Is it possible to fry frozen dumplings? How to fry frozen dumplings in a frying pan

If you have unexpected guests, frying dumplings is an ideal option. It will take very little time. The outside is crispy and the meat inside is juicy. Very tasty :)

Don't forget that dumplings are very high in calories, and fried ones are especially high. Therefore, you should not abuse it. This a good option for some rare cases. But not for every day. The calorie content of 100 grams of dish, depending on the minced meat, is 200-300 kcal.

  • To make fried dumplings less caloric. Before eating, put it out finished product first on a paper towel. This will drain off excess fat.
  • If you fry the product from frozen, let it thaw a little. Place the dumplings on the table and leave for 10-15 minutes. When the dough has softened a little, press them lightly with your hands to flatten them a little. Then the product will be fried very well.
  • I also recommend trying to fry dumplings in a deep fryer. They turn out to look like chebureks or belyashi in miniature. Very original and tasty.
  • When buying dumplings in a store, pay attention to their category. It is indicated on the packaging. It is best to choose category “A”, this product contains 80% meat. Category “B” is also not bad - from 60% to 80% meat.

There are also categories “B”, “G”, “D”. But I don't recommend buying them. The quality of such a product is questionable, as is its taste. There is more dough than meat. May contain various additives: soy, semolina, flavorings. The best thing, of course, are the dumplings made by yourself. Nothing compares to them. Do you agree?

How to fry dumplings in a frying pan

You can fry both frozen and boiled foods. In the first case, the crust will be crispier, in the second - softer. As the brownie Kuzya said: “This way and that is good.” Therefore, do as you like. And I will share with you recipes that I have tried myself.

Let's figure out how long to fry dumplings in a frying pan. This usually takes 15-20 minutes. You need to fry in a hot frying pan with heated vegetable oil. The fire needs to be medium. There is no need to cover the pan with a lid. Frying times may vary slightly depending on the size of the product. Readiness can be determined by the browned crust on the dough.

If you have very little time, you can speed up the process even more by calling the microwave to help :) In 5 minutes, 10-15 small dumplings will be ready. Get a full lunch at work or dinner.

How to fry frozen dumplings deliciously - recipe with photos

Dumplings are easy to prepare without cooking. Lovers of crispy crust believe that this is tastier than frying boiled ones.

Heat a frying pan, pour oil. Place frozen dumplings in a frying pan so that they do not lie too tightly together. Otherwise they may stick together. Salt, pepper, you can add your favorite spices. Turn down the heat a little.

Fry for about three minutes on each side. A crust should appear. Then pour a small amount of water (about 3/4 cup) into the pan. Water should cover the bottom by about half a centimeter. You can add a couple of bay leaves and black peppercorns to the water.

Cover the pan with a lid and increase the heat. In order for the minced meat to be fried, you need to steam the dish being prepared well. Simmer for about 3-4 minutes until all the liquid has evaporated.

At the end, open the lid to dry the dumplings slightly. They have already become soft and juicy.

Then turn them over to the other side and fry them again to get a golden brown crust.

Instead of water, you can use sour cream or mayonnaise, you just need a couple of spoons. The dough is soaked in sour cream, it turns out delicious.

To do everything right, look step by step video. It turns out quick and easy with a crust.

Fried dumplings with sour cream and onions in a frying pan

This dish is not a shame to serve even for guests. The unusualness of this step by step recipe is that the dumplings will be cooked in sour cream sauce with onions. It produces a very rich taste and hearty dish. Instead of sour cream, you can cook with mayonnaise or natural yogurt.

  • 15 pcs. dumplings;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 4 tbsp. l. sour cream (or mayonnaise);
  • 200-250 ml milk;
  • 70 g grated cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • pepper and salt - to taste;
  • 1 tsp fresh herbs;
  • 2 cloves of garlic (optional).

Chop the onion into half rings and fry until golden brown. Transfer to a bowl. With him we will serve ready dish.

Pour ¾ cup into a deep frying pan hot water. It should cover the dumplings by literally 5 mm. Bring to a boil.

Carefully place frozen dumplings. As the water begins to boil, drain it completely and add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Cook the boiled dumplings until golden brown crust approximately 5-7 minutes. Stir the contents of the pan a couple of times.

To fill, mix milk, flour, sour cream (or mayonnaise), pepper, salt and chopped herbs. Grate the cheese and add it to the prepared mixture.

Pour the prepared sauce over the crispy dumplings and simmer for about 15 minutes, covered. Fire - below average. Stir the sauce occasionally.

If your sauce burns or is too thick, add milk or water. At the end, add fried onions and chopped garlic cloves (optional). Keep on fire for another minute.

Everything is ready, it’s time to start tasting :)

How to deep fry with crust in a frying pan

Homemade products are more suitable for deep-frying. They can be made larger in size and you will get something like mini chebureks. It's a good idea to add vodka to the dough. Thanks to this, it will not absorb much oil during frying.

Pour more vegetable oil into a deep saucepan and heat over high heat. To check if the oil is ready for frying, dip the edge of the dough into it. If the oil is hot enough, it will begin to bubble with small bubbles. This will tell you it's time to cook.

Place the dumplings in the oil in small portions so that they do not touch each other. They should be completely covered with oil. Stir to avoid sticking. Fry until golden brown. This usually takes 5-7 minutes. Remove the finished dumplings with a slotted spoon. Place on a paper towel to drain the fat. After a few minutes you can put it on a plate.

The following sauce goes great with fried dumplings. Mix a couple of spoons of sour cream and mayonnaise. Add finely chopped dill and two grated pickled gherkins. It turns out amazingly delicious.

Fried dumplings with cheese

The cheese recipe is very simple, but allows you to add variety. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then add salt and throw the dumplings into the water. Boil until half cooked. It will take no more than five minutes. Then drain in a colander and let the water drain.

Heat a frying pan, add a little butter and lay out the finished dumplings. If you want, add your favorite spices. Fry until browned. If the oil is not enough, then add a little vegetable oil.

Place the finished dish on plates. Sprinkle pre-grated cheese on top. While hot, the cheese will melt slightly; before serving, you can also sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs.

Fried Chinese dumplings with soy sauce

For this method, it is better to make the dumplings yourself. The seam should not be completely closed, this will allow the meat to cook better.

Heat a frying pan and add a couple of tablespoons of oil. Place the pieces seam side up. Fill with water and cover with a lid. Wait for the liquid to boil away, and then add water again. The liquid should boil away again.

Add vegetable oil to the frying pan, cover with a lid and fry for 3-5 minutes. Make sure it doesn't burn. Serve while still hot. If you have chopsticks, try eating with them. And don't forget a small bowl of soy sauce. By the way, at the end of the article I wrote several options for sauce for dumplings.

Delicious dumplings in a frying pan with onions

Take a couple of large onions, peel and cut into half rings. Heat a frying pan with a little oil and add the onion. Fry until soft. The heat is medium, do not fry too much. You can cover the pan with a lid.

Then turn the dumplings over to the other side, add salt again, and add oil if necessary. Fry until golden crust. Serve immediately after cooking. It’s a good idea to sprinkle the dish with dill or parsley.

For variety, you can cook it with an egg. You will get a very original scrambled egg.

How to cook dumplings in vegetable sauce in a frying pan

To prepare dumplings in vegetable sauce the following ingredients are needed:

  • bell pepper - 2 yellow and 3 red;
  • half a kilo of dumplings;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • spices;
  • olive oil;
  • red pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • dry red wine.

Boil the dumplings in salted water, stirring constantly. Cook for no more than five minutes. Place in a colander and wait for the water to drain.

Peel the onion and finely chop into cubes. Peel and chop the peppers. Divide the red pepper into thin strips using a knife. Place everything in a frying pan heated with olive oil. Fry for five minutes over low heat. Salt the resulting sauce and add spices. Add more wine. Wine can easily be replaced with vinegar. Simmer briefly and place in a separate bowl. Fry the dumplings in the vacated frying pan. Serve along with steamed vegetables. You can add sour cream.

  1. Garlic - a simple recipe for aromatic gravy. For it you will need two spoons of mayonnaise, a clove of garlic and parsley. Pour mayonnaise into a bowl, finely chop the greens and add to the mayonnaise. Squeeze the garlic using a press. Stir well.
  2. Cheese - very tasty spicy sauce with mayonnaise, sour cream and cheese. Mix 15% fat sour cream and mayonnaise in equal quantities. Add chopped greens and grated pickled cucumber. Take hard cheese and grate on a fine grater. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a fork in a bowl. The sauce is ready.
  3. Cognac - take 200 ml of cream 20% fat, 50 ml of cognac, a spoon of soy sauce, spices. Bring the cream with soy sauce and spices to a boil over medium heat. Add cognac, stirring. Cook until thickened.
  4. With apple and horseradish - mix 250 grams of mayonnaise, 50 g applesauce, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice and finely grated horseradish. Wonderful sauce.

Almost any spices for dumplings suit your taste. The dish is best combined with pepper, fresh herbs, bay leaves, cloves, and basil.

I recently learned that since 2015, World Dumpling Day has been celebrated in Izhevsk. At the celebration you can try all sorts of variations of this dish according to the recipes of various national cuisines. And also take part in competitions, games, master classes.

Is there anyone from Izhevsk who has been to such an event or are you planning to? Tell me, it’s interesting :)

A universal semi-finished product loved by many nations, dumplings do not need to be boiled. There are many recipes for frying dumplings, boiled and raw. For the Chinese, hot dumpling dishes are a national tradition.

How to fry frozen dumplings

When you want to fry a frozen semi-finished meat product, raw or boiled, you need to know how long to fry the dumplings so that both the meat and the dough are completely cooked. For raw ones, you will need three minutes of frying each side. Dumplings turn out very tasty when they are fried frozen, so that they do not tear during the process, do not stick together and do not stick to the bottom of the pan; defrosting them is contraindicated.

In order not to spoil the product, it will not be superfluous to master the intricacies of how to properly fry dumplings. Vegetable oil is poured into a hot frying pan, semi-finished products are laid out so that there is a small distance between them. Salt and pepper and any other spices are sprinkled on top. After the dumplings are covered with a brown crust, you can still simmer them a little and eat them. The crust will prevent the meat juices from leaking out of the dough.

There is no need to doubt whether you can fry dumplings by boiling them. Semi-finished products should be stewed over medium or low heat. After pouring in water (50 or 80 milliliters), you can cover the pan with a lid and simmer until the liquid evaporates, then add a small amount of oil and fry on both sides.

Tip: When frying, it is not necessary to use water, more tasty semi-finished meat products are obtained in sour cream, you will need 2 tablespoons of it.

How to deliciously fry frozen dumplings in a frying pan?

There are many recipes for frying dumplings in a frying pan. If you brought a pack of dumplings from the store (450 or 500 grams), then it is better to put them on a plate for 10 minutes so that they move away a little. Place the semi-finished products in a heated thick-walled container with oil (60 grams), mix lightly, they should be covered in oil on all sides, cover the container with a lid and cook, stirring the product periodically with a wooden spatula until completely browned. You need to simmer the product in boiling water over reduced heat for five minutes. Sprinkle the dish using any spices, stir, fry for a minute, turn over to the other side, turn off the stove, hold for closed lid 2 minutes, serve.

Housewives should have a question about how long to fry the dumplings in a frying pan, so as not to overcook them and bring them to optimal readiness. Often the exact time depends on the method of frying frozen dumplings, and the size of the semi-finished products also affects.

In terms of time, the process turns out to be short; how many minutes to fry also depends on the form in which the dumplings will be present in the frying pan. Most often, the three-step process takes 10 or 20 minutes, 5 or 7 minutes per step if the dumplings are medium in size.

Initially, the raw material is fried for 2 or 3 minutes on one side, and the same on the second. Once browned, the product will simmer in sauce or water for about 7 minutes at medium heat. The steamed product should brown again within two minutes on one side, and the same on the other.

How long it takes to fry the boiled semi-finished product depends on the fire mode, it should be maximum, then the dumplings will be fried in 10 minutes. Miniature specimens need even less, about five or 8 minutes.

Many housewives make dumplings with their own hands; whether they can be fried when they are just made and raw should not raise any doubts. For 400 grams of fresh produce you need 40 grams of vegetable oil and a little salt. Preparing the dough will take 1 minute or a little more. The dough is rolled out into thin layer. You can add vegetable oil to the dough, then the pan will need to be lightly greased. The filling is added and the edges of the homemade semi-finished product are sealed.

Fry the dumplings over medium heat until browned, until fully cooked, then place them on a plate. Sometimes a little mayonnaise is added to the finished dish. You can combine food with vegetables.

Tip: The taste of the fried dumpling dish is big influence spices and seasonings that are added during the cooking process as a savory dressing. Dry ingredients are poured in at the end of the frying process.

Fried dumplings in a slow cooker

A slow cooker can serve as an excellent alternative to a frying pan. Before frying dumplings in a modern unit, it is better to familiarize yourself with the chef's recommendations.

Whether it is possible to fry dumplings raw in a mult is up to the housewife to decide. But it's better to freeze them first. You won’t get a dark crust, but the product will be juicy and have minimal fat content.

For 600 grams of dumplings you will need: 60 milliliters of water and 70 milliliters of oil, sour cream mixed with spices (3 large spoons are enough).

Dumplings in a slow cooker turn out excellent if you know how to fry them. The bowl should be greased with oil and the baking mode should be set. After heating the pan for five minutes, semi-finished products are poured into it, and the lid of the device is closed on top.

Tip: What kind of oil it is desirable to fry in depends on tastes and preferences; dumplings are fried well in both butter and vegetable oil.

Recommendations for how long to fry dumplings in a multe state that 40 or 45 minutes is enough. After frying for ten minutes, the dumplings should be stirred with a wooden or plastic spatula, you can add a glass of water and boil for half an hour, but in this case they will not be crispy.

A beautiful golden crust will be obtained if water is not present in the preparation. And to soften the fried product, you should keep it in a closed pan for a while after turning it off. Sometimes sour cream and spices are added. It turns out great if the product is dipped in any sauce during a meal. You can add finely chopped greens.

Fried dumplings in the microwave

At home, you can learn how to fry dumplings in the microwave. The whole process will take no more than 15 or 20 minutes. Step 1 is to boil the semi-finished product. After drying in a colander, pour the products into a special large plate and place in the microwave oven on the “Grill” mode at maximum power.

There is nothing tricky about how to fry frozen dumplings in the microwave. Five minutes is enough. The resulting broth is disposed of by draining it. You can grate cheese on top, fry for four minutes, sprinkle with herbs, pepper, and eat with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Few people realize that a familiar and familiar dish to all of us can be so unusual and tasty. Today I want to tell you how to fry dumplings in a frying pan, because that’s what we’re talking about. Boiled, frozen, store-bought or hand-made, all of them can be fried and not just fried, but with various additives and sauces, so much so that you will lick your fingers.

I tried it for the first time fried dumplings at an already conscious age. I was probably about 19 years old when a factory for producing Gedza dumplings opened on Sakhalin, where we lived then. These fish dumplings are shaped like dumplings, only from rice flour. So everyone liked them fried. Then we and our usual ones also became addicted to frying.

How to fry dumplings in a frying pan correctly - cooking tips

So, I’ll warn you right away, fried dumplings are somewhat higher in calories, so keep in mind that you shouldn’t get carried away. And especially if they are cooked in a lot of oil.

You can fry not only in a frying pan, but also in a slow cooker and in a deep fryer. But today we will consider the first method, as the most popular.

So, what can you use to fry dumplings?

  1. In oil, both butter and vegetable (deep-fried)
  2. With vegetables
  3. With cracklings
  4. With onion
  5. With eggs
  6. With cheese
  7. With greens
  8. With mushrooms

You see, there are many options, but you can serve dumplings with... various sauces. But that's not all, dumplings can be fried

  • Freshly molded
  • Frozen
  • Boiled completely
  • Cooked until half cooked

All this also affects the taste. For example, if you fry dumplings raw, the crust will be crispy and elastic. If you boil them first, only the edges will be fried, and the middle will be soft.

Semi-finished products can also be fried while frozen, but first they need to be defrosted a little, laid out on a towel for about fifteen minutes, and slightly flattened on the sides before frying.

Another question that is sometimes asked is how long to fry dumplings? Not long, about 15-20 minutes, it all depends on the size.

When frying, you don’t need to cover the frying pan with a lid, especially with frozen foods, then water accumulates under the lid and starts shooting terribly.

How to fry frozen dumplings

As I already described above, it is better to defrost the frozen ones a little and let them go away a little.

Pour oil into the pan, just enough to cover the bottom. Turn on the heat to medium, no aggression is needed to ensure the crust is even and golden.

We don’t lay out the dumplings tightly, God forbid you pour them into a frying pan from a bag, as we do when cooking.

First fry for about three minutes on each side so that the crust sets, then pour in water so that it reaches half of the dumpling lying on its side. Water can be mixed with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Now we need to steam the dumplings for about five minutes so that the minced meat is cooked and not left raw. During this time, the liquid will evaporate and all that remains is to bring the dish to readiness so that the crust browns better.

How to fry boiled dumplings in a frying pan

Place the dumplings in boiling water and after boiling, let them sit for two or three minutes, it is advisable to stir all the time so that nothing sticks.

Dumplings boiled until half cooked should be dried so that there is no water on them. Next, heat the oil in a frying pan, literally a couple of tablespoons. You can add another spoonful of cream, then it will be even tastier.

Sprinkle the dish with your favorite seasonings on top, add salt and fry on both sides until a crust appears. You can serve by sprinkling herbs on top.

If the dumplings are completely boiled, they cannot be stirred in a frying pan; they will fall apart and the minced meat will fall out.

Dumplings fried with cheese

Try frying it with cheese, it turns out to be a very elegant dish, you can safely treat your guests.

We take:

  • Glass of water
  • Salt and spices as desired
  • Three large spoons of any vegetable oil

Cooking process:

Let the dumplings sit in the air for a bit so that the frost disappears. Pour oil into a thick-walled frying pan and add water. When it starts to boil, add the semi-finished products, add spices and cover with a lid for fifteen minutes.

The water will evaporate, remove the lid and fry them for three minutes on each side. Then sprinkle with grated cheese and fry for another three minutes.

Take it out onto a plate and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Deep fried dumplings

Here we will have to stick them on ourselves. We will fry them fresh, not frozen.

The oil needs to be purified and odorless, and you will also need a deep frying pan with thick walls.

Heat the oil very well and lower the dumplings one at a time, stir with a slotted spoon. It only takes five to seven minutes to fully cook. Place them on a plate lined with a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

Fried dumplings with onions

We just love this dish, it’s quick to prepare, you can use store-bought dumplings.

We take:

  • Four hundred grams of frozen dumplings
  • Two medium sized onions
  • Three large spoons of sunflower oil
  • Large spoon of butter (optional)
  • Seasonings, salt

Cooking process:

Finely chop the onion into cubes, fry just a little, and add dumplings to it. Fry over medium heat for about eight minutes, stirring. At the end, cover with a lid for a couple of minutes to steam the dish. We'll serve it right away.

How to fry dumplings with mushrooms

Dumplings with mushrooms are very tasty. The dish is truly festive. I usually fry it with champignons. Sometimes I add wild mushrooms; I always keep them boiled in advance. freezer. If you have these fresh ones, be sure to cook them in advance.

We need:

  • Three hundred grams of dumplings
  • Three hundred grams of champignons
  • Two small onions
  • A piece of butter
  • Salt and spices as desired

Cooking process:

Cut the onion into cubes, lightly simmer and add champignons, cut into small pieces. We fry for ten minutes, we need the water to evaporate and the mushrooms to start frying.

Lightly cook the dumplings for three minutes, then let the water drain. We send them to the mushrooms, season and fry everything together until fully cooked. It will be delicious to drizzle everything over before serving. sour cream sauce and sprinkle with herbs.

Dumplings fried in a frying pan with vegetables

In the summer, when your vegetables have already arrived, it’s time to prepare such a dish. It doesn’t overload, it turns out beautiful and moderately satisfying.

We take:

  • Four hundred grams of dumplings
  • Two small zucchini
  • One small carrot
  • Medium onion
  • Two tomatoes
  • Spices at your discretion
  • Vegetable oil

Cooking process:

Boil the dumplings for about three minutes and set aside to dry. Meanwhile, fry the onion a little, add grated carrots, and after five minutes add the zucchini pieces. As soon as it is slightly fried, add the tomatoes, also cut into cubes.

Simmer the vegetables a little and add the dumplings, season and stir fry for three minutes, then simmer for another five minutes with the lid on. Garnish with fresh herbs on a platter.

How to fry dumplings with eggs

We always have a few dumplings left over after dinner, and no matter how much I put in for my daughter, she doesn’t “fit.” So, I don’t throw away the dumplings, but put them in the refrigerator and cook something simple and simple for dinner. tasty dish.

We take:

  • Ten pre-boiled dumplings
  • Two large spoons butter, I have melted
  • Two chicken eggs
  • A piece of cheese
  • Two large spoons of milk
  • Seasonings
  • Greenery

Cooking process:

Heat the oil, add the dumplings and let them fry. Mix eggs with milk and grated cheese, add to dumplings and fry everything like an omelette. You can add the greens right away, or you can sprinkle them later, after they’re ready.

Chinese fried dumplings

Everyone knows that dumplings are not only Russian, but also Chinese. National dish. What are they not made of there? But we won’t be too sophisticated; we’ll prepare what is more familiar to us.

We take:

  • Four hundred grams of lean pork
  • Four hundred grams of fresh Chinese cabbage leaves
  • Small onion head
  • A teaspoon of soy sauce
  • Vegetable oil for dough and for frying
  • A pinch of sugar
  • Two glasses of wheat flour
  • A glass of boiling water

Cooking process:

Making custard unleavened dough, you need to pour the flour into a bowl and mix with salt, then pour in boiling water and mix so that there are no lumps, also add vegetable oil. Knead the elastic dough.

For minced meat, mix twisted pork with chopped cabbage leaves, add sugar and soy sauce. You can add white pepper to taste, it will add flavor.

We roll out small sochni from the dough and lay out the filling, only we make it not like dumplings, but like dumplings. In general, they should be small, but if you want to quickly, then make them the usual size.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and lay out the dumplings evenly. Fry on one side, turn over and do the same on the other; when a crust forms, pour in a little boiling water so that it is only on the bottom. Steam under the lid for five minutes and you are ready to serve.

How to deliciously fry dumplings with sauce and cheese crust

The dish is very tasty with cheese and an unusual sauce for us. Try it, it's really tasty and easy.

We take:

  • Half a kilo of frozen ready-made dumplings
  • One hundred grams of any type of hard cheese
  • Half a glass of kefir
  • Half a glass of sour cream
  • Half a glass of mayonnaise
  • head of garlic
  • Bunch of green onions
  • Salt, pepper mixture, dried herb mixture

Cooking process:

First of all, let's make the sauce so that it is ready when the dumplings arrive. Mix sour cream with kefir and mayonnaise, squeeze the garlic into it, add pepper and herbs. Mix the mixture and let it sit for half an hour.

You can also grate the cheese in advance. Let the dumplings sit out of the freezer for a while.

Pour oil into the frying pan and set the temperature to medium. Pour half a glass of water into it at once and simmer the dumplings under the lid for about five minutes. As soon as the water has evaporated, add more oil and fry the dumplings on one side, then turn them over to the other, wait for a golden crust to appear and sprinkle everything with cheese. Cover with a lid and let it cook for literally five minutes.

During this time the cheese will melt and form a crust. Now we can divide the dish into portions, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with finely chopped onions.

Tajik dumplings, fried

For this dish we will make the dumplings ourselves. It turns out very satisfying, it is a complete lunch for a large family.

We take:

  • Half a kilo of minced pork and beef
  • Four hundred grams of ready-made dumpling dough
  • Two thirds of a glass of prepared meat broth
  • Two large spoons of sunflower oil
  • A teaspoon of wine vinegar
  • Medium sized bulb
  • Seasonings

Cooking process:

Add finely chopped onion to the minced meat, roll out the dough into a thin layer, cut into squares. Place the minced meat in the center of each square and stick it on the corner to form triangles.

Heat the oil over medium heat, add the dumplings, fry on both sides, then pour in hot broth and simmer under the lid for five minutes. Sprinkle the finished dumplings with wine vinegar.

When you really want to eat, but there is no time to cook, semi-finished products come to the rescue. Juicy, crispy, with a crispy crust and meaty taste. What were you thinking? About chebureks? No, today we will talk about how to fry dumplings.

Yes, yes, you heard right, it is the process of frying, not boiling, that we will describe. After all, this recipe has deep roots in our Soviet culture, which is deeply rooted in our consciousness. At that time there was not such a choice of products as there is today, and therefore it was necessary to diversify your diet by inventing new recipes for already familiar products. And pan-fried dumplings are one of them.

This is very harmful and fatty dish love by many men. And each of them, probably, secretly dreams of receiving a whole frying pan of fried dumplings from their beloved on their birthday or February 23rd. Do you want to please your loved one? This is your chance!

Not every man knows how to cook frozen dumplings in a large frying pan. And not all women master this art. After all, you need to achieve not just frying, but also the readiness of the product from the inside. And this can be difficult to do. Especially if you choose the wrong method of cooking dumplings in a frying pan.

But we have prepared enough for you detailed instructions, which will not only make the cooking process easier for you, but will also allow you to serve a very tasty dish. The main thing here is to follow our advice and do everything exactly as written.

You don’t have to immediately run to the refrigerator for a pack of dumplings to start frying them in a frying pan. First, read the instructions for preparing them to the end and only then proceed to practice. After all, frying dumplings is a real science and art, which only a diligent and attentive person can comprehend. Are you one of those? If yes, then let's start with... choosing dumplings.

How to choose dumplings?

So that the result is not only tasty, but also healthy dish, you need to choose the right frozen dumplings. Their main components are minced meat and dough. And if everything is clear with the latter, then manufacturers may not approach the preparation of minced meat so responsibly, trying to reduce the cost of the product as much as possible.

Typically, the following meat is used for this minced meat:

  • pork;
  • beef;
  • lamb;
  • rabbit meat;
  • chicken.

The filling can be single-component, although most often minced meat is prepared by mixing several types of meat and adding a small percentage of soy to them.

According to standards, dumplings must contain at least 49% meat and no more than 10% soy.

Also, a variety of spices and herbs are used to prepare this semi-finished product. Each manufacturer selects them according to own recipes, and this ultimately affects the taste of the dumplings.

If such a product is made for children, then vitamins, iodine and calcium can be added to the usual composition. The use of flavorings and flavor enhancers is undesirable.

What should you pay attention to when choosing dumplings?


At the store, you should pick up a pack and read the ingredients of the dumplings. The first is usually the type of meat that has the most percentage. The correct composition should be as follows:

  • meat;
  • flour;
  • eggs;
  • seasonings

If other ingredients are included in the list (for example, soybeans), then this indicates the manufacturer’s desire to reduce the cost of producing their product. U good producers who try to maintain their reputation at a high level, all components will be listed in detail.

Availability of data

In addition to the name of the manufacturer, its address and other contacts, the packaging must include the production date and shelf life of the product.


Please note under what conditions this semi-finished product was stored in the store. This should be a minimum temperature of –10°C (dumplings can be stored in this mode for a month) or –5°C (in this mode – no more than 48 hours).

Before purchasing, take the packaging in your hands. If the product is soft, then pay attention to the thermometer. If the storage conditions are violated, it is better to refuse to purchase such a product.

Integrity and form

Good dumplings usually have the same shape and intact edges, that is, the filling from the inside does not show through. It's better when they lie separately. When sealed, they should roll freely. If the product has turned into a single mass, then it was most likely previously defrosted.

Cooking according to the rules

So, first you will need to take a pack of dumplings. It's best if they are small. To prepare one serving, it will be enough to take 30-40 pieces.

You don’t have to have them separately, since this dish can be prepared with a mass that can easily be dubbed “one big dumpling,” that is, when they stick together into a single whole. This is exactly what this semi-finished product looked like at one time, when we were all one big country called the USSR. Back then you could only buy one type of dumplings. Moreover, after unpacking the cardboard box, the housewife or owner discovered a single sticky mass, which they laid out on the frying pan. This made it possible to give this semi-finished product at least some presentable appearance and pleasant taste.

Since then, frozen dumplings have appeared on our shelves in large quantities and variety. But the habit of not boiling them, but frying them, remains.

So here it is. We will need a couple of dozen dumplings, seasonings as you like (salt, pepper, etc.), a certain amount of vegetable oil, 200 ml of boiling water, a frying pan with the obligatory addition of a lid. The last point is very important, and further you will understand why.

First, you need to put the frying pan on medium heat and pour oil into it so that it covers the bottom, but no more. Next, you need to wait until the oil heats up to the desired level. This can be determined by the appearance of a small smoke above the pan.

As soon as you notice how “smoky” it is, feel free to pour out the dumplings and distribute them over the pan. This needs to be done so that they are arranged in one layer, so the dishes need to be selected according to the amount of product. In addition to distribution, the mixing process will be mandatory.

It is important that the dumplings are coated in oil on all sides and fried in this form.

Then this whole friendly family needs to be covered with a lid and wait until a crispy crust forms.

Be sure to watch how the product browns and turn it over to the other side in time. After the “revolution”, do not forget to salt the dumplings and add other seasonings to taste.

As soon as you notice that the dumplings are evenly fried in the pan on all sides, you can proceed to the next, rather difficult stage. You need to remove the lid, take a glass of boiling water and carefully and quickly pour it into the pan.

Be careful! At this moment, all the contents on the fire will begin to actively hiss, boil and splash in all directions. Therefore, try to complete the procedure as quickly as possible and cover everything with the lid again. Next, you should wait for the moment when all the stormy processes end.

When the lull comes, you will need to increase the heat, remove the lid again and begin to gently stir the almost finished dumplings. In a couple of minutes the product will become tender and very pleasant to the taste. Wait until the water has almost completely boiled away and you can turn off the heat. The dish is ready to eat.

There are other cooking recipes, but they may result in the product being overcooked or undercooked (cooked on the outside and raw on the inside). Therefore, we recommend using our recipe, which allows you to get a delicious dish.

Secrets of success

To give the dish more unusual taste You can add a little along with boiling water tomato paste. For frying, give preference olive oil. It is advisable to turn the dumplings as often as possible to ensure even frying.

A more “dumpling” taste is obtained if you use ravioli with chicken meat.

Before adding to the pan, while it is heating up, first remove the dumplings and place the required amount on a cutting board. This will give them time to defrost.

It is better to add spices when you turn it over to the other side.

We hope that our tips will help you cook wonderful dish and please your beloved man with it. Go for it!

Place frozen dumplings on a hot frying pan, pour sunflower oil, and fry - over medium heat on both sides, without covering with a lid, then under the lid with adding water, then over medium heat.

Fry the boiled dumplings on each side until golden brown.

Frying dumplings is delicious

How to fry frozen dumplings in a frying pan
Heat a frying pan over high heat with a small amount of vegetable oil. Place frozen semi-finished dumplings without defrosting in a frying pan in one layer, not very tightly: the dumplings can touch each other, but do not crush each other. Pepper the dumplings and season with your favorite spices, fry first on one side, then on the other for 3-4 minutes, the guideline is a ruddy hard surface. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for another minute until the minced meat is completely cooked.

How to fry boiled dumplings
After cooking, place the boiled dumplings in a colander until fully cooked and drain the broth. Heat a frying pan over high heat, pour oil and add dumplings - fry them for 2 minutes on one side until golden brown, then turn them over and fry for 2 minutes on the other side. The fire must be high so that the dumplings are golden brown and crispy appetizingly.

How long to fry homemade dumplings
Homemade dumplings, as a rule, are larger than store-bought ones, and they contain more meat, which means they need to be fried longer. Fry homemade dumplings for at least 12 minutes.

How to stew dumplings in sour cream
Mix milk (200 milliliters) with sour cream (100 grams) and a teaspoon of flour, finely chop garlic (1 clove) and dill.
Fry the dumplings in a frying pan with butter for 3 minutes over high heat, and then pour in the milk-sour cream mixture. Simmer the dumplings in the sour cream mixture for 15 minutes over low heat with the lid open. After frying, sprinkle with herbs.

Which dumplings are suitable for frying?
Dumplings that are flattened on 1 or 2 sides are most suitable for frying - such dumplings will be more ruddy and crispy. Dumplings with curled edges are difficult to fry without the edges drying out. They can be stewed with the addition of water or boiled and then fried, but then the dumplings will not be crispy.

How to stew dumplings with vegetables

Dumplings - 400 grams
Carrots - 1 large
Cauliflower - 7-10 large florets
Eggplant - half a small eggplant
Zucchini - half a small zucchini
Fresh champignons - 100 grams
Paprika - 1 tablespoon
Black ground pepper- 1 teaspoon
Fresh parsley - half a bunch
Salt - to taste
Water - 1 glass
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons

How to stew dumplings with vegetables
1. Boil water, add salt and ground black pepper, stir.
2. Divide the cauliflower into inflorescences.
3. Peel the zucchini and eggplant and cut into 1-centimeter cubes.
4. Wash the champignons, dry and cut into thin slices.
5. Wash the parsley, dry it and chop it finely.
6. Heat the frying pan for 1 minute, pour in the oil.
7. Place champignons in a frying pan and fry for 3 minutes.
7. Place in a frying pan cauliflower, fry for 5 minutes, stirring.
8. Place zucchini and eggplants in a frying pan and fry for 3 minutes.
9. Pour boiling water and add dumplings to the vegetables.
10. Simmer dumplings with vegetables for 15 minutes.
Serve the stewed dumplings sprinkled with chopped parsley.