The theme of food in Spanish. Lesson on the topic "Food

There are not enough pictures, I know. But I didn't find anything suitable. It’s better to put a temporary one for now, but I myself will be puzzled by getting them :)

Spain lives according to an unusual schedule for Russians.
Majority grocery stores(supermarkets) work from 9 to 21 (+-hour).
Banks work in the morning, until 13-14.
Most of the organizations small shops (clothing and grocery), official institutions work with a siesta, usually from 14 to 16-17. You will rarely find a work schedule marked at the entrance to somewhere, so be guided by approximately and do not expect punctuality to the minute - relax, drink some delicious coffee in a nearby bar.

Breakfast . Served in bars usually from about 9 to 12. But in those of them that are located in places where people gather early or finish work late, breakfast is served much earlier. For example, in Madrid there are places where you can have breakfast at least at 6 am.

Spanish breakfast is not like, say, English, no scrambled eggs. Most often it is coffee, often a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and:

  • bakery(a croissant, for example)
  • bocadillo(Bocadillo, pronounced "bocadillo", a baguette cut lengthwise, inside of which anything is placed: cheese, jamon, herbs, tomatoes, tuna, even a potato omelet - tortilla (Tortilla, pronounced "tortilla")),
  • "tostada"- the same baguette, cut in half lengthwise and in half across, a quarter dried on fire without oil - “mediatostada” (or half - “tostada”), poured with olive oil, optionally fresh chopped tomatoes, cheese, jamon are added on top.
  • actually tortilla(Spanish omelette with potatoes). It can be: 1) classic, 2) "paisana" (aka "campera" in some regions) - with vegetables and pieces of chorizo, and 3) "rellena", cut lengthwise and stuffed with various fillings, most often fresh salad (lettuce, tomatoes, white asparagus...)
  • sandwiches from toasted pan bimbo. In particular, sandwich mixto with boiled ham and cheese, as well as its varieties: mixto con huevo (with fried eggs from one egg), mixto con huevo y bacon, etc. The egg and other additions are not served separately, but inside the sandwich.
The price is 1.5-4.5 euros, depending on the components.

Dinner. Served in restaurants on average from 13:00 to 16:00. Highly recommend "Menu del dia"("Menu del DIA") - the same as the Russian business lunch, that is, a set lunch. Nearly every restaurant has a menu posted or a lunch counter on display.
Lunch usually includes salad, first(not necessarily soup, there can be paella and pasta, for example), second(each dish to choose from several, including pork, beef, lamb, fish), dessert(also a few simple ones to choose from), bread, 1 drink(juice-water, beer, wine red, white, rose, water), usually also coffee, but not always.
This is where a dictionary comes in handy!

Lunch is most often very satisfying, if you eat little - take 1 for two, usually allowed.

Attention! After lunch, restaurants are closed from 16 to 19-20. Good restaurants and cafes are ALL closed at this time.

Manage your time so you don't go hungry. Remain open:

  • fast food (but it's a shame to eat at McDonald's for the price of a full meal in a restaurant!)
  • restaurants designed for tourists who don’t care what they eat from hunger (these are often in the most touristic places, in Alicante along the sea, for example, but in El Campello the restaurants along the beach are wonderful - they are designed more for their own)),
  • bars where you can munch another bocaillo with coffee.
Set meal price per person hovering around Alicante from 8 to 12 euros(There are, of course, separate super-fashionable and expensive restaurants, for example, on the pier next to yachts, where the price of such a dinner reaches 35 euros, but this is already a luxury). Often there are cafeterias with two options for a complex lunch: cheaper and simpler (10 euros, for example) and more expensive and "nobler" (15 euros).

Dinner. As is already clear, served later, after 19-20 on the coast, and in Madrid, for example, until 12 at night. Everyone explains the peculiarities of the climate: in the summer in the afternoon, in the heat, you don’t want to eat. During the day can be intercepted glass of drink to taste(wine, beer, very inexpensive in bars, 1.5-2-3 euros) with some snack (tapa)- jamon, cheese, a piece of bread with some yummy, pinned to it with a toothpick.

Dinner is selected according to the classic menu, no “menu del dia” and preferential prices (again, the dictionary is indispensable - types of fish, meat and seafood). In some establishments, you can find "menú de noche", a set dinner. It comes out more expensive than a set lunch, but cheaper than ordering the same dishes separately.

Costs an average of 15-30 euros per person.
I will not write about tapas separately, but if you are interested, you can read

And many varieties of coffee(Although far from Italy).

For example:
Café solo (cafe solo) - black
Café cortado (cafe cortado) - 2/3 coffee, 1/3 milk
Café con leche (cafe con leche) - 1/3 coffee, 2/3 milk
Cafe bombón (Cafe bombon) - half a cup of condensed milk, the rest is strong coffee, very tasty
Carajillo (carajillo) - with cognac
And yes, the coffee here is amazingly good.
But tea for 99% will be from a bag, and not the best.

Checked and added vlarin - ym (such a new sign of quality :))

In this post, I will list the names of vegetables and fruits and some idioms with them. A few more posts will follow with , as well as synonyms for la comida and comer verb(from the Spanish language portal).

Las hortalizas - vegetables

la cebolla (amarilla)- onion
contigo, pan y cebolla - with you, I agree to eat only bread and onions. In Russian, “with a sweet paradise and in a hut.”
el ajo- garlic
estar en el ajo - to be aware of some secret business: por sus comentarios, yo creo que él también está en el ajo
Quien se pica, ajos come - who is offended, he eats garlic; very similar to our “carry water for the offended”. The Spanish phrase is used by a person instead of an apology to the interlocutor, so to speak. A person reacts inadequately to what you said, because there is some truth in it (and he, being wounded, understands this).
A le dice a B: Hay que ver que nunca vienes con tu novia! Será que no quieres que la conozcamos.
Entonces B se siente molesto con el comentario porque a lo mejor es verdad que no quiere que la conozcan.
Pues en este caso A le puede decir a B: “quien se pica ajos come” refiriéndose a que si se picó por el comentario que le hizo (es decir, si se sintió molesto) es porque A tenía razón.

los esparragos– asparagus
¡Vete a freír espárragos! - letters. go fry the asparagus, that is, get out!

Las verduras de hojas - leafy vegetables

la col- cabbage
Entre col y col, lechuga - not the most popular saying, but I'll give it here anyway 😉 The literal translation is between a cabbage head and another cabbage head - lettuce. The expression appeared a long time ago, when the peasants brought their goods to the market in the city and, partly for a change, partly to hide not very good goods, they shifted cabbage with heads of lettuce. Now this expression, if used, is in the sense that among something good, bad things can also come across.
la lechuga iceberg- iceberg lettuce
Ser, estar como una lechuga - to be fresh as a cucumber, sleepy and rested
la espinaca- spinach

Las inflorescencias - flowering vegetables

la coliflor- cauliflower
el brecol- broccoli
la alcachofa– artichoke

Las hortalizas de fruto - fruit vegetables

el tomate (en rama) tomatoes (on a branch) ()
no hay cocinera sin tomates a su vera – it doesn’t happen that a (good) cook doesn’t have tomatoes on hand
trabalenguas: Un tomatero tomó un mortero y mató a un matutero que tomó un tomate de su tomatera.
las aceitunas- olives ()
el pimiento- Bell pepper
el chile- chilli
el pepino- cucumber
la berenjena- eggplant
el calabacin- zucchini
la calabaza- pumpkin. Easy to remember, because if you ever drank the popular Latin American drink mate, then you used calabash and bombilla for this (la bomba - pump, bombilla - pump; such a tube through which mate is sipped)

Las raíces - root vegetables

el rabano– radish
la zanahoria- carrot
The carrot and stick method is called in Spanish la politica de palo(sticks) y zanahoria
la remolacha- beet

Las legumbres - legumes

las lentejas- lentils
el cacahuete– peanut
las habas- beans en todas partes cuecen habas - beans are boiled everywhere, that is, troubles happen in all houses, everyone has problems.
los garbanzos- chickpeas
los guisantes- green pea
las judias- beans. An interesting word. After all, un judío is “Jew”, that is, “beans” in Spanish is called “Jews” ...

Las frutas - fruits

las bayas- berries

la grosella- Red currant
la grosella negra- black currant
la grosella espinosa– gooseberry
la uva- grape. Surprisingly, grapes are called differently in almost all languages: grapes (Eng.), le raisin (Fr.), la uva (Italian and port). But more than that, grapes as a plant are not called at all like a grape-berry
eng. vine - grapes
fr. la vigne - le raisin
Spanish la vina - la uva
it. la vite - la uva
port. la videira-la uva
tener mala uva - have a grumpy, bilious character, and also have bad intentions, estar de mala uva - to be in a bad mood
Que mala uva tienes. Me has pegado el balonazo adrede.
No puedo hacerte una broma porque tienes mala uva.
el arandano- blueberry
el arandano agrio- cranberry
el alquequence- in the dictionary it goes “alkekenge”, but the picture clearly shows that this is physalis ...
la frambuesa- raspberry
la fresa- strawberry

Las drupas - stone fruits

la ciruela- plum
el melocoton- peach
la nectarina– nectarine
el albaricoque- apricot
la cereza- cherries
la guinda- cherry, and the figurative meaning of “bonus, cherry on the cake”: Cerré el contrato y como guinda conseguí que lo ampliaran en un par de años.
¡échale guindas al pavo! - throw cherries to the duck; an exclamation of surprise, they say so when something unusual, out of the ordinary has happened, especially if a person is surprised at how easily and dexterously a person managed to solve a problem or get out of a difficult situation: Ahí lo tienes, trabajando y ha sido capaz de sacarse la carrera en tres años… ¡Échale guindas al pavo!
The expression comes from the amazing Echale guindas a la Tarasca y verás como las masca- throw cherries to Tarasca, and you will see how she eats them. I especially like the word Tarasca;) - that was the name of a mechanical figure in the form of a bird or dragon with a long movable neck. Such figures participated in the procession to the feast of the body of Christ. The boys from the audience often threw cherries, sweet cherries and sweets into the mouth of Tarasca.
el datil- date fruit. Interestingly, in English this word is very similar to “data” and to “date” - date.

Las frutas secas - dried fruits

El Pistacho– pistachios
El Anacardo- cashew (in Russian, it turns out, it is also called akazhu, did you know?)
la almendra– almonds
la avellana- hazelnut
la nuez- Walnut
Mucho ruido, pocas nueces - much ado about nothing a lot of talk, little action: Dicen que si siguen hablando de nosotros en la televisiónterminaremos haciéndonos ricos, pero yo creo que eso es mucho ruido y pocas nueces.

sacarle las castañas del fuego a uno - to help someone out in a difficult situation, to solve his problems for someone (that is, to pull chestnuts out of the fire for him): si tú no te esfuerzas, nadie va a sacarte las castañas del fuego
el coco- coconut, as well as the colloquial name for the "head" - "head", "bowler"
comerse el coco - letters. all think and think about something, scroll through some situation, solutions in my head: no te comas más el coco, no puedes hacer nada

la pasa- raisin
arrugado como una pasa- wrinkled like a raisin, or about a very wrinkled person, or, you know, if you sit in a hot bath for too long, the skin on the arms and legs becomes very wrinkled, that's about this condition too
las ciruelas pasas- prunes
las ojeras– dried apricots

Las frutas pomo - pome fruit

la pera- pear, and also in a figurative sense, the word pera can mean either something very good or something very bad - ser algo la pera/la pera en bota/la pera limonera :
Ese coche es la pera- here, according to the context, it will be clear whether this car is cool, or full of ***.
si encima me tocara la lotería sería la pera limonera
pedir peras al olmo - to ask that pears grow on a poplar, that is, to ask for something unreal: pedir le a este tacaño que te devuelva el dinero el como pedir peras al olmo. ¡No haberselo prestado! Todo el mundo sabe cuan avaro es este chico.
ser alguien una pera/una perita en dulce - (about someone) to be a pear in syrup, that is, to be a very attractive person (not only about appearance): este novio tuyo es una perita en dulce
la manzana- Apple
el membrillo– quince
Interestingly, quince marmalade is called la carne de membrillo

Los citricos - citrus fruits

el lemon– lemon
la lima– lime
la naranja- orange
la media naranja - (my, your) soulmate: todavia anda buscando su media naranja
piel de naranja – cellulite
¡Naranjas de China! - what more! ish what you wanted!
la naranja china– kumquat
la mandarina– tangerine
la toronja- grapefruit

Los melones - gourds

el melon– melon
ser un melon- about a person, stupid, stupid: si no comprendes esto es porque eres un melon
The big head can also be called un melon
la sandia- watermelon

Frutas tropicales - tropical fruits

I am sure that in Latin America there are a lot of expressions with the names of local fruits. A ver, ¿que nos dicen los residentes de Panamá y la isla de Margarita? 😉
el platano– banana
la fruta de la pasion- passion fruit (I already wrote)
el kiwi– kiwi
la pina- a pineapple
El Higo– fig
el caqui - persimmon
el mango- mango (also el mango is a handle, a handle; the words, of course, have a different etymology)

There will be spices, cereals, milk and much, much more!

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the selection of Spanish words Containers for food / Los recipientes para alimentos of the thematic direction "comer". This includes the most commonly used words in Spanish and Russian translation. For your convenience, we have put the list of words Food containers / Los recipientes para alimentos in a table view, but the table itself can be downloaded completely free of charge. Names of Food Containers on […]

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the selection of Spanish words Cooking / Cooking in the thematic direction "comer". This includes the most commonly used words in Spanish and Russian translation. For your convenience, we have put the list of words Cooking / Cooking in a table view, but the table itself can be downloaded for free. The names of the words are not the topic "Cooking" in Spanish with the translation romper - break […]

We offer you to get acquainted with the selection of Spanish words Fruits / Frutas of the thematic direction "comer". This includes the most commonly used words in Spanish and Russian translation. For your convenience, we have put the list of Fruits / Frutas words in a table view, but the table itself can be downloaded completely free of charge. Names of Fruits in Spanish with translation la fruta - fruits las uvas - grapes las […]

We invite you to get acquainted with the selection of Spanish words Dishes / Platos of the thematic direction "comer". This includes the most commonly used words in Spanish and Russian translation. For your convenience, we have put the list of Dishes / Platos words in a table view, but the table itself can be downloaded for free. Names of Meals in Spanish with translation el desayuno - breakfast el almuerzo - lunch la cena […]

Beginners to learn Spanish language and culture are always especially interested in the topic of food.
In this lesson, we will talk about the name of each meal in a Spanish-speaking environment, as well as get acquainted with the basic concepts that are directly related to the topic of food in Spanish.

The topic of food in Spanish

Let's start with the fact that in Spain and Latin America, special attention is paid to eating.
Spaniards and Latinos love to eat and try not to miss a single meal. Many representatives of the Spanish-speaking world prefer to eat in numerous cafes and restaurants.

Common name for food in Spanish la comlda
The main meals are breakfast el desayuno, lunch el almuerzo and dinner la cena.
Breakfast time (desayuno) is usually from 8 am to 10 am. In most Spanish-speaking countries, breakfast consists of coffee, marmalade toast, medialunas (croissants), and sometimes fruit salad.

It is worth noting that in most Spanish-speaking countries, a siesta is adopted, which lasts from 13 to 16-18 hours. At this time, almost all shops, restaurants and offices are closed, many people go home and go to bed in order to continue their day later and the day ends very late too. This regime is associated with a very hot climate.

So, let's practice.
-A que hora es la cena? - What time is dinner?

Es a la una. - At one o'clock
-And que hora almuerzas? -When is lunch?

Yo almuerzo a las dos - At two.
-A que hora tomas el desayuno normalmente?- What time do you usually have breakfast?

- Yo tomo el desayuno a las siete.- I have breakfast at six.

In the next lesson, we will talk in more detail about the names of dishes, products, and also get acquainted with some traditional dishes.
Spaniards and Latin Americans.

Food is without which our life is impossible. Food plays an important role in a child's life. Food not only provides him with the substances necessary for life. Food is also a source of all kinds of sensations and impressions. Smells, colors, tastes... Solid, soft, liquid... Children discover the world while eating. Let's learn how to talk about it in Spanish too

  • For proper use of the materials, please read
  • To properly prepare your child for lessons, read
  • Don't skip topics, do them one by one. But it is possible and desirable to periodically return to the topics covered.
  • Use language transition rituals to start every class right. You can read about them in the Introductory Lessons.
  • If you yourself are just starting to learn this language, then it will be useful for you to read


Tasks can be done in any order, combined with each other.


Say phrases from the templates to your child by combining different words. Speak whole phrases, not single words ("Esto es una manzana", not just "manzana"). Be sure to accompany words with positive emotions and actions. Show real and toy food, photos or pictures of food and how people eat. Show similar situations on toys, how they prepare food, eat, treat each other, clean dishes and wash dishes. Each action is accompanied by the appropriate phrase:

  • — ¿Quieres comer una manzana? (Do you want to eat an apple?)
  • — Si. Quiero comer una manzana. Dame una manzana, por favor (Yes. I want to eat an apple. Give me an apple, please)
  • - Toma esta manzana (Take this apple)
  • — Gracias (Thank you)

Don't translate anything. Repeat each phrase several times. It is not necessary to use all phrases and words in one lesson. One such task should last no more than 3-7 minutes, then finish the lesson or move on to any other task. Use toys, make skits and mini-dialogues with them to show the child the principle of this task.


Take your child to the kitchen! Cook together! Set the table together! Wash dishes together! And comment on all your activities in Spanish.


1. Cooking together

  • - Hacemos un sandwich (let's make a sandwich)
  • — Cogemos el pan. Cortamos un trozo de pan. Ponemos este pedazo de pan en gm plato amarilla. Cogemos la mantequilla. Cortamos un trozo de mantequilla. Ponemos este pedazo de mantequilla en el pan. Ponemos el queso. Cortamos un trozo de queso. Ponemos este pedazo de queso en este pedazo de pan. Eso es todo! Ponemos un sandwich. ¿Quieres este sandwich? Coge lo. (We take bread. We cut off a piece of bread. We put this piece of bread on a yellow plate. We take butter. We cut off a piece of butter. We put this piece of butter on this piece of bread. We take cheese. We cut a piece of cheese. We put this piece cheese on this piece of bread. That's all. We have a sandwich. Would you like to eat this sandwich? Take it!)
  • - Hacemos los panqueques (let's make pancakes)
    Tomamos una cazuela y la ponemos aqui. Asimismo, tomamos los huevos, la leche, la harina, la sal y el azúcar. Lo mezclamos ... (take a frying pan and put it here. We also take eggs, milk, flour, salt and sugar. We mix everything ...)

2. Set the table

  • - Ayuda a poner la mesa por favor! Tome estas tazas verdes. Mett sobre la mesa por favor. (Help me set the table, please! Take these green cups. Put them on the table, please)
  • — Gracias! Tú me ayudaste a poner la mesa! (Thank you! You helped me set the table)

3. Wash dishes (you wash real dirty dishes yourself, the child can wash clean dishes in a basin with clean water nearby, or toy dishes in a basin nearby - this is useful not only for developing vocabulary in French, but also for developing fine motor skills

  • - Vamos a lavar los platos juntos (Let's wash the dishes together)
  • — Tomo una taza. Esta taza esta sucia. Tu bebiste la leche de esta taza. Yo la lavo. Ahora bien, es limpio. Y vemos - esta taza es azul. (….. I take a cup. This cup is dirty. You drank milk from this cup. I wash it. Now it is clean. And we see - this cup is blue)
  • - Tomo una placa ... (I take a plate)
  • - Tomo una cuchara .. (I take a spoon)
  • — ¿Qué tome? Que es? Esto es correcto! Es un cuchillo. Yo voy a lavar un cuchillo. Yo lavo el cuchillo. Ahora, el cuchillo está limpio. (What did I take? What is this? Right! This is a knife. I will wash the knife. I will wash the knife. Now the knife is clean)

So you do household chores and work out. When the child passes new words "through the hands", that is, picks up objects and names them. He remembers words better thanks to his associative memory.


Arrange tea parties and feasts with toys. Choose appropriate dialogues?

  • — Vamos a beber te. ¿Te boir te negro o verde? (Let's have tea. Do you want to drink black or green tea?)
  • Quiero beber te negro. (I want to drink black tea)
  • — Te doy una taza de te negro. ¿Quieres té con azúcar o sin azúcar? (I give you a cup of black tea. Do you want tea with or without sugar?)
  • — Quiero beber té con azúcar. (I want to drink tea with sugar)
  • — Ok. Puse el azúcar en tu taza .. (Alright. I put (a) sugar in your cup)

Play the same way in a cafe or restaurant


See different pictures and photos of dishes, food, and how people eat. Paintings by great artists with still lifes and images of a meal are very well suited. At the same time, you can begin to acquaint the child with painting. Name all the things you see. Describe their color and size. List people and name what they do.

Your family photos can be used too.


Read any verse to your child, show pictures of food and perform the necessary movements in the text. You can hum every rhyme to any tune. Repeat the verse several times at one time. Connect toys to the game. Let them do the movement too. Find the lyrics below.


Draw, sculpt and make colorful crafts as much as possible. Draw food, furniture, your kitchen, how you have breakfast, lunch. Sculpt fruits, vegetables, utensils, treat toys to those that you have blinded. List colors and sizes.

The funnier and more unusual your drawings are, the better. Surprise your child. Only bright and positive impressions make the child remember something and make him want to repeat after you.


Watch the video, sing along (even if only those words that you know) and perform the movements.

New vocabulary

  • you should know these new words before starting classes with your child
  • You can learn words not all words at once, but in groups of 3-5 words, and gradually add them over several days
  • The last column shows transcription in Russian letters, but I draw your attention to the fact that Russian letters cannot convey all Spanish sounds . In particular: interdental c (when z, ci and ce are written), something between [b] and [c] (when b is in the middle of a word or v is at the beginning of a word). Therefore, if you still do not read Spanish well, be sure to check it out first)
  • From the new vocabulary, use only those products that are familiar to your child. You can add something else that your child loves.
  • If your child already knows how to count. Start actively in this topic (if you haven’t done it before) using numbers in Spanish (1 - uno, 2 - dos, 3 - tres, 4 - cuatro, 5 - cinco, 6 - seis, 7 - siete, 8 - ocho, 9 - neuve, 10 - diez). If your child does not yet know how to count, you can still use numbers up to 5 when necessary.

The drinks

A sandwich


Olive oil)

Ice cream


Fruits (apple, pear, banana, peach, cherry)

Vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage)

Berries (strawberries, raspberries)








Hot Cold





Wash the dishes


Set the table



To mix


To help


more less


from (somewhere)

from (consists of something)


el jugo / el zumo

el aceite (aceite de oliva)

frutas (la manzana, la pera, el plátano, el melocotón, la cereza)

verduras (la patata, la zanahoria, la cebolla, el repollo)

bayas (fresas, frambuesas)




dulce - amargo - salado



lavar los platos












[aseite (aseite de olive]






[frutas (mansana, pera, plane tree, melokoton, serasa]

[varduras (patata, sanaoria, seboya, repoyo]

[bayas (frasas, frambuesas])






[duro - likido]

[kalyente - frio]


[dulse - amargo - salado]

[sushio - limpio]

[lavar los platos]


[poner la mesa]

[tomar - poner]



[drug / coser]

[mas - menos]

[delicioso / buen]

Grammar Quick Reference

For parents who are starting to learn the language or who do not speak it well enough:

  • You need to master the following grammar rules:

1. When used after the verb ayudar (to help), the preposition a is placed before the semantic verb:

  • Ayudame a poner la mesa (Help me set the table)
  • Yo ayudo a mi madre a cocinar (I help my mom cook)

2. Irregular Verbs from this thread:

The present Past
querer(want, love)
  • yo quiero
  • tu quieres
  • el/ella quiere
  • nosotros/nosotras queremos
  • vosotros/vosotras quereis
  • ellos/ellas quieren
  • Yo Quise
  • tú quisiste
  • el/ella quiso
  • nosotros/nosotras quisimos
  • vosotros/vosotras quisisteis
  • ellos/ellas quisieron
  • yo pongo
  • tu pones
  • el/ella pone
  • nosotros/nosotras ponemos
  • vosotros/vosotras poneis
  • ellos/ellas ponen
  • yo pussy
  • tu pusiste
  • el/ella puso
  • nosotros/nosotras pusimos
  • vosotros/vosotras pusisteis
  • ellos/ellas pusieron
  • yo vierto
  • tu viertes
  • el/ella vierte
  • nosotros/nosotras vertemos
  • vosotros/vosotras verteis
  • ellos/ellas vierten
  • yo verti
  • to vertiste
  • el/ella vertio
  • nosotros/nosotras vertimos
  • vosotros/vosotras vertisteis
  • ellos/ellas vertieron
  • yo hiervo
  • tu hierves
  • el/ella hierve
  • nosotros/nosotras hervimos
  • vosotros/vosotras hervis
  • ellos/ellas hierven
  • yo hervi
  • tu herviste
  • el/ella hirvio
  • nosotros/nosotras hervimos
  • vosotros/vosotras hervisteis
  • ellos/ellas hirvieron

Phrase Templates

  • You must master these phrase patterns and try to combine all the words from the list of new vocabulary according to their example.
I eat

Do you want to eat?

I want to eat

I do not want to eat.

Do you want more?

I do not want any more

I love to eat fruits

Do you want an apple or a banana?

I want an apple

What do you like more apple or banana?

I prefer banana

This is an Apple

Fruits are apples, bananas, pears...

An apple is a fruit

Mom's making a meal

Mom cooks soup

Mom sets the table

Mother is washing the dishes

I help my mother wash the dishes

I help my mom cook

Help me set the table

It's tasty!

It's not tasty.

This soup is delicious

Tea with / without sugar

Let's set the table

Let's cook dinner

I cut fruit

I boil eggs

I roast meat

I eat with a fork

I eat from a plate

I drink from a cup

yo como

¿Quieres comer?

Yo no quiero comer

Yo no quiero mas

Me gusta comer frutas

¿Quieres una manzana o un platano?

Quiero una manzana

¿Qué te gusta más una manzana o un platano?

Me gusta mas un platano

Las frutas son manzanas, platanos, peras

La manzana es una fruta

Mi madre cocina la comida

Mi madre cocina la sopa

Mama pone la mesa

Mama lava los platos

Ayudo a mi madre a lavar los platos

Yo ayudo a mi madre a cocinar

Ayudame a poner la mesa

Es delicioso! / Esto es bueno!

Esta sopa es deliciosa

Té con azúcar / sin azúcar

Vamos a poner la mesa

Vamos a cocinar la cena

Corto las frutas

Yo como con un tenedor

Yo como de un plato

Yo bebo de una taza

[yo komo]

[kyeres comer]

[kyero comer]

[yo no kyero comer]

[kyeres mas]

[yo no kyero mas]

[me gusta komer frutas]

[kyeres una mansana o un sycamore]

[kyero una manzana]

[ke te gusta mas una manzana o un sycamore]

[me gusta mas un plane tree]

[es una mansana]

[las frutas son manzanas, platanos, peras]

[la mansana es una fruta]

[mi madre cosina la comida]

[mi madre cosina la sopa]

[mama pone la mesa]

[mama lava los platos]

[ayudo a madre a lavar los platos]

[yo ayudo a mi madre a cosinar]

[ayudame a poner la mese]

[es delicioso / esto es bueno]

[but es delicioso]

[esta sopa es deliciosa]

[te kon atsukar / shin atsukar]

[wamos a poner la mesa]

[vamos a kosinar la sena]

[corto las frutas]

[koshino uevos]

[frio la carne]

[yo komo con un tenedor]

[yo komo de un plateau]

[yo babo de una tasa]

Possible Ancillary Items for a Given Topic

  • Any real or toy food and utensils
  • Pictures of food and utensils, pictures of how people or fabulous animals eat, as well as similar photos of your family.
  • Different toys with which you can arrange tea parties and dinners
  • Colored pencils, paints, plasticine, colored paper
  • Fun music to sing along to


You can show these cards to your child while learning the corresponding words. Cards can be shown electronically or printed and cut.

ADVICE! Cards should be used only to consolidate knowledge of new words. Do not start learning words from cards. Words should be taught in context with other already known words.

  • ¿Qué es? - What is it?
  • ¿Que te muestro? What am I showing you?
  • ¿Esto una manzana o un limon? Is it an apple or a lemon?

Poems on the subject

Lemonmedio lemon

Un limón y medio limón,

dos limones y medio limón,

tres limones y medio limón,

cuatro limones y medio limón,

cinco limones y medio limón,

seis limones y medio limón,

ocho limones y medio limón

Lemon and half a lemon

One lemon and half a lemon

two lemons and half a lemon,

three lemons and half a lemon,

four lemons and half a lemon,

five lemons and half a lemon,

six lemons and half a lemon,

eight lemons and half a lemon

Las comidas

Din, don, ¡vamos, ya!
Todos a desayunar,
que comienza un nuevo dia
y la mesa puesta está.
Un buen zumo de naranja,
de tostados, leche y pan,
mantequilla y mermelada
y al colegio a trabajar.
Din, don. ¿Queen es?
Es la hora de comer,
vamos todos a la mesa
y pongamos el mantel.
macarrones con tomato,
segundo un buen bistec
y por ultimo, de postre,
una pera y un pastel.
Din, don. ¿Quien sera?
Nos llaman a merendar.
Vamos todos muy deprisa
que, si no, se acabara.
Din, don, ¿quien va?
Es la hora de cenar.
Vamos todos a la mesa,
que, si no, se enfriara.
Una sopa de fideos
y croquetas de jamon
y de leche con galletas
llenaremos es tazon.

Dean, dong, let's go!

All for breakfast

a new day begins

and the table is set.

Delicious orange juice

toast, milk and bread

butter and jam

and work at school.

Dean, don. Who is it?

time to dine

we all go to the table

and cover it with a tablecloth.

Macaroni with tomatoes,

For the second delicious steak

And finally, for dessert,

pears and cake.

Dean, don. Who goes?

Time to have a bite.

Let's hurry up

and then everything will end.

Dean, dong, who's coming?

Dinner time.

All to the table

And then everything will cool down.

Noodles soup

and ham bread

milk with cookies

fill the cups.

Comida sana

Si muchos dulces comes,
no muy grande tu seras
si te comes tus guisantes
creceras como un gigante y
por nada temeras.

Comes verduras y frutas
tomas lechita y la disfrutas
Comes todo lo de tu plato
y seras mas grande y guapo.

healthy eating

If you eat a lot of sweets

You won't grow big

if you eat peas

grow up to be a giant

you won't be afraid of anything.

Eat vegetables and fruits

Drink milk and enjoy

Eat everything on your plate

and you will be big and beautiful.

Esta rica la merienda
que mamita preparo,
pan con dulce, mermelada,
galletitas con jamón.

This delicious lunch

Made by mom

sweet bread, jam,

ham cookies.

Dona Rosa, la manzana

Dona Rosa, la manzana,
va rodando entre las sillas.
Tiene adentro un gusanito
que le hace muchas cosquillas.

Una pera la saluda:
-Buenos días, doña Rosa.
Y se rie la manzana
porque si o de cualquier cosa.

-Ja ja já, señora pera,
¡luce usted de maravilla!
-Mas o menos, doña rosa:
hoy estoy muy amarilla.

-Ja ja já, pobre vecina:
hoy no se siente bien.
- ¿Y de qué se rie, Rosa?
¿No ve que ando mal de piel?

-Ja ja já, querida pera,
no me rio de malicia.
Es que guardo un gusanito
que la panza me acaricia.

-Yo la ayudo de inmediato
y el problema se le pasa:
¡gusano! -grita la pera-,
¡andá a buscarte otra casa!

Abandona el gusanito
su vivienda tan lozana.
Con su gorro de linyera
va a buscar otra manzana.

Pasa el tiempo y doña Rosa
va muy seria y muy precisa
a pasear con doña pera,
pero… ¡ha perdido la risa!

Se arrepienten ambas frutas
de haber echado al gusano
y van juntas a rogarle
que regrese vivo y sano.

El gusano no lo piensa
ni siquiera media vez,
y regresa a su manzana.
-Ja ja já -rien los tres.

An apple named Doña Rosa

Apple Doña Rosa

rolling between chairs

she has a little worm inside,

which tickles her hard.

The pear greets her:

Good morning Don Rosa.

And the apple laughs

just because she's being tickled.

-Ha ha ha, senora pear

You look good!

More or less, Dona Rosa:

I am very yellow now.

Ha-ha-ha, poor neighbor:

You don't feel well today.

Why are you laughing, Rose?

If you can't see that I have bad skin?

- Ha-ha-ha, dear pear

I'm unintentional.

I have a worm

that tickles my tummy.

-I can help you quickly

and solve the problem:

Worm! pear screams,

Leave and find another home!

Worm left

My house

And found another apple.

Time passed and Doña Rosa

goes very serious and very sad,

to walk Donya Grusha,

but... no more laughs!

Both fruits are upset that

threw the worm

and they went together to beg

him back.

The worm didn't think

even just a little

and returned to his apple.

Ha-ha-ha- now the three of them are laughing.

Las Frutas

El higo está en la higuera, la pera en el peral
naranja en el naranjo, los ninos a jugar
Todas las frutas me gustan a mi:
el higo, la pera, naranja y ¡fín!


Figs on figs, pear on pear

Orange on orange for children to play

I love all fruits

Figs, pear, orange and that's it!

Video on this topic

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