Red trout fish and its beneficial properties

Trout is the collective name for several species of salmon fish with red meat at once. Trout lives in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, mountain streams in North Africa, rivers and lakes in North America and Eurasia. It is not a very large fish.

The average size of a trout is: length - 20-30 cm, weight - 400-500 g. However, single specimens reach a mass of up to 20-25 kg and a length of 1 m. Oddly enough, males have a smaller body size than females, but they have more head and higher number of teeth.

The color of the trout changes depending on the color of the bottom or water, depends on the time of year and even how hungry the fish are. Usually the back of the fish with a greenish tint, the belly is white-gray or white-yellow, and the sides are yellow-green with red, black or white spots.

But in some cases, the color may be darker, closer to black, or light, almost colorless. And the most popular rainbow trout has a bright stripe running along the central flank line. The color of the meat varies from cream to red.

Trout legend

The people know the Crimean legend of the Golden Trout, a kind of prototype of A.S. Pushkin.

According to the story, a poor fisherman named Ali was catching fish in a mountain stream and he caught a hitherto unseen trout, dazzlingly brightly shining with gold in the rays of the sun. She promised the fisherman to fulfill three cherished desires.

First, Ali wanted ten baskets of gold coins. He received wealth and was able to marry a beautiful girl, the daughter of a local rich man, with whom he had long been in love.

But instead of living happily and forgetting about the Golden Trout, Ali asked her for power - he decided to become a khan. And again, the former fisherman did not calm down.

The third desire was to ascend to heaven to be on a par with Allah himself. Golden Trout warned that this would not end well, it was time to stop. But Ali insisted. And he moved to a cloud next to Allah, intending to rule all people on an equal footing with him.

But Allah said: “Everyone should know his place. God - Godly, man - human. And Ali fell from heaven to earth, and again became a poor fisherman. And the magical mountain stream disappeared along with the Golden Trout, as if they had never existed.

Since then, people have been saying that anyone who finds the stream and catches the Golden Trout can count on the fulfillment of three wishes.

Useful properties of trout

Fish is rich

  • vitamins A, C, E, D, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12;
  • folic acid.

Trout contains micro and macro elements: manganese, selenium, iron, copper, zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus. In 100 g of trout there are about 120 kcal (according to other sources - about 90 kcal).

Trout is a source of good health and longevity:

  • normalizes the work of the heart,
  • prevents strokes and heart attacks,
  • strengthens blood vessels
  • included in the diet for psoriasis,
  • improves emotional state in case of depression and apathy,
  • stabilizes the functioning of the brain,
  • prevents the decline of brain activity in adulthood,
  • prescribed for diabetes
  • relieves the condition with allergies,
  • helps those suffering from osteoporosis, arthritis and rheumatism,
  • reduces bone fragility
  • improves blood circulation,
  • slows down the growth of tumors in oncological diseases,
  • removes toxins from the body and regulates cholesterol levels,
  • beneficial effect on vision.

Scientists from America have proven that rainbow trout effectively protects the skin from sunburn. And Norwegian doctors say that trout is very useful for teenagers who have learning difficulties - the fish will help them "gnaw the granite of science."

Limit (but not completely exclude!) The amount of trout on the menu should be for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, who are recommended a low-fat diet.