How to make cottage cheese from skimmed milk. Recipes for homemade cottage cheese from sour milk

Probably, this product is in any house. Especially if there are children or elderly people in the family, those who care about their health and their family, or who are trying to lose weight. But sometimes we, buying this product in a store and trusting it, do not think about what it is made of and how it is made. Meanwhile, the contents of store packs and packages are very doubtful. And therefore, the desire of many to make cottage cheese at home is understandable. Because it is not only simple, but also useful, and so delicious. And everyone knows what the curd was made of and using safe technology.

What products to make cottage cheese: rules for making homemade cottage cheese

People who are used to not denying themselves anything natural, trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, have come up with more than one way. After all, cottage cheese is made from different dairy products. This is either milk, or kefir, go curdled milk, sour cream or even fermented baked milk.

IMPORTANT: If you want cottage cheese to turn out delicious at home and retain all its usefulness, take ONLY FRESH milk or products from it and only from a trusted brand. Better yet, straight from the cow!

Cottage cheese at home from curdled milk - a step by step recipe with a photo

But, whatever the base product, the rules for preparing any of them are approximately the same. The main thing in this process is the timely and correct separation of whey. After all, excessive overheating will make the cottage cheese hard, and underheating will make it more difficult to separate the cottage cheese, and indeed, it will be sour. So let's get ready!


  • 750 ml curdled milk

How to cook homemade cottage cheese - my grandmother's recipe

Yogurt is fermented milk. I got it randomly. I forgot about the bottle of milk I started. It soared. I kept him warm all day. I got sour milk. But it can also be done in another way. Leave the milk in a closed container in a dark place in the kitchen. A day is enough. Or put a tablespoon of sour cream per liter of milk, and continue, as in my situation. But I got this beauty.

Step 1. Curdled milk

Yes, curdled milk turned out to be noble, dense. As I was convinced later, such a consistency is just perfect ... Now the curdled milk should be gently transferred to the pan, where the cottage cheese will be prepared.

Step 2. Curdled milk in a saucepan

I’ll just warn you right away - you will need two pans. One is small, in which we already have curdled milk, and the second is larger, so that the first fits into it. Pour water into the larger one (so that the smaller one does not reach the bottom).

IMPORTANT: You can do without a water bath, that is, put a saucepan with yogurt directly on the fire, reducing it as much as possible. But in this case, you need to carefully monitor the process, because the cottage cheese can turn out rubber, that is, inedible.

Step 3. Serum on a steam bath

So, in order to avoid overheating, which is real on direct fire, we put a small bowl in a large one. Then we send it to the fire. Bring water to a boil. This will be a water bath. After a few minutes, you will see how a yellowish tint of serum begins to appear.

Step 4. Watching the Serum Separation

IMPORTANT: You must not allow the yogurt to boil!

But that is not all. It is important to wait for a certain moment. We need to turn up the fire a bit. Then, without leaving for a second and without taking your eyes off the curdled milk, wait until such curd clots appear. They will gradually sink to the bottom.

Step 5. Cottage cheese clots

Let's take the pot off the fire. Let the whey cool down. And then there are several ways. The first is to filter the cottage cheese through a thick towel or through a strainer.

Step 6. Strain through a sieve

But to get the desired mass, you still need to do some manipulations. Let's say you did with a strainer. Hold longer cottage cheese in it, and you can also press down with a spoon on top. And I did it with a strainer, and then threw it all on a towel to wring it out.

Step 7. Wring out the whey

IMPORTANT: If after the first attempt with a small amount of curdled milk you decide to make a larger portion, then this process will be facilitated by hanging a towel (gauze). Just hold on until the whey separation stops.

And you will get such a beauty!

Step 8. Curd is ready

How to cook cottage cheese from kefir

Kefir should only be fresh. And another piece of advice - take the one that is not liquid, but the one that is thicker, with a consistency reminiscent of my curdled milk. Pouring a liter of kefir into an enameled bowl, send it to water bath. Keep on low heat for at least 30 minutes. Cover with lid, let cool. And after the same algorithm - gauze or strainer. Or both.

Delicious homemade cottage cheese recipe

Yes, and it happens. Someone is losing weight, someone is contraindicated in excess fat, someone has a liver or pancreas that does not allow such a luxury. Therefore, I advise you to buy non-farm milk - it has a high percentage of fat content. And for fat-free cottage cheese, you need low-fat milk. In the store you can take one percent milk or, if you take from someone homemade milk, ask - they will make you skim milk. You can defend the milk and skim the cream several times.

Then you need to ferment the milk. But get ready for the fact that the process will go on for more than one day, as with yogurt. Therefore, put a couple of tablespoons of fat-free kefir in a liter of raw materials. And then everything is the same as in the previous recipes. By the way, low-fat homemade cottage cheese will turn out not as loose as with regular milk, but everything useful will be preserved in it!

Made from fresh whole milk great amount useful and delicious foods. There is an opinion that the higher its fat content, the more healing it is. But on the contrary, it is recommended to consume milk and products made from it, which are low in fat. In this case, use reverse. What is this product? You will find the answer to this question in this article.

Milk skimming process

Fresh, as a rule, has a fat content of 3-6%. Cream is separated from it by special processing (separation). The amount of fat in them is from 8%. And the reverse is the liquid separated as a result of processing, that is, it has a white translucent appearance. But it cannot be said that there is no fat in this product at all. It is, but in very small doses - up to 0.5%.

What is made from skimmed milk?

In agriculture, reverse is used to feed young pigs and cattle. He, of course, concedes nutritional value whole milk, but due to the low content of proteins in its composition, it is easier to digest and absorb.

Back is a product that is used in the production of dry and also it is used in the manufacture of fat-free yogurt and kefir. Light and airy is obtained from it at home, described in the next part of the article.

Cottage cheese from obrat: recipe

Pour 3 liters of milk passed through the separator into a saucepan and put on fire. After boiling, cook it for a quarter of an hour. Next, cool the milk in a cold water bath (up to 30 degrees). After that, put the product in a warm place and leave it to sour naturally without using any starter cultures. When a thick “cap” appears on top of the workpiece, and whey under it, it’s time to make cottage cheese. To do this, pour the liquid onto cheesecloth suspended above the pan. Let the whey drain, and put the bag of cottage cheese under oppression for an hour. Then transfer the product to a container with a lid. Delicious and healthy cottage cheese ready. In such a product, the fat content is about 4%. Keep it in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days.

A variety of dishes can be prepared from such cottage cheese: casseroles, creams, fillings for pies, dumplings, pancakes. It is very useful to eat it fresh. To diversify the taste, you can add a little honey or homemade jam to it.

As you can see, reverse is also a valuable dairy product. For people who are recommended diet food, it is simply indispensable in the preparation of low-fat preparations.

How to skim milk at home? It turns out that there are several methods by which you can reduce the fat content of milk, making it more dietary.

How to skim milk by settling

The settling method is the method that is used most often. It makes it possible to skim the cream off the milk, after which it becomes less fat.

How to skim milk

The procedure looks like this:

  1. Fresh milk should be poured into a saucepan or large bowl (this will make it easier to skim the cream).
  2. Place the container in the refrigerator overnight. In 10–12 hours, the cream will separate from the milk mixture naturally.
  3. Take a clean spoon and carefully skim off all the cream. They are suitable for consumption.

The milk that remains in the pan will be skimmed. It must be poured into a clean jar and stored in the refrigerator.

How to skim milk using the hot method

This method is called "hot" degreasing. What is meant? Milk is poured into a saucepan and put on a slow fire. It is better to use an aluminum or glass pan. After all, milk burns in enameled dishes.

When the milk comes to a boil, turn off the fire and remove the pan from the stove. Let the milk cool completely. During this time, the cream will rise to the top and can be carefully skimmed off.

How to skim homemade milk with a mixer

For those who do not know how to skim homemade milk, you can resort to this method. It requires the use of a mixer. The procedure is as follows:

  • milk is placed in a convenient container with high sides;
  • the mixer is lowered into it, after which the maximum speed is turned on;
  • after a while it will be possible to see how the pieces of butter are separated from the milk (they will begin to stick to the whisk, remain on the walls of the container);
  • when the oil is completely separated, you need to strain the milk mixture through cheesecloth;
  • the oil that remains in the gauze is suitable for consumption.

If you don't have a mixer, you can use three-liter jar! Milk is poured into it, after which the jar is closed with a nylon lid. You should sit comfortably and place the jar on your knee, after which you need to roll it back and forth with sharp movements. After 15-20 minutes, the butter will separate from the milk.

If you still do not know how to skim milk at home, then you can use one of the methods described above. This will not take much time, but only the desire and compliance with all the rules of a particular method.

The benefits of low-fat cottage cheese in weight loss have been confirmed by numerous studies. Firstly, this product is rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition to the well-known calcium, it contains phosphorus, as well as magnesium and potassium, the use of which is simply necessary for the proper functioning of all body systems.

Vitamin B and milk protein contribute to the fixation of cartilage and bone tissue thus preventing the occurrence of diseases such as osteoporosis and atherosclerosis. Secondly, skim cheese It is easily absorbed by the body, and its calorie content is only 110 calories per 100 grams. With the help of this product, you can significantly diversify the diet table by including syrniki, casseroles, dumplings or other dishes in the menu.

In industrial conditions, such cottage cheese is made from skimmed milk. First, it undergoes heat treatment - pasteurization. After that, beneficial microflora is added to the prepared milk, placed in special boilers, to start the fermentation process. This process turns milk into curd mass. At this stage, maximum attention to every detail is required, because the taste depends on what temperature will be in the boiler, at what speed the operator will mix the resulting mass finished product. Then the whey is drained, and the resulting curd is sent along the conveyor line and packaged in special cells. During the next 3-4 hours, the product is placed in a refrigerator. This technology is considered the most environmentally friendly, because thanks to it, it is possible to save the maximum amount of useful substances and get rich flavor.

Many adherents of home nutrition would be interested to know how to make fat-free cottage cheese on their own and what rules must be followed in order to get a healthy treat from ordinary milk. If you take the process responsibly, then the product made at home will have a pleasant taste and delicate texture. The main thing to remember is that all ingredients must be fresh, and their composition and conditions for obtaining should not cause any doubt. In addition, the shelf life of natural cottage cheese should not exceed three days. Product stored for more than 72 hours must be heat treated.

As in industrial production, to make homemade fat-free cottage cheese, you need to take milk with a low fat content. If it was not possible to find such milk, then you can use the usual one. In this case, it must be put in the refrigerator for several hours, and then the cream formed on top is removed. Then the milk will need to be brought to a boil, and then quickly cooled by lowering the pan into a container with cold water. The next step is fermentation. To do this, yogurt or sour cream is added to warm milk with constant stirring. The amount of starter should be 5% of the total volume of milk. The contents of the pan should be gently mixed and put in a warm place, after closing the lid. After a few hours, a thick clot should form. It will need to be transferred to a colander covered with gauze and wait until the whey separation stops completely. The finished curd mass should be placed in the refrigerator. Fat-free cottage cheese can also be obtained in a simpler way. To do this, you should buy low-fat kefir and place the bag or pack in freezer for 6-8 hours. The frozen piece should be put in cheesecloth, placed in a colander and wait until the whey has completely drained. The resulting cottage cheese will have a very delicate texture.

Among economical housewives, it is widely believed that home-made cottage cheese is easiest to make from sour milk. However, we must not forget that such a curd product in some cases can cause poisoning. In sour milk, due to the peculiarities of its production or storage, bacteria that are harmful to the body sometimes appear. Accordingly, they will also be contained in the cottage cheese made from it. Therefore, people who have frequent digestive disorders, it is better to abandon this method.

Quite often adherents healthy eating ask the question: "How to degrease the cottage cheese bought in the store?". In fact, there are no technical ways to reduce the fat content of finished cottage cheese, but you can still find a way out. As a rule, many lovers of fermented milk products use various additives for cooking: sugar, jam, jam, sour cream, etc. To favorite treat did not harm the figure, it is necessary to use cottage cheese in its original form as often as possible, avoiding the addition of sweet or fatty foods. Of course, the taste sensations will be different, but for the body it will only benefit. In addition, you can simply reduce the portion sizes and instead of 200 grams of fat-free cottage cheese, eat 100 grams of the usual one.

Another great way to speed up the process of losing weight will be the preparation of cottage cheese and fruit desserts. For these purposes, pineapples and grapefruits are perfect. Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme group that breaks down fats and proteins. Grapefruit is good because it has a positive effect on the level of insulin in the blood, on which fat burning processes directly depend, and also activates the metabolism in the body. For cooking healthy dessert just cut the fruit into slices and mix them with cottage cheese. With the help of such dishes, you can significantly diversify diet menu and occasionally indulge in eating non-fat fermented milk products.

Thus, for those who lead a healthy lifestyle and want to maintain a toned figure for many years, fat-free cottage cheese should become one of the most important dishes in the daily diet. By experimenting with various methods of its manufacture, you can create your own unique recipe for curd treats.

The benefits and nutritional properties of cottage cheese are difficult to overestimate. This product saturates the human body with calcium, proteins, amino acids and other nutrients. We are used to buying it in stores and markets, although we know that you can easily make cottage cheese from milk at home. Your own product is always better than a store or market product, because it does not contain flavors, preservatives and other chemical additives. Learn how to make cottage cheese for your family and make sweet homemade casseroles, amazing pies and fluffy cheesecakes!

Features of cooking cottage cheese at home

If you decide to seriously engage in self-cooking of cottage cheese, immediately get ready for the fact that the first two or three attempts will not be entirely successful. Despite this, you must not stop. First of all, get acquainted with the main features of cooking at home dairy product:

  1. Heat treatment should not be excessive. If during the cooking process you go too far with the temperature, the output will be a not very attractive product in the form of lumps, which you are unlikely to want to eat.
  2. Heat treatment should not be weak. Undercooked raw materials are a sour milk curd clot, from which whey is very poorly separated.
  3. The best raw material for cooking homemade cottage cheese– natural farm milk.

How to make homemade cottage cheese from milk

The technology for making cottage cheese at home is simple and straightforward. Judge for yourself: preliminary preparation- lighter than the lungs, the set of products and equipment is minimal, the cooking time is no more than an hour. However, there are many various ways make homemade curd. If you're going to be serious about it, try everything. famous recipes to choose the one you like the most.

Classic sour milk recipe

The traditional way cooking cottage cheese from sour milk at home is known to many. This recipe requires the following:

  • spoiled milk(fat content not less than 2.5) - 3 l;
  • kefir (fat-free is not suitable) - 620-640 ml;
  • medium sized saucepan;
  • thin cloth.

How to make natural cottage cheese from sour milk - step-by-step preparation:

  1. Pour sour milk into a saucepan, put on medium heat.
  2. Bring to a temperature of 35-40°C. At this point, you will notice that the serum begins to separate.
  3. While the milk is heating up, you need to prepare a colander. To do this, it is necessary to cover it with a cloth folded in 6-8 layers. The edges should hang freely.
  4. Throw the milk, heated to the desired temperature, into a colander fixed in a large container for whey. Let it drain a little.
  5. Without squeezing, tie the corners of the fabric into a knot, fix it over the container into which the serum drained, in a suspended state.
  6. Wait a few hours for the rest of the liquid to drain.

From fresh cow's milk and sour cream

Quick Recipe making cottage cheese based on fresh milk and sour cream will be appreciated by mothers of small children. The product prepared according to this scheme will be tender and, most importantly, useful! In a word, such as it is necessary for babies. To make this cottage cheese, you will need:

  • milk (farm, from under a cow) - 200 ml;
  • sour cream (fat content 25-30%) - 50 g;
  • metal container of small volume;
  • sieve.

The process of making baby cottage cheese using fresh milk and sour cream at home:

  1. Bring milk to a boil.
  2. Pour in sour cream.
  3. To stir thoroughly.
  4. Wait for it to boil again.
  5. Transfer the contents of the pot to a sieve.
  6. Wait until the serum drains.
  7. After 5 minutes, the product will be ready for use.

How to make from pasteurized milk and kefir

If it is not possible to purchase a real cow's milk for cooking homemade cottage cheese - do not worry. The traditional method can be easily replaced by an alternative one. What does it mean? And the fact that in some cases natural whole milk can be replaced with a sufficient amount of store-bought pasteurized (not skimmed). If you are interested, write down the recipe. So, you will need:

  • pasteurized shop milk - 600-650 ml;
  • kefir - 400-450 ml;
  • salt - 4-5 g;
  • small saucepan;

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan.
  2. Add a pinch of salt for taste.
  3. Put the container on the fire of minimum intensity. Constantly stirring, wait for the appearance of foam and bubbles.
  4. Add kefir.
  5. When the whey appears, remove the pan from the heat, mix its contents thoroughly.
  6. Put on minimum fire.
  7. Heat until large lumps form.
  8. Throw the contents of the container on a fine sieve, drain the whey.

Powdered milk and lemon

Can a lemon be an integral part of such a dairy product as cottage cheese? How else can! A small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice makes the curd mass very tasty and tender. If you are interested in this idea, write down what will be required to implement it:

  • reconstituted milk (diluted dry powder) - 3 liters;
  • lemon juice - 50-60 g;
  • medium sized saucepan;
  • colander;
  • gauze.

Step by step preparation:

  1. We put the pan with milk on the fire of medium intensity.
  2. After waiting for the moment when the foam begins to rise, turn off the fire, add freshly squeezed lemon juice, actively mix, leave for exactly a quarter of an hour.
  3. Pour the contents of the pan into a colander lined with several layers of gauze.
  4. We tie the corners of the gauze so that we get a bag. We hang it over the sink so that the glass serum.
  5. After half an hour, the product will be ready for use.

This cottage cheese is noticeably different palatability. It is just as useful as classic version. Baked milk makes the curd mass more tender and light, which allows it to be used for a wide variety of desserts. To prepare such a product, you will need:

  • baked milk (it is recommended to use homemade) - 1,500 ml;
  • natural yogurt or ryazhenka - 200 ml;
  • salt - 4-5 g;
  • pot;
  • multicooker;
  • colander;
  • gauze.

Cooking process:

  1. In a medium-sized saucepan, combine milk with yogurt or fermented baked milk.
  2. Mix thoroughly.
  3. We send it to the slow cooker, start the “Yogurt” mode for half an hour.
  4. After we hear the signal about the end of cooking, we leave it for 12-14 hours so that the mass ferments.
  5. We move the milk mixture into a saucepan, put in a water bath.
  6. Heat until the whey begins to separate. Let's cool down.
  7. We throw the cottage cheese into a colander with gauze. We decant until we get the cottage cheese of a suitable density.

How to cook goat's milk with calcium chloride for children

This recipe for cottage cheese from milk at home is suitable for those who have experience in such matters. Goat milk is a somewhat capricious product, so it will not be easy for a beginner to cope with it. If you intend to cook a large amount at one time, you need to know how much curd is obtained from 1 liter of milk in order to prepare a suitable size pot and a large sieve in advance. As a rule, the output is 26-29% of the original volume - that is, 260-290 grams per 1000 ml. So, let's move on to the recipe. For cooking you will need:

  • fresh goat milk- 1 l;
  • calcium chloride solution - 1 ampoule (10 ml);
  • pot;
  • colander;
  • gauze.

Preparing children's cottage cheese:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, put on a burner with a medium-intensity fire.
  2. Bring to a boil
  3. We take it off the fire.
  4. Leave the boiled milk for 45-50 minutes to cool down.
  5. We put it on fire again, heat it up to 75-85 ° C, add an ampoule of calcium chloride.
  6. We keep on fire. After 2-3 minutes, the curd will begin to curl right before our eyes. At this point, the fire must be turned off.
  7. Let it brew for about a quarter of an hour, and then we throw it on gauze.
  8. Drain the whey and get the long-awaited goat cottage cheese!

Check out recipes on how to cook.

Video recipe: how to cook delicious cottage cheese at home