What vitamins are found in currants?

Currant is a plant that grows everywhere, belongs to the Gooseberry family of plants, has the appearance of a flower, and after full ripening - round small berries of different colors.

In total, there are about 150 different types of currants, most of these species grow in the wild and are not entirely suitable for human consumption. The most common are only 50 species, and in Russia and neighboring countries, the most popular and famous are red and black currants.

The content of vitamins in 100 g of currants

Red and black currants are a truly unique product that can even be entered into the drug registry. Berries are not only rich in vitamins, but they also contain many antioxidants that help fight cancer cells and tumors.

All these vitamins are contained in this unique berry, because it has long been proven that no other berry in the world contains so many useful properties. It has also been proven that people who eat at least 150 grams of black or red berries a week do not even get sick with a cold.

You just need to always remember that the berries must be chosen correctly, it is best to eat fresh ones, it is also worth choosing ripe dense berries that have not yet “let out” the juice, overripe berries lose quite a lot of their useful properties.

The history of the appearance of currants

I must say that this berry is considered Russian culture, because it is in Russia that they love and eat it the most, although this is not entirely true.

They brought the culture to Europe from Asia back in the Middle Ages, but it was only a red berry, but they did not pay attention to the black one, it was considered wild and inedible. For the first time they began to grow it in Germany and France, but it was not considered a fruit for eating, but was used exclusively as a medicine. Tinctures, compresses were made from them, and even applied to the face for a rejuvenating effect (by the way, this is quite justified, the juice of the berries can be used as an acid peeling for the face). It wasn't until a few decades later that red currants were eaten.

Even later, the product was going to be cultivated in North America, but then it did not grow at all there, primarily because of the too warm climate. I must say that the fruit is unique in that it grows well only in temperate and even cold climates, and this is unusual for most fruits.

The first mention of currants in Russia dates back to the 8th-10th centuries, but then it was eaten exclusively by monks of outcast monasteries. One day, one of the monks tasted a sweet and sour fruit growing in the wild forest, and realized that it could diversify the very meager diet of the monks of the monastery. But since the monks tried to practically not go beyond their territory, they began to grow culture on their own right in the courtyard of their monastery.

Video about currant

currant storage

The product must be stored in the refrigerator after purchase or collection in the forest. A cold environment is a favorite environment for this berry, this is where it will retain all its benefits.

But there are some features, the observance of which will allow you to save the berries for as long as possible. First you need to remove all the branches and debris that may be in the fruit, then the peeled fruits must be washed well under cool water and dried.

After that, all the fruits must be put in a glass jar with a lid, only you need to make sure that the berries lie freely and are not cramped. The jar needs to be put in the refrigerator.

After five days, you should take the jar out of the refrigerator, open it and leave it to "breathe" for at least an hour. Then you need to close the lid again and put the berry in the refrigerator. You need to repeat this action every five days, then the currant will be stored for about a month.