drying, use a microwave oven for this.

In a word, if you need to save time, then the microwave will do a good job of this task, and the mushrooms will dry quickly and efficiently.

Microwave drying technology

In cooking, there is a rule for choosing a variety of mushrooms: all types of marsupial and tubular edible mushrooms are suitable for drying, while lamellar ones are undesirable to dry. This is due to the property of the latter to acquire a bitter aftertaste during the loss of moisture. An exception to this rule is champignons and mushrooms, which endure drying without problems and undesirable "side effects".

If time permits, just before drying the mushrooms in the microwave, let them dry in the sun. To do this, they should be strung on a harsh thread or fishing line, leaving a gap between the bodies (not allowed to touch each other) and hung out in the open air. Due to the preliminary preparation of the fruit, drying will occur gradually, and the result will be affected in the best way. This step is optional, but recommended. You can skip it or, after drying, immediately proceed directly to the drying itself.

  1. Mushrooms, clean, fresh or dried, cut into approximately equal pieces. Usually, the caps are cut into slices, and the legs are cut into circles about 2 cm thick. Such cutting is mainly used for boletus, porcini mushrooms and aspen mushrooms. If you are preparing to dry mushrooms, chanterelles or butternut squash, it makes sense to leave only hats. Well, it’s better not to cut the morels and lines and dry them completely.
  2. Spread the prepared mushroom pieces evenly on a glass dish or a flat microwave plate. Turn it on for 20 minutes at a power of 100-180 watts.
  3. After automatically turning off the microwave oven, remove the dishes with mushrooms, drain the released liquid (otherwise the fruits will not dry, but boil), leave the oven door open for airing for 5 minutes. But the drying process does not end there, it is in full swing.
  4. Repeat the previous 20-minute microwave and air cycle a few more times. The number of such repetitions depends on the size, variety and thickness of the pieces.

Determine the readiness of mushrooms

The readiness of mushrooms is determined by the following signs: they seem to be dry, but at the same time retain a certain elasticity, bend, but do not break immediately, but only with a little effort. Upon reaching this state, we can assume that the mushrooms are qualitatively dried.

If the pieces of fruit do not bend, but immediately break with a bang or even crumble, then they are overdried. Use them as standalone components culinary specialties it is unlikely that it will already be possible, but it is still possible to save the product by preparing mushroom seasoning from it. Using a coffee grinder, grind overdried mushrooms into a powder. The resulting mushroom flour can be mixed simply with salt or with dry spices. It perfectly retains the mushroom aroma and transfers it to dishes, if added to dishes a couple of minutes before cooking.

Dried mushrooms retain their natural aroma for a very long time, sometimes for years, if the storage conditions are properly observed. Otherwise, the blanks quickly absorb moisture from the air, become damp and deteriorate. That is why it is best to choose a dry, well-ventilated place for storing dried mushrooms. It is advisable to pack them in glass containers or in bags that do not allow water to pass through.

In addition to high absorption properties, dried mushrooms easily absorb foreign odors. Make sure that there are no other products with a strong aroma near them for a long time.

Autumn is the time to pick and dry mushrooms for the winter. Both adults and children tend to quietly hunt for mushrooms in the forest, trying to enjoy a wonderful pastime in the fresh air, excellent rest, contemplation of unique landscapes. If the mushroom season is in full swing, the result will usually be a huge basket or just a big bucket of mushrooms. What can be done with mushrooms? The ideal option is to send it to jars by preparing a variety of marinades and salads. But in winter you really want to treat your family fragrant soup, reminiscent of a wonderful time spent in the forest. For this, mushrooms from pickles will not work, you will have to do the drying of the mushroom crop, but for this you need to know all the rules of a difficult process.

Preparing mushrooms for drying

Before drying, mushrooms must be carefully sorted out, adhering to the main rule - send lamellar ones to another container, they are perfect for salads or pickles. Tubular ones are also not all suitable for drying; large and soft ones will subsequently simply crumble into gunpowder.

What mushrooms are dried:

  • mushrooms;
  • boletus;
  • boletus;
  • Polish;
  • boletus;
  • white.

Carefully inspect each mushroom, because the addition to the soup in the form of dried small worms does not attract anyone. Cut wormy places to clean pulp and discard immediately. A little secret - the knife for cutting out spoiled places and wormholes must be stainless, otherwise the flesh will acquire a dark, ugly shade.

They should be sorted under the supervision of an experienced mushroom picker, because it is quite difficult to distinguish poisonous ones. If any is in doubt, immediately throw it away without risking the health and even the lives of relatives.
It is not worth washing mushrooms intended for drying, they are easily deformed, and then it will take much longer to dry - tubular caps, like a sponge, will absorb liquid.

How to dry mushrooms in the oven

The most popular option for cooking dried is to use a conventional oven. Mushrooms can be dried electric oven, and in the oven gas stove. To do this, after cleaning, they should be cut into flat plates. Too thick slices will not work, you will have to dry them for a long time, but there is a risk that they will remain soft inside.

Especially for the process of drying mushrooms, you can purchase thick stainless grates that allow hot air to circulate, thereby speeding up the process. You can’t use ordinary baking sheets, the pieces will only soften on them, but they won’t dry out at all.

At what temperature should mushrooms be dried in the oven? The ideal temperature for drying is 50 degrees. At a higher temperature, there is a risk of getting a baked product, the shelf life of which is very short, and the taste of the cooked dish will change, slightly giving off burnt.

It is important to keep the oven door ajar while drying the mushrooms. You can put a matchbox or a folded towel under it. This is quite enough to evaporate moisture from mushroom plates.

It is easy to check the readiness of the product - if it bends easily, but does not crumble or break, you can turn off the oven. If the plates crumble - they are overdried, if a dent remains when pressed with a finger - extend the process for a few more hours.

Watch the video: how to dry porcini mushrooms in the oven

How to store dried mushrooms at home? Hot pieces should be cooled, only then sent to glass containers, clean and dry. Store the product in a cool place with the lid tightly closed.

Is it possible to dry mushrooms in the microwave

Microwave drying is a simple but rather troublesome process. The ideal product will turn out if you pre-hold the cut slices on the street. To do this, they need to be laid out on a wire rack or baking sheets covered with thick parchment. Only after such a process can you start drying the mushrooms in the microwave.

It is important to cut the mushroom pieces into even plastics, otherwise they will cook unevenly - some will be dry, others completely raw.

Put the prepared, dried plates on a microwave oven plate covered with confectionery parchment. Turn on low power. Set the time for drying mushrooms in the microwave for 20-25 minutes.

After the signal of the microwave oven, carefully open the door, check the condition of the mushrooms. If a lot of moisture has been released, change the paper by laying it dry. Ventilate the contents of the microwave, repeat the process after a quarter of an hour. Continue drying until the plates are completely dry.

Storage dried mushrooms at home. Send ready-made mushroom plates for storage in containers with tight-fitting lids. The room should be cool, semi-dark. If stored improperly, moths can start in dried mushroom plates; it is strictly forbidden to use the product for cooking.

How to dry mushrooms at home on a thread

Even grandparents dried mushrooms in the simplest and most primitive ways. You will need a minimum of fixtures - a thick thread and a long needle. Large mushrooms should be cut into slices in order to speed up the drying process. String pieces of mushrooms on threads, trying to sort - hats to hats, legs to legs. The bottom part dries much faster than the top. At the end of the process, they are easier to send for storage.

How to dry mushrooms on a thread? Hang threads with strung pieces of mushrooms in well-ventilated rooms. Well, if it's warm there, the cool temperature will slow down the process. In sunny, hot weather, the threads are hung outside, but here mushrooms can become bait for flies. Drying is easy to protect - with gauze or a thin translucent fabric.

Mushrooms dried in this way may be softer than those from the oven or microwave. You can bring them to the desired state with the help of kitchen appliances, half an hour is enough for this.

How to dry mushrooms in an electric dryer

The lucky owners of an electric dryer will have to make a little effort to prepare the perfect component. mushroom soup. The device will easily turn the pieces of mushrooms into drying, but there are a few basic rules that must be followed strictly.

Mushrooms should be carefully prepared for drying, cut into slices after cleaning, trying to make them even in thickness. Put them on the grills of the device in one row. Electric dryers differ in volume, sometimes several kilograms of mushrooms are placed in such a device.

After filling the electric dryer, it remains to turn on a low temperature, wait a few hours and unload the finished product, sending a new portion for drying. It is important to store mushrooms prepared for the next load in the electric dryer in the refrigerator. Room temperature in a few hours it can spoil the product, and the worms are especially active in spoiling the pulp in warm, comfortable conditions.

How to dry porcini mushrooms at home

If during a quiet hunt you were lucky enough to collect mushrooms, it is better to send most of them for drying. Only this variety in dried form is able to bring to the dish perfect taste and unique aroma.
Drying porcini mushrooms requires special preparation of the product, because they are fleshy, which will complicate the process. It is better to pre-cut them into identical parts, carefully removing the places spoiled by worms.
Old legs can be immediately sent to soup, fried with sour cream or potatoes. They are unsuitable for drying - even during the process they will easily disintegrate into fibers. Soft old hats are also poorly stored and take a long time to dry. You can boil them, grind them in a meat grinder and cook delicious juicy cutlets.

You can dry porcini mushrooms using an electric dryer, oven, microwave oven and in the sun, in the fresh air. All methods are ideal for turning fresh mushrooms into a dry product. Storage of dried porcini mushrooms is traditional - in small containers with a tightly fitted lid, strong paper bags, cardboard boxes.

Dried mushroom plates are easy to turn with a blender into a wonderful seasoning. When preparing soup or second courses, it is enough to send a few tablespoons of fragrant mushroom powder to the pan and boil for several minutes.

Food moth is a terrible enemy of dried mushrooms. It is recommended that you check your inventory frequently. If a pest is found, immediately sort out the entire product. A small number of flying individuals allows you to save mushroom drying by throwing out suspicious pieces. If larvae appear, the product will have to be thrown away, it is already impossible to save it.

You can protect dried mushrooms from moisture by placing a small container of salt in the immediate vicinity. For the same purpose, you can put a linen bag of rice directly into the bag or container with the product. The cereal perfectly absorbs excess moisture, but sometimes you need to remove the bag, dry it and fill it with fresh rice.

Watch the video: how to store dried mushrooms in an apartment

Mushrooms are a very nutritious and valuable product. They retain all their properties when dried. There are a few simple ways drying mushrooms. Here are some tips on how to do it.

Only some types of mushrooms are dried, since not all edible ones can be dried. Basically, these are tubular mushrooms. Best suited for this. These mushrooms retain their white color even after drying and heat treatment, while boletus, boletus, and fly mushrooms turn black after drying and cooking. You can dry oil, autumn mushrooms, etc. Mushrooms intended for drying are best picked on a dry, sunny day.

Agaric mushrooms often contain bitterness, which disappears during the cooking process, but remains during drying, so this method of processing is unsuitable for them.

How to prepare mushrooms for drying

Young strong mushrooms are selected for drying. They are cleaned of deciduous residues, needles, sand and debris. Should not be washed in water. The cleaned mushrooms are sorted. Small ones are left whole, large ones are cut approximately so that all parts correspond in size to small mushrooms. Caps of small and medium sizes are usually separated from the stem and dried whole. The legs of some types of mushrooms are denser, so they are cut.

Mushrooms during drying lose more than half of their volume, they should not be cut too finely. Large mushrooms will dry for a very long time.

Where to dry mushrooms?

You can dry it in a dry and warm room, in a Russian oven, in an ajar oven, in a special dryer, in a microwave oven, over a gas stove, in a stream of warm air from a fan heater. When drying, mushrooms can be placed on grates, on a fishing line or on skewers. There are many ways, each hostess chooses the most affordable and convenient.

How to find out if the mushrooms have dried up or not?

Completely dried mushrooms are light and brittle. You can stop the active drying process a little earlier, when the mushrooms are still bending, and then dry them by laying them out on paper in a dry room.

How to store dry mushrooms?

Store dried mushrooms in a dry place, preferably in a linen or paper bag so that they "breathe". It is important to periodically inspect them to see if moths have wound up in them. You can store dried mushrooms in metal and glass jars. Mushrooms easily absorb foreign odors.

Methods for drying mushrooms

Air drying. Peeled mushrooms are strung on strings and hung in a well-ventilated place. Can also be spread out on dry paper or cloth. Advantages of this method: no costs, almost no worries. Disadvantages - need warm, dry weather. So you can dry it in the summer. As an option for such drying for the cold autumn time, direct the air flow from the fan heater to the mushrooms.

Drying in the oven. Mushrooms are laid out on a special grill or laid out on a baking sheet in one layer. Dry at a temperature of 45-50 degrees, without completely closing the oven door. Advantages of the method - mushrooms dry quickly and in any weather. Disadvantages - you need to monitor the temperature and make sure that the steam comes out. If overlooked, the mushrooms will simply fry.

Drying in a dryer. Probably the most convenient way. Dryers are very economical and productive. With any drying method, it is necessary to take out the baking sheet with mushrooms 2-3 times and ventilate them a little so that they retain their light color.

Drying in the microwave. Using the microwave, it is quite possible to dry the mushrooms. To do this, set a timer for 15-20 minutes. at a power of 100-180 W, then open the door for the same time so that the moisture disappears. These actions are repeated 2-3 more times. Then the mushrooms can be dried in the open air. Disadvantages: too laborious method, suitable for drying a small amount of mushrooms.

Drying over a gas burner. On sale you can find simple dryers: metal mesh on four legs about 30 cm high. Sometimes they are made independently. Such a dryer is installed over gas burners, the smallest fire is turned on and dried in 2-3 steps, allowing the mushrooms to cool. Advantages - speed, disadvantage - requires a special grid and supervision of an open fire.

Consider the methods of drying mushrooms in the microwave, on a Russian stove, in the sun, in the oven, as well as the method of making mushroom powder.

Drying is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to harvest mushrooms. Dried mushrooms keep well for a long time. In terms of nutritional value and digestibility, they are superior to salted and pickled mushrooms.

However, not all edible mushrooms can be dried. Many agaric mushrooms contain bitterness that does not disappear during the drying process. Such mushrooms are not suitable for drying.

At home, it is worth drying the following types of mushrooms:

  • from tubular- porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus, all kinds of oil, mossiness mushrooms, goats, oaks, Polish mushroom;
  • from marsupials- morels, morel cap, white truffle;
  • from tinder fungi- mushroom ram, tinder fungus variegated and branched;
  • from lamellar- autumn honey agaric, summer and winter honey agaric, variegated umbrella mushroom, champignons, fenugreek, fleecy flake, deer mushroom;
  • from chanterelle- common fox.

You can dry mushrooms:

  • outdoors (in the sun),
  • in a Russian stove (or simply - stoves),
  • in the oven,
  • over a gas or electric stove,
  • on exotic heating devices - a primus stove or a kerosene stove,
  • using modern microwave ovens,
  • on central heating batteries, etc.

Air drying mushrooms possible only in hot, dry times, on clear sunny days. In cloudy damp weather, it is impossible to dry mushrooms in the open air, as they can deteriorate and there is nothing for them to dry with. Natural drying of mushrooms in the sun lasts about a week. Mushrooms are strung on strong, harsh threads, thin twine or fishing line and hung in sunny places so that they do not touch. You can make special coasters for this, place mushrooms strung on threads or metal rods on them and expose them to the sun, covering them with gauze from dust and flies.

Fresh, strong, healthy mushrooms, not damaged by worms, are selected for drying.

Peeled mushrooms are wiped with a clean, slightly moistened soft cloth (preferably nylon), having cleaned them of needles, leaves, moss, sand, earth and sorted by size. Large mushroom caps, to speed up the drying process, it is better to cut into slices, cutting off the stem at a distance of 2-3 cm from the cap. The legs of porcini mushrooms, boletus and boletus are cut into columns 3-4 cm long or wheels up to 2 cm thick. In butter, mossiness mushrooms, honey mushrooms and chanterelles, mainly only hats are used for drying, and morels and lines are dried entirely. It is impossible to wash mushrooms before drying, as they absorb a lot of water, dry out very slowly and can deteriorate.

To avoid contamination, it is better to dry the mushrooms on special devices: sieves, gratings, braids, strung on a thread or on pins, mounted on wooden racks or on the spokes of a mushroom dryer.

Mushrooms are considered dried if they feel dry, light, bend slightly, and break with some effort. Well-dried mushrooms taste and aroma resemble fresh ones. The "yield" of dry mushrooms averages 10-14% by weight of raw peeled ones. Thus, out of 10 kg of fresh mushrooms, only 1-1.4 kg of dried mushrooms are obtained.

Dried mushrooms, and first of all, small caps dry out, must be removed in a timely manner from time to time, and the remaining ones should be dried to the desired condition. You can not overdry the mushrooms, as they become tasteless and lose their aroma, do not soften and do not boil when cooked. At the same time, under-dried mushrooms are poorly stored, begin to mold at the slightest dampness and quickly deteriorate.

In the Russian oven, you can dry all tubular and agaric mushrooms, tinder fungi. You can not dry morels in the oven.


On hot days, mushrooms can be dried in the sun or only dried to dry them completely at a higher temperature on the stove or in the oven.

For this purpose, mushrooms are placed on drying trays, thick paper or a dry board. In no case should mushrooms be placed on an iron baking sheet, as mushrooms can bake and turn black on it.

Drying is carried out in a place protected from rain and dust and well ventilated. It is very important that the mushrooms, previously cut into slices, be dried or dried completely within a period of no more than 1-2 days. In this case, they retain their natural color.

Properly dried mushrooms bend; overdried crumble - it is better to soak such mushrooms and use them in the form of mushroom powder.


When drying in the oven, the mushrooms are laid out in a thin layer on specially made or ready-made grills, installed in place of ordinary baking sheets. The temperature in the oven should be between 60-70 ° C, and in order for the air to circulate in it constantly, the door should be kept ajar. As the mushrooms dry, the grates are reversed from top to bottom.

In urban environments and modern kitchen- this method of drying mushrooms is probably the most common and simple: ovens(and lattices in them) are in every house. If there are few grates (or there are none, it happens), then you can independently make 2-3 grates according to the size of the oven so that they can be installed instead of baking sheets. Lattices can be made from any large-mesh wire mesh.

You can also use baking sheets if you don't have wire racks. Mushrooms are selected by size (large ones are cut into pieces) and laid out on baking sheets. In this case, the mushrooms should not come into contact with each other, and in the oven it is necessary to ensure air circulation (open the door ajar).

First, the mushrooms are dried at a temperature of 45 ° C. At a higher initial temperature, protein substances are released on the surface of the mushrooms and then dry, which worsens the further course of drying and gives the mushrooms a dark color. Mushrooms at the same time become so soft that it is impossible to use them for food. Only after the surface of the mushrooms dries up and they stop sticking, the temperature can be raised to 75-80 ° C.

The duration of pre-drying and drying of mushrooms cannot be determined exactly. If the caps and plates of mushrooms are the same size, they dry out at the same time. Dry mushrooms are removed, and the rest are dried, turning them over from time to time.


When drying mushrooms in the microwave: peeled and chopped mushrooms are laid out on a plate or grill, the minimum power is set to 100-180 W and set for 20 minutes, then the oven opens and ventilates for 5-10 minutes. During this time, excess moisture evaporates intensively. Then the operation is repeated 2-3 more times. As a result, you can get either a finished product - dried mushrooms or a semi-finished product for further drying, it depends on the specific mushrooms.

This method of drying mushrooms is quite troublesome. Convenient only if your microwave has a large capacity. On the "subcompact" the process is very tedious and lengthy, although quite real.


Mushrooms prepared for drying are laid out with caps down on lattices, braids or strung on knitting needles. Loaded devices should be placed in the furnace when the temperature in it after the furnace drops to 60-70 ° C. At a higher temperature, it is not recommended to start drying, as the mushrooms can become steamed or fried, burn and turn very black. At temperatures below 50 ° C, they dry very slowly, turn sour and deteriorate.

Before loading the mushrooms under the oven, it is necessary to sweep so that there is no ash left on the floor. At the time of drying, there should not be any dishes with food or water in the oven.

If the grates or wickerwork do not have legs, then bricks placed on edge should be placed under them so that the mushrooms do not come into contact with the oven bottom.

During drying, it is very important to ensure that the moisture evaporating from the mushrooms is removed. To do this, the damper should be placed on 2 bricks, leaving a gap between them for air flow from below. The upper part of the damper should not tightly close the forehead of the furnace so that humid air is constantly removed.

At the beginning of drying, the chimney is opened by 0.75 valves, as the mushrooms dry out, it is gradually pushed in and closed tightly by the end of drying. Mushrooms dry unevenly, small caps dry faster, large ones slower, so dried mushrooms must be removed in a timely manner, otherwise they will lose their flavor and become tasteless. Under-dried mushrooms at the slightest dampness begin to mold.


Dried mushrooms are very hygroscopic: they absorb moisture from the surrounding air (especially if they are prepared in the form of mushroom powder), easily become damp and moldy. In addition, they quickly absorb foreign odors. Therefore, dried mushrooms should be stored in dry, well-ventilated areas, and best of all in moisture-proof bags or in tightly closed glass or metal jars. Dried mushrooms can also be stored in gauze or linen bags, but, strictly, in a well-ventilated place and separately from products with a pungent odor.

If for some reason the mushrooms become wet, they should be sorted out and dried.

To preserve mushrooms for a long time, it is more convenient to place the mushrooms immediately after drying (while they still retain their fragility and heat) in hermetically sealed glass jars. Banks are sterilized at a temperature of 90 ° C: half-liter - for 40 minutes, liter - 50 minutes.

To suck air out of cans, you can use the following method. A little alcohol is poured onto the inner surface of the lid, it is lit and the jar is immediately closed. When burning alcohol, almost all the oxygen in the jar is consumed, as a result of which the mushrooms will not become moldy, even if they were not dried enough and they were laid in a damp room.

Before cooking food from them, mushrooms are washed with a brush, cleaning dust and dirt, and poured for several hours with water to swell, and then boiled in the same water.

It is even better to soak dried mushrooms in milk or milk mixed with water. Mushrooms blackened during drying should be washed well before being put into the soup so that they do not give the soup a black color. A decoction of mushrooms is left to settle possible sand, filtered and used to make soups, sauces or gravies.


Well dried or overdried mushrooms can be crushed and ground into a fine powder in a coffee grinder. When crushed, poorly digestible films of coarse fibers are destroyed, and mushrooms in this form better reveal their taste, aroma and are more easily absorbed by the body. Powder from dried porcini mushrooms is especially good.

When grinding, add 5-10% by weight to the mushroom powder fine salt for safety. You can add ground spices to taste: allspice, cumin, dried celery and parsley leaves, etc.

Mushroom powder is very convenient for adding to food or at the very end of cooking - no more than 0.5-1 minute before the end, or for direct addition to hot and cold food - salads, soups, main dishes. It is added to omelettes when beating the egg mass.

Store mushroom powder in glass jar with a tight lid in a place protected from light. Shelf life with virtually no reduction in quality - up to 1 year. published

A thrifty housewife already in the summer is thinking about what she will feed her family in winter, when the prices for fruits, vegetables and greens “bite”. During the harvest, intensive work is carried out - everyone cooks compotes, juices, jams, canned food, but the easiest and cheapest option for preservation is drying.

The main advantage of such storage of products is the safety of all nutrients and vitamins, flavonoids, trace elements. Fiber (pectins) improves digestion, microelements improve health, stimulate brain activity.

It is also important for the hostess that dried products take up little space. How to properly dry apples in the microwave for the winter, as well as prepare mushrooms and herbs, medicinal and fragrant herbs Let's find out more.

How to dry apples in the microwave at home

Rules for preparing apples:

  • for harvesting dried apples, it is advisable to take winter sour varieties. If you still dry the summer harvest, then it is better with the skin, but the quality of the blanks will be lower;
  • it is necessary to select the fruits intact and without worminess;
  • wash and dry apples thoroughly;
  • cut the apples into small slices up to 5 mm, remove the core (you can not remove it for compote);
  • it is recommended to soak the slices in salted water (20 grams of salt per liter of water) for 3-4 minutes. It will brighten dried apples, protect against insects and increase shelf life.

Important. It is better to dry apples from your garden with a peel, there are many useful substances. And if the fruits were purchased in a store, then it is better to do without the peel.

Consider step by step process- how to dry apples in the microwave for the winter:

  • put apple slices on a dish covered with cotton cloth, not a thick layer;
  • put in the microwave, dry at a power of 200 watts for 1 minute. The duration of drying depends on the size and juiciness of the pieces;
  • remove the plate, turn the slices over on the other side and dry again at the same power for 1-2 minutes;
  • every half a minute check the condition of the apples, if after turning off they are damp, turn on again for 20 - 30 seconds;
  • in ready-made slices, the skin will fade, and the flesh will not stick to the hands. The slices will become creamy and soft to the touch;
  • remove the blanks from the oven and additionally dry them in the open air, spreading a cloth towel on the table and laying the slices in one layer.

It is better to store any dried fruits in a glass container or in a durable fabric bag in a cool, dry place.

Dry herbs and herbs

A microwave oven can quite cope with the preparation of dried herbs, fragrant herbs, which give a special aroma and taste to dishes. And if the greens are grown in their own garden, then it will be the cheapest and most environmentally friendly products. Usually dill, parsley, basil, mint, celery, lemon balm and other plants are dried.

Important. To preserve the natural aroma and taste, drying herbs and herbs should be carried out as quickly as possible.

Step-by-step instructions for drying dill in the microwave:

  • rinse twigs without stems, put in a colander;
  • finely chop, put on a paper or cotton towel in a thin layer;
  • cover with the same towel on top so that the greens do not burn;
  • put a plate of greens in the microwave, put pressure on top with a load, for example, put a glass of water;
  • dry for 3 minutes at a power of about 800 watts;
  • periodically (every 30 seconds) check the degree of readiness, you can extend the process by 10 - 20 seconds if the greens are damp.

Store herbs in a dark cool room, in sealed bags, shelf life is one year.

Important. Well-dried leaves turn pale, become dry and brittle.

Drying mushrooms in the microwave

Dry mushrooms are a good help for the hostess in winter, you can diversify the menu and save money. Is it possible to dry mushrooms in the microwave, and what types, do they contain a lot of moisture, can the microwave oven handle it? We will tell you how to effectively prepare dried mushrooms.

It is advisable to dry the tubular and marsupial species of mushrooms (porcini, boletus, boletus, morels, truffles), and from lamellar mushrooms and champignons are not bitter and dry well.

Process preparation:

  • mushrooms must be selected dense, whole, without rot;
  • They do not need to be washed, they absorb a lot of moisture and do not dry out for a long time. Thoroughly clean the mushrooms with a brush, wipe with a damp cloth;
  • in noble mushrooms, hats are cut into slices, legs in 2 cm circles, in chanterelles, honey mushrooms, only hats are oiled, cut into 1 cm plates;
  • it is advisable to dry (dry) the mushrooms before the main drying in the microwave, this can be done in any room or in the sun. If they are not dried, they can release juice in the oven.

How to dry mushrooms in the microwave:

  • put the chopped mushrooms on a wire rack, dish, tray, spreading a cloth napkin or towel;
  • place in the microwave for 15 minutes at a minimum mode of 100 - 180 watts. The duration of processing may vary, it all depends on the thickness and moisture content of the slices;
  • remove the dish, drain the accumulated liquid, ventilate the oven for 5-10 minutes from moisture;
  • do a second drying, then a second airing, and so on several times;
  • after drying, spread the mushrooms on a table in the open air and hold for half an hour.

Important. Mushrooms should be checked after each cycle. If they quickly break down and crumble, then they are overdried. Properly dried mushrooms should be flexible, not immediately break.

Mushrooms should be stored in glass containers or in strong moisture-proof bags in a dry, well-ventilated area. The best but expensive option is a vacuum container.

Drying berries

You can also dry berries in the microwave, as they are much healthier than in the form of jam. It is better to dry large berries - strawberries, grapes, cherries. For fragrant tea and compote dry currants, raspberries (slightly unripe), you can also prepare mountain ash, blueberries, chokeberry. All useful substances are preserved in dried berries, and chokeberry(aka chokeberry) becomes less tart. The berries are selected whole, dense, the collection is made in warm sunny weather.

Berries are dried almost the same as greens:

  • laid out on a tray or dish covered with a paper towel in small portions;
  • from above with the same towel close;
  • the power is set to 200 W, the drying time is 3 to 5 minutes, since there is more moisture in the berries;
  • it is necessary to dry in several stages, constantly checking the degree of readiness (every half a minute).

There are many options for using dry blanks, but first they need to be washed with running water, and then soaked for several hours in cool water. Cooking will become easier, and the taste and aroma will be brighter.

How to dry mushrooms in the microwave.

Dried mushrooms can be used to make soup, porridge or spicy sauce. The process of drying mushrooms is very long. Dried mushrooms in the sun or in the oven are more flavorful than dried in the microwave. But, if you need to dry the mushrooms very quickly, you can resort to using a microwave.

Preparing mushrooms for drying in the microwave:

1. First, the mushrooms need to be collected and carefully examined. It is important to take strong and whole mushrooms so that they do not have cracks, rot, or worms. Earth, Christmas tree needles, moss should be carefully removed with a dry cloth. It is important to wipe the dirt thoroughly so that the mushrooms do not need to be washed, as they turn black when exposed to water and are more difficult to dry;

2. All tubular and marsupial edible mushrooms are best dried. If the lamellar fruits are dried, they will become bitter. It is possible and even necessary to dry mushrooms and champignons;

3. Before sending the mushrooms to dry in the microwave, let them dry a little in the sun. The fruits must be strung on a string and hung mushroom beads on the street to dry. You need to string the mushrooms so that they do not touch each other.

How to dry mushrooms in the microwave?

Having prepared the mushrooms for drying, you can perform the drying process itself, which consists of the following steps:

1. Cut the peeled mushrooms into small identical pieces of fruit. Usually the caps are cut into slices, the legs - in the form of circles two centimeters thick. This is how porcini mushrooms are cut. Chanterelles, honey mushrooms and butterfish are dried without legs;

2. We arrange the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmushrooms ready for drying on a thin plate, which we place in the microwave and set to dry at a power of one hundred to one hundred and eighty watts for twenty minutes;

3. When the microwave turns off, drain the liquid from the mushrooms, and leave the doors of the equipment open for five minutes to ventilate;

4. Put the mushrooms back in the microwave for twenty minutes. This procedure must be done a couple more times, be sure to drain the secreted liquid and ventilate the microwave. The number of repetitions of the drying procedure depends on the variety, size and thickness of the mushrooms;

5. The fact that the mushrooms have already dried is indicated by their dryness and elasticity, as well as stability when folded;

6. If the mushrooms immediately break or crumble when bent, then they are too dry. Seasoning can be made from such mushrooms by grinding them into powder and adding a little other spices or salt.

In order for dried mushrooms to be fragrant for a long time, they must be stored properly. That is, the fruits should be stored in a dry, ventilated place, for example, in glass containers or waterproof bags.

22.10.2013 29.04.2016 by gotovlyu v mikrovolnovke

In addition to the basic and familiar ways of operating a microwave oven (heating and cooking, defrosting), there are several more interesting options for using it. For example, you can dry mushrooms, herbs, onions, garlic, carrots, bell pepper, dried apricots, apples, prunes.

Similar functions of a microwave oven free you from buying a special dryer for vegetables, especially if there is not so much to dry. And also much faster compared to the "grandmother's" way. And although such drying will not survive on an industrial scale, a small surplus (everyone probably has it when there is a little left and you don’t know where to stick it) will always be processed by a zealous hostess in order to put it into business later.

Drying mushrooms in the microwave

First, let's figure out how to dry mushrooms in the microwave. If you have collected (no matter where in the forest or in the bazaar) ceps and want to dry them, as well as others, then keep in mind that you do not need to wash them, otherwise there will be too much moisture, the mushrooms will boil and not dry.

Clean very thoroughly and dry with a damp cloth. Cut into small, preferably the same size, pieces. Lay out on a rack. You can, of course, use a plate, but the grill is better. If you're drying mushrooms on a plate, line it with paper towels.

Put the mushrooms in the microwave, turn on the minimum (100-150 W) mode and set it to 20 minutes. The drying time depends on the thickness of the pieces and the moisture content of the mushrooms, if you think that 20 minutes is a lot for your mushrooms, set it less. After the end of the time, open and ventilate the oven from accumulated moisture for 5-10 minutes. Repeat heating and opening 2-3 more times.

Yes, drying mushrooms in the microwave is a troublesome process and is suitable in two cases: few mushrooms or a large microwave. But, you can speed up the process ... if you change the grates or plates - while one is heating, the second dries in the air, but it should not be too humid in the oven itself (if it is wet and dripping from it, then you must definitely ventilate).

For those who have the “grill” mode, I suggest this option for drying mushrooms: put a grate with spread out pieces of mushrooms and turn on the “grill” mode for 5-9 minutes; ventilate for 5-10 minutes; repeat a few more times until the mushrooms are dry (4-5 times).

In the microwave, you can dry not only mushrooms, but, for example, garlic, whole cloves or finely chopped, and onions. To do this, it must be cleaned, finely chopped or whole cloves spread out on a paper napkin. Top with another napkin and place in the microwave along with a glass of water. Then dry until done. That is, after the first three minutes of drying, check readiness every thirty seconds. Onions are dried in a similar way. The only thing that is recommended for drying onions is to take sharp varieties. As the onion loses some of its sharpness when dried.

You can also dry vegetables this way. For example, carrots and Bell pepper. Vegetables must be washed and chopped small cubes. Dry a little on a towel, place between two paper napkins or towels. Further, similarly to the previous two processes. The drying time of vegetables may take longer, so you need to check the readiness of the vegetables and make sure that the water in the glass does not boil away.

How to dry herbs in the microwave

If you like to season dishes with various herbs and spices, you can make preparations for the winter, which will cost much less than buying them in the winter.

How and what kind of greens can be dried in the microwave? Suitable dill, parsley, green onions, basil and more. First prepare: rinse, cut off the roots and dry a little on a towel or napkin. It should be noted that dill does not need to be dried before chopping. It will be enough to rinse it and shake off excess water.

Then finely chop, put on a paper napkin, and cover with the second part or another napkin on top

and place in the microwave. Put a glass of water in there to create an additional load on the microwave.

It takes about three minutes to dry the greens at full power. Periodically, be sure to check the readiness of the greens and, if necessary, increase the time by thirty seconds. Since, depending on the size of the portion, the drying time may vary slightly. It is advisable not to dry a large amount at the same time. It is better to do this in two passes, evenly placing the greens on a napkin, which will improve the quality of the process. Dried herbs will become brittle and change color. This indicates that the drying process is over.

You can dry it with whole branches, but you will have to dry it in the air, as the leaves will dry out, and the branches will still be wet.

Drying mushrooms, herbs, vegetables and fruits in the microwave saves a lot of time and makes the process much easier. Due to the fact that the process takes a short period of time, the products retain a significant amount of nutrients that the body needs so much in the winter.