Packaging, labeling and storage of starch. Starch Starch storage temperature



Conditions and terms of storage of tobacco products.

Starch is a carbohydrate (polysaccharide) isolated from potatoes, cereals and other plant materials, where it accumulates as a reserve substance.

Starch is used to make jelly, in the manufacture of some types of flour confectionery, they replace part of the flour. It serves as a raw material for the production of sago, glucose; included in the formulation of ice cream, some varieties of sweets, sausages; is a molding material for casting sweets; widely used in textile, paper, perfumery and other industries.

An important property of starch is its ability, when heated with water, to form a colloidal solution - a paste.

Starch is found in plants in the form of starch granules. Depending on the raw material used to produce starch, it is divided into potato starch (the largest oval-shaped grains with a diameter of not more than 0.1 mm; corn (multifaceted grains with a diameter of 0.2-0.03 mm); wheat (0.04 mm ); rice (0.01 mm).

The main types of raw materials for the preparation of starch in our country are potatoes and corn. The starch content in potatoes is 12-25%, in corn grain - up to 70%.

To obtain starch from potatoes, they are washed, crushed, washed with water. Starch grains pass through the sieve together with water and form starch milk, the pulp remains on the sieve (used for livestock feed). The resulting starch milk is purified from impurities and starch is precipitated from it by settling. Sy-

a swarm of starch with a moisture content of 40 - 52% is dried to standard moisture content, sieved and packaged.

When starch is obtained from corn, rice, wheat, the grains are first soaked in acidified water, crushed into large pieces, the germ (corn) is separated, crushed, getting a porridge, washed with water. The subsequent operations are similar to the production of potato starch.

Starch is divided into commercial grades: potato starch - into extra, higher, I and 2nd; corn - to the highest and 1st. Potato starch of the 2nd grade is intended only for technical purposes or industrial processing. Potato starch has a white color, crystalline luster is characteristic for extra and higher varieties, for the 2nd - white with a grayish tint; corn starch is white with a yellowish tinge.

The standards regulate humidity, acidity, the number of speckles, ash content, and the content of sulfur dioxide.

Starch with extraneous and unpleasant odors, a gray tint (for higher grades), foreign impurities, lumps that do not crumble with light pressure is not allowed for sale.

For packaging starch, the best type of packaging is double bags with a net weight of not more than 50 kg, it is also packed in bags or packs weighing from 250 to 1000 g.

Starch should be stored in dry, clean, well-ventilated rooms without foreign odor, not infested with pests, at relative air humidity not higher than 75%, temperature - not higher than 15°C. Under these conditions, the shelf life of starch is 2 years.

Starch products. The main products of starch processing are modified starches, sago, molasses, glucose.

Receipt modified starches based on the ability of starch to change its physical and chemical properties under the influence of heat treatment, oxidizing acids, etc. Modified starch is produced in the following types: with reduced viscosity (for the production of ice cream, jelly); with high viscosity (for making jelly, sauces); swelling (as a thickener and consistency stabilizer for making cakes, pyro-

Checking the condition of the packaging and the correctness of the labeling is subjected to every tenth unit of the shipping container.

Starch is packed in double bags. Inner new fabric bag or multilayer paper bag (at least four layers); or film liner bag. External fabric bag or flax-juto-lavsan according to the normative and technical documentation. Bags must be of normal strength, new or bags not lower than category III.

In paper bags, after filling them with starch, two inner layers are closed, two outer ones are sewn up by machine or by hand, or sealed with starch paste, or tied with twine. Film bags-liners are closed by welding or sealed with polyethylene tape, or sewn up by machine or by hand.

Fabric bags are sewn up by machine or by hand with cotton yarn according to normative and technical documentation or linen or kapron; when sewing, the bags must have two ears or no ears with a comb height of 8-10 cm. It is allowed to tie the bags with twine.

It is allowed to pack starch in four-layer paper bags of the NM brand without additional packaging in fabric bags when transporting only by road for a distance of not more than 350 km. The net weight of starch is not more than 30 kg.

It is allowed to pack starch in a soft disposable container of the MKR-1, OS type or a reusable container of the MKO-1, OS type with a polyethylene liner. Net weight of starch in a container - no more than 1 ton.

For the chemical and pharmaceutical industry (preparation of medicines in tablet form), starch is packed in double bags: an inner multi-layer paper bag (at least four layers) or a film liner bag; outer fabric bag. A new bag or bags not lower than category III. Net weight of starch in bags is not more than 50 kg.

For retail trade, starch is packaged in small paper containers (packs or bags), in bags made of polyethylene-cellophane or polyethylene film or containers made of other materials permitted by the Ministry of Health with a net weight of 250 to 1000 g.

Deviations from the mass should not exceed, %: for mechanized packaging:

for a pack weighing over 250 to 500 g incl. ±2;

for a pack weighing over 500 to 1000 g incl. ±1;

for manual packaging:

for a pack weighing over 250 to 1000 g incl. ±1.

for a bag, the deviation from the mass should not exceed ± 0.25%.

Bundles or packages are placed in plank boxes, wooden reusable boxes; in corrugated cardboard boxes with a net weight of not more than 30 kg.

Plank and wooden reusable boxes should be lined with one layer of wrapping paper.

Plank boxes should be covered with steel tape or steel wire. It is allowed to fasten the boxes with corners made of steel strips.

Corrugated cardboard boxes should be pasted over with paper-based adhesive tape or sewn with metal staples. It is allowed to use polyethylene tape with an adhesive layer or other adhesive tapes approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

Transport marking - with the application of the handling sign "Afraid of dampness". Each bag or soft container with starch must have a label made of thick paper on a fabric or knitted basis or of an adhesive non-woven fabric measuring 70 x 140 mm. The label is placed with one end into the neck of the bag and stitched simultaneously with the sewing of the bag or glued onto the container. On paper bags with starch without additional packaging in fabric bags, it is allowed to stick a label made of thick paper measuring 100 × 140 mm.

There should be a paper label on the box.

The labels and labels on shipping containers must bear the following designations:

  • a) the name of the organization whose system includes the manufacturer, and the trademark;
  • b) the name of the manufacturer and its location;
  • c) product name and variety;
  • d) batch number;
  • e) net weight;
  • e) date of production;
  • g) the number of packaging units (for starch in packs or bags);
  • h) the designation of this standard;
  • i) shelf life.
  • j) nutritional value

Starch is transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles, as well as in containers in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

It is not allowed to transport starch in wagons, ship holds or motor vehicles together with products with a specific smell, as well as use wagons, holds and motor vehicles in which poisonous or pungent-smelling goods were transported.

It is allowed, in agreement with the consumer, to transport starch in tank cars for the transportation of flour.

Starch should be stored in a packaged form, in well-ventilated warehouses without foreign smell, not infected with pests of grain stocks.

Bags or boxes with starch are placed on wooden racks. When storing starch for more than 10 days, the racks are covered with tarpaulin or other means of shelter made of polymeric materials of such a size that the edges can be closed on the sides of the first row of bags or boxes.

In warehouses where starch is stored, the relative humidity should not exceed 75 % . The optimum storage temperature is 10°C. Warranty period of storage - 2 years.

It is a free-flowing powder of white or slightly yellowish color, insoluble in cold water. These are the amylose polysaccharides of amylopectin whose monomer is alpha-glucose. Starch is a carbohydrate in chemical composition and structure. Starch grains consist of two natural fractions - amylose and amylopectin. Well absorbed by the body.

Chemical formula: (C 6 H 10 O 5) n.

Potato starch is a product of the mechanical processing of fresh potato tubers. Starch is produced in four varieties: extra, superior, first and second.

Potato starch is used:
- As a filler / thickener in the food industry (E1400-E1404): meat industry (boiled sausages, sausages, sausages, minced meat and minced products, ham, meat fillings), fish industry (crab sticks, fish semi-finished products - cutlets, etc. .), food concentrate industry (fruit and fruit and berry jelly), packaging for retail consumption (packaging with a net weight of up to 1 kg);
- As the main raw material for the production of modified potato starch; dextrins; maltodextrin, etc.;
- In the chemical-pharmaceutical industry as a filler in tableted medicines and powders;
- In the textile industry (for the process of thread sizing, i.e. passing the warp threads through the adhesive composition - dressing, which, after drying, creates a smooth, elastic film on the threads that protects the thread from tearing during weaving; as well as for the dressing process - the final operation for fabric finishing, which increases wear resistance, improves appearance, facilitates cutting and gives flexibility to the fabric, increases the fullness of the fabric);
- In the production of car tires (as a powder), etc.

The white color of starch is important when it is used as an auxiliary material in the textile, paper, printing, food and other industries.
Of great importance for many industries is the viscosity of the starch paste obtained by heating a mixture of starch and water.
A feature of potato starch that distinguishes it from many other starches (for example, those obtained from corn, wheat, etc.) is the high initial viscosity of the starch paste.

Physico-chemical characteristics of potato starch GOST 7699-78.:
Name of indicator Characteristic and norm
Extra Higher First Second
Colour White with a crystalline sheen White White with a grayish tinge
The smell of starch intended for food purposes Peculiar to starch, without foreign smell
Moisture content, % 17 - 20 17 - 20 17 - 20 17 - 20
Mass fraction of total ash in terms of dry matter,%, no more 0,30 0,35 0,50 1,0
including: ash (sand), insoluble in 10% hydrochloric acid, %, no more 0,03 0,05 0,10 0,3
Acidity - the consumption of sodium hydroxide solution with a molar concentration of 0.1 mol / dm³ (0.1n.) for the neutralization of 100 g of dry matter, cm³, no more 6,0 10 14 20
The number of specks per 1 dm² of starch surface when viewed with the naked eye, pcs., no more 60 280 700 Not standardized
Mass fraction of sulfur dioxide (SO 2),%, no more 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,005
Impurities of other types of starch Not allowed
Presence of metal-magnetic impurities Not allowed
Starch of the second grade is intended for technical purposes or for industrial processing.
For the chemical and pharmaceutical industry (preparation of medicines in tablet form), starch of the Extra grade should be produced - white with a crystalline sheen, without mechanical impurities, with a quantity of specks - no more than 40 pcs.

Packing, transportation and storage.
Starch is packed in double bags. Inner new fabric bag or multi-layer paper bag (at least four layers) or film liner bag. Outer fabric bag or linen-jute-lavsan.
It is allowed to pack starch in four-layer paper bags of the NM brand without additional packaging in fabric bags when transporting only by road for a distance of not more than 350 km. The net weight of starch is not more than 30 kg.
It is allowed to pack starch in a soft disposable container of the MKR-1, OS type or a reusable container of the MKO-1, OS type with a polyethylene liner. Net weight of starch in a container - no more than 1 ton.
Starch is transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles, as well as in containers in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.
It is not allowed to transport starch in wagons, ship holds or motor vehicles together with products with a specific smell, as well as use wagons, holds and motor vehicles in which poisonous or pungent-smelling goods were transported.
It is allowed, in agreement with the consumer, to transport starch in tank cars for the transportation of flour.
Starch should be stored in a packaged form, in well-ventilated warehouses without foreign smell, not infected with pests of grain stocks.
Bags or boxes with starch are placed on wooden racks. When storing starch for more than 10 days, the racks are covered with tarpaulins or other means of shelter made of polymeric materials of such a size that the edges can be closed on the sides of the first row of bags or boxes.
In warehouses where starch is stored, the relative humidity of the air should not exceed 75%.
Guaranteed shelf life of starch - 2 years from the date of production.

Starch is a highly refined carbohydrate product. It is formed in plants as a result of photosynthesis (glucose-starch) in the form of starch grains. Starch is found in large quantities in grains of cereals, tubers of vegetable crops, etc. It is one of the main sources of energy for humans (about 300 kcal / 100 g) and enters human food as part of products (bread, cereals, confectionery) together with biologically active substances.

Classification and range.

Rice. View of starch grains through the microscope eyepiece: a - potato; b- corn; c - rice; g - wheat

Each type of starch is characterized by a certain size and shape of starch grains (Fig.) and properties (viscosity, paste stability, color), on which its identification is based:

potato - has the largest grains (15-100 microns) of an oval shape with concentric grooves, is made from potato tubers, is able to swell in water, and when heated with it forms a viscous transparent paste;

corn - usually has grains in the form of irregular polyhedrons (5-25 microns), is made from white-grain varieties of corn, forms an opaque paste of low viscosity, milky white with a specific smell and taste of corn grains;

wheat - has grains of a flat elliptical or round shape (20-35 microns), has a low viscosity, is more transparent than corn;

rice - has the smallest grains (3-8 microns) of a multifaceted shape, forms a paste of low viscosity;

amylopectin - obtained from waxy corn, forms a paste of good viscosity with good water-retaining ability;

modified - with directionally changed properties of pastes - viscosity, solubility, transparency, stability (swelling, oxidized, gelling, etc.).

In Russia, mainly potato starch is produced; corn - in small volumes.

The nutritional value. According to the chemical composition and structure, starch belongs to complex carbohydrates - polysaccharides of the 2nd order (C 6 H 12O5), its monomer is glucose.

The process of hydrolysis (splitting) of starch, called saccharification, proceeds under the influence of dilute mineral acids when a mixture of starch and water is heated (acid hydrolysis) or amylolytic enzymes (enzymatic hydrolysis). Starch is very hygroscopic, well absorbs odors from the environment, which must be taken into account during its processing, storage and transportation. Starch is able to swell indefinitely in water, and when heated with it, form a paste and jelly.

Factors that form quality. In the production of potato starch, technical varieties of potatoes with a starch content of at least 14% are used. The potatoes are washed, ground into a porridge (a mixture of starch grains, cell juice, pulp, cell walls and water), washed with water and centrifuged. The separation of the pulp is carried out on sieves irrigated with water, obtaining starch milk (suspension of starch grains in water). It is thoroughly washed, cleaned, crude starch with a moisture content of 38-49% is precipitated from it, which is used to obtain marketable starch and starch products. Commercial starch is obtained by drying to a moisture content of 20%, followed by grinding and sieving.

Corn starch is obtained from white grain varieties of corn (starch content is about 70%). The process of isolating starch from grain is complicated by the fact that the starch grains in it are, as it were, cemented with protein, to dissolve which the grain is soaked in a solution of sulfurous acid (at a temperature of 65 ° C). Then the grain is crushed and the germ is separated, the grains are finely ground, mixed with water until a porridge is formed (a mixture of starch, protein and pulp). Corn oil is obtained from the separated germ. Starch grains are washed out of the porridge and starch milk is obtained. Particles of corn protein (gluten) are separated from it on centrifugal separators, which is used as a protein feed for livestock. Raw starch is precipitated from purified starch milk, which is dried to a moisture content of 13%.

Starch products of several hundred names are produced by the starch-treacle industry. In the food industry, they have found application: artificial sago, modified starches, sugary products of starch hydrolysis - molasses, glucose, maltodextrins, etc.

Artificial sago - cereals in the form of small glassy balls that swell when heated, but do not lose their shape and do not stick together. It is used in cooking for filling pies, making puddings and cereals (in tropical countries, natural sago is produced from the core of sago palms).

In Russia, sago is made from potato and corn starch. To do this, raw starch (moisture content 45-47%) is divided into pieces, passing through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 4 mm, and rolled in a drum, giving the shape of balls. Then the balls are sorted on sieves by size and steamed in chambers at a temperature of 60-70 ° C; at the same time, the starch gelatinizes, forming a crust on the surface of the balls. At the next stage, the grains are rolled again and dried to a moisture content of 13% (from corn starch) or 16% (from potato starch), after which they are ground and polished to give shine.

Sago is produced in two sizes (small with a diameter of 1.5-2.1 mm and large 2.1-3.1 mm) and two varieties - the highest and the first.

Modified starches are starches whose properties have been changed as a result of special processing. They are divided into two groups:

substituted (esters, copolymers), mainly starch phosphates, are used as thickeners, stabilizers, tasteless and odorless emulsifiers;

split (hydrolyzed by acid, oxidized, swelling) - have a reduced viscosity, therefore they are often called liquid-boiling. They are used as gelling agents, bread anti-staining agents, etc.

Molasses is a product of incomplete hydrolysis of starch, i.e. mixture of glucose, maltose and dextrins. It is a sweet, colorless or yellowish syrupy liquid. It is used as the main type of raw material for confectionery production (caramel, sweets, halva), for the preparation of syrups in bakery.

The industry produces high-saccharified glucose molasses (the sweetest and most hygroscopic), premium and first-grade caramel, and low-saccharified caramel.

Quality control. By quality, potato starch is divided into extra, highest, first and second grades (for technical purposes); corn - to the highest and first; wheat - extra, highest and first.

Organoleptic methods in the examination of the quality of starch are used to assess the appearance, color, smell, the presence of a crunch due to the presence of sand (not allowed).

The color of potato starch is from white to gray (second grade), starch of extra and higher varieties is distinguished by its crystalline luster (chandeliers) due to the presence of large grains. Cornstarch has a white color with a yellowish tinge.

The smell is specific for this type of starch, without impurities.

Foreign odors in starch can appear as a result of either spoilage of starch (during lactic acid, butyric acid fermentation), or adsorption of foreign odorous substances by starch.

Impurities (pulp, sand) can occur in starch in the form of dark specks, the number of which is determined per 1 dm 2 (no more): in potato varieties extra 60 pieces, premium - 280 pieces, first grade - 700 pieces, the variety is not standardized; in corn premium - 300 pcs., first grade - 500 pcs.

Of the physico-chemical indicators for starch, the following are normalized.

Mass fraction of moisture in potato starch - no more than 17-20%, in corn starch - no more than 13%.

Mass fraction of total ash in terms of dry matter: in extra grade potato starch - no more than 0.30%; premium - 0.35%; first grade - 0.50%; in premium corn - 0.20%; first grade - 0.30%.

According to the acidity index, you can determine the degree of freshness of starch. The acidity of starch increases during storage as a result of various types of fermentation - butyric acid, propionic acid, etc. (cm 3 0.1 mol / dm 3 NaOH, not more): in extra potato varieties - 6.0, premium - 10 , first grade - 14, second grade -20; in corn of the highest grade - 20, of the first grade - 25.

The mass fraction of sulfur dioxide in all varieties of potato starch is not more than 0.005%, corn starch is 0.008%. For corn starch, in addition, the mass fraction of protein in terms of dry matter is normalized: in the highest grade - no more than 0.8%; in the first - no more than 1.0%. Impurities of other types of starch, as well as the presence of metal impurities are not allowed.

Sago of the highest grade made from potato starch is dull white, the first grade may have a grayish tint; sago made from corn starch has a yellowish tint, in the first grade higher ash content, acidity, a higher content of fines (particles smaller than 1.4 mm) and glued grains, less swelling are allowed. The content of large sago in small and small in large should not exceed 10%. In addition, regardless of the variety, humidity is normalized (for potatoes - 16%, for corn - 13%). The presence of salts of heavy metals and foreign impurities is not allowed.

The molasses should be transparent (slight opalescence is allowed), without foreign tastes and odors. The presence of impurities and free mineral acids is not allowed. Below are the physical and chemical indicators of the quality of molasses.

Mass fraction, %, not less than

solids .......................................78

reducing substances .................30-50

ash .................................0.4-0.55

Acidity in terms of dry

substance, cm 3 0.1 mol / dm 3 NaOH .............. 12-27

pH value, not lower than ....................... 4.6

Use in cooking. Starch is widely used in cooking, food industry (in the production of ice cream, in baking, sausage and confectionery production).

Packaging and labeling. Starch and starch products are packed in double bags: inner - new fabric or multi-layer paper, or a polyethylene bag; outer - fabric new or used, but not lower than the 3rd category.

The inner bags must be closed (welded), the outer bags sewn up (glued, tied with twine). The net weight of starch and starch products should not exceed 50 kg.

It is allowed to pack starch and starch products in 4-layer paper bags with a net weight of not more than 30 kg. Starch and starch products can be packaged in small paper (packs or bags) or polymer containers with a net weight of up to 1000 g. Packs or bags are placed in plank, plywood or corrugated cardboard boxes with a net weight of not more than 30 kg.

Deviations from the mass should not exceed the following standards: + 3% when packing up to 250 g; ±2% when packing from 250 to 500 g; ± 1% when packing from 500 to 1000 g; + 0.25% for a bag regardless of weight.

Transport marking provides for the presence of the sign “Afraid of dampness”. Each bag must have a label that is sewn simultaneously with the sewing of the bag. The boxes are labeled with paper labels.

Labels, labels and packages should contain the following information: manufacturer, address and trademark; Name of production; grade; Net weight; production date; standard designation; certification information.

Conditions and terms of transportation and storage. Transportation of starch and starch products is carried out by all means of transport in covered vehicles, as well as in containers in accordance with the rules for transportation by this type of transport. It is not allowed to transport it together with products with specific odors.

Storage of starch and starch products in warehouses, which must be clean, well ventilated, not infested with pests, is carried out at a relative humidity of not more than 75%. When starch is stored in rooms with high humidity, caking occurs. If lumps of starch do not crumble with light pressure, then it is not allowed for sale in trade, but is used for technical purposes. Sharp fluctuations in temperature are not allowed; the optimum temperature is about 10 °C. It is necessary to observe the principle of commodity neighborhood. Starch in bags and boxes is stacked on wooden racks.

Shelf life from the date of production of starch and starch products: potato and corn - 2 years, wheat - 1 year.

fish starch product

Starch - loose powder of white or slightly yellowish color. Starch is used to make jelly, puddings, it is included in the formulation of food concentrates, ice cream, sausages, marmalade, flour confectionery, used for industrial needs: in perfumery, pharmaceutical, printing, textile and other industries. By chemical nature, starch is a complex carbohydrate, the breakdown of which molecules form simpler carbohydrates - glucose. An important property of starch is its ability, when heated with water, to form a colloidal solution - a paste.

In the gastric tract of humans and animals, starch is hydrolyzed and converted into glucose, which is absorbed by the body. Intermediate products of starch hydrolysis are dextrins.


  • Potato has the largest grains (80-110 microns), oval in shape with concentric grooves, is made from potato tubers, is able to swell in water, and when heated with it forms a viscous transparent paste.
  • · corn has, as a rule, grains of irregular polyhedrons (5-25 microns), is produced from white-grain varieties of corn, forms an opaque paste of low viscosity, milky-white color with a specific smell and taste of corn grains.
  • Wheat has grains of a flat elliptical or round shape (20-35 microns), has a low viscosity, is more transparent than corn.
  • Rice. - has the smallest grains (3-8 microns) of a multifaceted shape, forms a paste of low viscosity.

In Russia, potato starch is mainly produced. Cornstarch is produced in small quantities.

In the production of potato starch use technical varieties of potatoes with a starch content of at least 14%. The potatoes are washed, ground into a porridge (a mixture of starch grains, cell juice, pulp, cell walls and water), washed with water and centrifuged. The separation of the pulp is carried out on sieves irrigated with water, obtaining starch milk (suspension of starch grains in water). It is then thoroughly washed, cleaned, raw starch with a moisture content of 38-49% is precipitated from it, which is used to obtain marketable starch and starch products. Commercial starch is obtained by drying to a moisture content of 20%, followed by grinding, sieving and packaging.

quality requirements

The quality of potato starch is evaluated according to GOST 7699-78, corn starch - GOST 7697-82

Starch, regardless of type and variety, should be free of foreign tastes and odors. The color determines the type and grade of starch. Potato starch varieties extra and higher white with a crystalline sheen; 1st grade has a white color; 2nd grade - white with a grayish tint. Corn and wheat starches have a characteristic natural yellowish tint.

Regardless of the grade and type of starch, impurities of other types of starch and the presence of metal-magnetic impurities are not allowed. When sifting 100 g of starch through a No. 55 silk sieve, no sand should remain. In terms of physicochemical parameters, starch must comply with the requirements and standards.

Starch defects occur mainly when the production technology or storage conditions are violated. These include the presence of mechanical and foreign impurities, the smell and taste of a spoiled product (fermentation), a crunch when chewed from mineral impurities (sand), the gray color of starch and its high humidity. Starch with the presence of such defects is not allowed for sale in the distribution network, but can be used for technical purposes. As well as caking of starch - occurs when starch is stored in rooms with high humidity. If the lumps do not crumble with light pressure, then such starch is not allowed for sale in trade.

Packaging and labeling. Starch is packed in linen, kenaf, jute bags, new or used, clean, dry, category I or II, net weight from 15 to 60 kg. Starch packed in double calico or multilayer paper bags is placed in outer fabric bags. For retail trade, starch can be packaged with a net weight of 250 to 1000 g in containers made of paper, polyethylene and other polymeric materials. Packs and bags with starch are placed in clean boxes of 30 kg.

Each bag of starch must have a label, on the boxes - a label with markings characterizing the products; name of the organization whose system includes the manufacturer; name of the manufacturer, its location and trademark; product name with indication of type and variety; lot number; Net weight; production date; the number of units of consumer packaging (for starch in packs or bags); standard designation. A label is affixed to each pack or bag, which indicates the above characteristics of the product, but instead of the number of consumer packaging units and the batch number, the shelf life is indicated.

Starch is stored at a relative air humidity of not more than 75%. Warranty period of storage of corn and potato starch - 2 years, wheat - a year. Starch is stored in a packaged warehouse in well-ventilated, odor-free, pest-free warehouses.