Tomato ketchup. ketchup brands

The popularity of ketchups in the food market is excessively high. Today, both the number of ketchup consumers and the average frequency of consumption of this product, as well as the number of adherents of certain brands, are growing.

So who is he, the consumer of this spicy product?

The results of a study by Komkom helped us answer this question.

A typical consumer of ketchup is a young/middle-aged family with children living in the city, with an income level of at least 1000 rubles. per person, and an employed purchase decision maker aged 16-44.

Ketchup consumption is slightly reduced if the family consists of adults, the elderly or single people, if the family does not live in the city, and the person making the purchase is over 44 years of age and does not work.

The consumption of ketchup also increases significantly if the family lives in Moscow or St. Petersburg. In general, residents of the capital differ in a special structure of consumption, tastes and preferences, and the reason is not only the higher income level of residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also a slightly different food culture.

According to research by GfK Rus, the average annual consumption of ketchup by Russians = 816 gr. per capita. That is about 120 thousand tons of real consumption of ketchup by Russians per year.

What products are on the market to meet the demand of the population? As one of the developed ketchup market, today it is sufficiently branded. There are a number of ketchup brands on the market that have their own position in terms of price / quality criteria and are actively supported by marketing activities by their manufacturers. The most popular types of marketing promotion of the brands of this product are TV advertising, outdoor advertising, advertising at the point of sale (stickers, posters, wobblers, etc.), promotions.

However, the market situation in the regions is somewhat different, local ketchup producers can take quite a strong position, limiting the consumption of well-known brands. After all, savings on production costs from local producers are significant, transportation costs are lower, marketing costs are minimal or absent at all (especially for product promotion and research). And the price of products is still one of the most important for Russian consumers, especially in the regions.

Picture 1.

The data of researches "Gullap Media" 1999 are used.

Figures 1 and 2 allow us to compare the situation on the market in 1999 and 2000. In 1999, there were not so many brands on the market, a large share was made up of imported brands, both well-known and little known to consumers, from domestic brands, Baltimore ketchup already occupied a strong position.

Figure 2.

The data of researches "Komkon" 2000 are used.

In 2000, the situation changed dramatically, domestic brands (My family, Istochnik, Tomato) pushed aside imported brands. The number of consumers who prefer Baltimore ketchup has increased over these 2 years from 18 to 46%!

Today, all brands can be divided into three categories according to price / quality criteria:

1 Baltimore, My family, Source, Tomato, Akmalko,

2 Chumak, Torchin product, Khan, Borel.

3 Heinz, Uncle Ben's, Hamker.

As income increases, consumer preferences change from group 1 to group 3.

Expected market trends:

  • growth of consumers and the frequency of consumption of this product,
  • decrease in the share of products of local producers,
  • growth in the production of national brands,
  • integration of production and raw materials plants at the level of large companies,
  • the emergence of domestic brands in the segment of high quality products.

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Alena Rodina

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Marketing reviews of the food market in Russia, as well as reviews on other topics, you can read

Traditionally, Ukrainian cuisine uses a lot of spices and sauces. In the analysis of the ketchup and tomato paste market, we will talk about production volumes, market leaders, and the main trends in brand creation.

Portrait of the target audience

Dynamics of production of ketchup and tomato paste for 2013-2016

Following the latest data provided by the State Statistics Service, we track the production volumes of ketchup and tomato paste in Ukraine.

Over the past four years, there has been downward trend in production volumes. This can be explained by three factors:

  • economic crisis in the country;
  • a decrease in the volume of exports of products due to the complication of trade relations with the Russian Federation;
  • promotion of a healthy lifestyle and, as a result, the rejection of the use of sauces in the diet.

Foreign economic activity

Consider the dynamics of exports and imports of ketchup and tomato paste since 2013.

Ketchup and tomato paste produced by Ukrainian producers are sold on foreign markets.

The volume of product deliveries to these markets from 2013 to 2016 decreased by 12.73%. The share of deliveries to the Russian market decreased by 6.7% compared to 2014. At the same time, deliveries to Belarus have a positive trend: they increased in the structure of exports from 31.7% to 35.2% of the total volume.

The presence of imported products on the Ukrainian market is insignificant.

Market trends for ketchup and tomato paste

Before talking about market development trends, let's track the main events in the segment of these food products.

Shevchenko noted that the American market can be conditionally divided into two segments: ethnic trade (for immigrants from the former USSR) and the American market itself. Until 2015, Chumak worked mainly in the first segment, but now it is planned to create a brand to increase the audience of foreign buyers.

Chumak also supplies products to the EU countries.

Ansgar Bornemann, General Director of Nestle in Ukraine, announces the promotion of ketchup and tomato paste of the Torchin trademark to the European market. The main problem is that Ukrainian ketchup is traditionally packaged in doy-pack packaging, while in Europe rigid plastic or glass is used. Now the company is working on re-equipment of the production line to the new standard.

Trends in packaging design for ketchup and tomato paste

Meet by clothes, and see off by mind. This expression is true even when it comes to the design of ketchup packaging.

In the Ukrainian market of ketchup and tomato paste, the most popular are glass and plastic packaging, as well as doy-packs.

Glass packaging. Consumers associate glass with a high quality product. Therefore, it is used for premium ketchups. Tomato pastes are traditionally packaged in glass containers.

Advantages of glass packaging:

  • the opportunity to consider the goods when buying;
  • harmlessness of the material for the environment;
  • no preservatives are used in the production, as the product in glass containers can be thermally sterilized.

Disadvantages of glass packaging:

  • glass is a very fragile material, so bottles with products can be damaged during transportation;
  • a large specific gravity of the container increases the cost of transportation;
  • the cost of recycling glass packaging is much higher than the cost of recycling other materials;
  • inconvenient in everyday life due to the fragility of the packaging;
  • the product is difficult to use "to the last drop".

Plastic box. An analysis of the ketchup and tomato paste market shows that plastic packaging is used for products of the medium or low price segment.

Advantages of plastic packaging:

  • low material cost;
  • ease of use and transportation;
  • low tare weight.

Disadvantages of plastic packaging:

  • if the material turned out to be of poor quality, then the taste and smell of plastic can pass to the product;
  • ketchup in plastic packaging can only be sterilized chemically, that is, by adding preservatives.

Doypack. Flat plastic bag with a fold at the bottom. This type of packaging was invented by Louis Doyen in 1962. However, for the first time the invention began to be used as an element of brand strategy only in the 1970s. Doypack was offered to the Ukrainian market by TM "Torchin" in 1996. Now this type of packaging is used for ketchups of the middle price segment. In most cases, the bag is made of lavsan and polyethylene.

Advantages of doypack packaging:

  • compact packaging;
  • ease of use "to the last drop";
  • doy-packs are less likely to be damaged than glass and hard plastic packages;
  • the material does not let the sun's rays, moisture and smell.

Disadvantages of doypack packaging:

  • ketchup in doypack packaging can only be sterilized chemically, that is, by adding preservatives.

IN packaging design ketchup and tomato paste in 2016-2017, the following trends can be traced:

  • visibility: 90% of Ukrainian producers on the packaging depict the finished product, tomatoes, or a dish serving option. Foreign colleagues, on the contrary, prefer labels without photos and drawings.

  • minimalism: in the last two years, the attention of buyers has been attracted by laconic monophonic packaging, which is easy to notice among a large assortment of goods;

  • originality: non-standard use of ornaments, playing with fonts, flat design (“flat” design is the maximum simplification of graphics).

  • practicality: for example, for Heinz Dip & Squeeze ketchup, a combined mini-package was developed. Flexible packaging materials allow it to be used in two ways. Ketchup from this package can be squeezed out like from a bottle. If you remove the special label, the package becomes a plate in which you can dip food. This design of ketchup packaging is practical to use at home, outdoors and in fast food establishments.

Also in the blog "KOLORO" you can learn a lot of interesting things about the development of packaging design for other products: beer, vodka, dairy products and even bags.

Forecasts for the development of the ketchup and tomato paste market

Due to rising prices for electricity and raw materials, companies will be forced to raise the retail price products. Solvency the average buyer decrease due to inflation, currency fluctuations and rising interest rates.

Fashion for healthy food will force manufacturers change composition and technology ketchup production, refusing to use preservatives; as well as develop a new packaging design, to emphasize the naturalness of the product.

In 2017, the negative market dynamics will continue. Ukrainian producers of ketchup and tomato paste will be forced to change the brand strategy: pursue a cautious domestic policy and accumulate efforts to enter foreign markets as much as possible.

Fortunately, with the agency "KOLORO" you are not afraid of any negative trends. Let us help you create your dream brand. Or just give some helpful advice. Call.

Western Europe is far ahead of Russia in the development of the ketchup market. In Western European markets, ketchups are not inferior in volume to sauces and mayonnaises. In Western markets, there is a clear specialization of ketchups: ketchups are intended for specific dishes. Tomato sauces for hot use are very popular, and departments with ketchups are often fashionable for retail chains, since by the breadth of the assortment of ketchups, customers make a conclusion about the assortment of a retail store as a whole. Producers of the ketchup market believe that the development of the market depends on taste preferences, as well as on the cultural characteristics of consumption. In Europe, great preference is given to sauces and seasonings of the Asian region, Chinese, Thai, Indian cuisine.

In the countries of Western Europe, the segment of products in doy-pack packaging, which is one of the most popular on the Russian market, is practically not developed. Much more popular is top down plastic packaging. Packaging is a part of innovation in the product; at the moment, the domestic market has also introduced a "flip" package that has a number of advantages, for example, it allows you to use the product to the last drop and is easy to transport

Overview of the Russian ketchup market

The ketchup market in Russia is one of the most actively developing. Recently, this product has been in steady demand by an average of 60% of the total number of families. Nevertheless, in the face of increasing competition, many experts predict a slight decrease in its growth rates.

It is interesting to note that the level of consumption of ketchup differs significantly by region: the largest number of consumers of this product falls on Moscow and the Moscow Region - about 72%. Ketchup is consumed the least in the Volga region (59% of the total number of families), the North-West region (58%) and the North Caucasus (49%).

According to ACNielsen, the growth of the ketchup market has not been very large lately and is about 3-4% per year in monetary terms, and mainly due to the release of new brands by leading manufacturers and the activity of regional producers. Undoubtedly, the Russian ketchup market has reserves for growth, and primarily at the expense of the North-West region. Russia is a country that actively consumes meat, therefore, to a greater or lesser extent, ketchup is present in the diet of every family (see Table 2.1).

Table 2.1 - Frequency of ketchup purchases, % of the number of respondents, 2nd quarter 2009

From table 2.1 we can conclude that ketchup is in demand in Russia.

Now under the guise of ketchup in Russia, various tomato sauces are sometimes sold. Unscrupulous manufacturers replace the main component of ketchup with starch, all kinds of fruit and vegetable purees. But in keeping with tradition, ketchups and sauces have a clear separation. The fewer different additives and substitutions, the higher the quality of the product. Ketchups are made only from tomatoes with the addition of various seasonings and spices, and if the recipe includes, for example, pieces of vegetables, then the product already belongs to the category of tomato-based seasoning sauces. In the countries of Western Europe and the USA, ketchup is produced with a reduced (compared to Russian versions) starch content, less spicy in taste and close to natural tomato paste.

The ketchup market can be divided into three segments according to the price-quality criteria: premium (mostly foreign producers - for example, Heinz), middle and lower. The largest share of the ketchup market (up to 60% of the total market) falls on ketchup of the middle price segment. And to a greater extent, this is a quality and affordable product. The concept of “price-quality” has almost become equal for buyers to the concept of “price-taste”: the consumer is already accustomed to the fact that a high-quality sauce should be both tasty and affordable. A much smaller share belongs to ketchup of the lower price segment, or economy class. The premium segment is by far the fastest growing. At the same time, the level of competition in the premium class segment is somewhat lower than in other categories due to the small number of companies specializing in the production and supply of such products. This segment is developing most dynamically due to the growing interest of consumers. It is here that there is a high probability of the emergence of new players or a partial transfer of manufacturers from other segments, which will affect the toughening of competition.

Also, ketchups can be divided into varieties: barbecue, classic, spicy, sweet, barbecue, etc. One cannot fail to mention the division of ketchups by packaging (glass, plastic, soft bag).

There is a wide variety of ketchups on the market today. In Russia, barbecue ketchup is the most popular. It is in demand by almost 48% of the respondents (see Figure 2.1). This is most likely due to the fact that the balance of spices in it is closest to Bulgarian ketchup.

Rice. 1.1

Classical ketchup, compared to barbecue ketchup, is softer and compatible with a wider range of dishes, but, according to Russians, it is not spicy enough to be a worthy seasoning for fried meat and, in particular, barbecue.

We must not forget that the preferences of Russians directly depend on the region of residence. For example, in the Far East, the proportion of families consuming classic ketchup is larger than the proportion of barbecue ketchup consumers.

Spicy, chili and garlic ketchups have a more specific taste, these are the so-called “professional products”, so the level of their consumption is much lower than that of barbecue and classic ketchups. In addition, it should be taken into account that ketchup is a product of family consumption, and usually when buying it, people try to choose the variety that will appeal to all family members. At the same time, there are regions where these types of ketchup are very popular: spicy in the North Caucasus, the Urals, the Far East, in Siberia, it is consumed by 32% of families; garlic in the Far East, Eastern Siberia and St. Petersburg is in demand among 16-20% of ketchup consumers.

In the assortment line of almost every manufacturer there are at least several ketchups with various flavors. It should be noted that these taste preferences are the same for different groups of consumers - both the most active, consuming ketchup at least once a week, and those who add it to food sometimes. At the same time, the most active consumers (age group 18-35) are more picky when choosing ketchup. For example, they prefer chili and savory flavors.

The main criterion for choosing ketchup is its taste. Secondly, consumers are concerned about value for money. True, this criterion lags noticeably behind the previous one - it was noted by 38% of the respondents.

As the income level rises, the taste and ingredients that make up the product are becoming increasingly important for Russians.

If we talk about packaging for ketchup, then two main types are in the lead in consumer preferences - glass and plastic bottles (47 and 40% of respondents, respectively). Those. glass packaging is still the most popular. Products in glass containers are traditionally considered to be of higher quality. In addition, products in glass are more attractive in appearance and the product acquires a touch of premium.

But, despite the fact that most of the ketchups on the market are sold in glass bottles, the gradual switch to plastic packaging occupies a very definite place in the trends of Russian consumers. Experts predict that the glass bottle will gradually lose its position.

Many companies produce products in both glass and plastic. However, if we talk about regional preferences, then in a glass bottle ketchup is most popular in the North-Western and Central regions, as well as in the North Caucasus. East of the Central region, the most popular packaging is a plastic bottle. This situation can be related both to the higher price of products in glass containers, and to the policy of distributors - the transportation of products in plastic packaging is much easier than products in glass packaging. The growing popularity of plastic packaging is also due to the fact that for many it is much more convenient than glass (see Table 2.2).

Table 2.2 - Consumer preferences by type of ketchup packaging, 2nd quarter 2009,%

Despite the fact that the market for ketchup is sufficiently formed, it still has a niche for new firms, so it looks extremely attractive to many manufacturers. Over the past 5-6 years, a significant number of new brands have appeared on it, so it is possible that the situation in the industry may change in the very near future.

Before the crisis of 1998, competition from foreign producers was rather high in Russia, but after 1998 the volume of ketchup imports steadily decreased and by 2002 amounted to only 20.6 thousand tons. The vacated market share was immediately occupied by the leading Russian manufacturers - the Baltimore and Petrosoyuz industrial groups. According to ACNielsen, the leaders in ketchup sales are also Vostochny Gurman, Istochnik, Krasnodarye, Moya Semya and Picador brands.

Of course, there are manufacturers and brands of federal significance on the Russian market, known in many regions. There are local players who are preferred by residents of a particular region or central regions. But in general, the Russian consumer has not yet figured out brands, and the statistics of analytical agencies testify rather to knowledge of brands, rather than real preferences.

While many types of ketchup are in demand on the Russian market, it is impossible to single out one. The choice of the buyer is not influenced by the popularity of the trademark, the consumer chooses according to taste, quality and price. Each manufacturer has its own technology, and provided that a quality product is produced, young companies have a chance to find their buyer. The slogan “Buy domestic” is really relevant now. The manufacturer needs to fight for quality, this is the first thing that the buyer appreciates. Russians are really very patriotic in choosing the country that produces ketchup - 87% of respondents prefer domestic products. But on the one hand, this can be explained by a rather narrow range of foreign-made ketchups, and on the other hand, by their higher price compared to the products of Russian manufacturers.

The undisputed leader of preferences for ketchup brands is “Baltimore”. The main sales markets of the Baltimore group are Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar - in these cities the company's production facilities are located. But it should be noted that this brand is the leader in almost all Russian regions. In many ways, the success of "Baltimore" is associated with its extremely high advertising activity, as well as with a developed distribution system and an acceptable cost of production.

The second position in terms of consumers' preferences is occupied by ketchup "Picador", and the third - the brand of the company "Petrosoyuz" "Moya semya". It should be noted that the leading brands do not step on each other's heels - the gap between them is quite significant (see Table 2.3).

Table 2.3 - Consumer preferences by ketchup brands, 2nd quarter of 2009, % of the number of consumer families

Based on the fact that the two main criteria for choosing ketchup are the taste characteristics of the product and a reasonable price-quality ratio, Russians choose those brands that best satisfy the above-mentioned requests. Although today the Russian ketchup market has a fairly wide range of brands, the majority of buyers of this product prefer several major brands.

What is the most delicious ketchup? Often this question is asked by buyers in the supermarket. Everyone would like to purchase not only a product that is ideal in its qualities, but also healthy. This is what will be discussed in this article.

Many say that ketchup is considered a healthy product. Yes, this is certainly true, but only if it is natural. Currently, ketchup has a lot of brands. Store shelves are filled with a variety of jars of ketchup. It remains to figure out only which one is of high quality and safe.

History of the origin of ketchup

This product originally appeared in China. It was used as a marinade for fish dishes and shellfish. At this time, there were no shellfish in the composition of ketchup. It consisted of mushrooms, beans and anchovies.

This product becomes tomato in England. This event took place in the 17th century. But ketchup spread throughout the world only in the 20th century. For a hundred years, he was able to acquire a considerable number of shades. Today, one can talk about ketchup, brands of various types for a long time.

Which product is better to buy: in glass or plastic?

The first option is better. Thanks to the glass container, you can see what color and consistency the ketchup is inside. Also, it is this container that does not enter into a chemical reaction with the product, which ensures a sufficiently long shelf life.

One of the disadvantages of the packaging is that it will be difficult to get the tomato sauce out of there.

But the remains of the product from plastic dishes are very easy to get. But this container has a lot of shortcomings. So, the maximum shelf life is six months. A prerequisite is that it must be in a refrigerator, and not on a store shelf.

Ketchup in foil can be stored for up to one year. But, as a rule, preservatives are added to it.

What is the benefit of this product?

The main advantage of ketchup is the antioxidant lycopene, which it contains. It is he who helps to increase immunity, and also protects the skin from unwanted exposure to the sun's rays, prevents the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels and tumors. Scientists have proven that if lycopene is processed thermally, then its absorption by the body will be much better. Thus, this product is much healthier than fresh tomatoes.

Also evidence of the positive side of ketchup, the brand that represents it, are all kinds of medals from various exhibitions. They are usually depicted on the product packaging.

Disadvantages of ketchup

Manufacturers of a tomato product indicate additional substances on the label.

Preservatives are added to extend the shelf life of the product. It turns out that this is not some dangerous flaw in the sauce.

The buyer should be concerned about additives such as stabilizers and thickeners. A quality product does not need them to any extent. The same can be said about citric acid.

If the ketchup of the brand you purchased contains such additives, then the manufacturers may have used low-quality tomatoes. Also, the manufacturing technology of the product could be violated.

What are the characteristics of ketchup?

To prepare a kilogram of a good tomato product, about two kilograms of tomatoes should go. If so, then the ketchup should have a dark red hue. Pinkish or orange colors of the product indicate that it contains additional starch and applesauce.

The brown shade of ketchup indicates the presence of spoiled tomatoes in it.

The consistency of the product should be homogeneous and thick. Pay attention to whether ketchup looks like jelly. If this is the case, then the manufacturers have added too many stabilizers and starch to it.

The opinion of nutritionists about the product

The opinion of nutritionists is a bit ambivalent. Why? The fact is that most people use ketchup when eating so-called "harmful" foods. This, of course, is not beneficial to human health. The advantage of the product is the content of antioxidants necessary for the human body.

But who knows what quality of tomato paste the manufacturers used? In addition, this product contains ingredients such as sugar, salt and vinegar. The last argument also applies to the disadvantages of ketchup.

How to choose a quality product?

The consistency of ketchup should be smooth and thick. This was mentioned above. Also, a reddish or red-brown color indicates a good quality product.

Its taste should be sweet and sour or spicy, and the aroma should be the smell of tomatoes. If the smell is bitter, then do not purchase this product. In the following sections of the article, a comparative description of various brands of ketchup will be given. Thanks to this, it will be possible to choose the highest quality product.

Quality comparison of ketchup

Each of the products in question has vinegar, sugar and spices in its composition. This section will focus on Heinz ketchup. In addition to these additives, it contains thickeners and stabilizers. As for the Baltimore ketchup, it says "contains lycopene" on the package. The previous brand has it too. It's really just a marketing ploy. This antioxidant is present in any tomato product.

It is also worth noting that it is sour. At the same time, the mass fraction of titratable acids is slightly below the upper limit of the norm.

Baltimore ketchup has a very low salt content. Thus, in terms of taste, it is one of the tasty products of this category.

In Heinz Tomato ketchup, the salt content is 65% of the daily human need per 100 g of the product. One of the advantages of both products is that they do not contain applesauce, preservatives and harmful food additives.

Some information about Calve ketchup

This product belongs to the first category. He has very good performance, i.e. taste and composition. But it contains too much sugar. Which, of course, always worries experts who conduct all kinds of examinations.

It is noteworthy that in its composition there are no preservatives and starch.

But the disadvantage of this product is the presence of vinegar and citric acid in it. These additives give ketchup a sour taste. But, as noted above, the presence of citric acid in the composition indicates a violation of the production technology of the product. Salt content is normal.

It should be noted that this ketchup is the sweetest among the brands that are discussed in this article.

Also in this product there is glucose-fructose syrup and spices.

A little about lesser-known brands of the product

These include ketchup "3 wishes". Having studied customer reviews, we can highlight a number of advantages of this product. These include its affordability, convenient packaging, uniform texture, taste of tomatoes, the absence of preservatives and dyes. The downside of 3 Wishes ketchup is sodium benzoate in the composition and a sour taste. The presence of the first component adversely affects human health. Since it is he who causes allergies and urticaria, and also inhibits redox processes in the body. The use of large amounts of sodium benzoate contributes to the development of tumors, Parkinson's disease. This component is practically not excreted, but accumulates in the human body. Thus, this type of ketchup is harmful to the customer.

Also in the composition of this product there are additives such as citrus pectin and glucose syrup. The first component helps to reduce the absorption of valuable minerals. As a result, fermentation begins in the large intestine. Because of this, flatulence occurs, proteins and fats are poorly absorbed. This ketchup is produced in Kazakhstan.

Another product that will also be discussed in this article is Chumak ketchup. It is produced in Ukraine. Like the previous brand, it has an affordable price. Buyers attribute good taste, texture, aroma, natural composition, absence of preservatives and artificial colors to the advantages of the product. The disadvantages include the presence of additives such as citric acid and starch. Note that none of the previous ketchups had the last ingredient. Also, an additive such as citric acid indicates an incorrect manufacturing technology for the product. In addition, in the composition, like other ketchups, there is vinegar. After studying the reviews on this product, we can conclude that most people like it because of its excellent taste. But its composition does not correspond to the ketchup recipe due to the content of citric acid and starch.

When comparing 3 Desires and Chumak products, it is better to give preference to the latter, since sodium benzoate is a more harmful additive. And the best option would be to purchase ketchup and a completely different brand.


In this article, several types of tomato product were considered. Each of them was given a detailed description, their composition was carefully studied. It was told not only about well-known brands of ketchup, but also about affordable brands.

Once again, we note that the presence of such additives as citric acid, starch, sodium benzoate is not a sign of insufficient product quality. Therefore, when buying ketchup, you should pay attention to the composition. Use the product in moderation. Remember that it should have a sour-sweet taste.

So, let's summarize this product. Having studied the composition and customer reviews, we can conclude that the highest quality and most delicious ketchup is Baltimore. It is he who most of all meets the requirements both in consistency and in smell. Of course, its price is slightly higher than that of the category that was considered last, but it does not contain harmful food additives. Therefore, eating it, you can not think about its disadvantages.

Remember that it is better to purchase a quality and healthy product at a higher price than a cheap one with the addition of starch.

On April 8, the most delicious and high-quality ketchup sold in Russia, in a doypack package, was chosen in the popular program “Test Purchase” on Channel One. Our ketchup Mr.Ricco became the winner, overtaking the main western competitor - Heinz. By the way, the products produced by the Nefis Group of Companies have repeatedly received high marks from consumers and program experts.

On April 8, the issue of "Test Purchase" was dedicated to the selection of the best tomato ketchup in Russia. In addition to Mr.Ricco, products of trademarks participated in an independent examination "Baltimore","My family", Calve,"Picador",Heinz.

According to the results of the qualifying round, in which the buyers in the store tasted the presented products and voted for competitive samples, Mr.Ricco, Moya Semya and Calve ketchups became the winners.

After that, in a special laboratory, the samples that passed to the second stage of the competition were tested for safety and naturalness - ketchups of all three brands turned out to be safe, but preservatives and sweeteners were found in one of the products, which did not allow him to continue participating in the competition. The ketchups Mr. Ricco and Calve.

This made me unspeakably happy, not only because I am an employee of Nefis Group of Companies. This ketchup and Mr. RiccoPomodoroSpeciale always seen in my refrigerator. Firstly, the product is exclusively natural, secondly, it is delicious, and thirdly, it contains 0% fat. When buying ketchup, you need to pay attention to what, as a rule, is written in small print on the package - whether starch or preservatives are contained in the composition. Mr.Ricco Pomodoro Special uses Spanish pasta, which is prepared without starch, due to the pectins of these same tomatoes. This is the first Russian brand that began to use a unique technology for making ketchup in its production. Western competitors are said to have been furious when they learned that we had succeeded in creating such a ketchup. Mr.Ricco Pomodoro Speciale is prepared using a special complex technology that allows you to refuse from thickeners and stabilizers, they are completely natural! They contain only tomatoes, salt, sugar and spices. Everything! The refusal to use starch allows adding only the minimum required amount of salt and spices when preparing Mr.Ricco Pomodoro Speciale ketchup, which do not drown out, but only emphasize the natural tomato flavor of the product.


True, I don't really like doypack packaging (when you have to squeeze it out), I like our PET packaging in the form of bottles. It is more environmentally friendly and convenient, and in addition, our Italian Vice President Massimo Bonore, who is responsible for the development of innovative technologies, believes that the shape of the packaging turned out to be very sexy ...

In 2006, by the way, Mr. Ricco ketchup was launched under the umbrella brand. The best quality of Mr.Ricco ketchup is noted and confirmed by a number of companies:

Silver medal "Product of the Year" 2013


But enough about the ketchup. Nefis Group of Companies is a holding that produces not only oil and fat products, but also household chemicals. And there are even more achievements. We decided to remember the victories on all fronts: a year ago, on April 23, 2013, another top product, this time from Nefis Cosmetics- washing powder Sorti Color Automat became the leader of the Control Purchase.

Then the program was devoted to washing powders "automatic" for colored laundry. In addition to Sorti, products of trademarks took part in an independent examination Ariel, Dosia, Losk, Myth, and Tide.

According to the results of the qualifying round, the winners were the powders Sorti, Ariel, Dosia and "Mif".

In the washing ability test, all samples showed good results. But, according to the expert of the testing center, the powder of the trade mark coped best with the tests. Sorti.


year 2012. In the Test Purchase, another powder produced by Nefis Cosmetics won - BiMax Color Automat.

In the same year, AOC dishwashing detergent became the winner. According to the expert Anna Savinova, which conducted the test, the brand dishwashing detergent coped best with the task AOS produced by Nefis Cosmetics.

The high effectiveness of the product, the mirror shine of dishes, gentle care and protection of the skin of the hands are the basis for the positioning of the AOS brand. The results of an independent television examination only confirmed the data of comparative tests, which are constantly carried out by our own laboratory. Frankly, before I started working for Nefis, I didn’t even suspect that this product in a cheerful orange bottle, which I always used, is made in Kazan! As it turned out later, the foreign inscriptions on the labels, the lack of reference to the location of production, were a very effective marketing ploy. After all, after the collapse of the USSR, consumers had a strong belief that imported products were better than ours.

Incidentally, from the moment the team Irek Boguslavsky came to the Combine them. Vakhitov, less than 10 years passed before the first victories at competitions.

In the people-loved Test Purchase program, the first victory came to Nefis in 2008.

washing powder BiMAX Automatic and liquid dishwashing detergent "Sorti Lemon" became the winners of the summer editions of the TV program 6 years ago. The laundry detergent program included Dosia, Deni, Losk, Bingo, Ariel and Tide brands. Already according to the results of the qualifying round, in which buyers in the store vote for competitive samples, BiMAX was recognized as the absolute leader.


And in the competition of liquids for washing dishes, products with lemon aroma of brands participated Pemolux, "E", Myth, Sorti, Dosia, Bingo and Fairy. According to the results of the popular vote, the samples of Pemolux, Myth, Sorti, Bingo and Fairy reached the semifinals. During laboratory tests, experts evaluated the washing ability of the samples and measured their ph level. The most effective were Pemolux, Sorti, Dosia and Fairy. In the final, the ability of the samples not only to remove dirt, but also to be well washed off the surface of the dishes was evaluated. After the test, the experts recognized two remedies as winners at once - Sorti And Fairy.

It is worth noting that in the same issue of "Test Purchase" a historical fact was separately mentioned: the first washing powder in the USSR "Novost" was produced in 1955 at the Kazan Chemical Plant. Thus, the victory of the BiMAX powder in the television competition has become a symbolic proof that today Nefis Cosmetics continues the quality traditions of the Kazan chemical plant and is a leader in its field.