Semolina pancakes recipe. Semolina pancakes: cooking methods with step-by-step recipes

Pancakes are a favorite breakfast option for most children and adults, so having prepared this dish for a family morning meal, you can be sure that without the slightest persuasion and whims, not a trace will soon remain of it. However, traditional pancakes, the dough for which is prepared from premium flour, contain quite a lot of sugar and extra calories, so they can only be eaten from time to time, and should not be abused in any case. It is believed that good breakfast should consist predominantly of complex carbohydrates, which are especially rich in different kinds cereals and corresponding porridges. To combine the benefits of porridge and the delicious taste of ruddy baked goods in one dish, I suggest you try to make magnificent semolina pancakes with raisins for breakfast, which are prepared without adding flour, and therefore can be considered a fairly dietary food.

Semolina pancakes are surprisingly simple and quick to prepare, so they can even be served for a regular weekday breakfast instead of traditional porridge. First of all, for them you need to cook the simplest semolina porridge, which without much effort turns into tender dough for delicious pancakes. Despite the fact that semolina has its own beneficial properties noticeably inferior to other popular types of cereals, however, it is rich in B vitamins and various minerals, is perfectly absorbed in the body and provides it with high-energy substances, and in addition, it has a very gentle effect on the intestines, cleansing it of accumulated waste and toxins without the slightest discomfort .

Semolina pancakes with raisins prepared this way simple recipe, turn out so tender and tasty that your household will hardly distinguish them from the usual baked goods made from bread flour. To increase the benefits and reduce the calorie content of this dish, it is prepared without adding sugar, so the sweet taste is achieved through raisins, and in addition, these pancakes are usually eaten with all sorts of additives. Jam, liquid honey, fruit or berry syrup, condensed milk, caramel sauce or melted chocolate can make these healthy pancakes a very desirable and tasty dish. Having prepared semolina porridge pancakes for a tasty and hearty breakfast, you are guaranteed to get a surge of strength and a charge of excellent mood for a busy and active day!

Useful information How to cook semolina pancakes with raisins - a simple recipe for semolina porridge pancakes with step by step photos


  • 230 g semolina
  • 1 tbsp. milk
  • 1 tbsp. water
  • 2 eggs
  • 60 g raisins
  • a pinch of salt
  • 50 ml vegetable oil


1. In order to prepare semolina pancakes with raisins and without flour, you first need to cook simple semolina porridge. To do this, pour cold milk and water into a saucepan, add semolina and, without stirring, leave for 10 minutes so that the cereal swells a little. Such Preliminary processing cereals will allow you to get semolina porridge without unpleasant lumps.

Advice! It is advisable to cook semolina porridge for pancakes in a metal or ceramic bowl with a thick bottom, which heats up evenly and retains heat well. Under no circumstances should you use enamel pan, in which the porridge easily burns and sticks tightly to the bottom.

2. Over medium heat, bring the porridge to a boil and cook for 2 - 3 minutes until noticeably thickened, periodically stirring the contents of the pan with a fork or whisk so that lumps do not form in the semolina porridge.

3. Rinse the raisins thoroughly with running water and add to the pan, mix the resulting semolina porridge well and let it cool slightly for 5 - 7 minutes.

4. Add eggs and a pinch of salt to the porridge and mix everything thoroughly. The dough for semolina pancakes with raisins is ready!

5. Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan and, using a large spoon, spoon out the dough in the form of small round pancakes. Fry semolina pancakes over medium heat for about 1 minute until browned.

6. Carefully lift the pancakes with a spatula and turn them over to the other side with a sharp movement. Fry for another minute until delicious golden brown crust.
7. Add oil to the frying pan little by little as needed until the entire mountain of pancakes is fried.

Tender, rosy, appetizing and very delicious pancakes Semolina with raisins are ready! It is recommended to eat them with honey, jam, sweet syrup or condensed milk, or you can simply sprinkle them on top before serving. powdered sugar. Bon appetit!

Pancakes with semolina are fluffy and airy. This a good option for a quick and nutritious breakfast. The main subtlety of preparation is that before frying, the dough must be left for 15-30 minutes so that the semolina swells properly.

Pancakes with semolina - hearty dish for breakfast or afternoon snack


Chicken eggs 2 pieces Kefir 200 milliliters Sugar 60 grams Semolina 50 grams Vegetable oil 20 milliliters Salt 2 grams

  • Number of servings: 4
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes
Recipe for pancakes with semolina on kefir

The basis for the pancake dough is dairy products. Kefir of any fat content is suitable.

  • Mix eggs with kefir, beat the mixture.
  • Add sugar. Mix well until it is completely dissolved. Add a pinch of salt.
  • Add semolina. Leave the dough for 15 minutes so that the cereal has time to swell.
  • Add sifted flour. Add 1 tsp. soda Mix the dough well with a mixer.

The frying pan needs to be well heated. Pancakes are baked in vegetable oil. To prevent them from being too greasy, you don’t need to pour oil into the pan, but lubricate the bottom with a silicone brush.

In the photo, the recipe for pancakes with semolina served with sour cream and berries. You can also serve them with jam.

Recipe for pancakes with semolina on oatmeal

This recipe will be useful to fans healthy eating. It replaces wheat flour with ground oatmeal.

Ingredients needed:

  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 180 g oatmeal;
  • 1 egg;
  • 40 g semolina;
  • Apple;
  • Baking soda or baking powder;
  • Vegetable oil.

To make the pancakes even healthier and low in calories, you can bake them in a non-stick frying pan. In this case, it is not lubricated with oil. To avoid scratching the surface of the non-stick frying pan, it is convenient to turn the pancakes over with a silicone spatula.

  • Beat the egg, pour kefir into it.
  • Add semolina, mix everything and let stand for 10-15 minutes. The semolina should swell.
  • Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder.
  • Combine ingredients, add 1 tsp. baking soda or baking powder. Mix everything with a mixer.
  • Peel the apple, grate it on a fine grater, and add it to the dough. Mix.
  • The dough turns out to be quite thick, it is convenient to spoon it into the pan with a tablespoon.

    Pancakes can be sprinkled with cinnamon and served with honey.

    Recipe for pancakes with semolina and candied fruits

    The cereal will add fluffiness to the pancakes. It is best to choose soft candied fruits.

    Ingredients needed:

    • 250 ml kefir;
    • 200 g flour;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 50 g semolina;
    • 50 g candied fruits;
    • Baking soda.

    According to this recipe, kefir needs to be heated to 37°C.

  • Stir semolina in heated kefir and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Beat the eggs and pour into the kefir.
  • Sift the flour. Mix the dough with a mixer. Add baking soda and stir again.
  • Grind the candied fruits and pour into the dough.
  • Grease the finished pancakes butter. They are served with jam, jam, maple syrup, condensed milk.

    My children really loved these kefir pancakes when they were little. After all, pancakes that contain no flour at all turn out much softer than regular ones. And even when cooled, they remain crumbly. There are never any surprises when baking such pancakes, so novice housewives can safely take this recipe into service.

    To bake these semolina pancakes, you will need:

    • two glasses of semolina;
    • a glass of kefir;
    • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar;
    • 2 eggs;
    • half a teaspoon of salt;
    • a pinch of citric acid;
    • half a teaspoon of soda;
    • vegetable oil for frying.

    Place eggs, sugar and salt in a bowl (Image 2).
    Beat the mixture well with a whisk or mixer to form a foam.

    Pour in the kefir and stir with a wooden spatula (you won't need a mixer anymore) (photo 3).

    Add semolina, stir so that there are no lumps, and leave the semolina dough for 1-2 hours for the semolina to swell (photo 4-5).

    Pour soda into the thickened dough, citric acid and pour one tablespoon of kefir so that the soda reacts with the acid faster (photo 6).

    Stir the dough in a circular motion until small bubbles appear (Pic 7)

    Now you can start baking the pancakes. Pour enough oil into the frying pan to cover the bottom of the frying pan by 1-2 mm, since semolina pancakes absorb fat strongly. Heat it up. Then turn down the heat. Use a spoon to take small portions of the dough and place them on the frying pan (photo 8).
    Then close the pan with a lid.

    One side of the pancakes is browned - turn them over to the other side. This is done like this: you pry up the pancakes with a spatula, and with a fork, which you hold in your other hand, grab the top edge of the pancake and carefully turn it over (photo 9).
    Close the pan with a lid again and bring the pancakes to readiness.

    Place the finished pancakes on paper napkins to remove excess fat (photo 10).

    Serve these pancakes with sour cream or your favorite jam (photo 11-12).

    Or you can mix sour cream and jam, then you will get a very tasty sour cream sauce.

    How to prepare a recipe for semolina pancakes - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

    Preparing semolina pancakes does not require much hassle. It's simple homemade baking, which even a novice housewife can do. Semolina added to baked goods makes it tastier. For some, fluffy and rosy pancakes, fried in a large amount of oil, resemble donuts that you just want to eat with jam or honey.

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    Semolina pancakes with kefir are the easiest to prepare. Baked according to the given recipe, they turn out soft and fluffy. Take it and compare it with the photo. Surely yours will turn out just as delicious.

    You will need:

    • semolina 100 g;
    • wheat flour 80 g;
    • salt 2 g;
    • soda 3 g;
    • kefir 205 ml;
    • sugar 50 g;
    • egg 1 pc.;
    • vanillin.


  • Add salt and sugar to kefir, add semolina. After mixing the mixture, leave it to brew for about half an hour. This is necessary so that the semolina swells and its grains are not felt in the dough.
  • The flour is sifted and mixed with soda. Since as a liquid foundation Kefir was chosen for the test; there is no need to quench it. When the cereal is infused, add flour and add an egg. You can beat it thoroughly beforehand to make the dough fluffy. Add vanillin to the dough for flavor at the tip of a knife.
  • Pancakes are baked on kefir with semolina in vegetable oil on hot frying pan. After frying until golden brown on both sides, place on a plate.
  • There are several cooking options based on this recipe. You can make baked goods without flour or eggs.

    Without flour

    To prepare baked goods from semolina without flour, use a kefir recipe. Grains take twice as much (a glass of semolina for a glass of kefir). Don’t forget to let the dough sit a little longer before baking so that the pancakes are baked better.

    Without added eggs and with milk

    Eggless pancakes are prepared using spoiled milk. Instead of milk, you can take kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt - any milk drink that is in the refrigerator. Place half a glass of flour and half a glass of semolina on a glass of liquid. Add one third teaspoon of salt and soda and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Before baking, the dough is kept for half an hour to allow the semolina gluten and flour to swell.

    This traditional recipe. The peculiarity of the preparation is that semolina is boiled in milk until tender before cooking. To improve the taste, juicy sweet apples are added to semolina pancakes.

    You will need:

    • milk 500 ml;
    • flour 160 g;
    • cinnamon 2 g;
    • salt 5 g;
    • semolina 3 tbsp. l.;
    • eggs 2 pcs.;
    • soda 2 g;
    • sugar 75 g;
    • apples 2 pcs.


  • Place the milk on the stove, bring to a boil and add semolina. Cook for about 5 minutes with continuous stirring to prevent lumps from forming.
  • When the porridge has cooled to 40 degrees, knead the dough. Add salt, cinnamon and sugar. You can use cinnamon instead vanilla sugar in the same quantity. Beaten eggs are also added to semolina porridge.
  • The flour is sifted and gradually poured into the semolina porridge, kneading a not too thick dough. Don’t forget about baking soda; without it, the pancakes will not become fluffy when baking. The soda is quenched in a tablespoon of vinegar and only then added to the dough.
  • The apples are washed well, peeled and seeded and cut into small cubes. Put the fruit in the dough and mix the resulting mass.
  • Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Place the pancakes with a tablespoon. Bake over medium heat until the crust is golden brown and the center is cooked through. You can check for unbaked dough by breaking one pancake or piercing it with a wooden toothpick.
  • Pancakes are served on semolina porridge with sour cream, jam or aromatic honey.
  • Cabbage option

    Vegetable cutlets are very healthy and tasty. For those who care about their health, the recipe will be interesting. Cabbage pancakes with semolina it is better to cook from young white cabbage.

    You will need:

    • milk 220 ml;
    • egg 1 pc.;
    • dill;
    • cabbage 1 kg;
    • semolina 4 tbsp. l.;
    • salt;
    • vegetable oil 60 g.


  • Shred the cabbage thinly. Fill it with milk. Add salt to taste and place on low heat.
  • When the cabbage becomes soft, remove it from the heat. The milk should not all evaporate; it, together with the cabbage juice, will serve as a binding base for the semolina.
  • IN hot cabbage, which was set aside from the stove, add semolina and mix. Cover the pan with a lid. Leave the semolina to swell in a warm place for half an hour.
  • After 30 minutes, add an egg and finely chopped dill to the cabbage with semolina. Check to see if there is enough salt and add if necessary.
  • Cabbage pancakes are baked in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Ready baked goods served with sour cream or ketchup.
  • Yeast

    Prepared with semolina and flour yeast pancakes on milk. But even with water, baked goods turn out just as tasty and rosy. Therefore, during fasting, you can prepare pancakes by replacing milk with water. The thicker the dough you make when kneading, the fluffier the baked goods will be.

    You will need:

    • dry yeast 2 tsp;
    • salt 1 tsp;
    • semolina 500 g;
    • sugar 115 g;
    • milk 400 or 500 ml;
    • vanillin.


  • Heat a glass of milk to a temperature of 30 degrees, dissolve yeast in it, wait about 10 minutes until foam appears.
  • Sugar is added to the milk and yeast to taste. You can put half a glass or, if you like sweet pastries, A bit more. Then pour in the sifted flour, add salt and vanillin at the tip of a knife.
  • The remaining warm milk is poured into the cereal, bringing the dough to the consistency of sour cream. Cover the container with a lid and put it in a warm place.
  • After an hour, when the volume of the dough has doubled, begin baking the pancakes. Place a tablespoon of neat flatbreads into the heated vegetable oil.
  • It is very tasty to eat such baked goods hot with honey.

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    Pancakes are culinary product, which occupies one of the main places among Russian cuisine dishes. They represent fried flatbreads made from batter based on eggs and flour. But back in the old days, people tried to add variety to their diet and used it for cooking. famous dishes not quite ordinary products. For example, we prepared semolina pancakes by adding cereal to the standard recipe. The product has been changed appearance and acquired a new unusual taste.

    Useful addition

    Semolina pancakes can be prepared with water, milk or kefir. Not only the consistency will depend on this, but also the nutritional value product.

    For example, you can consider one of the options when semolina pancakes are obtained by using the following components: per glass wheat flour you need half a liter of milk, a little salt, 3 raw eggs, 100 grams of semolina, 50 grams of sugar and a tablespoon of dry yeast.

    Semolina pancakes are prepared as follows:

  • The first step is to sift the flour.
  • Then mix all the bulk ingredients in one container.
  • Make a small depression in the middle and pour slightly warmed milk into it. After this, the products need to be stirred until smooth using a mixer.
  • Cover the container with a napkin and place it preferably in a warm place for two hours. This time is needed so that the cereal can swell a little.
  • Bake in a hot frying pan with enough vegetable oil. First, one side is fried until small holes appear on the surface of the workpiece and it no longer appears moist. After this, the pancakes can already be turned over.
  • Ruddy products can be hidden on a plate and immediately served with sour cream, honey or butter.

    Without flour

    Some people believe that flour is an essential ingredient, without which dishes such as pancakes and pancakes cannot be prepared. But this is not quite the case. Such a mass misconception is easy to refute if you try to prepare semolina pancakes or pancakes without flour, replacing it with another cereal.

    In this case, the following set of components is suitable: for 0.5 liters of kefir, 3 eggs, a glass of semolina and oatmeal, 50 grams of sugar, 12 grams of baking soda and 50-70 grams of vegetable oil.

    Flourless pancakes are very easy to make:

  • Both cereals must be mixed in a bowl, then pour kefir over them and leave for a couple of hours to swell.
  • Beat the egg separately, adding sugar, soda and salt.
  • Combine both mixtures, add oil and make the final knead.
  • After this, the moderately thick dough is completely ready for use. If it spreads a lot during the process, then next time you can just take a little more semolina. Now the pancakes can be baked in the usual way in a well-heated frying pan.

    A budget option

    If the house has run out of flour, and there is simply no money to buy eggs, then do not be discouraged. These temporary difficulties will not prevent the housewife from preparing delicious semolina pancakes for breakfast, the recipe for which will consist of the following products: 200 milliliters of kefir, 4 grams of soda, 200 grams of semolina, a dessert spoon of lemon juice, a little salt and vanillin, as well as vegetable oil.

    The dish prepares very quickly:

  • First, kefir needs to be heated to approximately 40 degrees.
  • Add semolina to it, mix and leave for 20 minutes in this state.
  • Add slaked soda lemon juice, sugar and vanillin. The components must be thoroughly mixed so that the dough is almost homogeneous.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan, and then carefully spoon out the mixture with a tablespoon, leaving sufficient gaps between the pieces. This is necessary so that the pancakes do not stick together during the frying process.
  • To remove excess fat, the finished products must first be placed on a napkin or paper towel. It is better to serve baked goods with yogurt or sour cream.

    Semi-finished pancakes

    A good housewife knows that semolina is not only a nutritious breakfast, but also an excellent basis for delicious baked goods. This is worth remembering for those who have small children. If a child refuses to eat porridge, then you should not scold him for this and throw away the product. Ready dish can be used as a semi-finished product. Semolina porridge pancakes are prepared very quickly and without much effort.

    To work, you can use the following recipe: for 200 grams of thick porridge, 2 teaspoons of sugar, 125 grams of yogurt, 60 grams of wheat flour and half a teaspoon of slaked soda.

    The whole process takes place in three stages:

  • First, grind the porridge with yogurt, and then gradually add flour until the mixture reaches the desired consistency of thick sour cream.
  • Add the remaining ingredients and mix everything well.
  • Now all that remains is to heat the oil in a frying pan and bake the pancakes on both sides until a characteristic crust appears.
  • If the baby refuses porridge, then he will eat such a dish with pleasure.


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    If you want to bake pancakes or pancakes, but don’t have any flour on hand, no problem! The most delicious and tender pancakes are obtained precisely from semolina. They are easy to prepare and also have less calories. The recipe for this baking is also suitable for novice housewives, because... does not require culinary experience or knowledge. Your whole family will love semolina pancakes!

    You will need

    • – 300 gr. semolina;
    • – 250 ml. kefir;
    • – 50 ml. drinking water;
    • – 2 tablespoons of sugar;
    • - a pinch of salt;
    • - 2 eggs;
    • – a pinch of soda;
    • – a pinch of cinnamon;
    • - vegetable oil.


    Mix eggs, salt, sugar and cinnamon with a blender or whisk until foamy.

    Pour in kefir and beat well.

    Add semolina and soda. Stir the dough so that it turns out without lumps.

    Pancakes are a culinary product that occupies one of the main places among Russian cuisine. They are fried flatbreads made from an egg-based batter and flour. But even in ancient times, people tried to add variety to their diet and used unusual products to prepare famous dishes. For example, we prepared semolina pancakes by adding cereal to the standard recipe. The product changed its appearance and acquired a new unusual taste.

    Useful addition

    Semolina pancakes can be prepared with water, milk or kefir. Not only the consistency, but also the nutritional value of the product will depend on this.

    For example, we can consider one of the options when semolina pancakes are obtained by using the following components: a glass of wheat flour requires half a liter of milk, a little salt, 3 raw eggs, 100 grams of 50 grams of sugar and a tablespoon of dry yeast.

    Semolina pancakes are prepared as follows:

  • The first step is to sift the flour.
  • Then mix all the bulk ingredients in one container.
  • Make a small depression in the middle and pour slightly warmed milk into it. After this, the products need to be stirred until smooth using a mixer.
  • Cover the container with a napkin and place it preferably in a warm place for two hours. This time is needed so that the cereal can swell a little.
  • Bake in a hot frying pan with enough vegetable oil. First, one side is fried until small holes appear on the surface of the workpiece and it no longer appears moist. After this, the pancakes can already be turned over.
  • Ruddy products can be hidden on a plate and immediately served with sour cream, honey or butter.

    Without flour

    Some believe that flour is an essential ingredient, without which dishes such as pancakes and pancakes cannot be prepared. But this is not quite the case. Such a mass misconception can be easily refuted if you try to prepare semolina pancakes or pancakes without flour, replacing it with another cereal.

    In this case, the following set of components is suitable: for 0.5 liters of kefir, 3 eggs, a glass of semolina and oatmeal, 50 grams of sugar, 12 grams of baking soda and 50-70 grams of vegetable oil.

    Flourless pancakes are very easy to make:

  • Both cereals must be mixed in a bowl, then pour kefir over them and leave for a couple of hours to swell.
  • Beat the egg separately, adding sugar, soda and salt.
  • Combine both mixtures, add oil and make the final knead.
  • After this, the moderately thick dough is completely ready for use. If it spreads a lot during the process, then next time you can just take a little more semolina. Now the pancakes can be baked in the usual way in a well-heated frying pan.

    A budget option

    If the house has run out of flour, and there is simply no money to buy eggs, then do not be discouraged. These temporary difficulties will not prevent the housewife from preparing delicious semolina for breakfast, which will consist of the following products: 200 milliliters of kefir, 4 grams of soda, 200 grams of semolina, a dessert spoon of lemon juice, a little salt and vanillin, as well as vegetable oil.

    The dish prepares very quickly:

  • First, kefir needs to be heated to approximately 40 degrees.
  • Add semolina to it, mix and leave for 20 minutes in this state.
  • Add soda, slaked with lemon juice, sugar and vanillin. The components must be thoroughly mixed so that the dough is almost homogeneous.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan, and then carefully spoon out the mixture with a tablespoon, leaving sufficient gaps between the pieces. This is necessary so that the pancakes do not stick together during the frying process.
  • To remove excess fat, the finished products must first be placed on a napkin or paper towel. It is better to serve baked goods with yogurt or sour cream.

    Semi-finished pancakes

    A good housewife knows that semolina porridge is not only a nutritious breakfast, but also an excellent basis for delicious baked goods. This is worth remembering for those who have small children. If a child refuses to eat porridge, then you should not scold him for this and throw away the product. The finished dish can be used as a semi-finished product. Semolina porridge pancakes are prepared very quickly and without much effort.

    To work, you can use the following recipe: for 200 grams of thick porridge, 2 teaspoons of sugar, 125 grams of yogurt, 60 grams of wheat flour and half a teaspoon of slaked soda.

    The whole process takes place in three stages:

  • First, grind the porridge with yogurt, and then gradually add flour until the mixture reaches the desired consistency of thick sour cream.
  • Add the remaining ingredients and mix everything well.
  • Now all that remains is to heat the oil in a frying pan and bake the pancakes on both sides until a characteristic crust appears.
  • If the baby refuses porridge, then he will eat such a dish with pleasure.