What to make from salmon bellies. Recipes for delicious lightly salted salmon bellies

However, you can find a way out - in cooking there are a lot of simple and interesting solutions that allow you to diversify the menu. Recipes for dishes with salmon bellies can help every housewife in this regard, regardless of experience and time constraints. Indeed, it is not difficult to prepare soup; it is also easy to make a second dish from potatoes and bellies with sour cream sauce. However, the list of options for using this ingredient does not end there.

Most often, salmon belly is found in recipes with these five products:

Belly bellies can become the basis for luxurious holiday treats that become decorations for a gala table: an attribute of any holiday is aspic, snack, which is guaranteed to go on plates in a matter of minutes - salad with fresh cucumbers or an orange, an incredibly appetizing risotto... And fake caviar is suitable in cases where you need to organize a quick snack or, conversely, serve something that will whet your appetite.

Salmon bellies contain large amounts of fatty amino acids. It’s just the nature’s arrangement that fish have more fat in the belly area than in everything else. Therefore, bellies are great for cooking homemade fish soup or all kinds fish soups. You can also use them to make good pancakes with seasoning, salted or marinated fish. The latter is especially true for a beer party.

Finnish fish soup

This soup is thick and very satisfying, and the bellies of the salmon give it a rich aroma and amazing taste.

For a volume of three liters you will need 500 g of bellies, three potatoes, an onion, a small carrot, 200-250 g of ice cream, a little melted cow butter, a package of cream cheese (a tray weighing 400 g).

Cook the fish broth, remembering to skim off the foam. Once the bellies are soft, remove them from the pan. We clean the potato tubers, cut them into neat slices and put them in a saucepan. While they are boiling, prepare a fry of onions and carrots, add them to the broth and add peas. Salt to taste. Add cheese and fish mashed with a fork. After the soup boils again, you can remove it.

Rice with mussels and fish

Wondering how to cook salmon bellies? The recipe for this simple and tasty hot dish helps when you need to cook
You will need a ready-made oriental mixture - 2 packages, brown rice (boiled) - 1.5 cups, a package of mussels (ready, frozen) - 300 g, chicken fillet - 150 g, 300 g salmon bellies, soy sauce.

Cut the fish and chicken into small pieces and fry in oil, add a little water and simmer for about five minutes. Place the vegetable mixture in the frying pan. Pour boiling water over the mussels and add to the dish. Pour in vegetable oil and fry everything over high heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly. Add rice, reduce heat to low, pour sauce, add pepper and cover the pan with a lid. In 15 minutes dinner is ready.

Salmon bellies in batter

Prepare 500 grams of salmon bellies, lightly roll in flour and salt. Let's make a batter from two eggs and a tablespoon of flour. Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. We pour, not sparing the product, the bellies of the salmon should be deep-fried. Dip each piece in batter and drop into oil. Fry until crusty, remembering to turn over. You can serve it with regular mashed potatoes, noodles or rice.

Sandwich pie with herbs

This tasty and satisfying pie can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days, so your family can enjoy the pie both during dinner and for breakfast.

You will need butter, herbs, onions, and a round loaf of bread. Cut the bread crosswise into several layers, remove the top crust. We cut the bellies into smaller pieces, mix with chopped onions and herbs. Grease each layer with oil and place the fish on top. Sprinkle the last layer with herbs on top. If desired, you can add olives and tomato slices. But then it is better to eat the finished dish quickly, otherwise the bread will become soggy.

Salmon bellies marinated

Wash the fish, dry it, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Pour marinade of lemon juice and olive oil. Cut the onion into rings and sprinkle it over the salmon. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for several days.

Salted salmon bellies - great snack, and not only for beer. Salting fish at home is not that difficult; even a preschooler can do it. By the way, salting salmon bellies is a pleasure; you don’t need to cut them up, they are already ready for salting.

For one kilogram of fish you will need 4 tablespoons (with top) of coarse salt, peppercorns, bay leaf, ground pepper.

Prepare a brine from 700 ml of water and salt, add pepper and bay leaves for flavor. Place the fish in a deeper container and fill it with brine. You can add onion, chopped into rings. The salmon will be ready to eat in two to three days, but you can store it in the refrigerator for quite a long time if you remove the brine and onion.

As you can see, salmon bellies are a useful thing in the household. You can make a lot of them delicious dishes.

Enjoy your meal!

Desperate Housewife

About the fact that salmon is very, very delicious fish everyone knows. Previously, I bought it already salted in the store, but recently my dad advised me very good recipe its salting. I dared to do it New Year, all the guests were delighted - the salmon was juicy and lightly salted! It turned out very tasty and natural - without chemicals and unnecessary preservatives!


  • 0.5 kg. fresh salmon bellies;
  • 0.5 tablespoon of salt;
  • 0.5 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar;
  • 10 peas of black ground pepper;
  • 0.1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper;
  • 1 glass of chilled boiled water.

Prepare salmon bellies for salting:

  • After cooking you will receive 4 servings
  • Preparation time: 2 days
Fish appetizers
- adding vinegar is not necessary, but I like it with it, as it gives sourness;
- can be used Apple vinegar, the taste will be softer.;
- when salting, you can add various spices, for example, in stores they sell special ones “For salting red fish,” but I don’t use them. You can experiment with spices yourself, for example, add a little paprika, dry ground ginger and mustard seeds, and the taste will be spicy;
- buy only the freshest bellies, since they are not subjected to heat treatment when salting. When you choose, don’t be lazy to smell them. Good fish It has a pleasant, slightly oily, fishy smell without being musty. The skin of fresh bellies should be white - without yellowness or plaque;
- salted bellies are very good cold appetizer, but they can also be added to salads, it turns out very tasty!
- you can vary salt and sugar to your taste - you can add more of them. It is better not to remove sugar completely; it not only adjusts the taste well, making it richer, but is also a preservative that prevents the fish from spoiling;
- some people add 1 tablespoon of cognac per 1 kg of fish when salting.

Additional Information

  • Cooking time: 2 days
  • Difficulty: for beginners
  • Equipment: No
  • Type of dish: Regular - for every day
  • Cuisine of the world: Russian

Many housewives are interested in the question of how to cook salmon bellies. After all, the abundant fat, which makes up 90% of this product, has a not entirely pleasant taste. Therefore, balyk is often eaten simply with bread. However, there are many recipes for delicious dishes made from tender, fatty strips of salmon.

Rice casserole

One of effective ways getting rid of excess fat in foods is rendering. Just as greaves have a completely different taste than lard, so baked salmon bellies acquire an interesting, unique aroma, devoid of the smell of fish oil. Cook rice in salted water. It should not be viscous, but not crumbly either. We transfer the finished cereal into portioned fireproof bowls or pots, and put salted and spiced dough on top. Place in the oven and bake. The fat will melt and soak the completely lean rice. By the way, this same trick can be done not only with cereals, but also with potatoes and pasta.

Salmon bellies in salad

Another way to remove excess fat is to add hot spices or horseradish. Combined with lettuce and other fresh vegetables Tesha gives very much delicate taste. Pour a teaspoon of fennel seeds and black pepper into a mortar and crush. Sift through a sieve to separate the husks. Lightly fry the bellies on one side over high heat. Sprinkle the dish in which the salad will be served with chopped green onions. Sprinkle olive oil And lemon juice. Post it lettuce leaves. Mix a tablespoon grated horseradish with half a glass of sour cream, add a little finely chopped dill to this sauce. Pour this sauce over the tummies, mix everything and place on the leaves. Garnish the salad with croutons.

Salmon bellies - salting recipe

Excellent for removing unwanted fat strong alcohol and salt. This combination is used for red fish steaks, but bellies can also be salted using the same method. Salmon needs to be covered in large pieces sea ​​salt, add cognac and a bunch of dill. After three days, lightly salted meat can be cut into salads or sandwiches.

When used in first courses - soups, solyanka or fish soup - the fat content of the fish will only be beneficial. Peel about five potatoes, cut them into large pieces, and put them in a saucepan with water to boil. As soon as it boils, add the carrots and onions, cut into strips and slightly fried, as well as 60-70 g of rice. When the potatoes are half ready, add peeled salmon bellies to the company of vegetables (half a kilo will be enough). Salt and add spices to taste. We check the readiness of the fish soup by the softness of the fish. This dish is served with sour cream and chopped herbs.

Pie with mozzarella and salmon

Buy it or mix it yourself yeast dough. We clean the bellies of the salmon (half a kilo) from the thick skin. We cut them into pieces, salt and season with spices. Two medium onions need to be cut and fried on vegetable oil until golden brown. Cover the baking sheet parchment paper(or lubricate vegetable oil). The dough rolled out 1 cm thick is the basis of our pie. First onion is placed on it, then fish, and then mozzarella cut into strips. The oven must be preheated to 200 ºС. The dish is baked for a total of about half an hour. As soon as the dough is browned, reduce the temperature to 160 ºС. Watch the cake through the glass window, because if you open the door, the dough will fall and will not bake.

Salmon — healthy fish, which doctors recommend consuming at least once a week. Fish contains many useful elements, which are necessary for the body, for example, the substances contained in salmon help strengthen blood vessels, improve memory, skin condition and increase immunity. It is in the abdomen of the fish that the main nutrients. Be sure to try cooking salmon bellies, recipes for delicious and simple dishes you will find below.

Salmon bellies - delicious recipes

  • Number of servings: 4
  • Cooking time: 60 minutes

Belly soup

To make a rich fish soup from salmon bellies, put a saucepan on the fire; as soon as the water boils, add chopped onions and carrots, diced potatoes, and a handful of rice. Salt and pepper. As soon as the potatoes are ready, add the fish to the pan. After five to ten minutes the pan can be removed from the heat.

Salmon pie

Salmon bellies are quite affordable, so anyone can afford to buy this part of the fish. Prepare from tender fish Can tasty pie. Buy yeast dough or knead it using water, egg, flour and yeast. When the dough is ready, roll it out and place onion or red onion cut into rings. Remove scales from the bellies and cut into pieces. You can mix salmon with pink salmon or salmon. Cover the pie with a second layer of dough, brush with egg and bake for forty minutes at 180 degrees.

Salting salmon bellies

Can be cooked delicious snack by salting the bellies of red fish. Cut off all skin and scales and place the fish on a plate. Add two tablespoons of salt and a teaspoon of sugar (calculated for 500 grams of fish), black pepper, and bay leaf to taste. To add piquancy, add 50 grams of cognac and fresh dill. Mix thoroughly, wrap the plate in foil and leave in a cool place for a day. Taste ready-made dish You will be pleasantly surprised; there is no shame in treating even the most demanding gourmet to salted salmon.

Salmon belly caviar

Lightly salted belly can be used to prepare fake caviar, which is very good for breakfast sandwiches. Take half a kilo of fish, one boiled carrot and 150–200 grams butter. Pass the ingredients through a meat grinder, mix - the caviar is ready.

Baked salmon

You can prepare many more nutritious dishes from the bellies, for example, bake salmon with potatoes in sour cream sauce. Place a layer of sliced ​​potatoes in a frying pan or on a baking sheet, and place the pre-peeled fish on top. Cover with a second layer of potatoes and coat the layers with sour cream sauce with mustard, garlic and pepper. The dish will be baked for about an hour at a temperature of 180–200 degrees. Change the recipe to taste by adding cheese, onions and other ingredients.