Recipes for Napoleon cream at home. Custard for Napoleon: recipes with photos

I recently wrote about a recipe (not classic version!). And I thought, why on mine? culinary blog no, actually traditional recipe"Napoleon"?

The same one legendary recipe from Soviet times, which was passed from hand to hand, carefully recorded in culinary notebooks and in some regions was even a kind of “trade secret” - after all, some housewives baked it to order. And they were in no hurry to share the recipe...

The only way I can explain this omission on my part is that my blog is very young. I'm just starting to fill it with recipes. And first places, of course, should be given to the classics. And nothing more classic in the culinary theme than detailed recipe Napoleon cake is impossible to imagine. So, it’s decided, today’s article is entirely devoted to the traditional, classic “Napoleon”!

The main “secret” of Napoleon cake, prepared at home

I’ll immediately tell you the “secret secret” of this delicious cake: “Citizens, don’t skimp on food!” Well, everything is right according to the old Jewish joke - “My children, do not skimp on the tea leaves!”

After all, what does a thrifty housewife usually save on? It is written in the recipe - “ butter", yeah, so let's take margarine! It says “add 2 tablespoons of cognac” - replace it with vodka…. Well, you don’t have to add vodka at all, and it will do without it...

But for the present classic Napoleon these ingredients are very important. It is indeed cheaper to replace butter with margarine, but the taste will be different. Vodka must be added to the dough - for better “layering”, and cognac in the cream - for the subtlety of taste and aroma. Then Napoleon will turn out deliciously delicious, just like in old Soviet times!

Another feature of this recipe is if you use not one type of cream, but two- the cake will turn out especially tender! But I’ll write about this in detail below in a step-by-step recipe.

To summarize:

Products and recipe composition

For the test:

  • 5 cups flour
  • 300 grams butter
  • 1 egg
  • half a glass of sour cream
  • half a glass of water
  • 2 tablespoons vodka
  • a third of a teaspoon of salt

For custard cream:

  • 3 eggs
  • liter of milk
  • 3-4 tablespoons flour
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 200 gr. butter
  • 2 tablespoons cognac
  • 1 packet of vanillin

For sour cream:

  • full-fat sour cream (30%) - 1.5 -2 cups
  • 1 cup sugar (better crushed into powder)

Preparing the dough for the cakes.

I must admit that I still hid one of the secrets of the classical Napoleon from you! We are talking about the method of preparing the dough.

For example, I remember very well how my mother cooked puff pastry, including for the Napoleon cake. This didn’t happen often; my mother was always away at work. And when we asked her to make “this delicious layer cake” again, she said that there was a lot of fuss with it, and a lot of time was spent on the dough. Therefore, they did it only on major holidays.

So, the dough was made by numerous rolling out, when a piece of butter was added to the base, cooled in the refrigerator, everything was wrapped in an envelope and rolled out again, and again put in the cold, repeating this procedure several times….

This is an option I will not consider here. The dough for Napoleon, which I suggest you make, is much easier to make, requires less time, but nevertheless, the result will be just as wonderful and tasty! It was this recipe that was recorded by many housewives of that time as a quick and reliable winning option. classic cake Napoleon.

I will show you how to make “butter crumbs” from a mixture of flour and butter in a blender (chopper), but you can do this procedure the old fashioned way - by chopping the pieces of butter with flour with an ordinary knife, as finely as possible. And then you can also rub the lumps with your hands. Just do this quickly so that the butter does not become too soft and melt on your hands.

First, lightly chop large pieces cold butter by hand directly on the plate.

Then add the oil to the chopper bowl.

On top - all the flour, it is advisable to first sift it through a sieve. Run at high speed until fine, fine crumbs form.

This is the kind of crumb we should end up with.

In another container, mix the crumbs with the remaining ingredients - sour cream, water, egg, vodka and salt.

We form a bun from the dough. You need to knead the dough quite quickly, all for the same reason - the butter should remain cold in its composition, not melted. When the dough does not stick to your hands and the table, the consistency we need has been achieved. Cover our bun with a napkin and leave to settle for half an hour.

After half an hour, put it in the refrigerator for another 1 hour, but first wrap it in film. By the way, now is the time to start preparing the cream so as not to waste this hour.

After an hour we take it out, you can knead it a little more. And we divide by the number of koloboks that we need to get the same number of cakes. There are 9 pieces in the photo, but they can be divided into 12 or 15 parts.

Cover them again with film and put them in the cold. We will take one small kolobok from there and roll it into cakes.

You can cut the rolled out cake into shape (for example, by attaching a plate or a circle stencil) right away. You can just mark the cutting without removing the excess - we can easily remove it after baking.

I usually roll out such thin cakes directly on parchment to make it easier to transfer to a sheet. But if you need to transfer the thinly rolled dough onto a baking sheet from the table, roll it onto a rolling pin, transfer it to a sheet and roll it back. Very simple.

We ship to hot oven for 3-5 minutes. The shortbreads should reach a light, golden hue; there is no need to overcook them. They have set a little, have browned a little - you can take them out. The oven is heated to about 180-200 degrees. We bake on parchment - this makes it easier to remove the cakes from the sheet.

If you “pierce” our cake well with a fork in many places, no large bubbles or swellings will form, the cakes will look very smooth and neat. But I love it more when the dough puffs up during baking, because then additional “layered” places form in these places, and the more layered, the tastier our future Napoleon will be! Well, like in this photo -

The trimmings are also baked and stored separately until better times. IN better times We will make crumbs out of them for sprinkling.

Prepare the custard.

It is convenient to make the cream while the dough rests in the cold. We have a whole hour of time - we can do everything!

Place part of the milk (2/3 liters) to warm in a saucepan on the fire. Mix the rest of the milk with a mixer or whisk with eggs, sugar and vanilla into a thick foam. Add flour and cognac and beat.

Add our cream base in a thin stream to the pan with already hot milk, continuing intensive stirring continuously. We need to cook our cream until it thickens, but we should not allow bubbles that indicate boiling. And, of course, make sure that the cream does not burn to the bottom of the pan - the taste will immediately deteriorate. If you don’t have much experience in this matter, it’s better to put everything on water bath and steam the cream - this makes it easier for us to control the temperature and less likely to spoil something.

Cool the cream. Butter, on the contrary, is taken out to soften at room temperature.

Now you need to connect them together. Someone begins to beat the butter into a fluffy mass and gradually adds it custard base one spoon at a time. Some people simply whisk everything at once in one container. I don’t see a fundamental difference here - given the presence of modern “beating” equipment in the form of mixers, blenders, etc. - everything is whipped up with a bang!

However, maybe you have a different opinion and there is some special way of whipping cream that gives amazing results - share it in the comments to this article!

We are preparing the second type of cream for delicious Napoleon - Sour cream

There are no special secrets here, except for one thing - sour cream must be natural and have a high degree of fat content, at least 25, and preferably 30%. If you don’t have such sour cream, there are two options: the first is simple and quick. And the second one is slow, but correct :)

  1. We take a “Thickener for sour cream” (for cream, just a thickener - whatever you can find in your stores) - and do everything according to the instructions on the package.
  2. We take regular sour cream - double the volume, and place it in thick gauze for several hours, preferably overnight, hanging it over a water container (or place the sour cream in a shallow colander). The point is that, under its own weight, the sour cream squeezes out all the excess water from its depths (and how does it get there, I wonder?!) and we end up with thick, real sour cream, from which you can whip up a high-quality thick cream.

It is better to use powdered sugar as sugar, but this is not important. Pour sugar into sour cream and beat until thick. There will be a short period when the sour cream will thin out a little, but keep whisking and it will thicken to the desired consistency.

Assembling and decorating the Napoleon cake

The most enjoyable moment of making cakes is assembling, frosting, decorating!

Why did we make 2 types of cream? For better taste, Certainly!

  • So, put a dry cake layer and coat it with custard butter cream on top.
  • Place the second cake layer and coat it again in the same way.
  • First coat the third cake layer sour cream and on top here - custard.
  • We repeat this, greasing every third cake with additional sour cream, whipped with sugar, until the ingredients run out.
  • We don’t smear the last layer with anything yet - we leave our cake to sit for half an hour or an hour. During this time, the cakes will be soaked and become very tasty and moderately soft.
  • Now wrap the cake with film on the sides and place a clean board (something flat) on top and lightly press the layers down. Place a small (about 1 kg) weight on the board and put it in the refrigerator for several hours, preferably overnight.

And in the morning we will decorate our soaked and brewed cake for the final time:

Lubricate the top layer with the remaining cream (any cream, you can use two at once) and coat the sides.
Cover the sides and top of the cake with crumbs. I hope you didn’t throw away our scraps, but air-dried them and ground them into fine crumbs?

Well, our magnificent Napoleon is ready to eat!

I saw many design options for this cake online. different fruits, berries, etc. , but for some reason I really like the traditional, classic look of this cake - you can immediately see that it’s a real, “Soviet” Napoleon - you can’t confuse it with anything!

Napoleon cake made from ready-made puff pastry with condensed milk cream

Now let's look at the “high-speed” method of making Napoleon cake. Fast as possible. It's faster to just buy ready cake in the store, but that is not our goal!

It happens that guests are expected in the evening. Or the children suddenly wanted a cake “right now” and certainly - made by their mother... There are different situations, but there is only one way out - to have a supply at home necessary products and 20-30 minutes of free time. Well good mood, of course! Without it, there’s basically nothing to do in the kitchen :)

So, we will need 2 packages of ready-made frozen puff pastry, either yeast or not, it makes no difference.

We put them out of the package onto 2 pieces of parchment at once and leave them in this form to defrost. We get 2 rectangles of puff pastry ready dough per sheet.

While the dough comes to room temperature, we have time to make the cream.

Making cream from condensed milk (condensed milk)

The quickest cream that everyone knows and loves is butter whipped with condensed milk.

Sometimes they write about 150 grams of butter and 350 grams of condensed milk... Why such complexity? Who will measure these grams when it comes to delicious cream?!

I just take a pack of good (82.5% fat) butter and one standard can of condensed milk. I think this is the most convenient and delicious proportion for cream!

To improve the taste, you can add a packet of vanillin and a couple of spoons of cognac - the aroma will be very memorable. But even banal condensed milk with butter, simply whipped into a nice smooth cream, will perfectly set off our ready-made Napoleon puff pastry.

Cut the butter into cubes and keep at room temperature until softened. We begin to beat, gradually adding condensed milk and vanillin with cognac (if you decide on this option), spoon by spoon.

Our task is to obtain a uniform, thick, smooth mass, which will be our delicious and the fastest cream for soaking and decorating the cake.

The cream is ready. The dough has defrosted, softened and even slightly “swollen” - it’s time to bake it.

Preheat the oven to standard 180 degrees and place a sheet of dough in it. We will need 10-15 minutes for one portion of cakes. But make sure that they are not overcooked, but have a beautiful golden hue.

Now we need to “get” crumbs to decorate Napoleon. We lightly trim the edges of our puff plates - we will get crumbs and even out the edges of the cake. You also need to cut - remove the top baked crust from each cake. This will give us both material for sprinkling and soften the finished layers.

This is the semi-finished product we got.

Now coat each layer with cream.

If necessary, dry the cut crusts in air or in the oven and grind them into crumbs.

Sprinkle the sides and top of the cake with crumbs. Here he is ready!

Of course, he still needs to be given time to soak in the cream - at least 3 hours, but this is already the problem of those waiting for something delicious, and we are free and can do whatever our heart desires. We have already fulfilled our duty to the hungry family :)

It will take us 20-30 minutes to do everything about everything! And this is together with the preparation of the cream. A good, quick option for preparing Napoleon for those who don’t want to spend half a day in the kitchen.

Quick Napoleon cake in a frying pan - step-by-step recipe with photos

Let's look at another “non-classic” version of Napoleon cake, cooked in a frying pan. It sounds rather dubious, but, oddly enough, the taste is quite decent!

If you are in a place where you do not have an oven (maybe you are drawn to nature and decide to meet New Year at the dacha) - you will certainly impress your guests with a freshly prepared Napoleon! In a frying pan! Fantastic…

I won’t analyze the cream - take any of the above. I came across another version of cream for Napoleon - condensed milk is added to the custard with butter... I don’t know, I’ve never made this before.. Do you think this is a suitable option? Please write who made this cream and share your impressions!

But let’s look at the dough for cooking in a frying pan step by step, or rather, from photographs. It's easier.

For this test option we will prepare:

  • 1 pack of butter 190-200 gr. (or creamy margarine)
  • 3 cups flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 ml very cold water
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, slaked with vinegar (or baking powder - 0.5 sachet)

Some housewives are generally against soda in this recipe, they believe that it spoils the taste. If you put not 2 eggs, but 2-3 yolks, then they will serve as a good softener for the dough and may well replace soda.

Rub the butter into coarse grater and cover with flour. Mix everything quickly with your hands, grinding the butter with flour until it becomes buttery crumbs.

We extinguish the soda with 6% vinegar (or add baking powder for the dough), mix ice water with the egg and add it all to the crumbs. Quickly knead our dough into a large bun. As soon as the dough stops sticking to your hands, divide it into small koloboks (the size depends on the size of your frying pan in which we will bake the cakes, but you can see the approximate size in the photo). We pack the buns in film or bags (to prevent airing) and place them in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

We take out one bun at a time and immediately quickly roll it into a thin layer.

This is such a thickness that your hand can be seen through. This is approximately 1 mm thick dough.

The lid from our frying pan will give us the desired diameter for the cake. Press the dough with a lid.

We remove the excess scraps and then make another cake out of them.

We prick our dough layer with a fork so that it does not bubble too much.

Place in a dry, hot frying pan (no oil!).

The cakes are prepared in a frying pan very quickly - literally 1 minute on one side. And quickly turn it over.

We make all the shortcakes one by one. While one is baking, roll out the other. Let cool. We roll the scraps into a common lump and also roll them out into cakes.

We coat our “Frying Pan Napoleon” with cream. Everything is as usual, layer by layer. Leave 3 shortcakes for topping - dry and chop into crumbs.

The main thing that needs to be observed is the soaking time for the cake - at least 3-4 hours, and preferably overnight. The longer it sits in the refrigerator, the better it will soak in and the tastier, more tender and softer it will be.

PS. By the way, I compared dough in a frying pan made from margarine and made from butter. Where I got the butter, the cakes were softer and more tender, well, that’s how it seemed to me. I didn’t have time to ask my family members - they scooped everything up in an instant! In my opinion, some people don’t even care how much time and effort you put into this cake - as long as it’s sweet :)

It's no secret that the taste of the cake depends not only on the quality of the cake layers, but also on the choice of cream.

Today we offer three cream options for everyone’s favorite “Napoleon”.

You already have 3 cream recipes for Napoleon. Now it's a matter of small things!

1. Classic cream for Napoleon cake


1. Butter - 1 pack.

2. Condensed milk - 250 ml.

4. Nuts (preferably walnuts) - 250 gr.

How to cook classic cream for Napoleon cake:

Beat soft butter with a mixer until smooth.

Gradually add condensed milk to the resulting soft mass, continuing to beat. This will allow the impregnation to turn out tender and airy.

Add chopped walnuts and vanilla sugar to give the cream a delicious taste.

Be sure to whisk the contents of the pan again until smooth.

The nut cream for the Napoleon cake with condensed milk is ready, all that remains is to cool it to use it for soaking the cakes.

You can cook it the same way sweet option- cream with boiled condensed milk for Napoleon, replacing the main product with boiled milk.

2. Custard for Napoleon cake


1. Whole milk- 500 ml.

2. Flour - 150 gr.

3. Vanilla sugar - 15-20 gr.

4. Butter - 1 pack.

5. Condensed milk - 250 ml.

How to prepare custard for Napoleon cake:

Mix milk with flour using a whisk or mixer. To avoid lumps, the bulk component must be added gradually.

Add sweetener and let the mixture simmer for five minutes. When the time is up, you need to turn off the gas and leave the mass to cool.

Place a piece of soft butter. At this stage, it is important not to allow the added product to become too soft, otherwise it will not be possible to beat the mixture until smooth.

The custard for Napoleon with condensed milk is almost ready, all that remains is to add the last element - condensed milk and beat the resulting mass again.

This will change not only the taste, but also the color and consistency of the finished product.

3. Cream with sour cream and condensed milk for Napoleon cake


1. Fat sour cream - 500 gr.

2. Condensed milk - 300 ml.

3. Lemon juice - 10-15 ml.

4. Vanilla - 15 gr.

5. Cognac or rum – 25 ml.

How to prepare cream with sour cream and condensed milk for Napoleon cake:

The first thing to do is beat the sour cream until fluffy using a whisk or mixer.

Without interrupting the whipping procedure, you need to carefully add lemon juice, condensed milk and vanillin to give the cream unique taste and sweet aroma. The dessert impregnation is ready.

Bon appetit!

Sweet and surprisingly delicate custard is an inseparable part of the sweets that we all love so much - pastries, cakes, and these incredible eclairs... If you want to prepare dessert for yourself or your loved ones, it’s time to think about the filling.

Many housewives know the classic custard recipe. But you will be surprised when you find out how many variations there are in making this wonderful delicacy, which is a pleasure even to eat just with a spoon. Any sweet with it will become much tastier.

By the way, you can often find the addition of vanilla sugar or vanilla pods in recipes. This ingredient is optional. It is added to the cream solely to give it a vanilla aroma. If desired, it can be added to taste, but not more than twenty grams.

Custard is an ideal filling for dessert products. Not a single cake or eclair can do without it. All kinds of tubes and an endless row use custard.

Holiday and everyday cakes are soaked in custard. We have prepared simple recipes preparing custard. There is nothing complicated about them, all the ingredients are available, the proportions are correct and easy to remember.

Classic recipe

The classic recipe is perhaps not only the simplest, but also the fastest and incredibly delicious. In addition, it is truly universal, because it is suitable for any type of dessert.


  • Milk – 0.5 l;
  • Flour – 40 gr.;
  • Sugar – 0.2 kg;
  • Eggs – 4 pcs.

How to cook:

Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add flour, sugar and vanilla to them. Be sure to cool the milk before adding it to the other ingredients. Then beat the resulting mixture with a mixer.

Set the gas to medium and let the cream boil. Do not forget that the cream must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn. If you want the cream to be thick, after it boils, let it simmer for another ten minutes and remove from heat.

When the finished mass has cooled, it can be used.

Custard for Napoleon

Custard one of the most important ingredients of Napoleon cake. This sweet yummy with it comes out simply unforgettable. In order to prepare such a cream, you don’t need to put in a lot of effort.


  • Butter – 0.25 kg;
  • Milk – 1 l;
  • Flour – 0.75 kg;
  • Sugar – 0.3 kg;
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.

How to cook:

Take a container with thick walls and bottom. You will need it so that the milk does not burn when boiling.

As soon as the necessary dishes are found, pour into it granulated sugar And wheat flour. Take three eggs and beat them with a mixer or fork. Pour the resulting homogeneous mass of eggs into the flour and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly.

Beat the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mass without lumps. Dilute the resulting mixture with milk warmed to room temperature.

Stirring constantly, place the cream on the stove and start cooking it. You need to keep an eye on the cream on the stove all the time and keep stirring so that it doesn’t burn.

This can happen at any time. It’s easy to understand that it’s ready – just wait for the moment when bubbles begin to form on its surface. If this happens, turn off the stove.

Place the finished cream on the windowsill to cool and add butter to it using a mixer. As soon as the cream is mixed to a homogeneous consistency, you can safely decorate your “Napoleon” with it.

For the biscuit

Sponge cakes themselves are quite sweet, but they can be made much tastier if you flavor them with something tasty and sweet. custard. Try it!


  • Starch - 30 gr.;
  • Butter – 0.3 kg;
  • Milk - 0.3 l;
  • Sugar – 0.15 kg;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.

How to cook:

Pour the eggs into a bowl, add starch and salt to them, beat well. Then add half the stated amount of milk. The mixture should become completely homogeneous and the color should be yellowish.

Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan, add sugar to it. Cook this sweet mixture on low until the milk starts to boil. But don't remove it from the fire. While the milk is boiling, begin stirring the egg mixture. And so, stirring constantly, add it to the milk.

Cook the cream until it turns into a thick mass and becomes a real cream. Be careful! There should be no lumps in the mixture, for example from sugar. So that there are no leftovers, stir it with a spoon all the time while you cook the cream.

Pour the finished cream into a clean bowl and cover with cling film. Let it sit like this for half an hour. That's all!

Now you can coat all the cakes with this cream or just coat the top of the cake. It will be very tasty!

With butter, without adding eggs

This recipe differs from the others in that, in this case, eggs are not needed to prepare the cream. The finished product is not so greasy, but still just as tasty.


  • Frozen butter - 0.12 kg;
  • Milk - 0.4 l;
  • Flour - 0.1 kg;
  • Sugar – 0.16 kg.

How to cook:

In a deep bowl, mix flour with sugar and add half the milk. Beat thoroughly using a whisk or mixer.

Pour the remaining milk into a separate bowl and bring to a boil. Once it boils, add the still hot milk to the first bowl with flour and sugar. Mix everything well again and put on low gas.

Stir constantly until your future cream thickens. Afterwards add solid butter, after cutting it into small pieces. The oil should dissolve completely in the cream.

When this happens, remove the cream from the stove and let it cool. Ready!

Custard a la eclairs

Who doesn't know and doesn't love eclairs? These amazing cakes are light, airy and delicious. Custard for them it must be the same - sweet and tender.


  • Milk – 0.2 l;
  • Flour – 75 gr.;
  • Sugar - 25 gr.;
  • Boiled condensed milk – 0.2 kg;
  • Cream – 0.2 kg.

How to cook:

It is noteworthy that the finished cream will be caramel not only in taste, but also in color.

Pour sugar, flour into a saucepan or bowl, pour it all with milk. Mix everything well, making sure that there are no large lumps left. Then put the dishes on low gas.

When the mixture thickens, turn off the stove and add condensed milk. Immediately after this, stir everything vigorously with a spoon so that the condensed milk is well dissolved. Then it will acquire a beautiful golden hue.

Melting butter is easy. To do this, use the microwave or simply take it out of the refrigerator in advance. Softened butter will be much easier to dissolve.

Combine butter and cream in a blender. After this, mix the finished mass with your prepared condensed milk cream. Mix it well with a spatula or a regular spoon.

Ready! All that remains is to fill the cakes. Bon appetit!

Delicious and delicate protein cream

Protein cream is an integral part of all the most delicate and delicious desserts. Making it at home is much easier than it might seem at first glance.


  • Egg white – 4 pcs.;
  • Water – 0.1 l;
  • Lemon – 1 pc.;
  • Sugar – 0.15 kg.

How to cook:

When breaking the eggs, carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Cut the lemon into two halves and squeeze the juice out of them - a couple of tablespoons will be enough.

Beat the whites with a mixer. They will reach the consistency you need when you turn the bowl over, and the mass will not start to flow out.

Pour water into a saucepan or bowl and add sugar. Now you need to prepare sugar syrup.

When the sugar dissolves, you can remove it from the stove. Add the whites to the syrup and beat the mixture with a mixer. Then pour lemon juice– and go through the mixer again. In about ten minutes your cream will be completely ready. You can safely use it for pastries or cakes!

Sour cream custard

This custard is most often used for cakes. Its texture is very dense and was created specifically for spreading it on cakes.


  • Butter – 0.2 kg;
  • Flour – 50 gr.;
  • Sugar – 0.12 kg;
  • Sour cream – 0.3 kg;
  • Egg – 1 pc.

How to cook:

Take a small bowl, add granulated sugar and add an egg. Beat well. It is desirable that there are no lumps left. Then add flour and stir until completely dissolved in this sweet semi-thick mass.

When everything is ready, add sour cream to the mixture and place in a water bath.

Separate a quarter from the pre-softened piece of butter and place it in a bowl that is simmering in a water bath. Beat the remaining butter with a blender. Add the cream to the whipped butter, one tablespoon at a time.

Beat everything well. The finished mass should be very thick and fluffy.

Then cover with cling film or a kitchen towel and place in the refrigerator. In just a few hours, the custard will be completely ready to use.


This cream turns out incredibly tasty and very tender. Be sure to try it!


  • Yolks – 2 pcs.;
  • Butter – 0.1 kg.
  • Sugar – 0.1 kg;
  • Soda – 4 g;
  • Cottage cheese – 0.5 kg.

How to cook:

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it has time to soften. Cut it into small pieces - this will speed up the process.

Place the cottage cheese in a blender and make a homogeneous soft mass. Add oil, soda and yolks to it. Stir again. Then cover with gauze and leave alone for three hours.

Then place the future cream in a water bath for literally ten minutes. Add sugar to the mixture and stir with a spoon or fork. When the sugar has dissolved, cool the cream and put it in the refrigerator.

This cream is mainly used for heavy cakes. But it can also be eaten as an independent dessert. If desired, you can add to curd cream fruits or berries.

With added starch

Starch, in this case, is added to the recipe instead of flour. But it is worth noting that adding starch will make the taste of the finished custard more delicate and soft.


  • Starch – 35 g;
  • Butter – 0.2 kg;
  • Sugar – 0.16 kg;
  • Milk – 0.4 l;
  • Egg – 1 pc.

How to cook:

In a bowl, mix starch, sugar and egg. Bring the mixture of ingredients until smooth.

Heat the milk. Don't bring it to a boil, just keep it warm. Then pour into the prepared mixture, put on low gas and now let it boil. When the mixture becomes thick, remove it from the stove.

Separately, beat the pre-softened butter in a mixer. Add the oil to the mixture and mix well. The finished custard will be thick, but at the same time very airy and tasty. Try it! It’s better to see once how easy it is to make custard than to read a hundred times:

Hello my friends! I thought and thought about how best to design your modified custard for Napoleon, and decided not to worry, but to make a separate full-fledged post. Moreover, we already have not one, but two recipes, and both deserve the right to exist.

Which cream to choose for Napoleon

I, as a recognized conservative and adept of the classical style, did not go far from the classics - both cream recipes will be custard, but one is a classic classic, and the second is a more modern version, not quite familiar to Napoleon cake.

Although it is quite difficult to talk about classics in the context of such a giant of Soviet cuisine as Napoleon. My husband's family, for example, does not recognize Napoleon with classic custard. For them the only thing possible cream for Napoleon, half consists of butter. And this, if we speak in terms of world confectionery practice, is Muslin cream. But for me, such buttercream in a cake, where there is more cream than cake layers (which, by the way, are also half butter), is simply unacceptable. It's too greasy. It turns out to be some kind of oil. The same goes for Napoleon with condensed milk buttercream.

Therefore, we will immediately omit such options.

Classic custard

ABOUT classic custard There is no need to talk for a long time - everyone knows about it, loves it and knows how to cook with almost no problems. The only thing is that the proportions for Napoleon in the custard will be slightly different from the usual in order to obtain a less thick cream, capable of soaking cakes well.

If you belong to that category of citizens (of which there is an absolute minority) who prefer crispy napoleon, then I refer you to the link for, which turns out to be dense and stable.

Custard with added cream

The second cream with which I started making Napoleon not so long ago is a more modern custard with the addition of whipped cream, also known as Diplomat in the world, and some call it Sundae. This cream turns out to be fattier and richer in taste, but at the same time more delicate and airy than classic custard.

It’s hard for me to say which of these creams is the most delicious. Choose for yourself.

My original recipe Napoleon carefully stored. It is also incredibly tasty and has earned many accolades over the course of its existence. But today's two creams are quite a bit, one evolutionary step, higher than their venerable ancestor.

Classic custard recipe

For the cream we need:

Makes 10-12 cakes with a diameter of 24 cm. The crust recipe can be found.

  • milk - 1 l
  • sugar - 200 gr.
  • eggs - 100 gr. (2 pcs.)
  • egg yolks - 80 gr. (4 things.)
  • vanilla sugar with natural vanilla - 15 gr.
  • flour - 100 gr.

If you like it sweeter, use 25 grams of sugar. more.

Cooking method:

  1. In a saucepan, mix milk with half the sugar (100 g) and bring to a boil over moderate heat.
  2. While the milk is heating, in a deep bowl, whisk the eggs and yolks with the remaining sugar (100 g), vanilla sugar and flour until smooth.

    Do not leave the sugar in contact with the yolks without stirring them, otherwise they will burn and form lumps.

  3. As soon as the milk boils, pour about 1/3 of the milk into the egg mixture, while stirring with a whisk.
  4. Then return the egg-milk mixture back to the hot milk, stir and return to already low fire without ceasing to stir vigorously with a whisk.
  5. After a couple of minutes the cream will begin to thicken. DO NOT wait for the cream to thicken too much. Immediately remove the pan from the heat.
  6. Pour the custard into another container (if there are lumps, pass through a sieve), cover with cling film and leave at room temperature until completely cooled.

Whipped Cream Custard Recipe

Required Products:

Makes 10-12 cakes with a diameter of 24 cm.

  • heavy cream 33-35%, cold - 200 gr.
  • milk - 500 ml
  • sugar - 120 gr.
  • eggs - 50 gr. (1 PC.)
  • egg yolks - 40 gr. (2 pcs.)
  • vanilla sugar with natural vanilla - 15 gr.
  • flour - 60 gr.
  • butter, softened - 25 gr.


  1. First, let's whip the cold cream. to soft peaks and put it in the refrigerator.

    To whip the cream better, place the whisk, mixer bowl and cream in the freezer for 15 minutes before whipping.

  2. In a saucepan, mix milk and half the sugar (60 g), and bring to a boil over moderate heat, stirring occasionally with a whisk.
  3. While the milk is heating, in a deep bowl, grind the egg, yolks, remaining sugar (60 g) and vanilla sugar.
  4. Add flour and mix thoroughly with a whisk until smooth.

    You can add a couple of spoons of milk that has not yet warmed up to make stirring easier.

  5. As soon as the milk boils, remove the saucepan from the heat and pour 1/3 of the milk into the bowl with the egg mixture, stirring continuously with a whisk.
  6. Then we return this entire mixture to the saucepan with the milk, again stirring continuously.
  7. Reduce the fire, return the saucepan to the stove and, continuing to stir vigorously, bring the cream to a boil (until the first bursting bubbles appear).
  8. Immediately remove the cream from the heat, add the butter, cut into cubes, and stir until the butter is completely dissolved.
  9. Place the custard in a mixer bowl and beat on medium speed to cool the custard.

    If you have time, you can cool the cream at room temperature by covering it in contact with cling film.

  10. After the temperature of the cream reaches approximately 35º, add the whipped cream and beat for a short time until a homogeneous smooth cream is obtained.

All. The cream for Napoleon is ready.

I use both of these creams not only in Napoleon, but also in sponge cakes(second option with cream), in tarts, tartlets, eclairs, you can fill cupcakes with them, etc.

Do I want to experiment with chocolate Napoleon soon? Do you want results?

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See you again!

Olya Athenskaya

I help you bake better.

Napoleon cake

How to make delicious cream for Napoleon cake at home - step by step recipe with video. The cream can be different: custard, creamy, and also chocolate

15 minutes

210 kcal

5/5 (3)

Napoleon - this word brings to mind not the famous French commander, but a piece of a sweet, tender, aromatic dessert.

Who doesn't know famous home cake Napoleon with custard! There is probably not a single woman in our country who has not tried to bake this dish at least once. delicious dessert. Recipes for this very thing delicious cake a great variety - everyone prepares it in their own way, adding their favorite ingredients to make the cake even tastier. And the main role here plays delicate soft and tasty layer between the cakes- this is a cream.

How to make custard for Napoleon cake at home? After all, cream can be different: custard, creamy, and also with fillers.

Today we will look at several recipes for cream for Napoleon cake that I like to prepare, they are also suitable for other cakes.

Custard for Napoleon cake

So, how to make cream that suits this cake? How long does it take to cook? will help you step by step photo recipe for cream for Napoleon cake. To prepare it we need from 10 to 20 minutes time, depending on how much cream I'm preparing and how quickly the milk boils.

For the custard we need:

It is advisable to take dishes for this cream stainless steel, because when cooked in a simple aluminum saucepan, the cream acquires a slightly grayish tint. And under no circumstances should you beat an egg in such a container for the same reason.

Making custard

I also like to add to this cream 2-3 tablespoons cocoa powder. Then it acquires a light chocolate hue and taste. Add cocoa powder at the very beginning, rubbing the egg with sugar.

You can beat the cooled cream with a mixer to obtain a fluffy mass, but this will not change the taste. That's why I always skip this procedure.

Video recipe

In this video you can see how quickly and easily the custard for Napoleon cake is prepared. The only difference is the number of products and the way they are processed. But the technique remains the same:

The most interesting thing is that history has not saved data on where this cake came from and who made it. According to some rumors, Napoleon himself came up with the recipe for the cake at the moment when his wife found him with one of his maids of honor. According to the emperor’s justification, he shared the invented dessert with the maid of honor “in the ear.” And it turned out to be our famous, everyone’s favorite cake.

You can also do . The following recipe is for your attention.

Butter cream with condensed milk

This cream, which I like to prepare, is made with condensed milk.

For this cream you will need:

  • Condensed milk – 1 can.
  • Butter – 250 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar – ½ sachet.

It is advisable to beat this cream with a mixer or blender, then the cream becomes slightly fluffy. You can also beat it by hand, but it will take a little more time and effort.

To prepare such a cream takes 5-10 minutes.

Making condensed milk cream

You can add it to the cream 1-2 tablespoons cognac or liqueur to enhance the flavor.
This cream is suitable for the most delicate and very tasty.

Video recipe

Another version of the creation of the cake is that Napoleon invented it French pastry chef Upper, who decided to flatter the emperor. He took the King's Galette pie, coated one part with custard, and the other part with cream and strawberry jam. Fold the cakes, alternating cream, and cut into triangles. According to this version, this is how the Napoleon cake turned out.

Butter custard

For this cream takes 5-10 minutes time.
IN this recipe flour is replaced potato starch, but it still remains a delicious cream for Napoleon cake.

For the cream we take:

  • Milk – 0.5 l.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Sugar – 1 glass.
  • Potato starch – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Butter – 100 gr.

Cooking method

Video recipe

I simplified the cooking method butter custard, but this did not affect the taste and structure in any way. For those wishing to adhere to all the cooking rules, I offer a link to the video. Here we show in detail how to make buttercream for Napoleon cake:

A version widespread in Russia says that the Napoleon cake (more precisely, cake) was prepared in 1912 for the 100th anniversary of the victory over Emperor Napoleon. Layered dessert was cut into triangles, which seemed to hint at Bonaparte's triangular headdress. In fact, it doesn’t matter where or how this cake appeared - the main thing is that it took a strong place on our holiday table.

Most delicious custard for the Napoleon cake, in my opinion - it's chocolate custard. I love chocolate very much and whenever possible I always try to make chocolate cream for any cake.

Chocolate custard cream

Time for this cream it will take up to half an hour. If you don’t want to wait for the cream to cool down on its own, you can put it in a bowl of cold water and, stirring, bring it to the desired temperature. The time will be halved.

For chocolate custard need to:

  • Milk – 1 glass.
  • Potato starch or flour - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar or powdered sugar– 1/3 cup.
  • Butter – 50 gr.
  • Chocolate – 100 gr.
  • Vanillin – 2 gr.

Prepare the cream like this

The light aroma of chocolate fills the kitchen. You immediately imagine a picture with a slight note of romance and nostalgia: you are by a burning fireplace, in a cozy armchair. A cup of hot chocolate in your hands. Nearby on the table is a saucer with your favorite delicacy. Warm and calm.

Video recipe

You can put Napoleon in the cream for the cake kernels walnuts , peanuts, hazelnuts, hazelnuts, after roasting and crushing them. Each type of nut gives Napoleon a light nutty flavor that will not spoil the taste of your favorite delicacy.

You can also add to the cream berry puree, jam, preserves. To do this, instead of the whole amount of milk, put half of the milk in the recipe, and supplement the other half with berry puree, jam or preserves, depending on your taste preferences. Every additional ingredient gives the cake its own special flavor.

How to determine which cream is tastier and better? I cannot recommend a specific recipe. This is impossible - after all, everyone has their own taste, their own preferences. And you can only determine which cream for the Napoleon cake is better by yourself by preparing the recipes that you like.

It would take a long time to describe cream recipes. Everyone has their own quantity of products, their own cooking methods. I described the basic recipes for cream for Napoleon cake. I use them all the time.

But you probably have tastier recipes, or ones that don’t require heat treatment.

I'd love to read your options. Write, complement, suggest, discuss. Let's share our recipes.