Is it possible to make moonshine from beer. Moonshine from beer - we make a drink competently

Moonshine from beer is original drink, quite simple in terms of production technology. When preparing it, there is no need for sugar and yeast, since beer itself is alcohol, and additional stimulation for its fermentation is not needed.

The choice of drink matters a lot. It is not advisable to use expensive beer for home brewing, therefore expired beer is often used, which can sometimes be bought at a brewery at a discount or in alcohol stores.

Usually bottled beer contains preservative impurities that prevent the beer from fermenting, so it is often not suitable for making mash. And in this case, live beer that has not undergone the pasteurization process is best suited.

Selection of beer

Any beer drink will do for our experiments. And some craftsmen even make moonshine from expired beer. The latter is the most relevant, since its use in pure form can lead to severe poisoning. But moonshine will turn out very good.

So, you can use the following types of beer:

  • light;
  • dark;
  • strong;
  • Canned or bottled;
  • Live;
  • Overdue.

That is, there are absolutely no restrictions.

It is better not to add yeast and sugar to beer. All the treatments that the drink was subjected to at the factory will eventually lead to only one thing - the mash will turn sour, and not ferment. That's why, traditional recipe won't fit here.


First, we determine the ratio of beer and water for dilution. For every 10 liters of intoxicating drink, we need another 1 liter of water. This will get rid of excess carbon dioxide, which is so rich in beer. And, even if it seems that it no longer "hisses", then you should not neglect this step - part of the gas remains in the drink anyway. Therefore, we carry out degassing by adding ordinary water.

The next stage of degassing is mixing. In the selected container, mix beer with water until foam stops forming on the surface. Now we leave our beer mash for 1 hour. Better - longer, but not more than 3 hours. At the same time, the lid of the container must be open so that nothing prevents carbon dioxide from leaving the mash.

Degassing is carried out in order not to spoil the taste of the final moonshine.


Braga from beer cannot be distilled into the so-called "flavored moonshine". That is, moonshine will have a very unpleasant smell and the only thing that can be expected is pure alcohol. Therefore, you can not use fractional distillation, in order to then clean the moonshine in any of the following ways:

  1. Oil;
  2. milk;
  3. Activated charcoal.

But, if you prefer distillation with the separation of the distillate into parts, then this is also not forbidden.

There is one point that must be remembered: pouring the mash should be done when the alembic is still cold. Well, one more thing: heating should be extremely slow so that a foam cap does not appear, which burns very cool to the walls of the cube.

Distillation must be carried out until the alcohol strength at the outlet drops to 30 degrees. During this time, you will have time to collect about 1-1.5 liters of alcohol. In order to determine the strength of alcohol, an alcohol meter in combination with a “cock” is excellent.

Second distillation

  • This distillation must necessarily be fractional, since it is the last one.
  • "Heads" will account for approximately 10% of the total expected output.
  • "Tails" start at about 40 degrees.
  • Everything else is drinking alcohol, which, however, requires additional purification.

The total amount of the final product depends very much on the number of revolutions in the beer that went to the mash. You can expect from 0.5 to 1 liter of the finished product. Its fortress will fluctuate within 45-50 degrees.


The last is infusion and purification. First, let the moonshine stand for a couple of days in a dark, cool place. Then start cleaning it up. It doesn't really matter how you do it. However, it is worth remembering that carbon filters are best suited for filtration.

Now the moonshine is ready for use. Due to the fact that it does not have any taste or smell, it can be used to make noble drinks at home. Great for cognac or various fruit and berry tinctures.

Moonshine from expired beer

If you become the owner of an old expired beer, bought a cheap batch of substandard goods at a wholesale base, it doesn’t matter.

  1. Of course, you can’t drink such beer, you can harm the body.
  2. But there is a way out, to overtake the beer for moonshine.
  3. It turns out alcohol of quite good quality with an original aftertaste of hops. After all, beer is practically whiskey brew, made using white technology, but with additives.

Due to the fact that few people have so many expired beers, rarely has anyone made such a drink, and it's too expensive to try it on purpose. Although it is very easy to make such a drink at home. For beer moonshine, any kind of beer with any strength is suitable, it is desirable that the beer contains as few preservatives as possible, that is, live beer. by the most the best option it would have its own home-made beer, there is definitely nothing superfluous in it, and the moonshine obtained from it would surprise many experienced distillers.

Below is the simplest recipe for beer without yeast.


  • Beer 4-6°– 10 l;
  • Water - 1l.


Expired beer, like any other beer, has a lot of carbon dioxide, which must be removed before distillation for moonshine. If you do not remove the gas, then during the boiling of the beer, splash entrainment may form, foam will form in the cube, which will fall into the selection and spoil the taste of moonshine.

In addition, the spray is dangerous because the refrigerator can clog. moonshine still, excess pressure will rise in the cube, which can even lead to an explosion. Therefore, beer should be poured into a cube for 1/3 of the volume of the distillation tank. Stir it thoroughly, you can use a construction mixer. Keep open for 1-2 hours.

Obtaining raw alcohol

At this stage, raw alcohol is obtained from beer mash for subsequent distillation. You need to select moonshine at maximum power, but constantly monitor the process in order to prevent splashing. It is good if your device has a diopter, which allows you to see the beginning of foaming. If this happens, turn off or turn down the heat.

The first distillation is carried out without the selection of heads and tails, the beer is driven to the water. From 10 liters of beer, you get about a liter of moonshine with a strength of 30-38 °, with the smell of hops. Raw alcohol can be driven through a carbon filter by diluting the distillate to a strength of 20 degrees.

Fractional distillation

Repeated distillation will improve the quality of moonshine from beer by removing harmful head and fetid fusel fractions from the raw material. Pour raw alcohol purified and diluted to 20 degrees into distillation tank, install the device, turn on the heating.

  • After the appearance of the first drops, reduce the heating power and select the head impurities drop by drop into a separate dish.

  • Heads are selected at the rate of 10% of absolute alcohol, according to our recipe 40-50 ml.
  • Next, you need to select the "heart" - the average drinking fraction.
  • On average, the body should get 400-500 ml with a strength of 60 °.
  • The average fraction is taken up to 40 degrees in the stream, the output depends on the design of your moonshine still.
  • Then there are "tails" that do not have to be selected.


After fractional distillation, moonshine is already obtained good quality. You can improve its taste by running it through a carbon filter, which will reduce the hop smell of moonshine. Pour the purified moonshine into bottles and keep in the "glass" for two or three days. The more the distillate rests, the better it gets. Beer moonshine can be infused on oak chips or partitions walnut, use for various tinctures and other homemade alcohol.

Alcohol mashine

Thinking about buying a new moonshine still? In this article, you will learn what to look for when choosing a device that is suitable for you, the opinions of independent experts, as well as a comparative test of the main competitors in the market of factory moonshine stills.

The Internet is replete with a variety of models of moonshine stills (or household distillers), so choosing the right one is not as easy as it seems. Let's just say that you need to choose for yourself, according to your needs. This article will help you determine which model is right for you.

Characteristics of moonshine stills

The main characteristics of moonshine stills are volume, material and cleaning method.


First, decide on the size of the device. If you distill small volumes of mash (up to 20 liters), then a distillation cube with a capacity of 12-14 liters will do.

If you need to overtake more than 30 liters, then it is better to purchase a device with a capacity of 20-25 liters. As a rule, each model has several volume options at dealers, so when a model is selected, make sure that the required volume is in stock.


We strongly recommend that you purchase a factory-quality distiller, and made of stainless steel. Steel should be not just stainless, but also preferably used in the food or medical industry (for example, 12X18H10T GOST 5632-72), made in accordance with GOST. So you protect yourself from unwanted and unhealthy impurities, odors in the product.

An important factor is the thickness of the steel. The thicker the better, but even here a measure is needed.

  1. In a distillation cube made of thin steel (0.8-1 mm), the mash will most likely burn, and the finished product will taste like burnt porridge (I’m not talking about the taste).
  2. The optimal wall thickness of the apparatus is 2 mm. Such a moonshine will not be subject to deformation, it is more airtight, and the product will not burn during the cooking process.
  3. On the Internet, you can find devices with a wall thickness of 3-4 mm, however, here we did not find any advantages compared to 2 mm models, the weight increased (by 50-80%), and the price was at least a third higher.


The main purpose of the distiller is to obtain the purest product possible. The purity of the finished product depends on the presence of a dryer or reflux condenser (in more advanced models). It must be present in the moonshine still. It is in it that most of the harmful fusel oils and impurities settle. If the steamer is collapsible, then you can add moonshine original taste and aroma by putting spices, fruits, herbs inside the steamer (it will be possible to make drinks such as cognac, gin, whiskey and others).

Make sure the seller has a guarantee for the device, sealed gaskets, food hoses in the kit, as well as measuring devices - a thermometer and an alcohol meter. The factory apparatus must be fully equipped and ready to work without additional purchases.

Ways to degas mash before distillation

One of the optional, but recommended stages of fruit, sugar and grain moonshine. Wash degassing is a set of measures aimed at removing carbon dioxide in the inner layers before distillation.


During fermentation, yeast converts sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide - one molecule of glucose is converted into two molecules of ethanol (C2H5OH) and two molecules of carbon dioxide (CO2). In order not to create excess pressure in the tank, carbon dioxide is removed through the tube of a water seal (a water lock that prevents oxygen from entering inside).

When fermentation weakens, the pressure inside decreases and the gas no longer comes out so actively. At the very end, some of it will definitely remain in the inner layers of the liquid. The concentration of CO2 in the brewed mash depends on the type of raw material (most of all in grain mash), the duration and temperature of fermentation.

In carbonated alcoholic beverages such as beer, champagne or cider, some amount of carbon dioxide is mandatory (sometimes a short re-fermentation is started to naturally saturate with gas), because it gives a characteristic fizz and bubbles, but in ordinary wines and mashes, gas is removed artificially.

The degassing of the mash minimizes the risk of intense foaming during heating, which is the cause of the “flooding” of the moonshine still (the distillate enters the receiving tank unevenly, characteristic “spitting” appears) and splashing - parts of the mash and foam get into the coil, which leads to clouding of the moonshine.

Theoretically, if you leave the fermentation tank open, after a while the gas will come out on its own, but when air enters, acetic bacteria become active and the mash starts to turn sour, which will worsen the quality of the moonshine and reduce the yield.

Universal step by step instructions

  1. After the end of fermentation, it is imperative to drain the mash that has won back from the sediment (decant) - pour the liquid part through a tube into another container.
  2. There are two methods to degas the mash: temperature (heating) and mechanical (mixing). The choice depends on the amount of raw materials and a set of tools. The efficiency is the same.

heating Pour the mash into a can, pan or bucket, the wider the diameter of the neck, the better. The container must be enameled or stainless steel. You can use a moonshine cube. Heat the mash quickly to 50°C, stirring occasionally. When the hissing disappears and no bubbles stand out from the bottom, remove from the stove.

Heating not only eliminates gas, but also kills yeast

The short duration of the process and the high temperature will not allow the mash to sour. The disadvantage of the method is that it is difficult to pour and heat large batches, and besides, there are not always suitable metal containers.

Mechanical degassing

Easier and faster than the temperature method, but requires a drill (perforator) with a construction nozzle or an aquarium pump.

In the first case, it is enough to mix the mash with a drill with a nozzle for 3-7 minutes until the smell of carbon dioxide disappears.

Attention! Mix the mash only in plastic barrels.

The second option is to lower an aquarium pump (household pump) with a capacity of 90-140 liters per hour into a container with mash drained from the sediment. Depending on the volume of mash and pump power, degassing will take 2-8 hours.


Degassed mash can be clarified with bentonite, gelatin or hibiscus tea. Clarification removes yeast residues and other impurities, improving the quality of moonshine.

Filling the cube

After the removal of carbon dioxide, the distillation (distillation) technique does not change, but it is allowed to fill the cube by 80-85% with correctly degassed and preferably clarified mash and not by 70-75% as per the standard, leaving a free reserve only for expansion of the liquid from heating.


After the fermentation process is completed, the mash turns into mash. During this stage, fusel oils and other excess substances are separated from alcohol. All this is called distillation or simply the distillation of alcohol. During distillation, strict temperature regime.

Considering the most important temperature points, we can say that for high-quality moonshine, mash needs to be heated in stages. Connoisseurs of this production distinguish the following key parameters: boiling water at a centigrade temperature, boiling ethyl alcohol at 78.3 degrees, acetic acid, ethyl ether, ethanol and other substances contained in the mash, in the temperature range of 34.6-68 degrees, heavy fusel oils - more than 83 degrees.

Sometimes it is very difficult or even impossible to keep the temperature within certain limits. Many inexperienced winemakers can make a lot of mistakes.

  • To avoid this, external factors that affect the distillation process should be taken into account.
  • It is important to remember that when the mash is heated to a temperature of 65-78 degrees, light substances begin to evaporate.
  • Such moonshine is popularly called "pervach", it is poisonous, it cannot be drunk and made from it. alcohol tinctures for outdoor use.

The beginning of active evaporation can be determined using a thermometer, which is located in the evaporation chamber. If there is no thermometer, then you should sniff - perhaps there was a smell of alcohol. Also, the beginning of the process may be indicated by condensate on the outlet neck of the refrigerator and the first drops of alcohol in the receiving dishes. The first 100 grams of pervach must be drained and replaced with receiving dishes or washed thoroughly. To prevent the mash from going through the refrigerator, you should slightly lower the temperature of its heating.

After the mixture is heated to a temperature of 78 degrees ethanol starts to evaporate, you can proceed to the main process of producing moonshine. Do not forget that as a result of distillation, the amount of alcohol in the mash will decrease. This decrease raises the boiling point of the mash and negatively affects the distillation process itself. Therefore, the upper temperature limit should not exceed 83 degrees during the entire distillation.


If you want to extract the remaining alcohol, you will have to heat the mash to higher levels. As a result, alcohol and fusel oils will evaporate, and the quality of moonshine will turn out to be very low. If you keep the temperature of the mash within 78-83 degrees, then in the end there will be little water, and there will be more alcohol. The quality of the product will be satisfactory.

  1. When the temperature of the mixture reaches 85 degrees, the distillation is stopped.
  2. If there is no thermometer, then you can check the quality of moonshine like this: you need to moisten a piece of paper in the resulting moonshine and set it on fire.
  3. A blue flame indicates that the distillation is not over yet.
  4. The absence of a blue flame indicates a low alcohol content and an increased amount of fusel oils.

  5. In this case, the distillation is stopped, and the final product is poured into a separate container for further processing with other batches of mash.

Another little trick: water from mash can be frozen in the freezer or outside in winter. The fact is that water freezes at zero temperature, and alcohol at 114 degrees. To do this, the container with the mash is placed in the freezer, and the ice crystals that have appeared must be periodically removed with a mesh.

The first distillation of moonshine

We fill the cube by 2/3, maximum by ¾. The first drops will begin to drip at a temperature in the cube of 88-89 about C (this parameter depends on the strength of the mash).

  1. Don't forget to turn on the feed cold water to the coil.
  2. The first distillation is carried out, as a rule, at maximum power, without the selection of "heads" and "tails".
  3. This is due to the fact that when yeast is boiled, their shells break and proteins decompose.

Basically, it is because of this that CC acquires a very unpleasant smell and taste.Accordingly, the longer the yeast “boils”, the more unpleasant the SS will become.

However, the practice is often observed when the heads and tails are cut off during the first distillation of sugar mash. True, the temperature regime is left the same (without a decrease in heating, as is done during the second stage), that is, they are not taken drop by drop. Even with intense heating, the heads come out first - the boiling point of light impurities, which are called "heads", is about 65-68 ° C. Therefore, it is recommended to collect the first 30 ml from each 1 kg of sugar immediately and get rid of them. For example, during the first distillation of mash from 5 kg of sugar, 150 ml of heads should be selected.

After selecting the heads, we continue the intensive heating of the cube and select the main fraction, in the common people the “body”. If your distiller is equipped with a thermometer, you need to drive up to 98 degrees cubed. After the temperature in the cube rises to 96 ° C, it is recommended to change the receiving container - ideally, the so-called “tails” will start to come out of the refrigerator, in the common people “fusel oil”, “fusel oils” - not a food part of the mash, especially smelly and harmful .

In general, during the first distillation, tails are taken only from sugar mash. For grain and fruit distillates, they are too important, because it is the heavy fractions, the boiling point of which is higher than the boiling point of ethyl alcohol (above 78 ° C), that determine the taste of the drink.

Therefore, grain and fruit mashes are distilled as long as there is at least some hint of alcohol in the stream (usually up to 5%). But there is nothing good in the tails of sugar mash, so it is customary to cut them off already at the first distillation, especially since this does not require reducing the heating intensity. If your alembic is not equipped with a thermometer, sample the body until the CC output is lit or its abv is below 40%.

Tailings after the first distillation do not need to be thrown away. They can be added to the next mash to increase the yield of the product. This process is called tail ringing. Selected heads after the first distillation are better to pour out altogether. As a result, you should get SS of acceptable quality, but not suitable for consumption. Before the second distillation, it is desirable to subject it to purification.

Purification of the SS before the second distillation

After the first distillation, the SS is subjected to the so-called "intermediate" purification. This process significantly improves the organoleptic qualities of moonshine. There are several ways of intermediate cleaning of the SS before the second distillation: potassium permanganate, milk, vegetable oil, activated carbon, etc.

I myself tend to complex cleaning: first with vegetable oil, then with charcoal.

  1. To clean with oil, dilute the SS to 15%, pour it into a container with a tight lid and add 20 ml of refined vegetable oil per 1 liter of SS.
  2. Intensively mixes 3 times for 1 minute with an interval of 1-2 minutes.
  3. After 12-24 hours, carefully drain the more or less pure SS from below - the oil, with impurities dissolved in it, will gather in a uniform film on top of the container.
  4. Then we filter the SS several times through any filter: cotton, gauze, coffee, etc.
  5. Then the SS must be passed through a carbon filter.

Primitive or not - it depends on your imagination. Read more about cleaning moonshine with activated charcoal in this article.
Intermediate cleaning of the SS is applicable not only for sugar moonshine, but also for distillate from starch-containing raw materials. For fruit and berry raw materials, intermediate purification is carried out extremely rarely, limited to only two or three fractional distillations.

Second distillation by classical technology

Principle classical technology the second distillation is not much different from the first, when it comes to sugar distillate. However, some nuances are still present. First of all, if for some reason you have not done an intermediate purification, for example, you are making a fruit distillate, the SS should be diluted to 15-20%. This procedure is necessary for better separation of the distillate into fractions (there is a whole discussion on this topic in the comments to the manual on sugar moonshine).

For convenient separation of moonshine into fractions, you can use a "parrot".

With it, you can clearly control the strength of the distillate.

We pour the diluted SS into the cube, put it on fire, watch. When the first drops go, we reduce the heating intensity by about a third - it is very important to select the heads slowly, literally 1-3 drops per second. How many heads to select in the second distillation? There are several ways. The easiest, of course, is to focus on the smell.

But it is often difficult for beginners to understand the aromatics of a distillate, so it’s easier to focus on volumes. For each raw material they have their own. For sugar distillate, it is enough to select 50 ml of heads from each processed 1 kg of sugar or 5% of absolute alcohol (AC) in SS, whichever is more convenient for you. You can determine the content of AS by banal multiplication. For example, if you distill 10 liters of 20% CC, then we have 2 liters of AC (10 × 0.2 = 2). It turns out that with 10 liters of 20% SS, we need to select only 100 ml of heads.

But if we are talking about other distillates, then the heads must be selected “gently” - the fewer heads are selected, the more floral and ethereal your distillate will turn out.

Therefore, for cereals and fruit mash sometimes it is enough to select 0.5-2% of the AC. True, there are raw materials from which it is better to select the heads to the maximum, up to 10%, for example, in apple distillate, I recommend taking about 8% of the heads from the AC (it is believed that such mashes contain a lot of methanol). It is only at first glance that everything is so complicated - with experience comes absolute understanding.


So, they took away the heads - they changed the receiving dishes.

  • If you use a distiller with a dry steamer, replace it as well.
  • After selecting the heads, we increase the heating of the cube, select the body. It is mainly ethyl alcohol, the boiling point of which is 78.3°C.
  • If did sugar mash, then you need to drive until the strength of the distillate in the stream drops below 45%, after which you need to change the receiving dishes and select the tails.
  • Do not forget that the strength of the distillate, or rather its density, should be measured strictly at 20 ° C. Any temperature deviation leads to a distortion of the hydrometer readings.

I would also advise you to use non-household alcohol meters for this matter, which in almost 100% of cases will show you anything, but not the strength of the solution, but more accurate hydrometers type ASP-3.

  1. Hydrometers ASP-3, depending on the range, are divided into 3 types.
  2. For grain and fruit distillates, I recommend using a slightly different “heart” selection principle, more strict.
  3. If you are a very, very greedy person, then still stop taking the body when the degree drops below 55%.
  4. If you understand that you can’t save on yourself, then stop the selection at 60-65%.
  5. Collect tails as long as there are signs of the presence of alcohol in the stream.
  6. The collected tails together with the heads can be "ringed", that is, added to the next batch of SS.
  7. Heads of sugar distillate are best sent to the scrap.

So, you just got a double moonshine, which should already be very different from that muddy, smelly goo that you drank in the dashing 90s. Depending on the design of the moonshine still and the conditions for preparing the mash, after the second distillation you will receive about 400 ml of 50-60% distillate from each 1 kg of sugar. It is difficult to say how much it will turn out with 1 kg of fruit or starch-containing raw materials - there are too many variables. In any case, you will receive a high quality product that your friends and acquaintances should appreciate.

Second distillation with "catching" isoamylol

When you comprehend the skill of fractional distillation, you have plenty of "enough" with sugar distillate and others like it, you will definitely come to improve your skills and try something new. The second distillation of moonshine with "catching" isoamyl alcohol is a relatively new technology, which is just gaining interest from our moonshiners. To begin with, I recommend to respect a more than detailed topic on A lot of entertaining reading about the so-called "transitional factions".

Fractions that are difficult to attribute to both heads and tails are called transitional. Perhaps the most dangerous of the transitional fraction is isoamyl alcohol (isoamylol, izik, IA). In general, I still understand this topic insofar as, therefore, I recommend that you carefully study the material on the forum.

But in general, I see the picture as follows. The lower the concentration of alcohol in the cube, the faster the IA evaporates from the mash. Therefore, when we distill, for example, 10% mash, then after 50% distillation, the minimum amount of IA remains in it. This is the essence of the whole technology.

During the first distillation, SS can be collected in a hermetically sealed container - this will reduce the unpleasant smell in the room.

Now we put it into practice (we are talking more about grain distillates).

  1. During the first distillation, which is intensive and without division into fractions, we select 50% of the estimated yield of distillate.

  2. We change the dishes, collect everything else.
  3. After that, the first part of the haul, which is "polluted" by the IA, is distilled to distillation column, better than film, with division into fractions, of course (the author of the method does not recommend diluting the SS before distillation).
  4. We drive the second part of the first stage fractionally, taking as many tails as we need for taste.

In total, we get a tasty distillate and a strong rectified product with a minimum content of isoamylol. They can be mixed or consumed separately.

What to do with double moonshine?

Actually, the main question is: what to do with the resulting double distillate? First, we dilute it to the strength we need, this is obvious. Before use in its pure form, we defend at least a couple of days. Grain and fruit distillates do not need additional purification, or rather, few people do it. sugar moonshine you can clean it again, this time with milk, for example. If you want to get an analogue of vodka, pass the distillate through a charcoal filter (homemade or through a water filter jug). There is room for imagination.

Finally, if you wandered into Rum for a reason, you can cook on the basis of the resulting product great amount tinctures, liqueurs, liqueurs. I advise you to look in the direction of imitation of cognac or, even better, whiskey - that's where you can come off in full. In the end, when you comprehend the zen, when your product starts to be calculated in tens of liters, get a good oak barrel. In general, have fun as you can!

How to make whiskey from beer at home

  • Drink: Whiskey
  • How to serve: with ice
  • Main Ingredients:malt, water, yeast
  • Affiliation: North America
  • Cooking time: over a month
  • Strength: up to 45°

How to make homemade whiskey

According to the best factory traditions, elite Scottish alcohol is produced using different technologies - malting, distillation and long-term aging in oak barrels. The ingredients to create a popular drink can be a variety of grains - wheat, barley, corn and even rye. But craftsmen who prefer to drink a drink prepared with their own hands have managed to create a whiskey recipe from beer.

First, you will need beer malt. It can be purchased online or at grocery markets. This ingredient (at least 2 kg) should be poured into 10 liters of water and heated using steam to 65°C.

To achieve the desired result, you should reduce the power of the steam generator and only then keep the wort at a temperature of 65 ° C for an hour. You can simmer malt for an hour and a half.

When the previous step is completed, it is necessary to heat the wort to a temperature of 75°C and leave to cool.

Then all you have to do is add yeast - about 25 g dry or 100 g pressed - and carry out the distillation procedure. The first stage is carried out without removing the heads and tails. The result is approximately 2 liters of raw alcohol, the strength of which is 40%.

You must also dilute it with water to lower the fortress to 20%. After that, a second distillation should be carried out using a distiller. The head fraction is taken into a prepared separate vessel. Then the power is carefully increased, which allows you to drive away the body and again increase the fortress to 40%. Having done this, you carefully select the tails in any other vessel. Finally, you can carry out a third distillation, making sure to dilute the resulting distillate before doing so.

If you don’t have a steam generator at home, you can easily boil the wort and distill the mash using an electric stove. It is only necessary to carefully stir the wort during brewing and make sure that the sediment does not burn on the bottom of the container. In addition, before you start the distillation procedure, you filter the mash with a colander to safely complete the preparation of whiskey from beer at home.

How to make whiskey using homemade malt

By the way, in America, the Scottish drink is made from beer wort, which contains approximately 51% barley malt. We will show you how to make this whisky.

So, homemade alcohol connoisseurs tell how to make whiskey from beer using homemade malt. They advise taking a grain of barley, washing it well and cleaning it of any debris.

  • This key ingredient is then soaked in water for 24 hours.
  • After a day, you should simply drain the water and again diligently rinse the barley grains.
  • Having done this, you need to spread them on the surface in a layer of about 5 cm.
  • Just make sure that room temperature did not exceed 25°C.

If desired, barley can be covered with gauze.

Important point: you should regularly wet the grain several times during the day, but so that the water does not stagnate and the lower grains do not lie in the water.

After a couple of days, you will see that the barley began to germinate. It is best if you remember to stir it occasionally.

When a few days pass, and you see that the sprouts have reached almost the same length as the grains themselves, you must immediately grind them with a meat grinder. If you do not plan to use the resulting malt immediately, then be sure to dry it and store it in a solid state.

The remaining stages of making whiskey from beer are similar to the previously described technology.

With the help of moonshine

To learn another recipe for how to make whiskey from beer using moonshine, you can familiarize yourself with the following technology for preparing an analogue of a Scottish drink.

The stages of beer distillation are fully consistent with those described in the first method. It is only necessary to clarify the point that the three stages of distillation help to completely get rid of the unpleasant odor.

give good taste the drink is helped by dilution of raw alcohol with distilled water before the third distillation and the addition of activated carbon in the amount of 10 g of the drug per 1 liter of liquid.

  • After the third distillation, you will get a drink with a strength of 75%.
  • About 4-5 g of oak chips can be added to it, based on 1 liter of liquid.
  • Remember that oak chips should be pre-roasted.
  • After a month of aging and mandatory filtration, homemade whiskey from beer can be served at the table.

It turns out that in order to treat yourself to a delicious Scottish drink, you just need to know the right recipe for its home preparation.

An extraordinary recipe for moonshine from spoiled beer

Sour or expired beer that is at your disposal should not be consumed in this form: a poor-quality product will definitely worsen digestion and is quite capable of causing poisoning. However, do not rush to be upset, take beer as a basis and extract an unusual alcohol - moonshine from beer, which has a pronounced hoppy aroma.

Cooking moonshine based on beer at home

Making moonshine with beer is a little different from the usual recipe, but includes some subtleties. We do not recommend making beer mash with the addition of sugar and yeast, since the original product probably contains preservatives and undergoes a pasteurization process. As a result of fermentation, you can not wait at all and still pour out the spoiled product.

To get beer moonshine, you will need 10 liters of beer (you can use any other amount) and 1 liter of purified water. You can use any kind of beer for moonshine: live, pasteurized, light, dark, etc.

The process of making beer moonshine

Getting rid of gas

Beer contains a lot of carbon dioxide, which leads to excessive foaming during distillation. To exclude an undesirable factor, get rid of the gas, for which fill the distillation container by a third, leave it without a lid and stir for at least an hour, then leave it alone for 30 minutes, without covering. During this time, all unnecessary gas will come out and the product is ready for further distillation.

First distillation

The primary distillation step involves the separation of a liquid with a high alcohol content. Put the cube with degassed beer raw materials on a slow fire: there is no need to hurry, with rapid heating, excess foam will appear, which can ruin the whole process! The collection of liquid is carried out from the first drops until the moment when the alcohol content in the stream reaches 10o. The resulting distillate is characterized by a clear aroma of beer hops and a strength of about 38o with a yield of 1-1.2 liters from 10 liters of beer, it all depends on the initial strength of the raw material.

Secondary distillation

Re-distillation allows you to get pure product with a light hop aroma. Raw alcohol after the primary distillation (about 1 liter) must be diluted with 1 liter of water and again sent to a slow fire. We select 10% of absolute alcohol - this is the so-called "head" (about 50 ml), which should be ruthlessly poured out, since it is extremely harmful and dangerous. Next, collect the body - this is 70% of absolute alcohol. Dilute the resulting distillate to 40% with water.

Moonshine cleaning

A drink made from expired beer acquires a milder taste after cleaning with activated carbon. Add activated carbon to the moonshine obtained from beer at the rate of 25 g of sorbent per 1 liter of drink, leave for 6 hours, do not forget to stir regularly, then filter into another container through a layer of cotton wool or cotton pads. In addition to improving taste, purification also removes heavy compounds that cause intoxication from alcohol.

The recipe for moonshine based on foam is simple to execute and allows you to use beer that is unsuitable for drinking for some reason. Strong drink differs in specific aroma of hops and original taste.

Making moonshine from beer


Any beer, even the one that has expired, is enriched with carbon dioxide. It should not be present at the time of distillation, as it may cause increased foaming. Foam, when it enters the moonshine, sharply worsens the taste. Beer is poured into the distillation cube for a third of the container, actively mixed to get rid of the foam completely. Then for an hour the beer is left without a lid.

During the distillation of the first, a product is obtained, with which it is necessary to work further. First, the resulting fraction is divided into three parts: "head", "body", "tail".

The distillation cube is placed on the stove and a slow fire is turned on. High temperatures are not allowed, as they can cause strong foaming. The first drops of distillate are characterized by a strong hop aroma. From five liters of beer taken, about 0.6 liters of moonshine is obtained, having a strength of 38 °.

Second distillation

The repeated process contributes to the improvement of moonshine. The resulting 0.6 l of moonshine after the initial distillation is diluted with 0.5 l of water, poured into a distillation cube. The first 25 ml of the resulting moonshine is poured out (this is the “head”, which is extremely harmful). Next comes the "body" of moonshine. This moonshine is collected. The process is stopped after the strength of the outgoing drink falls below 40°. As a result of repeated distillation, about 450 ml of moonshine is obtained. Its fortress is not small - 50 °. The amount can be a little more if you take beer with a large strength.

Filtration and infusion

Filtration is carried out using a carbon filter. This significantly improves the quality of the product. Before they begin to use it, the drink is allowed to brew for three days.

Distillation of expired beer makes it possible to obtain moonshine from beer, the product is characterized by a distinct smell of hops. It cannot be compared with other types of moonshine.

Making alcohol from old beer is similar to distilling homemade brew, but there are some differences. Of great importance is the quality of the beer from which the alcohol will be distilled. To obtain a quality drink, those products that are sold on supermarket shelves are not suitable. The best material to get beer moonshine is draft unpasteurized beer.

The recipe for such an alcoholic drink involves the use of only light varieties of beer liquid. If a person has home brewery, then it is recommended to use beer wort in production. Then the quality of the resulting alcohol will be very high.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the beer liquid foams strongly. Therefore, there is a danger of splashing beer into the moonshine if the entire cube is filled with liquid. Therefore, it is recommended to only fill the vessel to 50%, although this will reduce the amount of product obtained.

There is a recipe for how to eliminate the formation of foam. Beer liquid is poured into a separate vessel, which is left for 24 hours without a lid. All the carbon dioxide will come out of the beer.

After such treatment, the liquid can be safely distilled.

In the event that the beer liquid has low quality, then after distilling it through a moonshine still for the first time, a pungent odor may form. To get rid of this trouble, distillation must be repeated. After that, it is recommended to filter the resulting drink well. This will improve the color of the liquid and its taste. The resulting moonshine can be cleaned with activated carbon. If not, then you can use homemade charcoal, having processed small wooden pegs on the burner flame.

The product yield after distillation is 6-10% of the starting material. For example, from 10 liters of beer liquid you can get 700-1000 ml of moonshine. The strength of such an alcoholic beverage will be from 40 to 50% vol. It tastes like whiskey, but in beer moonshine there is a taste of malt and hop aroma.

How to prepare the described drink

Some moonshiners recommend using yeast and granulated sugar. But keep in mind that there are preservatives in beer, so additional ingredients can interrupt the fermentation process that has begun, or the original product will simply turn sour. In this case, you can get an alcohol mixture that has nothing to do with beer. For quality alcohol original recipe involves the use of the following components:

  1. Beer of light varieties - 4.5–5 liters.
  2. Clean water (preferably from a spring or artesian well) - 500 ml.

start technological process with the removal of carbon dioxide from the original drink. To do this, beer is poured into a cube and left. It should be in the vessel for 60-120 minutes. Every 15 minutes, you need to approach the container and stir the liquid, this speeds up the process of gas evolution.

After the specified period, the beer is distilled for the first time. To do this, the moonshine must be on a small flame. This is necessary so that a lot of foam does not appear during the heating process. After the end of the distillation, it is not necessary to separate the head and tail fractions. As a result, 600-700 ml of distillate will come out.

He will have a fortress in the range of 32–38% vol.

To improve the taste of the drink, a second distillation is required. Previously, 500 ml of water is added to the resulting alcohol liquid. After passing the liquid through the moonshine still, 30 ml of the head fraction must be separated. This part should not be eaten. To separate the tail fraction, it is necessary to measure the degree of strength of the drink. It is necessary to finish work when the alcohol strength drops to 40% vol. The output should be about 0.45 liters of alcohol at least 50% vol. Therefore, it is diluted with water. Thereafter ready drink stand for 2-3 hours, and then filtered using activated or charcoal.

You can use moonshine 2-3 days after manufacture.

Using Yeast and Sugar

For this recipe, you need 1 kg of granulated sugar for every 4 liters of beer mixed with water.

After gases begin to be released and the volume of yeast increases, they are poured into a solution with wort.

The fermentation container is taken out into a dark but warm room. The temperature must be maintained between 24 and 28ºС. Since a large amount of foam is released during the fermentation of beer, it is necessary to provide the required volume of the fermentation tank. To reduce the formation of foam, you can crumble cookies or crackers into the wort. The fermentation process takes 7-8 days. At the end of it, there are no gases, and the solution in the fermentation tank brightens.

After that, the resulting alcohol liquid is filtered, and then distilled. Then you need to filter the alcohol again, separate the head and tail parts. After that, you need to distill the moonshine again. Clean it again with a gauze filter. Poured into bottles. You can drink moonshine in 2-3 days. The taste of the resulting drink is inferior to the moonshine described in the first recipe. But the presence of hops and malt is felt.

In this article, you will learn: how to make moonshine from beer at home, what raw materials are suitable, how to prepare it for distillation and actually distill it. The technology is simple, even a beginner can master it.

Making moonshine from beer, which in the Czech Republic is called brewery, is very simple. No need to bother with the preparation of mash and spend money on sugar and yeast, beer is a self-sufficient drink that can be immediately distilled. Of course, it’s not worth transferring good beer for this business, expired ones will do.

If there is an opportunity to get "raw materials" for a penny or even for free, why not take advantage of this. Moonshine will not be the most delicious, but quite interesting. The delay can be bought, for example, in draft beer stores or wholesalers. If there are acquaintances from the brewery, you can get the sediment left after the removal of the beer, which is simply poured there, or substandard beer that has not passed quality control.

Beer as mash

You need to carefully consider the choice of raw materials. For moonshine, only unpasteurized light beer is suitable. You can make beer mash with the addition of sugar and yeast, but this is not practical.

First, store-bought beer contains preservatives that can slow down fermentation, and because of pasteurization, it may not even ferment. The probability of souring such a mash is very high. Secondly, it will turn out not real beer moonshine (beer), but mixed.

Therefore, in order to get a quality flavored drink, you need to adhere to the standard technology (without yeast and sugar). A small amount of water may be added.

Classic recipe:

  • 10 liters of beer;
  • 1 liter of water.

It is best to use live beer. You need to prepare it for distillation in advance - pour it into a container and put it to exhale for a day without a lid. Carbon dioxide will come out, and you can safely distill. To reduce foaming, you can add a special food antifoam or alcohol (10 grams per 1 liter of mash). You can also use tails from previous hauls.

The approximate strength of beer is 4.5–5 degrees, which is two times lower than in standard mash. Accordingly, the output is also smaller. But you do not need to spend time preparing and aging the mash.

Distillation Technology

Beer foams a lot, so the distillation cube needs to be filled with it only halfway, otherwise the foam during the distillation will flood the moonshine still and spoil the taste of moonshine. The distillation should be carried out with a slight heating, slowly, then there will be less foam. There is another option to reduce foaming. Pour the beer into a cube, stir several times until the foam sits down. Leave uncovered for an hour.

During the first distillation, collect raw alcohol only up to a strength of 30 degrees. Due to the fact that the quality of the feedstock is usually not very good, the distillate obtained after the first distillation may have a pungent odor. The situation can be improved by repeated fractional distillation.

First you need to measure the strength of the raw, calculate the content of absolute alcohol, dilute it with water to 20 degrees, then proceed to the second distillation. The first 10% of the yield (from 10 liters) should be disposed of. Then take moonshine until the fortress begins to fall below 40 degrees. Finish distillation. Some moonshiners at this stage do not stop distilling moonshine and collect the remaining low-alcohol distillate, but separately. It can be used for new mash.

Additional charcoal cleaning can be carried out, which will further soften the taste and improve the color. To do this, you need to grind a few tablets of activated charcoal and pour into moonshine. After mixing, leave for a day. Then strain through a coffee filter or cotton wool.

Optionally dilute the resulting distillate with water. As a result, from 10 liters of beer, about 0.7–1 liters of moonshine with a strength of 40–45 degrees should be obtained. To improve the taste, it can be kept in oak barrel. If it is not available, oak blocks or shavings will do.

Moonshine from beer tastes like whiskey, only softer, with a clear malt flavor and hop aroma. Although it is prepared infrequently (drink for an amateur), but for the sake of interesting unusual taste, you can try it. What’s more, it’s easy to do this at home.

Often there are cases when beer becomes unusable due to its expiration or a long stay in the open state. Not many people know that this drink can be used in the beer moonshine recipe, it turns out to be of excellent taste and quality. Due to the rarity of making moonshine in this form, this drink can surprise many with its elegance and originality. Beer moonshine is even a national drink in the Czech Republic and is called a beer.

The composition of beer moonshine

For the preparation of moonshine from a beer drink, beer of any kind, of various strengths and qualities, is suitable. On the palatability it won't have any effect. The composition of a real beer should be formed as follows:

  • 5 liters of any beer;
  • 0.5 liters of pure water.

beer moonshine recipe

The preparation of such moonshine at first glance will seem like an ordinary distillation of mash, but you should know that there are some nuances and manufacturing stages. The whole process can be conditionally divided into stages:

  • degassing;
  • primary distillation;
  • secondary distillation;
  • filtering and infusion of the finished product.


In production different varieties beer, carbon dioxide is added to it, which is also present in expired beer. During the distillation process, carbon dioxide increases the formation of foam, which adversely affects the entire process and the taste of moonshine. The required amount of beer is poured into the distillation vessel and thoroughly mixed. This is necessary for the rapid release of gas and the disappearance of foam. After that, it will take some time (about an hour) to leave the container open.

For the next stage, distillation, you need (we recommend choosing a device with a brand distillation column). It must be chosen correctly, according to your goals and plans for use. Here they will come to the rescue, where real people share their experience in using various device models.

Primary distillation

After the primary distillation, far from the final product is obtained. The resulting mixture can be divided into three fractions, which are called head, body, tail. The distillation container should be heated over a quiet fire. This is necessary to prevent strong foaming. When the initial drops of distillate appear, a hop smell will be heard. In the process of primary distillation, 0.6 liters of moonshine is obtained based on 5 liters of beer. The resulting distillate after the primary distillation has a strength of 38 degrees.

Secondary distillation

Moonshine, which was obtained after the first distillation, is diluted with half a liter of water and poured back into the distillation tank. Repeating the entire forcing process increases the quality of the final product. It is worth selecting the head fraction, which usually makes up the first 25-30 ml. This part of the drink is not suitable for consumption. After the selection of the head fraction, the body of the drink will go, which is taken until the tail fractions go, the degree of which is already below 40 degrees. As a result of distillation from five liters of beer, about 450 ml of beer moonshine should be obtained, the strength of which is 50 degrees.

Filtration and infusion of the finished product

For more pleasant use moonshine according to the recipe from beer at home must be filtered and infused for 3-4 days. To filter it, it is best to use carbon-filled filters, which has a very good effect on its taste. This is especially important if in the future the drink is planned to be used in.

This drink will appeal to beer lovers, as it has a pronounced hoppy smell. It is difficult to find analogues of this drink.

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To acquire a pleasant barley-whiskey taste, it is necessary to bring the product to certain conditions. For this, several methods are used:

  1. Cleaning with potassium permanganate. Although many agree that this method is unhealthy, however, only he is able to remove the unpleasant smell and taste (if the moonshine is burnt or there was a foam release). After adding potassium permanganate, the dishes are shaken several times with moonshine, allowed to settle for several days and filtered. If before that there was a sharp unpleasant smell, then it becomes soft, with a pleasant note of hops and barley.
  2. Charcoal cleaning. A more gentle and harmless way. Eliminates moonshine from harmful impurities, especially without affecting the taste. Avoid using pharmacy activated charcoal. The impurities contained in it can give alcohol excessive bitterness, make it hard.
  3. Infusion before use 3 - 7 days. It is noticed that the rest of the beer moonshine in the glass significantly improves its taste. Although it is difficult to attribute it to a very sophisticated one.

Selection and preparation of beer

For the production of moonshine at home, almost any beer is suitable, sometimes even expired. After all, it can no longer be used like this, but it is suitable for the production of moonshine.

You can use the following types of beer drink:

  • dark,
  • light,
  • strong,
  • bottle,
  • canned,
  • overdue,
  • alive.

If you put sugar and yeast in beer, the mash will turn sour instead of fermenting. Because the foam was exposed in the factory different processes processing. Instead of classic recipe other preparation is needed.

The first and most important step is to determine the ratio of water and hops that will be diluted. For every 10 liters of foam, you need to take 1 liter of plain water. This is necessary in order to leave the excess carbon dioxide, which is so much in the beer drink. Even if it seemed that there was no more hiss, the stage should not be excluded. Because part of the gas in the foam still remains. And due to degassing with plain water, everything goes away

This is important in order for the moonshine to turn out tasty.

Another important step is mixing. In a suitable container, beer and water must be mixed until foam ceases to form. After that, the beer brew should be left for 1-3 hours. Do not cover the dishes with a lid so that the mash is well freed from carbon dioxide.

Moonshine from beer recipe without yeast


  • Beer 4-6°– 10 l;
  • Water - 1l.

How to make moonshine:

  1. Degassing. Expired beer, like any other beer, has a lot of carbon dioxide, which must be removed before distillation for moonshine. If you do not remove the gas, then during the boiling of the beer, splash entrainment may form, foam will form in the cube, which will fall into the selection and spoil the taste of moonshine. In addition, the spray blower is dangerous because the refrigerator of the moonshine still may become clogged, excess pressure will rise in the cube, which can even lead to an explosion. Therefore, beer should be poured into a cube for 1/3 of the volume of the distillation tank. Stir it thoroughly, you can use a construction mixer. Keep open for 1-2 hours.
  2. Obtaining raw alcohol. At this stage, raw alcohol is obtained from beer mash for subsequent distillation. You need to select moonshine at maximum power, but constantly monitor the process in order to prevent splashing. It is good if your device has a diopter, which allows you to see the beginning of foaming. If this happens, turn off or turn down the heat. The first distillation is carried out without the selection of heads and tails, the beer is driven to the water. From 10 liters of beer, you get about a liter of moonshine with a strength of 30-38 °, with the smell of hops. Raw alcohol can be driven through a carbon filter by diluting the distillate to a strength of 20 degrees.
  3. Fractional distillation. Repeated distillation will improve the quality of moonshine from beer by removing harmful head and fetid fusel fractions from the raw material. Pour raw alcohol purified and diluted to 20 degrees into a distillation tank, install the apparatus, turn on the heat. After the appearance of the first drops, reduce the heating power and select the head impurities drop by drop into a separate dish. Heads are selected at the rate of 10% of absolute alcohol, according to our recipe 40-50 ml. Next, you need to select the "heart" - the average drinking fraction. On average, the body should get 400-500 ml with a strength of 60 °. The average fraction is taken up to 40 degrees in the stream, the output depends on the design of your moonshine still. Then there are "tails" that do not have to be selected.
  4. Cleaning. After fractional distillation, moonshine is already of good quality. You can improve its taste by running it through a carbon filter, which will reduce the hop smell of moonshine. Pour the purified moonshine into bottles and keep in the "glass" for two or three days. The more the distillate rests, the better it gets. Beer moonshine can be infused on oak chips or walnut partitions, used for various tinctures and other homemade alcohol.

How to make moonshine from beer - video recipe

Recipe for moonshine from beer with sugar and yeast

At this recipe there are many opponents who consider the feasibility of preparing beer mash to be dubious, believing that due to preservatives in beer there will be no fermentation or sourness will occur. The second disadvantage of this method is that the moonshine obtained in this way will be mostly sugar than barley. In any case, you can try it to see for yourself.


  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Beer - 4 l;
  • Dry yeast - 25 gr.


  1. Pour the beer into the fermentation tank, stir it thoroughly, let it stand for carbon dioxide to escape. Add granulated sugar, stir the mixture.
  2. Dissolve yeast according to instructions. Instead of dry yeast, you can use pressed yeast at the rate of 100 grams per 1 kg of sugar. Put the starter into the fermentation tank.
  3. Braga ferments very rapidly, in order to reduce the amount of foam, you can crumble cookies or crackers on top. Install a water seal and leave to ferment at a temperature of 25-30°C.
  4. After 7-10 days, beer mash for moonshine will be ready. The release of gas stops, the mash becomes bitter in taste. Overtake the finished mash as in the first recipe.

Choice of beer and apparatus

Most often, expired beer is distilled into moonshine, which falls into the hands of the craftsman in various ways: through personal connections in the distribution network, bought at a discount, or accidentally found several bottles of foam, the expiration date of which has long passed. Drinking is unsafe, it’s a pity to pour it out, so the drink goes for processing.

If there is plenty to choose from, then it is better to take live and unfiltered beer, but ordinary pasteurized will do. Many say that the worst moonshine comes from dark or honey.

Attention. A huge role in the distillation of the intoxicating drink is played by the apparatus.

Best result when using a steam generator, as well as a thick-walled cube

The less the beer burns, the more pleasant the future distillate tastes.

The best result when using a steam generator, as well as a thick-walled cube. The less the beer burns, the more pleasant the future distillate tastes.

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Every country in the world has a national alcoholic drink. The Czech Republic is famous for its large variety of beers. But besides it, there is a little-known national Czech drink - this is a beer. And he is nothing but moonshine from beer.

She, of course, will appeal especially to beer lovers. And you can make it yourself if there is an expired or fermented beer. This is especially true for homebrewers.

Cooking features

The process of making beer is similar to the usual distillation of mash. But it has its own characteristics and nuances.

finished product it will turn out from 10 liters of raw materials 0.6-1 liter. With a strength of 40-50%. It tastes similar to, but has a special mild hop aroma and malt flavor.

Read also: Japanese sake vodka


In some recipes, you can read the recommendation to prepare mash by adding yeast and sugar. But due to the presence of preservatives in the original product, it may not begin to ferment, but simply sour. And with this preparation, it will turn out not beer, but a mixture of different alcohols. To receive you need to quality drink, it is necessary to adhere to a special technology.

To prepare a drink you will need: