Prepare pizza dough from dry yeast. Dough for delicious pizza with dry yeast

We all love pizza! Some people prefer the Italian delicacy with mushrooms, some are not indifferent to pizza with chicken, and others cannot live without spicy toppings. There are too many flavors to count, but one thing remains unchanged in this dish - the dough. Of course have various options its preparation, but personally I believe that real pizza dough is water, yeast, flour and vegetable oil - the simplest and “correct” ingredients.

The rule that I always follow when cooking yeast dough for pizza on water, is as follows: for 1 volume of water, 3 volumes of flour are used. Knowing this magic formula, you can always make the dough yourself. Next, take yeast (the easiest to use is dry yeast in bags), vegetable oil (olive or sunflower, whatever is available) and a generous pinch of salt. That's all we need.

So, to prepare yeast pizza dough on water, we will need the ingredients presented below.

First, combine warm water and yeast in a bowl (5-6 grams is half a standard bag or 2 level teaspoons), mix well. Add vegetable oil and salt.

Now gradually sift the flour and mix the mixture with a whisk to avoid the formation of lumps in the dough.

Don’t rush to add all the flour at once, knead the dough slowly but surely. When it becomes more difficult to stir with a whisk, take a spoon and then switch to kneading the dough by hand.

Knead the dough with your hands until it becomes elastic, soft, and does not stick to your fingers. You may need a little less flour or, conversely, more flour than indicated in the recipe, it depends on its quality, so rely on your feelings. If you feel that the dough has already become elastic, there is no need to add more flour. As a last resort, after it rises, you can correct the situation by adding a couple more spoons. If there is more flour, it will be more difficult to change the position, and in the end you will get a hard crust instead of soft dough. Therefore, immediately pay attention to its kneading.

Form the dough into a ball, sprinkle with flour and leave in a warm place to rise for 60-90 minutes.

After the specified time, the dough should rise 2 times. Transfer it to a floured surface and knead. Yeast pizza dough on water is ready to use!

The resulting amount of dough is enough for 2 small pizzas of medium thickness. My advice: make pizza often - prepare a lot of dough at a time and freeze it, you can use it at any time without getting dirty or fooling around with its preparation.

Pizza, from the very moment it appeared on the culinary horizon, has been and remains one of the most favorite dishes of millions of people. It is prepared in numerous establishments Catering Worldwide. It is also a favorite for home cooking.

Both adults and children love her equally; both meat eaters and vegetarians. It is prepared both in the homeland of its origin and in different parts of the world. Its name sounds the same in all languages, so no one needs to explain what it is.

Nowadays, it is not difficult for lovers of this dish to eat it at any time. There are special establishments where it is prepared, and there is also an almost 24-hour delivery service. delicious baked goods on house. Stores also sell semi-finished products with with different fillings. In order to bring it to the state of the finished product, you just need to warm it in the oven or microwave, or keep it there for a longer time.

But despite such accessibility, many still strive to cook this tasty dish Houses. Firstly, it turns out cheaper, secondly, you can cook it with any filling and thirdly, and most importantly - it’s homemade, it’s homemade. Everything that is prepared with love and with your own hands always turns out tastier.

The filling plays an important role, that’s clear! And it can be different, some like the classic ones, those that are traditionally used in cooking, while others cook “in Russian”, where what is in the refrigerator is used as a filling. It’s hard to argue here, because as you know, there’s no arguing about tastes.

But what you can’t really argue with is the fact that for any baking, the most important thing is the base, that is, the dough from which the baked goods are actually prepared. If it turns out dry and hard, then nothing, even the most delicious filling. It is a properly prepared tasty base that does this Italian dish truly delicious.

Therefore, special attention is always paid to its preparation. Pizza is no exception. In Italy family recipes preparations are passed down from generation to generation, from mother to daughter. Carefully stored and used with great love and respect.

Maybe you also have the same recipes in your collection. And for those who haven’t yet, I suggest the following options.

Basically, the foundation differs in three main characteristics. It can be yeast, yeast-free and puff pastry. Within each category, there are different options regarding ingredients and cooking methods themselves. There are thin and thick varieties, which can be prepared from any of the proposed options.

Many people like to cook this way. It cooks quickly, is tasty and slightly crispy, and it is not so high in calories, as it turns out thin.

There are general basics and ingredients for its preparation, knowledge of which will allow you to prepare any dough from available products.

  • It is best to use the highest quality flour from durum varieties wheat
  • flour must be sifted twice through a sieve to saturate it with oxygen
  • V wheat flour corn or ground bran may be added
  • very often dried herbs are added to flour, as a rule, these are herbs that give an aromatic aroma, for example Provençal
  • either drinking water (maybe even mineral water with gas), or milk, some fermented milk product, or mayonnaise is added as a liquid component
  • eggs may or may not be added
  • oil, usually olive oil, preferably of the highest grade, cold pressed “Extra Virgin”. If there is no such oil, then you can use any other vegetable oil, but of the highest grade
  • salt, sugar, spices
  • baking soda or baking powder, they allow you to achieve softness. In addition, baked goods will not go stale longer during storage. Although, as a rule, there is usually nothing to store, everything is eaten much faster.
  • After kneading, the dough must lie down and rest for 20-30 minutes, this will make it more elastic and soft. It will be easier to roll it out.

  • there are recipes where it is prepared liquid foundation. In this case, she does not need to lie down. It can be used, and even recommended, immediately after mixing.

This is the dough we used to make. There are four of them different recipes for every season.

Well, now, let's look at the cooking options.

Thin dough with olive oil

We will need:

  • flour - 2 cups
  • boiled water - 0.5 cups
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • soda - 0.5 teaspoon
  • salt - 1 teaspoon (or baking powder)


1. Sift the flour into a bowl twice. Make a depression in the middle. Pour some boiled water into it room temperature. Add salt and olive oil.

When sifting flour, it is additionally saturated with oxygen, and the dough becomes softer and airier. This should always be done when working with flour, and when baking any flour products.

2. Mix the mixture with a spoon. Quench the soda with vinegar. Add to the total mass. Instead of soda, you can use baking powder, you will need 1 tablespoon. Add remaining water. Mix first with a spoon, then place on a table sprinkled with flour.

3. Knead elastic dough. Knead for at least 10 minutes, then cover with a damp towel. Let it brew for 20-30 minutes.

Cover it with a damp towel so that it acquires better elasticity and pliability. In addition, it will take in the missing water if necessary.

4. Then cut off a part of it, roll it out or stretch it with your hands into a layer of the desired thickness, and transfer it to a baking dish or onto a baking sheet.

5. Grease with tomato sauce or paste. Place the filling. Bake until done.

Recipe without yeast in 5 minutes

As you can see from the title of the chapter, this is very fast, and I’ll also add easy way preparations. In addition, it is also low-cost. And all the products can be found in every refrigerator.

We will need:

  • wheat flour - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • egg - 3 pcs
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - a pinch
  • vegetable oil for lubrication


1. Break the eggs into a bowl and beat them with a fork or whisk.

2. Add mayonnaise and salt and continue whisking. You should get a homogeneous mass.

3. Gradually add flour sifted through a sieve and mix. It should be pretty batter, the consistency is like thick sour cream.

4. Grease the frying pan or baking sheet vegetable oil and pour out the resulting mass. Flatten with a spoon.

5. Lay out the filling. Bake or simmer in a frying pan.

This recipe belongs to the category, is prepared in 10 minutes, and therefore does not require an abundance of filling. Therefore, take this into account when preparing it.

Kefir dough

In fact, this option can be prepared from any fermented milk products. You can use fermented baked milk, yogurt or spoiled milk, natural yogurt without aromatic additives and fruits, naturally. You can also add sour cream, mixed with boiled water to the consistency of kefir. But today we are cooking with kefir.

And this option turns out very tender and tasty. It just melts in your mouth, and you always want to eat baked goods made from it with some additives. So keep this in mind when you start cooking.

We will need:

  • flour - 2 -2.5 cups
  • kefir - 1 glass
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt - a pinch
  • soda - 0.5 teaspoon (or baking powder 1 teaspoon)


1. Remove kefir from the refrigerator in advance so that it comes to room temperature. You can even keep it slightly warm. To do this, you can warm it by briefly placing it in a bowl of hot water.

2. Pour kefir into a bowl, add soda and stir. Small bubbles will appear on the surface. This is good, since the soda reacted with kefir and the dough will end up in a hole, and the finished product will be very tasty.

3. Add salt and mix.

4. Break the egg into a bowl, stir until smooth.

5. Add oil. As noted above, it is better to use extra virgin olive oil. Or any premium vegetable oil.

6. Sift the flour and add the mixture to it. Knead the dough, adding a little more sifted flour if necessary. It should turn out pretty cool.

7. Divide into two equal parts, roll each into a ball. Place in a bowl, cover with a damp towel. Let sit for 20 - 30 minutes.

8. Roll each part into a large circle.

9. Grease a baking sheet with oil. Transfer the base onto it, stretch it with your hands if necessary. Try not to make the edges too thin.

10. Place the filling and bake in the oven.

Kefir dough - recipe No. 2

And here's one interesting recipe I found it on the Internet.

I liked it, and so did you! I think that baking according to this recipe will certainly be delicious. Somewhat long, of course, but what can you do, because we know that “art takes time.”

Italian cooking recipe

This is very delicious recipe, according to which it always turns out very delicious result. So be sure to take note of it.

We will need:

  • flour - 4 cups
  • milk - 1 glass
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 1 teaspoon


1. Break the eggs into a bowl and mix them with a fork.

2. Continuing to stir, add salt, milk and butter. The mass should be homogeneous, and no bubbles should form.

3. Sift the flour and gradually add it to the liquid component. Mix first with a spoon.

4. Then place the mixture on a floured table and knead the dough into a stiff dough, as shown.

5. Roll it into a ball, place it in a bowl and cover with a damp towel. Leave for 20-30 minutes.

6. Then divide it into pieces of the desired size, roll each one out. Place the filling on it and bake in the oven.

There are also other recipes without yeast. You can see them in another note on. And we'll move on to the next category of recipes.

Yeast pizza dough

There are also rules for preparing this option. In principle, all the rules are the same as for yeast-free, but there are also specific ones that relate only to this category.

  • yeast can be used either fresh or dry. Although when Italians prepare this dish at home, they try to use fresh live yeast.
  • if the yeast has been sitting for a long time and its expiration date has expired, then there is no need to use it, it will be of no use
  • all products must also be fresh
  • Water, milk and fermented milk products can be used as a liquid component. But it is desirable that they are slightly warm. This will make the fermentation process easier and faster, and the dough will rise faster.
  • It is always necessary to add a little sugar to the dough, again to improve the fermentation process
  • Never add more salt than the recipe calls for. Its excess slows down the fermentation process, and the dough “floats”
  • You can add eggs, but without eggs the base is thinner. This should be taken into account when preparing
  • it should infuse from 1.5 to 5 - 6 hours
  • it should not be too tight, this will make the pizza tough
  • can be added to it aromatic herbs and fresh herbs
  • you need to knead the finished dough thoroughly and until it begins to move away from your hands
  • When forming the base, many Italians do not use a rolling pin. They stretch it with their hands
  • if you are preparing a thin version of the workpiece, then you do not need to overload it with filling
  • Before adding the filling, coat the base with oil. In this case, the filling will not stick to the base and will not allow it to get soggy.
  • so that the edges of the finished product acquire a pleasant golden hue, they need to be greased with oil
  • To make it crispy, it should be baked at a temperature of 200 -220 degrees
  • To prevent it from becoming too dry, it should not be left in the oven

  • If you have an extra piece left, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. To do this, you need to wrap it in cling film.

Both fluffy and thin pizzas are prepared using the yeast method. Let's look at some recipes.

The simplest yeast dough

We will need:

  • wheat flour - 500 gr
  • fresh yeast - 20 g (or dry instant yeast - 12 g bag)
  • olive oil - 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • warm water - 1 glass


1. Pour half the warm water into a bowl and stir the sugar in it, then dissolve the yeast. Add half of the sifted flour. Stir until smooth and place in a warm place for 15-20 minutes.

2. Add salt to the remaining flour and mix. Gradually add flour to the dough. Knead. Add more flour if necessary. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, you can grease them with vegetable oil or sprinkle them with flour.

3. Place it in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours, covering it with a damp towel. After the time has passed, knead it and divide it into pieces. Place one part in the mold, stretching it with your hands to create the desired shape. Usually they try to make it thinner in the middle, and thicker, with sides, at the edges. It will be convenient to put the filling into such a base.

Lubricate the top olive oil.

This is very important point preparation - the surface of the base in contact with juicy filling It won’t get soggy, it will bake well and the pizza will turn out especially tasty and tender!

4. Grease with sauce and add filling. Bake until done.

Delicious yeast dough

I suggest watching a video where you can see not only the entire cooking process, but also learn some secrets.

With this recipe, the pizza always turns out tender and tasty.

Thin yeast dough for pizza with milk

This is an option butter dough, which also finds its use in cooking.

We will need:

  • flour - 500 gr
  • milk - 1 glass
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • fresh yeast - 10 g (dry 5 - 6 g)
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • salt - 0.5 tsp


1. First, let's prepare the dough. To do this, we will need to have warm milk, which we will need to pour over the prepared yeast. For better process During fermentation, add sugar to the mixture.

2. Let stand for 15 - 20 minutes until the mixture becomes “live” and a foam cap appears on its surface.

3. Sift the flour twice into a bowl or onto the table in a heap. Make a funnel-shaped depression in the center.

4. Pour the dough into it, add salt, olive oil and the remaining milk. Mix carefully. Then knead.

5. Place the resulting mass in a bowl, cover with a towel and place in a warm place for an hour to an hour and a half, until it rises and approximately doubles in volume.

6. Then divide the mass into 2 - 3 parts, form a base and place it on a greased baking sheet.

7. Place the filling and bake until done.

To prevent the dough from drying out at the edges, they should be left minimal and greased butter. Grease the rest of the base with olive oil and the sauce. Then add the filling.

Yeast base for fluffy pizza

Many products are baked thin, and they have their fans. But I know people who simply do not recognize such food. They believe that a flour product should be fluffy. And that's why this recipe is for them.

We will need:

  • wheat flour - 2 cups
  • warm water - 200 ml
  • dry yeast - 6 g (a little more than half a bag)
  • olive oil - 5 ml
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • salt - a pinch


1. Dissolve yeast in half of warm water. Add sugar and let stand for 15 - 20 minutes. During this time, the fermentation process should begin.

2. Meanwhile, sift the flour into a bowl twice.

3. Make a depression in the center. Stir salt in the remaining water and pour into the well. Add olive oil and shake lightly with a fork.

4. Pour in the dough that has arrived at that time, stir with a fork or spoon in a circular motion, gradually grabbing and mixing in the flour.

5. Then continue kneading the dough with your hands.

6. Grease a large bowl or pan with oil and place the resulting mass into it. Cover with a towel and leave for 2 - 3 hours. During this time it will double in volume.

7. Knead the dough. Transfer to a greased baking sheet and stretch it into shape.

8. Lay out the filling. Bake until done.

Recipe like in a pizzeria

I want to suggest classic recipe preparing dough for Margherita pizza. Perhaps this is the most common variety in the world. And its base is used to prepare many other varieties.

We will need (for 2 servings):

  • flour - 250 gr
  • warm water - 250 ml
  • fresh yeast - 10 g (or 1/3 of a small packet of dry yeast)
  • sugar - a pinch
  • salt - a pinch
  • olive oil - for greasing


1. First, let's prepare the dough. To do this, mix yeast, sugar and 2 tablespoons of warm water. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and place in a warm place for 20-30 minutes.

2. After the time is up, sift the remaining flour twice, the last time on the table in the form of a slide.

3. Make a small depression in the middle. Pour the dough into it, add salt and half a glass of warm water. Knead.

4. Knead until it stops sticking to your hands. This usually takes 10 - 15 minutes.

5. Place the prepared mass in a large bowl and cover it with a towel. Place in a warm place for 1 hour. During this time, if fresh yeast was used, the mass should double in volume.

6. Grease a baking sheet with oil. Divide the risen dough into two parts. Form a base, place the filling on it and bake until done.

Let me remind you that the traditional Margherita is filled with tomatoes, mozzarella and Parmesan cheese, olive oil and fresh basil leaves.

And again I want to send you to mine. There I have a very interesting recipe from the world famous chef Jamie Oliver. The good thing about this recipe is that you can prepare the dough in advance and freeze it in freezer and then use it as needed.

Puff pastry

In addition to the above recipes, the dough can also be puff pastry, which in turn can also be made with yeast or without yeast. People often ask which one is better to use for this? And there is no clear opinion on that question - as many people, so many opinions!

Basically, it is prepared from ready-made store-bought analogues. Since preparing it at home is far from a quick process. And when there is a pack of ready-made ones in the refrigerator, you can bake it quite quickly.

Let's figure out what the difference is between yeast and yeast-free puff pastry.

There are a lot of layers in yeast-free - up to 140 pieces, with oil between them. Because of this, it is softer, but also very high in calories.

In yeast, there are much fewer layers, about 30. Therefore, it is somewhat dry and not so greasy. But it rises more strongly during baking, and it cannot be otherwise, because it contains yeast.

Therefore, the yeast version is used for cooking sweet filling, and yeast-free for unsweetened.

That's what the experts say. But they often cook without even knowing these features. Since it can be difficult to determine by taste which of them was used in preparation.

There are some simple rules for preparing flour products from puff pastry.

  • It should be defrosted at room temperature or in the refrigerator
  • Under no circumstances should you defrost it in the microwave, otherwise the butter in the layers will melt ahead of time and the baked goods will not rise, and the dough will lose its structure and tear. And the finished products will not be tasty.
  • When baking pizza or other products, do not open the oven door and make sure it is closed tightly.
  • When baking, it is important to maintain time. If the products brown too much, this will give them a bitter, unpleasant taste.
  • Pizza should usually be baked on the second rack from the bottom so that it is well baked on the bottom and does not brown too much on top.

Sometimes it is prepared from shortcrust pastry. Especially its sweet versions. I will not describe these recipes here, since a good article on this topic has already been written on this topic. Therefore, if you are interested, then follow the link and there you will find

And that’s probably all for today. I hope that you will find today's article useful and thanks to it you will always be able to prepare any dough for a delicious Italian dish.

And for those who are preparing it today...

Bon appetit!

One of the most popular and favorite dishes in the world, originating in Italy, is pizza! The basis for it is a flatbread made from thin dough with various fillings deli meats, cheese and vegetables.

To enjoy the cooking process and please your loved ones, you must first of all good recipe test. It is very important to maintain the proportions of ingredients and follow the cooking technology. To work, you will need the following equipment: oven, large and small bowls, whisk, parchment paper, kitchen knife, cutting board, rolling pin.

Simple recipe classic test with dry yeast

Dissolve yeast, salt and sugar in a small bowl of warm water. Add one tablespoon of flour, mix and set aside the dough for 10 minutes. It should ferment at room temperature, this will be indicated by the bubbles that appear on the resulting mixture.

In a large container, whisk together the sifted flour and butter and add the previously prepared flour.

Then knead thoroughly and roll the dough into a ball, grease with oil, wrap in film and set aside for 90 minutes. Delicious dough Ready for pizza with dry yeast.

Divide the dough increased during this time into three balls, roll out thinly, and distribute on a baking sheet with parchment.

Coat the base with tomato sauce, lay out the prepared ingredients and place in the oven. Bake for 10 minutes at 210°C.

Recipe for thin quick dough with dry yeast

It only takes 40 minutes to prepare.

Calorie content: 229 kcal/100 g of product.

In a small bowl, mix sugar and a little warm water, stir and dilute the yeast. Pour the remaining flour into an empty bowl, make a hole with a whisk, pour in the oil, salt and prepared yeast, pour in warm water, knead thoroughly.

Sprinkle quick dough flour, cover with film, wrap in a thick towel and put in a warm place without drafts for 20-25 minutes. While the dough is rising, you can prepare the filling and sauce.

Divide the resulting dough into two parts, knead a little and roll out to the desired size. Cover the baking sheet parchment paper, sprinkle with flour and lay out the base. At the end of the process, fill with any filling and bake in a preheated oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 220-230°C.

The best recipe for yeast pizza dough with mineral sparkling water

The entire cooking process will take 90 minutes.

Calorie content: 260 kcal/100 g of product.

Mix sugar with the required amount of yeast in a small container, pour warm carbonated mineral water and leave for 8-10 minutes until a foam cap appears. Pour the infused mixture into a large bowl, sift flour, salt into it, add oil. Gently mix all the ingredients, cover and set aside for 1 hour in a warm, dry place. Ready dough cut in half, roll out into shape and lay out any products to your taste and bake at 220 ° C for 15 minutes.

  • Stretch the edges of the dough with your fingers, so the pizza will have a uniform thickness;
  • To prevent the dish from becoming too dry, sprinkle olive oil on top and place it on a heated baking sheet;
  • Do not put a lot of toppings on thin traditional pizza so that it does not tear or fall apart;
  • the remaining dough is perfectly stored in the freezer, just put it on baking paper and wrap it in film;
  • When making yeast dough, water should not be heated above 30-40°C, since hot water trembling will die;
  • The flour must be sifted to saturate it with oxygen, then the dough will turn out soft and tender.
  • Olive oil is traditionally used, but sunflower oil is also suitable;
  • Pizza is always baked only in a preheated oven.

Bon appetit!

First, to bake pizza, you need to make the pizza dough correctly. Nowadays, pizza is so widespread in our country that even kids know about it. And it would seem, well, what’s special there? I rolled out the flatbread, put everything that was lying around in the refrigerator there, and in the oven. No, it's not that simple. All products must be the freshest, and the dough is the most important ingredient.

When in our home-made bakeries, in the first years of perestroika, they began to make pizza, it was made, not baked, it was dough fried with sausage. And only in our time pizzerias appeared and many people learned what real pizza is.

How to make pizza dough. Step-by-step recipes with photos

You and I will first learn how to prepare the dough and in two recipes I will show you how to prepare pizza. If you like it, write in the comments, I will devote another article on how to prepare pizza.



  • Flour - 2-3 cups
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 20 g.
  • Water - 200 ml.


1. Break an egg into a deep cup, add a teaspoon of sugar, a teaspoon of salt.

2. Mix everything until the salt and sugar dissolve.

3. Add vegetable oil, in principle you can take any refined one, but the native ingredient is olive oil. Add one full tablespoon of oil and a little more, less than a quarter spoon. Stirred.

4. Add a glass of water here. The water should be warm, slightly warmer than room temperature. Mix everything and set aside for now.

5. We begin to prepare the dough. Prepare the countertop where you will knead the dough. Sift two cups of flour onto the prepared surface in a heap.

6. Add a teaspoon of baking powder to the flour. Mix it a little into the flour. Make a small depression in the top of the mound of flour.

7. Take the prepared mixture of eggs and water and begin to pour the mixture into the flour in very small parts, immediately mixing the mixture into the flour and continuing to pour in the egg mixture very slowly and little by little until you have poured in the entire mixture and you should already have a dough, not yet kneaded. , in pieces. And there is still a lot of torment around him.

In total, it should take you at least 10 minutes, or even 15. Well, now the dough is ready. It turned out quite dense, but soft. It shouldn't stick to your hands. If it sticks, sprinkle a little flour on your work area and knead again.

9. Now we make this “ham loaf” from the dough.

10. Divide it into 2 or 3 parts. Depending on how big your pizza pan is.

11. If you are making only one pizza, then leave one piece of dough, and put the rest in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator or even in the freezer, if not for one day. They will absolutely not lose their properties.

12. First, from the remaining piece of dough, we make a flat cake with our hands.

13. We made a small cake and continue to roll it out with a rolling pin into a sheet of the thickness and size we need.

14. Grease a pizza baking pan, in our case it’s a frying pan, with vegetable oil and place our rolled out pizza dough into the pan.

15. Stretch the dough over the pan, bending the edges slightly up onto the side walls of the pan. Well, we have prepared the dough for you. Well, let's assemble the pizza, don't let the dough go to waste.

Assembling pizza for baking

16. Turn on the oven to standard 200° for pizza, it all depends on the filling. The juicier your filling, the longer the pizza will bake, and the lower the temperature should be set, but not less than 180°. If you have a dry filling, you can set it to 220° and 240°.

17. Of course, you can use any ingredients for pizza, as long as they are combined. We take tomato sauce, grease the dough with it. You can take mayonnaise.

18. Sprinkle with chopped onions.

19. Place pickled cucumbers cut into slices.

20. The next layer is also semi-smoked sausage cut into slices.

21. Cover everything with slices of mozzarella cheese. The filling is ready. Place our pizza in the preheated oven.

22. Watch the edges of the dough peeking out from the filling. As soon as the dough begins to turn golden, the pizza is ready. Our filling will always be ready, because it is from finished products. So watch the test.

23. After ten minutes, turn up the heat to 210° and look at the dough.

24. All the dough has turned golden, the pizza is ready. Remove from the oven.

We cut it into pieces with a pizza knife, this is how it turned out beautiful and tasty.

Bon appetit!


For pizza with a diameter of 30 cm.

  • Water - 100 g.
  • Flour - 1.5 cups
  • yeast - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Olive oil, you can take any vegetable oil, not refined - 2 tbsp.


1. Pour warm water, slightly warmer than room temperature, into a deep cup. Add yeast and sugar. Stir and set aside while the yeast activates.

2. 15 minutes passed, the yeast began to bubble, which means the yeast is good.

3. Add salt.

4. Pour in vegetable oil.

5. We begin to add flour little by little, stirring the flour and water all the time. Stir a little, add more flour and do this 3-4 times.

6. What you should get is not even dough yet, but individual pieces of flour glued together with water. But you must continue to stir persistently, picking up flour from the edges into the dough.

7. When you have something similar to dough, you can start kneading the dough further with your hands.

8. While kneading with your hands, also pick up flour from the edges, mixing it into the dough.

9. Knead until all the flour in the cup is mixed into the dough and the dough stops sticking to your hands.

10. Our dough is almost ready.

Cover the dough with cling film and let it rest for 15-30 minutes.

Well, you can start baking pizza. You already know how to do this. Ingredients according to your taste.

Bake with a mood! Eat with pleasure!

Bon appetit!


  • Water - 300 ml.
  • Flour - 500 g.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar - a pinch
  • Yeast - 1 sachet 12 g.


1. Pour water into a deep cup, the water should be warm, slightly warmer than room temperature. Add half the vegetable oil there and begin to little by little add flour to the water. Just over half of the flour (or less than half, depending on what kind of flour you have).

2. Knead the dough a little thinner than for pancakes. It is desirable that the dough is without lumps. If there are small lumps, it's okay. Salt the dough and move it to the side for now.

3. Pour the yeast into a smaller cup, add a teaspoon of sugar.

4. Add a little bit of yeast into the yeast, at first you can even use a spoon, add warm water and stir all the time. You should get a homogeneous mass.

5. Be sure to add a spoonful of flour so that the yeast begins to work with the flour and mix everything thoroughly.

6. Pour the yeast mixture into the previously prepared dough.

7. We begin to add the remaining flour in parts, but not all. About half of the rest.

8. Mix the dough, breaking up all lumps, until smooth. The dough should turn out like pancakes, even a little thicker. Set the dough aside for 10-15 minutes. Let it wander a little and come up.

9. When the dough has risen, mix it well again. The dough has stood and bubbles appear when stirred.

10. Pour the remaining flour onto the prepared surface and place our dough into it.

11. Now we envelop all this flour in the dough.

Continue kneading the dough

12. Start kneading.

13. We had 500 g of flour, all of it needed to be mixed into the dough. Check the dough, if it still sticks to your hands, then you need to add a little more flour and knead. This will already be more than 500 g, but unfortunately, flour is different everywhere, a lot depends on this. And it's okay if you add a little more.

14. Pour the remaining vegetable oil onto the work surface.

15. Roll all our dough in oil on all sides

and try to mix the butter into the dough.

16. The butter is mixed in, the dough does not stick to your hands, it is tight. Lightly sprinkle the surface with flour, place the dough on the flour, sprinkle flour on top of the dough and leave to rest for 10-15 minutes.

That's it, after 15 minutes our dough is completely ready, you can bake the pizza.

Bon appetit!

  1. Video - Pizza dough - classic


  • Flour - 3 cups without a slide (glass volume - 250 ml.)
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Honey - 1 tsp.
  • Instant yeast - 4 g.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp.


1. Sift the flour into a cup in which we will prepare the dough.

2. Pour a quarter glass of water into another glass. The water should be warm.

3. Add a teaspoon of honey and dry yeast to the glass into which the water has been poured. Actually, this yeast is added to flour. We will add them to water with honey to activate them.

4. Set aside for 10-15 minutes, until a foamy cap appears. Add a teaspoon of salt to the rest of the water. Due to the fact that we have diluted the yeast in the honey solution, they are activated and the process of rising the dough will go very quickly.

5. Make a hole in the flour and pour it in salt water and diluted yeast.

6. Add a tablespoon of olive oil.

7. Knead the dough. Since flour varies from place to place, you may need a little more water. Place a glass of water nearby and you can add little by little. We needed about a couple of spoons. The dough should be tight, but not dry.

8. Pour a little oil into the bottom of the cup in which we work with the dough and grease the bowl.

9. Knead the dough until smooth and homogeneous. The dough is dense and not sticky.

10. Round the dough. Place in a greased bowl.

11. Cover the dough with a damp towel, but not wet, i.e. it must be wetted and squeezed out well. We send the dough to a warm place. I turn on the light in the oven and put it in there. And it gets warm there. You can cover it with something.

12. After 30 minutes, take out the dough. Look, it's already here. This is the result of what was added to the dough good yeast on honey solution.

13. Place the dough on the work table, punch it down and knead for another 2-3 minutes. Then round the dough again and put it in a warm place for another 10 minutes. Then it will be easier to divide it.

14. Divide the dough, look how bubbly and delicious it is inside.

15. From this amount of dough you will get 4 pizzas with a diameter of approximately 24 cm. We round each part of the dough; to do this, we gather the edges of the dough towards the center, until a smooth surface is formed. We roll up the seam.

16. Cover the rolled dough with a damp towel and leave to rest for about 15 minutes.

17. After 15 minutes, open the dough and first stretch it a little with your hands. The masters say that you need to stretch it with your hands until you get a finished cake, but I think it will be more convenient for us to do this with a rolling pin.

18. Take one part of the dough, cover the rest with a wet towel and roll it out to a thin circle with a rolling pin. Then we take the next one, etc. Cover the rolled out dough with a wet towel.

Bake the dough

19. All our dough is completely ready for baking. Now everything is as usual, lay out the filling and bake. Place a piece of rolled out dough on baking paper, stretch it slightly with your hands and grease with olive oil. The oil will create a barrier between the filling, which is quite wet, and the dough.

20. Spread the dough with tomato sauce.

21. Add some chopped onion and some bacon.

22. Place diced mozzarella cheese and diced tomatoes.

23. Place olives cut into rings on top and grated cheese Parmesan.

24. Place the pizza directly on the paper on a hot baking sheet.

25. At the very beginning, bake the pizza in the lower part of the oven. Our dough crust should be baked, but the filling should not burn.

26. Our cheese has melted, the bottom is baked, put the baking sheet higher. We bake the pizza in the middle of the oven for the last 2 minutes.

In total, pizza is baked for approximately 5-8 minutes at a temperature of 230°-250° C.

I really like this recipe. The pizza dough is thin and soft. It cooks quite quickly. It all takes a little over an hour.

The pizza tastes amazing. The pizza is ready. Beauty!

Bon appetit!

  1. Video - Kefir pizza dough

Bon appetit!

In the morning hot pizza With cheese crust will delight your husband when he comes out of the shower (you just need to know the recipe for quick pizza dough - and now you, like the most skilled sorceress, are ready to conjure a delicious breakfast!). At lunch, your colleagues will delight in a hearty “Marinara” or a classic “Margarita”, which you will share with everyone working with you in the same office ( homemade pizza on thick fluffy dough and after heating in microwave oven tastes great!). In the evening, the family will appreciate pizza on the most common yeast dough - with a glass of tart red wine, light French comedy and a warm homely atmosphere.

A party for friends, a children's birthday, a business lunch between trainings, a meeting with girlfriends, a picnic in nature - pizza is appropriate everywhere, desired and needed everywhere.

Surely you have your own proven recipe for pizza dough, which you use year after year: it doesn’t let you down, suits you completely and doesn’t force you to go online before every meal preparation to find something suitable. Of course, in this case, you are unlikely to be interested in any other option - and yet... don’t pass by! New recipe– this is always a chance to gain useful experience and write it down as a personal cookbook an even more successful way of preparing a familiar dish.

Not many people realize that the secret delicious pizza lies in successful test. You can experiment with fillings for a long time, you can replace some components with others, endlessly select the perfect tomato sauce, buy only best cheeses, but if the base is not tasty, you will never get a tasty pizza.

Let's talk about pizza dough?

The most common yeast dough for thin pizza

A classic of the genre, which in one interpretation or another is presented in all textbooks on Italian cuisine, which is used by chefs in famous restaurants and is most often used in standard recipes. Pizza is a folk food and simple, and therefore should not be prepared in a technically difficult or problematic manner. What's more, it doesn't include ingredients that are hard to find, cost a lot of money, and can't be bought at the corner store. The basic components of a simple yeast pizza dough are water, yeast, flour, salt and a little vegetable oil. Everything else is from the evil one.


175 g flour;
125 ml water;
1 tsp. yeast;
1/4 tsp. salt;
1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Dissolve yeast in warm water, add salt and oil. Gradually add flour and knead into a soft, non-sticky, elastic dough. After the dough is ready, take the time to knead it additionally on the table, adding one or two tablespoons of flour: yeast dough loves affection, and the three “bonus” minutes of attention you give him will only improve the quality of the finished dish.

Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and place it in a warm place until doubled in size. After this, you can knead the dough and start shaping the pizza.

The most common yeast dough for fluffy pizza

First secret happy pizza on a fluffy base - the dough for preparing this option is rolled out a little thicker than for a thin one. The second secret is slightly different proportions of flour and water.


225 ml water;
300 g flour;
1 tsp. yeast;
1/3 tsp. salt;
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Pour dry yeast with warm water and wait until it starts to “play”. After this, add salt, add vegetable oil (olive is ideal, sunflower is acceptable). Add flour little by little and knead into a smooth, pleasant, non-sticky dough. Leave it in a bowl, covered with a towel, for 1-1.5 hours before rising (the time depends on the room temperature and the quality of the products). After doubling the dough, we cheat and start assembling the pizza.

Pizza dough without yeast

Many housewives, for one reason or another, are looking for a good recipe for themselves. yeast-free dough for pizza. Some people do not perceive yeast at all as a healthy food, others this product is contraindicated, and still others simply do not have enough patience and time to wait for the yeast dough to rise. The solution is dough without yeast. Crispy, dry, thin and very tasty.


2 cups of flour;
0.5 glasses of milk;
1/2 tsp. salt;
1/2 tsp. soda;
2 eggs;
3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Mix flour, salt and soda. In a separate bowl, stir milk, eggs and butter. Pour two-thirds of the flour into the liquid mass, stir with a spoon until it becomes a homogeneous sticky substance. Put the spoon aside, grease your hands with vegetable oil and, gradually adding the remaining flour, begin to knead. Knead the dough for at least 10 minutes - you should get a smooth, shiny, even lump, very pleasant to the touch. Cover the dough with cling film and leave to rest for 15 minutes. After this you can work with the test.

Kefir pizza dough recipe

Kefir dough is loved by those who prefer quick options for making pizza - no need to knead for a long time, no need to wait for rise and proofing. Another significant plus kefir dough– banal disposal of leftovers: it often happens that a glass of kefir remains in the package, which no one wants to drink anymore. The expiration date is about to expire, and on the way home I bought a new portion of fermented milk products. Just throwing away the leftovers is a no-brainer, so you need to come up with something that will allow you to use them without forcing your family to drink kefir that has been sitting in the refrigerator for several days. The solution is kefir dough for pizza, classic or, for example, such a non-standard one as.


1 glass of kefir;
2.5 cups flour;
10 ml vegetable oil;
1 egg;
1/3 tsp. salt;
1/3 tsp. soda

Mix flour, salt and soda.

In a separate bowl, mix vegetable oil, kefir and egg.

Gradually add the dry mixture into the liquid mass and stir until a homogeneous sticky dough is obtained. You can’t knead it for a very long time - you will “drive out” all the air, and the dough will turn out “clogged” and hard. After all the ingredients are mixed, with your hands dipped in vegetable oil, pour the dough into a well-greased pan and spread it into an even layer. Then you can work with the filling.

Pizza dough with sour cream

Perhaps, among all the non-canonical pizza dough options, this one is the most interesting, tasty and convenient. Quite quickly (10 minutes maximum) and with minimal labor (measured, mixed, received), you have an excellent pizza base ready - tasty, tender, not dry or hard. Great option! Of course, a true pizzaiolo would most likely simply faint if presented with the indistinct mass without yeast, which we call sour cream pizza dough. Let's not make him nervous - we'll agree that it's official cooking masterpiece on liquid sour cream dough We will call it an open pie, but among ourselves we will continue to call it pizza. Homemade and extremely tasty.


1/2 cup sour cream;
1 egg;
1/2 tsp. soda;
1/2 tsp. salt;
1/2 cup flour.

Mix sour cream with egg, add salt and soda. Add flour and with a few sharp movements knead into a homogeneous, lumpy dough. Place it in a well-greased pan and level it with a spoon. You can work with the filling.

Pizza dough with cottage cheese

Soft, with a pleasant creamy aftertaste, tender and does not dry out for a long time. This is the dough that should be prepared for two large pizzas at once, because on the second day, and even on the third, it remains tasty and appetizing.


250 g cottage cheese;
1 egg;
50 g butter;
1/2 tsp. salt;
1/2 tsp. soda;
1.5 cups flour.

Grind the cottage cheese with the egg, add soda, salt and softened butter. Gradually add flour and knead soft dough. It may stick slightly to your hands - try to limit yourself to the specified amount of flour so as not to “clog” the dough and make it tough. To distribute the dough on a baking sheet, line it with baking paper, lightly grease it with vegetable oil and place a ball of dough in the middle. With wet hands, stretch the dough in all directions, achieving an even layer. Next you can add the filling.

Yeast puff pastry for pizza

And this is the most labor-intensive of all the pizza dough recipes given. Obviously no one will cook this every day, but sometimes you can treat yourself to wonderful puff pastry made with yeast - it is soft, crispy, tender, and substantial at the same time.


200 g butter;
3 cups flour;
7 g yeast;
1/2 tsp. salt;
3/4 cup liquid;
1 egg;
3 tsp. Sahara.

Pour warm water into a bowl, add sugar and yeast.

Quickly rub the ice cream butter into the flour coarse grater, mix quickly until crumbs are obtained.

After the yeast begins to “play,” add the egg, stir well and pour into the flour mixture. Stir without fanaticism, add another spoon or two of flour if necessary, gather the dough into a ball and, covering the bowl with cling film, put the dough in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours. After this, the dough can be taken out and cut.

Beer pizza dough


1/2 glass of beer;
125 g butter (half a pack);
1/3 tsp. salt;
1/3 tsp. soda;
1.5-2 cups of flour.

Mix beer with melted butter, add salt and soda. Stir in the flour - you should get a soft, non-sticky dough, very pleasant and tender. Roll it out into thin layer or stretch it with your hands and fill it with filling.

Pizza made from ready-made dough

An option for the lazy, busy, in a hurry and who hate “playing” with dough, but who love to eat delicious food - store-bought pizza puff pastry, fresh or yeast. Defrost, place on a baking sheet, spread the filling and put in the oven - that’s it. It cannot be said that with such manipulations you will get a culinary masterpiece, however, the fact that dinner will be much tastier than a store-bought semi-finished product can be said with complete confidence.

5 cooking tips delicious dough for pizza:

  1. It seems to many that the unfortunate half spoon of salt in the dough is not felt or felt at all, so you can simply forget about them. Blasphemous mistake! Salt balances the taste of the dough, enhances what is worth strengthening, so in no case should you expect that the saltiness of the finished dish will be leveled out with the help of the filling and ignore adding salt to the dough.
  1. Having filled your hand and trained, move on to aerobatics - do not roll out the dough with a rolling pin, but gently stretch it with your hands. The display of pizzaiolos preparing your treats by beautifully tossing the dough into the air is not only part of the cooking show. This is also a completely justified way of cooking. perfect pizza: it does not tear the delicate yeast fibers and provides a soft and pleasant dough structure.
  1. A common mistake that the generous Slavic soul makes when preparing pizza is adding a thick, thick layer of topping. We conscientiously forget that we are not preparing open pie, namely pizza, and we strive to add more toppings, believing that since we are cooking for ourselves, there is no need to be greedy. However, the reality turns out to be different - and the pizza doesn’t turn out exactly as it should. Ideal option: in ready dish Both the filling and the amazingly tasty base must be felt. Don’t forget about this the next time you place meat, tomatoes, olives, mushrooms, cheese and other delicacies on the dough.
  1. Bake pizza only at high temperatures - a real Italian delicacy is cooked in a wood-burning oven, which provides dry and very good heat. To get closer to a similar picture at home, set the temperature regulator in your oven to at least 220 degrees.
  1. For the same reason as described above, you should place the dough not on a cold metal sheet, but on a well-heated surface. To do this, keep the baking sheet in the preheated oven for about 10 minutes, and only then transfer the dough onto it.

Good luck with your experiments and delicious pizza!