Fried bream in a frying pan: the best recipes and cooking features. Baked bream in the oven - recipe with photo Fried bream cut with parsley and garlic

I bring to your attention the most delicious recipes for preparing dishes from the predator of our reservoirs - bream.

Bream recipes


Baked bream with cabbage

bream 1 - 1 1/2 kg,
sauerkraut 2 cups,
bulbs 2,
grated cheese 1/2 cup,
butter 50 g,
sour cream sauce 1 cup.

Clean the bream, gut it, rinse in cold water. Prepare the filling: mix cabbage with chopped onion, salt and pepper. Fry the cabbage in a saucepan until tender, adding butter.

Stuff the bream with this filling and sew up the belly. Place the bream in a frying pan or in a mold, pour in sour cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in a preheated oven until golden brown.


Bream stewed with quince

bream (about 600g) - 1 pc.
quince - 1 pc.
onion - 1 onion
butter - 2 tbsp. l.
water - 1-1.5 cups
ground black pepper, salt

Fillet the prepared fish and cut into portions. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Cut the quince, peeled and cored, into slices.

Place all products in a shallow bowl, add salt, add water and simmer at medium power for 7-8 minutes.


Bream stuffed with porridge

150 g fish,
100 g buckwheat porridge,
15 g butter or margarine,
1 egg
10 g onion,
30 g sour cream,
5 g crackers, dill, salt

Clean the bream from scales, remove the entrails, wash thoroughly and sprinkle with salt.

In ready crumbly buckwheat porridge add chopped fried in butter onion, hard-boiled egg, beaten for connection a raw egg. Stuff the prepared bream with this porridge, place it on a greased baking sheet, pour sour cream over it and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Place the baking sheet with the fish in the oven and fry the fish, periodically pouring sour cream over it.

Serve as a whole on an oval dish, pouring over the sauce formed during stewing and sprinkling with dill...


Fried bream with onions and potatoes

1 kg bream,
4 cm. spoons of flour,
100 g butter,
3 onions,
5 pieces. potatoes,
salt pepper

Having cleaned and gutted the bream, rub it on all sides and in the middle with salt, roll it in flour, place it on a baking sheet, add a little water, cover it butter or water with vegetable and fry with onions and potatoes, watering more often own juice, in the oven until browned.


Fried bream with sour cream

1 kg bream,
4 cm. spoons of flour,
200 g butter,
10 onions,
200 g sour cream,
salt pepper

The prepared bream is salted, rolled in flour and placed on a baking sheet, covered with chopped onions, butter and fried; when the bream is halfway done, pour sour cream over it and continue to fry, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and often doused with its own juice

Roman-style golden bream

Clean the bream from scales, gut if necessary, rinse thoroughly cold water, dry and sprinkle with lemon juice from the inside. finely chop the onion, chop finely lettuce. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease a baking sheet with oil and sprinkle with onion cubes. distribute lettuce strips over onion cubes; season with salt and pepper. Place the fish on top and sprinkle with 2 tbsp. l. white wine. Place the baking sheet in the oven on the lower level and cook for 25 minutes. place the fish on a preheated plate and keep warm in the switched off oven. Place fish juice from frying together with vegetables in a saucepan, add the remaining wine and peas and simmer covered for 5 minutes. then boil the mixture in an open pan for 2 minutes. add cream and cook for another 1 minute. Grind the butter with flour, mix with the sauce and cook for 1 minute. Season the sauce to taste with salt and pepper, pour it over the golden bream and sprinkle with dill. the dish can be supplemented with green noodles


Bream fried on the grill

2-3 fish carcasses (you can also: mackerel, mullet, trout, fresh herring, asp)
2 tbsp. spoons of butter
1 bunch of parsley and dill
2 tbsp. spoons of capers
1/4 lemon
1 cup prepared Polish sauce, salt to taste

On the backs of cleaned and gutted whole fish carcasses, make 2 oblique longitudinal cuts on each side. Place butter, pounded in a mortar with capers, into the cuts. Place the fish on a wire rack and place in a top-heated oven or electric grill, first placing a baking sheet underneath. Fry each side for 7-10 minutes or until the fish is browned. Place the fish on a plate and squeeze a little juice into the juice that has collected on the baking sheet. lemon juice, mix this mixture and pour it over the fish.

Serve the fish prepared in this way with Polish sauce (add hard-boiled, chopped eggs, chopped herbs, and lemon juice to the melted butter).


Stuffed bream

Rinse 400 g of morels thoroughly, boil (do not eat the broth!!!) and simmer with 2 tablespoons of butter until soft, chop finely. Fry buckwheat porridge in a frying pan with 0.5 chopped onion and 1 tablespoon of butter. Mix mushrooms with porridge, sprinkle with pepper. Gut 1 large bream, clean it, make an incision along the back, remove the spinal bone, put the cooked minced meat inside, sew it up with thread, roll it in flour and breadcrumbs, fry it on the stove or in the oven, periodically pouring oil from the pan. Before serving, add a little sour cream, heat over the fire and serve..

Bream baked on the fire

Gut the scaled fish, rinse, lightly rub with salt, wrap in thick paper or a rag, moisten one side with water and place in a hole dug in hot ash with the wetted side. Cover with hot coals. In about 1-1.5 hours the fish will be ready. Cooking time depends on the size of the fish and the state of the fire. When cooking fish this way, use food-grade aluminum foil.

It is best to prepare medium-sized fish weighing up to 1 kg using this recipe.

Gutted fish with the gills removed, but with the scales removed, rinse thoroughly, trim the fins, rub the inside moderately with salt, coat with a 1-1.5 cm layer of greasy clay and bury it in the hot coals of the fire. In half an hour or a little longer the fish will be ready. All this time there should be hot coals in the fire. Remove the fish from the fire, remove the coating, which will be removed along with the scales.


Bream stuffed with porridge.

150 g fish, 100 g buckwheat porridge, 15 g butter or margarine, 1 egg, 10 g onion, 30 g sour cream, 5 g crackers, dill

Clean the bream from scales, remove the entrails through the gills, wash thoroughly and sprinkle with salt. Add chopped onions fried in butter, a hard-boiled chopped egg and a beaten raw egg for connection to the prepared crumbly buckwheat porridge. Stuff the prepared bream with this porridge, place it on a greased baking sheet, pour sour cream over it and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Place the baking sheet with the fish in the oven to fry the fish, periodically pouring sour cream over it. Serve as a whole on an oval dish, pouring over the sauce formed during stewing and sprinkling with dill. Serve buckwheat porridge with chopped hard-boiled egg as a side dish. Cooking time 45 min.


Bream with buckwheat porridge.

1 large bream, 2 onions, 4 - 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil, a plate of buckwheat crumbly porridge, breadcrumbs, salt.

Clean the bream, gut it, rinse, rub with salt, stuff and bake in the oven. Preparation of the filling: fry finely chopped onion in 2 - 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil until golden brown, add about one deep bowl of buckwheat porridge just cooked in the oven (in a pot) and fry a little along with the onion. Then add another 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, cool slightly, stuff the fish, sew it up, coat it with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and bake in the oven. You can stuff bream sauerkraut or, for example, potatoes.


Fried bream.

120 g fish, 6 g flour, 15 g sunflower or melted butter, 150 g garnish, pepper

Portioned pieces of fish with skin and bones, cut into fillets or rounds, sprinkle with salt, pepper, breaded in flour and fry in sunflower or melted butter, then bring to readiness in the oven. Serve with fried potatoes or mashed potatoes with cucumbers, tomatoes. Bream fried on vegetable oil, also served cold with vinaigrette, pickled beets, and cabbage. Cooking time 45 min.

As you know, bream is a unique freshwater fish, which can be prepared different ways. Very often it is baked in the oven. Bream baked in the oven, recipes with photos confirm this, it always looks very appetizing. It is suitable for the everyday menu and for the holiday table.

As you know, bream is a unique freshwater fish that can be prepared in various ways. Very often it is baked in the oven. Bream baked in the oven, recipes with photos confirm this, it always looks very appetizing. It is suitable for the everyday menu and for the holiday table. But more importantly, such a product retains all its natural qualities and is very useful. There are certain nuances of cooking fish in this way, so it is important to know how to cook bream in the oven.

Variety of baking recipes

Bream dishes in the oven are extremely varied. Moreover, it is noteworthy that this method of cooking fish is not complicated, so it is accessible even to inexperienced housewives. But at the same time, cooking bream in the oven requires very careful attention. Only with this approach can you cook delicious fish. It should be remembered that in order for bream in the oven, the recipe for which can be found on any culinary site, to turn out tasty, the fish must be properly prepared.

For baking you need to use only fresh fish. Frozen bream loses its natural taste and cannot be cooked tasty. Purchased or caught fish should first be thoroughly washed and only then begin to clean it. You should know that the scales of bream are very dense, and therefore it is not very easy to clean them. To make the cleaning process easier, you can rub the fish coarse salt and let it rest for about a quarter of an hour. The bream is cleaned from the tail with movements directed against the growth of the scales. Next, the fins are cut off and all the insides are removed. If we cook bream in the oven with the head on, be sure to remove the gills and eye sockets. After cleaning, the bream is thoroughly washed with running water and dried with a napkin. And only after this the carcass is ready for further use.

It is allowed to use specimens of different sizes for baking in the oven. In this case, you can bake the whole bream in the oven or cut the fish into pieces. It is permissible to add a variety of foods to the dish, for example, mushrooms, potatoes or tomatoes. Baked bream in the oven can be cooked open or closed. In the second case, it is assumed to use foil or a baking sleeve. If the decision is made to take ready-made recipe If you cook bream in the oven, you can slightly modify it to get a new original dish.

Bream baked with sour cream or mayonnaise

Recipe for bream in the oven using sour cream or mayonnaise sauce, refers to traditional dishes. The fish cooks quickly and looks very beautiful. Therefore, it can be used both in the everyday menu and prepared on the occasion of any festive event. As a rule, for baking in the second case, a large specimen is used, which is baked with the head on. When preparing this dish you will additionally need the following ingredients:

  • One large onion;
  • 200 g of mayonnaise or high-fat sour cream;
  • Lemon;
  • Salt and seasonings to taste;
  • Greens for decoration.

Previously prepared fish, as described earlier, must be rubbed with a special mixture, which consists of sour cream or mayonnaise with the addition of freshly squeezed lemon juice, salt and various spices to enhance taste qualities. The flavored mass must be rubbed into the carcass very carefully from all sides, avoiding any omissions. After this, the fish should be put aside for half an hour in a cool place so that it is soaked. If this is not a refrigerator, then it is imperative to protect the product from flies or other insects. At this time, you can cut the onion into half rings and mix it with a small amount of mayonnaise or sour cream.

The next stage of cooking is as follows:

  • The baking sheet is greased with a small amount of vegetable oil;
  • Place marinated bream in the middle of the baking sheet;
  • An onion is placed in the belly of the bream;
  • The baking sheet is placed in a preheated oven.

Baking bream in the oven should be carried out for a quarter of an hour at a temperature of 180°C -200°C. And then you need to reduce it a little and keep the carcass in the oven for about 10 minutes. Such bream in the oven, the recipe with photos confirms this, can become a real decoration for the holiday table. In this case, potatoes are a good choice for a side dish; they can be prepared in different ways. You can bake it with fish. Before serving, baked bream in sour cream or mayonnaise must be decorated with herbs.

Bream baked closed

Baked bream is very tasty, the recipe for which involves the use of foil. That is, the fish is baked closed. In this case, the prepared specimens do not need to be additionally marinated, therefore, the process of preparing the dish will take less time. For baking in foil, you should use small specimens of fish - up to 500 g. Bream must be carefully prepared: washed, peeled and removed the entrails. You can cook whole fish this way, but many people prefer to cut off the heads. To cook bream in this way you will need the following products:

  • A few cloves of garlic;
  • A tablespoon of food vinegar;
  • Lemon;
  • Parsley;
  • Salt and spices;
  • Three tablespoons of olive oil.

The sauce that will be used when baking fish is prepared as follows:

  • The garlic is cut into very small pieces with a knife;
  • The selected spices are poured into a separate container, vinegar, olive oil and chopped garlic are added.

The resulting mixture is lubricated on all sides of the prepared carcasses. It is best to do this with a brush. After this, you need to take a baking sheet and cover it with foil, so that there is a reserve around the edges. Leftovers aromatic sauce should be poured onto a baking sheet and spread with a brush. Then the fish prepared for baking is laid out on it. The dish is covered with a layer of foil on top and placed in a preheated oven.

Bream is baked in foil for 20 minutes at a temperature of 185ºC-190°C. In order for an appetizing crust to form on top of the fish, you need to remove the top layer of foil, and additionally keep the dish in the oven in open form within 10 minutes. Before serving this dish you need to let it cool a little. This baked bream looks great on the table if you surround it with beautifully chopped vegetables and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Baked bream in pieces

Large specimens can be cut into portioned pieces and bake in the oven. This kind of bream, recipes for cooking it in the oven are presented in a huge variety, and is optimal for the everyday diet. Particularly popular is a dish that involves the use of potatoes. Fish for baking is prepared in the usual way. That is, it needs to be thoroughly washed, cleaned and the insides removed. This baking method necessarily involves cutting off the head, fins and tails, and the carcass itself is subsequently cut into portioned pieces. For one and a half kilograms of prepared fish, you will need to use the following additional products:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • Three medium onions;
  • 50 g vegetable oil;
  • 50 g butter or half a glass of sour cream;
  • Partial glass of full-fat milk;
  • Half a glass of flour.
  • Greenery;
  • Salt and spices to taste.

First, the pieces of fish need to be poured with salted milk for a quarter of an hour. At this time, you need to fry the onion in half rings. It is important to use very little vegetable oil for this. You also need to peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes. Next, the baking sheet is greased with vegetable oil and pieces of fish are laid out loosely on it, which are dipped in advance. Place chopped potatoes around each piece of fish. The fish and potato layer is salted and topped with aromatic seasonings to taste. After this, evenly fried onion in half rings is laid out on it, and melted butter is poured over the entire dish.

Bream pieces baked in the oven should cook for approximately 25-30 minutes. It is important to place the pan in a preheated oven. This dish is prepared using an open method, so bream baked in the oven, a recipe with a photo of which can be seen on any culinary website, always has a very appetizing crust. This dish should be served hot and first garnished with herbs.

Stuffed baked bream

Recipe: stuffed bream in the oven various products- always reads as a masterpiece of culinary art. Therefore, such a dish requires attention and takes a lot of time. In this case, it is important to know how to deliciously bake bream in the oven. You can use a lot for stuffing fish. different products. These could be mushrooms, tomatoes or other vegetables. Quite often bream and festive table, and as an everyday dish it is stuffed with rice. For such a dish, a large specimen weighing more than 15 kg is used.

The cooking process begins with preparing the fish. It needs to be washed, cleaned and gutted. Then the fish is rinsed under running water and dried with a napkin. Next, the bream is rubbed with salt and aromatic seasonings and left to marinate. At this time it is getting ready rice filling. To fill a large bream, it is enough to use 200 g of rice. In addition, to prepare the dish you will need to use:

  • A couple of medium onions;
  • One carrot;
  • 50 g vegetable oil;
  • 100 g high-fat mayonnaise;
  • 20 g butter;
  • Salt and seasonings to taste.

To prepare delicious filling for baked fish, you must first fry the chopped onion and grated coarse grater carrot. For this you need to use a little vegetable oil. Pour washed rice into the fried vegetable mixture. The frying process should then be continued for a few more minutes, adding salt to taste and adding aromatic seasonings. Then the mixture must be poured with water one centimeter above the surface and cooked until the water has completely evaporated.

The bream should be stuffed with cooled rice and vegetable filling. After the process is completed, the belly of the fish must be secured with toothpicks. The top of the stuffed bream is coated with mayonnaise. The fish is laid out on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. You need to make several deep cuts along the back of the stuffed bream and put a slab of butter in them. The prepared dish is placed in a preheated oven and baked at a temperature of 180°C - 190°C for an hour. After the oven is turned off, the dish should still stand in it for about ten minutes, and only then can it be served.

You can use the same recipe: bream baked in the oven stuffed with mushrooms. In this case, for the filling you should fry diced onions and carrots with mushrooms. The best option is champignons, which cook very quickly and remain soft.

Whatever recipe is used for baking bream, in any case such fish is a tasty and healthy dish. Bream meat is an easily digestible product, so such dishes do not overload the digestive system. Due to the presence of a large number of active components in this type of fish, including polyunsaturated acids omega-3 and omega-6, baked bream helps to normalize intercellular processes. According to their own nutritional properties, fish prepared by baking is not inferior to meat.

We clean the fish, gut it, get rid of the tail, head and fins, rinse and dry. Then we separate the backbone from the fillet parts, and cut the fillet itself into pieces about 4-5 centimeters thick.

The tail, fins, head and ridge will go to. Chop the celery and parsley root into strips, peel and chop the onions, sauté in butter, add half a glass of prepared fish broth, beer, add lemon, bay leaves, peppercorns and salt.

Cook for 20 minutes, strain, add raspberry and lemon juice and wine, dried grapes and almonds.

Dip the gingerbread crumbs into the prepared mixture, wipe, add previously salted pieces of bream and cook for about 20 minutes. The answer to how to cook bream deliciously so that it preserves useful qualities, received.

Cooking salted bream in dough with vegetables

Another answer to what to cook with bream is a recipe from Finnish cuisine.

To prepare you will need:

  • half a kilogram of fish fillet (take the whole carcass, but then cut it),
  • a quarter cup of barley grits,
  • four eggs (1 is used as a lubricant for the dish),
  • ready-made butter dough (about half a kilogram),
  • dill, salt, a pinch of black ground pepper, a pinch of sugar.

Before you cook delicious bream, you need to rub the fish fillet with a mixture of salt, chopped herbs, sugar and pepper. Place the fish in the refrigerator for 2 hours to marinate.

We use everything that remains after the fillet is separated (except for the giblets) to prepare the broth.

Add barley grits to the prepared broth for 40 minutes. Ready semi-finished product cool. Boil 3 hard-boiled eggs, separate the yolks and whites, then finely chop both. You also need to finely chop the dill.

Roll out the prepared dough, sprinkle one half of it with a layer of whites, and then with a layer of yolks. Place the bream fillet on the yolks, and spread the dill on it in a thick layer. Place the boiled barley with salt and pepper on the dill, cover the prepared dough with the other half of the dough and press the edges tightly.

Now place the prepared pie in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, brush with egg and bake for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards, you need to reduce the temperature to 125 degrees and bake for another quarter of an hour.

Now you know a few more delicious recipes how to cook bream.

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How to cook bream so that it is tasty, satisfying and simple, and not only simple, but also healthy. It turns out very tasty if you fry bream in a frying pan, but, alas, it is far from healthy. Today, nutritionists recommend replacing fried foods with boiled, stewed, baked or steamed.

Therefore, I want to offer you more useful option cooking - bake the whole bream in the oven. You can bake it. But in my case, it turned out that the foil had run out)), I didn’t want to go to the store for foil, and there was no time left. I had to use open method baking. But... the result exceeded all expectations, the fish turned out tender, juicy, aromatic. Friends, according to this recipe you can bake not only bream, but also other sea ​​fish or meat. I used a citrus marinade in the recipe. The marinade gives the fish an amazing taste - delicate with citrus notes of sweet orange. For more information about cooking bream, read the recipes. So, a bream dish in the oven.

whole bream baked in the oven photo

How to cook bream in the oven without foil


  • sea ​​bream 2 pcs.
  • 1 lime (can be replaced with lemon)
  • orange 3 pcs.
  • red pomelo 1 pc.
  • bunch of cilantro
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste

Cooking bream

  1. Squeeze the juice from two oranges. Wash the remaining citrus fruits and cut into thin slices.
  2. Place baking paper in a baking dish and sprinkle with olive oil and lay out a few citrus slices.
  3. Place pre-cleaned bream on top. Place a few sprigs of cilantro into the bream. Salt and pepper the fish. Place the remaining sliced ​​citrus fruits into the pan.
  4. Spray the fish orange juice and olive oil.
  5. Cook the bream in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 20-25 minutes. The cooking time for bream depends on the size of the fish. Be careful during cooking, do not overcook.

You can try others healthy dishes from bream.

Braised bream

Nowadays you can find such fruit as quince in stores. If you take fresh fruits, they are very tough with a tart, astringent taste, but when stewed, the fruits acquire a sweet taste, reminiscent of the taste of a pear. So,

How to stew fish with quince


  • bream 1 pc. (500-600 gr.)
  • quince fruits 1 pc.
  • butter 3 tbsp.
  • white onion or regular onion 1 pc. (white is better; it has a more delicate and sweet taste)
  • water 1.5 cups
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • We prepare the bream and cut it into fillets. If the bream is river, then . Mode for portioned pieces.
  • Peel the quince, remove the core and cut into slices. Cut the white onion into thin half rings.
  • Place the prepared products, along with the fish and butter, in the bowl where the fish will be cooked. Salt and pepper, add water and simmer over medium heat under closed lid 8-10 minutes.

Bream stewed in sour cream

  • We fillet the bream and cut it into portions, salt and pepper the fish to taste.
  • Onions (it is better to use white onions) in thin half rings, three carrots on a coarse grater.
  • Place the fish, carrots and onions in a shallow frying pan. Mix water with sour cream and pour into a frying pan. Sour cream sauce should cover the fish by about three quarters. Simmer the bream under a closed lid over low heat for 8-10 minutes.

Serve the stewed bream hot.

Bon appetit!

Everyone knows that fish is healthy. We often buy in stores various frozen fillets of unknown varieties of fish that have been lying in store freezers for years, and salted pieces in jars with an unknown sauce. But the benefits of such fish are very doubtful. Isn't it better to buy fresh, still live bream at the market and fry it at home? And if your husband brought this fish from fishing, caught with his own hands, then God himself ordered, as they say, to cook it.

Bream fish, although bony, is very tasty, fatty and healthy. But if you prepare it correctly, then you can forget about its shortcomings. Now all that’s left to do is learn how to cook bream.

Cooking bream: recipes

It is best to bake this fish in the oven or stew it with vegetables and seasonings. Baked bream retains all the beneficial nutrients, and since cooking bream in the oven is also quite simple, this type of cooking fish is liked by many housewives.

Baking bream in foil

The question of how to cook bream in foil should not cause you any difficulties. Everything here is simple and clear.

We take a large fish whole, clean it thoroughly, removing scales, entrails, fins and gills. Everything is as usual here. Prepare a large baking sheet and spread a couple of layers of foil on it.

  • Traditionally in Rus', bream was cooked with sauerkraut. You can fill the belly of our fish with it.
  • You can also prepare minced buckwheat with boiled chopped egg.
  • Stuffed as well fried onions, mixed with breadcrumbs and spices.
  • Minced onion can also be mixed with several raw eggs.

Coat the stuffed bream with mayonnaise or rich sour cream, put a clove of garlic behind its gills, cover it with lemon slices on top, you can also squeeze lemon juice into its belly, sprinkle well various seasonings. Seasonings can be prepared specifically for fish; you can use suneli hops, rosemary, dill, and bay leaves. Lemon and spices are very good for river fish, especially for those who do not like its specific smell. We salt and pepper all this beauty.

The next stage is very important. We need to try to wrap our cooking masterpiece so that nothing leaks out of it, and not a lot of steam comes out, in order to preserve all the juices and aromas inside the foil bag, and you can wrap it in several layers.

And lastly, put everything in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for an hour - an hour and twenty. The cooking time, by the way, depends on the size of the fish; if your bream is not too big, then you can leave it in the oven for 50 minutes.

To impress everyone at the table, the fish can be served directly in foil, carefully transferring it to a large platter. Just be extremely careful, there is a lot of hot steam inside the metal package, don’t get burned.

Braised bream

  1. We clean the fish, everything as in the previous recipe, cut off the head and cut it into pieces approximately 3 cm in size. Fry it in vegetable oil on both sides with spices. You can roll the pieces in salted flour before frying.
  2. Simmer skinned eggplants cut into small cubes with tomatoes in a frying pan for 15 minutes.
  3. Transfer the vegetables and fish into a tall bowl, add salt, a little water and simmer it all over very low heat for about half an hour.
  4. All this is served with boiled potatoes, sprinkled with finely chopped dill. Your loved ones will be delighted, no doubt about it.

So, if you have become the happy owner of this fish (big or not), now you know exactly how to cook bream deliciously.

Cook our usual at home river fish, it's far from boring and bland. Having prepared a dish according to one of our recipes at least once, you will be convinced of it. And your fisherman man will fish even more diligently, knowing that an amazing meal awaits him at home, prepared by you from his catch.