Easter eggs drawn with a marker. Easy Easter Egg Painting Techniques

Painting eggs for Easter

Easter eggs

The feast of the Resurrection of Christ is approaching, soon the housewives will begin to dye eggs and decorate them in different ways.

Last year we told you (here you will learn how to fix the paint, how to make a painted egg shiny). There is also technology - like, there are also Easter pictures of our girls who made eggs in thermal labels and tied colored eggs with thin ribbons and even made a cookie cake (without baking) in the form of a fortress with turrets. Everything is very beautiful, you can see for yourself by clicking on the links.

Two years ago we were talking about the Greek tradition. There you will also learn why eggs are a symbol of Easter and why they are traditionally painted red and why they are broken.

And this year, 2012, Natasha Rybka offers another simple way to decorate Easter eggs with felt-tip pens and markers.

These eggs were dyed for Easter with food coloring.

Drawing with felt-tip pen on eggs

Is it possible to eat eggs decorated with a marker and felt-tip pen

Not worth it. This path is suitable only for those eggs that you will take to the cemetery for Easter, that is, you will not eat, but use them purely for ritual purposes. Because it is not known what is contained in the paint of felt-tip pens (certainly not food coloring).

For food, it is better to use eggs dyed with natural or special food dyes.

Beautiful edible eggs!

Eggs painted with gouache mixed with PVA can also be eaten, the paint does not penetrate inside, but forms a film on the shell.

This is painting eggs with gouache.

What is a good way to paint eggs with felt-tip pens

Even a child can paint Easter eggs with a felt-tip pen. It's convenient, simple and fast. You can even not paint eggs, but simply paint ordinary white eggs with flowers, birds or other Easter stories.

How to prepare eggs for painting with felt-tip pens

  • Rinse the eggs, boil in heavily salted water (3-4 tablespoons per half liter, approximately). A large amount of salt will prevent the eggs from cracking and ensure long-term (up to a year or more) storage of Easter eggs.
  • Then cool under running cold water. At the same time, excess salt will be washed off the eggs ( it sometimes interferes with painting, the felt-tip pen clings to an uneven salt coating).
  • Dry the cooled eggs.

And then - apply a drawing on the eggs with felt-tip pens or markers.

The better to draw on eggs - with a marker or felt-tip pen

There is a difference in how the paint of a felt-tip pen and an indelible marker falls on the shell - the felt-tip pen spreads a little and the outlines of the picture turn out to be somewhat blurry (therefore, choose a pattern for an egg that this slight blur will not spoil - flowers, abstract spots).

And the marker lies flat on the shell and remains within the original boundaries of the drawing (suitable for a clear drawing).

Two ladybugs)) The one on the egg is drawn with a marker.

How to dry patterned eggs

Eggs with a pattern until the paint is completely dry should be placed in an egg stand (in which they are sold, for example. Just wash the plastic with soap to wash off the dirt and not worry about salmonellosis). Or use cardboard coasters for these purposes (from a glued strip of cardboard forming a ring-stand). You can make them yourself or buy them in a kit with dyes.

These are Easter violets (felt-tip pen). And the red one at the top is a little heart.

Or you can just buy food coloring for Easter eggs and dye them according to the instructions on the paint package. This is if you don’t have time or don’t have enough onion peel at all (you can ask for it from vegetable sellers, by the way).

This Greek folding icon was brought from Cyprus.

Happy easter! .

Easter traditions of foreign countries

Greek Easter - how they cook, what they bake, how they celebrate - recipes, photos and videos.

Easter on the island of Corfu (or Kerkyra - the Greek Ionian Islands, the writer Gerald Durrell lived there as a child). One of the local Easter customs is throwing vases on the pavement, there are photos and videos of the vases flying. Funny and very colorful!

Irish Easter traditions - rolling eggs down a hill, outfits, customs.

Beautiful plate with Easter eggs

Colored eggs (onion peel). You can not draw anything, just stick decorations.

And if you are a happy owner of confectionery pencils with food coloring, you can paint eggs with them and eat without any fear. . Below is an example of painting with such pencils.

Spring is on the street, which means that soon the whole country will celebrate one of the main Christian holidays - Easter. Both adults and children are looking forward to this bright day, preparing traditional dishes and treats with pleasure. On the eve of the bright Easter holiday, we want to tell you about interesting and unusual, as well as well-known ways to paint eggs.

Since ancient times, it has been customary to exchange painted eggs during the Easter holiday. Since childhood, in many families, relatives came to each other and even played out some kind of battle with eggs. Two people chose their testicles, in their opinion the strongest, and hit each other with them, first with sharp tips, and then with blunt ones - whoever didn’t break an egg during a collision won, taking the opponent’s egg for himself. It was possible to continue this action as long as there are those who want to fight for victory.

According to memories from childhood, painting Easter eggs is a very entertaining activity. The kids so enthusiastically and diligently immerse the eggs in multi-colored solutions, stick stickers, tie them with threads and improvised materials to get spectacular lines and patterns.

All preparations for Easter begin at Clean Thursday , the day when the soul and body are cleansed spiritually and physically. It is not for nothing that Thursday is called clean, according to Christian customs on this day you need to take a good bath, swim in running water, and even better go to the bathhouse. On Good Thursday, in addition to everything else, you need to thoroughly clean up, wash dirty clothes, and scrub everything off, because on the following days before Easter it will be impossible to do household chores.

And, of course, on Maundy Thursday they bake Easter cakes, make Easter, paint eggs.

Have you ever wondered why eggs are dyed for Easter? And do you know what traditional color they should be painted in?

The most beautiful legend says that during the existence of the Roman Empire, in order to get an audience with the emperor, it was required to bring him something as a gift. The rich brought gold, and ordinary people carried everything they had in their households. So, Mary Magdalene, intending to inform the ruler Tiberius about the resurrection of Christ, was able to bring as a gift only a white chicken egg with the words: “Christ is Risen!”

Seeing him, the emperor laughed and said that he would believe it if only the egg turned red, and at the same moment the testicle acquired a bloody hue. Then the stunned Tiberius exclaimed: “In truth, He is Risen!”

After that, the traditional color for coloring the testicles became red, purple, and the custom of christening is still known to both old and young.

How to color Easter eggs

onion peel

One of the most popular ways is still considered to be coloring eggs in onion skins. In order to make the testicles even more attractive and pretty, you can press dried leaves, blades of grass against them and tie them with threads, then lowering the husks into the coloring solution. The color can vary from lighter to darker depending on the time the eggs are in the broth.

natural dyes

  • brown or beige color will give coffee to the testicles;
  • blue color gives red cabbage;
  • husks of black sunflower seeds not fried, red onions, poplar catkins, mallow flowers, snowdrops, blueberries and elderberries will give the testicles a blue and purple color;
  • eggs will acquire green color by staining in a decoction of spinach leaves, nettle, lily of the valley, primrose, buckthorn bark, ash;
  • the testicles will turn pink if they are rubbed with beet juice;
  • yellow color will give a decoction of birch leaves, calendula flowers;
  • a light yellow color will turn out if you rub boiled eggs with lemon, orange or carrot juice;

  • violet flowers will turn the testicles purple.

In order for the testicles to stain in the broth, you need to add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to it (into a small saucepan of the solution). Let the broth brew for about 30 minutes and start laying eggs. You need to boil the eggs for 15-30 minutes, depending on the saturation of the color you want to get, in some cases you can leave the eggs overnight in the solution, for example, when stained with spinach or violet flowers.

You can make different patterns on Easter eggs, wrapping them with an elastic band for money, colored threads, cut out blanks, again tying them with threads. You can dip the egg in water, and then roll in rice, or some other cereal, and wrapped in gauze, boil in a coloring solution.

The marbled effect of the testicles will be obtained if, a minute before the end of cooking, a little vegetable oil is added to the water, or you can spread already cooked krashenki with it.

Easter food coloring

Probably the easiest way, for those who have no time to bother. As a rule, in small bags there are multi-colored powders that are diluted in boiling water with the addition of a spoonful of vinegar. Our testicles are placed in this solution for 5-15 minutes, depending on how intense the color you want to get.

Thermal stickers for testicles

Easy, fast and convenient way to decorate your eggs for Easter. You can apply the film on pre-boiled and painted eggs, or on ordinary white or brown ones.

Decorating testicles with cereals and improvised means

Very unusual testicles are obtained if they are pasted over with cereals, while still drawing various patterns. Try to paint the egg with wax crayons, and then color it - you get an original design. Another idea is to wrap the eggs with insulating tape and paint in this form, the output will be beautiful smooth lines, or any word or sign that you stick.

Decoupage technique

First you need to prepare a gelatinous mass, a kind of glue. Then take a beautiful napkin with your favorite picture or ornament, or flower. Cut out a fragment and press it against our testicle, and apply a layer of gelatin glue on top. Let dry and enjoy the beauty of your creation.

Coloring testicles with felt-tip pens, markers, paints

Inventive and non-standard people can prepare such eggs for Easter.

And the kids will definitely like eggs in the form of their favorite characters. The children themselves will be happy to color them, dry them and admire their work.

Coloring testicles with fabrics

Eggs dyed with a variety of fabrics look very expensive and uncomplicated. In order for the pattern from the fabric to move to the egg, you need to tightly wrap the raw egg with a cloth (front side), and tie it with elastic bands, or simply stitch it, making a few stitches along the edges so that everything does not slip during the cooking process.

Then boil in water for about 10-15 minutes, with the addition of a spoonful of vinegar. After putting in cold water, carefully remove the fabric and evaluate the resulting masterpiece.

Here are some beautiful testicles obtained after dyeing with fabrics

Permanent makeup for testicles

The original way, which requires only a little patience, skill and a marker. Put the egg on a special stand and display the most beautiful patterns either according to the scheme or to your taste.

Foil, confetti, beads - egg decorations

Fashion does not stand still, now eggs are not only painted, but simply wrapped in colored foil, beads, sequins, confetti and other bells and whistles are glued, and hand-made eggs are obtained.

Patterns on eggs with sweet powder, varnish, paints

Cute and not too hard to make the testicles fresher and more fun, you can use a variety of squiggles, flowers, sticks, specks, dots and other patterns. It all depends on the flight of your imagination. Easy to color with a toothpick.

And adorable testicles

Cut and pasted fabric patterns

The testicles, which are pasted over with fabric flowers, pieces, look very cute and cozy. They are so soft and warm to the touch that it is even a pity to break them later.

Another option for testicles for children

But in this way you can unusually hang the testicles, it looks almost like a Christmas tree, even more beautiful.

Choose from this variety of ways to decorate testicles the most suitable for you, experiment, because creating is always so pleasant and exciting.

Recommendations and tips for boiling eggs, preparing eggs for dyeing

  • 1 hour before the start of cooking, testicles stored in the refrigerator must be pulled out and allowed to lie at room temperature. Then your testicles will not crack when cooked;
  • another option is to gently pierce the shell of a raw egg with a thin needle. In this case, the egg will not burst in boiling water;
  • wash and rub the testicles, you can use a soft sponge, you can use a soapy cloth. This is necessary so that the layer of paint lies as evenly as possible on the egg;
  • in the water where the eggs are boiled, add a couple of tablespoons of salt - again, it will help from possible cracks, and the shell then peels off better when cleaned;
  • before painting, eggs can be rubbed with vinegar, so they will absorb dyes more intensively;
  • at the end, for a glossy effect, you can lightly rub the testicles with vegetable oil.

Some kind of bright feeling reigns in the soul when you are preparing for Easter, the feeling that everything will be fine. May there always be love and happiness, health and joy, comfort and prosperity in your home! Happy Easter to you!

The oldest and most important Christian holiday in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. One of the main attributes of Easter is painted eggs - they break the fast after the night service, decorate the table and house, and present them as a gift to relatives and friends.

Why exactly eggs? According to one of the legends, Mary Magdalene came with a sermon to the Roman emperor Tiberius. Having announced the good news of the Resurrection of Christ, she presented the emperor with a simple egg - the only thing she was rich in, and it was not customary to come empty-handed. Tiberius did not believe the words of the saint and shouted out that the white egg would sooner turn red than the dead could be resurrected. And the egg in the hands of the emperor immediately turned red. From surprise, Tiberius uttered: “Truly Risen!”. So it was customary to paint eggs and give them to each other - as a sign and symbol of the victory of life over death.

Eggs are dyed on one of the days of Holy Week (the week before Easter). It is best to do this on Maundy Thursday or Holy Saturday. It is not recommended to make any preparations for the celebration on Friday, since it was on this day that Jesus was crucified. Solid red (the color of the shed blood of Christ) is considered the traditional color, but in our time, clergymen are not forbidden to paint eggs and paint them in other colors.

Now there are hundreds of ways to color - and, and food, and synthetic dyes. But keep in mind that the shell is riddled with microscopic pores, and even the smallest cracks may appear during the cooking process. Through them, the components of the dye will penetrate into the egg, which will make it hazardous to health. So if you are preparing eggs for food and if you have children, use only natural dye. But to decorate the table and at home, you can “walk around”. For example, blow out the contents of an egg, or purchase wooden, ceramic, or papier-mâché eggs from craft stores. Then you can paint them with any paints, varnishes and wax crayons, and then thread the ribbons and hang them around the apartment.

  • before dyeing, wipe the eggs with vinegar or wash with soap, the paint will lie better on a clean shell;
  • so that the eggs do not burst during cooking, let them lie down for an hour before that at room temperature, and add a spoonful of salt to the water;
  • the longer the egg lies in the paint, the richer the color will come out, the eggs can even be left in the dye (preferably natural) overnight;
  • to make the eggs shine, wipe them with a napkin slightly dipped in sunflower oil;
  • it is convenient to dry the painted eggs on a metal grill from the oven.

It's easy to find special dyes and stickers in stores, but if you want to get a little more creative, let's look at different ways to create interesting and colorful eggs for both the table and home decoration. When showing your imagination in decorating eggs, keep in mind that Easter is a church holiday and it is desirable that the drawing is appropriate and respectful of the meaning of this celebration.

Method 1

Traditionally, Easter eggs are divided into 4 conditional types: krashenka - painted in one color, pysanky - hand-painted with patterns, drapanki (shkrabanki) - eggs on which, after dyeing, a pattern is scratched, speckles - from the Ukrainian word "krapat", that is, cover with drops . they are usually made from brown eggs, as they have a denser shell than white ones. The eggs are dyed dark, and then patterns are scratched out with the tip of a knife.

Method 2

Different colors can be obtained using natural ingredients - juices and decoctions of herbs, vegetables and berries. One of the oldest and most popular ways - onion skin coloring. Depending on the concentration of the solution and the staining time, shades from light brown to burgundy can be obtained.

Method 3

Recently, modernized versions of the onion method, for example, are gaining more and more popularity. If the egg shells are rolled in finely chopped wet husks, tied with a nylon stocking or gauze and boiled, and then a few drops of brilliant green are added, an unusual brown-green pattern will be obtained.

Method 4

You can also do colorful marble eggs. To do this, you must first paint them in one light color, then pour a darker or contrasting dye into the cup, add 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil, stir well so that the oil stain breaks into drops. Dip the egg gently and let dry.

Method 5

On the shell, you can attach leaves or flowers pre-soaked with hot water, plastic-based stickers and wrap the eggs in a stocking or gauze, boil. It will turn out traditional and loved by many floral ornament.

Method 6

Blue can be obtained by soaking an egg in hibiscus tea or red cabbage broth with the addition of vinegar. And if you put them in the dye for different times, you will have a "set" of eggs of different saturation.

Method 7

If you do not remove the tea leaves and pieces of cabbage, the color will be uneven, then you can use a toothbrush or brush to sprinkle the shell with gold food paint - that's it space eggs!

Method 8

Another option variegated color: On already dyed eggs, spray paint of a different color with a toothbrush, and then blot it with a napkin.

Method 9

pink color will give beet juice, yellow - diluted in hot water turmeric powder And carrot juice, green - decoction of nettle leaves and spinach. Eggs dyed in this way are not very bright, natural.

Method 10

Try rolling a wet egg in rice, millet, or split peas and wrapping it in a stocking or gauze, you can also wrap the egg with rubber bands, lace or use mesh tights, boil or soak in dye. In this way, the shell will be colored unevenly and interesting white stains and patterns on a colored egg will turn out.

Method 11

Rice also used to create an interesting effect. Pour some rice into a glass and add food coloring so that it is completely colored. Roll the eggs in colored rice and leave to lie in it for a while. Also, be sure to experiment with different colors.

Method 12

Looks very unusual gradient coloring. Pour food coloring into a glass and put a boiled egg, add a little water every 5 minutes until it completely covers the egg. Take out the egg and pat dry.

Method 13

rainbow eggs you can get it with napkins - you need to wrap eggs in them, drip concentrated food colors and leave for 15 minutes. The result will pleasantly surprise not only you.

Method 14

Caps can be made with the help of wax. Either a white or a light-colored egg needs to be dripped with wax. Then dip it in the second color - it should be darker than the previous one. Let dry. You can drop wax again on the second color and dip the egg in the third darkest or contrasting color. Dye solutions should not be hot so that the wax does not melt.

Surely by Easter you will not only paint eggs, but also bake Easter cakes or other goodies. In our market, which unites large online stores, there is a selection of supplements, take a look, there are very interesting products there.

Orange peel (Royal collection), 20 g 76 rub LOOK

Cane sugar Ceylon cinnamon, 230 g 549 rub LOOK

Whole nutmeg, 30 g 156 rub LOOK

Sesame seed flour, 200 g 142 rub LOOK

Method 15

An interesting but forgotten way to decorate eggs for Easter is hot wax painting. To create patterns, you will need a scribe in which wax is laid. It is held over the candles, and then the melted wax is applied to the surface. But not everyone has such a device, so you can use an old fountain pen or a knitting needle. The tip must be dipped in hot wax, and then applied to the egg. An egg painted with wax is placed in a cold solution with a dye. After staining, the wax is melted over candles. This is painstaking and delicate work, but the result is amazingly beautiful.

Method 16

You can paint the eggs handmade natural paints. For a dark color, you need to take cocoa, for white - powdered sugar, dilute them a little with water to the consistency of thick sour cream - and here you have edible paints for Easter eggs. Absolutely natural and safe.

Method 17

Can be used on eggs decoupage technique. Only instead of glue it is better to use egg white. Take a beautiful napkin, carefully separate the top layer with flowers or ornaments, cut out the desired element - the smaller, the less wrinkles there will be - grease the shell with protein, apply a decorative element and coat it with protein on top.

Method 18

Part of the Easter eggs can be wrapped in multi-colored foil- will come out very elegant and festive. Yes, and it will take quite a bit of time.

Method 19

Surprise the family and color not chicken but quail eggs. Small, with a charming speck - they will decorate the Easter table and will be remembered by your guests for a long time.

Method 20

You can also dye the shell with artificial dyes, but such eggs are not suitable for food. But they will definitely be bright and unusual. If you or your child love to draw, you can paint painted eggs felt-tip pens, markers or gouache. It can be both traditional Easter sketches and unusual drawings.

Method 21

If art is not your forte, then you can get by with simple, but very beautiful dot ornaments. It is most convenient to make them with a cotton swab. And to get smaller dots, use a toothpick.

Method 22

Can be a great decoration paper applications, which can be found in stores for every taste. While you are baking Easter cake, this creative and exciting task can be entrusted to children.

Method 23

Nobody canceled yet plastic stickers, a great variety of which can be found before the holiday in any grocery store. Pull the plastic ring over the egg, put it on a spoon and lower it into boiling water. Under the influence of temperature, the plastic will tightly wrap around the egg. Fast, effective, colorful and exciting. True, not very natural. But here it is up to you to decide what you want: a quick result or complete harmony with nature.

Method 24

Lace belts will look great on eggs of bright colors. This is another option for a quick Easter decor.

Method 25

You can decorate eggs beautifully with felt. You can decorate them with ordinary flowers and leaves cut out of this material, or make funny figurines. So that such eggs can be eaten later, it is better not to use ready-made glue, but to cook a flour-based paste.

Method 26

A very beautiful drawing comes out with dyeing eggs in silk fabrics, woolen threads or floss that shed heavily. They are wrapped around an egg and wrapped in a nylon stocking or gauze, such eggs are boiled for 15-20 minutes. Beautiful, but no longer edible - here you have to choose.

Method 27

Unusually and beautifully will look eggs covered with sequins. Apply glue to half of the egg, dip it in glitter and let dry. Then repeat the procedure with the second half.

And this is only some of the possible decoration of Easter eggs. Restrictions are only your imagination and respect for the meaning of the holiday itself.

Happy Easter to you!

Easter is already approaching, and therefore it's time to think about such an interesting and beloved by many activities as painting easter eggs. The latter is not just another hobby for needlewomen, but a whole tradition, the history of which goes back to ancient times. As you know, many peoples and even separate regions within the borders of one country have their own rules and customs of painting, using original drawings and patterns. Accordingly, craftsmen are accustomed to distinguish between several types of decorated Easter eggs, namely:

Easter eggs- raw eggs, painted with beeswax or paints,

krashanki- hard-boiled eggs, painted in one shade without patterns,

specks- multi-colored eggs with a solid background and many multi-colored dots (specks, spots or stripes) applied with melted wax,

ragpanki- Easter eggs, the main pattern of which is scratched on their surface with the help of any sharp object. As a rule, they have a monochromatic background obtained through the use of natural dye (the piece ones are smeared and do not allow you to create neat drawings),

malevanki- beautiful eggs, decorated with any invented patterns applied with acrylic and other types of paints.

Painting Easter eggs with hot wax

One of the most is their painting with hot wax, which is both an exciting and demanding activity. In order to draw complex patterns on the egg, craftswomen use:

  • wax crayons (sold in stationery stores) or melted paraffin candles tinted with food coloring
  • small metal containers (deep bottle caps or old tablespoons will do for the first time)
  • copper wire or needle (crochet hook)
  • egg dyes (natural or food)

Working process:

1. The first thing to do is to paint the selected egg in any monotonous color. Both food coloring and onion peel are suitable here. The main thing is that the shell acquires a rich color, which will later become the background for the picture.

2. After the egg is completely dry, it is worth starting to color it. To do this, you must first melt the colored crayons (each separately), placing them in small containers installed above the flame. The latter may be fire from a candle-tablet located on the desktop. At the same time, it is important that the fire warms the wax all the time while the drawing is being applied, but does not bring it to a boil.

3. After all the necessary preparations, you can now do the direct application of intricate patterns. On a needle or wire used as a brush for drawing, collect a small amount of wax and draw a line on the shell or put a dot. Subsequently, it should be dipped in wax after applying each stroke.

If the egg will be painted with only one color, after applying all the necessary patterns, it must be wiped with a soft cloth, which will remove minor errors. Then grease the shell with sunflower oil or fat, which gives it a shine.

If you plan to apply patterns of different shades, you must first apply strokes of the same color, wait for them to dry completely, and only then proceed to create drawings of the next shade.

Perhaps, after reading all this, not everyone will understand how to act, and therefore below we present you with a master class on painting eggs with hot wax, after watching which everything will finally become clear:

As you can see here, the craftswoman uses wax of several shades, which makes her Easter eggs look beautiful and festive, but this does not mean that monochromatic patterns are inferior to multi-colored ones:

It is clear that beginners simply cannot know all the possible options for painting eggs with melted wax. And for starters, you can use ready-made templates, the number of which is very huge. For example, these can be such drawings:

However, you can decorate eggs using this technique without first coloring them. In that case, they might look like this:

No matter how beautiful the Easter eggs described above turn out, hot wax is far from the only thing that can be used to decorate eggs. Alternatively, they can:

- wrap with an old colorful tie and dip in vinegar for a few minutes,

here is the result:

- paint the shell with a permanent marker,

- wrap eggs in lace and dip in food coloring,

- cover the eggs with confectionery sprinkles.

The methods of decorating Easter eggs do not end there at all. They can also be wrapped with ribbons, placed in openwork nets (specially crocheted), painted with ordinary paints, decorated with leaves with plants and in any other way that comes to mind. The main thing to remember at the same time is that bold experiments with the use of toxic substances are best carried out on hollow eggs that no one will eat.

But hard-boiled krashanki are best dyed with natural dyes, which are used not only onion peel, but also pomegranate juice, boiled spinach leaves, strong coffee or tea, red cabbage leaves and many other products.

To decorate an Easter egg with a pattern, use "mask effect".

The mask can be:

1. Leaves of plants.

Tear off a leaf of a house or wild plant, attach it to an egg.

Put a nylon sock on top of the egg, tie it with an elastic band.

Color the egg with food coloring according to package instructions.

Take off your sock and leaf. What a beauty it must be!

2. Pieces of adhesive tape, electrical tape, self-adhesive paper.

Well, everything is simple. Cut out squares, circles, stripes from adhesive tape or tape, and various Easter silhouettes from self-adhesive paper and stick them on the egg.

Color the egg with synthetic or natural dye. When the egg is dry, remove the stickers.

Another interesting method is to paint the eggs, pasted over with electrical tape, in two colors.

Cover the egg with a strip of electrical tape first in one direction and paint it yellow.

When the egg is completely dry, remove the tape and stick another piece of it in the opposite direction.

Color the egg blue. Mixing blue and yellow will make green.

Now remove the ribbon from the egg.

So, playing with flowers, you can have fun and usefully spend time.

3. Bank gum for money.

These cute striped eggs can be obtained by wrapping them with a rubber band before painting.

4. Fig.

Roll the wet egg in dry long-grain rice and wrap tightly in a bandage. Tie the ends of the bandage with an elastic band or thread. Boil the egg in the onion peel for 15-20 minutes (pre-soak the peel overnight in water).

marble eggs

The effect of marbled eggs gives vegetable oil, which is added to food coloring during dyeing.

You can dye the egg first one color, and then dip it into the dye of a different color, after adding a tablespoon of vegetable oil and stirring the solution with a fork. Try to catch as many oil stains as possible, then dry the egg with a napkin.

Marble effect can be achieved, finely chopped onion skins, wrapping them in an egg and pulling a nylon sock on top. Boil the eggs for 20 minutes.

You can color Easter eggs marker...

Or felt-tip pens. Quite simple, but how beautiful!

Colored eggs look spectacular wax pencils. True, they need to be painted while still hot. So, you will need an egg stand. After finishing work, leave the egg to dry for an hour.

You can amaze your friends with an intricate pattern by painting eggs with natural cotton threads. Mix the multi-colored threads, tightly tie them around the eggs and boil. Voila - the creative pattern is ready!

To get the golden yellow color of the eggs, boil them in a decoction. turmeric.

And in order for the eggs to acquire a soft pink color, paint them in juice beets.

Dark brown color will give the eggs a strong broth tea.

And to visually see the process of creating colorful masterpieces from Easter eggs, watch the video. A master class from Elena Bazhenova will help you in an original and, which is no less important, correctly, color eggs for the holiday.