Recipes delicious gravy with meat. Sauce Recipes

When I was little, I always asked why pig meat is pork, chicken is chicken, hare is hare, and cow meat is beef?

The word "beef" comes from the old Russian word "beef", which means cattle (cow, bull, buffalo, etc.). Even in the world there are consonant names.

For example, in English the word for a cow is cow, in Sanskrit it is a cow. In Bulgarian, beef sounds like "beef". Beef is consumed fried, boiled, stewed, smoked, in the form of minced meat - hamburgers and other excesses.

I really like whole meat with gravy, well cooked, always with tomatoes and onions. For stewing, it is best to take the pulp without films, lived, fat. Ideal shoulder blades, thighs or cue ball. The beef sauce is also important. It is generally accepted that the sauce (gravy) - from fr. Sauce, liquid seasoning for meat. The sauce makes the dish juicier, tastier and more aromatic.

Let's not talk about well-known sauces such as mayonnaise, ketchup, soy, bechamel. There are thousands of them. But all of them are not very suitable for cooking meat by stewing. It is very good when meat is cooked with gravy, and not meat is poured with sauce after cooking. This method seems to be called brezerovka (brezerovka), but I could be wrong. Such a self. Let's cook beef in sauce with vegetables - meat with gravy.

Meat with gravy. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Beef 350 gr
  • Onion 2 pcs
  • Tomato 1 pc
  • Tomato to taste
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves
  • Parsley, dill 3-4 sprigs
  • Olive oil 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, ground black pepper, hot pepper Spices
  1. Each sauce is liquid base and filling. As well as spices, spices, seasonings. Often the sauce is made on the basis of a standard sauce, the so-called main sauce, by adding various components to it. Then such a sauce is called a derivative. It is worth saying that the sauce can be prepared separately, and you can prepare a dish with a ready-made sauce, or you can create a sauce in the process of cooking the dish itself.

    Beef and vegetables

  2. Beef is needed not very old, not dark and without a large amount of fat, films, bones. Cut the meat into large cubes, the size of a walnut. Pour into saucepan olive oil and fry the pieces of beef on it. The meat at the very beginning will give a certain amount of liquid and only after its evaporation will it begin to fry.

    Fry beef pieces in olive oil

  3. Fry the pieces of beef until a light fried crust appears. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste.
  4. Peel and chop the onion coarsely, best of all into strips, or cut the onion lengthwise into 8-10 pieces. Peel the garlic and chop with a knife, not very finely.
  5. Add the onion to the meat and fry everything together until the onion starts to brown and change color.

    Add the onion to the meat and fry everything together

  6. Add chopped garlic, a glass of water and simmer meat with onions over low heat under tightly closed lid 1 hour. For cooking beef, if it is not very tough, this is enough, the beef will boil well. If the beef is tough, the stewing time should be increased.

    Stew meat with onions under the lid

  7. Scald the tomato with boiling water, remove the skin and seeds. Finely chop the tomato pulp with a knife or chop with a blender. Add tomato to meat. If the tomato is not too ripe, or the tomato season is not yet, you can get by with 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste diluted with a little water.

    Add tomato to meat

  8. Stew meat with onion and tomato under the lid for 10-12 minutes. If the water has boiled away, you can add a little from the kettle.

    Stew meat with onion and tomato under the lid

  9. I prefer if the meat with gravy is made without further thickening of the gravy. Enough onion and tomato, stewed and forming a sauce-gravy.
  10. But, if you want more gravy, or it was flour-based, you can do this: In a dry frying pan, fry 1 full tbsp. l. wheat flour until a slight nutty smell appears, the flour will turn slightly yellow. In small portions, add hot water to the flour and stir vigorously. Bring the flour sauce to the desired consistency. Salt and pepper to taste. Add flour sauce to the stewpan to the meat, mix and simmer the meat with gravy under the lid at the weakest boil for 10 minutes.
  11. When the gravy has reached the desired thickness, the meat with gravy is ready. Prepare a side dish - mashed potatoes are ideal. Put the mashed potatoes on a plate, trying to place it closer to the edge, creating a rim. Pour the meat with gravy in the middle and sprinkle with finely chopped dill and parsley.

Beef is a tasty and healthy meat that contains a minimum of fat and a fairly large amount of iron. Based on it, excellent sauces are obtained, combined with most side dishes. Every housewife has her own recipe for beef gravy.

Those who have been engaged in culinary art for more than a year should not explain how important it is to observe all the subtleties of preparing this dish. Beef is a demanding product, but with a certain approach, it produces the most delicate meat pieces and a sauce with a bright, rich taste.

Beef - gives a strong broth. The gravy based on it is very fragrant.

This type of meat requires a long languishing over low heat.

During the cooking process, the maximum amount of flavoring substances passes into the sauce.

Beef gravy is truly versatile. It goes well with most traditional side dishes. It can be combined with different types pasta, mashed potatoes, rice, buckwheat and other cereals, serve with stewed vegetables.

The dish will become not only tastier, but also juicy. Thanks to the versatility of the sauce, the tastes of all family members will be satisfied. You can serve different side dishes with one gravy. This will save time when people with different preferences gather around the table.

Classic beef goulash with gravy

For traditional goulash, you should choose clean beef pulp. There should be no veins or cartilage. To prepare a dish for the whole family, you need a piece weighing 500-600 grams.

The meat should be washed with cold water, soaked with paper napkins or a towel. The method of cutting should be given special attention. To make the pieces juicy, they should not be cut too small. The meat is cut across the fibers into cubes with a side of 2 cm.

We put the beef in a sufficiently heated frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry over high heat, without a lid, stirring constantly. The cubes should turn white as quickly as possible. The presence of a light shade will indicate that the meat protein has coagulated. A dense shell on the surface will keep the juice inside. The meat will end up being very tender.

During roasting, beef releases a lot of liquid. It is necessary that it all evaporate, otherwise there will be pieces of curdled scale in our gravy.

Add finely chopped onion head to the fried beef. For this volume, you will need one large or two medium turnips. We fry everything together, still without a lid, stirring occasionally until the onion softens.

Next, add three tablespoons of tomato paste to the meat. Instead, you can use ketchup, but then at the end you should reduce the amount of spices and salt. Mix well the beef and tomato mass. While they are simmering over moderate heat, prepare the gravy.

Dissolve in half a glass cold water a tablespoon of flour. Pour the mixture into a large bowl and add two cups of liquid to it. Instead of filtered water, you can use meat broth. The flour should be dissolved in advance so that it does not form lumps.

Pour the prepared gravy over the roast. Turn up the fire to the max. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stir until the dish boils, then cover with a lid. We put on the smallest fire. Simmer for at least 1.5 hours. We leave the finished goulash turned off for another 15 minutes. The gravy will infuse, thicken, acquire a rich taste.

The main secrets of making delicious goulash are as follows:

  • we use fresh meat without hard films and cartilage;
  • so that the pieces retain their juiciness, they are pre-fried;
  • salt draws liquid out of the meat, so we add it only at the end;
  • beef is juicy when it is simmered for a long time.

We hope these tips will help you prepare a decent meal.

Beef goulash with gravy Hungarian recipe

Traditional Hungarian goulash is not a gravy, but a real soup. The dish is somewhat different from the usual first one in that it turns out to be thicker. But it is absolutely independent and does not require any additional garnish. Yes, in fact, traditional Hungarian goulash is not quite what we used to mean by this word.

For cooking thick soup more water is required, therefore, in order for the broth to turn out to be rich, a bone must also be added to the meat tenderloin.

It is not necessary to take only beef on the bone. You can replace it with a small amount of pulp. One good bone for the whole dish will be enough.

What you need besides beef:

  • bulb;
  • large carrots;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • ripe tomato;
  • potato;
  • greenery;
  • garlic;
  • caraway;
  • Red pepper;
  • peppercorns;
  • salt.

The soup is cooked in a deep bowl with a thick bottom. Here we fry all the ingredients, then simmer after adding water until cooked.

We cut beef with a volume of half a kilogram into large pieces. Fry in a small amount of vegetable oil with the addition of two medium onions, cut into half rings. All this time the fire should be big. Stir constantly so that nothing burns.

From vegetables, we still need large carrots and three sweet bell peppers. Cut them into cubes and add to the meat. We still simmer over high heat.

Tomatoes give a special taste to the broth. You should choose ripe, fleshy, with a minimum moisture content of the fruit. If there are none, it is better to replace with canned ones. Take five large tomatoes, and peel them from the skin. To remove the skin from fresh tomatoes, they are doused with boiling water and dipped in cold water. Place the whole tomatoes on top of the meat roast, or cut them into large pieces.

Add one and a half liters hot water and a spoonful of tomato paste. As soon as the broth boils, reduce the heat to a minimum, and leave the soup to simmer under the lid for 30 minutes.

By the end of cooking, put three potato tubers, cut into cubes, 3-4 chopped garlic cloves, salt, five peas of black and allspice, a pinch of cumin, a little hot pepper.

The dish should be allowed to sweat for about half an hour. When the potatoes become soft, throw finely chopped greens into the broth and turn off the heat. Let's let the soup brew.

The taste of goulash will be very rich. You don’t have to add sour cream or mayonnaise to the dish. Thanks to potatoes and vegetables, it will be very satisfying and thick.

Kindergarten beef gravy

For this dish, a minimum of seasonings is used. It is important to properly fry the meat in order to get delicious gravy from beef.

We take a pound of pulp. Cut into not very thin slices. Fry in a pan with the addition of onions and carrots. Dice the whole onion. Grate half a carrot.

Pour about half a glass of water and simmer the meat until tender. At the very end, add salt and filling. Gravy for beef goulash is made from 200 grams of water, an incomplete tablespoon of flour, the same amount of tomato paste and sour cream. Mix everything together and pour into the meat fry.

We add fire, let the broth boil. Be sure to stir constantly so that no lumps form. When everything finally bubbles, reduce the heat and leave covered for another 10 minutes. Let's turn it off. delicious meat sauce as in childhood ready.

Beef gravy with mushrooms

How to cook beef gravy with mushrooms? Everything is extremely simple. This is amazing tasty dish consists of a minimum number of products.

There is one important condition. Ingredients must be selected with all responsibility, the final result depends on their quality. The recipe includes such an expensive component as cream, which is not worth saving on. We need a product of maximum fat content, at least 20%.

The total mass of beef or veal is 400-500 grams. We cut it into thin long pieces. Add half a head of onion, chopped into cubes, and fry in a small amount of olive or sunflower oil. Sprinkle with black ground pepper, put it to taste.

The meat was a little browned. Let's add mushrooms to it. They do not need to be washed, only cleaned. Take 3-4 pieces of mushrooms. Scrape off the top shell with a knife. Cut into thin plates and send to the meat.

Close the roast with a lid. We put on a small fire. Simmer until cooked through for about an hour, adding water in the process as the juice evaporates.

At the end, salt and pour cream. They should not completely cover the meat. Our amount of beef will require about a glass of dairy product.

Cream must not be boiled, otherwise it will stratify. Turn on moderate heat, constantly stir the dish. The cream will thicken, and as soon as it starts to bubble, we extinguish the stove, cover the meat with a lid and leave it for 20 minutes. We got a fragrant gravy with a delicate creamy taste from which everyone will be delighted!

Beef goulash with sour cream

Sour cream with meat juice forms a pleasant combination. Meat stewed in fermented milk product acquires an unprecedented tenderness. Even as dense as beef becomes juicy and soft. This dish can be given to children who do not like chewing tough meat.

Take about 500 grams of beef. It does not need to be fried for a long time, it is enough to lightly simmer over high heat. Add onions as desired. Although without it, the gravy is quite decent. If we still put the onion, then fry it at the very beginning, and then add meat to it. Half a large onion will be enough for our amount of beef.

The meat was stewed, add sour cream to it. Any fat content, but preferably not less than 15%. We spread 4-5 large spoons with a slide on a roast. You can add half a glass of water. Mix well. Salt. Leave covered until done. Meat should be stirred occasionally. The gravy from sour cream is not very liquid, so we do without flour.

The amount of sour cream can be changed at your discretion. If you want more gravy, add more. During a long stew, sour cream will lose its sourness, the gravy will acquire a delicate taste.

Georgian goulash is quite thick. It does not contain gravy in the traditional sense. But by adding a large number of tomatoes, the dish turns out juicy. It can improve the taste of any side dish.

Take half a kilogram of tender veal pulp. Cut into large cubes. Add the onion, chopped in half rings. In total, we need two small turnips.

Put the meat in a bowl, add salt and add 4 large spoons of adjika. Knead the mixture, leave to marinate for half an hour.

Heat up a frying pan with a little oil. We lay out the fragrant marinade and add fire. After most of the juice has evaporated, add a couple of finely chopped garlic cloves to the veal. Don't forget to keep stirring the meat.

After the garlic, add seasonings. We take one teaspoon of dried cilantro, black pepper and suneli hops. Stir the mixture again. Leave covered over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Grind 4 tomatoes in a blender and put in a pan. We add fire. We mix. Waiting for it to boil. We decrease. Simmer with meat for another 30 minutes.

Open the lid, add hot pepper powder on the tip of a knife, add salt, leave for a couple of minutes.

At the end, we cut into cubes two multi-colored sweet peppers. We take half of each. Stew peppers with goulash for another 3-5 minutes.

At the end, we decorate with greens - dill and parsley, falling asleep in a common cauldron. Stir the dish, close, turn off the fire. Let the goulash stand for about 20 minutes before serving. When it is finally ready, you can arrange it on plates, enjoying the incomparable aroma.

Microwave beef gravy

Oddly enough, meat can be cooked in the microwave. With skillful handling, it will also turn out soft and appetizing. It will take much less time to make such a dish, because for this you do not need to fry anything separately.

We put everything at once in a microwave bowl:

  • 500 grams of veal, cut into small pieces;
  • a small onion, chopped into cubes;
  • two tablespoons softened butter;
  • two tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • a couple of laurel leaves.

Salt, pepper, pour a glass of water. Cover with a lid and put in the microwave. The dish is cooked at maximum power for 15 minutes.

We'll get it when the time is up. We mix and send it to the microwave again, setting a lower power, reducing it by 30% of the maximum. Let's cook for another 10 minutes. We won't open right away. Let satiate. In this way, you can quickly prepare a simple beef gravy for pasta.

two cloves of garlic;

  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.
  • We cut the meat into large cubes. Turn on the frying mode on the multicooker. Pour some oil into the bottom of the bowl. We send the meat there and cook it until the color changes.

    Add chopped and chopped vegetables. The pieces should not be made too small, and it is better to cut the tomatoes into large slices.

    Fry again until some of the water has evaporated. Add salt, pepper, crushed garlic and tomato paste. Fill with water or broth. We stir the dish. We close the lid. We set the "Extinguishing" mode and the time is 1.5-2 hours. This method of preparation also deserves attention. Beef gravy in a slow cooker turns out to be very worthy of taste.

    Meatless gravy can transform any side dish, making it more juicy, tasty and fragrant. At the same time, such a dish boasts a minimum calorie content and ease of preparation. You can afford it in fasting or during a diet. There are plenty of ways to cook gravy without meat in order to constantly pamper yourself and loved ones. new lungs and healthy meals.

    Gravy without meat can be as nutritious as with meat. To do this, it includes mushrooms or legumes, which contain a large amount of protein. In addition, fatty dairy products can be used as the basis of meatless gravy - then the side dish will be very satisfying.

    If it's about light dish, then it is better to opt for vegetable gravy without meat. It can be cooked with tomatoes, onions, carrots, bell peppers, zucchini and eggplant. All these vegetables are quite juicy, so you don’t even need to supplement them with sauce. But if you really want, then cream, yogurt, sour cream, milk, tomato paste, ketchup, mayonnaise are ideal for these purposes, chicken eggs etc.

    You can add meat-free gravy with hard or processed cheese, fresh or dried herbs, aromatic seasonings, roots, etc.. It is enough to stew all this in one saucepan, frying pan or slow cooker, and then pour the pre-prepared side dish with the resulting sauce. Meatless gravy can be thin or thick, depending on the ingredients chosen, the amount of water and flour added.

    Gravy without meat is used for rice, various cereals, pasta, boiled potatoes and puree.

    Secrets to making the perfect meat-free gravy

    Meatless gravy is tasty and satisfying, but at the same time very economical. Even from the minimum amount of products you get a chic fragrant sauce for any side dish. Special secrets in how to make meatless gravy, no, but the following cooking notes can help along the way:

    Secret number 1. the best way to thicken gravy without meat is to add a small amount of flour. It can be fried with oil or mixed with water for filling. This must be done very carefully so that no lumps remain.

    Secret number 2. To make the gravy without meat more tender, you can fry all the ingredients not in vegetable oil, but in butter.

    Secret number 3. As spices for meat-free gravy, use fresh and dried garlic, horseradish, fresh and dried herbs, bay leaves, sweet paprika, peppercorns (black and allspice), ginger, parsley or celery roots.

    Secret number 4. You can make the taste of meat-free gravy brighter with citric acid and vinegar lemon juice or brine, if originally planned sour sauce. If, on the contrary, you need a sweet or neutral gravy, then a little sugar should be added to it.

    Secret number 5. It is recommended to cook gravy without meat in a wide dish with a thick bottom (pots, pans, cauldrons), then the products will not burn, and it will be easy to mix them. Also, be sure to close the lid while extinguishing and turn down the heat.

    One of the easiest options for homemade gravy without meat. It turns out the sauce is very juicy and aromatic. If the tomato paste seems too sour to you, just add a little sugar to the gravy along with the rest of the spices. Also suitable for any other tomato sauce. Instead of vegetable broth, you can take ordinary water, and adjust the amount of flour depending on the desired density. It will also depend on the time of infusion of the gravy - the longer it stays under the lid, the thicker it will be.


    • 250 ml vegetable broth;
    • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
    • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
    • 1 st. l. flour;
    • 1 onion;
    • 2 bay leaves;
    • Salt pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion until golden brown.
    2. Put the tomato paste to the onion, mix and fry for another 2-3 minutes.
    3. Mix flour with chilled broth, pour into a frying pan.
    4. Salt and pepper the gravy to taste, throw in bay leaves.
    5. Bring the meatless gravy to a boil, remove from heat and let it brew for a bit.

    Interesting from the network

    Thick, meatless cheese sauce is the perfect accompaniment to any side dish. Aromatic spices and a milk base will help turn even the most plain pasta into a fine paste. It is best not just to pour sauce over them, but to stew a little in gravy. Enough 2-3 minutes. If desired, you can separately use pieces of meat or seafood. Before making meatless pasta gravy, take the milk and butter out of the refrigerator and let them come to room temperature.


    • 1 glass of milk;
    • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
    • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
    • 50 g butter;
    • 200 g of hard cheese;
    • 1 tsp dried basil;
    • ½ tsp cumin;
    • Salt pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil and pour flour into it.
    2. Fry flour until golden brown.
    3. Pour the milk into the pan in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
    4. Grate the cheese and pour it into the rest of the ingredients when the gravy boils.
    5. Soften the butter and put in the gravy, add the cumin and basil.
    6. Bring meatless gravy back to a boil, season with salt and pepper to taste.
    7. Drizzle pasta with hot sauce immediately after cooking.

    Vegetable gravy is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Together with buckwheat porridge, such a dish can be considered a standard proper nutrition. The composition of vegetables can be changed at your discretion, for example, by adding zucchini, colored or white cabbage, eggplant, parsley root, etc. Both fresh and dried herbs are suitable for decoration. If necessary, tomatoes can be replaced with tomato paste in the amount of one tablespoon. Before adding to the gravy, it must be diluted with water.


    • 2 tomatoes;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 celery stalk;
    • 1 bell pepper;
    • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
    • Greenery;
    • Salt pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. Peel onions, carrots, bell peppers and celery and cut into small cubes.
    2. Finely chop the herbs and garlic with a knife.
    3. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin from them, also cut into cubes.
    4. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with vegetable oil and heat it well in the "Baking" mode, lay out onion and garlic.
    5. Fry the onions and garlic for 10 minutes, then add the carrots and bell peppers.
    6. Then send celery to the slow cooker, mix well and fry for another 5 minutes.
    7. Add salt, pepper and tomatoes to the vegetables, close the lid of the multicooker and change the mode to "Stewing".
    8. Cook gravy without meat in a slow cooker for 20 minutes, if necessary, add a little water during the stewing process.
    9. Sprinkle the finished gravy with herbs and serve.

    Mushroom gravy is a thick, aromatic sauce that, paired with potatoes, will earn the most flattering reviews from household members. Other mushrooms are also suitable for its preparation, so instead of champignons, you can take oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms, porcini etc. A very tender gravy without meat with mushrooms will turn out if sour cream is replaced with heavy cream, but the calorie content of the dish will noticeably increase from this. After preparing the mushroom sauce, it is better to let it stand for a while under the lid so that all the ingredients are saturated with the aromas of spices.


    • 300 g of champignons;
    • 2 onions;
    • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
    • 400 ml of water;
    • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
    • Salt pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, and cut the onion into small cubes.
    2. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly and also chop into cubes.
    3. Grease a frying pan with oil, fry onions and carrots for 7 minutes.
    4. Add mushrooms to vegetables and simmer all together under the lid for another 20 minutes.
    5. Pour a small amount of cold water into a bowl and pour the flour, mix thoroughly.
    6. Add the remaining water to the resulting mass and mix again, pour the liquid over the mushrooms.
    7. Salt and pepper the gravy to taste, then close the lid of the pan again and simmer everything together for 10 minutes.
    8. Add sour cream to the sauce, gently stir until smooth, close the lid again.
    9. Simmer the meatless gravy in the pan for another 10 minutes, then remove from heat and use as directed.

    Now you know how to cook meatless gravy according to the recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

    Gravy is a versatile dish that goes well with almost all side dishes - meat, fish or vegetable. Gravy is also served with cereals. It can be prepared in different ways, depending on preferences.

    What is gravy and how is it prepared

    Gravy is one of the varieties of sauces. It is served with second courses. The ingredients can be various products ranging from meat to milk. It all depends on what dish it will be served with. A dressing is being prepared based on juices that are released during the process. heat treatment meat, fish or vegetables. Unlike sauces and dressings, gravy has a thicker creamy consistency.

    Flour Gravy Recipes

    One common ingredient in gravy is wheat flour. It makes the dish thicker and richer. You can use any kind of flour. The main thing is to prepare the gravy correctly so that there are no lumps from the flour.

    With flour and sour cream

    Sour cream sauce is suitable mainly for pasta dishes, potato pancakes, potatoes, vegetables and fish.


    • 200 ml sour cream (it is better to take with high fat content);
    • vegetable broth(or chicken);
    • 1 medium sized onion;
    • 1 tbsp flour;
    • 2 tbsp butter;
    • salt and spices to taste.

    Gravy recipe:

    1. Melt butter.
    2. Gradually add flour, stirring it at the same time so that no lumps form.
    3. Fry until the mixture turns golden brown.
    4. Pour in vegetable broth.
    5. Cook until mixture thickens.
    6. After that, add sour cream in small portions.
    7. Separately fry the onion until golden brown.
    8. When the sauce is ready, salt it and add spices.

    Fried onions are added at the very end, when it's time to remove the gravy from the heat.

    With flour and milk

    To taste, this cooking method resembles gravy with sour cream. The dish is also suitable for vegetables, fish, potatoes.


    • 2 tbsp butter;
    • 1 tbsp wheat flour;
    • 450 ml of milk;
    • spices and salt are added to taste.

    Cooking process:

    1. Melt the butter, add the flour and stir-fry until golden brown.
    2. Pour in warm milk slowly and stir.
    3. Stir the milk mixture until the mixture thickens to the desired consistency.
    4. At the end, add spices and salt.

    Milk can be substituted for cream in this recipe. Then the dish will turn out to be more fatty, and the calorie content will be higher.

    With flour and water

    The easiest way to make dressings is with water. Mushrooms, meat, vegetables, or other ingredients are added to the gravy for flavor.

    What products will be needed:

    • 400 ml of water;
    • 1 tbsp flour;
    • Forest mushrooms;
    • onion;
    • 2 tbsp butter;
    • salt and pepper.

    How to make a simple gravy:

    1. Melt butter in a saucepan.
    2. Finely chop the mushrooms together with onions, or chop the vegetables in a blender.
    3. Saute mushrooms with onion vegetable oil, you need to do this in a separate pan.
    4. Pour the flour into the melted butter and fry until the flour mixture turns golden.
    5. Pour filtered water, stirring, wait for thickening.
    6. Add mushroom mixture and cook for another 7 minutes.

    At the end, salt and add spices to taste. You can also add chopped dill. This sauce is suitable for chicken, buckwheat, vegetable cutlets.

    With flour and tomato paste

    Gravy with tomatoes is suitable for pork, beef, various meat dishes, pasta and cereals.

    Grocery list:

    • 3 tbsp sunflower oil;
    • 3 tbsp tomato paste;
    • 1 tbsp flour;
    • a few fresh tomatoes;
    • 200 ml of water;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • ground paprika;
    • black pepper;
    • salt.

    Cooking step by step:

    1. Grind carrots and onions in a blender (or you can chop finely).
    2. Crush the garlic clove with a knife.
    3. Pour the extra virgin olive oil into the pan without letting it boil, put the garlic in for 3 minutes, then remove it: it will no longer be useful.
    4. In olive oil soaked in the aroma of garlic, put the vegetables, simmer for 5-7 minutes.
    5. Cut the tomatoes, dilute the pasta with broth (preferably vegetable), pour into vegetables and simmer for 10 minutes.
    6. Pour the flour and, stirring, simmer for another 4 minutes.
    7. Season with iodized salt and sprinkle with herbes de Provence seasoning.

    This recipe can be prepared with the addition of meat in meat broth and served with gravy for cereals.

    Meatless gravy for any side dish

    Gravy without the addition of meat is most often used for meat or fish dishes.

    Recipe for a simple gravy for buckwheat:

    • For cooking this recipe you will need homemade tomato paste or ketchup, red sweet onion, garlic, bell pepper. The oil needs to be heated, fry the crushed head of garlic in it (it does not need to be peeled from the husk). Cut the onion, fry together with pepper. Add spices. Pour in the tomato paste and water (meat broth will do). Salt and simmer for 5 minutes.

    What to serve with mashed potatoes:

    • Mushrooms are combined with mashed potatoes, which means that you can cook gravy with this ingredient. Butter must be cut, the onion finely chopped. Mix it all and fry until done. Separately, you will need to melt the butter and fry the flour in it, pour in the cream and cook for another 4 minutes. Then you need to mix the creamy mixture and mushrooms, salt and pepper. Cover with a lid to soak the mushrooms in the cream. Simmer for 5 minutes.

    Sauce for rice:

    • To rice porridge serve unusual sauce with pumpkin and avocado. The pumpkin needs to be peeled, cut into slices. Leave in water for 15 minutes. The finished pulp will need to be mixed with peeled avocado, garlic clove and parsley, chopped in a blender. Put the vegetable mixture in a saucepan, simmer for 8 minutes. Then pour heavy cream, fall asleep spices and fresh lemon juice. Simmer another 7 minutes. Garnish can be poured with gravy and served.
    • For those who adhere to proper nutrition, the recipe for rice with champignon goulash is suitable. You can also make sauce with other mushrooms. Chopped mushrooms are simmered in a saucepan. Then you need to put them in a colander and let the water drain. Then put in a blender, add garlic and herbs. Add 1 tbsp. oils and mushroom broth. Salt and pepper. You can add a little mustard to make the taste spicier.

    Gravy for peas:

    • Served with pea porridge vegetable sauce. Bulgarian pepper and onion should be cut into cubes, carrots should be chopped. Fry the peppers first, then add the onions and carrots. Fry until done. Then add 3 tablespoons to the frying. tomato paste, pour 150 ml of water. Put 1 bay leaf. Finally, don't forget the spices.

    Goulash recipe for vegetables and vegetable cutlets:

    • For this recipe, you will need 20% fat cream. Frozen spinach and corn need to be poured with cream. Vegetable mixture can be poured with sour cream. Simmer until done. At this time, chop the onion and 2 cloves of garlic. Pour into butter mixture. Pepper before serving. In order to give the dish an unusual flavor, you can add cilantro.
    • Unusual taste sauce for vegetable cutlets - lemon. It is necessary to melt the butter, but do not let it boil. Fall asleep wheat flour, fry until golden brown. Pour in heavy cream and stir thoroughly. Cook until boiling, stirring occasionally. The main thing is to prevent the formation of flour lumps. At the end, you need to grate the zest of the lemon and squeeze out 2 tbsp. juice. Add along with pepper and salt.

    Gravy for pasta:

    • Macaroni and pasta are paired with tomatoes and basil. If fresh tomatoes are not on hand, tomato sauce will do. First you need to pour boiling water over the tomatoes to remove the skin. Then cut them into 4 pieces, grind in a blender along with garlic and basil. Put in a frying pan where the butter is already melted, pour a little chicken broth And don't forget the spices.
    • Cheese goulash is also suitable for noodles. Cheese works well for this recipe. durum varieties. You need to melt the butter, pour the flour. When the mixture turns golden, slowly pour in the milk. Bring to a boil and then add grated cheese. Simmer for a few minutes with the lid closed. At the end, you can pour hot spaghetti gravy.

    For meat and liver:

    • Beef is served with sweet and sour gravy. This recipe is also suitable for pork. You need to fry the chili and garlic. Pour dried cilantro, cardamom grains, suneli hops and red paprika into the frying pan. After 2 minutes, pour in 70 ml of red wine and evaporate it a little. Add cranberries and bring the sauce to a boil. When the berries become soft, grind them with a blender. Then add sugar and salt.
    • The spicy gravy is perfect for the meat. Garlic must be fried in butter. Cut hot and bell pepper into thin strips. Grate the carrot. First you need to fry the garlic, then the carrots and peppers. Pour in the meat broth and juice from the stew. Before serving, do not forget about spices and herbs.
    • For fish, you can cook tomato-cream sauce. First you need to fry the onion. Add flour and fry for 3 more minutes. Pour in the tomato paste and brine. While stirring with a whisk, pour in the cream. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, oregano, basil and black pepper.
    • You can make honey mustard sauce. Carrots will need to be grated, onions - chopped. Fry until half cooked. Transfer vegetables to a plate, put garlic, mayonnaise, honey and herbs. Mix. In order for the consistency to be homogeneous, the mixture is crushed with a blender. Pour in the vegetable broth. In the finished gravy, you need to put 1 tbsp. mustard.

    You can prepare gravy for cutlets and meatballs based on the juice and fat that flowed from the minced meat during frying. Onions will need to be chopped into cubes, fried in fat from cutlets. Add tomato paste and some water. In order for the goulash to turn out thick, pour 1 tbsp. flour. Add ground paprika and black pepper. For taste, you can also put fresh herbs.

    Gravy with meat to any side dish

    For such recipes, not only meat is used, but also the broth from it. From meat, you can use pork, beef, chicken and turkey.

    Recipe for gravy for second courses (peas, rice, buckwheat and other cereals):

    • Almost all cereals are combined with meat sauces. You can use both chicken and more fatty. The meat must be cut into cubes and boiled. The main thing is not to evaporate all the broth. Grate the carrots, finely chop the onion. Put a bay leaf into the meat. When it is ready, add vegetables, stew a little. Then lay out the tomato paste. Remove bay leaf, add salt and spices.
    • Cut the carcass of a young rabbit, cut into cubes and roll in breadcrumbs. If the house did not have this meat, a chicken breast will also do. After frying, the meat inside should remain raw. In parallel, crushed garlic should be sautéed in dry white wine. Pour in the cream and simmer for 4 minutes. The rabbit must be poured with cooked sauce and put in the oven. Simmer the gravy for 3 hours. Sprinkle with chopped coriander before serving.

    For mashed potatoes:

    • Chicken or turkey fillet cut into cubes. Fry until it appears golden brown. Cut the onion into half rings, lay out to the fillet. Finely chop the zucchini and eggplant. Mix meat and vegetables, pour homemade ketchup, add dried basil, jambul, paprika and curry. Pour in some filtered water. To cover with a lid. After 15 minutes, the gravy will be ready.

    An interesting gravy comes from turkey medallions. For the base, use meat broth. The turkey needs to be poured with broth, simmer over low heat for a little more than an hour. It is necessary that the bird is very soft, and most of the broth has evaporated. At this time, you can chop the carrots and onions, fry until al dente. Pour cream over vegetables. When an hour has passed, put the creamy-vegetable mixture to the turkey and simmer for another 15 minutes.

    How to make meat sauce for pasta:

    1. Onions need to be chopped, fried.
    2. Put the mince and fry it until cooked.
    3. Cut the bell pepper into cubes, shift to the minced meat. Pour in the tomato paste diluted in water.
    4. Pour chili peppers, paprika, dried tomatoes (you can also use fresh ones), black pepper and suneli hops.
    5. Crush the garlic with a knife and lay out to the minced meat.
    6. Close the lid and simmer for 10 minutes. Don't forget to salt to taste. For flavor during stewing, you can put a bay leaf.

    You can make spaghetti gravy with chicken and spinach. The chicken needs to be cut into cubes. Spinach pour into a pan, pour cream 30% fat and pepper. Simmer until the spinach softens. Lay out the chicken. Pour in some pasta stock. Simmer until done.

    How to replace flour in gravy for thickening

    Many cooks prefer not to use flour at all to thicken gravy. But in some recipes, the gravy is not very thick, so you need to add additional ingredients.

    How to replace flour:

    • starch (both potato and corn can be used);
    • semolina;
    • breadcrumbs;
    • liquid mashed potatoes.

    If there was no flour at hand, you can not add anything, but simply stew the goulash longer. The water will evaporate, and then it will be thicker.

    Thus, gravy can be prepared for any dish. Remember that all seasonings are added to taste, so recipes can always be modified to suit your needs.

    Any dish requires specific ingredients that can make the taste of each product unique.

    In addition, the dish should be hearty and original. Gravy can be such a highlight.

    Gravy can be added to any dish, the main thing is to choose the right recipe and cook it deliciously.

    There is a huge variety of all kinds of sauces that are suitable for side dishes, vegetables and meat.

    How to make gravy for the main meat dish?

    To make the meat dish juicy and satisfying, use a variety of sauces. Basically, such sauces are a mixture of vegetables and spices. Gourmets use sauces based on sour cream or cream as an additive to meat dishes.

    Note! Vegetable and sour cream sauces remarkably enrich the taste of not only meat dishes, but also fish and vegetables.

    To each meat dish its own gravy is suitable, which can emphasize the taste of all ingredients. There is a basic list of sauces used for the most popular meat dishes.

    The most popular sauces for meat dishes:

    The sauce for these dishes… Required Products Cooking method
    cutlets Mushroom gravy can be prepared for any kind of cutlets:
    • 200 grams of champignons.
    • 40 grams of sour cream.
    • Dill.
    • 40 grams of butter.
    • 3 tablespoons flour
    Finely chop the mushrooms into cubes or slices and fry them in butter until half cooked. Add flour and fry until golden brown.

    Stir the product constantly. Pour the products with sour cream, add spices and simmer the ingredients for 5 minutes. Sprinkle greens at the end

    Meatballs in a pan
    • 40 grams of tomato paste.
    • Bulb.
    • 1 carrot.
    • 40 grams of vegetable oil.
    • 40 grams of sour cream 20% and spices to taste
    Fry chopped onions and grated carrots sunflower oil until golden brown. Pour vegetables with tomato paste diluted 1:1 with boiled water.

    After three minutes of boiling, add sour cream and spices. Fill with finely chopped herbs

    Golubtsov The standard recipe for cabbage rolls is vegetable gravy:
    • 2 medium bulbs.
    • Half a liter of tomato juice.
    • 2 fresh tomatoes.
    • Bay leaf.
    • Greens and spices
    Finely dice the onion and tomatoes. First, dip the tomatoes in boiling water for 2 minutes and remove the skin from the vegetable.

    Place finely chopped vegetables in a bowl and pour over tomato juice. Boil the mixture over low heat for half an hour. After adding spices, bay leaf and herbs

    Meatballs Cheese sauce is suitable for meatballs from any type of meat:
    • 250 grams of cream 10%.
    • 100 grams of processed cheese.
    • Spices
    Pour the cream into a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. Slice processed cheese small pieces and pour the product into the cream.

    Wait until the cheese is completely dissolved and put the meatballs into the sauce, where they will be stewed for about 20 minutes

    Fried chicken, beef, pork To fried meat sour cream sauce is perfect.
    White gravy is best prepared from sour cream:
    • Sour cream 20% with a volume of 1 liter.
    • 40 grams of butter and the same amount of flour.
    • Salt and pepper to taste
    Boil sour cream for five minutes. In a dry frying pan, fry the flour with butter.

    Rub the flour with a little through a sieve (you can add a tablespoon of milk) and pour it into the pan again.

    Sour cream is gradually added to the flour and butter. Mix all ingredients well and season with seasonings

    Recipes for making delicious gravy for garnish

    For any side dish, you can cook the perfect meat gravy. Any kind of meat can be used, which in turn will be combined with vegetables, mushrooms, spices, and additives.

    Recipes for making delicious gravy:

    1. Sauce for pasta and spaghetti prepared from any kind of meat.

      You need to take 300 grams of the main ingredient, onion, carrot, a tablespoon of flour, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, a clove of garlic.

      Clean meat cut into cubes and fry in a pan. Add finely chopped vegetables and fry with meat.

      Pour the contents of the pan with water, add a cocktail of tomato paste and squeeze the garlic.

      Cover and simmer for half an hour. Add spices and herbs. Leave for another half an hour.

    2. For mashed potatoes ideal option would be breast fillet gravy: 2 onions, 300-400 grams chicken meat, vegetable oil for frying, spices, water.

      Fry the fillet cubes in vegetable oil until fully cooked. Throw in the finely chopped onion and fry all the ingredients together.

      Salt, pepper, add other spices and pour everything with water. Simmer for 10 minutes, and then insist for the same amount. Pour the sauce over the puree.

    3. To buckwheat Pork goulash with gravy will do. Meat can replace pork liver.

      Half a kilo of the main product, 2 large onions, a tablespoon of flour, 4 tablespoons of ketchup, salt, pepper, spices.

      First fry the meat, then the meat with onions. Pour the ketchup and pour over the contents with two glasses of water.

      Pour in the flour and stir in the sauce. The mixture of flour and water should come out without lumps.

      In the process of boiling, add spices, moth, pepper. Let the sauce brew for a few minutes.

    4. Minced meat gravy is suitable for rice: fry minced meat weighing half a kilogram with onions and carrots.

      Pour the fried consistency with water (you can add tomato paste) and bring the taste with spices. Simmer for 15 minutes.

    The simplest, fastest, most affordable and delicious option becomes gravy from sausage.

    Note! Sausages are also quite suitable for making a universal sauce.

    Cut the sausage into pieces and fry with vegetables or mushrooms. Add some water and simmer food until fully cooked. The sauce is ready for any side dish.

    Cooking secrets for delicious gravy

    Making delicious gravy with meat is easy if you follow a few guidelines. The sauce will turn out no worse than in a cafe or in a canteen.

    In order for all components to be tasty and harmonious, you need to correctly observe the proportions of each ingredient.

    Tips for making the perfect gravy:

    1. In a slow cooker, the gravy is stewed evenly and quickly.
    2. For sour cream in gravy, the fat content should be no more than 20%.
    3. You need to cut off the films from beef, pull out the veins and fatty strips, so the meat will become soft and juicy.
    4. Roast carrots and onions must be fried together with meat for 7 minutes.
    5. One tablespoon of flour should account for 1 cup of liquid. To make the gravy thicker, you need to increase the amount of flour.
    6. Cream sauce is prepared from 10% cream, which should not be brought to a boil, but only heated.

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