Mushrooms frying time. How to fry mushrooms in a pan? Helpful Hints

Many people love mushroom dishes. They are rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Mushrooms are a tasty, nutritious food that can be cooked both on weekdays and for holiday table. There are many recipes for cooking mushrooms. Fried mushrooms are prepared quickly and simply, the main thing is to know how long it takes to fry them so that they turn out tasty, juicy and fragrant. Depending on the variety, the time for frying mushrooms in a pan is from 15 to 40 minutes.

Preparing mushrooms for frying

Before proceeding with the preparation of mushrooms, they must be cleaned of earth, sand and dirt, washed in cold water and dry or pat dry with a paper towel. If the mushrooms are clean or very fragile, you can not wash them, but simply wipe them with a damp cloth.

It is advisable to boil some varieties of mushrooms before frying. After cooking, the mushrooms need to be thrown into a colander to get rid of excess liquid, and then you can put them in a pan.

How to fry mushrooms?

The most popular variety of mushrooms for city dwellers are champignons. It is very easy to prepare them. Fresh champignons must be rinsed in water, dried, cut into slices and put in a pan with heated vegetable or butter. Fry the mushrooms over medium heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Frozen champignons are fried for about 12-15 minutes.

Oyster mushrooms are another inexpensive and beloved variety of mushrooms. Before frying, it is recommended to boil oyster mushrooms in salt water for 5-7 minutes, and then fry in a pan for the same amount. Do not keep the oyster mushrooms on fire for too long, otherwise they will become tough.

Porcini mushrooms (boletus mushrooms) have a wonderful taste and unique forest aroma. They are prepared in the same way as mushrooms. The frying time is approximately 15-20 minutes.

It is recommended to soak mushrooms, milk mushrooms, volnushki, chanterelles and russula before cooking for 3-4 hours in cold water. This is necessary in order to remove excess bitterness from them. Then they need to be boiled in salted water for 20 minutes, and then sent to the pan. Roast for 30 minutes. It is recommended to boil all types of forest mushrooms before frying to minimize the risk of poisoning.

For frying mushrooms, you can take vegetable or butter. Mushrooms can be fried with onions, sour cream, vegetables, breaded in flour or breadcrumbs. Salting mushrooms is recommended towards the end of frying. Bon appetit!


  • Fresh porcini mushrooms
  • Ground black pepper

How to fry porcini mushrooms without cooking step by step instructions with photos:

Step 1

For work, we need fresh porcini mushrooms, sunflower oil, salt, ground black pepper, a knife, a colander, a frying pan.

Step 3

Cut the mushrooms into medium pieces and put in a preheated pan with sunflower oil (4 tablespoons).

Step 4

Porcini mushrooms are fried on a fire below medium, stirring occasionally, 30 minutes. At the end, season to taste with salt and pepper.

We will need:

  • Pot
  • Pan
  • wooden spoon
  • Colander
  • Skimmer


  • Fresh porcini mushrooms
  • Refined sunflower oil
  • Ground black pepper

How long to fry porcini mushrooms

White mushrooms are one of the most delicious forest mushrooms. They have a unique, special taste and aroma. Therefore, housewives use them to prepare a variety of mouth-watering dishes: they are cooking mushroom soups, sauces, gravies, fried mushrooms in sour cream, with onions or potatoes, marinated, dried and frozen.

Fried porcini mushrooms are considered a special delicacy. Frying is one of the fastest ways to enjoy porcini mushrooms. Most frying methods are very simple, so even a novice hostess can handle this process.

Porcini mushrooms can be fried raw or pre-boiled. If you pre-boil porcini mushrooms, the frying time will be reduced to 15-20 minutes. You can fry mushrooms with onions, sour cream, or you can fry them without additives. And then you will fully enjoy the unique taste of the mushrooms themselves.

Mushrooms are especially popular during Lent and among vegetarians.

All mushrooms can be divided into four groups, depending on their nutritional value.

The first group is white mushroom and milk mushrooms.

The second - champignons, mushrooms and volnushki.

The third - chanterelles, morels, honey mushrooms.

Fourth - raincoats, flywheels and oyster mushrooms.

How long to fry mushrooms depends on their type.

Let's figure out how to fry mushrooms so that they turn out really tasty.

How to fry mushrooms - the basic principles of cooking

The time of frying mushrooms depends on their type.

How long to fry mushrooms: russula, milk mushrooms and mushrooms. These mushrooms must be soaked for three to four hours, then dried and fried in a pan for forty minutes. They can be fried in breadcrumbs.

How long to fry russula mushrooms. In addition to soaking, it is advisable to pre-boil the russula for half an hour, and then fry for the same amount of time.

How long does it take to fry boletus mushrooms. Porcini or boletus is most valued in cooking for its bright taste and aroma. It is pre-boiled for 20 minutes, after which it is fried for the same amount of time.

How long to fry champignon mushrooms. They do not need to be pre-boiled. In addition, it is better not to wash the champignons, but to wipe them with a damp cloth, as they absorb water very quickly, which can significantly delay the cooking process. Mushrooms are fried raw for half an hour.

Before frying mushrooms, they need to be properly prepared. As mentioned above, some mushrooms must be pre-soaked, among them, such as mushrooms, volnushki, chanterelles, russula and milk mushrooms. It is also advisable to boil these mushrooms to minimize the risk of poisoning. Russula is fried only after they are boiled in several waters.

So, mushrooms are thoroughly cleaned, washed well, especially forest mushrooms, to get rid of sand and dirt. Then the mushrooms are boiled in lightly salted water. Cooking time depends on the type of mushrooms. Basically it is from ten minutes to half an hour.

Boiled mushrooms are thrown back on a sieve to get rid of excess moisture. Traditionally, mushrooms are fried with onions. It is chopped in half rings and fried until transparent in hot oil. Then mushrooms are added, peppered, salted, mixed and fried, stirring constantly, from 15 minutes to half an hour.

Mushrooms are not boiled before frying. They are cut into slices and spread raw in a pan. Fry until light brown. Put a little at the end butter to make the taste of mushrooms tender and fry for another seven minutes. Salt champignons at the end.

Frozen mushrooms are first dipped in boiling water, slightly salted, and boiled for about five minutes. Then they are thrown back on a sieve and transferred to a pan. Roast until moisture evaporates. Put onions, pepper and salt. Continue to fry over low heat, stirring constantly, for ten minutes.

Mushrooms can be fried not only with onions. Most popular dish fried mushrooms with potatoes. They are also fried with cabbage, carrots, garlic, eggs, etc.

Mushrooms can be fried in batter or breaded with flour or breadcrumbs.

How to fry mushrooms in a pan - recipe 1. Oyster mushrooms fried with onions


50 ml of vegetable oil;

iodized salt;

two onion heads;

300 g oyster mushrooms.

Cooking method

1. Peel the bulbs, rinse and chop finely.

2. Rinse oyster mushrooms under running water. Cut off the base. Place the mushrooms on a towel to dry slightly. Then cut the mushrooms into slices.

3. Put the chopped onion in a pan with oil. Fry the onion until it becomes transparent and soft. Now add mushrooms to the pan, mix and fry under the lid, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes.

4. At the end, salt the mushrooms, season with spices and pepper. Serve fried mushrooms with a side dish of vegetables or cereals.

Recipe 2. Fried mushrooms with cheese


10 g butter;

300 g mushrooms;

1 bay leaf;

1 pinch of salt;

1 pinch of spices;

100 g of cheese;

100 ml cream;

1 pinch of black pepper.

Cooking method

1. Wash the mushrooms well and put them in a colander. When all the moisture is gone, cut into thin slices. Melt the butter in a frying pan and put the mushrooms in it. If desired, you can add onion and garlic.

2. In a deep bowl, combine the cream with salt, spices and pepper. We mix everything well.

3. As soon as the mushrooms are browned, pour into the pan cream sauce and add bay leaf. Stir and simmer over moderate heat until fully cooked. After five minutes, take out the bay leaf.

4. Grind the cheese into small chips. You can use soft curds if you like. cream cheeses. We put a handful of cheese in the pan, mix, then add the next handful. This is done so that the cheese does not stick together into a lump, but melts evenly. Turn off the heat and serve with potato garnish.

How to fry mushrooms in a pan - recipe 3. Mushroom fry


50 ml sunflower oil;


400 g mushrooms;

1 bouillon cube;

80 ml sour cream.

Cooking method

1. Finely chop the peeled onion and fry in oil, preheating it, until golden brown.

2. Peel and wipe the mushrooms with a damp towel. Cut them into arbitrary small pieces. Put them to the onion, mix, season with a mixture provencal herbs, salt, oregano and allspice. Saute until mushrooms are browned.

3. Dilute the bouillon cube in water. Pour the mushrooms with the resulting broth, make the fire quieter under the pan and simmer for five minutes.

4. Dilute the flour in an incomplete glass of water, add sour cream and beat everything with a whisk until smooth. Pour the cream sauce into the mushrooms, bring to a boil and cook, stirring continuously, for another five minutes. At the end, add chopped greens. Serve as an accompaniment to spaghetti or other side dishes.

Recipe 4. Fried dried mushrooms


half a bunch of fresh herbs;

onion head;

a pinch of black pepper;

three cloves of garlic;

a pinch of salt;

50 ml vegetable oil;

dried mushrooms - 150 g.

Cooking method

1. You can use any mushrooms, it is best to take an assortment of mushrooms for this dish. Place the mushrooms in a bowl and cover with warm water. Soak them for about seven minutes.

2. Throw the mushrooms on a sieve. Strain the resulting mushroom infusion through cheesecloth.

3. Pour a little oil into the pan and heat it well. Place the quartered onion in the skillet and sauté until soft. Send the soaked mushrooms to the onion and continue to fry, stirring constantly, for about five minutes.

4. Add peeled and chopped garlic and fry for just another minute.

5. Pour mushroom infusion into the pan, salt, pepper and simmer over low heat until cooked. When all the liquid has evaporated, the mushrooms are ready. Crush them with chopped herbs and serve with a side dish of potatoes.

Recipe 5. Fried mushrooms with nuts


half a kilogram of fresh porcini mushrooms;

kitchen salt;

three quarters of a cup of peeled kernels walnuts;

ground black pepper;

two onion heads;

80 g butter;

Apple vinegar;

parsley and cilantro.

Cooking method

1. Peel the porcini mushrooms, wash well and boil in water, slightly salting it, for a quarter of an hour. Throw them on a sieve so that all the moisture is gone. Then cut the mushrooms into thin slices and put in a frying pan with hot oil. Drain the separated juice. Fry until golden brown, remembering to stir constantly.

2. Combine juice from mushrooms with apple cider vinegar, pepper and mix. Pour this mixture over the mushrooms. Peel the onion and chop finely. Rinse parsley and cilantro and chop. Skip the nuts through a meat grinder.

3. Add greens, onions and nuts to the mushrooms, mix, heat for about two minutes and turn off the heat. Cool completely, put a slide on a serving dish and garnish with herbs.

    If possible, wash mushrooms before frying, especially mushrooms. Just wipe them off with a damp towel. Otherwise, they will absorb a lot of moisture.

    Try to take young mushrooms for frying, they are much more tender and tastier.

    Salt the mushrooms at the end of frying so that excess moisture is not released during the cooking process.

    Stir the mushrooms with a wooden spatula so that they do not change their taste and smell.

The protein content in mushrooms makes them a significant competitor to meat. They are a favorite delicacy for vegetarians and one of the staples during fasting. There are probably very few people who can say that fried mushrooms are tasteless. In addition, the taste qualities can surprise not only fresh, but also frozen representatives of the forest. Fried pickled mushrooms can also please with an exotic taste.

It seems that there is nothing easier than frying mushrooms in a pan, but everything is not so easy. In order for the dish to turn out really tasty, it is necessary to observe all the subtleties and tricks of frying.

How long to fry the mushrooms depends on what kind of mushrooms is going to go to the pan.

You should figure out how to properly fry mushrooms: milk mushrooms, mushrooms and russula. These representatives of the forest must be soaked well for about 4 hours, then dried and sent to the pan, where they are fried for 40 minutes. If desired, you can use breading. Russula should be boiled before soaking. How much to cook also depends on their variety. In this case, russula is boiled for half an hour, only then they are soaked and fried.

White mushrooms with mushrooms have a great taste and aroma, because they are more valued than others in the culinary world. They should first be boiled for 20 minutes, and then they are fried for the same time.

You should also know how long to fry champignon mushrooms. They take a little time to cook, because they do not need special preparation before frying. Washed and chopped mushrooms are laid out in a pan and fried for half an hour.


Before frying representatives of the forest, they must be properly prepared. As mentioned above, care is needed with mushrooms, so some of them need to be soaked (this includes: milk mushrooms, cowsheds, chanterelles, russula, volnushki, mushrooms). It is also advisable to boil the mushrooms: this will significantly reduce the risk of poisoning. How much to cook depends on their variety. Russula are subject to mandatory boiling, and it is better to do this in several waters.

Preparation for cooking begins with a thorough cleaning. For delicious fried Forest mushrooms, their cleaning should be given special attention, since people from the forest are most stained with sand, dirt and various insects. Next comes the process of boiling in slightly salted water. The gifts of the forests should be boiled depending on their variety. As a rule, it takes 10 - 30 minutes.

The boiled gifts of the forest are moved to a sieve, where they drain well, getting rid of excess moisture. It has already become a good tradition to fry mushrooms with onions. It is cut into half rings and fried until golden brown in sunflower oil, then mushrooms are added to it, followed by salt and pepper. Everything is well mixed and fried for 15 - 30 minutes, depending on the type of mushrooms. Don't forget to stir.

Fry mushrooms until golden brown there is no need to boil them. In order to make the taste of champignons tender, at the end of cooking, you can put a piece of butter in them and fry for another 7 minutes on low heat. Salt is also added at the end.

To fry frozen mushrooms, they must first be boiled. To do this, they are dipped for 5 minutes in salted boiling water. Then they transfer it to a sieve, let the water drain well and put it in a frying pan, where they fry until the moisture has completely evaporated. Add chopped onion, salt and pepper, mix well with mushrooms and fry for another 10 minutes, not forgetting about regular stirring.

Properly prepared frozen gifts of the forest palatability are in no way inferior to fresh.

Fried mushrooms with onions a traditional dish mushroom eaters. However, this is far from the only cooking option for representatives of the forest. The most popular and favorite dish of almost everyone is fried potatoes with mushrooms. Mushrooms are also very tasty in tandem with eggs, cheese, garlic, cabbage, carrots and much more.

In addition, they come out very tasty, for which flour or crackers are used.

mushroom julienne

This is a simplified version of the original mushroom julienne with cheese. The dish is prepared very quickly, the appetizer is obtained with an incredible creamy mushroom taste, complemented by an appetizing cheese crust. The big advantage of champignons is that mushrooms do not need soaking or heat treatment before frying, which means that cooking will not take much time. Before you cook a delicious julienne, you should use a good recipe.

Required products and their quantity:

  • fresh mushrooms(champignons are best) -500 g;
  • 250 ml sour cream;
  • onion - 150 g;
  • butter for frying - 100 g;
  • hard cheese - about 300 g;
  • salt and pepper - according to taste preferences.
  1. Cut mushrooms. No need to make small pieces, just cut into 4 pieces.
  2. Chop the onion.
  3. Butter to define on a preheated frying pan.
  4. The onion is sent to the oil and fried until golden brown.
  5. Mushrooms are sent to the onion and fried for 10 minutes until they are ready. As mentioned above, how much to fry mushrooms depends on their type. In this case, we are talking directly about champignons, so 10 minutes will be enough.
  6. Add sour cream and simmer with mushrooms for about 3 minutes.
  7. Next, the mushrooms are transferred from the pan to the baking dish. Grated cheese is sprinkled on top and sent to an oven preheated to 200 degrees. When will appear on the cheese golden crust, julienne can be obtained.

Delicious and simplified julienne is ready, it is better to eat it hot. This dish will please even the most demanding gourmets.

Mushrooms with sour cream and onions

Fried mushrooms in sour cream with onions is an incomparable taste and delicate aroma. Everyone will like this dish. How to fry mushrooms with sour cream? To do this, take the following ingredients:

  • mushrooms (you can take both fresh and frozen) -1 kg;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil- 50 ml;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • salt, pepper - according to taste preferences.
  1. Boil fresh or frozen mushrooms, if necessary. Cut into small slices and send to the pan, no need to pour vegetable oil. Keep on medium heat.
  2. Peel and cut the onion into half rings.
  3. When all the water from the mushrooms has evaporated, add the vegetable oil, then the onion, salt everything and mix well with the mushrooms.
  4. Fry the mushrooms in a pan until the onion turns golden, and only then put the sour cream with pepper.
  5. Chop the parsley and decorate the dish.

Mushrooms with onions and sour cream are ready to eat.

Fried mushrooms with onions and lemon juice

Before you fry mushrooms deliciously, you should prepare them well. Many mushrooms must pass before frying. heat treatment and soak well. If the final dish is fried pigs or russula, then the water must be changed several times during the cooking process.

Many people like to freeze the product, so out of season frozen representatives of the forest are also perfect for frying.

In order to fry mushrooms with onions and sour cream, you will need:

  • 200 g fresh or frozen mushrooms;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 st. l. butter;
  • half a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • 1 large onion;
  • a bunch of greens;
  • salt and pepper according to taste preferences.
  1. Before frying mushrooms, they need to be prepared: peel, wash, soak, boil, cut into strips.
  2. Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry until golden brown.
  3. Prepared and boiled gifts of the forest along with lemon juice sent to the pan to the fried onions with garlic, everything is mixed well.
  4. After 5 minutes, add salt and pepper, do not forget to stir all the time.
  5. Frying mushrooms until fully cooked takes place at maximum heat.
  6. Garnish fried mushrooms with onions with chopped herbs.

This recipe fried mushrooms very easy to prepare, but at the same time very tasty.

Subtleties and tricks of frying

Dishes with fried mushrooms are a kind of product. Sometimes they can cause a deterioration in well-being, even without being poisonous. In order for fried mushrooms with onions, potatoes or any other ingredients to bring only pleasant emotions, and not worsen the condition, you need to use a few rules. They are suitable for both frozen mushrooms and fresh ones.

So that the mushrooms fried with onions do not turn out to be very fatty, you do not need to pour a lot of butter. When pieces of food begin to actively stick to the pan, the first thing to do is add oil, dooming the dish to fat content. It is important to know that forest products are thrown into hot oil and immediately mixed: then they will not stick to the pan.

No matter how strange it may sound, it is not recommended to wash mushrooms before frying (this applies to mushrooms). Before cooking, it is better to get them wet with a damp sponge, otherwise the moisture content of the product will go off scale. If this method is not to your liking, then it is better to wait until the mushrooms drain well and dry. This will take some time.

Before frying mushrooms, you need to carefully sort through and review each of them, so as not to spoil your appetite with an inedible element found in the dish (this is especially true for freshly picked forest representatives).

Fried champignons are a delicious and easy-to-cook dish that can be consumed with various side dishes, as well as for cooking delicious salads, snacks and other dishes, so in this article we will try to understand in more detail how to properly and how much to fry champignons in a pan until cooked.

How long to fry champignons in a pan?

The frying time of champignons depends on which mushrooms will be used (fresh or frozen), as well as their cuts (fried finely, coarsely chopped or whole). Let us consider in more detail how long it takes to fry champignons until cooked:

  • How long to fry fresh champignons in a pan? Fresh champignons cut into pieces (slices) are fried for an average of 15 minutes over medium heat (finely chopped in a small amount can be fried in 3-5 minutes).
  • How long to fry frozen champignons in a pan? Frozen champignons must be fried for 10-15 minutes, while they are not thawed beforehand.

Having learned how many minutes to fry champignons, we will further consider in more detail the process of their preparation at home.

The simplest and fast way frying champignons is their frying in sunflower oil in a pan, while, depending on the purpose of their frying, fried onions, sour cream, etc. can be added in the process. Let's take a closer look at how to fry champignons in a pan:

  • We thoroughly wash fresh mushrooms under running cold water, peel off the film under the hats (if any) and cut off the darkened places on the mushrooms with a knife. If the mushrooms were frozen, just take them out of the refrigerator 10 minutes before cooking, so that they thaw a little.
  • We leave the washed champignons for 5-10 minutes in a colander so that the water is completely drained from them, after which we cut them into even plates.
  • Pour vegetable oil into the pan so that it covers the entire bottom of the pan (do not need to pour a lot) and heat it over high heat (the oil should become hot, but not red-hot).
  • We shift the prepared champignons to the pan and fry over medium heat for 10-15 minutes until cooked (on average, both fresh and frozen mushrooms are fried for about the same time, with the exception of finely chopped fresh in a small amount, which, like chips, are fried in 3-5 minutes) .
  • 2-3 minutes before the end of frying, salt and pepper the mushrooms to taste. You can also fry the chopped onion in sunflower oil in parallel in a separate pan and add it to the mushrooms 5 minutes before the end of cooking if you want to get delicious fried champignons with onions).

Note: many are interested in the question, is it necessary to boil champignons before frying? Before frying, it is not necessary to boil the mushrooms, it depends on your preferences, but if you are going to pre-boil the mushrooms, then we do this for 5-7 minutes after boiling the water in the pan.