Broccoli soup. Delicious broccoli soup with cream Broccoli soup Vysotskaya

Healthy food doesn't have to be bland and tasteless. One of the dishes included in the healthy menu is broccoli soup. Many people believe that such food is only suitable for dieting. And it’s completely in vain.” If you prepare the soup correctly, it will turn out very tasty.

To make the puree soup tasty, you need to properly prepare the main ingredient. Cabbage, as a rule, is boiled in water, but it is very important not to overcook the vegetables, otherwise, instead of an appetizing soup, you will end up with an unappetizing, tasteless slurry in which there are no traces of nutrients left.

Basic rules for cooking broccoli:

  • if fresh heads of cabbage are used, then before cooking they need to be soaked in salted water for about 30 minutes. This treatment is necessary to remove small insects that may be hiding inside;
  • Before cooking, it is better to disassemble the cabbage into small inflorescences. This will significantly reduce the cooking time, so the cabbage will retain more nutrients and vitamins;
  • You need to immerse the cabbage inflorescences in boiling water, otherwise when the water heats up, most of the valuable substances will turn into a decoction;
  • Be sure to add salt to the cooking water, this also helps preserve vitamins;
  • If you cook frozen broccoli, you should not defrost it; put the inflorescences directly from the bag into boiling water.

Boiled cabbage should be crushed to a puree. It is best to use a blender for this purpose. A few inflorescences of boiled cabbage can be set aside and then added to the plate as a decoration.

Pieces of other ingredients included in the soup can also be used for decoration. For example, champignon slices, shrimp or pieces chicken fillet. Additionally, the soup can be decorated with chopped herbs, and small croutons can be served as an additive. white bread.

Interesting facts: Broccoli is a type of cabbage that has been bred artificially. Moreover, it was brought out a very long time ago, approximately in the 6-5 centuries BC. Broccoli was very popular in Ancient Rome, and it was from there that it spread throughout the world.

Classic creamy puree soup

Getting ready classic soup Broccoli puree using a few ingredients. To give the dish a more delicate consistency, vegetable puree mixed with cream.

  • 500 gr. broccoli;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 ml heavy cream;
  • 400 ml water;
  • green onions, spices and salt to taste.

We separate fresh cabbage into small inflorescences and wash them cold water, let it dry a little. Boil water, adding a little salt. Place the inflorescences in boiling water and cook for approximately 7-9 minutes.

While the cabbage is cooking, prepare the dressing for the soup. Break two eggs into a bowl, add a little salt and beat with a whisk, pour in the cream and mix.

Pour the dressing in a thin stream into the pan in which the cabbage has already been cooked. When adding the dressing, stir the soup vigorously. The formation of lumps is unlikely to be avoided, but there is no need to worry, since the components will be crushed.

Taste the soup, add salt and pepper if necessary, and add other spices as desired. Remove the bowl of soup from the heat and puree the ingredients using an immersion blender. Place the bowl of soup on the fire again and heat until the boiling process begins, but do not boil anymore. Pour into soup cups and garnish with finely chopped green onions.

Broccoli and cauliflower soup

A more satisfying version of puree soup is prepared with broccoli and potatoes. This soup will become excellent light first course.

  • 200 gr. broccoli;
  • 200 gr. cauliflower;
  • 160 gr. potatoes;
  • 100 gr. onions;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 liters of broth (you can use chicken or vegetable broth);
  • 60 ml milk;
  • 30 gr. vegetable oil;
  • 30 gr. butter;
  • 40 gr. hard cheese.

Cut the potatoes, onions and garlic into small pieces. The shape of the cut is not important, since the vegetables will still be chopped. But the pieces need to be small so that the vegetables cook faster. Cauliflower and divide the broccoli into small florets.

Let's take it thick-walled pan, pour it into vegetable oil, put in the butter and melt it. Add the onions, potatoes and garlic and fry the vegetables, stirring occasionally. When the onion becomes soft, add both types of cabbage to the pan and pour in the broth. If there is no broth, you can pour salted boiling water. Cook until the vegetables are soft, that is, about 7-9 minutes.

  • 200 gr. broccoli;
  • 300 gr. chicken fillet;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2-3 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • salt, herbs and seasonings to taste.

First of all, you need to prepare chicken broth. If you take a chicken breast for cooking, the soup will turn out to be dietary. When using chicken legs, the broth becomes richer and fattier. Cook the broth until the meat is cooked. At the end of cooking, add a bay leaf and a couple of peas allspice and salt.

Preparing the vegetables. Fresh broccoli should be washed and disassembled into small florets. Frozen cabbage does not need to be cooked further. Cut the potatoes and carrots into small pieces of arbitrary shape.

Remove the finished chicken meat and strain the broth. Place the vegetables in it and, cover with a lid, cook at low boil until soft (15-20 minutes). Then remove the pan from the heat. Remove the chicken meat from the bones and add to the vegetables. A few small florets of broccoli and pieces of chicken should be left for serving. Pour off some of the broth so that you can later dilute the soup to the desired consistency.

Puree the remaining ingredients using an immersion blender. If the puree turns out thick, dilute it with the broth you left earlier to the desired consistency. Heat the soup over the fire without letting it boil. Pour the soup into deep cups or plates, and put the reserved pieces of chicken fillet and broccoli florets into each. Decorate with chopped herbs.

Broccoli and leek puree soup cooked in a slow cooker

It is very convenient to prepare pureed soups in a slow cooker. Let's prepare soup with leeks, broccoli and cream.

  • 400 gr. broccoli;
  • 1 large potato;
  • 300 gr. butter;
  • 300 ml 6% milk;
  • 700 ml water;
  • 30 gr. ghee;
  • salt, spices to taste.

Pour boiling water into the bowl. Stir the cut potatoes into the water and add a little salt. We separate the broccoli into florets, place them in one row in a steaming basket, and place the basket in the multicooker. Turn on the “Steam” mode for 20 minutes.

Read also: Sausage soup - 10 quick recipes

Meanwhile, fry the leeks cut into rings in melted butter. Open the lid of the device, remove the basket with cabbage (the inflorescences should already be cooked by this time). Add broccoli and fried leeks to the finished potatoes, pour in milk and heat in “stew” or “soup” mode for 10 minutes.

Remove the bowl from the device. Pour the broth through a sieve into a container, and place the vegetables in a blender and blend until pureed. You can, of course, chop the vegetables directly in the bowl with an immersion blender, but this can easily damage the non-stick coating, so it’s better not to risk it. In addition, the soup may turn out too thin. Therefore, it is better to first drain the broth and then add it to the vegetable puree, achieving the required consistency.

Transfer the vegetable puree into a bowl, add the broth until the desired thickness is obtained, and bring to a boil by turning on the “steaming” mode. After this, the soup can be poured into plates. It is recommended to serve croutons with the soup.

Broccoli puree soup for children

Broccoli puree soup can be included in the diet of babies aged 7-8 months. Soup for children is prepared with a minimum of ingredients.

  • 300 gr. broccoli florets;
  • 200 gr. potatoes;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • salt.

We thoroughly wash the vegetables, peel them and rinse thoroughly again with cold water. Chop the potatoes and carrots, divide the cabbage into small inflorescences. Heat the water to a boil, add a little salt. Put potatoes and carrots in boiling water, 15 minutes after baking add broccoli. Cook until vegetables are soft, about 15 minutes.

Remove the vegetables from the broth and grind them in a blender. Additionally, you can rub the puree through a sieve so that the mass does not contain a single lump. Dilute the vegetable puree with broth to the desired thickness, bring to a boil. If the soup is being prepared for a child over one and a half years old, then it can be seasoned with a spoonful of sour cream or cream.

Cream of mushroom soup with broccoli

Broccoli puree soup with mushrooms has a pleasant taste; let’s prepare it with champignons. To prepare the dish, you can use both fresh and frozen products.

  • 4-5 potatoes;
  • 200 gr. broccoli florets;
  • 150 gr. diced zucchini;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 200 gr. champignons;
  • 1.5 liters of water and any broth;
  • 60 gr. butter;
  • greens, salt, pepper - to taste;
  • sour cream and grated cheese - for serving.

We start cooking by preparing the vegetables. Peel the onion and carrot and cut into small pieces. We separate the broccoli into small florets, cut the potatoes and mushrooms into small slices. If frozen vegetables are used, they do not need to be thawed; it is better to put them in boiling water while frozen.

Take a saucepan with a thick bottom, melt the butter in it and lightly fry the onions and carrots. Then add the mushrooms and cook until the released mushroom juice has evaporated. Then add zucchini, potatoes and broccoli, mix everything and pour boiling water or hot broth. Bring to a boil, add salt and season with your favorite spices to taste. Cook until all vegetables are soft.

Remove the pan from the heat and cool slightly. Drain the liquid from the soup and chop the vegetables to a smooth puree. Then dilute with broth to the desired consistency. Put it on the fire again, bring to a boil and add spices to taste.

Pour the soup into deep cups, season each serving with a spoon of sour cream, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs and grated cheese.

Broccoli and pumpkin soup

Puree and broccoli soup turns out beautiful, tasty and healthy.

  • 300 gr. broccoli;
  • 150 gr. peeled pumpkin;
  • 1 PC. leek (white part);
  • 150 ml chicken broth;
  • 100 ml cream (10%);
  • 2 strips of bacon;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • a few basil leaves for decoration.

All vegetables need to be washed and peeled. We disassemble the broccoli into inflorescences, cut the pumpkin, peeled and seeded, into small slices, and cut the leeks into rings.

Heat the vegetable oil in a heavy saucepan. Place in a saucepan. First pumpkin cubes, then chopped garlic, onion and broccoli florets. Fry everything for five minutes. Then pour in the broth, bring to a boil, add salt and cook over low heat until the vegetables are soft.

Pour the liquid through a sieve. Puree the vegetables using a blender. Pour hot cream into the puree, then dilute the soup with broth to the desired thickness. Finely chop the bacon and fry in a frying pan. Pour the soup into cups, pour fried bacon into a plate, and garnish with a basil leaf.

Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan, add the breast and put on fire. When the water starts to boil, remove the foam, then reduce the heat, cover with a lid and leave to simmer for 20 minutes.

When the chicken breast is ready, remove it from the broth. Wash the broccoli with cool water and divide into florets. Place broccoli in chicken bouillon, put on fire and cook for 15 minutes after boiling.

In the end, I ended up with boiled broccoli and chicken breast, which I split into medium-sized pieces for further processing.

Cut in small pieces onion, grate the carrots.

Fry carrots and onions in a frying pan for about 5 minutes.

Grind the broccoli in a blender until finely dispersed.

Also grind the fried vegetables in a blender with the chicken.

Put the broth on the fire and add broccoli, chicken and roasted in a blender. Stirring with a whisk, bring the entire mixture to a boil.

Pour in 150 ml of cream and continue stirring.

Add melted cheese spoon by spoon. Before adding the next spoon, try to ensure that the previous one dissolves in the soup. I got about 6-7 spoons. After we added the cheese, cook stirring for 2-3 minutes.

Pour the finished cream of broccoli soup into bowls and garnish with dill. Also add croutons to the soup if you have them. Very tasty and healthy!

Close-up photo of broccoli soup.

Bon appetit!

We will prepare soup from 450 grams of broccoli. I chose this quantity because this is the standard weight of a package of frozen broccoli. It is not necessary to defrost cabbage for soup; we will still add it to the already hot broth.

To begin, peel the onion and chop it finely.

Fry the onion in a saucepan in vegetable oil until golden brown.

While the onions are fried, wash and peel the potatoes and chop them into small pieces.

Add chopped potatoes to the fried golden onions.

Pour hot broth over fried onions and potatoes. You can choose chicken, meat or vegetable broth. And it’s better to add it hot, so as not to reduce the temperature of the dish. Bring the broth with vegetables to a boil, reduce the heat and continue to cook the soup until the potatoes are soft over medium heat.

Once the potatoes are ready, add the broccoli florets to the saucepan. Bring the soup to a boil again and cook for literally another 3-5 minutes until the cabbage is soft.

Broccoli will, of course, lose its amazing bright green color, but you can add spinach to preserve the color.

You can also add warmed cream to the soup at this stage for a softer, creamier taste.

Season the soup with salt and pepper to taste and puree with an immersion blender.

Add pumpkin seeds before serving.

It’s good to serve this soup with croutons or homemade croutons: fry slices of white bread in a small amount of vegetable oil. For croutons, it is better to choose long narrow baguettes. You can also sprinkle the croutons with grated cheese and place them under the grill to melt the cheese.

It will be very good to add a strip of crispy bacon fried in a dry frying pan to an autumn soup. The aroma of smoke will greatly enhance it, and the bacon will make it a little more filling.

Such puree soups warm and satiate well. And, having prepared such a soup once, you want to experiment further.

Every year, broccoli conquers hearts and tables more and more. Broccoli soup dietary recipe the simplest, any girl can do it! And it’s so delicious, you don’t need any more pies.

Hello everyone, Svetlana Morozova here. It's been a while since I wrote about losing weight. At your request, I will continue. Today the choice of topic fell on broccoli dishes. Many people sincerely believe that they do not like this wonderful vegetable. And I will prove that the essence is in the preparation. Real jam!

Ideal broccoli puree soup diet recipe

Very delicious recipe. Don't be lazy, try cooking. You will be pleasantly surprised. Especially if you are trying to lose weight. Or just eat right.

As a bonus, there is room for flights of fancy. You can vary the recipe as much as you like. Or you can cook it in a slow cooker - whatever is more convenient for you.

So, what do we need for our soup for 4 servings:

  • Broccoli – 1 head (400-500g)
  • Garlic – 2 cloves
  • Butter or olive oil – 1 tsp.
  • Choice of broth or water – 1.5 l
  • Salt, favorite spices - to taste. It is possible without this.
  • If we want to make cream soup, then we need heavy cream (100 ml) or processed cheese type Amber (70 g).
  • Additional ingredients as desired: rye crackers, champignons, spinach, greens, arugula, onions, carrots. You can add a couple of potatoes, but these are extra calories. Not critical, but still.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Wash the broccoli and cut into florets.
  2. You can lightly fry onions, garlic, and carrots in a saucepan. However, if we strive to make the soup dietary, it is better to do without it. Pour the broth over the broccoli and let it boil. If you want soup with potatoes and carrots, boil them first. This takes about 20 minutes. And then just mix it with broccoli.
  3. Salt, add spices, turn the heat to medium. If you haven’t fried it beforehand, now add the garlic, onion and spinach (you can only use garlic). Cook until tender (7 minutes for fresh cabbage and 12 for frozen).
  4. If we are making cream soup, add cream or melted cheese. But, of course, the calorie content of soup without cream is much lower, especially since a little fried flour is usually added to cream soup.
  5. Add oil. Grind everything with a blender.
  6. Champignons are great in cream soup. Separately fry the chopped mushrooms and add to the soup before serving.
  7. Pour, decorate each serving with crackers, herbs, you can replace with arugula or mint leaves.
  8. Enjoy!

Celebration of broccoli

Probably, broccoli has already become a common noun to designate something extremely tasteless. And it is certainly pronounced with disgust. If you remember, a living example is the cartoon Puzzle.

However, every year this cabbage is increasingly winning hearts and tables. Firstly, we learned how to cook something a little cooler than just boiling it. Secondly, you can’t hide an sew in a bag. AND beneficial features broccoli is increasingly obvious:

  • Calorie content. Per 100 g only 35 kcal! You can eat without harming your figure. If you don't top it with mayonnaise, of course.
  • U. Broccoli is a close relative of cauliflower, but it is healthier due to its high content of vitamin U - sulforaphane. It is not part of the complexes, but must be taken into the body with food. Why:
  • Protection against ulcers. Regulates the secretion of gastric juice. Therefore, it is included in all diets - at this time the stomach becomes very vulnerable, and maximum protection is needed.
  • Antidepressant. Struggling with
  • Controls the level
  • Partially neutralizes the harmful effects of common poisons - nicotine, alcohol.
  • Helps suppress the production of histamine, a substance that causes an allergic reaction.
  • Prevents development

However, at prolonged high temperatures this vitamin is destroyed. Therefore, it is most beneficial to eat broccoli raw, add it to fresh juices, salads and boil it minimally, making sure that it does not overcook

  • Cellulose. The best friend of our intestines - cleanses and improves digestion.
  • Microelements: potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus. And these are minerals that ensure the health of muscles, bones, and the nervous system.
  • Vitamins B, C, E, K are antioxidants, protect us from excess, strengthen us, help us work, relieve inflammation, improve the condition of the skin and nails, and regulate hormone levels.

Do you still doubt that you can love broccoli with all your heart? Then keep a couple more recipes!

From the Chef's Secret Secrets


  • Broccoli – 200 g
  • Boiled chicken – 1 breast (200 g)
  • Greenery
  • Sour cream

The cabbage needs to be washed, chopped and placed in boiling water for 3 minutes until soft, drained, and cooled. We also cut the chicken, add greens, cabbage, salt and season with sour cream. If desired, you can garnish with cherry tomatoes.


  • Broccoli – 400 g
  • Orange – 2 medium pieces.
  • White grapes – 100 g seedless
  • Yogurt – 200 g
  • Mustard – 1 tbsp. l.

Chop the broccoli, boil in boiling water for 3 minutes, drain and cool. Divide the orange into slices and cut them. This releases juice - we will need it for the sauce. Mix yogurt, juice and mustard, pour over the salad, salt and pepper. Add grapes, you can cut them into halves.

Fresh salad with apple:

  • Broccoli – 300 g
  • Apple – 1 large piece
  • Lemon – half
  • Onion – ¼
  • Greenery
  • Olive oil

Boil the cabbage in boiling water for 3 minutes and cool. Peel the apple and cut it. Cut the lemon and zest into small pieces (quarters). Chop the onion very finely and pour boiling water over it in a strainer. Mix everything and pour olive oil, salt, pepper, add herbs.



  • Broccoli – 400 g
  • Zucchini – 1 medium-sized
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Oyster mushrooms – 200 g
  • Chicken breast – 400 g
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sour cream – 4 tbsp. l.
  • Cheese – 200 g
  • Garlic – 2 cloves
  • Mustard (optional) – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Spices, herbs

Boil the chicken and cut it into a separate bowl. Fry the mushrooms and onions without oil, place in a baking dish. Grate the zucchini coarse grater, place on mushrooms. The third layer is broccoli.

Next, add the chicken. In a saucepan, beat the egg, sour cream, tomato paste, add mustard if desired. We pass the garlic through a press here. Salt, pepper, add spices. Pour this mixture over our casserole.

Place in the oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees. 10 minutes before it’s ready, take it out, sprinkle with herbs and grated cheese. Yummy!

Eat right, lose weight easily. And delicious!

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See you soon!

  • broccoli cabbage – 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes – 2-3 pcs. medium size;
  • onion – 1 large head;
  • carrots – 1 pc. small;
  • meat broth – 2 liters;
  • salt - to the taste of the hostess;
  • cream – 150 grams.
  • Preparation time: 00:05
  • Cooking time: 00:25
  • Number of servings: 4
  • Complexity: light


First let's imagine classic recipe with a photo of broccoli cream soup. The cooking process is very simple.

The French gave the world haute couture and the guillotine, perfumes and sparkling champagne, the neckerchief and impressionism, chanson and of course gourmet cuisine. It was from France that dishes such as charlotte, gratin, beef entrecote, ratatouille and cream soup penetrated first to Europe, and then to other parts of the world. In our article we will tell you how to prepare broccoli cream soup. Let us present to housewives a classic recipe and its possible variations.

What is cream soup: brief information

Cream soup or puree soup is a first dish that has the consistency of thick cream, classic version prepared on the basis of vegetables and mushrooms, meat broth, butter. For taste, sour cream, natural yogurt, vegetable oil (for example, olive) and herbs are added to this soup. Toasted flour is sometimes used to thicken the soup. This dish always has a delicate texture, special taste and aroma. Its nutritional value and usefulness directly depend on the ingredients used. Puree soup is served with daily and festive table, included in the menu dietary nutrition, ideal for small children and the elderly.

Recipe Variations

You can diversify the basic recipe and prepare broccoli cream soup a little differently, giving the dish new shades of taste:

  • Cheese note. Creamy broccoli soup will turn out very tasty if you add 150 grams of finely grated hard cheese to it 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Instead of hard cheese, you can put 100 grams of shredded processed cheese fat content not lower than 55%.
  • Mushroom component. You can add 200 grams of champignons to the main ingredients, then the taste of the dish will become richer and brighter.
  • Herbs and seasonings. Fans of spices and herbs can add fresh herbs to the soup after cooking - cilantro, dill, parsley, marjoram, spinach, as well as a pinch of spices nutmeg, black pepper. The list is not limited, but so as not to spoil delicate taste soup, you need to follow two important principles: single-component (use 1 type of herbs and 1 type of seasoning) and moderation (no more than a pinch of any spice and a small bunch of herbs).
  • Spicy spiciness. After the creamy broccoli soup is ready, you can squeeze 2-3 large cloves of garlic into the pan for added spice.
  • Meat supplement. The soup will become more satisfying if you add 300 grams to the vegetables during cooking. chicken breast. After the meat is cooked, you need to remove it from the pan and cut it into very small pieces or separate it into fibers with your hands, then return it to the pan and puree it along with the vegetables.
  • Let's not forget about cereals. During the cooking process, you can add a tablespoon (but not more) of your favorite cereal, such as buckwheat, oatmeal or rice, to the vegetables. Pearl barley only added to finished form because it takes a very long time to cook.

Now you know how to make French broccoli cream soup. Experienced cook reveals little secrets that will help make the dish even more relevant:

  • to reduce the calorie content of broccoli soup, vegetables can be boiled in water or mushroom broth;
  • It is not recommended to add sour cream instead of cream, as its acid will spoil the delicate creamy taste dishes. It's better to season the food natural yoghurt no filler;
  • A pinch of soda, which needs to be added to the broth/water at the beginning of cooking, will help remove the specific smell of broccoli;
  • vegetables - broccoli, onions and carrots - can be used either fresh or frozen. Only fresh potatoes are used, since after freezing they acquire a sweetish taste;
  • if the soup turns out to be too liquid, this can be easily corrected: add 2-3 tablespoons to the vegetables while chopping wheat flour, lightly fried in butter (100 g);
  • Cream soup is traditionally served with croutons or croutons.

Delight your loved ones with a new dish!