Make watermelon jam at home. Watermelon rind jam

Watermelon jam is not only yummy, but also an opportunity to remember summer days. Cooking is simple and without any tricks. Let's look at a few recipes for unusual jam.

When we eat fresh watermelon, the peel goes into the trash. Now leave such a valuable product. The first recipe will be exactly like this: watermelon skin jam. For cooking you will need:
  • large, ripe watermelon with a dark green rind (minimum yellow spots!):
  • lemon - 1-2 pieces;
  • sugar - 1-1.2 kg;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • citric acid - 2 grams;
  • drinking soda - 3 tbsp.
Wash the watermelon thoroughly under running water with a brush. Cut in half and scrape out the pulp, send it to food or leave it for pulp jam. Cut the peel into two more pieces for easy peeling. Take a potato peeler or a sharp knife, remove a thin layer of green skin so that only one lettuce pulp remains, and cut into slices.

We prepare a solution of soda 1 tbsp. per 1 liter cold water. The amount of soda can be reduced, then the pieces of watermelon will be less crispy. Immerse the berry cubes in the solution and leave for 2-3 hours. Then rinse the crusts under running water and boil a little.

While the watermelon peel is soaked in soda, prepare a syrup from 1 kg of sugar and 0.5 liters of water. For a sweet tooth, take more sugar, about 1.5 kg. Put the boiled skins in syrup and leave to cook until completely transparent. If water is low, add more. It is better to use boiled. At the end of cooking, add citric acid.

And it's not over yet. Now take a lemon, wash and scald with boiling water to remove bitterness. Better yet, pour the lemon in a bowl and leave for a couple of minutes. Then cut into slices and remove the seeds. Pass the citrus through a meat grinder along with the zest, add to the watermelon peels. Once again, add boiling water, sugar to the pan and cook until the syrup thickens. Pour into sterilized jars and roll up. Thanks to the lemon, the jam can turn a faint green or emerald color, so do not be afraid of such metamorphoses.

Let's start cooking watermelon pulp jam. Buy the variety with the fewest seeds so you don't have to do the tedious work of extracting the seeds. Carefully cut the clean pulp into cubes and place in a large bowl. Sprinkle with sugar. For 1 kg of pulp, up to 1 kg of sugar is consumed. Leave for 3-4 hours.

Drain the resulting juice into a saucepan and make syrup. Pour watermelon slices over them and boil. A tender jam is obtained if the pulp is brought to a boil, boiled a little over low heat, removed and left for 8-10 hours. Do not forget to cover with newspaper or gauze so that the flies do not get into the cauldron.

Now again bring the watermelon mass to a boil and remove for 4 hours, adding citric acid and vanilla. Boil again for 3-5 minutes and pour into jars. There will be more syrup than pulp, but the delicious watermelon flavor will remain.

We shared two delicious recipes. Add orange, grapes, melon to watermelon and enjoy unusual combination fruits and berries. And to make candied watermelon, fish slices out of the jam from the skin, roll in sugar and dry in the oven. Bon appetit!

Do you know the situation when the purchased watermelon was eaten half? The second part of the berry was left to eat later, but safely forgotten. It is a pity to throw away a watermelon, and it is no longer possible to eat, because it has grafted and lost its taste. What to do? Make watermelon jam. And the money spent was justified, and the preparations for the winter were replenished.

Watermelon Jam Recipe - delicious preparation for the winter.


Watermelon pulp 1 kg Sugar 1 kg Lemon 1 piece(s)

  • Servings: 1
  • Time for preparing: 35 minutes

How to make watermelon pulp jam

To make the jam delicious, cook it from unripe and not very sluggish watermelons. Make sure there are no bones in the dish.

Grocery list:

  • watermelon pulp - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

If desired, add cinnamon, cloves or star anise to the recipe.

Peeled watermelon, cut into cubes, sprinkle with sugar and let the mixture brew for 1-2 hours. Put the jam on the fire and boil for 15 minutes after boiling. Leave the container to cool. Boil the jam again. Add juice, grated lemon zest and spices. Grind the jam with an immersion blender and boil again for 15-20 minutes. Pour into sterile jars and roll up.

Recipe for watermelon jam with red currant

Jam prepared according to the recipe has a rich red color and a pronounced taste of red currant.

Grocery list:

  • watermelon pulp - 1 kg;
  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

If the currant is sour, add 0.5 kg of sugar. Use cinnamon or cloves if desired.

Mix the pulp of watermelon and currant berries without stalks with sugar. Let the mixture brew for 1.5-2 hours. Boil the future jam over low heat for 30–40 minutes, chop with an immersion blender and boil for another 10 minutes. Pour into sterile jars and roll up.

Cooking watermelon jam with melon

The ripening season of melons coincides with watermelons. Why not make jam from these products?

List of ingredients:

  • watermelon pulp - 1 kg;
  • melon pulp - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Mix finely chopped melon with watermelon pulp and sugar. Wait for the mixture to release juice (1-2 hours). Boil the jam over low heat for 15-20 minutes. After the mixture has cooled, boil it again. Add the juice and lemon zest to the jam, grind with an immersion blender until a homogeneous mass is formed. Boil again for 20-30 minutes. Spread hot jam in sterile jars and roll up.

Watermelon is a favorite treat for many. Most berry lovers look forward to the season to enjoy the taste. The fresh and juicy flesh of a watermelon cannot be compared with anything else. You can enjoy berries all year round- enough to make jam. There are many ways to make watermelon jam. You can make it from the pulp or from the peels.

Put the mass on the fire and boil after boiling for half an hour, let it stand for a couple of hours and boil again. You need to make 3 passes. Before boiling the watermelon for the last time, grind it through a sieve or chop it with a blender, add lemon juice and vanilla. To make the jam thicker, you can pour a bag of pectin.

sugar free watermelon jam recipe

This delicacy is called "watermelon honey". It will be an addition to pastries and milk porridges.

All you need is a large ripe watermelon. Cut it in half, remove the pulp and divide it with a knife into small pieces. Put them in a suitable dish and place on a small fire. While stirring, wait until the mass is reduced by half or three times. Remove from stove and let watermelon gruel cool.

Grind the watermelon gruel through a sieve so that only the bones remain in it. Place the liquid substance in a container, put on fire and, stirring, boil several times. You should have a thick mass of dark amber color.

Pour hot jam into jars and close with lids. Store in a cool place.

Watermelon jam with lemon

  • lemon;
  • watermelon pulp - 400 gr.;
  • 1.25 cups of water;
  • sugar - 400 gr.

Remove and dice the watermelon flesh, removing the seeds. Place in a suitable dish, add 0.25 tbsp. water and boil until softened for half an hour.

Scrape the zest from the lemon and squeeze out the juice. From lemon juice, 250 gr. sugar and the remaining water, prepare the syrup.

Pour the remaining sugar to the watermelon, when it dissolves, add the zest and syrup. Cook the mass, remembering to stir regularly, until it thickens - about 40 minutes.

Pack the finished jam in jars.

Watermelon jam with mint

If you like unusual spicy flavors, you can try making watermelon jam for the winter according to the following recipe.

  • 4 cups chopped watermelon pulp;
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice and zest;
  • 1/3 glass of wine;
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh mint;
  • 1 tbsp a spoonful of ginger;
  • 0.5 tsp black pepper;
  • 1.5 cups of sugar.

Place mint in a blender bowl lemon peel, sugar and beat everything. Using a blender, mix the pepper and watermelon pulp. Place the crushed ingredients in a container and cook the mass until it is halved: to speed up the process, drain the juice from the watermelon mass after grinding. Add wine, ginger and lemon juice. After boiling, boil the mixture for 6-8 minutes so that it becomes darker and thicker. Place the finished jam in jars and seal with lids.

Watermelon Peel Recipes

Many people throw away watermelon peels, not seeing the value in them. But from this useless product you can make a wonderful delicacy.

Watermelon rind jam

  • lemon, you can also orange;
  • 1.2 kg. granulated sugar;
  • 1 kg of watermelon peels;
  • vanillin;
  • 3 art. water.

Peel off the white skin of the watermelon. Get rid of the thick skin and pink flesh. With a curly or regular knife, cut the peel into elongated pieces of small size. Pierce each piece with a fork, send them for at least 4 hours in a soda solution - 1 liter. water 1 tsp soda. This is necessary so that the slices do not lose their shape after cooking. Rinse the peel, cover with water, leave for 30 minutes, rinse again, pour over and leave to soak for half an hour.

Watermelon is a favorite summer treat for almost everyone. In addition to being very tasty, this fruit is also beneficial for health. The pulp contains vitamins B, C and PP, folic acid, fiber, carotene. All these elements have a beneficial effect on the work of all systems and organs. Unfortunately, the period when you can eat this fresh berry is very small, literally a month or two. Therefore, many housewives make preparations from watermelon for the future. They ferment it, preserve it, freeze it. But in this article we will talk about how from a watermelon. The recipe for this delicacy will be presented to your attention not one, but three. Dishes prepared according to these descriptions are distinguished by a pleasant aroma, beautiful appearance and extraordinary taste.

Watermelon jam (pulp)

This type of delicacy is prepared precisely from the red part of this melon plant. Peel watermelon, remove seeds from it. Pulp (500 g) cut into small pieces and put in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour boiled water (200 g) into it and put the vessel on fire. Boil the watermelon until it becomes soft. Next, drain the liquid, and add half a kilogram of sugar and the zest of one lemon or orange to the watermelon pulp. Prepare the syrup in a separate bowl. To do this, dissolve sugar (300 g) in water (200 g) and boil. Pour the resulting liquid into a saucepan with pulp and cook until thickened. Further, the cooked jam is packaged in sterile glass jars, corked and stored in a cool room.

Watermelon jam. dainties from crusts

Do not rush to throw away the skins from the eaten striped vegetable. From the white dense pulp, which is located immediately under the green peel, you can make a very tasty and healthy jam.

Gather all the rinds from one medium-sized watermelon (about 4 kg). Remove the top green layer with a knife. Cut the white pulp into cubes, put in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar (1 kg). Leave the blank for several hours. When the mass starts up the juice, put the bowl on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer the jam for half an hour. Next, turn off the stove and let the workpiece cool completely. Squeeze the juice of one small lemon into the watermelon mass and boil it again. After the next cooling, simmer the jam one or two more times. Then lay it out in sterile containers and tighten with metal lids. Watermelon jam, the recipe of which you have just learned, turns out to be a beautiful golden color. Pieces remain solid and transparent. This delicacy is very similar to marmalade: and appearance, and to taste.

Watermelon jam (recipe with melon)

This sweetness melts in your mouth. This jam has a honey flavor, pleasant aroma, and outwardly resembles jelly.

To prepare this delicacy, you will need equal proportions of watermelon and melon peels (half a kilogram each). They need to be cleared of thin outer peel and cut into small pieces. Next, the prepared pulp is poured saline solution prepared from a liter of water and two large spoons of salt, and kept for half an hour. Then soaked in clean hot water(80-90 degrees) for 10 minutes. After this time, the water is drained, and pieces of watermelon and melon are poured with syrup. It is prepared from 600 g of water and 400 g of sugar. Cook jam in several passes in the manner described in the previous recipe. Roll the workpiece into jars and store in the cellar or refrigerator.

Make watermelon jam for the future and treat your family and friends all year round delicious treat. Feel the taste of summer cold winter. Bon appetit!

The imagination of housewives is amazing. Numerous jam recipes, familiar to many, are already pretty boring. Resourceful hostesses use watermelon peels for jam. The advantages of such a dessert are that watermelon practically does not leave waste behind, and in terms of usefulness it is not inferior to many berries and fruits. Having tried this delicacy once, it is very difficult to refuse its preparation and use.

It is not difficult to prepare a dessert; the delicacy has no complaints about home conditions. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe. Do everything exactly according to the calculations.

Properly cooked jam is stored for a long time and retains a large amount of useful substances:

  • Many housewives do not want to make jam from watermelon peels, as they believe that a large amount of nitrates accumulate in them. They remain in the thin skin of the watermelon, which should be trimmed and removed altogether.
  • In order to remove nitrates from the crusts, they are soaked in water with chalk. Leave it in it for 2-3 hours, then rinse and prepare a dessert.
  • You should not cook jam from the first watermelons, which appear already in the middle of summer, they have a lot of nitrates. Plants are fed with various chemicals so that they grow faster and bear fruit. It is best to use watermelons bought in high season. Such fruits are guaranteed cleaner than the very first ones.
  • When preparing a dessert, sugar is placed in various proportions. Sweet tooth starts from 1.5 kg per 1 kg of crusts, and those who do not like sweets too much add 600 g per 1 kg of watermelons.
  • The cooking time is also different, someone cooks for 5 minutes, in several approaches, someone for 20 minutes, while the preparation is infused for 24 hours.

To prepare a delicacy, you don’t have to work especially hard. The cooking itself does not take much time, most of the allotted time the jam is infused.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Proper preparation of crusts is the key to a positive result. The main thing to do is to follow the recommendations indicated in the recipe, then everything will work out:

  • First of all, they are soaked in chalky water in order to get rid of nitrates.
  • Another way is to put them in a container, fill them with cold water and place them in the refrigerator. After that, the crusts are thoroughly washed, dried and peeled.
  • Pieces are cut arbitrarily, but if possible equally. This is necessary for uniform boiling.

Other preparations follow the steps of a specific recipe.

Watermelon peel jam for the winter: the easiest recipe

The preparation of the simplest recipe is perfect for those who decide to cook this delicacy for the first time. You will need the same amount of crusts and granulated sugar.

For proper cooking is given step by step recipe jam brews.

Step 1

The green skin is cut off from the watermelon peels, the rest must be arbitrarily cut. It is necessary to try to make the pieces the same so that there are no problems in the cooking process.

Step 2

After weighing the resulting workpiece, measure the required amount of sugar. Sprinkle them with diced crusts.

Step 3

Shake the container to distribute the sugar. They clean it in a cool place and wait for the workpiece to release the juice. Approximately it will take 3.5-4 hours.

Step 4

After the allotted time has passed, gently mix, trying not to damage the structure of the crusts. Put on a slow fire so that the jam does not burn, stir occasionally.

Step 5

As the mass boils, the power of the fire is raised to medium. Stir well and remove the emerging foam well. Let it boil, but no more than 5 minutes. Then the workpiece is removed from the fire and left to cool at room temperature. Close the material and leave for a day.

Step 6

After 24 hours, put it on fire again and boil for 5 minutes. Turn off and leave for a day.

Step 7

The procedure is repeated, the jam is boiled for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. A thick and viscous consistency signals the readiness of the dessert. If this does not happen, the jam is cooled again and boiled to the desired state.

Step 8

They put them in jars hot, cook them in advance, wash and sterilize. Making jam according to this recipe, you won’t have to do a lot of work.

And you can evaluate the taste of the finished delicacy in a few days. The jam will be saturated with syrup and will be ready to eat.

Watermelon peel jam in a slow cooker

There is a multicooker in almost every home. It significantly reduces the time spent on making jam. It will take 0.5 kg of crusts, 0.5 kg of sugar. If you want to keep the shape of the cubes, you should prepare 7 g of soda.

Watermelon is cut into small, arbitrary pieces. Pour in a solution of water with soda for half an hour. Then they are taken out and washed in cold running water.

Prepare the container of the multicooker, lay crusts in it, sprinkle with sugar.

In the "Extinguishing" mode, jam is simmered for 1 hour. It is necessary to stir the workpiece several times.

If the consistency does not suit you, then in the slow cooker change the mode to “Steaming” and simmer for another 15 minutes. The finished dessert is laid out in jars and put away for storage.

In order to cook delicious jam, you will need 1 kg of crusts, 1.2 kg of sugar, 2 oranges and a lemon. Crusts of watermelons are crushed into arbitrary cubes. To do this, if desired, use a curly knife for cutting. Then in ready-made the pieces will look very nice. Pour the workpiece with sugar and leave to infuse for 4 hours.

Meanwhile, prepare the zest from the lemon and oranges. You do not need to touch the white layer, it will be bitter, thereby spoiling the taste of the finished jam.

When the workpiece starts the juice, put on fire. Bring to a boil, then add the zest and sliced ​​​​peeled orange slices into it. It takes 10 minutes to cook the dessert, then you need to remove and let cool. Then repeat this 3 times. If the jam is liquid, the number of repetitions is increased by 1 time.

The delicacy is laid out in jars, rolled up, wrapped and left to cool at room temperature.

This jam turns out to be excellent, especially it is distinguished by a citrus taste, which surprises guests. Many do not even understand what it is made of.

Watermelon rind jam with lemon

Unlike orange, lemon gives sourness, which makes the jam very tasty. 1 kg of watermelon peels, 0.9 kg of granulated sugar, 1 lemon will come in handy.

If necessary, citrus is replaced with citric acid.

The crusts are cut into small pieces, covered with sugar. The cooking itself will begin after 3-4 hours have passed. Then set on low heat and simmer it, after boiling, leave to boil for 10 minutes. Then you need to remove and let the jam cool. You do not need to insist for a day, a few hours are enough. After the jam has cooled completely, put it on fire again and boil for 10 minutes. Repeat in the same sequence one more time.

When the mass boils in the third approach, add a lemon, chopped into pieces along with the skin. Boil for 10 minutes, lay out hot, clean in the cellar.

With mint

As an option for all the sweet tooth, making jam from watermelon peels with mint. For him you will need: 1 watermelon, 1 tbsp. granulated sugar, mint to taste. The watermelon is cut into slices, the pink flesh is cut off and cleaned for home. Only peels will be used. They are cut into thin sticks, all this is covered with sugar, mint is added and left to infuse for several hours.

After the appearance of the juice, put on a very slow fire, bring to a boil.

Constantly collect the foam formed on the surface. When the workpiece boils, add the fire and cook for 40 minutes, while not forgetting to stir.

Prepare jars in advance, sterilize them and dry them. Lay the jam cooled down, turn the jars upside down and leave for a day under a warm shelter. Then take it out and put it away for storage in a specially designated place.

A lot depends on how the jam was made. It must be laid out in sterile jars and rolled up. Then it will be stored for 1-2 years.

Sunlight should not penetrate into the room where the blanks are stored. The optimum temperature is from +10 ... +15 ⁰С.

If the banks are closed iron lids their shelf life increases. Only to preserve the integrity of the caps, they are coated with petroleum jelly.

High humidity in the storage room leads to the fact that the top layer of jam is badly damaged in those jars that are closed with paper lids. This jam should not be eaten.

Proper storage is a guarantee that the jam will last for more than one year. But useful material, which are in the composition of the main ingredients, are constantly decreasing.

It is not difficult to make jam from watermelon peels; nothing is wasted with a good housewife. And in terms of usefulness, it is not inferior to some desserts from berries and fruits. Before drawing conclusions about how delicious this dessert is, you should try to cook it yourself at home.