Recipe for cookies with cucumber pickle. How to bake delicious cookies with cucumber pickle

Some may find it strange to use brine for baking. But sometimes by combining seemingly incompatible products, it turns out excellent result. Try cooking Lenten cookies in cucumber brine with vegetable oil. The dough is prepared without eggs. This recipe is especially suitable during church fasts; it can also be classified as “on a quick fix" So, if you have some free time in the evening, bake for dinner homemade cookies and make your family happy. Another advantage of such baked goods is that they are stored for a long time and remain soft. And then, this is a fairly economical option, which is quite important in today’s life.



  • cucumber pickle – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar– 0.5 tbsp.;
  • corn oil – 0.5 tbsp;
  • flour – 2.5 tbsp;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • vanilla sugar– 0.5 tsp;
  • powdered sugar - for sprinkling finished cookies.


If you are worried that the smell of brine will remain in the baked goods, I hasten to reassure you of this. The finished cookies smell very tasty and sweet, and the aroma floating around the apartment while they were in the oven is beyond words.
So, the dough is kneaded quickly and easily, literally in two steps. To begin, combine sugar, baking soda, vanilla sugar, brine and butter in one bowl.

Mix well. The main thing is that it is not the sugar that dissolves, but the soda, otherwise soda balls may end up in the cookies. Next add the sifted flour.

It took me 2.5 cups. You may end up with a slightly different amount, it all depends on the type of flour. First, it’s better to add 1.5 cups, mix, and then focus on the structure of your dough. It should be loose and not very dense, but at the same time stick well to your hands.

If you press on the lump, your fingers will easily sink into it, but will not stick. It is important.

Turn on the oven to preheat. Sprinkle a board or table with flour, roll out some of the dough into a layer about 1 cm thick. Cut out figures from it. If you don't have special molds, take a glass and press circles into the dough with the widest part. I simply first cut it into vertical strips, and then into small diamonds (this is clearly visible in the photo).

Cover a baking tray with baking paper and place the resulting diamonds or circles onto it.

Then send it to hot oven for 15-20 minutes. The main thing is not to dry out the cookies; as soon as they are browned, you can take them out. Sprinkle lightly powdered sugar. Cookies made with cucumber pickle without eggs are ready. It's delicious as in warm, and in the cooled state. Bon appetit!

Do you pour out cucumber (tomato, cabbage) brine? If yes, then in vain. Pickles are used in everyday cooking and on holidays. The remaining brine can be used.

Here are some ways to use brine

The most common is treatment after a stormy feast. Cabbage is especially suitable as it contains a large amount of vitamin C.

  • You can bake cookies from the brine. The cookies turn out very tasty. Recipe: 10 tablespoons of brine, 10 tablespoons of sugar, 10 tablespoons of vegetable oil, one tablespoon of quenched soda and half a kilo of flour. Mix everything, roll out, cut cookies (you can use molds) - and send cookie into a hot oven for 20 minutes.
  • You can prepare winter okroshka using brine. To do this, cut any prepared meat into cubes, pickles, pickled garlic, eggs and, preferably, grate the radish into the brine. This soup will also go well on a post-holiday morning or in a bathhouse with beer - just a song!
  • You can marinate cabbage in brine. To do this, cut the cabbage into cubes and pour boiled hot brine over it. Cool. Place in a cool place and in a day or two the cabbage is ready. Real jam!
  • You can stew meat in brine. It turns out very tasty and fast. Using the same method, you can make soft beef from yesterday’s tough beef.
  • Brine makes a good batter for fish or chicken.
  • The brine can be used as a base for making homemade mustard.
  • Using brine, you can remove scale from a kettle by pouring a couple of glasses of brine into it and boiling it for about an hour. After boiling with brine, the kettle must be washed first with cold and then with hot water.
  • To improve complexion, in the old days they washed their face with cucumber brine. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra also used it: the beauty drank cucumber pickle to moisturize and supply the skin with vitamins and microelements and keep it toned.
  • Ice cubes made from cucumber pickle are massaged onto the face to keep it pink and clean.
  • Brine baths are used to rejuvenate the skin on the arms and legs.
  • Foot baths in heated brine will get rid of corns and calluses.
  • Cabbage pickle is indispensable if you want to revive the colors of a faded carpet or upholstery on upholstered furniture. You need to moisten a cloth in a mixture of brine (2 parts) and water (1 part). Then spread it over the surface and lightly beat it with a clapper. Get rid of dust and at the same time refresh the overall appearance.

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Original message by Elenno4ka Valuable information. But I can't find any ways to use vinegar based brine anywhere. And I have one like this delicious pickle remains!

Do you pour out cucumber (tomato, cabbage) brine? If yes, then in vain. Pickles are used in everyday cooking and on holidays. The remaining brine can be used.

Here are some ways to use brine

The most common is treatment after a stormy feast. Cabbage is especially suitable as it contains a large amount of vitamin C.

You can bake cookies from the brine. The cookies turn out very tasty. Recipe: 10 tablespoons of brine, 10 tablespoons of sugar, 10 tablespoons of vegetable oil, one tablespoon of quenched soda and half a kilo of flour. Mix everything, roll out, cut the cookies (you can use molds) - and put the cookies in a hot oven for 20 minutes.

You can prepare winter okroshka using brine. To do this, cut any prepared meat into cubes, pickles, pickled garlic, eggs and, preferably, grate the radish into the brine. This soup will also go well on a post-holiday morning or in a bathhouse with beer - just a song!

You can marinate cabbage in brine. To do this, cut the cabbage into cubes and pour boiled hot brine over it. Cool. Place in a cool place and in a day or two the cabbage is ready. Real jam!

You can stew meat in brine. It turns out very tasty and fast. Using the same method, you can make soft beef from yesterday’s tough beef.

Brine makes a good batter for fish or chicken.

The brine can be used as a base for making homemade mustard.

Using brine, you can remove scale from a kettle by pouring a couple of glasses of brine into it and boiling it for about an hour. After boiling with brine, the kettle must be washed first with cold and then with hot water.

To improve complexion, in the old days they washed their face with cucumber brine. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra also used it: the beauty drank cucumber pickle to moisturize and supply the skin with vitamins and microelements and keep it toned.

Ice cubes made from cucumber pickle are massaged onto the face to keep it pink and clean.

Brine baths are used to rejuvenate the skin on the arms and legs.

Foot baths in heated brine will get rid of corns and calluses.

Cabbage pickle is indispensable if you want to revive the colors of a faded carpet or upholstery on upholstered furniture. You need to moisten a cloth in a mixture of brine (2 parts) and water (1 part). Then spread it over the surface and lightly beat it with a clapper. Get rid of dust and at the same time refresh the overall appearance.

  • First of all, take gauze, fold it in five layers, and filter the brine.
  • Pour oil into the brine and add sugar, stir thoroughly until all the grains dissolve.

  • Pour the sifted flour along with soda into a deep container and mix.

  • Now pour in the sweet cucumber pickle and stir with a whisk, breaking up all the lumps.

  • Cover the soft and elastic dough with a towel and leave for 20 minutes. Next, roll out the dough into a layer 1 to 1.5 cm thick and, using any mold, squeeze out the blanks for future cookies.

  • Place the products on a baking sheet with parchment and bake for 15-20 minutes at 180°C.

  • The finished product can be sprinkled with sweet powder.

For cookies, you can use not only brine from cucumbers, but also from tomatoes. You can also add dried chopped nuts or soaked raisins to the dough.

Oatmeal cookies with cucumber brine

You can bake a simple meal using cucumber brine. oat cookies, with raisins or crumbs. And also there is very tasty option with coconut shavings.


  • 100 ml cucumber pickle;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • heaped glasses of oatmeal;
  • 150 g wheat flour;
  • 100 g coconut flakes;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda;
  • a couple of pinches of cinnamon.


  • Thoroughly stir baking soda, cinnamon and granulated sugar into the cucumber brine.

  • We introduce wheat and oatmeal, and also add coconut shavings and knead the dough.

  • Spoon the dough directly onto a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake the cookies for 15 minutes.

  • The finished cookies can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

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Caramel pickle cookies

If you want to bake something unusual and original, you should take note of the recipe for caramel cookies with cucumber pickle.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 120 ml cucumber pickle;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • a little soda;
  • 1 cup wheat flour;
  • 1 teaspoon poppy seeds;

For caramel:

  • 150 g granulated sugar;
  • 50 ml water.


  • Pour oil into the brine from salted but not pickled cucumbers, add soda, poppy seeds and add flour, mix everything thoroughly and get a stiff dough.

  • Roll out the finished dough into thin layer 2 mm thick. Next, cut it into equal rectangles.

  • Bake on a baking sheet with parchment for three minutes on one side and three minutes on the other at a temperature of 240°C.

  • Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and cook the syrup until light brown.

  • We prick the cookies with a toothpick, dip the product into the caramel and immediately glue it with another cookie, then with the third and fourth.

  • Pour caramel over the surface of the fourth cookie and sprinkle with poppy seeds or black sesame seeds. Serve the finished dish with caramel to the table.

If there is caramel left in the saucepan, you can use it to make threads. To do this, lower the fork into the remaining caramel and try to lift it as high as possible above the container. We immediately collect the resulting thin threads into a ball, before they have yet hardened. This unusual ball can be served along with cookies.

Cheese cookies in brine

Those who love cheese crackers should definitely try baking cheese cookies in cucumber or tomato brine.


  • 200 g smoked sausage cheese;
  • 1.5 cups cucumber pickle;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • 600 g flour;
  • teaspoon of soda.


  • Then pour in the brine and oil, add flour in portions and knead into a soft and elastic dough.

  • We make a layer of dough 7 mm thick and cut out shaped pieces for cookies.

  • Transfer to a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, and if desired, sprinkle the products with coarse sea ​​salt, bake until golden brown at a temperature of 200°C.

Rye cookies in brine

Rye type of baking is very useful product and not so high in calories. These cookies can also be baked in cucumber brine with the addition of goose fat.


  • glasses of cucumber pickle;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of baking soda;
  • 100 g goose fat;
  • 1 egg;
  • a glass of rye flour;
  • 2 cups wheat flour;
  • granulated sugar to taste;
  • any jam.


  • Pour the brine into a bowl, add goose fat and soda, stir.

  • Add sugar to taste (2 tablespoons will be enough).

  • Then pour in the egg, add rye flour and mix well.

  • Roll out ready dough into a layer 5 mm thick, using a large glass, cut out circles, using a small glass, cut out rings.

  • Place a ring on a large piece, fill the middle with jam, place it on a baking sheet with parchment and bake for 15-20 minutes at 180°C.

Goose fat is natural product without any synthetic additives, but if such an ingredient is not available, then it can be replaced with high-quality butter or margarine.

Baking made with cucumber brine turns out rich and crumbly. Even with long-term storage, the cookies remain just as soft and pleasant to the taste. And if you knead the dough without adding eggs, it turns out delicious Lenten dessert for tea.

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A good housewife will never waste anything: leftover sausages, sausages or meat will be an excellent filling for pizza, the remaining dough can be used to make delicious dumplings for soup, and even the brine left over from pickles can be used to prepare delicious dishes.

It can be added instead of broth for pickle soup, okroshka, or cooking original sauces, and also knead dough for dumplings, pancakes and pies and bread on it. Baking with this simple product is not only aromatic, but also healthy. After all, a significant part goes into it useful substances from canned foods.

Our ancestors always served brine with meat and fish dishes, as it contributed to good digestion and gave the food a special piquancy. They even replaced vinegar in salads and borscht.

For modern housewives, cooks have come up with an excellent way to store it. The brine needs to be poured into ice molds and frozen, then using the number of cubes you need.

The first course is the basis of lunch

If you no longer want the usual borscht or soups with cereals, try making cold fish soup, which will appeal to the hot summer season. For it you will need:

  • brine – 1 l.;
  • fish in oil – 1 jar;
  • fish in tomato – 1 jar;
  • eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumber – 4 pcs.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • green onions – 1 bunch;
  • greens, sour cream - to taste.

For soup, you can use any canned liquid - cucumber, tomato, or even assorted. But approach the choice of canned food more carefully; it is better if it is sardine, mackerel or saury.

For okroshka, you need to boil the potatoes and eggs until fully cooked and cut into small cubes. Sauté onions and carrots sunflower oil, and chop the cucumbers into coarse grater and chop the greens. Place all this in a deep pan, cover with brine. If it is too salty, add a little water. To make the first dish more filling, you can add some boiled peas.

It should be left to steep for several hours, after which it can be served with sour cream.

Roast Pokrovsky style - satisfying and unusual

Delicious lunch and dinner cannot be done without hearty dish. Roast is an excellent option, both for festive table, and for pleasant family meetings. But to add a twist to this recipe, you need to know one thing: secret ingredient, capable of radically changing the taste and adding piquancy to it.

Prepare the following components:

  • meat (pork or beef) – 500 gr.;
  • potatoes – 10 pcs.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • meat broth - 1 tbsp.;
  • cucumber pickle – 1 tbsp;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp;
  • spices (salt, pepper, bay leaf).

The meat needs to be washed and cut into small pieces. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes, leaving them raw. Chop the onion and fry in a frying pan until golden brown.

Place meat, onions and potatoes in layers in a saucepan. From cucumber pickle and meat broth make the filling and add it to vegetables and meat. Don't forget to season with spices and put in the oven for half an hour. Serve the roast with sour cream and thinly sliced ​​pickled cucumber.

Baking - economical and tasty

When you don't have it at hand necessary products, but you want to please your loved ones with something tasty, dessert recipes based on salty filling will come to the rescue. The simplest option that does not require special financial costs is kokurkki. It's hard to even count how old this recipe is. These cookies can be made with the addition of various spices - cloves, cumin or cinnamon, this will make them even more aromatic.

In order to bake shortbread cookies, you will need:

  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.;
  • brine – 1 tbsp.;
  • wheat flour – 2 tbsp;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.;
  • soda – 1 tsp.

Connect vegetable oil and brine, add soda and sugar to them, stir thoroughly. Add flour in small portions, stirring constantly until the dough is soft. You need to roll it out in a layer that is not too thick (about 5 mm thick), so that it is convenient to make figures using pastry molds.

Place the cookies on a greased or parchment-lined baking sheet and sprinkle sugar on top. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees. To make the cookies taste brighter, use unrefined sunflower oil.

For those who can afford to spend more time, a recipe for muffins that are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside is perfect.


  • flour – 300 gr.;
  • liquid from cucumbers – 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.;
  • sunflower oil – 150 ml;
  • soda – ½ tsp;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • vanillin – 1 pack;
  • raisins or other dried fruits.

Merge with canned cucumbers liquid and heat it a little, then add soda to it. Add sugar and vanillin, stir until dissolved. Add sunflower oil.

Mix the flour separately with baking powder and gradually add it to the liquid, stirring. Add raisins at the end. Line baking pans with parchment and sprinkle with semolina, pour in the dough until half full. Bake in the oven for half an hour, heating it to a temperature of 180 degrees.

Brine is a real assistant in culinary matters. Thanks to him, dishes become special and acquire original taste. In addition, such a simple product is absolutely inexpensive, if not free.

By preparing canned food for the winter, you will thereby kill two birds with one stone - prepare great snack for hot dishes and the basis for delicious culinary creations.

Few people have heard about cookies made with cucumber pickle. And it’s a shame, because such a simple thing can make delicious pastries.

According to this recipe, the cookies are unsweetened, somewhat similar to crackers, but less calorie.

Don't rush to pour out the cucumber pickle!

Required Products:

  • a third of a glass of vegetable oil;
  • half a small spoon of soda;
  • 5 grams of soda and the same amount of salt;
  • about 250 milliliters of cucumber pickle;
  • about 450 grams of flour.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. First, mix the liquid ingredients: brine and oil.
  2. Then add baking soda, salt and flour. What you get needs to be turned into a smooth lump.
  3. It needs to be rolled out well into a thin plate, no more than a few millimeters thick. And cut out any shapes you want.
  4. All that’s left is to put the pieces in a hot oven for 15 minutes, setting the temperature to 180 degrees.

Lenten version with added jam

Ever thought that you can bake cookies using brine? It turns out that not only is it possible, but it will also turn out soft and tasty. And this recipe will delight those who fast.

Required Products:

  • 400 grams of flour;
  • 200 milliliters of cucumber pickle;
  • any jam to taste – 150 grams;
  • spoon of lemon juice;
  • 8 grams of soda or baking powder;
  • half a glass of sugar or as desired;
  • a glass of vegetable oil.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Suitable for this recipe thick jam. It must first be combined with sugar, then filled with brine and lightly mashed.
  2. Oil is poured into the resulting mixture and the whole thing is mixed well with a fork or whipped.
  3. All that remains is to add flour and soda and turn the mass into a good elastic dough.
  4. Blanks of any shape are cut out of it, transferred to a baking sheet and brought to readiness for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Cookies with cucumber brine through a meat grinder

Cookies in cucumber brine through a meat grinder - great recipe, which will help you cook something new and tasty. In addition, it will not take much of your time, and the result will please you. Once you try it, you will use it again and again.

Fast and easy recipe.

Necessary products for cooking:

  • about 200 grams of margarine;
  • about half a kilogram of flour;
  • a little soda;
  • 100 milliliters of cucumber pickle;
  • a glass of sugar or to taste;
  • two eggs.

Cooking process:

  1. Before cooking, take care of the margarine in advance. You can't use it if it's just out of the refrigerator. It should be heated to room temperature. After this, mix it with sugar in a deep bowl and beat until the color of the mass turns white.
  2. Next, add the brine and eggs to the bowl. Mix everything again until smooth.
  3. Add dry ingredients: baking soda and flour. We turn the resulting mixture into an elastic lump that should not stick. Divide it into medium-sized pieces and grind them in a meat grinder.
  4. From what we got, cut off small pieces in the form of sausages. Place them in the chosen baking dish and place them in the preheated oven. Cook for about 20 minutes, setting the temperature to 190 degrees.

How to bake cookies with mayonnaise?

Of course, mayonnaise is far from the healthiest product, but it reveals itself well if used in baking. It makes it richer and softer, resulting in an interesting texture. The ingredients for this recipe are from the category: whatever is left in the refrigerator.

Required Products:

  • cucumber pickle – 200 milliliters;
  • 400 grams of flour;
  • half a small spoon of soda;
  • two spoons of sour cream;
  • five spoons of mayonnaise;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • two eggs;
  • 150 milliliters of vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

  1. Please note before baking that the specified quantity of products produces quite a lot of products. Therefore, if you are doing it just for testing, then reduce everything by half.
  2. We start cooking with brine and sugar. They need to be mixed and placed on the stove, heated so that the sugar dissolves in the liquid. After that, pour soda in there.
  3. Place half the specified amount of flour in a separate container and combine with warm brine.
  4. Prepare other ingredients: mix sour cream, mayonnaise and eggs and pour this mass into the flour. After which vegetable oil is added and everything is mixed until the dough does not stick.
  5. The resulting lump is left for about 15 minutes, after which you can continue cooking.
  6. Using any form, blanks are cut out from dough that has been previously rolled into a layer. You can use a glass or special molds.
  7. Everything is laid out on a baking sheet and kept in the oven for about 20 minutes at a temperature of at least 180 degrees.

With condensed milk and nuts

Sweeter and rich recipe.

Condensed milk and nuts will be a tasty addition to cookies.

Required Products:

  • about 200 grams of sugar;
  • 300 milliliters of brine;
  • 150 grams of sour cream;
  • five eggs;
  • 100 grams of margarine;
  • approximately 300 grams of flour;
  • a can of boiled condensed milk;
  • nuts to your taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Combine the eggs with sugar and turn everything into a white mass, then add sour cream and margarine, which must be slightly softened in advance.
  2. The next step is flour and brine.
  3. Once you have an elastic mass, leave it for at least 30 minutes, and then for another hour in a cold place.
  4. Divide the mass into small pieces, roll them into circles and make a small depression inside. Place the pieces in a hot oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. When the baked goods have cooled, place condensed milk and nuts in the indentations.