Carrots - benefits and harms to the body

Good day everyone! Perhaps the most beloved and popular vegetable is carrots - its benefits and harms are simply incomparable, as far as it is necessary for the health of each of us, especially for children. It would seem that such a familiar root crop that we use in cooking every day, but how many hidden virtues it has! Today I will tell you how useful this vegetable is in raw and boiled form, how to use juice and even tops. It will be interesting!

It is believed that this plant originally grew in Afghanistan, where the greatest species diversity of this crop is still observed. Later, travelers noticed the root crop, appreciated the unusual aroma of its tops and seeds, and brought it to Europe and other countries of the world precisely as a seasoning and flavoring. Only much later did people realize how tasty and healthy the roots of the plant are.

The orange carrot familiar to us also appeared much later, it was bred by the Dutch in the 17th century, but now there are at least 60 different types of culture in the world, different in size, length, thickness and color of the root crop, as well as the height of the tops. To date, a number of scientific studies have been carried out proving the importance and necessity of carrots for the human body.

We all know carrots from childhood, the benefits and harms of which were told to us by parents and even teachers. Indeed, this vegetable is simply necessary in the diet of every person, but you should not use it excessively.

Like all products, carrots in moderate doses can help the body work and even treat a number of diseases, but you should not use it in an amount of more than 1-2 medium root crops per day, since in this case carotene will not be absorbed, which will lead to yellowing of the skin. And we do not want to be like a victim of hepatitis? Then let's keep the measure!

The chemical composition of carrots

Scientists have thoroughly studied the rich chemical composition of carrots, which is quite difficult to list completely. For us, the most useful elements are of interest, among them are:

  • carotene, which is converted in the body into such an important vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins K, E, PP;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • chlorine;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • essential oils;
  • sterols;
  • enzymes.

In 100 grams of a root crop, there are approximately 1.3 grams of proteins, 0.1 fats and about 7 carbohydrates, it is not surprising that the calorie content of the product is only 32 kcal - ideal for people who are watching their weight!

Useful properties of carrots and contraindications

Given the presence of a large number of useful substances in carrots, we will not be surprised at its extensive beneficial properties, although there are certain contraindications to the use of the product.

First, consider the benefits of culture:

  • due to the high content of carotene, it is an excellent source of vitamin A (it is enough to eat 1-2 carrots per day), which is responsible for visual acuity and prevents blindness and other eye problems; for normal absorption of the substance, the root crop should be consumed with fat - vegetable oil or sour cream;
  • contains a large amount of antioxidants, which helps prevent various diseases, in particular cancer;
  • improves the patient's condition with diabetes;
  • beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels;
  • fiber helps prevent constipation and stagnant processes in the intestines, relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids;
  • the product helps to get rid of toxins, toxins, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and muffles hunger, which is used for complex weight loss;
  • the root crop helps to restore liver and kidney cells, removes stones and sand from the bladder, and prevents the appearance of urolithiasis;
  • when applied externally, it allows to accelerate skin regeneration in case of wounds, burns, rejuvenates the skin, removes wrinkles;
  • a root crop is needed for women, stabilizing the production of female hormones, and when breastfeeding, improving the composition of milk;
  • a vegetable is also important for men, increasing potency, increasing libido and restoring strength after serious physical training;
  • children no less need carrots, allowing them to compensate for the lack of vitamins with the active growth of the body, and the habit of gnawing a vegetable develops the jaw and prevents improper placement of teeth when changing milk to permanent ones.

Like any product, carrots should not be consumed with individual intolerance and a number of diseases, among them:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • inflammation of the small intestine;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • large kidney stones.

The benefits and harms of boiled carrots

Sometimes carrots after cooking become more useful, especially for a number of diseases, but the potential harm is slightly reduced.

Boiled carrots contain 34% more antioxidants useful for humans, therefore, for the prevention of oncopathologies and in the treatment of diabetes, it is better to boil the root crop. Scientists have proven that the love of boiled carrot dishes can reduce the likelihood of cancer by as much as 40% and even stop the development of a tumor if it is present.

Benefits in raw form

If possible, you should eat a vegetable raw, especially when it is still fresh and contains a maximum of nutrients.

A raw root crop can reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, which helps prevent heart and vascular diseases, for example, with regular use, the risk of stroke is reduced by 70%!

In the treatment and prevention of eye diseases, it is also better to use a raw vegetable, rubbing it on a grater and mixing it with vegetable fat or sour cream to convert carotene into vitamin A. Juices can also be used.

Raw carrots help to improve immunity, especially in children, so it is worth leaning on it during epidemics and after illnesses to prevent relapses.

Salads and juices are no less useful in the fight against anemia, since there is a lot of iron in the root crop. Yes, and the general composition of the blood with regular use of the product improves, metabolic processes are restored, harmful substances are removed.

A root vegetable cooked according to the now popular Korean recipe has a similar effect, in addition, due to the presence of spices, the secretion of the stomach increases, which increases appetite. But I note that it will be useful to cook it yourself at home, in any case there will be preservatives and additional flavors in the finished salad from the supermarket.

It was a surprise for me that the greatest value is not the core, but the skin of the carrot. Doctors advise young root crops not to be peeled, but simply washed thoroughly before use.

Carrot tops - useful properties and contraindications

When growing carrots, gardeners throw away the tops or feed them to the household, without thinking that the beneficial properties of the plant apply to it, as well as contraindications.

It turns out that the ground part of the plant contains a lot of ascorbic and folic acid, potassium useful for the heart. Thanks to this, greens help to reduce the signs of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, relieve nervousness, and improve eye function.

In terms of benefits, carrot leaves can be compared with parsley and dill, and it is better to eat tops in the form of salads or add to tea. How to cook such dishes - recipes for green salads will tell you.

How to store carrots in the refrigerator

For happy owners of private houses and summer cottages, where solid cellars are built, these vegetables lie perfectly there, and not in the refrigerator, retaining their freshness until spring. By the way, here you also need to be able to properly store the root crop in the cellars for the winter. For example, the harvesting process is very important:

  • you need to harvest after the lower leaves begin to dry out;
  • before digging, you can not water the bed for 2 weeks;
  • you need to choose carrots carefully, as scratches and cuts in the peel will cause the process of decay;
  • after that, the crop must be dried for 1-2 days in a warm, shaded place;
  • tops are cut from root crops to prevent germination;
  • it is better to put vegetables in the cellar for the winter in boxes, sprinkling them with sawdust, dry sand, sometimes using clay and other methods.

But even at home, even in a small apartment, you can keep the freshness of a vegetable for many months, you just need to know the secrets.

So, it is important to harvest the healthiest fruits. How to choose better carrots? We select the most even, bright specimens, without scratches, dents, rotten or soft areas, branches.

  • cool the root crops in the refrigerator for a couple of hours (to avoid the appearance of perspiration);
  • we pack carrots in plastic bags of 2-3 pieces;
  • put the bags in the vegetable box.

I prefer to keep washed or even peeled carrots in the refrigerator so that I don’t waste time preparing food when cooking.

I’ll tell you one more secret - it’s better to prepare frozen blanks from small and spoiled carrots from a freshly harvested crop. How to do? We simply clean all root crops that are unsuitable for long-term storage, wash them, dry them a little and grate them or cut them into pieces. Depends on where you will be using them. For example, I use a fine grater for preparations for soups and cut carrots into strips for pilaf.

We pack everything in small bags or plastic containers and send it to the freezer. Now, when cooking, it remains to get the right amount of vegetable and add it to the dish, no hassle and waste of time!

Carrot is an irreplaceable vegetable - it is difficult to even compare its benefits and harms, it is not only an excellent addition to the mass of delicious dishes, but also gives the body a whole bunch of vitamins and trace elements, gives strength, strengthens the immune system, improves eyesight, strengthens blood vessels and the heart, you can’t count everything !

So let's use this gift of nature more often, but wisely in our diet for the benefit of health, ours and loved ones. Goodbye, subscribe to the blog, share articles with friends and don't forget us!