How to cook Mexican mixed vegetables. What can you make from Mexican mixture?

Everyday haste has become such a common occurrence that snacking on the go and purchasing semi-finished products for future use have become a normal part of life for most modern people. How else can you fit work, household chores, hobbies and communication with loved ones into 24 hours? We have to sacrifice something, and most often this sacrifice becomes good nutrition and, as a result, our health. Fortunately, this problem, typical of modern society, was partially solved by the invention of quick freezing of food.

Thanks to this technology, almost fresh vegetables may be present at our table all year round. Moreover: they are already peeled and even chopped - in a word, they are completely ready to quickly and without unnecessary hassle prepare more or less healthy dish. And if you show your imagination, you can diversify the menu with exotic mixtures and mixtures. One of the most delicious, and therefore popular, is the Mexican mixture. And don’t let the lack of cooking experience and even a very vague understanding of Mexican cuisine stop you - we will explain in detail how to deliciously cook frozen mexican mixture.

Mexican vegetable mix: composition and benefits
Most of our compatriots imagine Mexican cuisine like a set very much spicy dishes containing great amount hot pepper and other seasonings. In fact, the traditional diet of Mexicans and other nationalities living next to them in South America consists mainly of vegetables, meat and cereals. That is, it may well be considered balanced even from the point of view modern dietetics. As for spices, their presence does not at all contradict the benefits of food, and even on the contrary - in most cases it promotes digestion, better absorption of nutritional ingredients and activates metabolism in the body. But spices are not added to the Mexican mixture of frozen vegetables in any case - so during cooking you can vary both their presence and quantity according to your desire and taste.

But when you purchase a package of frozen Mexican mixture, you can expect to find green beans, carrots, Bell pepper, green pea, corn grains and onions. Where, when, at what price and under what brand you buy the Mexican mixture - it should have this composition. You can add everything else (mushrooms, cereals, other vegetables) at your discretion or find it in other vegetable mixtures. The Mexican mixture can be bought by weight in the quantity you need, or in factory packaging, where it is usually packaged in 400-450 grams. One way or another, 100 grams of Mexican mixed vegetables will have nutritional value about 87-90 kcal, of which proteins occupy 3.4 g; fats - 0.9, and carbohydrates - 16.4 g. With such a low, simply dietary, calorie content, the components of the Mexican mixture contain natural dietary fiber and complex carbohydrates, amino acids and a minimum of fat. These vegetables will supply the body with vitamins C, group B and carotene (provitamin A), as well as all the necessary minerals in their natural ratio. Moreover, it is in the frozen mixture that they will be preserved in a state closest to their natural state.

Such safety chemical composition frozen vegetable mixture is achieved through the use of so-called “shock” freezing technology, that is, it occurs literally instantly at an extremely low temperature. To date, there is no more effective way to preserve and prepare for long-term storage vegetables, fruits and other food products. Note that even the color of the vegetables in the Mexican mixture matches what they have in fresh. Whereas, for example, after cooking, both carrots and peas lose some of their pigments and become duller. Instant freezing ensures the preservation of vitamins and minerals, practically does not damage fiber. But only if it is produced once and on special industrial equipment capable of this. After defrosting, the vegetable mixture must be cooked immediately, otherwise there will be little benefit left in it. And it’s better not to use re-frozen vegetables for food at all. Therefore, always carefully choose vegetable mixtures before purchasing: they should not have a lot of frost on them, much less ice. All these are signs that the product was repeatedly exposed to heat, and then they tried to return it to its presentation in an ordinary freezer. You can expect neither taste nor benefits from such a Mexican mixture.

Recipes with Mexican vegetables
But what can you expect from a quality frozen Mexican mixture? First of all, saving time and effort on cooking and great pleasure from the taste of the prepared dishes. Because the versatility of the Mexican mixture cannot be overestimated: it can be prepared as an independent dish or part of more complex recipes, and at the same time even the most picky gourmets will like it. It all depends on what cooking method you choose, because the frozen Mexican mixture allows you to boil, stew, fry vegetables, combine them with cereals, meat, mushrooms, add them to soups, casseroles, warm salads and any other everyday and holiday treats. If you don’t believe me and/or haven’t tried it before, start with at least one of these recipes for making frozen Mexican mixture:
Frozen Mexican mixed vegetables are very convenient to buy in advance and keep in the freezer if your lifestyle allows you to often prepare quick and easy meals. simple dishes. This mixture does not require long-term heat treatment or pre-thawing. If necessary, you can even prepare vegetable puree from it for baby food, and for adults it goes well with any ingredients and seasonings. Moreover, the name of the vegetable mix is ​​only a conditional guideline, but you can prepare any dish national cuisine, successfully combining American, Italian, Russian and any other gastronomic traditions. The main thing is that you will get a tasty, light and healthy dish containing products necessary for health and vigor. A good mood With this menu you are guaranteed!

The very fast pace of modern life forces us to increasingly cook from semi-finished products. One of the most popular semi-finished products today for preparing the most various dishes, is a Mexican mixture. “Shock” freezing of fresh vegetables allows you to preserve all their beneficial properties. The Mexican mixture includes corn, onions, green peas, green green bean and sweet pepper. This unique composition vitamins and flavors makes this frozen mixture truly universal!

Mexican stew

What can you make from Mexican mixture? For example, very tasty and healthy side dish to any meat dishes. To do this, heat a little butter or butter in a frying pan. vegetable oil and place the frozen mixture on it. After a couple of minutes, add a little water or broth, add salt and spices. Simmer, covered, until tender, about 10-15 minutes. Serve with meat or as a separate vegetable dish.


For everyone who loves omelettes, it will be interesting to diversify it traditional preparation Mexican mixture. To do this, in a frying pan with butter fry some Mexican mixture. The quantity depends on how many people you are preparing the omelette for. To prepare an omelet from two eggs, you need to take about half a pack of Mexican mixture (200 grams), a couple of spoons of milk, salt and spices. Pour the fried Mexican mixture with beaten eggs, milk and salt. Cover with a lid and cook until the omelette is ready.

Mexican Blend Soup

What can you make from a Mexican mixture for your first course? For example, an easy and quick to prepare soup. Depending on your preference, you can make it a pure vegetable soup or meat broth with meat. You need to add a couple of diced potatoes to the broth and cook until half cooked. If your family loves thick soups, then you can add half a glass of washed rice. When the potatoes and rice are almost done, add one packet of the Mexican mixture and cook until done. The soup turns out aromatic and light. It is perfect, even for those who are on a diet for some reason.

Mexican mixture for children

What can you make with Mexican mixed vegetables for young children? If your baby is already at the age when he can be given soups or vegetable purees, then the Mexican mixture will be an excellent helper for mothers who care about the health of their child, and at the same time try to spend more time communicating with the child than standing at the stove. For cooking vegetable puree, you need to add a small amount of Mexican mixture with water and cook until tender. Then drain the water and blend the vegetables with a blender. If the puree is too thick, dilute it a little with the broth in which the vegetables were cooked. Children's soup is prepared in the same way. You can also add one potato to add thickness. To make the soup easily digestible, you need to beat it with a blender, turning it into a puree soup.

Potato soup with Mexican mixture recipe with photo

Difficulty of preparation: Easily

Cooking time: up to 1 hour

Vegetarianism: No

Kitchen: Do not belong

Number of servings: 6 servings

Type of dish: First meal

Calories: 114 kcal

Protein: 3g / Fat: 2g / Carbohydrates: 9g

Ingredients for potato soup with Mexican mixture for 6 servings:

Frozen mixed vegetables

Chicken soup set

Mexican Potato Soup recipe step by step

Analysis of a dish based on ingredients

publication date: 09/12/2013

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Mexican Mixed Vegetable Soup Recipe.

Spicy soup with Mexican vegetable mixture, recipe with photos.

I offer a recipe for quick frozen vegetable soup with meatless beans. The dish can be prepared either on the stove or in a slow cooker. I prefer to cook such thick soups in a slow cooker. One of the many advantages of the magic pan is that it contains tender vegetables and potatoes, even with simultaneous laying and long-term cooking, retain their shape without turning into mashed potatoes. If you cook mexican soup on the stove, it is advisable to use a pan with thick walls and a bottom.

In order not to have to select vegetables and legumes for Mexican soup, you can buy a ready-made frozen set called “Mexican mixture”. The soup and salad mix includes: red beans, green beans, corn, green peas, carrots, sweet peppers and tomatoes. Inexpensive and available in any chain store.

I advise you to cook Mexican soup without meat for one time. This is not cabbage soup or hodgepodge, which become even tastier the next day.

Number of servings: 2.

To prepare Mexican vegetable soup you will need:

  • Mexican mixture – ½ packet = 200 g;
  • Potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • Red or onion - half an onion;
  • Garlic – 1-2 cloves;
  • Chili pepper – 2-3 rings;
  • Red pepper – ½ teaspoon;
  • Tomatoes in own juice– 3 tbsp. spoons with top;
  • Water or broth – 300-500 ml;
  • Lemon/lime - slice on a plate;
  • Parsley - 1 sprig;
  • Unscented olive and sunflower oil for frying.

Mexican Mixed Vegetable Soup Recipe.

Step 1: Place vegetables in thick-walled pan and fill in cold water approximately one in two. Cover the pan with a lid and bring to a simmer over low heat. If you are making soup in a slow cooker, add frozen vegetables to the bowl. Fill with water. The volume of water depends on the desired thickness of the soup, but keep in mind that practically no water evaporates from the multicooker. Run the “soup” program for 15 minutes.

Step 2: Grind red, white or onion. Remove large pieces of sweet pepper from the bag with the mixture and chop finely.

Step 3. Fry in a frying pan with a little refined olive or sunflower oil onions and peppers with the addition of a clove of garlic. When the onion becomes transparent, add chopped tomatoes in their own juice or home preparation for soup with tomatoes and carrots. This is exactly what I used. Sprinkle the contents of the pan with sweet paprika for color and flavor. The finished roast for Mexican soup looks and smells delicious!

Step 4. While we were preparing the dressing, 15 minutes of cooking the vegetables had passed. Transfer the roast into a bowl or pan with the vegetables.

Step 5. If you cook the soup on the stove, set the heat to medium. Continue cooking the soup for another 10-15 minutes. If you are cooking Mexican soup in a slow cooker and see active boiling, switch it to a gentle cooking mode, for example, “milk porridge”.

Determine the readiness of the soup by the softness of the potatoes. Other frozen vegetables do not require long-term heat treatment.

Step 6: Prepare a lemon slice, seeded chili peppers, garlic cloves and finely chopped parsley for each bowl of soup.

Step 7. Pour the finished Mexican soup into portions into deep ceramic plates. They keep you warm and somehow remind you of distant Mexico. Add lemon, pepper, garlic and herbs if desired. You can serve it with Mexican tortillas. Soup with Mexican vegetable mixture is ready, bon appetit!

This is how thick, rich, satisfying, tasty and aromatic it is. Simply delicious!

"Mexican" vegetable mixture

It will look like this:

Copy the text below:


“Mexican” vegetable mixture - assorted corn, beans, green peas, carrots and sweet peppers. Vegetable cocktail is stewed, boiled, fried. Used to prepare various dishes, including vegetarian ones.

Frozen vegetable mixture “Mexican” is produced in small portioned bags of 350-500 g. It is easy to prepare at home and can be stored for 6-18 months. in the freezer.

There are several types of "Mexican" mixture, which differ additional ingredients. In addition to the main composition, the semi-finished vegetable product may contain: rice, hot pepper, tomato, onion, and herbs.

Composition of the “Mexican” vegetable mixture

All vegetables undergo a preliminary blanching procedure, due to which they retain not only their visual appeal, but also all their nutritional properties.

The classic “Mexican” vegetable mixture necessarily consists of five ingredients:

  1. Bell pepper. The vegetable has a bright unique taste and weight useful properties. Gives the mixture a special piquancy.
  2. Corn. Ripe grains or young cobs are used for the mixture.
  3. Beans. The “Mexican” vegetable mixture usually contains young green beans. When using regular red beans, the beans are first boiled until tender.
  4. Green pea. To compose the mixture, peas of brain varieties of milky ripeness are used.
  5. Carrot. An essential ingredient for most vegetable cocktails. Carrots keep well when frozen. Sweet varieties are used: Amsterdam, Karotel Paris, Parmex.

How to prepare Mexican vegetable mixture

During the harvest season, it is easy to prepare a vegetable “Mexican” mixture at home:

  • Sort the vegetables, peel and wash.
  • Separately cut into not very large pieces. The method of cutting sweet peppers, beans and carrots is arbitrary: into cubes, rings, bars. Cut corn kernels from the cob. Milk cobs can be taken whole.
  • If the season has passed, then you can add already frozen peas to the vegetable mixture. Peel fresh peas from the pod.
  • Mix all the vegetables in a convenient bowl, divide 350-500 g into equal portions and fill storage containers with them. Special bags or plastic containers are suitable for freezing.

Please pay attention! The plastic must have a special marking “Snowflakes”. Containers not intended for freezing cannot be used!

Place the prepared mixture in freezer and use as needed. The shelf life should not exceed one and a half years - an expired product loses all its nutritional and beneficial properties.

Recipes from "Mexican" vegetable mixture

There are many options for preparing frozen vegetables. They can be used either independently or in combination with other products.

Soup with “Mexican” vegetable mixture

Boil potatoes in meat broth until tender. In a frying pan, lightly fry the onion along with the vegetable mixture. Add vegetables, salt and spices to the soup, bring to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes. When serving, you can add fresh herbs and sour cream to taste.

Mixed vegetable salad “Mexican”

Boil the vegetable mixture in hot water for 10-15 minutes, cool. Chop the onion and parsley not very finely. Season the salad with vegetable oil and garnish with olives.

Healthy! If you chop the olives finely, you don’t need to add salt to the salad.

Vegetable stew with “Mexican” mixture

Cut the meat into small pieces 1 cm thick and fry in a frying pan without oil until soft. Add the vegetable mixture, onion and coarsely chopped tomatoes, cover with a lid and simmer until the liquid has completely evaporated. Add salt, spices and seasonings a few minutes before cooking.

This Interesting! Dishes with a “Mexican” vegetable mixture can be prepared without strict adherence to food proportions.

Calorie content 72kcal

Carbohydrates: 12.7g. (50.8 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 20% | 8% | 70%

Mexican soup

Delicious quick soup from chicken. Prepared from frozen vegetables (“Mexican mixture”).

The idea came spontaneously, it turned out very tasty! Even I would say incredibly tasty! Fragrant bell pepper And hearty beans, green peas and bright yellow corn give this wonderful stew not only a magical taste, but also a festive look!

We really enjoyed!

Cook the soup for chicken broth. I usually cook it in advance, when I cut up the chicken, leaving a quarter for tasty chicken soup with vermicelli and olives, and breast for fillet baked with cheese.

  • 1 chicken quarter
  • 2 liters of water
  • 400 g Mexican mixture (carrots, corn, green peas, red and green beans, bell peppers)
  • 3 medium potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste or soup dressing
  • Salt, black and red pepper to taste

Delicious quick soup with chicken broth:

Boil chicken broth. I had it cooked in advance, I just took the pan of chicken broth out of the refrigerator and collected the frozen chicken fat, it turned out to be dietary chicken soup!

While the broth is boiling, peel the potatoes and cut into cubes

Peel the onion and chop it finely.

After boiling, add the entire pack of vegetables from the Mexican mixture, potatoes and chopped onions to the chicken broth.

Bring to a boil and cook until the vegetables are ready. 5 minutes before the soup is ready, add tomato soup dressing or tomato paste.

Remove the chicken meat from the bones and cut into small pieces

Add ground black and red pepper to taste, and you can add your favorite spices directly to the plate

Pour into plates, maybe with sour cream. Yummy!

It turned out so beautiful, tasty and aromatic vegetable soup in chicken broth. Bon appetit!

That's all for today! Have fun cooking and share your impressions in the comments.

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It often happens that there is no time at all to prepare dinner, and the family is already banging spoons on the table. Then frozen semi-finished vegetable products can come to the rescue. They are useful and do not require special skills from the cook. Compliance with proportions is also not necessary. A great option is to make frozen Mexican blend. It is rich in vitamins, tasty and children like it for its beautiful, bright appearance.

Product selection and preparation

If the mixture is purchased in a store, it is important to choose it correctly. When goods are sold by weight, you can check the color of vegetables and their condition. There should be no ice on the product.

The composition of the package with the Mexican mixture should be constant: green beans, corn, peas, onions, carrots and bell peppers. Many people think: since Mexico, then this is the use of hot pepper and savory spices. But there is nothing like that in a frozen semi-finished product. During the cooking process, you can add seasonings and salt to taste.

There is no need to defrost the Mexican mixture. You can immediately begin heat treatment. But if defrosting does occur, then the product must be prepared immediately. You cannot put the mixture back into the freezer. Therefore, it is convenient to store it in separate small packages.

Another option is to make your own Mexican blend and freeze it properly. To do this, you need to select fresh vegetables, peel and wash them. Cut into small pieces. Add beans, corn and peas. Mix and place into portioned containers. Sign the date and place in the freezer.

Frozen Mexican Blend Dishes

The Mexican mixture may well act as an independent dish. It is also used as a side dish, an addition to casseroles, soups and salads. For example, from a Mexican mixture you can prepare:

  • Vegetable side dish. The mixture, without preliminary defrosting, is sent to a frying pan and fried with a small amount of vegetable oil for 2 minutes. Spices and salt are added as desired. Then you need to pour a little water and simmer under the lid for a couple more minutes. An excellent addition to meat or fish is ready!
  • Vegetable omelet. Based on the Mexican mixture, you can prepare a delicious and hearty breakfast by adding a couple of eggs. First, the oil is heated in a frying pan, vegetables are added, fried, salted and seasoned. Cook for 2 minutes covered. Then you need to beat the eggs with milk and pour this mixture over the semi-finished product. Simmer until the dish is completely cooked.
  • Soup. While the potatoes are cooking in the pan, you can prepare the mixture. It is heated in oil with onions and mushrooms. Then all the ingredients are mixed and cooked until fully cooked. Spices, bay leaf, and salt are added. This is the base for the soup; any cereals and meat can be added.
  • Pizza. It is necessary to bring the Mexican mixture to readiness in a frying pan. Take ready-made cake for pizza or make your own dough. Grease the layer with sauce or tomato paste, put vegetables, salt. Top with slices of tomatoes and grated cheese. You can cook in the microwave or oven until the cheese melts. This pizza option is vegetarian. You can diversify the recipe by adding meat or ham.
  • Salad. The frozen mixture just needs to be boiled in salted water. Sue, refuel olive oil, add fresh herbs. Original salad will be an excellent addition to meat dishes.

Pros and cons of Mexican blend

Like any dish, ready-made frozen Mexican mixture has its positive and negative qualities.

Pros of using Mexican blend:

  • quick cooking;
  • simplicity;
  • efficiency;
  • does not require defrosting;
  • use of various techniques and recipes;
  • benefits of products;
  • excellent taste and aroma.

The calorie content of the product is very low. It is considered dietary in itself. The mixture has many useful substances, saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the fast and proper freezing all the benefits of natural ingredients are preserved.

The only downside of this product is that it belongs to the category of semi-finished products instant cooking. Dishes based on the Mexican mixture are simple, quite difficult, almost impossible to prepare something delicious from it. But at any time you can get a pack of vegetables and quickly feed the whole family.

Methods for preparing Mexican mixture

Various methods of processing the product allow you to obtain dishes that are original in taste. The mixture can be fried in a frying pan, boiled or stewed, or using the baking method in pots. It’s even easier to prepare a semi-finished product using a slow cooker or microwave.

In a frying pan

The easiest way to feed your family a delicious dinner is to cook vegetables in a frying pan. To do this, you just need to pour a little vegetable oil and fry the mixture for 5 minutes under the lid. You can add water or broth. Other ingredients that can make the dish more interesting are also welcome.

In a slow cooker

It takes more time to prepare the mixture in a slow cooker than in a microwave or frying pan, but the advantage of the method is that constant control over the process is not required. The equipment will turn itself off at a certain moment.

Basic recipe for making Mexican mixture in a slow cooker:

  1. Set the machine to the “Baking” mode.
  2. Fry onion and garlic in butter in a bowl.
  3. After 5 minutes, add the mixture and sour cream.
  4. Simmer covered for an hour on the “Stew” mode.

In the microwave

It couldn't be simpler. Without preliminary preparation the mixture is placed in glassware and put it in the microwave for 5 minutes at high power. You can add spices, a little water or broth. Serve with boiled rice, any kind of meat or fish.

In the oven

The good thing about this method is that it does not require the use of oil. The dish turns out to be dietary and healthy. A great option for preparing children's lunches. The finished mixture can be ground in a blender and fed to the baby.

The frozen mixture is poured into a special oven container. You can use heat-resistant glass or clay pots. Water is poured in and the lid is covered. Prepares for 20 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

Rice with a Mexican mixture - bright, healthy and tasty dish, which can become a real table decoration. Using ready-made frozen vegetables will significantly reduce cooking time. And our selection of recipes will help you add some wonderful dishes to your home cookbook.

Today you can easily find both packaged mixtures and frozen vegetables in bulk on sale. During the season, of course, you can put together a mix yourself. IN classic version Mexican mixtures include the following ingredients, taken in equal parts:

  • green peas;
  • corn grains;
  • green beans, cut into pieces;
  • bell pepper;
  • carrot.

Some manufacturers also add red beans to the mix, so beloved by the people of Mexico. The presence of this component is indicated by a mark on the package. There is another option - rice with a Mexican mixture. In this set except raw vegetables added thermally processed rice, which cooks much faster than usual. The Mexican mixture, frozen with rice, can be used to prepare soup, a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

How to cook on the stove?

This method is one of the simplest. It's great for those who have never made frozen vegetable mixes before.

For this dish you will need “Rice with Mexican Mix”, a small amount of vegetable oil and water. Heat the fat in a deep frying pan or wok, add vegetables and rice, stir-fry for about 10 minutes. When the ingredients are browned, pour water (or broth) into the mixture so that the liquid completely covers the cereal and vegetables. Cover with a lid and simmer over medium heat until done.

There is no need to defrost frozen food before cooking.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Modern technology can help you quickly and tasty prepare a product such as Mexican mixture. Recipes for a slow cooker are quite numerous, and once you learn how to cook this dish, you can conduct various experiments by adding ingredients such as seafood, meat, and bacon.

It is better to use a mixture of vegetables without rice. Heat a small amount of any fat in a bowl. Load vegetables (400 g), set the “Frying” mode. Place the browned pieces in a bowl, add rice (1 cup) to the remaining fat and pour in 2 cups of broth or water. Cook in the “Cooking” mode for as long as the instructions for your multicooker recommend. Before serving, mix rice with vegetables.

If you are using the mixture with rice, simply pour boiling water over it and cook, covered, in the “Stew” or “Baking” mode.

Oven recipe

This Mexican mixture with rice is quick and easy to prepare in the oven. All you need to do is grease the pan with oil and load it with a pack of frozen vegetables mixed with the same amount of pre-cooked rice. Additional liquid may not be needed as there is enough moisture in the frozen product. Cooking time will be about 20 minutes.

Meat and rice dish

A very popular Mexican mixture, the recipes of which contain meat components. You won't just get delicious side dish, but a self-sufficient dish. Products that are perfect for this recipe include: rack of pork ribs, brisket, chicken fillet, beef goulash, heart, giblets.

Fry one finely chopped onion in a frying pan. Add 400 grams raw meat, cut into cubes. Immediately bring a pot of water (500 ml) to a boil. When the meat is fried on all sides, transfer it to water and leave to simmer over low heat. Add rice (1 cup) to the remaining fat, fry, stirring, and then add to the meat. Finally, roast the vegetables Mexican style. All that remains is to combine all the ingredients, mix, taste for salt and simmer together for a while. You can even serve this delicacy on your holiday table.

Mexican rice with seafood

Fragrant vegetables go well with shrimp, mussels, squid and sea cocktail. You can purchase these ingredients in the same supermarket departments that sell frozen vegetable mixes.

For this recipe you will need:

  • package of Mexican mixture (400 g);
  • long grain rice - 250 g;
  • shrimp or Seafood Cocktail— 300−400 g.

You can cook rice with Mexican mixture in any convenient way: in a slow cooker, in the oven or in a frying pan. While the base is stewing, blanch frozen seafood in boiling water to melt the ice, and then fry them over high heat in hot oil for 2-3 minutes. To make the taste of seafood more vibrant, at the end of frying, you can pour 50 ml of white wine into the frying pan and cover with a lid.

This delicious treat Before serving, you can garnish with fresh herbs and lightly sprinkle with lemon juice.

It often happens that there is no time at all to prepare dinner, and the family is already banging spoons on the table. Then frozen semi-finished vegetable products can come to the rescue. They are useful and do not require special skills from the cook. Compliance with proportions is also not necessary. A great option is to make frozen Mexican blend. It is rich in vitamins, tasty and children like it for its beautiful, bright appearance.

Product selection and preparation

If the mixture is purchased in a store, it is important to choose it correctly. When goods are sold by weight, you can check the color of vegetables and their condition. There should be no ice on the product.

The composition of the package with the Mexican mixture should be constant: green beans, corn, peas, onions, carrots and bell peppers. Many people think: since it’s Mexico, then this is the use of hot peppers and piquant spices. But there is nothing like that in a frozen semi-finished product. During the cooking process, you can add seasonings and salt to taste.

There is no need to defrost the Mexican mixture. You can immediately begin heat treatment. But if defrosting does occur, then the product must be prepared immediately. You cannot put the mixture back into the freezer. Therefore, it is convenient to store it in separate small packages.

Another option is to make your own Mexican blend and freeze it properly. To do this, you need to select fresh vegetables, peel and wash them. Cut into small pieces. Add beans, corn and peas. Mix and place into portioned containers. Sign the date and place in the freezer.

Frozen Mexican Blend Dishes

The Mexican mixture may well act as an independent dish. It is also used as a side dish, an addition to casseroles, soups and salads. For example, from a Mexican mixture you can prepare:

  • Vegetable side dish. The mixture, without preliminary defrosting, is sent to a frying pan and fried with a small amount of vegetable oil for 2 minutes. Spices and salt are added as desired. Then you need to pour a little water and simmer under the lid for a couple more minutes. An excellent addition to meat or fish is ready!
  • Vegetable omelet. Based on the Mexican mixture, you can prepare a delicious and satisfying breakfast by adding a couple of eggs. First, the oil is heated in a frying pan, vegetables are added, fried, salted and seasoned. Cook for 2 minutes covered. Then you need to beat the eggs with milk and pour this mixture over the semi-finished product. Simmer until the dish is completely cooked.
  • Soup. While the potatoes are cooking in the pan, you can prepare the mixture. It is heated in oil with onions and mushrooms. Then all the ingredients are mixed and cooked until fully cooked. Spices, bay leaf, and salt are added. This is the base for the soup; any cereals and meat can be added.
  • Pizza. It is necessary to bring the Mexican mixture to readiness in a frying pan. Use a ready-made pizza crust or make your own dough. Grease the layer with sauce or tomato paste, add vegetables and salt. Top with slices of tomatoes and grated cheese. You can cook in the microwave or oven until the cheese melts. This pizza option is vegetarian. You can diversify the recipe by adding meat or ham.
  • Salad. The frozen mixture just needs to be boiled in salted water. Drain, season with olive oil, add fresh herbs. The original salad will be a great addition to meat dishes.

Pros and cons of Mexican blend

Like any dish, ready-made frozen Mexican mixture has its positive and negative qualities.

Pros of using Mexican blend:

  • quick cooking;
  • simplicity;
  • efficiency;
  • does not require defrosting;
  • use of various techniques and recipes;
  • benefits of products;
  • excellent taste and aroma.

The calorie content of the product is very low. It is considered dietary in itself. The mixture has many useful substances and saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. Thanks to quick and proper freezing, all the benefits of natural ingredients are preserved.

The only downside of this product is that it belongs to the category of instant semi-finished products. Dishes based on the Mexican mixture are simple, quite difficult, almost impossible to prepare something delicious from it. But at any time you can get a pack of vegetables and quickly feed the whole family.

Methods for preparing Mexican mixture

Various methods of processing the product allow you to obtain dishes that are original in taste. The mixture can be fried in a frying pan, boiled or stewed, or using the baking method in pots. It’s even easier to prepare a semi-finished product using a slow cooker or microwave.

In a frying pan

The easiest way to feed your family a delicious dinner is to cook vegetables in a frying pan. To do this, you just need to pour a little vegetable oil and fry the mixture for 5 minutes under the lid. You can add water or broth. Other ingredients that can make the dish more interesting are also welcome.

In a slow cooker

It takes more time to prepare the mixture in a slow cooker than in a microwave or frying pan, but the advantage of the method is that constant control over the process is not required. The equipment will turn itself off at a certain moment.

Basic recipe for making Mexican mixture in a slow cooker:

  1. Set the machine to the “Baking” mode.
  2. Fry onion and garlic in butter in a bowl.
  3. After 5 minutes, add the mixture and sour cream.
  4. Simmer covered for an hour on the “Stew” mode.

In the microwave

It couldn't be simpler. Without preliminary preparation, the mixture is placed in a glass container and microwaved for 5 minutes at high power. You can add spices, a little water or broth. Serve with boiled rice, any type of meat or fish.

In the oven

The good thing about this method is that it does not require the use of oil. The dish turns out to be dietary and healthy. A great option for preparing children's lunches. The finished mixture can be ground in a blender and fed to the baby.

The frozen mixture is poured into a special oven container. You can use heat-resistant glass or clay pots. Water is poured in and the lid is covered. Prepares for 20 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.